


~rrssentc'b to tl)atliamrnt, punsuant tn q{ct 17 11ict., jllo. 2, srr. 9.


To Hxs ExcELLENCY THE GonnNon-IN-CHIEF. &c., &c., &c.

1. The Trustees of the Australian :Museum have the honor to submit to your Excellency this their Thirt-eenth Annual Report. 2. The Museum has been open to the public daily (Sundays excepted) during the past year, and has been visited by 79,961 persoll$. 3. The system of exchanging specimens of uatm·a.l bietol'Y wi th the principal Foreign Museums is still maintained by the Trustees, who have received several valuable collections during the past year, a list of which is appended. (.Appendi.-c lto. 2.) 4. Numerous donations have been received during the yea r, n. list of which is appended. (Appc11dix No. 3.) 5. In Appendix No. 4 will bo found a list of the various objects aent in exchange, together with the names of the recipients. G. Several valuable works, purchased out of the Endowment Fund, ha>e been added to the Museum Library, a list of which is appended. (Appe11dix No. 5.) 7. Three experienced Taxidermis~ have been occupied du1·ing the year in preparing and mounting the following specimens :- 32 mammaiR, 2!)8 birds, 34 reptiles, 28 skeletons of mammals and birds,- and in cleaning and preserving from decn.y the collection already displayed for public inspection. 8. The Trustees have to record the resignation, as a. Member of the Board, of Alexander Walker Scott, Esq., M.A. 9. '!'he Trustees have to report that the first edition of their Catalogue is out of print, and that a second enlarged edition is urgently required ; and as the Endowment Fund i.s much encroached upon already for the pw·chase of the necessary books and periodicals, they are not in a. position to proceed wilh the printing. Under these circumstances, the Trustees recommend that application be made to the Government to have the Ca~alogue printed at the Gove1·nment Printing Office. ~- ID AUSTRALIAN :MUSEUM.

10. The Trustees have to acknowledge the liberal provision made by the Legia]a­ ture for the completion of the new wing. The building will be ready within a abort period for the reception of specimens, and the Trustees will lose no time in procuring the neceeaary cabinets, eo far as may be practicable with the amount which has been voted for the purpose. 11. Mr. George Masters, the Assistant Curator, has visited W eetern AustraJiP, and collected a large number of valuable specimene, whereby tho fauna of theW est Coaat is now well represented in the Museum. A list of the collections thus made during the year is appended. (Appendix No. 6.) 12. Appendix No. 1 contains an abstract of the receipts and payments of the Trustees on behalf of the Museum, for the year ending 31st December, 1866. 18. Appendix No. 2 contains a list of the specimens received in exchange. 14. Appendix No. 3 contains a list of the various donations during the year, with the names of the donors. 15. Appendix: No. 4 contains a list of tbe specimens sent ij exchange to various persona and institutions. 16. Appendix No. 5 contains a list of the hooka purchased for the Museum Library. 17. Appendix No. 6 contains a list of the epecimellll collected by Mr. George Masters, Assistant Curator. 18. The Trustees have the honor to submit this their Report for the year 1866 ; and in testimony thereof, have caused their corporate Seal to bo hereunto affixed, this 6th day of June, 1867. (L.S.) E. DEAS THOMSON, Crown Trustee and Ohairman.


OuB.UNT EnENDITUBE of the Trustees of the Australian Museum, during the Year 1866.

1866. £ 8. d. 1866. £ •. d. Jan. 1 To Balance ...... 49 6 11 Dec. 81 By Salaric8 during tho lear...... 1,1'11 12 0 " 9 , Cash, Col. Treasury... 250 0 0 , Rcqui&tcs tor 'I.Wdormist's Feb.l5 , 125 0 0 Apl. 1 , department ...... 70 6 1 .. .. 250 0 0 , CBrringo, freight, postage, &c. . .. 98 19 4 June 7 , 225 0 0 July 7 .. .. , Ironmongery and iron·work .. . 44. s ll .. 250 0 0 , Timber ...... 32 19 10 .. 100 0 0 , St.ntionory ...... 26 7 3 :: :: Paris E:rhibiti~~ 200 0 0 , Boob ...... 2'1 5 0 Sop:·l2 , CIIBh, Col. Treasury ... 125 0 0 Oct. 1 ,. Bookbinding ...... 7 19 6 " u n ••• 250 0 0 Doe. 31 , Sale of Catalogues ... , Purchase of specimens ...... 18 10 0 12 17 0 , 'I'mveiling cxpcnsc8 ...... 105 14 4 , Keeping grounds in order, and cleaning tho Museum ...... 45 13 0 , Gla.sa ...... 6 12 6 , Wood and cool ...... •. 10 14 0 , llliscellnncous ...... 19 12 6 , Extra labour and oth~r expenses in connection with Paris Exhi· bition .. . 80 I4 6 , Balanco .. . 70 I 2 1867. £ I ,837 s 11 £ 1,837 s ll J r.n. I... To Balance £ 70 1 2

GERARD KREFFT, Ourator and Secretary. AUSTRA.LIA.N MUSEUM. 3

APP~IX No. 2.


Prom the RO!Jal Society of Ta.tmallia. A Thylacino (Thylacinua oynocephalua).

From the Museum a'Hutoire Nat~~trelle, at Paril. MAIDr.u,s. BIRDS. CynoooJ>halUB spb.inx Trogon eurucura Cercoptthec\14 callithrichua Trogon va.riegatua CorcocobUB fuliginosus Trogon pcrsonatua Maoocus OlJlOmolyUB Trogon viridie Cobus apolla l'rogon caligntne J acohUB vulgaris Plarpact.oa malabaricue Plru-pactce diordi From Oapt. R. H. Beddome, Official Oonm·vato1• of Forests, Madras. INDIAN REPTILES. DipSBs trigonatua Plootrurus pororttetii Tropidoooooyx porottetii Rhinophis sanguinous Rhinophis plllagemis Dondrophia pictus Sylib~ ncoilllt.a Trimcsu.rus strigatus Sylibura olliotii Simotos binotatua Tropidonotua monticuln Trigonoccphalus hypnale Oligodon affinis Lyeodon lluliCUB From Mr. J. 0/1. P uls, Gm1d. 7 European Ma!XllllB.U 500 EuropcBD Land Bnd 116 Ettropcllll Birds Fresh·wntor Sholla Australian Museum, GERARD KREFFT, , 6th June, 1867. Curator and Secretary.


MAIDfALS. PU8El!TBD DY A Xangl\1'00 (Macroptt8 major) A Monkey (Ct:rcopi1Mt:118) ... Botanic A Bellong (.Drl.ton.9ia ruft!sctJM) ... ···.. · }Fromnnd fromtho t.ho CouncilGardens, of the A. young Deer ( Ct!rv11s) ...... · Aoolimatization Society A Wator RaL (Hqdrornys chr;ysogaster) A Flying Squirro'i (PBlarramelts na.wla) . F.L.S. Two Dli~~·urcs (])at_'!II>'IIS viuerrinru) ··· 5 Four Field ~1ico ...... 1\(r. John Soymour A Trcc·rat (Hapaloti.• arborwola) ... Rev. G. E. l'urncr, B.C.L . A Flying Squirrel (Petaurista taguanoibs) Alr. Arthur T. llolroyd A Pllalnngcr (PIIalan,qi.rta vulpi11a) -rnr. alba ~Ir. Bnrnoll, ju.nr. A Kooln and young (P/wsrolarcloa cillt!rt!U) Mr. Ed. S. llill A large Kangaroo (Macropus fllajor) 1\Ioesrs. Hill and Oatlcy A. Koala (PIIa.rcolMclo$ clnt!reu1) 1\Ir. R. Stcphcne An Antcchinua (d.nlechinus st11.arlii) 1\Ir. l\1' 4\rlhur A Kangaroo (JJfacropru tMjor) ... Dr. Cox A Flying Squirrel (Petaurisla tag~tanoides) Mr. II. Barnot A Tree·rat (Jiapalotis arlJoricola) ... Mr. B. P. Rodd A Pouched 1\Ion.so (.tl.crobata pggmaa) Mr. J. II. French A Squirrol (Sciurus flulgaris) ... 1\frs. NcMes A Spotted :Moueo (Mru mtuCttlu.r) 1\!r. F. Barnctt A Bandicoot (Pt!ramt!les na~«la) 1\lr. Albort Cooper BIRDS. A Finch l\lias Boyd A0!'1lno . . . llr. Ballet Two Alooruks ( Casuaritl& JJenn.ettii) ... An Albttlross (])iomcdea exulans) A Duck (Ana¥) ...... l'wo Pigeons (Le-t1cosarcia pkata) A Pigeon From tho Council of the Accli· A l'm·lt•iclgo mntizntion Society, and the A l?hcn•nnt, Botanic Gardens. A Mu~k l)uok ...... A Roso Cockatoo (Cat'al11a L eadbcateri) A Gmclu ( Gracula t-eligiosa) .. A Pnrtridgo ...... A Salill Bird (l'tilotlot·h!Jnc!.ut l

BIRDS-ronti11tted. l'liESENTED BY A Roaelln. (Platycercus e:rim.ius) Two PhcMnnts... · · · · · · A Spoonbill (PlotaleI:r. Cooper :::} M:r. Ed. Drum ~;::'h~~eycllt~, ~~~ Ne st~-~ d Egg~~ of Aust.J.OU:ifun Bi~cls A PlllTOt (Plalycerctts eximius) ... Mr. Ja.mes Woyet A Kingfisher (.Dacelo gigantea) J,ltin Bil:d (PtilaliOI'h!JIICluw ltolosericeus) AMagpio ... A Cnlcuttp. Crow . . From tho Botanic Gardens, A Stone Plover ( CEdicnemus grallarius) ···" A O!lpo Pigeon (Daplio•• cape11si~) ... and from the Council of the A Dovo ...... Acclimatization Society An Emu (Dromaius ttoVtB·l1ollandim) A Satin llird ASwau ... A P!lrtridgo ...... A Night iroron (l'tycticot·a•· cttletlallicus) ... A Pheasant A Decoy Duck ... "' j A Cockatoo Parrot An Apterp (..dplery:J: ow~11ii) ~:: Mr. J. 13. llossley. A Canary ...... M.t·. Snllet. A. Tern (Xcmut jamcso11ii) .. . .. Mr. T. Patterson. Fennu· ancl fibula of D. BJ'Ccics of M:oa. Mrs. WooUey. A Collection of Austrolinn Birds Mt·. Eastwa.y. REPTILES. A 'J.'ortoiso ( Ckelodi>~a lo11gicollis) ...... Dr. :Rnttray, R..N. A Collectic>n of Reptiles from the Hunter River Miss Seott. A Snake (17ermicell4 an11ulata) ... Mr. F. Allpo rt. A Oyclodus ( Cycloil"s gigas) .. . f M.t·. W. Maclooy, JU.L.A., ... (. F.L.S. A Sllnko (Morelia spilotes) .. . Mr. Edw. S. Hill. A Collection of Australian Snnkcs M.t·. H. H. Bm·ton Brad.ley. A Lialis (Lialit; prmctulata) ... Mr. Jnmes Soymour. A Snake ~Puudechis porplt.yriacus) ]\[,._ Paul Oolfoy. A Snake Morelia spiloU!s) .. . Mr. Jose G. Hay. A Snake Jioplocepl..alus) .. . Mr. W. A Lizard (.Ui11ulia) ...... Gat·mnn. EUiott. A Tortoise ( Chelodina lou,qicollis) ... Miss A Snnko (Dieme11ia st1percilio8a) .. Mrs. O'Neil. Dr. Cox. A Snako (Morelia spiloles) ... A Tortoise (Chelodina longicollis) Mr. Da.,id Wiley. A Snn'ke (B,·aolt.ysoma diadcma) i\£rs. Picka.rd. A Snake (MoreNa spilotes) .. Mr. James Ft·eemau. A Liznl"


FISHES-continued. PRES~ llY A. OoUcelion of South Sea Islnnd Fishes 1\Ir. J. A.. :Suttrey. Alligantic Pipo Fislt (S!fii!Jntrlu•) Memos. Donald and Olarke. A ~Filh (Scorpcua) . . . . Mr. Billing. A. Fi~b (S.vngnallil) ...... 1\Ir. Louis ~!eii!Cr. • A. Silver Eel (MHmnuoz bagio), and a Rock Cod (CentropUI robu4l111) ... Mr. Wm. Edw. Sh&w. A. Fish (bga~u.r) ...... Mr. er ...... Mr. J\I'Carthy. A Port Jackron Shn.rk (Htderodontus pl•illipit) 1\tr. Dn.vicl Rutledgo. A OoUcction of PorL Jnekson Fishes...... 1\h. Grnntloy Fitzbnrdinge. MOLLUSCS. A Collection of Australian Land Shells . .. i\Iias Seott. Lancl Shells from Fi,ii Jshmds . . Sh~ll~ from Port J nrkeon and the Pacific ::: } J\ir. .A. :Soyd. Shells ft"Om the Pncillc 1\!r. J. A. Buttroy. 'fet·obr11tulus f1-om Port Jack&on Mr. J. Brazier. A CoUcction of Sholls... .. :M:r. W. Salting. A. Collect ion of Ln.nd Sbclls ... Mr. 0 . .A. Gorrick. A. Shell ( Ve111t1) •.• !\fr. Frost. I Lnnd Shells from Warro .. 1\!r. F. A.. :Slackman. ORUS'rA.CEA.NS. A. Fresh Water OrW!tacean .. . ?llr. Sirkitt. A. Trco Crob (BirgHI latro) .. . 1\rr. Dnlglcish. Port. Jackson Orustacenns .. . . Mr. J. Brazier. fDr. Du.ncnn, RN., H.M.S. A large Trco Crab (Birgus latro) · · t "Etk." INSECTS. A Collection of Australian Lepidoptera Miss Scott. A Phamta ...... 1\!r. J . T. Clark~. 'fwclvc In~ from New South 'Vales and New Zealand 1\!r. Alex. Hunter. A Moth (.&11tl1mra) ...... • .• Mr. llenry Boovcr. A Collection of European Colcoptcra Mr. J. W. Edge. A. CoUcctiou of Australian Insects ... Mrs. Fordc. Thrco Indian Insects . .. . . Dr. Jmucs 0. Cox, C.M.Z.S. A. Collootion of Lepidoptera, from Cape York l\frs. Jnmcs Mitchell. A. Waap·ncoL ...... !\fr. W. J. Marlin. A. CoUootion of A.ustrolilll1 Colcoptcra. ?l!r. Edward Fordc. A. Phnsmo. · ...... llon. J. B. Wilson, M.L.A.. Two Colcopterous Insects 1\!r. Wm. Hemming. RADIATED .A.J.'TIMA.LS. A. lnrgo picco of Coral Mrs. Brown.

~ITNERA.LOGICAL AND P.AL1EONTOLOGIOA.L SPEOilrENS. Sto.lt\ctitcs Miss Jolmson. Copper Ot·o ... M 1'. Donalcl M'Donnld. I1'0n Conglomerate 1\lr. F. S. E. llolt. Gold-bearing Q,na1tz Mr. Donnld Munroc. Specimens of various .Mi.uorols 1\fr. W. So.ltiug. Collection of 1\!inorals ?.1r. Barker. Polished Pebbles ... Mr. Frost. f Commander Fl'OOlllnntle, R.N., .A. largo piece of Obsidian ... t U.M.S. "Eclipse." Columnar Sandstone ... Profct~sor Smith. Mincrola from Ton!?o...... Cnptoin Joncs, V.O. Molar tooth of a D1protodon... Mr. E. II. Acres. ETllliOGRA.PIDCA.L SPECIMENS. A. Cll.llllibal Fork from o,·aJau Mr. A. Boyd. .A. atone Kui.fo from W nrro Mr. F. A.. Blackman . COINS. Elc,·cu Copper Coins ... :\In. Bailiff. 'fliroo Silver Coins ... !fr. Wm. Pattison. A. Collect ion of Coins .. Mr. llcnry Cape. Nine Copper Coins Mr. G. W. Kihlman. BOOKS. Dr. Mu ~Uor' s "Frngmenta." llit. Tozer. f 'l'he Coun<-il of the A<:clima· The Annutll Report of tbo Acclimatization Society ·· t tizotion Society. 1'ho hL ''olumo of tho Entomological Society of New South ·wnlcs ... Tl1c EnLomologico.l Society. MISCELLANEOUS. Coins, Wen pone, nnd A.ntiqni?c~, from the Middle Age, collected on the 1 :Ur. Ocorgc 'l'hornton. llattlo-llclcls of Great Brllam ...... ) Australian Museum, <1ERAltD KREFFT, Sydney, 6th June, 1867. Curator and Secretary. AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. 6

APPENDIX No. 4. I, SPECIMENS SENT IN EXCHANGE, DURING TH~ YEAR 1866. To the Ro9al Socilt!l of Tcumania. 6 .Autt:ralian Mammalt. 58 ]3irdt. 20 lloptilee. 1b tlae ProPincial MUieum at Ohri1tchurch, N. Z. 10 .Australian Mammalt. 50 Birds. 1b the Ro9al Mu1eum. at Matlricl. 2 .AustJ'Ill.iAn Mammals.

705 "., Birds." 1 'Reptile. Mr. C. L. Salmin, Hamburg. 22 Austral.illn }[run:mnls. 50 Reptiles and Fisbee. Mr. J. 07~. Pul1, Ganil. 31 Austrolian BirdB. 200 ,. Iuscctll. To the Museum ifBisto ire Naturelle, Paris. 14 Austro.lian Mammals. 16 l3ird8. 34 lloptilcs nnd Fiebos. 82 Land and Frcsh·wator Shells. To the Mmeo Oivico, at Miw11o. 25 Australian :Reptiles. The O:cford Universil!f Mu-seum-. 1 P ort JMkson Shark. Phe Ro!Jal Mweum, ~ttinge11. 2 P ort J a.ckson Sharks. Australian Museum, GERARD KREFFT, Sydney, 6th June, 1867. Curator and Secretary.



4 partll foli~onld: BirdB of Great Britain. 21 vols., Svo-'rho Qunrt.erly J OUI'Ilal of tbo Geolo· 9 parte 4to-Diggles: Austrn.linn Ornithology. gical Society, from 1815 to 1865. 2 vols., 8vo--Newton: " The Ibis": Ornithological 1 vol., 8,·o-Giinthcr-Catologue of Fiahes in the Journal. British Museum, vol. VI. .fl.J""'.- fj 1 vol., 8vo-Philo!Ophical M~zino (1866.) 1 vol., 8vo-Grn.y : Catalogue of Seals and Whales. ~ --'-"{. 1 vol. 8vo-Annala ofNaturnl History. 1 vol., Svo-Procccdinga of tbo Zoological Society r~ 19 parh, 4to-Jan and Sodelli: Iconogrnpbio of London, for 1865. g~nerale des Ophidicns. 3 pnrts, 8vo-No. 1 to 9 of the " St.ettiner Entomo· , 2 vola., 8vo-Gould : The Birds of Amtrulia. logischc Zoitung." _ Australian Museum, GERARJ) KREFFT, Sydney, 6th June, 1867. Curator and Secretary.


LIST OF SPECIMENS COLLECTED BY MR. GEORGE MASTERS, ASSISTANT CURATOR, DURING THE YEAR 1866. At Wese . :UA.~IMAI.S. ?tfncropu"s ooydromus ...... 1 Pbnlnngista viverrina...... 10 lialmaturus manicatus . .. S Pcrcgnlc•dngotis ...... 1 Unlmaturue dorbianus ... 13 Cnnie dingo ...... 3 Halm11turus bmcbynrus ... 2L Tm-sipcs rosh-r.tus ...... 30 Onychogclea.lunn.tn ... 6 Anlcchinus l o u cogn sto ~ ... 4 Lngorohcstcs fnscintns .. 1 Anlcchi nus fuliginosUB ... 54 Bcttoogj& cnmpestris .. . . 5 Mus nt~ imil is .. 3 Hypsiprymnus gilbortii . . 8 l'II us sordidus . 6 Hypsiprymuus plntyops . 1 Dn •yurus gcoll'royi l Pemmelcs obesula . 11 BettongiA ogilbyi 2 Hopalotia longicaudata 1 '


:BIRDS. Aquila morphnoides .. . 2 Ptilotia plumulus 1 H alinstur aphcnurua .. . 1 Antbochoora lunulata ... 18 Pandion lcucoccphnlUB 1 Antbochrora cnrunculata ... 1 Faleo frontatus 3 Acanthorbyncbus eupcrcilioeus 9 J eraeidea oecidentalia ... 5 Mclit:hreptus chloropsia ... 4 A..atur cruentus 9 Mrzantha ob!'Cura ... 1 A.ooipiter torquatus 2 ZOsterops chloronotus 4 Oircua auimilia 1 Climacteria rufa 2 Circus jardin.i.i ... 1 Sittelln. pilcata .. s Ath.eno boobook 1 Licmctis pulinator . . s Halcyon mnctus 1 Colyptorbynchus1U180 9 A.rtamus aordidus 1 Oolyptorhyncbus baudinii 6 Strcpcro. arguta 3 Platyccrcus pilcatua ... 16 Ch&Uina australia 3 Platyccrcustcterotis ...... 22 Grnucalus mclnnops ... .. 2 Platycorcus acmit4rquatua 14 Pacbyccphaln. guttural.is 5 Eupbcmo. pctrophila .. . 2 Pnebycepbaln. r-nfogularie 1 Pozoporus formoaua .. . 9 Rb.ipidum preiasil ... 1 Trichoglossus porphyroccpbalua 13 Pctroica multicolor .. . 2 Pcristcra olcgane ...... 2 'Eop!41trio. griscogulo.ria 8 PerisLcro. chnlcoptcro...... s Eop!1lltrio.lencogo.ater 6 Turnix scuntillnue 1 Malllnl8 clcgo.ns .. . 9 Synoious o.ustrtilis 7 Malllnl8 aplendcns .. . 3 Otia nustrolis ...... 1 Stipiturua mo.lo.ehurne 3 Hoomntopus Jongirostris 1 Dns1ornis longirostris 2 Scbamiclus olbcscone ... 2 A.trJcb.in. clamosn. .. . 1 Numoniue urcpyj;inlie s Sorioornie maoulatua .. . 3 :Botnurus o.ustro.lia ... 1 Acantb.iza inornn.tn .. . 4 Railus lowinii .. . . .• 1 Aoantb.iza BJ?icalis .. . 3 Porznn~ immaeulotn .. . s Acantb.iza Oll.ryeorrhrea 1 Bcmiola jubnta .. . 1 Estrelda ooulea 13 Podicops polioccJ.>halus 1 Corvus coronoidcs 1 Hioti cul~ ruflcapilln .. . 1 Moliphaga mystnoal.ia 4 A.rdctta flnricollis .. . 1 Melipbaga longirostria 9 Podorgua brnchypterua 2 Glyc1phila fulvifrons ... 3

Together-Mammah 22 ape<:ie!, and ape<:imens 189 :Birda ... 6'1 281 S~of:Birda ~ 82 R~ptiles 34 .. 297 Fishes 2 ,. .. 8 Moll11SC8 25 6.24 Insectit-Coleoptera . . . 360 1,800 Other Orders .. • 130 .. 470 Specimena in all ... 8,696

Auatralian Museum, GERARD K.REFFT, Sydney, 6th June, 1867. Curator and Secretary.

Syduey : Tboma.s RicbudJ, Oovernmen~ Pr\nler.-1807. [Price, 6cl. ]