Domain-Targeted, High Precision Knowledge Extraction
Domain-Targeted, High Precision Knowledge Extraction Bhavana Dalvi Mishra Niket Tandon Peter Clark Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence 2157 N Northlake Way Suite 110, Seattle, WA 98103 bhavanad,nikett,peterc { } Abstract remains elusive. Specifically, our goal is a large, high precision body of (subject,predicate,object) Our goal is to construct a domain-targeted, statements relevant to elementary science, to sup- high precision knowledge base (KB), contain- port a downstream QA application task. Although ing general (subject,predicate,object) state- ments about the world, in support of a down- there are several impressive, existing resources that stream question-answering (QA) application. can contribute to our endeavor, e.g., NELL (Carlson Despite recent advances in information extrac- et al., 2010), ConceptNet (Speer and Havasi, 2013), tion (IE) techniques, no suitable resource for WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998), WebChild (Tandon et our task already exists; existing resources are al., 2014), Yago (Suchanek et al., 2007), FreeBase either too noisy, too named-entity centric, or (Bollacker et al., 2008), and ReVerb-15M (Fader et too incomplete, and typically have not been al., 2011), their applicability is limited by both constructed with a clear scope or purpose. limited coverage of general knowledge (e.g., To address these, we have created a domain- • targeted, high precision knowledge extraction FreeBase and NELL primarily contain knowl- pipeline, leveraging Open IE, crowdsourcing, edge about Named Entities; WordNet uses only and a novel canonical schema learning algo- a few (< 10) semantic relations) rithm (called CASI), that produces high pre- low precision (e.g., many ConceptNet asser- • cision knowledge targeted to a particular do- tions express idiosyncratic rather than general main - in our case, elementary science.
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