ARCHIVAL REPORT Sex Differences in Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Receptor-1 Action Within the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus in Stress Responsivity Alexis R. Howerton, Alison V. Roland, Jessica M. Fluharty, Anikò Marshall, Alon Chen, Derek Daniels, Sheryl G. Beck, and Tracy L. Bale

Background: Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from stress-related affective disorders. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is an important link between stress and mood, in part through its signaling in the serotonergic dorsal raphe (DR). Development of CRF receptor-1 (CRFr1) antagonists has been a focus of numerous clinical trials but has not yet been proven efficacious. We hypothesized that sex differences in CRFr1 modulation of DR circuits might be key determinants in predicting therapeutic responses and affective disorder vulnerability.

Methods: Male and female mice received DR infusions of the CRFr1 antagonist, NBI 35965, or CRF and were evaluated for stress responsivity. Sex differences in indices of neural activation (cFos) and colocalization of CRFr1 throughout the DR were examined. Whole- cell patch-clamp electrophysiology assessed sex differences in serotonin neuron membrane characteristics and responsivity to CRF. Results: Males showed robust behavioral and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responses to DR infusion of NBI 35965 and CRF, whereas females were minimally responsive. Sex differences were also found for both CRF-induced DR cFos and CRFr1 co-localization throughout the DR. Electrophysiologically, female serotonergic neurons showed blunted membrane excitability and divergent inhibitory postsynaptic current responses to CRF application.

Conclusions: These studies demonstrate convincing sex differences in CRFr1 activity in the DR, where blunted female responses to NBI 35965 and CRF suggest unique stress modulation of the DR. These sex differences might underlie affective disorder vulnerability and differential sensitivity to pharmacologic treatments developed to target the CRF system, thereby contributing to a current lack of CRFr1 antagonist efficacy in clinical trials.

none of the CRFr1 antagonists brought to clinical trial over the Key Words: Corticotropin releasing factor, CRF receptor-1, dorsal past decade have successfully completed a Phase III trial raphe nucleus, GABA, parvalbumin, serotonin, sex, stress [reviewed in Koob and Zorrilla (26)]. Considerable evidence supports the involvement of CRFr1 in tress-mediated affective disorders such as and stress modulation of the serotonergic (5-HTergic) dorsal raphe show a marked sex disparity, affecting women at nucleus (DR) in regulation of mood and affect (27–30). Robust sex S nearly twice the rate of men (1,2). Corticotropin-releasing differences exist across the stress-serotonin system, where factor (CRF) represents an important link between stress and females exhibit greater corticosterone and behavioral (anxio- mood regulation (3–6). Studies have suggested that stress- genic) responses to acute selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) induced elevations in CRF contribute to neuropsychiatric disease treatment (31–34). A disruption in the ability of CRF to regulate development through excessive activation of its type 1 receptor, 5-HT circuits during chronic stress is implicated in affective corticotropin-releasing factor receptor-1 (CRFr1) (7–15). Conse- disorder pathophysiology (35–38). Thus, we hypothesized that quently, CRFr1 has received considerable attention as a novel sex differences in CRFr1 activation within the DR might contrib- pharmaceutical target for the treatment of stress-related affective ute, in part, to an increased female predisposition to stress- disorders; GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Neurocrine Biosciences, induced affective disorders and might underlie disparities DuPont/Bristol-Myers Squibb, and others have developed CRFr1 between predicted outcomes from preclinical studies and those small molecule antagonists toward this end [recently reviewed in in clinical trials for CRFr1 antagonists. Paez-Pereda et al. (16)]. However, despite compelling results for antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like effects of these drugs in pre-clinical studies in rodents and nonhuman primates (17–25), Methods and Materials Subjects From the Department of Animal Biology (ARH, AVR, JMF, TLB), University A total of 268 adult male and female littermate mice were of Pennsylvania; Department of Anesthesia (SGB), Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Depart- used for all experiments. Mice were maintained under a 12-hour ment of Psychology (AM, DD), University at Buffalo, State University of light/dark cycle with ad libitum access to food and water. For New York, Buffalo, New York; and the Department of Neurobiology behavioral experiments and electrophysiological studies, C57Bl/ (AC), Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. 6:129S/J F1 hybrid mice were obtained from the Jackson Authors ARH and AVR contributed equally to this work. Laboratory (Bar Harbor, Maine) or bred in house. For CRFr1 Address correspondence to Tracy L. Bale, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, colocalization studies, mice with fluorescent-labeled CRFr1 con- Department of Animal Biology, 201E Old Vet, 3800 Spruce Street, taining neurons were generated as previously described (39). Philadelphia, PA 19104-6046; E-mail: [email protected]. Mice received implantation between ages 7 and 8 weeks, were Received Jul 1, 2013; revised Sep 26, 2013; accepted Oct 16, 2013. allowed to recover for at least 1 week, and were behaviorally

0006-3223/$36.00 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2014;75:873–883 & 2014 Society of Biological Psychiatry 874 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2014;75:873–883 A.R. Howerton et al. tested in age-matched cohorts at 8–20 weeks of age. Mice were Gene Expression Analysis singly housed after cannulation to prevent disturbance of the Brains were collected from experimentally naive adult male cannulae. For electrophysiological experiments, slices were and female mice. Female brains were collected in diestrus. Gene obtained from mice at 9–13 weeks of age. Mice were individ- expression of CRFr1, CRFr2, CRF binding protein, TPH2, and γ- ually housed for 7–12 days before recording, to mimic the aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor subunits alpha-1, alpha-2, housing conditions of behavioral studies. All studies were delta, and gamma-2 were determined by quantitative Taqman conducted in accordance with experimental protocols real-time polymerase chain reaction as previously described approved by the University of Pennsylvania Institutional Animal (49,50) (details in Supplement 1). Use and Care Committee and, where applicable, by the Institu- tional Animal Care and Use Committee of the Weizmann Immunofluorescence and CRFr1 Localization Institute of Science. Dual immunofluorescence was performed to detect enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) and TPH or parvalbumin in DR Stereotaxic Surgery and Placement Verification sections from paraformaldehyde-fixed male and female CRFr1- Mice were anesthetized with isofluorane and implanted with a GFP mice (51) (details in Supplement 1). 26-gauge guide cannula (Plastics One, Roanoke, Virginia) with a stereotaxic instrument (Kopf, Tujunga, California) positioned Electrophysiology 1 mm from the DR with the following coordinates (from brain A modified procedure based on the method of Challis et al. surface): AP 4.36 mm, ML ϩ 1.5 mm, DV 2.0 mm, angled 26 (52) was used (details in Supplement 1). degrees (40). At the end of each study, mice were transcardially perfused, and cannula placement was verified on the basis of the Data Analysis and Statistics termination point of the injector as estimated from the location of Total corticosterone was analyzed by multivariate analysis of scar tissue in 50-μm sections through the DR. Mice with incorrect variance (ANOVA) (drug time). Behavioral measures were cannulae placement were dropped from the statistical analysis. analyzed by two-way ANOVA (sex drug). Subsequent one- Group sizes reported represent the final group size after subjects way analyses were performed on data within sex, with Dunnett’s with incorrect placements were omitted. test used to identify significant post hoc comparisons. Student t test was used to compare gene expression between males and Drugs and Microinfusion females. To determine CRFr1 counts, a generalized linear mixed All drugs were reconstituted in distilled water, aliquotted, and model was employed to analyze GFP count sex subregion frozen until the day of use. Fresh aliquots were dissolved in with a Poisson distribution. Assuming a binomial distribution, artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) (Tocris, Bristol, United King- further analyses were made to predict the likelihood that a given dom) immediately before behavioral testing. NBI 35965 (Tocris), a GFP-immunoreactive (-ir) cell co-expressed parvalbumin or TPH. highly selective CRFr1 antagonist, was used at .44 ng, 1000 times Data are reported as estimated effect size Ϯ 95% confidence the Ki (41). Ovine CRF (Sigma, St. Louis, Missouri) was used intervals. Significance was determined as p Ͻ .05, with 95% because of its higher affinity for CRFr1 (42). Doses (1 ng and confidence intervals not bounding zero. Statistics were performed 50 ng) were selected on the basis of previous studies of DR in R software. For electrophysiological studies, results of 5-HTergic infusion of this to preferentially target CRFr1 (43,44). Drug neuron response to CRF were compared between males and in .25 μL ACSF was infused over 1 min through a microinjector females via two-way repeated measures ANOVA and post hoc attached to polyethylene tubing connected to a 10 μL Hamilton Tukey tests employing sex and drug (6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2, syringeonaninfusionpump(KDScientific, Holliston, Massachusetts). 3-dione [DNQX] vs. DNQX ϩ CRF) as the independent variables. Drug or ACSF (.50 μL) was perfused through the microinjector to Statistics were performed with JMP8 (SAS, Cary, North Carolina) ensure patency between injections. software; data are reported as mean Ϯ SEM.

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Assessment Testing was performed during a 4-hour period beginning Results 1 hour after lights-on. Tail blood (10 μL) was collected imme- diately before DR infusion and at 30, 45, 60, and 120 min post DR Infusions of NBI 35965 or CRF Preferentially Alter Male injection. Between the 30- and 45-min collections, mice in the NBI Corticosterone Production 35965 study were restrained in a 50-mL conical tube with a The 5-HT output from the DR has modulatory activity on the 5-mm air hole. Corticosterone was measured as described hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (34,35). The CRF regu- previously (45). lation of DR neurons could therefore influence HPA responsive- ness. Thus, we assessed the effect of CRFr1 antagonism within the Behavioral Testing DR on the corticosterone response to restraint stress (Figure 1). The tail suspension test (TST) and light-dark box (LD) were The NBI significantly blunted corticosterone levels in males (F1,9 ¼ performed on separate cohorts of mice 30 min after drug or ACSF 7.085, p ¼ .026). The effect of NBI was manifested as a reduction infusion. Methods were similar to those described previously in the rise time from 0 to 30 min before restraint (t9 ¼ 3.191, p ¼ (36,46) (details in Supplement 1). .011) and a reduction in total corticosterone produced through- out the course of the experiment (area under the curve) (t9 ¼ cFos Immunohistochemistry 2.794, p ¼ .021). In females, NBI did not significantly impact To assess CRF-induced neuronal activation in the DR, double corticosterone production (F1,10 ¼ .1180, p ¼ .7383). We next labeling immunohistochemistry for cFos and tryptophan hydrox- tested the effect of CRF infusion on the HPA axis. In males, CRF ylase (TPH) was performed on DR sections from mice sacrificed 90 significantly increased corticosterone (F1,17 ¼ 5.926, p ¼ .026). min after CRF or ACSF infusion. Methods were similar to those In females, CRF did not significantly affect corticosterone described previously (47,48) (details in Supplement 1). (F1,18 ¼ 1.28, p ¼ .27). A.R. Howerton et al. BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2014;75:873–883 875

Male Female 300 500 ACSF 50000 ACSF 100000 NBI 35965 NBI 35965 400 40000 80000 200 300 30000 60000

20000 200 40000 100 Area (min*ng/ml) 10000 100 Area (min*ng/ml) 20000 Corticosterone (ng/ml) Corticosterone (ng/ml) CRFr1 Antagonist 0 0 0 0 0 30 45 60 120 ACSF NBI 0304560 120 ACSF NBI Time (min) Time (min)

Female 250 Male 600 ACSF 40000 ACSF 80000 CRF 50 ng CRF 50 ng 200 30000 400 60000 150 CRF 20000 40000 100 200 10000 20000 Area (min*ng/ml) 50 Area (min*ng/ml) Corticosterone (ng/ml) Corticosterone (ng/ml)

0 0 0 0 0 304560 120 ACSF CRF 0 304560 120 ACSF CRF Time (min) Time (min) Figure 1. Dorsal raphe infusion of the corticotropin-releasing factor receptor-1 (CRFr1) small molecule antagonist NBI 35965 (A–D) or 50 ng CRF (E–H) had male-specific effects on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responsiveness. (A,C) Time course of corticosterone response to a 15-min restraint (indicated by shaded region) in males (A) and females (C). (B,D) Area under the curve analysis demonstrated a significant reduction of corticosterone output by NBI 35965 in males (B) but not in females (D). (E–H) Corticosterone response to infusion of 50 ng CRF in males (E,F) and females (G,H). Area under the curve analysis demonstrated that CRF enhancement of corticosterone release was specific to males (F). Data are presented as mean values Ϯ SEM (n ¼ 8). *p Ͻ .05 in comparison with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF).

Male-Specific Effects of DR Infusion of NBI 35965 and CRF on DR Infusion of CRF Increases cFos in Males But Decreases cFos Stress Coping and Anxiety-Like Behaviors in Females To assess the role of DR CRFr1 in modulating stress coping To determine whether sex differences in behavioral responsive- behavior of male and female mice, the TST was performed 30 min ness to CRF in the DR were associated with differential patterns of after infusion of NBI 35965 or vehicle (ACSF) (Figure 2). We neuronal activation, we next assessed cFos immunoreactivity after detected a significant interaction of sex and NBI on latency to infusion of CRF or ACSF (Figure 3, Table 1). In males, CRF increased become immobile (F1,37 ¼ 6.654, p ¼ .014), where NBI increased the number of cFos-positive cells across the DR (F1,65 ¼ 14.79, p Ͻ latency in males (p ¼ .015) but not in females (p ¼ .37). There was .001), whereas in females, CRF reduced the number of cFos-positive a trend toward an interaction effect of NBI on immobility in the cells (F1,56 ¼ 7.563, p ¼ .008). Subregion analysis indicated that this TST, where NBI reduced immobility in males and increased interaction was present in dorsomedial (F1,17 ¼ 6.216, p ¼ .023), immobility in females, although this effect failed to reach ventromedial (F1,19 ¼ 5.590, p ¼ .029), and lateral wing subregions statistical significance (F1,40 ¼ 2.651, p ¼ .11). of the DR (rostral, F1,24 ¼ 7.300, p ¼ .013; caudal, F1,21 ¼ 7.359, p ¼ The observed sex difference in response to the CRFr1 .013). The CRF had a similar effect of increasing cFos-positive cells in antagonist suggested potential sex differences in the response both male and female rostral DR (F1,21 ¼ 12.38, p ¼ .002), and no to CRF. To address this possibility, we next assessed the effect of significant main effects were found in the caudal DR. two doses (1 ng, 50 ng) of CRF infusion on behavior in the TST. The 1-ng dose of CRF was ineffective to change immobility or CRFr1 Is Expressed Differentially Throughout Subdivisions of latency to become immobile on either test, suggesting ineffective the DR in Males and Females local concentrations were achieved. The 50-ng dose of CRF We next assessed whether the observed sex differences in decreased immobility (F2,26 ¼ 3.467, p ¼ .046) and increased responsiveness to the CRFr1 antagonist or CRF were due to latency to become immobile (F2,26 ¼ 8.684, p ¼ .001) in males differences in transcript levels of genes relevant to CRF and 5-HT and was without effect in females. signaling. We quantified the relative expression of CRFr1, CRFr2, To assess anxiety-like behavior, mice were tested in the LD. and CRF-binding protein messenger RNA (mRNA) in DR micro- The NBI had no effect in either sex on any parameter. However, as punches from experimentally naïve male and female mice with behavioral outcomes in the TST, where 1-ng dose CRF was (Figure 4A). We observed no difference in the mRNA levels of without effect, 50-ng dose CRF had sex-specific effects on any of these relevant transcripts. Because we predict that some of behavior, increasing latency to exit the light compartment (F2,26 our observed behavioral and physiological differences might be ¼ 5.313, p ¼ .011), and total time spent in the light compartment GABA-mediated, we also quantified the relative expression of (F2,26 ¼ 5.024, p ¼ .014) in males but not females. In males, 50 ng GABA receptor subunits alpha-1, alpha-2, delta, and gamma-2, CRF also reduced the number of transitions between compart- which play important roles in receptor kinetics. We observed no ments (F2,26 ¼ 4.915, p ¼ .016) but did not affect distance sex difference in mRNA in any of these receptor subunits. As has traveled in the light (normalized to time spent in the light), been previously described, we detected differences in TPH2, with indicating that the animals did not freeze while in the light females expressing 1.62-fold higher levels relative to males (t1,8 ¼ compartment. 2.652, p ¼ .029) (53–55). 876 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2014;75:873–883 A.R. Howerton et al.

100 200 TST ACSF ACSF CRF 175 NBI 35965 80 150

60 125 100 40 75 Latency (sec) Immobility (sec)

50 Male 20 25

Male Female Male Female 250 50 LD

200 40

150 30

100 20 Light Time (sec)

50 10 Female Escape Latency (sec)

Male Female Male Female

120 150 350 TST ACSF Male 100 125 CRF 1ng 300 Female CRF 50 ng 250 80 100 * 200 60 75 150 40 50 Latency (sec) Immobility (sec) 100 20 25 50 Male Female Male Female 0 400 200 LD -50 -100 300 150 (CRF-ACSF Response) -150 Change in Fos-positive cells 200 100 -200

Light Time (sec) 100 50 rDR dmDR vmDR cDR rLW cLW total Escape Latency (sec)

0 0 Figure 3. A 50-ng corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) infusion elicited Male Female Male Female differential patterns of neuronal activation in males and females across Figure 2. Males and females show divergent behavioral responses to dorsal raphe (DR) subregions. (A–D) Representative dorsomedial (dmDR) corticotropin-releasing factor receptor-1 (CRFr1) antagonism (A–D) or CRF sections show cFos induction 90 min after CRF infusion is enhanced in (E–H) infusion into the dorsal raphe. (A,B) Effects of CRFr-1 antagonist NBI males (A,B) but reduced in females (C,D). (E) Fos-positive cell counts from 35965 on total immobile time (A) and latency to first bout of immobility DR subregions demonstrate increased counts in males but reduced counts (B) in the tail suspension test (TST). Males showed a greater latency to in females, particularly in dmDR and rLW and cLW subregions. Values immobility. (C,D) CRFr1 antagonism had no effect in the light-dark box represent the difference in mean number of Fos-positive cells in sections (LD) on measures of total time spent in the light compartment (C) or from mice administered CRF or artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ASCF). Data latency to first exit from the light compartment (D). (E–H) Behavioral represent the difference in averages from 7–9 mice/group. *p Ͻ .05. cDR, effects of 1-ng and 50-ng corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) infusion caudal dorsal raphe; cLW, caudal lateral wing; rDR, rostral dorsal raphe; demonstrated no effect of the 1-ng dose but male-specific effects of the rLW, rostral lateral wing; vmDR, ventromedial dorsal raphe. 50-ng dose. The 50-ng CRF infusion reduced immobile time (E) and increased latency to immobility (F) in males in the TST and increased both total light time (G) and latency to exit the light (H) in males in the LD. Data are presented as mean values Ϯ SEM (n ¼ 8). *p Ͻ .05 in comparison the DR. In females, the probability that a given GFP-ir cell co- with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF). expressed parvalbumin was lower than in males (2.535 Ϯ 4.819, .259; p ¼ .0291). The probability that a given GFP-ir After finding no differences in CRFr1 gene expression, we cell co-expressed TPH was Ͻ25% in all subdivisions, regardless of hypothesized that sex differences in responsivity to CRFr1 sex, except within the rDR, where males displayed significantly antagonist or CRF might be due to differences in the neuro- more co-localization with TPH than females (2.16 Ϯ 3.736, transmitter cell type expressing CRFr1. Because current available .583; p ¼ .007). antibodies are unable to distinguish between CRFr1 and CRFr2, we used a CRFr1-GFP transgenic mouse in which GFP is tran- 5-HT Neurons in Females Demonstrate Reduced Excitability scribed under the control of the CRFr1 promoter to identify and a Blunted Response to CRF CRFr1 positive neurons in the DR (Figure 4b–n) (39). Sections To investigate physiological differences in DR 5-HT neurons of throughout the DR from these mice were dual labeled for either males and females, whole-cell electrophysiological recordings GFP and parvalbumin to identify putative GABAergic neurons were conducted with current-clamp and voltage-clamp techni- expressing CRFr1 or GFP and TPH to identify serotonergic neurons ques (Figure 5, Table 2). Data from a total of 21 neurons, with expressing CRFr1. In accordance with our CRFr1 mRNA data, current-clamp recordings, were analyzed (9 from 6 male mice, 12 there were no sex differences in overall number of GFP-ir cells from 7 female mice). Cellular characteristics that were measured, (.542 Ϯ 1.59, ϩ.053; p ¼ .0796). However, we observed a sex included resting membrane potential, resistance, time constant difference in co-localization of GFP-ir cells throughout regions of (tau), after hyperpolarization, and action potential amplitude, A.R. Howerton et al. BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2014;75:873–883 877

Table 1. Dorsal Raphe Nucleus cFos Response ACSF CRF (50 ng) Delta (CRF–ACSF) Sex Effect CRF Effect Interaction

Rostral .1418 .002 .6555 Male (6,7) 41.333 Ϯ 7.923 83.857 Ϯ 14.825 42.524 Female (6,6) 29.883 Ϯ 6.161 62.667 Ϯ 9.535 32.784 Dorsomedial .4301 .713 .0233 Male (6,6) 86.833 Ϯ 22.237 151.167 Ϯ 26.734 64.334 Female (4,5) 120.750 Ϯ 8.958 73.200 Ϯ 17.971 47.55 Ventromedial .5753 .2026 .0289 Male (6,6) 42.667 Ϯ 10.899 90.167 Ϯ 17.884 47.5 Female (5,6) 65.800 Ϯ 10.874 52.333 Ϯ 9.175 13.467 Caudal .0822 .1358 .5761 Male (5,7) 66.400 Ϯ 12.335 91.286 Ϯ 12.718 24.886 Female (6,5) 51.500 Ϯ 9.258 63.000 Ϯ 11.000 11.5 rLW .1836 .1472 .0125 Male (7,7) 212.429 Ϯ 24.094 250.143 Ϯ 36.476 37.714 Female (6,8) 254.167 Ϯ 38.640 122.625 Ϯ 26.071 131.542 cLW .7914 .9231 .013 Male (7,7) 124.714 Ϯ 18.139 216.714 Ϯ 36.973 92 Female (4,7) 204.750 Ϯ 52.744 119.143 Ϯ 25.842 85.607 Sample sizes vary because some sections were excluded from data analysis due to poor tissue quality. ACSF, artificial cerebrospinal fluid; cLW, caudal lateral wing; CRF, corticotropin-releasing factor; rLW, rostral lateral wing. width, and threshold. Characterization of male and female 5-HT regulation of DR circuits are a key determinant in affective neurons revealed females to have a significantly depolarized disorder vulnerability and might be important in predicting resting membrane potential (t13 ¼ 2.498, p ¼ .027) and a reduced therapeutic outcomes. tau (t12 ¼ 2.225, p ¼ .046) relative to males. No other membrane In our studies, male and female mice received an infusion of characteristics differed between males and females. However, a the CRFr1 small molecule antagonist, NBI 35965, or one of two nonlinear regression on the frequency-current (F-I) plot of male doses of CRF directly into the DR and were evaluated for changes and female 5-HT neurons revealed male neurons to have a in physiological and behavioral stress responsiveness. The NBI greater excitability (slope) compared with females (F1,158 ¼ 35965 in the DR significantly blunted corticosterone levels in 8.929, p ¼ .003), firing at 27.28 Hz versus 14.83 Hz, to a maximal response to a restraint stress only in males. Similarly, CRF infused injected current of 160 pA. into the DR in the absence of restraint significantly elevated Voltage-clamp recordings of GABAergic inhibitory postsynaptic corticosterone production above the levels induced by intra- currents (IPSCs), isolated by the addition of DNQX, revealed several cranial injection only in males (34,59). The 5-HT system is a known functional differences between male and female 5-HT neurons. In activator of the HPA axis, where selective SSRIs and 5-HT agonists response to the addition of CRF (30 nmol/L), males and females increase corticosterone production during and independent of showed differential changes in the initial first decay time (t10 ¼ stress (60). Although direct innervation of the paraventricular 2.673, p ¼ .023), with males showing an increase (ϩ2.148 Ϯ 1.376) nucleus (PVN) has been reported (61–63), 5-HTergic fibers from and females showing a decrease (2.380 Ϯ 1.045) compared with the DR also heavily innervate the GABAergic neurons of the PVN- DNQX alone. Males and females also exhibited a divergent CRF- surround (64). Therefore, CRF-mediated changes in 5-HT output mediated change in rise time (t11 ¼ 2.802, p ¼ .0187), and half could modulate this axis through a disinhibition of medial width (t11 ¼ 5.994, p Ͻ .0001); in both measures males showed an parvocellular neurons. We have previously demonstrated sex increase, whereas females showed a decrease. differences in this pathway, with females showing a greater corticosterone response to peripheral SSRI administration com- pared with males (34,47). Thus, a male-specific response to Discussion administration of NBI 35965 and CRF directly into the DR suggests a unique sex-specific mechanism upstream of the PVN, including Stress-mediated affective disorders display significant sex potential differences in CRFr1 co-localization or signaling within differences in incidence and treatment efficacy (1,56). The CRFr1 the DR. is a key mediator of neuroendocrine and behavioral stress In our assessment of behavioral stress coping strategies, responses, in part through signaling in the 5-HTergic DR (27– including the TST, only males again showed a significant effect 30). Because there are known sex differences in the DR, of NBI 35965 to increase the latency to immobility and of CRF dysregulation of 5-HTergic signaling might to contribute to infusion to reduce the immobile time. Although NBI 35965 increased disease risk in females (57,58). Development of CRFr1 infusion produced no significant changes in male or female mice small molecule antagonists has been a major focus in clinical trials in the LD, CRF at the higher dose again increased time spent in for more than a decade, but these compounds have been largely the light and escape latency only in males. These findings are unsuccessful. Although preclinical studies have predominantly consistent with behavioral effects reported in previous studies for been conducted in males, the majority of clinical trials have either systemically administered CRFr1 antagonists and CRFr1 gene focused on female patient populations or been underpowered deletion, implicating the DR as a key brain region mediating to evaluate gender differences in study outcomes (Table 3). these outcomes (9,10). Interestingly, in our current studies, both Therefore, we hypothesized that sex differences in CRFr1 CRF and NBI 35965 infusions produced similar effects in the TST. 878 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2014;75:873–883 A.R. Howerton et al.

Figure 4. CRFr1 is expressed on different cell popula- 2.5 60 tions in males and females. (A) Expression of genes Male Male Female Female relevant to CRF and serotonergic signaling in the DR. 2.0 * There were no sex differences in messenger RNA levels 40 of CRFr1, CRFr2, CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP), γ-amino- 1.5 butyric acid receptor (GABR) subunits α1, α2, δ,orγ2; however, tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH)2 was signifi- 1.0 20 cantly higher in females. Data are presented as fold change relative to the mean value in males Ϯ SEM (n ¼ 0.5 Relative expression 5); *p Ͻ .05 compared with males. (B) Regional but no Number of GFP+ Cells sex differences in number of green fluorescent protein- 0.0 0 immunoreactive (GFP-ir) cells throughout subregions of 1 2 2 R R rDR the DR. (C,D) Brain atlas diagrams depict the region TPH2 cDR cLW rLW CRFr1 CRFr2 dmDR vmDR CRF BP GAB GABR GABRGAB viewed in the representative images of (C) the rLW and (D) the dmDR. Atlas diagrams reprinted from Paxinos and Franklin (49) with permission from Elsevier, copy- right 2004. (E–L) Representative, split channel confocal Aq Aq images from the rLW (E,G) and the dmDR (I,K) highlight dm these regional differences in GFP expression. Sections were dual-labeled with anti-parvalbumin (PV) (F,G) and rLW ϩ Bregma -4.72 Bregma -4.60 anti-TPH (J,K) to identify the phenotype of GFP cells in the DR. Arrows denote location of GFP-ir cells enlarged to illustrate co-localization (single arrow, GFP only; double arrow, co-localized). Examples of GFP-ir cell bodies with (left) or without (right) co-localization of PV (H) and TPH (L) show that GFP is transcribed by a subset GFP PV GFP TPH of both types. (M,N) Probability that a given GFP-ir cell colocalizes with PV (M) or TPH (N). Females presented with an overall reduction in the probability that a given GFP-ir cell colocalizes with PV (N) and reduced likelihood that GFP-ir cells within the rDR colocalize with TPH. Data are presented as an average probability Ϯ SEM. *p Ͻ .05 in comparison with male. Other abbreviations as in Figure 3. Merge Merge

1.0 1.0 Male Male Female * Female 0.8 0.8

* 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 Probability of PV+/GFP+ Cell 0.0 Probability of TPH+/GFP+ Cell 0.0

W W rDR cDR cLW rL rDR cDR cL rLW dmDR vmDR dmDR vmDR

It might be that interactions with CRFr2, which is also found in To test whether sex differences in neuronal activation by CRF the DR, and/or alternate DR projections might account for might underlie sex differences we detected in physiological and differences in this behavior (36,65,66). Because the DR has a behavioral stress responses, we analyzed numbers of cFos heterogeneous cell population involved in the complex regula- positive cells after infusion of the behaviorally effective 50-ng tion of 5-HT neurotransmission throughout the brain, the local- dose of CRF into the DR. No significant sex differences in basal ization of CRF receptors on different cell types and their cFos staining after vehicle infusion were detected, suggesting recruitment likely determines specificity in 5-HT release (27,28). similar basal cellular activation in the DR. However, CRF infusion Similar paradoxical findings have been reported for other CNS into the DR resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of cFos receptor systems involved in complex behaviors (67,68).In positive cells in males and a paradoxical reduction in females. This support of our hypothesis, these data demonstrate striking sex lack of an appreciable effect of CRF infusion in females supports differences in stress responses to DR infusion of a CRFr1 the specificity of CRF administration to the DR with minimal antagonist or CRF. diffusion into the cerebral aqueduct, because the latter would be A.R. Howerton et al. BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2014;75:873–883 879

DNQX CRF Figure 5. Males and females exhibit differences in baseline characteristics as well as divergent responses to bath applied corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). 100 pA (A) Representative inhibitory postsynaptic current trace. (B,C) Scaled inhibitory postsynaptic currents averaged from a single male (B) and female (C) illustrating the 2 min effect of DNQX and CRF on half-width. Insets (B’,C’) – Baseline illustrate sex difference in effect of CRF on rise time. (D F) CRF increases rise (D), half-width (E), and decay time DNQX (F) in males and decreases these measures in females. CRF (G) Males exhibit increased excitability compared with females to a series of current injections. Values represent 5.3 pA 5.3 pA the difference in response of CRF–DNQX (n ¼ 7–9). *p Ͻ .05.

5 ms 5 ms

0.8 1.50 6 35 Male 1.25 5 0.6 30 Female 1.00 4 25 0.4 0.75 3 20 0.50 2

0.2 Decay (ms) 15 0.25 1 10 0.0 0.00 0 Frequency (Hz) Rise time (ms)

Half-Width (ms) 5 -0.25 -1 -0.2 0 -0.50 -2 20 40 60 80 -0.4 -0.75 -3 100 120 140 160 Current Injection (pA) expected to augment corticosterone irrespective of sex (34,69). Within the DR, there is a well-described topographical organ- These sex differences were most apparent in the dorsomedial and ization, where GABAergic interneurons exhibit tight control over lateral wings of the DR, regions previously implicated in uncon- the tonic and activity-mediated release of 5-HT (27,28,74). To test trollable stress and anxiety (28,70,71). Immunohistochemical the hypothesis that divergent sex responses to CRF application evidence supports a dense CRF innervation of these DR sub- within the DR might be due to differences in CRFr1 localization on regions, where CRF fibers primarily contact GABA-containing functionally distinct neuronal populations, we used a CRFr1- dendrites (27,72,73). Thus, differences in the number of CRF- driven GFP transgenic reporter mouse line to quantify sex responsive GABAergic neurons in females could account for the differences in co-expression of CRFr1 (39). Because the available observed reduction in activation detected in these mice. antibodies for the CRF receptors are known to be of poor quality

Table 2. Cell Characteristics

Passive Cell Characteristics Sex (n) Vm rest (mV) R (mW) Decay (msec) AP Threshold (mV) AP Amp (mV) AHP Amp (mV)

M(7–9) 68.41 Ϯ 3.60 663.01 Ϯ 102.1 28.18 Ϯ 3.93 33.57 Ϯ 1.75 53.67 Ϯ 5.59 26.80 Ϯ 2.82 F(6–10) 54.78 Ϯ 3.50 629.89 Ϯ 78.89 31.33 Ϯ 2.95 35.02 Ϯ 1.81 60.97 Ϯ 7.40 25.71 Ϯ 2.56 Active Cell Characteristics Amplitude (pA) Frequency (Hz) AUC (pA) Rise (msec) Half-Width (msec) Decay (msec)

Baseline Male 20.3.75 Ϯ 2.49 4.30 Ϯ .69 146.39 Ϯ 18.25 1.80 Ϯ .12 3.40 Ϯ .31 2.69 Ϯ .72 Female 23.60 Ϯ 2.48 4.69 Ϯ 1.47 131.89 Ϯ 15.01 2.07 Ϯ .22 2.92 Ϯ .28 1.73 Ϯ .19 DNQX Male 24.58 Ϯ 2.71 .98 Ϯ .21 254.44 Ϯ 17.81 2.27 Ϯ .16 7.02 Ϯ .85 5.29 Ϯ 1.06 Female 22.26 Ϯ 2.49 .86 Ϯ .27 216.67 Ϯ 20.70 2.65 Ϯ .25 7.16 Ϯ .55 6.38 Ϯ 1.56 CRF Male 28.75 Ϯ 5.48 1.03 Ϯ .20 340.03 Ϯ 62.35 2.49 Ϯ .22 8.08 Ϯ .70 8.14 Ϯ 2.81 Female 27.85 Ϯ 3.58 1.48 Ϯ .67 252.62 Ϯ 26.35 2.49 Ϯ .24 7.03 Ϯ .61 4.90 Ϯ .82 Delta (CRF–DNQX) Male 4.17 Ϯ 4.22 .05 Ϯ .11 85.59 Ϯ 58.52 .22 Ϯ .14a 1.06 Ϯ .19a 2.85 Ϯ 1.83a Female 5.59 Ϯ 3.48 .62 Ϯ .45 35.95 Ϯ 9.38 .16 Ϯ .10a .14 Ϯ .11a 1.48 Ϯ 1.35a

AHP, after hyperpolarization; AP, action potential; AUC, area under the curve; CRF, corticotropin-releasing factor; DNQX, 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3- dione. aSignificant sex differences on the basis of t test. 880 ILPYHAR 2014;75:873 PSYCHIATRY BIOL

Table 3. Clinical Trials Targeting CRFr1 for Treatment of Major Depression and Anxiety Disorders Compound Trial Title Indication Sex Total (M/F) Phase Status Results Identifier

NBI-34041a High-affinity CRF1 NBI-34041: Elevated stress response Male 24 (24/0) Phase 2a Completed Success Ising et al. (2007) (83) preclinical and clinical data suggest safety and efficacy in attenuating elevated stress response BMS-562086 ()b Multi-site, double-blind, placebo-controlled Depression Female 271 (0/271) Phase 1/2 Completed Undisclosed NCT00135421 study in major depression

b –

BMS-562086 (Pexacerfont) Multi-site, double-blind, placebo-controlled Anxiety Female 260 (0/260) Phase 2/3 Completed Fail NCT00481325 883 study in generalized GSK561679 ()c Multi-site, double-blind, placebo-controlled Depression Female 150 (0/150) Phase 2 Completed Undisclosed NCT00733980 study in major depression GSK561679 (Verucerfont)c Effects of CRH1 antagonism on stress- Anxiety Female 37 (0/37) Phase 2 Suspended Undisclosed NCT01187511 induced craving in alcoholic women with high anxiety NBI-30775 (R121919)d Effects of the high-affinity corticotropin- Depression Both 24 (13/11) Phase 2a Terminated Elevated liver Zobel et al. (2000) (84) releasing hormone receptor 1 antagonist enzymes R121919 in major depression: the first 20 patients treated CP-316,311e Multi-site, double-blind, placebo controlled Depression Both 28 (17/11) Phase 2 Terminated Fail NCT00143091 study in major depression GW876008 (Emicerfont)c A 12-week flexible dose study of Anxiety Both 280 (undisclosed) Phase 2 Completed Undisclosed NCT00397722 GW876008, placebo, and active control (paroxetine) in the treatment of SocAD ONO-2333Msf Placebo-controlled study of ONO-2333Ms Depression Both 278 (undisclosed) Phase 2 Completed Undisclosed NCT00514865 in patients with recurrent MDD SSR125543Ag A trial evaluating the efficacy and tolerability Depression Both 580 (undisclosed) Phase 2 Completed Undisclosed NCT01034995 of SSR125543 in outpatients with MDD CRH1, corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1; F, female; M, male; MDD, major depressive disorder; SocAD, social anxiety disorder. aSponsor: Neurocrine/GlaxoSmithKline. bSponsor: Bristol-Myers-Squibb. cSponsor: GlaxoSmithKline. dSponsor: Neurocrine/Janssen. eSponsor: Pfizer. fSponsor: Ono Pharma. gSponsor: Sanofi-Aventis. Howerton A.R. tal et . A.R. Howerton et al. BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2014;75:873–883 881 and lack sufficient specificity, this reporter mouse provided an electrophysiological responses to CRF in 5-HTergic neurons. The excellent tool to identify CRFr1-positive neurons in the DR. We blunted response of females points to a potential explanation for quantified sex differences in co-expression of GFP with TPH, a the lack of efficacy in CRFr1 antagonists in clinical trials, which marker of 5-HTergic neurons, or with parvalbumin, a marker of a have focused primarily on female participants due to their subset of GABAergic neurons. Parvalbumin was used to mark increased disease prevalence (Table 3). These findings support GABAergic neurons, because 87% of GAD67-ir neurons in the DR the importance of identifying sex differences in central stress co-express parvalbumin (75). These neurons might display some pathways to understand the heightened predisposition of functional differences compared with the broader population of females toward these disorders and in identifying sex- GABAergic neurons but were selected on the basis of reliable appropriate and potentially sex-specific pharmacological somal immunoreactivity for co-expression analysis with CRFr1 treatments. (76). Overall numbers of CRFr1 neurons did not differ between males and females, as indicated by similar numbers of GFP- This study was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant positive neurons in the DR. This was also confirmed by similar MH073030. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Drs. B. A. expression levels of CRFr1 mRNA in the DR of males and females. Rood and C. L. Howerton for their consultation in electrophysio- As expected, few GFP-positive neurons were co-expressed with logical experiments and data analysis, respectively, and C.M. Powell TPH, consistent with previous reports that demonstrate CRF and C.R. Taylor for their assistance in data collection. primarily acts on GABAergic neurons and that CRFr1 shows little The authors report no biomedical financial interests or potential expression overlap with 5-HT neurons (77). Surprisingly, females conflicts of interest. had reduced GFP co-labeling with parvalbumin compared with males. This outcome supports a revised model; rather than Supplementary material cited in this article is available online at females demonstrating greater CRFr1-mediated GABA tone, sex differences in CRF-induced neuronal activation might be due to differences in CRFr1 intracellular signaling, trafficking, or receptor kinetics (78). Such sex differences in CRF signaling have recently 1. Kessler RC, McGonagle KA, Nelson CB, Hughes M, Swartz M, Blazer DG (1994): Sex and depression in the National Comorbidity Survey. II: been demonstrated in the locus coeruleus (44,79). 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