Senior Newsletter Chugwater High S c h o o l Glendo High Welcome back class of 2020! S c h o o l Hello seniors! Congratu- let me know. University of Wyoming lations, you must be excit- I look forward to working ed to be in the final sit/index.html August 2019 with you and wish you a stretch of your high Campus Pass- wonderful senior year! school career. I am Ms. September 14, 2019 Broadaway, and I am the -Sarah Broadaway Register online school counselor for Glen-
[email protected] In this Issue: do, Chugwater and missions/visit/campus- 307-316-2451 Wheatland Middle pass.html Welcome School. I will be in Chug- School Counselor Questions: 307-766-4075 Information from UW, water Wednesday morn- Other Campus Visits: Casper College, Central ing’s and in Glendo Tuesday, Wednesday, Wyoming College, Eastern Wednesday afternoons Thursday this year. I want to be Wyoming College, LCCC, request @ able to assist you in any Northwest College and Western Wyoming college way I can. I will have ns/visit/index.html Senior newsletters con- **Individual visits require at SAT and ACT infor- taining information spe- least one week notice mation cific to the class of 2020 at least once a month. UW Discovery Days: This issue I have some April 11, 2020 information about the University of Wyoming Register online @ and the community col- Inside this issue: leges in the state of Wyo- admissions/visit/ LCCC 2 ming.