Press Conference on 10Th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition
A pressA press conference conference on theon 10ththe 10th Anniversary Anniversary Azerbaijan Azerbaijan International International Education Education Exhibition Exhibition that thatwill bewill be organizedorganized at at the the Baku Baku Expo Expo Center Center in in partnership partnership with with the the Ministry Ministry of of Education Education was was held held on on October October 6. 6. Speakers Speakers at at thethe eventevent saidsaid AzerbaijanAzerbaijan InternationalInternational EducationEducation ExhibitionExhibition isis thethe onlyonly eventevent inin thethe fieldfield ofof educationeducation inin thethe AA totaltotal ofof 800800 companiescompanies havehave attendedattended thethe exhibitionexhibition soso far.far. ThisThis year,year, representativesrepresentatives ofof universities,universities, collegescolleges andand otherother educationaleducational institutionsinstitutions fromfrom Azerbaijan,Azerbaijan, Turkey,Turkey, Germany,Germany, Latvia, Latvia, Lithuania, Lithuania, Czech Czech Republic, Republic, Hungary, Hungary, Poland, Poland, Belarus, Belarus, Jordan Jordan will willintroduce introduce their their educational educational programs to visitors of the exhibition. AmongAmong the localthe localexhibitors exhibitors are Azerbaijanare Azerbaijan State State University University of Oil of and Oil Industry,and Industry, Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Technical Technical University, Azerbaijan State Economic University, Baku Business University, Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University,University,
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