AT HIS BEST thrliTnew faces on the local baseball teams. T MATTY YANKEES IN IN 1 11 Packard Even Rticker Fails to Check Giants Drive from Box Stride of the St. in Early Frames and Browns Get Off to Four-Run Vietorious Get Big Lead. Lead, but Persistency Louis Cardinals. Its Reward. , Brings SLIPSHOD PLAYING COSTLY LARRY M1EAN IN ACTION FORD THE MASTER OF YORE Poles Out Brace of Hits Visitors Toss Away Chances to and the Pitch- Catchcs to Perfection in His All Score Despitc in Takes Up Burden When ing of Salli- in Live- Initial Appearance Seems Lost but Honor, and ly Set-To. New York Uniform. Hoids St. Louis Down Telrg-raph to Tbfl TrtbBBe,] IB The Trll.une.l [By Wbile Mates Win. [By TelflflTraah Su- ClnelBBBti, A.iK. I..Wlth rhr(*ty Ma- Loola. aur. I..Tba Brooklya the had ¦I m a theBraOB in th" L"X. Qlantfl little st. i/vns dropped thalr thlrd game Tha raakeea defeated tha parbaa hero to- dlfflculty ln defeatlng the Reda here thla row to tba Bt Loola Cardliiala was as fcrowna oa thr Polo Oronnda yaaterdag 1. Kot aren flftl rno..".. ICatty QUlte offectlve aad thouaand aathoai- ,,.,., ,... acora waa I to baa h.-en the. afteraooo, Bfteen 8 ehnnge la ¦ alarayfl againat Red*, HM;. wen on hand to cbeer. N,,, Rucker eoul an.l with th" team beblnd hlm cloutlng onoaa loaiag atreak. nahien aaa! omlng a lead of foor runs. whlch raono "SUbT Ballee, the liiil fo all corners of the lot, run- tha Browna otateJaed ln th. t'nst lanlng, i. hla atar twlrlar agalnal tho and takintt ad. ona had th.- better of the otag baaaa elererly f the beat aad plackieal worh gni the aHaa of . .N'ew The Cardinals got to Nap fOT eaataga every York Bten in naaaj b on the local meadow, flght th<> honor8 a day th.: aeren innlngs that riiar--,..! off wlth by tcor* Ihe cohorta of Chance downed the Mouna aeven hit1* la found lt man held his place on tha of 11 to 2. Matty nec-ssary to .-n l.y a »c<>re <>f I to I the Brooklyn labor for only seven lnninKx, taavlng th* croard oa toater- inound. Tba battla had tha of the S'lperhaa and task of subduintf any further outbrealu ... playlng hooka Th. ¥> Bllpabed of hllller to old tVlltaa. »ho aUoared three i.ins. They; timeiv battlng by the ahargea Oeorga untll they bad a* |uli three in the hlt'' and one run in tbe two frames ho int.> the: Huaglaa broaght a braea of rana had aerera] ehancea lo awing th.- BBPer- h< il- held then in openlng Innlng. Wbaal gava pltl lead, hat elever patchlag when he .tarted the araa almost lnvinHbte. and had h- h haa a lot of hope Hatty for a Ftreak of wildness, un- arlth th. nnd of b..,.....i Innlng with .1 tarrlflc waUop It not baaa Plred map gtnger araa good for la Matty. the Heda would nl who took his on the over Hogglna'a baad, whi<-h mtabta | Chance, place tri.-d not have pcorerl on hlm. In the peoond ng lin.s for tba Brat thn. in several thr-.- baaea Th.- Brooklyn player on the hlt, but on a lnnlnK he Imsu.hI two bas-os ..n bafla nnd ¦ es ana. ap ln thelr half to make home good to HUda- i!!ow>-.1 two hlta, whlch drove h.,me on« th and a wlld rally won relay, Catbera to Wbltted of aerenth by Had own Weilman oi.t of th. h. waa taggad at the piata run. Plqued at his p.-rformawe, lha game, koocklng have h.i-1 hlm?elf to do some of hli lld aa l.uth. r Cook, th. be reraalned oa thlrd ka aauld Matty BUl waa i aa Kirkpatri.-u's i<>ng tly. i)4,.ial pttchlBg, and s.oring poaslbllltlea T \..i. ¦',..¦: ad thi Innlng, and eeored aeatly <-atoh r is ti.iid v.-.iik tn f.-ur tlmea np ,,r whtBh C-akea aaada a ardiBlarfBl w< r>. pretty oreH aepl from <'« the fence was- forced oa Oaldweira taj> to aft.-r a long run ha.k toward way. Cooh lo*t a hut t..«.>< when Cree The next iBBlng tha ¦BBBTbaa Joe Tlnker plm ed hla falth ln Kugene Ray thlrd ob :,.-,.,! for two baaea, a .1 Bbaaos la raaka a few __llea rd, the youug aoathpaw. in thrco on. Into left ¦' ovrt h flhOUld h_V8 had h-1 aoma poor -use raanlng. fl 1 limlnga Packard was t for lly. whl Jo_B8tOn baan r araa out at the plate, ng . v.-hi-h ahoBld hara good hrtfl aad altowed oo< b iiis. miajudi Caldwell p trying to aeori oa Hartaaira tap to Auetla f,»r two baaea, but tha ahortatop poUad a eouj' ..' rrora Ibrown li oa tba Two Thara waa no raaaon far bla ao nnd a falr workmt: ad- b_t Craa tooh thlrd pfay. ut ttrat whan Oiaata alght ruaa wera out, and altbough Pecklapaugh araa atl tha way 10 th.- far Btatloa vantaae on the game. Eferbert, arho suc- ui tba "f:r.s'- ajrera aol IhcHaed to cbeer. MUler Blnglad to deep left Raekar j I';i kard, v.a- a dlatlnct ImprOBB* on,- lato oa a long ItBar to far wer.- Peckiapeugh, ha-awcrrer, ptckled te catbera thlrd, ment, but ti;.- Otanta Bat] for three baaaa. drtv- ,,n wblch rieber could have made to hl eentrc hh BOt want make tha Bgoay lOBgar. insr home Crea nd H urtaell arlth thfl mn. bul tba Brooklyn player hatd Larry MrlieaB reported tn llcOraw then stneled .'. but Wled tha aeori Kalght Then thia afteraooa aad handled the deUvery .. C-_a_aar. taatlB, and Qm Btaada falrly rocked , ,,, by pa Mtag ? ldea of catehlng That iifth Btaaaa by tha good hOBM Wtth the Wlnnlng run. Two hits ln tha in a w .-l.'.s airit-s, Larry Bhdaa at hig a Bona- later stole seeond and reached Cardlnala wera t_r_ed tata taiiy. with a K (bt for another baat Ba Btooi ta eoupla of BaH on a wii.i throw, there to perieh, playlna parad tha way plaeed aallaaa which drove bonaa three httle to the crnwd. Bt Loui. ran ln the seventh. f..r hla new team. The K.ds "*,r" ln ,h0 ruaa fltfllfl f..r th- victory CBBBOt >. < :;,. rbaa TOO much rre. rea to Ruaaall roVd. tha atardy etghth IBBlng, whaa a time when victory araa aaaared, and th. oul a mlgbty two- llttle apltball nrtist. CoB-big Into for Raekar, banged made no real effort to head tho 00 CutahaB a ona* larry game after Ray Flaher had praaanted r and aaiored runncrs ofT. Later he r»tlred. maktng baaa . Bi__l_g lead aft.-r Phalpa, batUBg tut U what mich! haae HARRY WILLIAMS I I'THKR COOK. room for Grover Hartley. t.> tb. viMt.T.-. Cni prooded lo plteh bad Bl< d to The Reda playd wretch-.d bail behlnd out flve hits The Yankees' first basemaa. Vnunir fieldei ol tha Yanki i >wa: ln h:s l.est form. He doled right Th- tho pltchera. PerghaBBBBer BBd nlne ln tbe eight and OBe-third Inninga ba . ,,[ IS HK.iOKl.YN. and B 88888 of feur. No k<-i«t Bbrl etUBBBM Baaaa aa tha aaoand, aad, BBB-eea-f, ba » came ln the The B> 2»2 1 i! feurar than three of these them BCattared far along the course. K_B8__. 10 '¦--.:.?'-'.. rf 0 0 0 '. u a to a Ul .¦ Innlng. and BBlpad t!.e Giunts raavlt 2 3 2 ) l thtrd lone ran acored off him waa tba lf 3 1 00 runs which not MW OF EVERS ef ... 4 00 1 touple of aata really a aaci-flce hit Of his on.- baaa OB hallp. t.«... «o» JlBMBy Sheckard got an error *... field hy "Bun- *;? aaaataad, and a tBBg .tagl. right ..ut of his whlch also flgured ln In slx of the innin*s ford *b '.' Bystaaa ny" Brtef i a i the scoring of a run or two. bob lies:her, only thr.e m.-n I atted. some hlgh twlrled BY ONE LONE RUN WINS FOR THE CUBS boareeer, rrmfft a tdeeee caiptarfl ef a ter- F.d Pweeney helpni.- errad- throwing by .it uif tne. bat of Kred Merkle, de- him out. bha <>f B t^uro . The h.ian the first innlng bv flylng I prlvlag tttea on tho other hand, fa»t boweeer. atrnck a : '-'*13 3 OtaatB, ptayed il to Cook. Baleatl, Three Hits in a Row in Sixth Puts Phelan In as Pinch Hitter to seeond. Gus White Sox. Check Phillies. . 2 1 chaaeea owBectly, 1 i e oy golt.g hit. nwee- dered ofl the BBBOlBOHlar he BBBBBfll Y ra 1. hringlng up Jimmy Weae 'i,:.!!>' Kv.-rs's Twe*ba_M -flflcklneer,''¦ :- Pallaaalpbia, Aug. a--BVaglea bjr I \RRY IrTLEAN Ch* | .. hl threa hitn. taro af which were >!<>ublt& Austin wlth the l-ases full. IN %er, Raaaall nnd Cbaapell ta tbe alxth lltfl tn u 1 ln 1. .^J' r ol 5l ouli and Cii bai aoar with thr Giaata. iie was the only man on the Rids who Jamea at once smashed on«- to right fleld. innlng gave Calcago al to9 vtetary oear The formerly I.'".;"on on it BSOra than one hlt. and when Cook came t, arlng ln the AtbietlCfl t.'-d.iy. Rui BBW- . led ^ (Ot 2 Baallea, 1 MeLaaa anl Matty the ban took a qaeer beaad, roiiing etear k.-y lind .') Mi.- battle. Wltb tlu- TtettOn : vlc- Off EUickar, "A.5* >all_>. ii.rzog, Baodgraaa ERROR TIGERS FIND COLLINS EASY , ,. 4 Wll! plteh flharad the honors at bat for the 088899 to faaca for a hom« run. gettlag naore than ona hlt ta <>niy t»o GIBSON MAKES FIRST , phi are by a 1 ..-¦ tht to-day !i ;,.,!;¦ Sf two hits The OtaatB 1 red Ray C-Mwell, ln ceatra _eM in und tiie bOBM team OBl? -, arlth BBCh. aanaa* Hits for Extra Bases Spell Un* runs ln the s*con.ut b grounderSo CTusae, ttted Coi- ra, ai Pl Ibb a .- Innlng not Pltteburgh, Aua Allows Four Hits and Snodnrrass a-d M.-I.ean Bb Bg w'th B P"*" .pltters high !n the air and f.,r Into rlght palr of batamaa could advana Bd defi led B baa h] ttmfl al -it Phelan Jannsen tho hatted for Shawki-y :.i .1 dOUbk i- a,;.. bla flrat en f Ua by Kiinsr, araa Baaaaflal bi tag ehataaf '."" tO I BgalBSt ng b> I hUtafbf . ttr:i baaee by ..,. and tha two taaere, Buffalo Wins Easily. play took that to .!...;. .-entro field. Strunk. bowerer, ti.. )-. rentb lnnlni with an arror. t.aii belag eaugbt hat Caldwell Baaaa ia and fltai aaat la tha waa shut out at home by flew after was at the bj v» Ptrati Humpbi Jersey City In thlrl Innlng Packard al'.owed one low caught plata aol flad the ta tha next inn- aeora of 4 to 0. tha relay dl Hodle's throw to Schalk. m ore f .; ptate Buffalo r-wterday by tha in. l-i.i- < by lha i-'iii. an.'. ln a last deaperat. plungo sphndid .,i.i wlth the baaaa fllled, i l_tho_i the de- h.ts. arhleh artaalng atn Tha Bkeetera could not - his Booi i followa: . j--;. t aa i one hand on It. Just as glova Tba .i.a had fyml i Ajreher who bar la Igf got roiiing CHICAOO PHIUADELPH19 Lord ..:¦ lleery of JamaeB, a aouthpaw, a> M'l.ean and Murray, aloag wlth . the ha -__, with "Ut i. Cuba tha aroond aphere Bbrh po 0 4). abr 4; ...',. 08 Ofl Bltn, tWO i tha raa ahli i aaa the four Beattated hita " . bmlth d only errors o\er and over, hut ha luld fast. all, If 402 I to oeded wiii.-t. Btoppi d lha s.orlng an in- threa aUeelaaa bj run ;n r. 2h.. 300 2 11 Th.- Bkeetera haaa boM Braafla, BBB99 The raakeea aaxared thelr fir.-t ..11. t,.-in_ out ea .4 ln ninth Inn: BTtOfB bad Thla nlxture ncor.-d Bra 3 00 100 881 W;ii/r;. .. arb. thi. .. Lawla tha to Ro haatar for $1,000. the frame. Co. k W ifcai 188 118 nelder, the gaaaa aata Hara raaa a lai at opealBg th.- : to tblrd, beavy htttera up aad Reeoa eaat * on foU Caldwell- oat, Brtef plate. ' Tha int. but aaaa bi took se.ond on in.rt 8012 0 Q.baoa in tl .1 By bal by Cot.h >. t.. the bbmjb i I¦¦ bi '¦ tha Ptallav- »____*_ cttt. rvata, tha) bton, and acored BurrAio air The score a eoa-kbig good c... 4 0 9 4 1 'i . maklng . oa v.. 1.. irith t: ¦¦¦ was a featoi, I gaaaa ueh BBlal 0 to centre Beld. er, .4k 8 1 1 8 .'. Tr.eadala.2bll 1 J ¦. .< Hhaw, rf 400 l when Cree laoad 8 BlBgle .. i 0 0 CIN.'INNATL i. 1 3 ,. ¦! ... iVhaltag rf... 100 3 count B II 8 0 1 0 Oi -hawkey, \> ori too* tblrd. K»a,-li Bfl.. 81 1 4 fln. NBJW rOUK l« Harrv Wdiiams was next to rqa 1 j Ron 1 ""¦.' II (1218 10| K flhl 181 8 41 u' r 1 IU!.AI>K!.I'H1A :. i one oat in thi 1 Baaa< abi k ,-.. rf. 3')" lf Burna, rf l o 3 et Beaoher, lf... for the Taaka writh beel 1 " |_J V, irsanB, . > * and CTOeoed th. MeQolllaa plti bi d oaa of bla 1 6 1 lf nj. rf f. 11 I kert, et... 31 l lll ll, »»... 3 01 1 1 1 SO \\ ond. he trlpaed to left. T'.t.-.i-... 981181191 TataJa.B88H1II ,-,1 ir 40 2 I «'¦ '¦¦¦¦¦'¦ ib. .8.1 0 0 0 4' ? to Oui gamoa Ha araa ateadlei b) tai ... lll 9 0 0 JlI -.late when Sweeney drove a fly f |81 . 00 180 ¦.. sr, aii 0 1 fllhoun, lb. 8 88 12 112 1.1 for ln .'th Innlnic ir.nttil for ¦1 ,, abo alkrwed t- n hits. 40140".- 3'. K 11 heat Ua BBflUted Iv«.p ,., i .i l .. 0C i... if lll ? .! wniiams ln rlght ttekL Harry nintti 1.8 1 11 .it.. lan. ker, 188 0 10 lb 4 8 0 I 3 1 .. »' Bhewkey la Innlna. Tbe b .r.- lollewa: « 100 0 . rf 3 ¦. 200 on. i> 200 P. Merkle. a Of f88t, BBd ..-.¦- I 18 88 Ulllor.rf o <> 0 0 0 0 Vrother's throw by 080888 Ib. 42 1 11 0 b /.nn n t 1.1 ia, lb., * I Hrmn lon. p.. ? !i the micaro .0 9 0 9 9 1 8 9 9.1 aa riTTHin aon » 1 20 J -.^rln, BB.. 2 1 I I l I 101 o 0 0 .r, if. i i o o .rrinne.i braadly as he walkad to l'hllan, 0 8 9 i> 0 I 9 .' O.o n »UcQ***.... oo,i ; ;« ilphla abr I ...i 0 1 0 . I I 1 1 1 hlm wildly. abrb 3 | .. l I the crowd cheering ^rrl Maranvllli aa4 01 I 8.2 0 10 lllna. p l 0 40 ¦> 14 1 4 17 11 2 bench. Two t>n«. Blt, p ... i i .ii m ooo X8__8.114 9 27 Totalfl.180 thlrd run lf. I v 0 1 1 1 0 <> I .> . " . ' B/uilaaia alao reglatered the flce hlt Bo Laaa*. p... 110 3 l <-.... ooo ioo Hartley. e 1 I 0 .' }I ...... |f 400 1 10 VI Bfl 1 I i I 81 BJHowley, In the Innlng. i s i aoli »oi a ia m.-n were out in th. 1 lav- \V-r anl Cl Hy. |*i'l,..n 13" 11 Rlxey, p. 1 .. i) 0 1 0 .Kattad for Davis rlfc-hth I for his team Two ,i Huini .. 0 8 0 0 00 »Hobb. ioo Chlcaatv fl; I'hlladelphla, 1 10 0 0 0 0 Hurr.uo l " <> o l t 8 I p. he to Jimmy Aust:.;. ba t on baiiH nn' ott I 112 1I Totala N8188TM1 Tnta'fl »:. S B 27 10 ooo ooo " J °.° It.'lurk. foarth whea slaglad I nm ;; .1 rf.. p. jaraey city 0 0 fl fl . ¦ ¦ l**J.2. waa hard to aioi y, :: Klral baaa on ero.r*. 1'lr; uu Wilaon, IMayer, e aaaaga Itah thal Rtruck out By Ruaai II, 8: bi b*a Manri cf... 411 X 10!ii rt f. r Hall ln nlnth Innlnfl. ll..tno run.Vauirhn. Sa.-rlflc- hlt*.Rnarh. TotalB. 39 11 U17 12 2. Total*.88 H***-1 . f.'- 11 ta thlrd on a 1 2 houra. rn...... 1'. i»ui4un 1 Mlt i.'i;. ct r TeUUfl.BJI8M Murtay, Jamli n Btolen beeaa Ti-fle- OtoM seeond aad contlnued k.y. TUBO, '. rtetroll |0I 0 2" Oll n. I .IMtffllH<. lon, V'auahn Doul rmaBi- m atatb ir.mnf. wlld throw hy tha aatchat Sweeney was and Connolly. 11 1 I II j .. 1 0 0 (I 2 I -I .Batted f..r iflbaia la utti laatag IBBtted Tr.iefl.iui». Roach abd Jer- .Hatt.i rar Bbeakari .'.irrlKan. gllllfar in Ith IBatted for Rlaey and Jordon; IBatted for Herbert ra ninth ir.nm«. then and he and WUllam. wurkad m, ...... 10 111 iaa hita SinwiK-ar. Baall. tei laalag, don Pentell, Koaihlflr Calhoen Btruch p-aaai, ., ,. Oalnor Thr.-- i_c- blt* Bauman, Buah. Mita ln 8th Innlni 1 | .* ii, j imlaon, 8: by Davla, 4; bj t 9 9 I 0 . N.w York. . a d-ubW steul. the latter scorlng. 0 a ifT \\ IU. tt. 1 ln J0 0 1- * SHAKE-UPHELPSTHE.NAPS lan.p 10 0 0 2 .o o i o o 3 t .» x -4 don. 2. B illat.OH Jamieoa, I; ofl .'Inetnnatl. O t 0 O 0 0 0-Jj fo'.low. 8 8 80 1 in 2 :i liinlnfla. rr Oolllna, II In 8 mnlnit-: fhleagfl i> :i >-n The score IHendrli 18 hita.<-.,l- i 11..1.1- pbla 0 I '» 8 o i l 2 iM4ls _ Larfl b-flflfl Buffalo, 7, FT MWI8. Ki.blnaon, p . Mnii. I ln i Innlna B-crlOoaa CH, fl. Hlt I.v .'....- ... n.ivls ij.iml- T«o beea Mte Weteber, NKW VORK I 10 0 0 '' .1 IIM, -lanatf... Cbbb B-Crtflee tli-- Buah, ziii.Tin. ra um Paakert. Tlme. )l.* IWoo.i. a hlta Beeket, Uraplrafl Mullln an.i K^lly. ,:m. aita.oa Mni. ',nn * a rf aOl 1 0 0 and Senators LWford, Hom« run IIIti B BU 8 ln B 1 ln '-* Innlnaa; »R l I r_v -, Shotten. Birmingham Plays > orr Wlltaa. 8 >^-r',v, 11.T.1 T-.tai*.. Bimragaaia 1 .1 M Q illlan ln 11.¦. Brt ln* Detrolt, 1: fioflton, by lo ..-ll io Hui. r. Bali r Hrl Iwtll to CELEBRATION AT CANARSIE ...... r fiiliiiK (Cobt* Btru. k oul !<>' hi" eeatre alaa. 1,1!.ni foi li iob ln thi ii'.. Innlna B) Baler; Uft .." ablfted Itae-op to-day, taktag .1 f'.r in ihe nlntta h >. Dauflfl, i by Hall, l Tbaa ;i. ii. to Merkle. '^.'»oa with <'leve- IBatti Roblnaon Baan aad Linean. i,n on beaea Phlledelphla, ('hlcaao, a Net* 8; Onclnnatl, T. Ttnt baafl »» fleld btmaelf, tbe reauli tbal mplrte pirai i...-..¦ a. .fr Humphrtea, 2. 4.ff Olficers' Day Brings Out Tork. II Boatoa ,.099989 :i 0 Btruck oul i1 i. Flag 13-^111.0 10 UcAl 110. laiid eveaed up on the sCrit.H> defeatlBg i) 11 .' .1 1. Rixey, 8. by by rJUJrt 000 ., 0 I 1 F1.h-i-.p.. Ir. ...;.h 0 0 Rlxay, i WIW pll 'h Hi ime, l:5v. Fleet. Herberl X HII Q °r 40.0 00A Waahtogtoa by a Beore of ;. to L Keiiv. Maaa Beerl- and Large Racing (Shafer). Btruek eui-l'v FerT»P.... .JSSiiJl Three beea hlta eie», Umpirea -crVty Qulsley. teiebrated at litAAtheweee^by 1. 0 00 0 1 0 An error by CaaBlOB ln the flfth after ..;«. Myt:,, Bmlrt. ii.KfiH .ti bei Flag O-Boere* day waa Wlltae, 2. i.y Packard. Herbert l.auniK't'r.p. ^ tnm, er off l. Strucb oul Time--l 11 t*n plB Kl. n BBi d araa Tyler, 4. M.Qiiiilan. ttie Canarata faeht Clah wlth an open - two were out pav< tbe tor Claea* t.v 1 iir» nrr .-¦ e » 6 9 27 18 I Totala.W 6 114 12 I Bj Tj li r. .1, M. Qulllan. Baseball Race f>>r all tlw-rtt of eall and motor ToUlfl... land'H victory. Cbapman aeal a bigb fly McQnll rn. n ln 1 InalBBB; "ff Roblnooa, 11 GUARDSMEN WIELD BRUSH regatta In nlnth lnnln.. to the ritfht field-t, RJIO drODped lt. ln 2 innlnea. Lefi on beaefl Plitaburab, li boata reaterday. it waa one af t_a for Johnaton - VICTORS .Batted .1 ni '-' 91 Brennan RUMSON SECONDS 0 8 0 x Boaton, Tl Umptn Brar <>n __*¦ V'-rk.1 1 0 1 0 J Jaekaoa all lo eeatre, Bcortag tbrOUgb his lei-.s. (leviv- K TO-T>AY. boata wara aant orer tha raagalatton Beat First Polo Four by ,-r. »IU -H Wllllam. v\TMINAI, I.FACil OAUM Bail Team. >,. ua LEW RICHIE City Club land's llrft BOOTfl a. hom.. run by CUBS TRADE N.-44 \..rk ut Ciin !..n:itl. couraa of tha Taoht l-taetag aaBoclatlon in Fast Match. .'Tfl.^, Cbapmai ta tha opeolag taalag. Itrookhn nl sl I.4,iiIn. Tba "ti. Regiment baaeball teatri, arhleh ef JanuUaa Bay, arlth th<> start aad tho Murgin Pblladdphla <_ (lilra.o. 'ii-.: i.-.i in Boebltag, altboogb pouuded rather "Giant Killcr" Goes to Kansaa ,..,.ii|.i. ita bbbbob tha Amateur ftnlah off tho Canarela tioat. Tlie aalW Red Baak, N J..« '¦^1ISr-aaa* Hl S| I.TS |yg> gtA-fflg \lVihKllAY. dafeated the Paaaale match .... the Romaoa ly, k. i>t tba hits -vvell scatitred. He waa Baaeball fiaagna Ing diviBion ha.l u. iight aouthwaat played itum off WaUmaa, 4 huuck otat- Bj in Murphy Deal. New York. 11. < tn, limutl. 8. I'luii at .', trv thi * Boaaoa the ort Fort 1 weirman. 2 niiserahly Btipported at HrBOB City Nt. I/.iii- A; Barawklra. I. Clty Paaaahsj H, yeetarday by l.i .-../.. Clob BToaadfl n. rtoi-r i bv rerd, l: b, Hlty- I'hl.iiKo. Aug. y.-Lew Klchle, the pttoh- a s.-.ii a of i tn o. ti.e Itameoa ^ 8 » 8-8 Innlaa: oil B ha 81-8 Botb tcuins. left Immedlatcly after thu (hi. .<«... 4: PhUaaeipbl-, 8. Tha Halaala wa.-. the nrst af the si..op» aon Booooda cro orr .hir ford. off known In former an tho PflflHe. riit-i.«rBh. t. f.,r team, bafBte a large Inning. off Weilman, 8 Iu 88-8 lai__|a, irame for ("lt-v«iland, wht;re th.-y play to- cr, yeara Ii ii'H.rn. tha Datloaal guardl to, oaaarlag tha tan*Billa eauraa team thi.i |ftaTBOOB kuii his to N\TIONAI. 1 i:\l.l I SIAMHMi. waa oii the nioiirul of the la aad Bhartitaa morrow. They retura bara "Giant r." baaaaaa af nhiiity agalBBl »'laik, ln l:0f:4t. Tite nadhad led the cahin by a Boore af U Paj »aala IM -nViaaB-flaa.O'-caia-l-i beal th.- Katlooal waa u i, i\< ivtrc. Clah. Baeb allewad aal* f.»ur hlta, tn.- aoara II ta MI ta ftatwf acore followa: Laagua obamptaaa, N<-\» York 7"> 12 .«»«.' Ifl .*.. III Clty catboata bonae, aad tha Balflah aooraaj a Wtth m.n to < of more alth taa ri.i:\ i.i.ANi.. WABHINOTON traded to-dav llie KaBBBB Ity 1'1'jh, 1-1,11 i 1,1 :'.7 .821 lloaton 4! :.H .1 Ml bul ii'M.rii innniiKeil ti> keep them .ii\i- Itanaaa ta tha laal aarlad WINS TWO OAMES. al.r: aalloear prlaa In tha open catbaal ROOHTSTER the AjBerfcaa aaeoflalioni i.v Cbarlea III: -l.'r_l> -~>:t IH .._.". MihI.uuiII I! > caMn ii.w.-r boata to th.. Hnlah knocked tha bail althta 4 1 L 1 0 J Milan. ba ralaaai d i" taa rnlitora I'lMin fouled ". Thla laal *.£ 0 0 0 (M) « 1 4 u .j rf.. 801 1 01 been calUd ...0 0 0 0 0 Urane) lf.. n, this week, Orral OeeraU bavfag baaa aold Lfg oi «. _MB8 \ Bfll-U-OAT. lag fot the guardamea, bul Qoraah came Tha bjbbm bad aot a foui KalJlmore Cottrell Bir'l.ain. ef 40 1 4 0 0 BliUrld*. Bfl. 191 «.f BTtwiBiary foUowai off P9*»*^n Batterlea.Quinn and Williama; 'i <.. 3 0D 4 11 to tba sitn Prsaelaeo Club the Paelflc »w York, rt: Hl. I.....I-. ". aloafl wltb .-i ablatllag drlva to oaatra thur whlch took W i) N.ii .-... 3 0-' 3 3 II. i.i>. g_4Xfll_--flt_BT, l_8 0OV9MM, U MILIf, Jonea, and Kgan R H E Blandlna, p 481 o io Beehllaa. 9- 30° l ' ° Caaat Laagua in aaabaaga for itichie ('iiiru.o, i: pbtladelphla, 8. ti. id f..r taa baaaa Hotabaa Beailfioed, "¦ g_COND ftAMB IMrolt. H: lloal. ii. I. Blapaad , v !°SK> Total*..9)1481194 tha Caleago taaai geta Vatagba, a pltebera Ctflf-k..., Ii \\ ,i.»t,11.kt. i. Paajeh t.> Mlller, aad whea Bryaa alao rinUb. llmfl, «.«?«. ii HoeheBter ... ttllfflff-ffj Tetak ..Jliitllll an- Tflilu aadiieaar. H.M.8 hms 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2.8 1 ii o »» .. '. 9 who is to report ImniediHtely, nnd an i i:\i.i MTVNTMMi. douUed tn left fleld, Ooraoh oouated. SaHlmol-- ...0 ,,l .1 0 2 3 b__Bb_N I Malmlfl, K. II DohrflBfl. .'. 41 4_ 1.-08:42 am.. h J Batterles-Martln, Wllhelm and Jaafiarth. PargBB and Bgan. ¦|v.., Ja BaOB a'l'l -V" of Ihe hcdsuIi. I'liilii 71 Sl .883 llo«|..n AO 88 .4H", s.. B_B_aw8_, W 8:80:14 2 1:14 Ooala aeraai. Ui Naa lauaaa, lltflch: TufT, i. Mii.m BaaOCtatlOB Taa foUoaya: Mrli-_fhlla RulBMa a- run ChaDman. Btolen Jaekaoa, m M.'4,-iu.»l BB ai .ataiOartrctll 18 88 .117 J ao Ti '..I. 8 '» "ii ¦. 'iev- Tlu aaxmiENT. pabbaic c o CABIN CATB0AT8 8TABT, COUR-JB, , ,., l'» ,2, <:.. ... 1*1' land, :.« an .5J.'»*t. |_.«|a 11 uh ,h7 >;.v.l4 earn-.l. 9j Waah'toa lo _____ I.iun,.. 11 JooH 4. Flrei baa< on b*Ua 4er nlir h BO n I 14). Waahlnaton, I hl. .IK<> .7 Bfl 8.1 New York 81 «« :t40 rf.... 0 0 Inilv'.dual toeU BortWe "-. j0Wt*. 3. , ira. -.. on HOWARD GEE MAKES RECORD. It.l-i... hfl 181 ii I 1 itlelly. 4 0 11 atndbad, .;. Bkawa fl_ff_4 8 m re. ^ 5; PROVIDENCE, .i |*8T_- our i5), « it. TORONTO, u vela ¦!. 2 vVaBh nfion, 2. Btrui k n .1 0 I no, ll.ii'.. I... 400 5 8 1 Ulca .1 H rmi-i*on.r. i>7 oo 1:87:00 1^ Wild .ii..war.i .1 Oaa, tb'- lan ... 1 Prlm Bb a INTKKN \TlOV\I. I r.AOL'E. 180 l 4i. Mi' -1.. U, If 100 1 n I M a .... Whltrn i (8) a-thnr J»n*«j *^ At I'rovldence: Bll ,,.it i:v Blandlng. 8; bj Uoehllna. I e, C Mannl. n. ,... 8:0fl 10 2 V 10 i-,...i Ar",.r - :,i,4 ocalaai 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0-5 U 0 pltch- JJlBixliiiK. 1. l; ollna, l. Tlmi. eatabUahed a bow reeoN for tha I.AMKS TOIIAY. 100 1 ii tdaau, lb.., 3 u l 10 oo May. W, Knyiiah. .; n 80 I 14 20 '-'1: Toronto -'. Hlldebrond and Evans goifer. Kiyun, rf... soo 0 oo Beyflhew. aa 4 o l i oo thn.- vV B Ji 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 0 3 7 3 h.,uih Umplrea eotir'-e of the Qotf Clttb yea- at .v,-warU. Corraxtcd -IndbaJ, 8.22:27 Mn4_i Hbucb, Prov'denc- ¦ .-4>- W*NtthaiBptOfl Heaaraal il.ii--.-h. of.. 3111 0 o| I'ulr.k. 8I>... 3 00 1 6 0 J 24 Allce. 2:27:0<>; Clara Mav. ..' 8fl 117 RefMraa Pat*r b*,_ Batterlea Browa, Maxw.-ll and Qraban; tei.iay, when he araat uiound ln t: <;.. ItiilTulo al tar**i (ita. 1101!. Evana. cf.... 108 I 81 BB; an.i K». her. NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE RESULTS. Toronto ut I'rovldenrr. i". >'... -<. l I 00 Wi oO, 801 .! 1 ii OPEN OATBOATfl -lAKT, 3:4S.CMURSR, Zambock, atltchell froBB Berateb la aa Brj io Mii.i-:.- SIX AUTOS AS PRIZES. _.-a ft psayed oightaieB-bolfl RIM ITS Ofl liAMI.S YKMr.KUAY. p., 100 i o Ol Clark, i>. 4 0 1 o io Laarreai a. I; rall Rlear, mediil haiidloap. ii II. ui, 3 00 0 00 io RESULTS. Portland, 4: Brockton, I fBret) plav Mniil rt-itl, fl: Newark. :i. p. .s.iriah. afl/aHay a-Btth. Bbbj 2 N i" A noiai,., daal baa ju-t EASTERN A3SOCIATION ii.imi. 1 ciini Ilunulo, 4; Jrrary City, l». CABIM POWER BOAT8 ^J"^ Poi t, Brtw aton, -Caeoond), His foUoara: » Total*.BJllirUll Totatfl ;u | I f\ 13 . BTART, 1:60 l':tt.fle!d I: New Maven. 1 (firBt). VVorceater, 1; Lowell, I. OUt....'. I 3 0 4 1 3 3 4 ! Ko.lir.ter. H: B_lttl_B*-, 0. COlTRg-l lo Mll.Ks. baa dlapgaed of alx ¦¦'.¦ N.w Haren, o (flecond). New Bedford, l: Lynn, D (flrat). 4 2 t r. 4 4 4 r. 4 37-72 Ho. l,.-t,-r. ti: Itullin.orr, 2. iii.-nt. ii 9 i ii ii n .) i riorene. 0., C H. Oeaaaa..., 1*08:81 t:18_a .rbo °.£LgM PittKfleld |U. Toronto, 5; I'roa Itlrn, «\ 8. o o o .( .. a ii ii ii a BdgartoB B/aterbnry, I; Brtdgeport, l. Ni .'. Bedford, I; Lynn, 4 (aecond). .'. r. | Colontl III J. 11. l.uah. :. lo 1.1 |:2ii 10 ta tbe C, m..n>>»«\ i.'l.n. 1. «,-. STAMUMi Ofl TBAH-. a Loh. B:12:S8 1 :,., rnaker. of M< 2, Springlleld, I^-ri >.n t.a«oe -7th RegtBBOBt I'ikh.iI, n ,,....>. .^^f*Tm + « H 1: K. ia. .",::i5;ao AMERICAN ASSOCIATION RESULTS STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. iV. L r.'. Pe*. Ick lo Hara to OPRM POWKR BOATB BTART, 8.36- TRI-STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. LouiK\:iie, l, itlniM I Troy. 7. Ryracuse, 3 (flrst). 1.... ln-Hter fl:l I'l .Mit I''e,- 81 410 .'.V.l adaiBB. strn. k oul O'Harn, ii. COURgfl, 10 UII.Es. bjbo*bb, i's. 1: .' :,.. By bj Clark, 1. Columbua, i. Bt. Panl, .r. Trojr, (B4X ond) lliiiliilo Bl .".'. .411.", I.irowto ni |.-,.j il lliisra on balla i)(T o', |. Itit By .,-t. a. fl, 1 BVUaaucAtlantle Ctty, I Alleiitown. 2. Albenya I; Uth a, 4 llulllinorr 84 .'> .!!...Ier> (ll> ,;,, im, CBflj Kaaehf.6:88:18 H:io J-Iar|lbljUrK_ r,. wilmlngton, a Indlanapolla, <; Kaiina.i Clty, pltcber By Clark (Meceulraj, (Jraplra Hia... r. (i Vaa Mati-r. 6:48 l<» 1 1^4. Y*u_t it: Trenton, 1 Milwaukec, J; ToledO, *). \Vllktb-ll4i11e, 6; Blnghainl.-n, 3. iiuiiib. Time of ajaaai 1 iv llalda, J. U s. h'fllacn.6:57:10 2:02:10 peaeenger laartag car or a ioau«