3 10/243 Perth Common Good Fund Committee – 11 May 2010


Report by Head of Finance

Perth Common Good Fund Committee is requested to consider the undernoted applications for financial assistance.


The recommendation detailed in the contents of the report be approved.


a) National Girls Choir of

An application has been received from a 14 year old Perth pupil who has been offered a place in the National Girls’ Choir of Scotland, having been auditioned and accepted from a large number of applicants. It is a 5 day residential training course, followed by various concerts in Glasgow and Edinburgh. The fees are £385. Under the current criteria of the Common Good Funds this application qualifies for a grant of £100.


It is recommended to award a Perth pupil £100.

b) Perth Academy Rugby Club

Perth Academy Rugby Club proposes to send 28, 5th and 6th year pupils to Ontario Canada from the 10th June – 25th June 2010 to participate in 5 rugby matches against Canadian schools and club sides (including 2 schools who have previously visited Perth). The total costs amount to £54,555 and the group are seeking £1,000 from this Committee. Under the current criteria of the Common Good Funds this application qualifies for a grant of £1,000.


It is recommended to award the Perth Academy Rugby Club £1,000.

c) Perth Harriers

An application has been received from Perth Strathtay Harriers seeking financial assistance towards equipment and the design/print of achievement certificates. The group introduce the basics of athletic

5 discipline to youngsters in a safe and fun environment and want to continue with subsidised training activity (£1 per session). The total cost for the equipment amounts to £1,000. Under the current criteria of the Common Good Funds, this application qualifies for a grant of £500.


It is recommended to award the Perth Strathtay Harriers £500 towards the cost of equipment and certificates. d) Perth Ice Rink (1988) Limited

Perth Ice Rink propose to host the World Junior Curling Championship 2011 from the 5th – 13th March 2011. A budget has been prepared and in order to get agreement by Event Scotland and the World Curling Federation, Perth Ice Rink is required to meet certain criteria. One of these criteria is that the local Council supports the event. If Perth Ice Rink cannot raise the funding then the competition will be offered to other Curling Rinks in Scotland, as the Royal Caledonian Curling Club (RCCC) have agreed that the competition will be held in Scotland next year.

Perth Ice Rink is seeking financial assistance towards the cost of seating from this Committee this would allow them to be in a position where they would be able, in conjunction with the RCCC, to announce that the Championships would come to Perth.

Perth Ice Rink has applied to the following funders:-

• Event Scotland £25/35 K Pending • World Curling Federation £56K Successful • Local Sponsorships £8K Pending • Perth and Council £10K Successful • Perth Common Good £10K


It is recommended to award £10,000 towards the cost of seating for the World Junior Curling Championships to take place in Perth 2011.

e) Bowerswell Tenants

Bowerswell Tenants Group wishes to take 40 of its members on a summer outing to Fife on the 3rd September 2010. The outing includes hire of coach and high tea. The total costs amount to £750. This application qualifies for financial assistance to a level of 50% - namely £375 and this is the level of support recommended.

6 Recommendation

It is recommended to award Bowerswell Memorial Home Tenants Group a grant of £375 towards the cost of its summer outing.

f) Perth City Club

Perth City Club is proposing to take 100 of its members on a summer outing to Glenrothes. The outing includes hire of coach and high tea. The total costs amount to £1,456. This application qualifies for financial assistance to a level of 50% - namely £728 and this is the level of support recommended.


It is recommended to award Perth City Club a grant of £728 towards the cost of its summer outing.

g) Oakbank Primary School

An application was received from Oakbank Primary School seeking financial assistance towards the cost of sending a P7 pupil on the annual residential visit to Dalguise. The School were of the opinion that the girl could benefit from participating on the trip, hence the reason for the appeal. As a decision was required before the date of this meeting the Chairman of Perth Common Good Fund Committee agreed to award financial assistance of £150. This decision requires to be homologated.


The decision to award financial assistance of £150 to a Oakbank Primary School pupil be homologated

h) Perth Highland Games

This is the annual request from Perth Highland Games Committee for financial assistance towards the cost of promoting the Pipe Band Competition at the event. It has been practice in the past few years to award financial assistance of £2,500 and this is the funding sought for this year’s event which will be held on Sunday 15th August. The Highland Games Committee has indicated that the award from Perth Common Good Fund will be reflected within the programme for the day. It is recommended to award a grant of £2,000 to encourage the applicant to approach other funders.

7 Recommendation

Perth Highland Games Committee be awarded financial assistance of £2,000 towards the cost of staging the Pipe Band Competition on 15th August 2010.

i) Our Lady’s Afternoon Club

Our Lady’s Afternoon Club is proposing to take 33 of its members on a trip to the Theatre. The outing includes hire of coach, theatre tickets and high tea. The total costs amount to £824. This application qualifies for financial assistance to a level of 50% - namely £412 and this is the level of support recommended.


It is recommended to award Our Lady’s Afternoon Club a grant of £412 towards the cost of their theatre outing.

j) Perth Academy

Perth Academy is requesting financial assistance to support 40, S1 pupils on their planned trip to France on the 30th May – 5th June 2010. The pupils themselves are participating in fundraising activities to support their project. The total costs of the trip amount to £17,280 and the group are seeking £1,000 from this Committee. Under the current criteria of the Common Good Fund this application qualifies for a grant of £1,000.


It is recommended to award the Perth Academy S1 a grant of £1,000 towards their trip to France.

k) Scotland U16 Girls Field Hockey

A 15 year old Perth girl has been selected for the 3rd year running to participate in the U16 Girls Scotland Field Hockey Training Squad and is requesting financial assistance towards travelling costs. Under the current criteria of the Common Good Fund this application qualifies for a grant of £100.


It is recommended to award a Perth girl a grant of £100.

l) Breathe Easy

An application was received from Breathe Easy Perthshire seeking financial assistance towards the cost of their Summer Outing to

8 Callander on Thursday 20th May 2010. The total cost for the 30 members amounts to £410 (Bus Hire £110 and Afternoon Teas £300). The request is for £150 and that is the amount of grant recommended.


It is recommended to award Breathe Easy Perthshire a grant of £150. m) Perth High School

This is an application from Perth High School seeking financial assistance towards the Annual Prizegiving for the year 2010/11. For the past 3 years the Prizegiving has been held in Perth Concert Hall. This has been an excellent venue to showcase the work of the pupils and to allow young musicians to perform. As the largest school in the Authority, it cannot accommodate the Prizegiving within the school itself and there is no other suitable venue in Perth. Last year the Hall was filled to capacity. Common Good Fund award £700 on an annual basis to the Community School of Auchterarder and it is recommended that the Perth High School award be set at the same level.


It is recommended to award Perth High School £700 towards the Annual Prizegiving. n) Perth Academy

An application was received from Perth Academy seeking funding towards taking a group of 43 S3 pupils to visit the WW1 Battlefields of Northern France and Belgium on the 19th – 24th March 2010. As a decision was required before the date of this meeting the Chairman of Perth Common Good Fund Committee agreed to award financial assistance of £1,000. This decision requires to be homologated.


The decision to award financial assistance of £1,000 to Perth Academy be homologated. o) Perth Academy

An application was received from Perth Academy seeking funding towards taking 3 Secondary Pupils to participate in the British Schools Judo Championships in Sheffield on 20th March 2010. As a decision was required before the date of this meeting the Chairman of Perth Common Good Fund Committee agreed to award financial assistance of £120. This decision requires to be homologated.

9 Recommendation

The decision to award financial assistance of £120 to Perth Academy be homologated.

p) Perth Grammar Hotspots

An application was received from Perth Grammar School seeking funding towards 30 pupils travelling to Glasgow to participate in the Scotcheer Nationals on the 10/11th April 2010. The costs amounted to £3,850 and the request to this Committee was for £700. As a decision was required before the date of this meeting the Chairman of Perth Common Good Fund Committee agreed to award financial assistance of £700. This decision requires to be homologated.


The decision to award financial assistance of £700 to Perth Grammar School be homologated.

q) Perth Girl

A 13 year old Perth girl has been offered a place with Youth Music Theatre UK, a national theatre company for young people aged between 11 -21. The girl has been asked to join A song for Eurydice, a residential music theatre course held in Plymouth from 2nd August – 14th August 2010. The total costs amount to £900. Under the current criteria of the Common Good Fund this application qualifies for a grant of £100.


It is recommended to award a Perth girl a grant of £100.

r) Perth Senior Citizen

A lady from Perth has compiled a book of poems and floral drawings all her own work. The lady wishes to get the book published and has obtained a price of £790 for the printing of 100 copies. The lady has no wish to sell the book but is willing to allow its distribution for use in the 4 Secondary Schools within Perth. On that basis it is recommended that the full cost of the printing be awarded in this instance.


Financial assistance of £790 be awarded towards the cost of printing and publishing a book of poems and floral drawings.

10 s) J D Fergusson Arts Award Trust

An application has been received from The J D Fergusson Arts Awards Trust seeking financial assistance towards awards and the printing of brochures. The Trust wish to promote the Arts in Perth and also support and encourage promising artists of all ages. The Trust has a firm desire to promote Perth as a centre for art as well as promote the works of J D Fergusson. There are currently 120 applications for the Trust’s annual arts award. The work of the successful candidate will be promoted and hung in an exhibition in the J D Fergusson Gallery. Both Perth and the J D Fergusson Trust will also benefit from press coverage as applications for the award will be widely publicised in specialist artists magazines. The total amount is £4,750 of which the Trust is seeking £3,750 from this Committee. The funding of £3,750 is towards the cost of brochures £1,750 and the annual award £2,000.


It is recommended to award The J D Fergusson Arts Award Trust a grant of £1,875 representing 50% of the cost of brochures and the annual award.

t) Perth Festival of the Arts

Perth Festival of the Arts would like to purchase 3 new sign boards to place outside Perth Concert Hall, St John’s Kirk and the Art Gallery to advertise the events on in that venue each day during the Festival. As the present wooden signs are now a bit tired and worn, they would like something a bit smarter and more contemporary that would last at least 10 years. The total cost of the signs amount to £1,250 and the organisation is seeking £625 (50%).


It is recommended to award Perth Festival of the Arts £625.


The recommendations contained within this report are in accordance with the priorities of Perth Common Good Fund's criteria for financial assistance.


The recommendations contained within this report will be funded from the contributions to organisations provision for 2010/11.


No consultation was carried out on this report.


Perth Congregational Church Social Club Perth Youth Orchestra Perth & District Badminton Association

John Symon Head of Finance

Background Papers – 20 applications for financial assistance

Contact Officer: Serge Merone Ext. 75536 Douglas Calderwood Ext. 75052 Evelyn Kerr Ext. 75529

DAC/Perthcgf 05 May 2010

[email protected]