PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW) Overview of Maintenance

In Otterton Parish we have approximately 20 miles of PROW’s. These being made up of footpaths, bridleways and green lanes (unclassified roads). The maintenance of these routes is getting more and more difficult with current financial constraints, and a blurring of responsibilities between County Council (DCC) District Council (EDDC) and landowners/occupiers. EDDC look after our coastal routes and with a Ranger dedicated to this work we don’t get many maintenance issues along the , but EROSION is a big problem.

The rest of the parish is overseen by DCC BUT they are only responsible for the surfaces of these routes, other maintenance is the responsibility of owners and occupiers. This responsibility is clearly set out in guidelines issued by DCC and can be viewed on line. Unfortunately what should happen in theory and the reality of routine maintenance are worlds apart. Many landowners do not have either the manpower or machinery available to carry out this work leaving many of our PROW’s in a poor state. There is the added complication of restricted times when hedges cannot be cut due to the bird-nesting season (i.e. 1st March to 31st July). However the soft vegetation growth (svg) which impinges on to PROW can be dealt with and work in Otterton is usually started late May/early June to deal with this by DCC. Owners/occupiers should therefore be dealing with this issue where their property/field abuts a road, footway, cycleway or other public right of way.

As your Volunteer Footpath Warden it is my responsibility to up any maintenance issues to our Parish Council, DCC and EDDC. I can then cajole, chase etc. to try and make sure that repairs etc. are carried out. I also endeavour to maintain signposts and gates by regular trimming of any encroaching vegetation and cleaning off dirt from the signposts.

ANCHORING HILL – A REMINDER Clinton Devon Estates - Public Access to Anchoring Hill (from Clare James, Estates Surveyor) Anchoring Hill is walked and enjoyed by many people, living in and visiting Otterton. This area is grazed by sheep and cattle throughout the year. Please may I remind all that use this land to walk only on the footpaths and to keep dogs on the lead at all times to protect the livestock. Anchoring Hill does not have open access and only the *footpaths should be used. Thank you on behalf of Clinton Devon Estates for your co-operation. (Source Otterton Parish News June 2010) * There are only two footpaths. One that runs from the village green to Rickety Bridge. The second runs from Behind the Pub out to Ottery Street. Both of these PROW are way marked.

Overview of the Current State of our PROW

Location Problem Reported Repaired/Cleared Bars Lane Standing Water W16898715 15.04.2016 Holstone Lane Surface washed out. Funding Applied 06.02.2013 for by DCC 2015/2016 Park Lane (North of Clamour) Broken railings (tree damage) 09.02.2016 FP1, North of Otterton Bridge Eroded Steps (hole) by road 19.06.2016 22.07.2016 FP9 High Peak Broken Gate Post 07.06.2016

This will be my last report as the Parish Volunteer Footpath Warden. I have decided to step down from this role after 14 years. If you have any queries or would like to volunteer with maintenance on the PROW please contact the Parish Council.

Briony Sharp, Otterton Volunteer Footpath Warden

Updated 31st July 2016 PROW – Notice Board