: An adventurous, Chaotic, Love-Story ​ By: Ashlyn Hauser

Growing up, everyone has heard the story about a beautiful princess with long golden hair being locked up in a tower, then saved by her prince. However, in 2010 Disney released

Tangled, which brings the fairy tale to life. Tangled is about a princess, known as ​ ​ ​ (), living in a tower for 16 years. How’d she get there? After she was born, she was kidnapped in the middle of the night by (), the villain throughout the rest of the movie. Mothel Gothel kidnapped Rapunzel for her long, magical hair she was born with because of the flower her mother consumed when she was pregnant, and

Gothel wanted to use the magic to make herself forever young.

As her 16th birthday rolls around, Rapunzel continues to ask her “mother” if she can go outside and see what she calls the “floating lights,” which only appear on her birthday. Of course, Mother Gothel doesn’t want Rapunzel roaming around and possibly being found, so she denies the request, leaving Rapunzel left alone in the tower. However, Mother Gothel leaves for three days to get paint for Rapunzel, and during that time is when viewers meet

(), also known as Eugene, the male protagonist. He stumbles upon the tower when he’s escaping Maximus, a guard horse. As he enters, Rapunzel traps him, thinking he came to steal her hair, and he tells her that he was only being chased. Since Rapunzel has hidden his satchel, she makes him a deal. If he takes her to the floating lights, she will return his satchel.

Finally, he agrees to take her to see the “floating lights” that Mother Gothel has continuously denied her, which he later explains to her that the lights are lanterns for the lost princess. As they travel through the woods, they stumble upon many conflicts. They run into the Stabbington Brothers, who are now enemies of Flynn due to his betrayal earlier in the movie, and the royal palace’s guards, who are chasing down Flynn due to him stealing the lost princess’ crown.

Throughout their journey, Flynn discovers that Rapunzel’s hair is magical, and glows when she sings “Healing Incantation,” a special song that can bring youth and healing to people who come in contact with her hair. This at first terrifies Flynn, for it seems inhuman, but he goes along with her anyway. On the night of her birthday, they arrive near the palace, and Rapunzel is so mesmerized by the lanterns. This is where the long awaited romance between the two characters truly shines through, and truly, I may or may not cry watching this scene every single time, but let's not talk about that. The rest of the movie leaves your heart on the edge, but that’s also for you to see and not for me to tell.

This movie is truly worth a watch. It has its happy moments, and sad moments, but it’s a movie I’ve seen hundreds of times and want to watch again. With its fun soundtrack, I also love the characters in the film, and obviously my favorite is Flynn Rider.