Specter Visits Russell Mandt Began by Explaining How Office

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Specter Visits Russell Mandt Began by Explaining How Office Fort Hays State University FHSU Scholars Repository University Leader Archive Archives Online 4-4-1995 University Leader April 4, 1995 University Leader Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader Content Disclaimer The primary source materials contained in the Fort Hays State University Special Collections and Archives have been placed there for research purposes, preservation of the historical record, and as reflections of a past belonging to all members of society. Because this material reflects the expressions of an ongoing culture, some items in the collections may be sensitive in nature and may not represent the attitudes, beliefs, or ideas of their creators, persons named in the collections, or the position of Fort Hays State University. Recommended Citation University Leader Staff, "University Leader April 4, 1995" (1995). University Leader Archive. 699. https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader/699 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives Online at FHSU Scholars Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in University Leader Archive by an authorized administrator of FHSU Scholars Repository. l ·-;-i ..;;i'"'. ' I .... I ( ....1 :mBIIN: ....,. ___ __ _ Inside Bob Maxwell, Weather assistant profes- Tuesda Wednesda Thursda sor of English, retires after 55 65 74 1 nearly 30 years r :. t-.. s •. r; -; '.'" \ -r ~ r ; r J" 1 c ,, L Partly Partly Sunny :· " :J r ., L 1 ~' I L J r •, -., at Fort Hays Cloudy Cloudy l 7. ,, · - ·i T ·1 State. l , ... ; <. ' '\ ) ~> t .. ') l . , Seepage 7 • 30 35 44 (VoL ·89 No'. 47 Tuesday, April 4, 1995 j ---------- -- --.. ---------------- --------------------- ----·· ---- . ------------ --~ ·---~ Briefs Faculty ,. , 1 . , ... , senate • -, . J_ Tiger Debs Tryouts for next year's Tiger officers Debs Dance Line will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday in If )'1.l u de>f't 't Cunn,ingham 122. W car ILrw,w wMt dance clothes or shorts and )'QU'' dok\q 1 elected ! comfortable shoes. Contact I ! Tammi Harrla Susan at 625-5553 or Senate reporter Vanessa at 625-3803 with any questions. Faculty senate elected a new president and secretary at COMM 100 yesterday's faculty senate meet- All majors pre-enrolling for ing. Jean Gleichsner. faculty senate summer and fall semesters I need to ask their advisers ' ' secretary. will replace current about COMM I 00, President Dianna Koerner. Joe Aistrup. assistant professor of po- 'Tiger by the Tale' litical science and the assistant di- "Tiger by the Talc·· will be rector of the Docking Institute of Public Affairs. will replace perfonning at 7 p.m. tomor- Gleichsner as secretary. row in the Black and Gold In addition. representatives from Room. Memorial Union. the American Association of Uni- Admission is free. versity Professors spoke. FREO HUNT/ Unlvwslty LNder Dolores Furtado, AAUP na- lnh~r,·iew schedules Play time tional board, and Jay Mandt, presi- The following companies Alan Schoer, aHl•tant profeHor of art, entertain• hie children Anna, 2, and Sam, 3, by drawing them pictures dent of the Kansas Chapter of will be interviewing on with a computer Monday afternoon In Rarick 103. AAUP. spoke about academic free- campus during April: Lady dom and the facu lty government. Foot Locker. Presta Oil, Inc .. Funado and Mandt primarily and Country General Stores. represent concerns of the faculty Sign up sheets arc available on a~wide scale. Gleichsner immediately in the Career said. 1· Development and Placement Specter visits Russell Mandt began by explaining how Office. Sheridan 214. faculty senate can be more affec - Mark J. Dole&al Wilson, while he has a solid record of supponing "I was gone most of the time as he was growing tive in administrative decisions. SGA presidential debates Cin:ulatlon manager abonion rights, has an accointability problem due up. I was either in the war (WWII) or in ~chool. but "It (administration) doesn' 1 con- There will be two debates to his record of w increases in California. I knew the family," Banker said. sider itself confident to make cer- between Duane Simpson/ Wishing to reposition the GOP as a more centrist Also on hand at the Elks Lodge was fonner tain kinds of decisions based on its Trevor Steinert and LaNette Presidential hopeful, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), pany. Specter emphasized the need for smaller Russell High School teacher. Alice Mills. own thinking, and, in cenain mat- Schmeidlerffravis Crites, the arrived in Hays at the Hays Municipal Airport government, a strong national defense, as well as Mills has the distinction of teaching both Spec- ters, the faculty knows best," he candidates running for around l: I 5 p.m. Saturday his proposal for a 20 percent flat tax that would ter and Russell's other hometown presidential said. student hody president and Specter briefly answered questions from the press allow Americans to file their returns on a postcard. contender. Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kan.). The administration has the op- vice president at I 0:30 a.m, before depaning for Russell where he appeared at Specter stressed that it was good to be back in When asked what Russetrs secret was in pro- portunity to say they cannot make the Russell Elks Lodge. a decision on their own, giving and I :30 p.m. tomorrow in Kansas. though he joked that the prairie wind made ducing twoprominempresidcntialcandidates from Specter's remarks at the airpon closely reflected such a small midwestern town, Specter said. them the option of turning to the Rarick 301. combing his hair "a waste of time." the March 30 declaration of his candidacy in Wash- Specter. who was born in Wichita in 1930 and "maybe the secret is in Alice Mills." faculty senate for help, ington D.C., where he blasted the "intolerant right" grew up in Russell, said growing up in Kansas was Joan Specter. the senator'\ wife. downplayed Howe\ier, whe n the faculty ~en- Agri-Marketing epitomized by the Christian Coalition·s Ralph Recd. instrumental in the formation of his beliefs. her feelings towards becoming the first lady if her atc docs get called on to help the The National Agri-Marketing as well as fellow presidential hopeful, Pat Buchanan. "'There is a lot of character in a small town like husband manages to win the 1996 presidential administration. then it is the Association will present its He reiterated his commitment to abonion rights Russell," Specter said, "It sounds kind of cornball. election. "facilitiy 's ability to assert itself marketing plan to the public 1 and pledged to use his candidacy to. "take the but its true. 'Tm more excited about the election. I think and its ability to assun: itself to the at 7 tonight in the Black and abonion issue out of national politics." "There is a quality of accountability in Kansas. it's a great opportunity for Arlen." Joan ~aid. institution," he said. Gold Room, Memorial "A New York Times poll says that 71 percent of Everybody knows everybody else and there is noth- "He's got a lot of great ideas and a lot of tenacity ... "How far you move and how Union. Following the pre- the American people believe in a woman's right to ing in this world like accountability," Specter said. Joan. herself an elected memhcr of the city they interpret these elements re- sentation. Rick Nutter will choose," Specter said. After leaving the Hays airpon. Specter arrived at council in Philadelphia. said that while she sup- ally goes hack to the ability of the speak on behalf of the new "If Ralph Reed is right when he says that a pro- the Russell Elks Lodge at 2 p.m. ports Arlen's decision to run for president. she faculty to assert itself and in its wheat gluten plant being built choice Republican is not qualified to be president, At the Russell Elks Lodge. Specter was wel- will definitely miss the ti me he will he away from professional ability to aid admin- in Russell. Everyone is then he is making second-class citizens out of mil- comed by nearly 200 well-wishers. according to her on the campaign trail. istration in its deci~ ions." Mandt invited to attend. lions of pro-choice Republicans." Russell businessman. Dean Banker "I prefer him to be home. hut I do think that h1'.> said. When asked to comment on Gov. Pete Wilson's Banker said he knew Specter when he lived in Student teacher meetings (R-Calif.) entry into the race. Specter said that Russell. See Specter/ p. 5 See Faculty/ p. 7 There wi II he mandatory student teacher meeting for ~ondary student teachers during the fall of 1995 from 6-8 p.m. today in Rarick 310. Lacy appointed director of Computing Center CHAMPS Karen Meler He worked a~ an applications pro· There will he a CHAMPS Staff writer grammcr and systems program- meeting tomorrow at 7:30 mer for the Kan-.as Department of i p.m. in Cunningham 134. Provost Rodolfo Arevalo ha5 ap- Human Resources in Topeka. un - ! • pointed Michael E. Lacy acting direc- til l 984. when he joined the Com- ! Student Alumni tor of the Computing and Telccom - puting Center staff at FHSU. Student ,\lumni As~oc,a11on municalions Center al Fort Hay~Sta te. Rohcrt Meier. department of applications are availahle in Lacy, the center' \ technical sup- computer infonnation system !'. and the Alumni Office. Custer port manager. will replace Keith 4uanitativc methods. who is head- Hall. Applications are due Faulkner. Faulkner retired from the ing the ~arch for the ne -... director. April 14 position yesterday. ~id. "The ..earch committee 1s Lacy will ,;cr,·e as actin g director going 10 start screening applicant.\ Soclal Work Ouh until June 17.
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