Societyof IndianaArchivists Spring 2014 2014 ANNUAL MEETING Saturday, April 5, 2014 Indiana State Library 315 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis Annual meeting program page 4 Students Annual Meeting Scholarship Due 3/21/2014 page 8 Board Candidates page 10 Eli Lilly’s Civil War Battery and a rediscovered artifact page 14 2 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK... Anne Thomason is the Archivist and Special Collections Librarian of Lake Forest College. Mailing address: 555 North Sheridan Road, Lake Forest IL 60045 E-mail at
[email protected]. Telephone 847-735-5064 Winter may finally be coming to an end, which at meetings and work- also means it is not long until the Society of In- shops. The increases in- diana Archivists Annual Meeting! This year we clude raising individual are meeting in Indianapolis at the Indiana State dues from $10 to $20, student and volunteer Library on April 4 and 5. The preconference dues from $5 to $10, and institutional dues workshop on April 4 will cover “Wikipedia for from $15 to $30 beginning in January of 2015. Archivists”, and the annual meeting will be on Many members have asked for online registra- April 5. I did want to alert you to a mistake in tion and for meeting registration. With a dues the original registration form, which listed the increase, we will have resources necessary to price for advanced registration at $25. The price implement such a system. Not only will this be is actually $35, as written in the 2013-2014 easier for our membership, but also a new on- budget voted on at the 2013 annual business line system will remove administrative burdens meeting.