June 1966 Subscription: $3 .00 Per Year a BIBLIOGRAPHY OF

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June 1966 Subscription: $3 .00 Per Year a BIBLIOGRAPHY OF June 1966 Subscription: $3 .00 per year Vol. XVII , No . 6 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VIETNAM AND THE CHRISTIAN MISSION IN VIETNAM Because of the tremendous importance of and worldwide i nt er e st in Vi et nam, and in response to numerous requests received by the Missionary Re se arch Library, we sup ­ ply herewith a bibliography dealing with that country. I t is divided into two sec ­ tions, "General" and "Mission and Church" . There are 131 titles in the first section and 72 in the second, f or a total of 203 . Both books and peri odical articles are in­ cl ud ed , and several languages are comprehended . However, the arrangement, within each section, i s solely by title. Since current items in newspapers and newsmaga­ zines are so numer ous, no attempt has been made to list any of these. The compilation of this bibliography has been done by Miss Janet McCutcheon, Bibliographer and Reference Assistant at the Mi ssionary Research Library, with the assistance of the Director . This is the last issue of the Occasi onal Bulleti n to be publ ished under the editorship of Dr . Herbert C. Jackson, who has compl et ed f i ve years as Director of the Missionary Research Library and i s now j oining t he f acult y of Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan . GENERAL 1. AGGRE SSION FROM THE NORTH: THE REC ORD OF NORTH VIET-NAM'S CAMPAIGN TO CONQUER SOUTH VIET-NAM. n .a. Washingt on, D.C. : U.S . Department of State, 1 965. 64 pp . 2. AGGRESS IONS BY CHINA (A PEEP INTO THE HISTORY OF VIETNAM). 2nd ed . Do Vang Ly. Delhi, India: Siddhartha Publications Private Ltd., 1960. 168 pp. Hlus . 3. APPORT FRANCAIS':l DANS LA LITTERATURE VIETNAMIENNE (1651-1945) . Dinh-Xuan- Nguyen . Saigon : Imprimerie Xa- Hqui, 1961 . 204 pp. Single copies : 35¢ . Orders should be addressed : Missionary Research Library, P. O. Box 590, Manhattanville Station, New York, New York 10027 . - 2 ­ 4. BACKGROUND TO VIET-NAM. Bernard Newman. New York: Roy, 1966. 192 pp. Illus., ports., maps. 5. BIBLIOGRAPHIE ANNAMITE: LIVRES, RECUEILS PERIODIQUES, MANUSCRITS, PLANS . Victor Amede e Babie du Bocage. Paris: Challamel Aine, 1867. 107 pp . 6. BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE L'INDOCHINE FRAN~IASE, 1913-1926 ~ani7 SUPPLEMENT FOR 1927­ 1929. 2 vols . Paul Boudet and Remy Bourgeois. Hanoi: n.p., 1929. 7. BIBLIOGRAPHIE DES VOYAGES DANS L' INDOCHINE FRANQAISE DU IXe AU XIXe STECLE . A. Brebion. Saigon: n.p., 1910 . 8. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH VIETNAMESE PUBLICATIONS IN THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY LI­ BRARY. Jane Godfrey Keyes. I t haca, N.Y.: Cornell University, 1962. 116 pp . 9 . BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE POLITICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY OF VIETNAM, 1802-1962: SELECTED AND ANNOTATED . Roy Jumper. Saigon: Michigan St at e University, 1962. (Mimeo . ) 10. BIBLIOTECA INDOSINICA: DICTIONNAIRE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE DES OUVRAGES RELATIFS ALA PENINSULE INDOCHINOISE. 4 vols. Henri Cordier. Paris: E. Leroux, 1912­ 1915. 11. LE BOUDDHISME ET CULTES D'ANNAM. Lucien Escalere. Shanghai: Imprimerie T'ou­ Se-We, 1937. 12. "Buddhism and Politics". E. Miller. Liguorian. Vol. 53 (March 1965), pp . 49­ 53. 13. CHINA'S RELATIONS WITH BURMA AND VIETNAM: A BRIEF SURVEY. Harold C. Hint on. New York : International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Rel ations, 1958. 64 pp. 14. LA COCHINCHINE RELIGIEUSE. 2 vols. L. E. Louvet. Paris: n.p., 1885. 15. COMMUNIST AGGRESSION AGAINST THE REPUBLIC OF VIET-NAM. n.a. Saigon: Viet Nam (South ) Gover nment , 1962. 29 pp. Illus., map. 16. COMMUNIST REVOLUTI ONARY WARFARE : THE VIETMINH IN INDOCHINA. George Kilpatrick Tanham. New York: Praeger, 1961. 166 pp. Illus., map. 17. CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND WELFARE IN VIETNAM, NEW YORK, 1957: PROB­ LEMS OF FREEDOM , SOUTH VIETNAM SINCE INDEPENDENCE. Wesley R. Fishel. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1961. 233 pp. Maps. 18. CONFLICT IN INDO-CHINA AND INTERNATIONAL REPERCUSSIONS: A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY, 1945-1 955. Allan Burnett Cole, ed . Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1956. 265 pp. Map. 19. CROYANCES ET PRATIQUES RE LI GIEUSES DES VrETNAMIENS. 3 vols. Leopold Michel Cadiere. Saigon and Paris: Imprimerie Nouvelle d'Extreme-Orient , 1955-1958. 20. LE CULTE DES ANCETRES EN DROIT ANNAMITE. Le Van Dinh. Paris: n.p., 1934. - 3 ­ 21. LE CULTE DES MORTS DANS LE CELESTE EMPIRE ET L' ANNAM COMPARE AU CULTE DES ANCETRES DANS L'ANTIQuE OCCIDENTALE. Albert Marie Aristide Bouinais. Par­ is: E. Leroux, 1893. 267 pp. 22. CULTES ET RELIGIONS DE L' INDOCHINE ANNAMITE. George Coulet. Saigon: Imprimerie Commericale C. Ardin, 1929. 241 pp . Illus. 23. DELIVER US FROM EVIL: THE STORY OF VIET NAM I S FLIGHT TO FREEDOM. Thomas A. Dooley . New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1956. 214 pp . Photos. 24. THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF VIET-NAM. Vi etnam Delegation i n France. Paris: I mprimerie Centr ale Commericale , 1948. 25. DICTIONNAIRE DE BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHIE GENERALE , ANCIENNE ET MODERNE DE L' INDOCHINE FRAN9AISE. A. Breb i on. Paris: n.p. , 1935. 26. "Diem and the Buddhists". H. Fairbanks. Commonweal. Vol. 78 (July 26, 1963), pp . 452-454. 27. DOCUMENTS RELATIF S AL'ExECUTION DES ACCORDS DE GENEVE CONCERNANT LE VIET-NAM. Democratic Republic of Viet Nam . Hanoi: Ministry of For ei gn Aff airs , 1956. 28. THE EMANCIPATI ON OF FRENCH INDOCHINA. Donald Lancaster. London: Oxf ord Uni­ versity Pr ess, 1961. 445 pp. 29· UN EMPIRE- COLONIAL FRANCAI, S. 2 vo.l.s . George s Maspero. Paris and Brussels: Editione s G Van Oest , 1929-1930. Vol. 1: 330 pp., Vol. 2: 284 pp. Illus., maps . 30. L'ENFER COMMUNISTE AU NORD VIETNAM. Ge rard Tonga s. Paris: Les Nouvel les Edi tions Debres se , 1960. 31 . L'ENFER DE DIEN BIEN PHD. J ean Renald. Paris: n.p. , 1955. 32. L' EVOLUT I ON INTELLECTUELLE ET MORALE DES ANNAMITES DERJIS L' ETABLISSEMENT DU PROTECTORAT FRMT~AI S. Pham Quynh . Paris: n.p., 1922. 33. LA FAMI LLE PATRIARCALE ANNAMITE. 3 vols . Tran Van Trai. Paris: n.p . , 1942. 34. LA FIN DES ILLUSIONS: NOTES D'INDOCHINE. R. Guillain. Paris: Centre d ' etudes de pol itique etrangere, 1954. 94 pp . 35 . FROM A CHINESE CITY. Gontr an de Montaigne Poncins. Trans. by Bernard Frechtmen. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday , 1957. 256 pp. 36. FROM COLONIALI SM TO COMMUNI SM: A CASE HISTORY OF NORTH VIETNAM. Hoan g- van-Chi. New Yo rk : Pr aeger , 1964. 252 pp . 37. "Le s genies du temple de The-Loc". A. Boni f acy. Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient. Vol. 10 (1910), pp. 683-694. ' 38. GOSUDARSTVENNOE PROVO STRAN NORODNOI DEMOKRATII ffiTATE LAW OF COUNTRIES OF PE O­ PLE'S DEMOCRACx7. V. F. Kotok , ed. Mo scow: n.p., 1961. 39. L'HISTOIRE DE LA COLONISATION FRAN~AI SE. 3 vols. Henri Blet. Paris and Grenoble : n.p. , 1946, 1948, 1950. - 4 ­ 40. HISTOlRE GENERALE DE LA CHINE ET DE SES RELATIONS ETRANGERES DEPUIS LES TEMPS LES PLUS ANCIENS JUSQU'A LA CHUTE DE LA DYNASTIE MANDCHOUE . 4 vo.l.s . Henri Cordier. Paris: n .p., 1920-1921 . 41. HISTOlRE DU VrET-NAM DE 1 940 A1952 . ( 3rd ed ., rev. & cor r ected. ) Philippe Devillers . Paris : Edition s du Seuil, 1 95 2. 473 pp. Maps. 42 . HISTOIRE ET PHILOSOPHIE DU CAODAISME : BOUDDHISME RENOvE, SPIRITISME VIETNAMIEN, RELIGION NOUVELLE EN EURASIE . Gabriel Gob ron . Paris : Dervy, 1 94 9. 21 4 pp. 4 3. A HISTORY OF ASIA. 2 v o.l.s . Woodbridge Bingham, Hilary Conroy, FrankW . Ikle . Boston: Allyn & Ba con, 1964-1965. 582, 690 pp . 44. HO-eHI-MINH, PRESIDENT, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM: SELECTED WORKS . 3 vols . Ho -Chi-Minh . Hanoi: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1960 - 61 . 45. INDOCHINA: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LAND AND PEOPLE. Cecil C . Hobbs and others. Washington, D.C .: n.p., 1 950. 46. "Indo-China: Land of Contrast and Controversy" . Constant Henry Jacquet . Occa­ s i on al Bulletin of the Missionary Research Library, Vol. 4, No . 14 ( Dec~ , 1953) . 47. INDOCHINA: SELECTED LIST OF REFERENCE S, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, WillENER LIBRARY . n .a. Cambridge, Ma s s. : Harvard University, 1944 . 108 pp. (Mimeo .) 48. "Izbiratelnyi zakon Demokraticheskoi Respubliki Vietnam" L El e ct or al Law of t he Democratic Rep ublic of Vietnam~ . Nguyen Dinh Loc. Sovetskoe Gosudarstvo i Pravo , No . 1 (1 961) . 49 . THE LAST CONFUCIAN. Denis Ashton War ner . New York: Macmillan, 1 96 3. 274 pp. M~ . 50 . THE LOST REVOLUTION : THE STORY OF 'IWENTY YEARS OF NEGLECTED OPPORTUNITIES IN VIETNAM ANJ) AMERICA 1 S FAILURE TO FOSTER DEMOCRACY THERE. Robert Sh aplen. New Yor k: Harper & Row, 1 965. 404 pp . Maps . 51 . MAGIE ET RELIGION ANNAMITES: INTRODUCTION A UNE PHILOSOPHIE DE LA CIVILISATION DU PEUPLE D'ANNAM. Paul Giran . Paris : Ch all amel , 1 912. 52. THE MAKING OF A QUAGMIRE. David Halberstram. New York: Random House , 1965 . 53 . MISSION IN TORMENT: AN INTIMATE ACCOUNT OF THE U.S. ROLE IN VIETNAM. John Mecklin . Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 196 5. 318 pp . Map. ~ 54 . LA MORALE ANNAMITE TRADIONNELE ET LA MORALE OCCIDENTALE : UN ESSAI DE SYNTHESE . G. Bois . Hanoi: Imprimerie d'Extreme -Orient, 1930 . 55 pp. 55. LA MORT ET LA TOMBE: L! ABONDON DE LA TOMBE , LES CEREMONIES, PRrERES ET SACRIFICES SE RAPPORTANT ACES TRES IMPORTANTES MANIFESTATIONS DE LA VIE DES AUTHCHTONES DD CARLAC . Bernard Yves J ouin. Paris: Institut d 'Ethnologie , 194 9 . 260 pp. Map, illus . 56 . MOUVEMENTS NATIONAUX ET LUTTE DE CLASSES AU VIET-NAM. Anh Van and J acqueline Rou ssel . Paris : Imprimerie Reaumur, 1 947. - 5 ­ 57. LES MUSl~MANS DE L'INDOCHINE FRANQAISE. M. Ner. Paris: n.p. , 1941. 58. THE NATION THAT REF USED TO STARVE: THE CHALLENGE OF THE NEW VIETNAM .
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