Canals in Sandwell

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Canals in Sandwell Canals in Sandwell Report of the Partnerships and External Scrutiny Panel April 2012 IL0 - Unclassified Scrutiny Improvement and Efficiency Sandwell Council House Freeth Street Oldbury B69 3DE Phone 0121 569 3160 Email: Website: IL0 - Unclassified Contents Chair’s foreword 2 Glossary 4 Context 7 Findings 14 Recommendations 32 References 41 Appendix 1 – Scope of the review 44 Appendix 2 – Panel terms of reference 45 Appendix 3 – Methodology 47 First Edition IL0 - Unclassified Chair’s foreword Sandwell’s canals are a major asset. The 41 miles of canal network in Sandwell are a tranquil haven full of wildlife, with opportunities for transport and leisure and they connect residents and visitors with the heritage of Sandwell and its important role in the industrial revolution. Many Sandwell residents already use and value Sandwell’s canals but more residents want to enjoy the canals. We want to make sure that Sandwell’s canals are used to their fullest extent. This review looked at the roles and responsibilities of key partners including British Waterways, the Canal and River Trust, Sandwell Council and local community and voluntary sector organisations. The review has been timely as the Canal and River Trust is in the process of being established and the responsibility to manage and maintain the waterways will pass to them from British Waterways. Our recommendations will help the Canal and River Trust as they are finding their feet as a new organisation. The review also considered how the canals could be improved and the findings of this review will be applicable to and of interest to other local authority areas, and in particular the other Black Country Boroughs. People told us that some of the barriers to using Sandwell’s canals were perceptions of litter, graffiti and safety and we looked at ways that these could be improved through partnership working and by increasing the number of people, including boaters, using the canals. We were pleased about the number of activities and events that already take place on Sandwell’s canals. More could be done to promote the heritage offering and to market the activities so that more Sandwell residents and visitors to the area are aware about what is on offer. IL0 - Unclassified Although access to funding is a challenge, there are opportunities to finance canal projects, events and improvements through bids for grant funding and through monies levied from developments in Sandwell. Strong partnership working between the Council, the Canal and River Trust and voluntary and community groups will be key to access this funding and maximise its use. Our twelve recommendations will help to develop this partnership working and will ensure that the Council is playing its role in championing the canals. I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in providing evidence for this review. I would like to give special thanks to the Birmingham Canal Navigations Society who have contributed to this review from the outset and welcomed us onto their canal boats to show us the potential of Sandwell’s canals. Councillor Elaine Giles Chair Partnerships and External Scrutiny Panel IL0 - Unclassified Glossary Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust A registered charity who work to create a Living Landscape for wildlife and people in Birmingham and the Black Country. They champion wildlife and green spaces. Birmingham Canal Navigations Society (BCNS) Birmingham Canal Navigations Society was formed in 1968 and is a voluntary group whose members promote the canals around Birmingham and the Black Country. Black Country Consortium Black Country Consortium is a group focused on regeneration across the Black Country including development, tourism, sport and skills to deliver joint sub-regional working, for the growth and enrichment of the Black Country as a whole. British Waterways A public corporation that owns and cares for the 2,200-mile network of canals and rivers in England, Scotland and Wales. British Waterways receives an annual grant from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). From June 2012 British Waterways will stop operating and the Canal and River Trust will take responsibility for the canal network in England and Wales. Canal and River Trust From June 2012, British Waterways’ canals and rivers in England and Wales will be transferred to the care of a new waterways charity, called the Canal and River Trust. The Trust will also take over the functions of the Waterways Trust. Community involvement will be at the heart of its founding principles. Catchment Restoration Fund Funding from DEFRA that is available from 2012 to co-fund projects that restore and protect the health of water catchments. 4 IL0 - Unclassified Clinical Commissioning Groups Clinical Commissioning Groups are groups of General Practitioners (GPs) that will be responsible for commissioning local health services In England from April 2013. Community Infrastructure Levy The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new levy that local authorities can choose to charge on new developments in their area. The money can be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the Council, local community and neighbourhoods want. S106 Agreements will still be applied to developments where appropriate and necessary for the development to go ahead. Inland Waterways Association A charity that campaigns for the use, maintenance and restoration of Britain’s inland waterways. Primary Care Trust (PCT) PCTs are part of the NHS and they plan and fund health services for their local people. Primary care includes all those health services that people normally go to first when they need help – the family doctor (GP), optician, dentist or local pharmacist. From April 2013 Clinical Commissioning Groups will take over responsibility for commissioning health service. Sandwell PCT is currently responsible for commissioning lifestyle services which includes cycle training and walking programmes. From April 2013, the responsibility for commissioning lifestyle services will move to the Council as part of the transfer of public health functions from PCTs to Councils. Section 106 Funding Section 106 (S106) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows a local planning authority (LPA) to enter into an agreement with a landowner in association with the granting of planning permission. These agreements are a way of delivering or addressing matters that are necessary to make a development acceptable in planning terms. 5 IL0 - Unclassified Water Framework Directive The Water Framework Directive became part of UK law in December 2003. It focuses on planning and delivering a better water environment. Waterways Trust The Waterways Trust is a national charity which works with others to enrich people's lives through waterways. The Trust’s work will be incorporated into the Canal and River Trust from June 2012. West Midlands Local Waterways Partnership Thirteen local waterways partnerships will operate as part of the Canal and River Trust to provide a vision and priorities for the canal networks at a local level. In the West Midlands, the local waterways partnership has operated in a trial format since September 2011 and the partnership involves representatives of all groups with an interest in canals. West Midlands Metropolitan Areas Canal Partnership A partnership group for local authorities and representatives of canal user groups to consider canal issues such as responding to consultations. 6 IL0 - Unclassified Context National Context Britain’s canals and canals throughout Sandwell are a defining feature of the historical and natural landscape. Canals were a magnificent feat of human endeavour when they were built across Britain in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries and they made the industrial revolution possible. As described by Richard Benyon, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Natural Environment and Fisheries, ‘Britain’s network of inland waterways is one of its great unsung glories’. Since the 1960s, British Waterways has been responsible for maintaining Britain’s canal network. From June 2012 all inland waterways in Britain (including canals) will move into a new charitable body called the Canal and River Trust. The Trust will incorporate the responsibilities of British Waterways and the Waterways Trust. The establishment of the Canal and River Trust has been championed by British Waterways as helping to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy and benefit from using canals. It is not just British Waterways and the Canal and River Trust that have an interest in the canals. Canals are a major asset and the canal network today offers opportunities to residents and visitors for leisure activities and transport such as boating, fishing, cycling and walking, the opportunity to engage with and observe the historical and natural environment. Canals act as wildlife corridors allowing the continual migration of species and there have been records of the presence of otter, water vole and brown trout along the canal network in Birmingham and the Black Country. Engaging with the canals makes a contribution to the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors. 7 IL0 - Unclassified Local Context Within the West Midlands region there are 275 miles of canals and a significant number of structures such as locks, reservoirs, bridges, tunnels and aqueducts that are currently owned by British Waterways. Many of these are listed grade 2 or above. At a
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