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Electrical System WORKSHOP MANUAL Chapter M ___________________________________________________________________ Rolls-Royce and Bentley Cars Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit Rolls-Royce Silver Spur Rolls-Royce Camargue Rolls-Royce Corniche Bentley Mulsanne Bentley Corniche Bentley Continental Bentley Eight Bentley Mulsanne Turbo Bentley Turbo R Electrical System ______________________________________________________________________________ TSD 4400 September 2006 WORKSHOP MANUAL Chapter M Issue record sheet 1 December 1 985 Ttte dates quoted blow refer to the issue date of indbdividunl pages within this chapter. Sections 1 W M3 1 M4 1 Page Na I Page No. I Page Na Mt-l Aug 05 M2.1 May 85 M2-23 May85 M3-1 Sep 85 M4-1 Nov 85 M2-2 M2-24 May 05 Dec 85 Aug85 M2-3 Jan 85 M2-25 May 85 Jul85 Jui 85 M2-4 Jan85 M2-26 - - JuI 85 M2-5 May 85 Jut 85 Nov. 85 Aug 85 M2-6 - Aug 85 M2-7 May 85 Jut 85 Nov 85 Aug 85 M2-8 - M2-9 Ju185 M2- 10 M2-7 1 May 85 Jul85 M2-12 May 85 - M2-13 Jan 05 Jut 85 M2-14 M2-15 Jan 85 Nov 85 M2-16 M2-17 May 85 M2-18 May 85 M2-19 May 85 M240 P. M2-2 1 May 85 M2-22 M5 I M6 1 I M8 Page Na I Page NO. Page Na I Page No. M5-1 Dec8.C Contents Dec85 M7-1 bee85 M8-1 Jul85 M52 M6-1 Feb 81' M7-2 M8-2 Dec 85 MS-3 Dee 85 M6-2 M7-3 Mar 82 .MS-3 Jan 85 Dec 85 ME-3 Feb 81 M7-4 M8-4 .- 3ul84 M64 - M7-5 Aug 82 MS-5 Jan 85 Apr 85 M7-6 - M8-6 M7-7 Feb 83 M8-7 Jan 85 Apr 85 M7-8 Feb 83 M8-8 M8-9 Apr 85 M8-10 MS-1 1 Jan 85 Apr 85 MS-1 2 Jan 85 M&-13 Jan 85 Jul85 MB-l4 Jan 85 - MB-15 Jan 85 Jut 85 M8-16 MS-1 7 Jan 85 Jul85 M8-18 MS-19 Jan 85 M8-20 MS-2 1 Jan 85 M8-22 - I..1 I 1 I I TSD 4400 WORKSHOP MANUAL -W M huerecord sheet 2 December 1 9 8 5 The dates quoted below refer to the issue date of individual pages within this chapter. v M9 1 MID M71 1 M12 Pagc No. I Page No. , Fa e No. Page Na M9-t Jul85 M9-25 .jan 85 Conrents Dec 85 ~$1-l Jul85 M12-l Jul85 ~g.2 Dec85 M9-26 - M10-1 Apr81 Mtl-2 Dec85 M12-2 Dec85 ~g-3 Dec 82 M9-27 Jan 85 MtP2 - M1 1-3 May 83 Ml2-3 NW 84 M9-4 - M9-28 M10-3 Apr 81 M1 1-4 - M124 - M9.5 82 M9-29 Jan 85 - M?1-5 May 83 M124 NW 84 M9-6 - M9-30 - M104 m81 Mlt-6 M1206 p MS-7 Dee 82 M9-29/1 Ju185 M10-6 - M1 1-7 May 83 M12-7 Jul85 MS-8 - M9-29/2 - M10-7 Octet Mll-8 - M12-8 - ~g-g Dec 82 M9-29/3 Jul8S M10-8 Ml1-9 Apr85 Mt2-9 Juf85 ~9.10 M9-29/4 - Mlt-10 - M12-10 - ~9.11 Dec 82 M9-29/5 Jul 85 M11-11 Apr85 ~9.12 - M9-29/6 - M1 1-12 - ~9.13 Dec 82 M9-29.0 Ju185 M11-13 Jd85 ~9-14 - M9-29/8 Mlf-14 - MS-15 Dec 82 M9-29/9 Jul85 Mll-15 Jul85 ~9-16 - M9-29/10- M1 1-16 - M9-17 NOW84 M9-29/11 Jui 85 ~9-18 - M9-29/12- ~9-19 Jan 85 M9-29/73Jul85 M9-20 - M9-29/14- ~9-21 Jan 85 M9-31 Nov 84 M9-22 - M9-32 M9-23 Jan 85 M9-24 - M1 W1 - Page No. M1 2/1-1 r)ec 85 M13-1 Dec 85 M141 Aug 85 M14-17/1 Aug 85 M12/1-2 Dec85 M13-2 Dec85 M14-2 Dec85 M10-17/2- MlUl-3Nw84 M13-3 Jun83 M14-3 Jut81 Mt4-17/3A~85 M12/1-4 - M13-4 - M164 - M14-1 714- M12/1-5 Nov84 M13-5 Jun83 M14-5 -81 M14-19 Jun83 M12/1-6 p M13-6 - M14-6 - M14-20 M13-7 Jvn83 M14-7 Dec81 Ml4-21 Jun83 M13-8 - M14-8 - Ml4-22 - M14-7/1 Aug85 M14-23 Jun 83 Ml&7/2 p M1 4-24 - M '1 4-7/3 Aug 8 S M14-7/4 - M149 Jul81 M14-10 - Ml4-1 l Juf 81 Ml4-12 - Ml4-13 Jul81 M14-14 - M1 4-1 5 Jun 83 M14-16 - Ml4-17 Jun83 M14-18 - WORKSHOP MANUAL Chaput M lssue record sheet 3 December 1 985 The dates quoted below refer to the issue date of Sections individual pages within this chapter. I mis 1 m16 m17 1 Page No. l Page Na 4 Page No- 1 M15-1 Dee85 M15-11 May81 M16-1 Nw85 M171 Ap85 Mf7-17 Jul82 M15-2 Dec85 M15-12 - M16-2 Dec85 Mf7-2 Dec85 M17-l8 - M15-2/1 Dec85 M15-13 May 81 M16-3 Jan 84 M17-3 Jul82 M17-19 Jul82 M1 5-W2 Ml5-14 - M16-4 - M174 --L. Mt7-20 M15-3 May81 M15-13/1 .tan85 M16-5 Jan 84 M17-5 Jul82 M17-21 Oct82 M15-4 - M15-f3/2- M16-6 - M17-6 - Mlf-22 May 81 M1 5-1 3/3 Jan 85 Jan 84 M1 7-7 Apr 85 M1 5-1 3/4 - - M17-8 - Jan 85 M15-15 May81 Nw85 M17-9 Apr85 M15-l6 - - M17-10 - M15-17 May81 Nw85 M17-11 Apt85 Mtf-l8 - - M17-12 May 81 M1 5-1 7/1 Jan 85 Nav85 M17-l3 Apr85 - M15.1 7/2 - - M17-14 May 81 M15-1 ?/3 Jan 85 M1 7-1 3/1 Apr 85 M1 5-1 714 - M1 7-IW2- M15-19 May81 M1 7-1 W3 Apr 85 . Ml5-20 - M1 7-1 3/4- Jan 85 Ml5-21 May81 M17-1 3/5 Apr 85 M15-22 - M17-13/6- Jan 85 M15-2 1 /l Jan 85 MI 7-13fi Apr 85 M15-21/2 - M17-13/8- Jan B5 M1 521/3 Jan 85 M17-15 Jul82 - M1 5-21/4 - Ml7-16 - M1 0 1 M19 M20 ( M21 Page No. I Page No. Page NR ( Page No. M18-1 Dec85 M19-1 Dec85 M20-1 Dw85 M21-1 Jt~l85 M18-2 Dec85 M19-2 Det 85 Dec 85 M21.2 Nw84 M18-3 May 83 M19-3 Dec 8 1 Feb 83 M21-2/1 Dec 05 M18-4 - M19-4 M2 1.2/2 M1 8-5 May 83 M1 9-5 Feb 83 Feb 83 M21-3 Jan 84 MI8-6 - M19-6 M214 - M18-7 May83 Mt9-7 Feb 83 M21-5 Jan 84 M18-8 - M19-8 M21-6 - M1 9-9 May 83 Feb 83 M2107 Jul85 Mt 9-10 - M21-8 - M19-11 May 83 M21-3 JuI 85 M19-12 M2t*tO - M19-13 May 83 M21-11 Jul85 M1 9-14 M21-12 - M21-t3 Jul85 M21-l4 - M2 1-1 W1 Jul85 M21-1 3/2 - M21-130 Ju~85 M21-1 W4 - M2 1-1W5 Jul85 M21-tW6 - WORKSHOP MANUAL Chapt.r M Issue record sheet 4 Februaty 1986 Thb dams qudbelow refer to the issue date of individual pages wMin this chaprer. Sections M23 MW1 M24 L - 1 1 [ I Page Na U heNa I Page Na [ Page Na M22-1 Feb 86 Feb 86 -85 M23/1-1 Ju185 Apr 85 M22-2 Gec 85 Dec85 M2311-2 -85 Dec 85 M22-3 kug 83 Feb 86 Jun 83 -1-3 NW 84 feb 83 M224 M2914 - 7 M22-5 Aug 83 Feb 86 Jun 83 M2311-5 NW S4 Feb 83 M22-6 - M2Wl-6 - M22-7 . Feb 86 Jun 83 M2W1-7 Ju185 M22-8 - - M23/1-8 - M22-9 Aug 83 Feb 86 M23/1-9 Jul85 M22-10 M23/1-16 - M22-11 Aug 83 Feb 86 M22-12 M22- 1 3 Aug 83 Feb 86 M22-t4 M22-15 Feb 86 Feb 86 M22-16 .- M22-17 Feb 86 M22-18 M22-19 Feb 86 M22-20 M22-2 1 Feb 86 M22-22 M25 1 MZ~ 1 M27 I M28 I Page No. I Page Na I Page Na I Page Na I M25-'I Dec 85 M261 Sep85 M2&f Aug 85 M25-2 M26-2 Dec85 M282 M25-3 May 83 M263 Sep 85 M25-4 - M26-4 - M25-5 May 83 M264 Sep85 M254 - M26-6 - M26-7 Sep 85 M26-8 - M26-9 Sep85 M26-10 - WORKSHOP MANUAL Chapter M Issue record sheet 5 February 1986 Thh daes quoted bdow refer to the issue date of individual psges within this chaptec Sections 1 M29 9 I I Page No. 1 1 Oa 85 Oct 85 Oct- 85 Oct- 85 Oct 85 Oa 85 Oct 85 WORKSHOP MANUAL Electrical system Contents Sections Silver Spirit Silver Spur Muhnne Bentley Comiche/ Mdsanne Turbo Turbo R Continental General information M1 M1 M1 M1 M? Relays M2 M2 M2 M2 Power diskibution systrrn M3 M3 M3 M3 Starting system M4 M4 M4 Ignition system M5 M5 M5 ~hargjngsystem M6 M6 d Gearchange actuator M7 M7 M7 Speed canwol system M8 M8 M8 Windscreen wipers and washers M9 M9 M9 Fog lamps M10 M10 - - Headlamps M11 M11 M1 1 Mtl Headlamp wipers and washers M12 M12 - M12 Headlamps pawer wash MfW1 MlYl MlVl Direction indicators and Hazard warning system Stop, reversing.
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