Crimes of the House of Austria Against Mankind
M llii : III ffillH J—I— "IHiI li II M iHH J> > y 'tc. * - o N «*' ^ * V VV '% «. 3, .<"& %& : C E I U E S OF THE HOUSE OF AUSTRIA AGAINST MANKIND. PROVED BY EXTRACTS FROM THE HISTORIES OF C02E, SCHILLER, ROBERTSON, GRATTAN, AND SISMONDI, "WITH MRS. M. L. PUTNAM^ HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTION OF HUNGARY, AND ITS RELATIONS WITH AUSTRIA, PUBLISHED IN MAY, 1850. EDITED BY E. Pi "PEABODY. JSWDItDr jBMtiOK- NEW-YORK: G. P. PUTNAM, 10 PARK PLACE 1852. JEM* Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1852, By rodolphe garrique, In the Cleric's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Ne\v»Yoi'k. PREFACE SECOND EDITION. This work was first published for the benefit of the Hun- garian Fund, on the understanding (which proved a misun- derstanding), of a certain autograph acknowledgment which failed to arrive at the time expected. Those who had the care of the publication consequently took the liberty, without the leave or knowledge of the Edi- tor, who was absent, to mutilate the correspondence that formed the Preface, making it irrelevant within itself, and insignificant altogether. The Preface is therefore wholly left out in this edition, and an Analytic Index is prefixed; and the stereotypes have passed into the hands of the pre- sent publisher, who republishes it, confident that these im- portant passages of unquestionable history will benefit the Hungarian cause, by showing its necessity and justice, al- though it is impossible to benefit the Hungarian Fund by the proceeds of the work.
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