Two New Species of Pissodes (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from China, with Notes on Palearctic Species
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179 Two new species of Pissodes (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from China, with notes on Palearctic species Xiuxia Lu, Runzhi Zhang1 Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of IMPIR of China, 25 Beisihuan Xilu, Beijing, 100080 China David W. Langor Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service, 5320 122 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6H 3S5 Abstract—Two new species from northern China, Pissodes cheni sp. nov. and Pissodes pilatsquamosus sp. nov., are described from Pinus and Picea, respectively. Pissodes harcyniae (Herbst) is recorded from China and P. nitidus Roelofs is recorded from Russia for the first time. A key is provided to the eight Pissodes species known from China. A list of the 18 known Palearctic species with synonyms, host data, and distribution is also included. Type specimens for the two new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Résumé—Nous décrivons deux espèces nouvelles, Pissodes cheni sp. nov. et Pissodes pilats- quamosus sp. nov. vivant respectivement sur Pinus et Picea dans le nord de la Chine. Nous signalons pour la première fois la présence de Pissodes harcyniae (Herbst) en Chine et de P. niti- dus Roelofs en Russie. Nous présentons une clé d’identification des huit espèces de Pissodes connues en Chine. Nous dressons aussi une liste des 18 espèces paléarctiques actuelles avec leurs synonymies, leurs hôtes et leur répartition. Les types des deux nouvelles espèces sont déposés à l’Institut de zoologie, Académie chinoise des sciences, Pékin, Chine. [Traduit par la Rédaction] Lu188et al. All but one species of Pissodes feed on the Introduction cambium and phloem of Pinaceae including Pinus L., Abies Mill., Picea Dietr., Larix Mill., The genus Pissodes Germar (Coleoptera: and Pseudotsuga Carr.; P. validirostris Curculionidae: Molytinae: Pissodini) has a wide (Sahlberg) feeds on the seed cones of Pinus distribution in the northern hemisphere closely (Langor et al. 1999). Chinese species are asso- aligned with the distribution of Pinaceae, which ciated with Pinus and Picea. Many species of contains the vast majority of known hosts for Pissodes are minor pests and usually have no this weevil genus. There are 29 described spe- cies of Pissodes in North and Central America significant economic impact (Hopkins 1911). (O’Brien 1989; Langor 1998), but several of However, some are serious pests, such as these require synonymy (D.W. Langor, unpub- P. strobi (Peck), P. nemorensis Germar, and lished data). In the Palearctic, 16 species are P. terminalis Hopping in the United States and recognized (Kôno 1930; Dalla Torre et al. Canada (Langor 1998) and P. punctatus 1932; Langor et al. 1999), 6 of which have Langor and Zhang, P. yunnanensis Langor and been recorded previously from China (Chao Zhang, and P. nitidus Roelofs in China and Chen 1980; Egorov et al. 1996; Langor et (Langor et al. 1999; Zhang et al. 2004). Owing al. 1999). to the significant impact of Pissodes species Received 10 January 2006. Accepted 12 November 2006. 1Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]). Can. Entomol. 139: 179–188 (2007) © 2007 Entomological Society of Canada Downloaded from University of Athens, on 24 Sep 2021 at 10:02:25, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at 180 Can. Entomol. Vol. 139, 2007 on timber production and forest management, Nikon Coolpix 5000 digital camera attached to many studies have been conducted on the biol- a Leica MZ 7.5 stereomicroscope. Image sets of ogy, habits, population dynamics, interaction 12 to 15 scans at different focal planes were with hosts, and management of certain species taken of each specimen. Image sets were then (Langor 1998). However, many questions re- processed with Auto-Montage software (version main about the taxonomy of the group, espe- 5.01, Syncroscopy, Frederick, Maryland) to cially the eastern Palearctic species. Herein we produce an image completely in focus. Digital describe two new species from northern China images were imported into Adobe Photoshop and provide a key to the eight species known (version 8.0) for enhancing, cleaning, labeling, in China. and plate composition. Materials and methods Specimens studied The specimens of Pissodes examined in this Measurements study are located in two collections; however, Body length was measured along the midline other collections were examined for presence of from the anterior margin of the eye to the apex material. As most labels are in Mandarin, the of the elytra (i.e., excludes rostrum). Pronotal labels of some specimens were translated into length was measured along the midline. Pro- English and the specimens were returned to notal width and elytral width were measured at museums with the English labels attached. the widest point. Rostrum length was measured IZCAS Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy from the apex, excluding the mandibles, to the of Sciences, Beijing, China anterior margin of the eye. NOFC Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Drawings and photographs Images of genitalia were drawn using a cam- The holotypes and allotypes are deposited in era lucida attached to a Leica MZ 9.5 stereo- the Entomology Museum, IZCAS, Beijing, microscope. Photographs were taken with a China. Key to Chinese species of Pissodes 1. Elytral intervals 3 and 5 distinctly elevated .........................2 — Elytral intervals 3 and 5 not distinctly elevated........................7 2. Elytra with two fasciae .................................3 — Elytra with one fascia ..................................5 3. Color of posthumeral and antedeclivital fasciae different, posthumeral fascia yellow, antedeclivital fascia white, but yellow on interval 6; reddish brown; 5.3 to 9.0 mm ..........P. nitidus Roelofs — Color of posthumeral and antedeclivital fasciae the same ...................4 4. Pronotal punctures separated; hind angles of prothorax rounded; elytra with two whitish yellow fasciae, scales forming fasciae sparse; reddish black; 5.0 to 7.3 mm ..........P. harcyniae (Herbst) — Pronotal punctures dense, mostly merging; hind angles of prothorax nearly square; elytra with two yel- low fasciae, scales forming fasciae very dense; brown; 6.2 to 7.9 mm ....P. pilatsquamosus sp. nov. 5. Elytra with anterior margin slightly sinuate; hind angles of prothorax rounded; antedeclivital fascia pale yellow, best developed between intervals 3 and 9; brown; 6.2 to 8.4 mm .......P. cheni sp. nov. — Elytra with anterior margin distinctly sinuate; hind angles of prothorax nearly square; antedeclivital fas- ciawhite.......................................6 6. Punctures in elytral striae very coarse and deep, especially in striae 1 to 4, some punctures in striae 1 and 2 at least as wide as interval 3; black; 5.1 to 7.1 mm .........P. punctatus Langor and Zhang — Punctures in elytral striae fine, shallow to moderately deep, well separated, narrower than intervals; cuti- cle under and immediately surrounding antedeclivital fascia darker than rest of elytra; brown; 6.0 to 8.0mm..........................P. yunnanensis Langor and Zhang 7. Elytral intervals rugose; elytra with two yellow fasciae, posthumeral and antedeclivital fasciae consisting of separated spots; black; 5.0 to 8.0 mm ...................P. pini (Linnaeus) — Elytral intervals coarsely granulate; elytra with two fasciae, posthumeral fascia usually consisting of two spots, antedeclivital fascia broad, wider outside, narrowing towards suture, yellow outside and pale yel- low to cream inside; brown; 5.0 to 7.0 mm ...............P. validirostris (Sahlberg) © 2007 Entomological Society of Canada Downloaded from University of Athens, on 24 Sep 2021 at 10:02:25, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Lu et al. 181 Pissodes cheni Lu, Zhang and insertion, widest at apex. Head. Convex; vertex Langor, sp. nov. sparsely punctuate with sparse, short, incon- spicuous scales; genae with elongate, pale yel- (Figs. 1–4, 9–13) low scales; distance between eyes slightly less than width of base of rostrum; eyes slightly Type series convex; frons with dense, coarse punctures; dis- Holotype, male. CHINA, Jilin Province, Lihe tinct median fovea, with small clump of elon- Forestry Center, ?.v.1986, col. Chen Yuanqing, gate, pale yellow scales, on inner margin of ex Pinus koraiensis (IZCAS). Allotype, female, eyes. Antenna. Inserted slightly anterior to same data as holotype (IZCAS). Paratypes: 10 middle of rostrum; scape 11% shorter than males,16 females. CHINA: 9 males, 13 females, funicle (0.78 vs. 0.88 mm); first funicular seg- same data as holotype (IZCAS, NOFC); 1 fe- ment equal to second and third segments com- male, Heilongjiang Province,, col. bined; club oval, 50% longer than wide. Yin Huifen; 2 females, Heilongjiang Province, Prothorax. Maximum width about 22% greater Dailing,, col. Yin Huifen (IZCAS, than length and about 20% less than elytral NOFC); 1 male, Heilongjiang Province, width; sides arched, gradually narrowed on api- Yichun, Liangshuigou, ?.v.1962, col. unknown cal quarter; width at base slightly narrower than (IZCAS). widest point; hind angles rounded; posterior margin slightly sinuate; disk slightly convex, Etymology densely and deeply punctuate, some punctures This species is named in honor of the re- coalescent; disk with narrow median carina nowned Chinese weevil specialist Yuanqing along central third of length; with four small Chen. submedian spots; with sparse, elongate, recum- bent, pale yellow scales and with elongate, dark Diagnosis yellow scale-like setae; with patches of oval, This species can be distinguished from all pale yellow scales at hind angle and apical and other known species of Pissodes by the follow- lateral margins; with a depression at base ante- ing combination of characters: body oblong, rior to scutellum. Scutellum. Small, elevated, slightly robust, brown to dark brown, sparsely oval, squamose. Elytra. 40% longer than wide to moderately clothed with white to pale yellow (4.88 vs.