June/July 2014

Kyogle Council Community Newsletter


21st their historic adventure which ended in a paddock outside on 18 June, Anniversary 1993. of Historic The pair told the crowd of the frightening reality of the 3867km balloon Journey ride which took them from Carnarvon, Western , to Tabulam in just 40 hours and 23 minutes. The balloon hurtled through the atmosphere at up to 140km an hour flying at altitudes of up to 18,000 feet. When the balloon touched down safely outside Tabulam, the pair became the Mayor Danielle Mulholland with first people to fly a hot air balloon non- Dick Smith and John Wallington in a “balloon” stop across Australia. made by local school children. During the community celebrations to mark the anniversary of the event, Dick Smith and his hot air balloon Kyogle Mayor Danielle Mulholland co-pilot John Wallington were unveiled a plan to erect a roadside welcomed back to Tabulam with marker and information bay opposite open arms on Saturday, 14 June, the balloon’s landing site. at a community celebration to Mr Smith and Mr Wallington agreed they would return to Tabulam in 2018 for the mark the 21st anniversary of the 25th anniversary of the record breaking pair’s record breaking trans- flight and see the finished information Australia balloon flight. bay. While in Tabulam, Mr Smith also About 200 people attended the matched an offer of $2750 from local community event at the Tabulam Oval, blueberry farmer Ridley Bell to enable with many getting to hear first-hand local TAFE Hospitality students to re- from Mr Smith and Mr Wallington about open the Twisted Tucker café. The move is aimed at Audio improving transparency, Recordings of building stronger Council Meetings relationships with the community and encouraging inclusion. It will mean that interested community members who are unable to attend will take Council meetings will be audio recordings of its able to hear debate on the ordinary, closed and wide ranging issues which extraordinary meetings Councillors are required to consider at every meeting. to be mailed out) within a from June this year. The audio recordings will week of a Council meeting. The recordings (except be transferred to CDs For further information for those of the closed and will be available to contact Kyogle Council’s meetings) will be available purchase from Council’s to the public to purchase administration centre for $5 administration centre on at a minimal cost. (plus postage if they have 6632 1611.

Maintenance and Kyogle Road east of Slashing will commence Construction Works have been shortly on the Clarence The first of the completed and the Way. construction crew has Roadside spraying has East of the Range now commenced works been completed on the maintenance on a bus bay at the . grading crews has intersection of Rodgers Work to replace two completed work on Road and the Bruxner timber bridges, one on Ironpot Creek Road, Highway. They will then Toonumbar Road and the move to Blackspot- other on Yabbra Road, is Dam Access Road funded works on the continuing. and Afterlee Road Clarence Way just south Works will start soon to and will move on to of . repair a landslip on the Sextonville Road and The Jetpatcher has been near then the Eden Creek working in and around the Glen Road. Kyogle and is now moving Minneys Bridge on area. to Kyogle Road and then the unsealed section The West of the Range the Sextonville, Cawongla of the Clarence Way maintenance grading and Gradys Creek areas. south of the Bruxner crew has completed Roadside slashing has Highway remains closed. works on Simpkins Creek been completed on Construction of a Rd and Morrows Rd and the Summerland Way, sidetrack to bypass the has moved to grade a Findon Creek Road and bridge is underway. A section of the Clarence Gradys Creek Road and big thank you goes to Way on the southern side is continuing on Afterlee the adjoining landowners of Minneys Bridge. Road before heading for their cooperation Construction works on to the Sextonville area. throughout the process.

2 KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014 few Ministers’ ears From the Mayor post budget and to When I was young I used to wonder what advocate as strongly there was to do in a small town. as possible for Now I know that there are so many things appropriate funding going on in our Local Government Area and consideration for that to try to attend them all would be our area. impossible, although I give it a good try! One of the most Here’s a quick selection of what I’ve been vexing issues that up to lately. Council has to deal It’s certainly been a busy few weeks. with is complaints. Since my last column, Woodenbong Now – you may think I’m talking about has hosted another successful Yamaha ratepayers and residents that aren’t happy Weekend and I’m told a good time was with Council but what I really mean is had by almost all. Well done to all the neighbours complaining to Council about organisers and supporters! each other. The Garden Club hosted a Come on everyone, there has to be a friendship day on 26 May 2014 with special better way of managing issues between guest, effervescent Costa Georgiadis from people than fronting up to Council to Gardening Australia. It was a great day complain! and I’m hoping that we can host many Sure – there are some difficult and more just like this to highlight the region’s challenging folks out there, but at least try natural beauty and its many attractions to to sit down over a cup of tea and resolve tourists and visitors alike. things face to face. Council is happy to I really do think that for many people we help if it can, but we should be the last are a hidden treasure yet to be discovered. resort, not the first port of call. Then on Saturday, 14 June, 2014, the A big thank you to everyone who came irrepressible Dick Smith, his co-pilot John along to the last Mayoral meeting at Wallington and his wife Pip joined the on Wednesday, 11 June. community to commemorate the 21st I’m really enjoying getting out and meeting anniversary of his landing at Tabulam with people across the LGA and its pleasing following his 1993 trans-Australian balloon to note the meetings have been well flight. received. What a day! It’s also great that we’ve been able to get And by the time this newsletter is published, some long standing issues resolved. I will have returned from the Australian The next Mayoral meeting will be on Local Government Association (ALGA) Wednesday, 16 July, 2014 at the Ettrick Hall annual conference in Canberra. so if you have issues you would like us to For those not familiar with the annual ALGA know about, or if you’d just like to come conference, it’s a valuable opportunity to along and say hello, I’d be very pleased to meet and discuss issues with other similar see you there. sized councils from around Australia and Simply ring and book a time with Ms Janelle see how they’re tackling some of the same McLennan at Council on 6632 0214 so that problems that we confront and of course, you won’t be kept waiting. get suggestions on better ways to deliver If you can also advise her of your issue and services to our community. contact details, this will help me to make There’s lots of innovative work happening in some background enquiries so that any other areas and this is a prime opportunity information you receive is correct and up to mine that knowledge and bring ideas to date. back for implementation in our own area. Until next time, Cr Danielle Mulholland My aim while in Canberra was to chew a Mayor Kyogle Council

KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014 3 increase of 2.3% (the State Draft Budget Government pegged limit) Feedback and increases to sewerage and water charges of 3% and 5% respectively. Kyogle Council is asking General garbage collection for the community’s fees are set to increase by feedback on its draft $11 and for the first time budget for the coming the Council is planning on charging properties outside year. the garbage collection Council adopted the draft area a $37 annual landfill Operational Plan 2014/15 management charge. and Delivery Program This is aimed at ensuring 2014/18 for public exhibition on bridge improvements all ratepayers who have at an Extraordinary Meeting and maintenance; access to council’s landfill • $5.25 million (about 20% on Monday 26 May, 2014. and waste station services of Council’s total budget) Both documents, together share the cost of operating on water, sewerage and with Council’s draft fees them. stormwater improvements and charges for 2014/15, Council is proposing to and maintenance. will be on exhibition for keep increases to most The Draft Operational Plan public comment until 23 of its other fees and and Delivery Program and June. All written submissions charges to 3%. Of council’s the draft Fees and Charges received from the public $26.14 million budget, it is can be viewed on online will be considered by the proposing to spend: at council’s website www. Council before it adopts • $7.28 million (about 27.85% kyogle.nsw.gov.au, at its final budget at an of Council’s total budget) Council’s Administration Extraordinary Meeting on on road improvements Centre, 1 Stratheden 30 June. and maintenance; Street, Kyogle and at local The draft operational • $4.1 million (about 15.6% stores and post offices plan provides for a rate of Council’s total budget) throughout the LGA. Development Applications – May 2014 DURING MAY COUNCIL RECEIVED 10 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS. 14/29 Dwelling additions 17 Gill Street, Bonalbo 14/30 Shed 79 Summerland Way, New Park 14/31 Food premises 34 Unumgar Street, Woodenbong 14/32 Dwelling additions 118 Fawcetts Plain Road, Fawcetts Plain 14/34 Swimming Pool 54 Horseshoe Creek, Horseshoe Creek 14/35 Attached Dwellings & Strata 2 Howard Court, Kyogle 14/36 Dwelling & sheds Brindle Creek Road, Loadstone 14/37 Dwelling 1046 Afterlee Road, Eden Creek 14/38 Dwelling 12 Collins Creek Road, New Park 14/39 Dwelling Sargents Road, Cawongla DURING THE SAME PERIOD, THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS WERE APPROVED: 14/28 Shed 11-29 Craig Street, Kyogle 14/29 Dwelling additions 17 Gill Street, Bonalbo 14/30 Shed 79 Summerland Way, New Park 14/34 Swimming Pool 54 Horseshoe Creek, Horseshoe Creek

4 KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014 number 1 operating two days/week between Funding & Kyogle, Woodenbong and Urbenville; Grants Service number 2, a flexible service around Wiangaree, Geneva, and Kyogle. Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Funding of $883,000 for the reinstatement of roads and bridges following the January 2013 flood. Kyogle Council has successfully applied EPA-Waste Less, Recycle More Litter for and received the following grants: Reduction Program Grant of $65,000 to Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Funding purchase dedicated event skip bin, a bin of $151,489 to repair roads and other assets lifter, 1100l and 240l mobile garbage bins and damaged in the 2013 January/February a trailer to transport the bins and lifter. floods. Department of Transport – 2013/14 Road NSW Community Facilities Development Safety and Traffic Management Program Program grant of $25,000 to upgrade facilities Grant of $45,000 for Rogers Road – Bruxner at Don Gully Oval, Kyogle. Highway bus stop. Department of Planning and Environment Department of Transport – 2013/14 Road grant of $12,500 to implement an on-line DA Safety and Traffic Management Program tracking system. Blackspot Funding 2012/13 of $220,000 for the NSW Environmental Trust/NSW Protection Clarence Way. Authority grant of $104,935 to construct a Department of Transport – 2013/14 Road community recycling centre at the Kyogle Safety and Traffic Management Program Landfill targeting low toxic problem household Blackspot Funding 2012/13 of $140,000 for waste for recycling and safe disposal. Ettrick Road. Kyogle Council has also applied for a NSW Country Passenger Transport Infrastructure Community Facilities Development Program Grants Scheme funding of $25,526 for bus grant of $25,000 for the construction of a stops at Woodenbong and Wiangaree. skate park at Woodenbong in partnership Transport NSW grant of $45,000 for the Kyogle with the Woodenbong Progress Association. Flexi Bus operating two services: Service This application is still being assessed. Chamber News There was discussion on recreating the Red On a cool 4 June morning, the Hot Sale day to be more of a festive event that attracts people to the area. Kyogle Chamber of Commerce There are three major events coming to held its monthly meeting. the Kyogle area starting at the end of There was a good roll up of 14 members July and following through until the long at the meeting and plenty of exciting weekend in October. discussion on several matters. The first event is theBorder Ranges Rally It is that time of year again when the which will be shared between the Kyogle chamber is looking for new ideas and new and Woodenbong areas over four days members to work together to keep Kyogle from 31 July to 3 August. an active and vibrant town. The final day of the event will be held at The chamber has about 35 current the Kyogle Showground. members, but would like to see the whole The inaugural Kyogle Billy Cart Bonanza will of the town contribute to its future growth be held on the Father’s Day weekend on 7 with suggestions, opinions and ideas. September. There has been eight new businesses start- Finally, the Lions TT is still a work in progress up in Kyogle in the last 12 months which is and is to be held over the long weekend in a good indication that confidence is still October. strong in the Kyogle area. With this in mind, the Kyogle Chamber The meeting discussed the recent Red of Commerce, with the support of the Hot Sale Day/Garage Sale Day and it CBD, would like to do a TV advertising was decided that in future the two events campaign to highlight the events to a should be held separately. broader audience.

KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014 5 abandoned vehicle parts, advertising material in a What is ‘depositing construction or demolition public place or open private litter’ according to material, garden remnants place other than in a mail box and clippings, soil, sand or or under a door the law? rocks and depositing, or causing b any other material, someone to deposit, The definition of substance or thing advertising material on any ‘depositing litter’ deposited in a place if vehicle. under section 144A of its size, shape, nature or A single fine for littering has volume makes the place been replaced with a tiered the Protection of the where it is deposited range of fines – these are: Environment Operations disorderly or detrimentally $60 for littering with small Act 1997 (POEO Act): affects the proper use of items such as bottle tops that place, deposited, in or Depositing litter in or on a and cigarette butts; $200 for on a place, whether or not place includes – general littering and for littering it has any value when or from vehicles; $400 for littering a dropping or throwing litter after being deposited in or in, on, into or onto the from a vehicle (corporations); on the place.’ place, or $375 for aggravated littering Littering offences are – littering b leaving litter in or on the which threatens public safety (including littering from place, or or the environment, such as vehicles): depositing litter c putting litter in such a intentionally breaking glass on land or waters in a public location that it falls, or depositing lit cigarette place or an open private descends, blows, is butts during fire season; place washed, percolates or $750 for aggravated littering aggravated littering: littering otherwise escapes or is (corporations) which is reasonably likely likely to fall, descend, blow, to cause or contribute to be washed, percolate or To read the full act go to appreciable danger or harm otherwise escape into or www.legislation.nsw.gov.au to any persons, animals, onto the place, or and search for the Protection premises or property d causing, permitting or of the Environment depositing, or causing allowing litter to fall, Operations Act 1997. someone to deposit, descend, blow, be washed, percolate or Spectacular cattle dog trials, wall to wall horses, cattle, poultry, otherwise escape into or show dogs and pavilion exhibits brought competitors and onto the place.’ spectators from far and wide to the 86th Annual Bonalbo Show Examples of depositing litter: on 2 – 3 May. This competitor in the Olympic jumping at the show • throwing confectionary was caught on camera ‘flying through the air with the greatest of wrappers and cigarette ease’ by local photography enthusiast Geoff Bateman. butts from a vehicle • leaving a food container under a park bench • stubbing a cigarette onto a footpath • allowing soil, sand or garden waste to blow from a moving vehicle ‘Litter’ includes: a ‘any solid or liquid domestic or commercial refuse, debris or rubbish and, without limiting the generality of the above, includes any glass, metal, cigarette butts, paper, fabric, wood, food, abandoned vehicles, 6 KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014 Foodbank Kicks Off

A Foodbank is about to open its doors in Kyogle. The Kyogle Seventh Day Adventist Church will operate the Foodbank agency Australia’s Foodbank organisation, the within the church building in Bloore Street Kyogle Foodbank was bound by strict (opposite the Kyogle Council Chambers). guidelines that governed its operations. It will be officially opened on Tuesday, 24 “We envisage our client base to be June, at 1.30pm by Kyogle Council Mayor primarily those who are holders of some Danielle Mulholland. form of Centrelink payment such as the The Foodbank will provide a range of Pension or Newstart Allowance,” he said. grocery items at significantly reduced prices and aims to make it easier for “Our long term goal as a Christian people in need to put a daily meal on Church group is to actively engage in the table. demonstrating those Christian principles It will open every Thursday between 10am that encourage tolerance and enhance and 3pm. relationships within the wider community Kyogle Seventh Day Adventist Church regardless of belief, race, colour, age, Elder Peter Kalytis said as an agency of status or gender.” Propogation & Seed Workshop Northern Landcare Support Services will hold a native seed and propagation workshop at the Community Nursery, Kyogle, on Saturday, 28 June, from 9am-12.30pm. It will be a practical, hands-on workshop where participants will learn how to germinate a variety of native plant seeds. Morning tea and lunch will be provided to participants. People wanting to attend the workshop are asked to contact NLSS by Thursday, 26 June, on 6632 3722. Participants are asked to come along to the day in sensible shoes and to wear a hat, sunglasses, protective clothing and sunscreen.

KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014 7 28 June and comprises a Georgiakakis family of From Kyogle collection of landscape Koustogerako, Crete who to Crete paintings that tell a story had the compassion and of the environments Ruth’s tenacity to protect the – til 28 June father lived in and the three soldiers in a foreign landscapes they both have land. The Roxy Gallery’s shared. As a practicing artist latest exhibition, ‘From Ruth’s father, Frank Ezzy Ruth has been pursuing Kyogle to Crete’ fought in the Middle East, her interest in painting, Greece and Crete from working in watercolour features paintings 1940 where he was taken and exploring the medium by Ruth Riordan that prisoner. He escaped the of oils when studying with explore environments POW camp with two other Coraki artist Joanna Burgler. across continents. Australians and all three She calls herself a lazy This is Ruth Riordan’s first were sheltered by a Cretan realist as she likes to paint solo exhibition and the farmer. scapes she sees without works in the show stem from This farmer and his family being overly realistic. Ruth has lived in the Kyogle her own journey tracing her cared and sheltered region for over 11 years father’s life story. the men for two years and actively shares her skills The exhibition runs until before they were finally evacuated in 1943. and love for painting with Ruth’s paintings show members of the Casino landscapes from two Men’s Shed painting group. different continents and tell a story of fragility, Roxy Gallery vulnerability, delicateness 143 Summerland Way, and commonality. KYOGLE Her own journey has Ph/Fax (02) 6632 3518 seen her retrace her Gallery Hours father’s footsteps to find Tues to Fri (10am to 4pm) Saturday (9.30am to 12pm) the descendants of the

Perform Kyogle a number of leading two other of his adult John Summons, theatres and was plays, Law Of The Jungle patron and judge playwright-in-residence and Two In A Room. of the Playwrights’ at Sydney’s Ensemble His children’s play, The Theatre. Shadow Boy, was the basis Competition, will be He has been a high for the firstDIRT semester. attending Perform school English, ESL, history It was from the reading Kyogle, a two-day and drama teacher and of this play the DIRT kids festival of theatre, music a lecturer in a course for developed Unbreakable, and art staged by the playwrights at Sydney’s an improvisation work with Village Hall Players. Institute of Technology. the theme of bullying. Mr Summons has been VHP’s initial public Full details of the Perform writing stories and plays performance, Grand Kyogle program will be for adults and children for Tour, was the first of John advertised in the Kyogle more than 30 years. Summons plays performed Council newsletter and As a playwright he has by the group. local newspapers over the had plays produced by VHP has since performed coming weeks.

8 KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014 Kyogle Community Gym Membership Card

All users of the Kyogle Community Gym are asked to show their membership card on entry from now on. The decision to enforce the membership rule comes after the Kyogle Together an effort to create a small profit to cover Board moved to partially staff the gym depreciation or at worse, break even. “One of the changes put into place to with volunteers in a bid to reduce costs. achieve those objectives was to have the The future of the gym came under a cloud gym partially staffed by volunteers. in the middle of last year when funding for “In order to keep some control of entry it the project ran out. became evident that we had to insist that As a result, the Kyogle Together Board, the clause in the member’s contract that which runs the gym, decided to restructure states that gym users must present their its operations to keep the facility in cards on entry, be enforced. community hands. “We realise this can be annoying, but all “It was realised that if actions were not gyms require presentation of a card or taken the community would lose not only card swipe for entry. the gym, but its youth services as well,” a “Anyone who refuses, unfortunately, will be spokesman for Kyogle Together said. unable to renew their membership when it “Rather than sell the gym for a ridiculously becomes due later this month.” small amount of money with no guarantee Kyogle Together would like to thank all that it would remain open, we decided to gym users for their co-operation in the restructure the management of the gym in matter. Hidden Treasures about their work quietly and diligently, but Communities in the Kyogle Council Hidden Treasures is our opportunity to say area are being urged to nominate thank you to some outstanding women.” women volunteers for the 2014 The NSW Government values the Hidden Treasures Honour Roll. significant contribution of the state’s two- NSW Minister for Primary Industries, Katrina million plus volunteers and the honour roll Hodgkinson, said the Hidden Treasures gives special recognition to rural women. Honour Roll created a lasting archive To nominate a woman for the honour roll, which recognised women volunteers simply complete the nomination online living and working in rural, regional and or download a nomination form and remote NSW. share a few paragraphs about why your “Rural women play an important nominee is worthy. All women nominated role in ensuring the survival of many will be included in the 2014 Roll which will important community groups including be launched at the annual NSW Rural charities, emergency services, the arts, Women’s Gathering in Coolamon on 12- environment, social justice, education 14 September 2014. and sporting organisations – without their To see who was on last year’s roll visit: valuable contributions some of these www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/rwn/activities/ groups would simply not be able to hidden-treasures. For more information, continue their good work,” she said. contact the Rural Women’s Network “Every year we are overwhelmed by the on 02 6391 3433 or email rural.women@ scope of these women’s stories, so many dpi.nsw.gov.au. Nominations close volunteers do not seek the limelight and go Wednesday, 16 July, 2014.

KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014 9 Kyogle Library News What’s happening at YOUR library in JULY?

DATES FOR THE CALENDAR All these groups are free and welcome new members, so why not drop-in, enjoy sharing your interest and make some new friends while you have a cuppa at Kyogle Library. Kyogle Literary Group: Meets the first Julie Blinco receives a Saturday morning of each month, chocolate surprise at the 10am-noon at Kyogle library. Next Kyogle Library as part of meeting 5 July. the library’s Mothers Day Kyogle Readers Group: Meets on the celebrations. Julie is pictured second Tuesday of the month from with her daughter Coral. 1.30-3pm at Kyogle library. Next meeting 8 July. The loss of a loved one is always tragic Paper Daisies Paper Crafting Group: and sometimes very sudden and funeral Meets fortnightly on Tuesdays from planning can assist at what is a difficult 10am-noon at Kyogle Library. Next time for most people. meeting 8 July. Danny and Rachel Woods, proprietors DID YOU KNOW? of A.C. Raymond Funerals, Kyogle will You or your group can use Kyogle present this free community information Library’s free public space for your and open discussion session on funeral meetings? Contact Kyogle Library staff planning at Kyogle Library. on 6632 1134 for further details. The session opens at 10am with a free Kyogle Library is the hub of the morning tea provided before the community and a great, free, central, information session begins at 10.30am, friendly location to meet, catch-up or have a chat in Kyogle. You’re welcome including open discussion and question to bring a coffee and snack to enjoy time and concluding with a cuppa at too! 11.30am. Bookings for this free information session BENTLEY ART PRIZE are essential. Contact Kyogle Library Bentley Art Prize information/entry forms pamphlets are now available from staff on 6632 1134 or call into the library Kyogle Library. Entries close 23 July, 2014. at Stratheden Street for bookings and further details. FUNERAL PLANNING A community information and KYOGLE LIBRARY STRATHEDEN STREET, discussion session on funeral planning KYOGLE NSW 2474 Ph: 6632 1134 will be held at Kyogle Library on Fax: 6632 2242 Email: rucrl@richmond Wednesday, 30 July. valley.nsw.gov.au

10 KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014 Market is held on Saturday and will conclude with Upcoming mornings in Stratheden the cutting of a birthday community events Street, Kyogle (between cake celebrating DIRT’s the Summerland Way and third birthday. Everyone is Yowie Country Market the library). To book a stall welcome and entry is by The Yowie Country Market phone Rupert on 0403 628 gold coin donation. will be held on Saturday, 28 292 or Anne on 6632 1851. Bonalbo Ball June, at the Woodenbong DIRT The Bonalbo RSL Ladies Hall and grounds. The DIRT, a program of the Auxiliary will host a ball at market always has live Village Hall Players, presents Bonalbo on the Saturday, music (jammers welcome), its end of year production 25 October. The fun will start a variety of stalls, hot food on 25 June from 4.30pm at 8pm and those attending and the Woodenbong Art to 6pm at the KMI Hall, are asked to bring their own basket supper. Tickets will Group’s kids art. Dates for Stratheden Street, Kyogle. cost $25 each. For further upcoming markets are: The production will information phone Narelle Saturday, 26 July; Saturday, include Science Fair Melt on 6665 3253 or Christine on 30 August. Down, a play written and 6665 1121. Kyogle Farmers Market performed by the students, The Kyogle Farmers improv work, a short skit Should you have an event which you would like St Brigid’s Centenary photographs which could advertised in Council’s With the St. Brigid’s Kyogle be included in the history Newsletter please email to Centenary celebrations book. [email protected] fast approaching on 16- Recipes of all sorts are also attention Janelle by the 2nd 17 August, the Centenary needed for the cook book. Monday of each month. Committee is looking for If you can help with stories, the community’s help to photos or recipes email ensure it’s a weekend to [email protected]. remember. Meanwhile, anyone The program of events visiting Kyogle for the includes an Open Day at celebrations and in need the school on Saturday, of accommodation is followed by a formal dinner asked to contact the Tourist on Saturday night. Information Centre in On Sunday, a Mass will be Kyogle on 02 6632 2700. celebrated to mark the Similarly, if you live locally centenary followed by and can offer a room to morning tea. visitors on the centenary The committee also is weekend, please ring the putting together a history VIC. book on the last 100 years The events on the and an updated version of centenary weekend are the cook book the school open to all past and current produced in the past. students, teachers, friends And it’s the two books and community members where the committee needs -- people do not need an the community’s help. invitation, They are looking for past However, anyone wanting students with stories about to attend the formal dinner their school days at St must book as places are Brigid’s and people who limited and bookings will be may have old school closing soon.

KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014 11 Council Meetings

Council Meetings: The Ordinary meeting for July will be held on Monday, 14 July, at 5pm. An Extraordinary meeting of Council to adopt the Draft Delivery Program 2014/2018 and Operational Plan 2014/2015 Councillor Contact will be held on Monday, June 30, at 5pm. Details Ordinary meetings are held on the second Monday of every A WARD month except January. Meetings start at 5pm and are held at Ross Brown the Kyogle Council Chambers, 1 Stratheden Street, Kyogle. 0427 335 168 The first item of general business is Question Time which email ross.brown@kyogle. provides an opportunity for the public to ask questions of nsw.gov.au Councillors and senior staff. To speak to Council on a specific Chris Simpson issue during the meeting, please apply in writing to the 0411 201 957 or email General Manager prior to the close of business on the day chris.simpson@kyogle. preceding the meeting for public access. nsw.gov.au Janet Wilson Kyogle Council’s office hours: 8.30am – 4pm Mon-Fri 0419 600 848 or email After hours emergency telephone number is 6626 6800 janet.wilson@kyogle. Regional Roads Information www.myroadinfo.com.au nsw.gov.au B WARD The Landfill hours are: Kyogle: 7.30am –12pm Mon to Fri John Burley and 9am – 4pm Sat & Sun Woodenbong: Tues & 6632 1436 email Sat 9am – 4pm Bonalbo: Wed & Sat 9am – 4pm john.burley@kyogle. Mallanganee: Thurs & Sun 9am – 4pm nsw.gov.au Maggie Creedy Recycling Facilities Available. 66331575 or email All landfills have recycling capabilities (if separated) maggie.creedy@kyogle. and can recover oil, paper, cardboard, steel, nsw.gov.au aluminum, glass & plastic at no charge. Robert Dwyer 6632 3352 or 0438 323 610 COMMUNITY VISION or email Working together to balance Environment, Lifestyle and [email protected]. Opportunity. gov.au OUR MISSION C WARD To meet the challenges of our unique and diverse region Danielle Mulholland OUR VALUES 0438 931 425 or email · Respect and respond to community needs danielle.mulholland@ · Improve the quality of our services kyogle.nsw.gov.au · Be open and accessible Lindsay Passfield · Act with honesty and integrity 6635 1429 or email · Value people’s contribution lindsay.passfield@kyogle. · Support the culture of teamwork, cooperation and safety nsw.gov.au Michael Reardon Kyogle Council Ph 02 6632 1611 6632 3647 email Fax 02 6632 2228 michael.reardon@kyogle. PO Box 11 Email council@ nsw.gov.au 1 Stratheden Street kyogle.nsw.gov.au KYOGLE NSW 2474 Web www.kyogle.nsw.gov.au 12 KYOGLE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER June/July 2014