! ! !! ! TRANS* 2014 EMERGING TRENDS ! ! Friday April 4th 9.30 ! Registrations! 10.00 ! Welcome and introductions! 10.30 ! Dr Meng-Chuan Lai - The Gender and Autism Spectra: Crossroads and Unresolved Mystery! 11.10! Coffee break for 30 minutes! 11.40! Dr Victoria Holt- Associated Difficulties presenting in families of Gender Variant young people ! 12.20 ! Alex Drummond - Genderqueer: an auto-ethnographic report from the frontier of Trans*! 13.00 ! Lunch! 14.00! Seminars ! Christina Richards - Trans* - Clinical Aspirations and Pragmatics ! or! ! Lee Middlehurst - Online Questionnaires: Re-conceiving Transgenderism to Help All Trans ! ! Identities! 15.00 ! Comfort break for 15 minutes! 15.15! Seminars ! ! Tina Livingstone - Impacting practice - trans' clients perception of what is helpful and unhelpful ! in therapy ! or ! ! Nicola Horley - The narratives of those who identify as gender variant but who live without surgical ! interventions! 16.15! Closing speeches! !16.30 ! Close! Saturday April 5th! 9.30 ! Registrations! 10.00 ! Welcome and introductions! 10.30! Dr Meg Barker on Non-Binary Genders! 11.00 ! 10 minutes Q & A! 11.10 ! Coffee break for 30 minutes! 11.40! Michelle Bridgman on The role of therapy before & during transition! !12.10 ! 10 minutes Q & A! 12.20 ! Sam Feeney on Adolescent Emerging Trans Identities & the law! 12.50! 10 minutes Q & A! 13.00 ! Lunch for an hour! 14.00! GIRES - the creation of educational resources and information! ! Mermaids - peer support for families of gender variant young people! ! Clinic Q - setting up a sexual health clinic for trans* people ! 15.00 ! Comfort break for 15 minutes! 15.15! Amanda Middleton, Serge Nicholson and in discussion with Dominic Davies ! ! discussing “Is Trans-Oriented an emerging sexual orientation?” ! !16.30 ! Close! Friday Keynotes! The Gender and Autism Spectra: Crossroads and Unresolved Mystery Both gender and autism are constructs used to describe a spectrum of social, behavioural, cognitive, and probably biological characteristics that varies substantially in human being. The relationships between the two spectra have been proposed in certain theoretical formulation. Recent research in multiple domains (psychology, biology, social sciences) has started to provide relevant descriptive and empirical findings. This talk will summarise current knowledge regarding the relationships between the two spectra, and the many remaining questions that await clarification.

Dr Meng-Chuan Lai, MD., PhD. Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge Meng-Chuan Lai is a child and adolescent psychiatrist and autism researcher. He is Research Associate at the Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the National Taiwan University. His research focuses on disentangling the relationships between sex/gender and autism at multiple levels. He also studies other neurodevelopmental conditions (ADHD, tic disorders), adolescent mental health (anxiety, depression, early psychosis, and addiction), sexual identity and gender development, and resilience. www.autismresearchcentre.com

Associated Difficulties presenting in families of Gender Variant young people This paper presents the findings from an audit on demographic variables and associated difficulties in 218 children and adolescents, with features of gender dysphoria, referred to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in London during a one-year period. Data were extracted from patient files (i.e. referral letters, clinical notes and clinician reports). The most commonly reported associated difficulties were bullying, low mood/depression and self harming. There was a gender difference on some of the associated difficulties with reports of self harm and abuse being more common in the natal females and Autism Spectrum Conditions being more common in the natal males. The findings also show that most of the difficulties seems to increase with age. Findings regarding demographic variables, gender dysphoria, sexual orientation and family features are reported and limitations and implications of the audit are !discussed. Dr Victoria Holt is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist specialising in working with gender dysphoric children, adolescents and their families. She works in a National Specialist Team at the Gender Identity Development Service at the Tavistock Clinic in London and has a number of years of experience in !this area. She also does group work and works with partners of Trans people. She joined the team of Clinical Associates at Pink Therapy in June 2013 and is a Graduate of the Diploma !in Gender and Sexual Diversity Therapy Genderqueer: an auto-ethnographic report from the frontier of Trans* On the borderlands of gender, intentionally inhabiting a space she defines as 'explicitly trans*' - and thereby not 'passing' but ‘being', the author reports back on the findings of three years of being out' as a trans- female. So, what are the possibilities and realities for a new generation of people in the C21st !contemplating options lived beyond the gender assigned at birth? What might the experience of a genderqueer trans-activist, especially one presenting female on a male frame, tell us about social attitudes to gender expression and definition? How might it inform our practice !as clinicians in the field? And if 'transsexualism' has to some extent an established anthology of research to call on, what do we actually know of the experience of non-surgical transition, and specifically the new and emerging identities !that sit beyond hegemonic gender binaries? This paper offers a unique insight into those uncharted waters: drawing on personally derived data Alex will set out to answer those questions from a subjective-reflexive position. ! Alex Drummond is both Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist with research and clinical interests in transgender and ADHD. A senior accredited clinician with BACP and accredited as a specialist in sexual and gender diversity with Pink Therapy she continues to combine research, activism, and clinical work with a passion for photography. www.talkmebetter.co.uk ! Friday Seminars Trans* - Clinical aspirations and pragmatics Trans* is a wide and often contentious area which invites vigorous debate, both in the purely academic and also the clinical literatures. It is also an area which is constantly evolving and consequently invites continuing engagement from NHS clinicians who must necessarily critically engage with shifts in the evidence base and wider thought. In doing so a balance must be struck such that quality up-to-date care is provided, but also such that potentially damaging change is not instigated on an inadequate basis simply because it is in line with the zeitgeist. This conference paper considers future directions of clinical practice within the NHS, especially pertaining to non-binary genders, and the pragmatic realities which should be !met to ensure that safe, effective interventions are available which are free at the point of delivery. Christina Richards is Senior Specialist Psychology Associate at the Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and West London Mental Health NHS Trust (Charing Cross) Gender Clinics. She works in this capacity as an individual and group psychotherapist and psychologist conducting psychotherapy, assessment and follow-up clinics as part of a multidisciplinary team. She is an accredited psychotherapist with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS). She lectures and publishes on trans, sexualities and critical mental health, both within academia and to third sector and statutory bodies. She is the co-author of the BPS Guidelines and Literature Review for Counselling Sexual and Gender Minority Clients; A clinical guidebook on sexuality and gender published by Sage: Richards, C., & Barker. M. (2013). Sexuality and gender for mental health professionals: A practical guide. London: Sage; and is the co-editor of the Palgrave Handbook of the Psychology of Sexuality and Gender, which is due to be published in 2015. http:// !christinarichardspsychologist.wordpress.com/ "Online Questionnaires: Re-conceiving Transgenderism to Help All Trans Identities" From 2nd Jan. 2007 to 12th Dec. 2010 six different types of online questionnaires were available that gained information about the diverse trans identities. When they closed, they had gathered 390,227 inputs from respondents. This presentation will discuss some of the data, presenting graphs that visually indicate the distinctiveness of this information. There will also be discussions about future studies of these !questionnaires. Lee R J Middlehurst has a doctorate in Sociology and Criminology and has studied trans communities in Manchester, which includes examining data concerning contemporary (transphobic) hate crimes. He is !also an author, film-maker and artist producing work that promotes environmental awareness. ! Impacting practice - trans' clients perception of helpfulness and unhelpfulness in therapy The BACP’s Systematic review of research on counselling and psychotherapy for lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender people reported “helpfulness of psychotherapy was associated with the client’s perception of their therapist’s attitude” (p.7), moreover that negative attitudes predicted lower satisfaction (5.1.5). Having recently completed post graduate research into Trans-identified and Trans-historied people's experience of therapy this presentation will ask participants to reflect upon what impacts helpfulness of therapy for Trans* clients in counselling for everyday issues (rather than gender counselling), discuss the evident similarities and differences between these findings and those found with lesbian and gay populations, and !explore implications for future good practice. Tina Livingstone is a Client-Centred counsellor, counselling supervisor, and Pink Therapy Advanced Accredited Sexual Minorities Therapist, with almost fifteen years experience of working with gender diverse clients. Published in CPJ (2004), Therapy Today (2006) and PCEP Journal (2008), she gained an MSc in Counselling at Strathclyde University, November 2013, based on quantitative research into trans-identified and trans-historied clients experience of everyday counselling. Further details of her work can be found !at: http://www.positivebeams.com Journeys towards an acceptable gender expression: Narratives of people living with Gender Variance. Increasing numbers of people are choosing and creating gender identities that sit outside of the male/ female binary. This research used a narrative inquiry and analysis to make sense of the experiences of the participants journeys to the construction of their current gender identity. The findings are discussed in terms of a global impression of each participant, as well as an in depth look at the two collective storylines told by the participants in relation to their identity construction and emotional experiences. The important impact of social and political gender and transgender narratives are discussed. There is a focus on the clinical implications for professionals working with or with an interest in people with diverse gender !expressions and identities. Dr Nic Horley is a clinical psychologist working in secondary care mental health services in London. Dr Horley completed her doctoral research using narrative enquiry to investigate the identity narratives of !adults who's preferred gender is neither male or female. ! Saturday Keynotes Non-binary genders One of the most interesting recent developments in relation to gender experience are the increasing numbers of people identifying in some way outside of the gender binary, for example as bigender, pangender, genderqueer, gender neutral, androgynous, or simply non-binary. The experiences and identifications of such folk challenge the malfe/female binary, as well as heteronormativity more widely, given the assumptions around binary gender that are embedded within this. There are also, perhaps, challenges here to binaries around trans/cisgender and bio/social understandings of sex and gender. In this presentation I'll explore the ways of being non-binary that are currently emerging, as well as some of the !language which is developing to articulate those identities and experiences. Meg Barker is a senior lecturer in psychology at The Open University and a UKCP accredited therapist. Meg’s research, writing, and therapeutic practice focus on sex and relationships, particularly the ways in which these matters are represented in popular culture, advice, and therapy, and the understandings and practices of various sexual and relationship communities (notably bisexual, kink, and non-monogamous communities). Meg is the editor of the journal Psychology & Sexuality, as well as being co-author/editor of many books and paper on these topics, such as Safe, Sane & Consensual (Palgrave, 2007), Understanding Non-Monogamies (Routledge, 2010) and The Bisexuality Report (www.biuk.org). They have also published extensively on counselling and psychotherapy including the books Understanding Counselling & Psychotherapy (Sage, 2010), and Mindful Counselling and Psychotherapy (Sage, 2013). Meg’s self-help style book Rewriting the Rules: An Integrative Guide to Sex, Love and Relationships was published by Routledge in 2013. They are also a regular blogger on www.rewriting-the-rules.com (@megbarkerpsych on !twitter). The Role of Therapy Before & During Transition Gender, gender identity, transsexuality, transgender (as verb and noun), sexual orientation. We get so hung up on descriptors that we are in danger of missing the person and who the person is. !Do people feel they are required to find a box that fits them or do they they should fit themselves into it. Perhaps gender identity should be a joyful exploration of a gender spectrum. What if everyone could find a place that they feel comfortable with and be able to see whats best for them before seeking medical intervention? !How can the role of psychotherapy can be a vital aid in helping people find a place that’s right for them. Michelle Bridgman MSc is a Psychotherapist and is currently on a doctoral programme at Middlesex !University. The subject: 'The clinical treatment of people presenting with gender identity issues.' Michelle is a member of The World Professional Association for Transgender Health and was recently described as one of the world’s leading experts in this field. She is currently on a committee at The Royal College of Psychiatry which is addressing the treatment of transgendered people and has been consulted !over the DSM V proposals to remove Gender Dysphoria from the list of pathological conditions. She is a much sought after Keynote Speaker on Diversity and Change and has appeared on several television news programmes as an expert on gender identity issues. For the past six years she has been the part-time Project Manager for The Gender Trust, the UK’s largest charity representing individuals, !families & employers affected by gender identity issues. Michelle has been married for thirty seven years, has two grown up daughters and a granddaughter. !http://genderidentity.co.uk/ Adolescent Emerging Trans Identities and the Law An estimated one in every hundred adolescent young people describe themselves as trans* or gender variant. Recent population data suggests this means there are 74,000 trans* or gender variant 10-19 year olds in the UK today. The vast majority of these may well not be apparent or be considered as LGB. With access to the internet and social media trans* young people now have the opportunity to create their emergent felt gender identity as their new selves and interact with others, form relationships in that way.

Recent cases in Scotland and England where young people have been criminalised for sexual activity where they have not disclosed their gender history have sent shock waves around the trans* and queer communities.

Adolescent sexuality is fraught with risk for all young people and there are widespread concerns around issues of teenage relationship abuse and attitudes to consent and sexual/relationship violence. The needs of gender and sexually diverse young people are often not adequately integrated into sex/relationship education curricula. For many trans* young people some coping strategies and their internalised shame may put them at greater risk of harm and indeed potential criminalisation and being a registered sex offender.

It is vital and urgent that we create spaces where trans* and gender diverse young people can sensitively explore issues of consent, risk and harm as they negotiate the complexities of their developing sexual relationships and their relationship with themselves and the gendered boundaries of their bodies.

Sam Feeney is a transmale counsellor and trainer. With many years’ experience of working with young people and adults, including in the youth and criminal justice sector and in LGBT youth work, Sam now works as a trainer for Victim Support and volunteers with SexYouAlity to support trans and gender diverse young people across Cambridgeshire. www.syacambs.org

While doing Pink Therapy’s Diploma in GSD, after his own transition, Sam wrote a dissertation around safeguarding issues working with trans and gender diverse children and young people. He passionately challenges the prevailing cissexism and transphobia that directly results in the harm, maltreatment and abuse of gender diverse people of all ages. Sam switches off by taking long mindful walks in nature with his Jack Russell and indulging his geek side with an array of science interests. He is excited that one day he might be able to grow his own penis from stem cells!

Saturday Afternoon Presentations

Gender Research and Information Education Society (GIRES) Terry Reed OBE and Bernard Reed OBE

ClinicQ - Michelle Ross www.cliniq.org.uk

Mermaids - supporting families with trans* children www.mermaidsuk.org.uk ! Saturday Panel Discussion - Is Trans Oriented an emerging sexual orientation? Serge Nicholson Trans* arts producer with an interest in the making of sex positive trans* and queer work. CliniQ volunteer. Co-director of the short film ‘Trans Guys Are…” 2012 made in partnership with Galop.

Co-founder of hotpencil press, publisher and editor of ‘There Is No Word For It’, 2011, a collection of verbatim monologues gathered from trans masculine contributors; originally performed on stage with a cast !of five trans men as 'The (Trans) Mangina Monologues' in 2009. Co-producer of the Transfabulous Festival of International Transgender Arts 2005-2008, and various popular and semi-infamous trans* queer community art events, plus a founding member of the trans and allies collective marking the very first years of the annual London Transgender Day of Remembrance event. !http://youtu.be/4412Yp9sEFM (link to short film 'Trans Guys Are…’) www.hotpencilpress.com Paris Lees is a journalist and TV presenter and Transgender Rights Campaigner. Paris has been spotted in , Independent, Attitude, Telegraph, New Statesman, Irish Times, DIVA and VICE – plus BBC Breakfast and News. • She has served as Acting Assistant Editor of Gay Times and continues to work on the editorial team. • She works with All About Trans to improve diverse representation in the media, schmoozing high level producers, editors and commissioners at places like the BBC, and ITN News. Fabulous Firsts • In February 2013 Paris became Channel 4′s first trans presenter, delivering a late night film slot, The Shooting Gallery. • Paris appeared on the 200th cover of Europe’s leading monthly glossy magazine for gay and bisexual women, DIVA. • Paris became the first transgender judge for on Sunday’s annual Pink List in 2011 and returned to the judging panel the following year. • Paris was honoured with the Positive Role Model Award for LGBT at the inaugural National Diversity !Awards. www.theguardian.com/profile/paris-lees Amanda Middleton is a qualified Family and Systemic Psychotherapist, with a special interest in Sexual and Gender Diversity. She works therapeutically with families, couples and individuals who identify as !Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Transgender and beyond. Amanda has a commitment and expertise in working with complex and challenging issues, particularly those related to gender, sexuality, marginalisation and difference. Initially qualifying as a Psychologist in Australia, Amanda has a 15 year history in the social care and therapy fields, working in the dual diagnosis, HIV and sexual health, drug and alcohol use, and domestic violence sectors. She is particularly passionate !about sex, sexuality and healing and developing queer therapeutic practices. www.amandamiddleton.com Panel Discussion facilitated by Dominic Davies Founder and Director of Pink Therapy and has over 30 years experience of sexuality affirmative working with gender and sexual diversities. Dominic is a member of both GIRES and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), and a psychotherapist and sexologist with a strong interest in depathologising gender and sexual diversity. He is a Senior Accredited Member of the National Council of Psychotherapists. a Fellow of BACP and a Senior Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist with BACP, and a Professional Member of CARAS (Community Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities). Professional Memberships

Pink Therapy Organisational Memberships

Stay in touch on social media

www.facebook.com/PinkTherapy ! http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Pink-Therapy-International ! Pink Therapy ! Box BCM 5159 @PinkTherapyUK London WC1N 3XX ! Tel: 020 7836 6647 ! Email: [email protected] www.youtube.com/user/pinktherapyuk Web: www.pinktherapy.com Diploma in Relationship Therapy! starting in September 2014 a one year training in working with Relationship Issues aimed at qualified relationship therapists wanting to understand more about Alternative Sexualities and LGBT identified therapists wanting to be skilled at helping their own communities have better relationships.

Course Directors: Leah Davidson and Damian Mc Cann full details on the Training section of our website: www.pinktherapy.com

USB Key’s available with 5Gb data: reports, podcasts, video clips - all manner of interesting information on gender and sexual diversity issues. Buy one at the conference or order via email [email protected]

The Marrying Kind?! A “unique and ground-breaking” new book, ‘The Marrying Kind? Lives of Gay & Bi Men Who Marry Women’ is the first in Europe to share such intimate life stories of men coming out within marriage as well as providing an invaluable resource guide for others trying to do so. Charles Neal, Pink Therapy’s Hon. Clinical Associate since its inception, founder & Chair of the former Assoc for Lesbian, Gay & Bi Psychologies and co-editor, with Dominic Davies, of the best-selling Pink Therapy trilogy (1996 & 2000), has 25 years experience in therapy & training with sexuality and diversity issues. Here he encourages ten men to open their hearts and reveal the detailed struggles and rewards of coming to live more authentically as they “strive for wholeness”.!

JUST PUBLISHED! http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00IZFL3IK Kindle price £4.93