
NEWS IN FOCUS GENETIC DIAGNOSIS Data barriers FUNDING US agencies MALARIA source of BIOMEDICINE A Texas-style hamper search for meaning gird themselves for the key drug faces lab-made showdown over in mutations p.156 budget axe p.158 competition p.160 stem-cell therapy p.166

virulent of the three main seasonal flu strains. Traditional flu monitoring depends in part on national networks of physicians who report cases of patients with influenza-like illness (ILI) — a diffuse set of symptoms, including high fever, that is used as a proxy for flu. That estimate is then refined by testing a subset of

JOHN ANGELILLO/UPI/NEWSCOM people with these symptoms to determine how many have flu and not some other infection. With its creation of the Sentinelles network in 1984, was the first country to com- puterize its surveillance. Many countries have since developed similar networks — the US system, overseen by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, includes some 2,700 health-care centres that record about 30 million patient visits annually. But the near-global coverage of the Internet and burgeoning social-media platforms such as have raised hopes that these tech- The latest US influenza season is more severe and has caused more deaths than usual. nologies could open the way to easier, faster estimates of ILI, spanning larger populations. EPIDEMIOLOGY The mother of these new systems is ’s, launched in 2008. Based on by Google and the CDC, it relies on data mining records of flu-related search terms entered in Google’s When Google got search engine, combined with computer modelling. Its estimates have almost exactly matched the CDC’s own surveillance data over time — and it delivers them several days flu wrong faster than the CDC can. The system has since been rolled out to 29 countries worldwide, and has been extended to include surveillance for a US outbreak foxes a leading web-based method for second disease, dengue. tracking seasonal flu. Google Flu Trends has continued to per- form remarkably well, and researchers in many countries have confirmed that its ILI estimates BY DECLAN BUTLER complement, but not substitute for, traditional are accurate. But the latest US flu season seems epidemiological surveillance networks. to have confounded its algorithms. Its estimate hen influenza hit early and hard in “It is hard to think today that one can pro- for the Christmas national peak of flu is almost the this year, it qui- vide disease surveillance without existing double the CDC’s (see ‘Fever peaks’), and some etly claimed an unacknowledged systems,” says Alain-Jacques Valleron, an of its state data show even larger discrepancies. Wvictim: one of the cutting-edge techniques epidemiologist at the Pierre and Marie Curie It is not the first time that a flu season has being used to monitor the outbreak. A com- University in Paris, and founder of France’s tripped Google up. In 2009, Flu Trends had parison with traditional surveillance data Sentinelles monitoring network. “The new sys- to tweak its algorithms after its models badly showed that Google Flu Trends, which esti- tems depend too much on old existing ones to underestimated ILI in the United States at the mates prevalence from flu-related Internet be able to live without them,” he adds. start of the H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic — a searches, had drastically overestimated peak This year’s US flu season started around glitch attributed to changes in people’s search flu levels. The glitch is no more than a tempo- November and seems to have peaked just after behaviour as a result of rary setback for a promising strategy, experts Christmas, making it the earliest flu season .COM the exceptional nature of say, and Google is sure to refine its algorithms. since 2003. It is also causing more serious ill- See maps showing the pandemic (see http:// But as flu-tracking techniques based on min- ness and deaths than usual, particularly among reports of flu-like doi.org/djw73f ). ing of web data and on social media prolifer- the elderly, because, just as in 2003, the pre- symptoms in France: Google would not ate, the episode is a reminder that they will dominant strain this year is H3N2 — the most go.nature.com/w954hn comment on this year’s

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difficulties. But several researchers suggest have much less promise” than Google Flu or that the problems may be due to widespread FEVER PEAKS Flu Near You, she says, arguing that Twitter’s A comparison of three dierent methods of media coverage of this year’s severe US flu measuring the proportion of the US population signal-to-noise ratio is very low, and that the season, including the declaration of a public- with an in uenza-like illness. most active Twitter users are young adults and health emergency by New York state last 12 so are not representative of the general public. month. The press reports may have triggered Google Flu Trends Michael Paul, a computer at Johns CDC data many flu-related searches by people who were Flu Near You Hopkins University in , Maryland, not ill. Few doubt that Google Flu will bounce 10 disagrees. He is part of a team that is developing back after its models are refined, however. Twitter-based disease monitoring, and says that “You need to be constantly adapting these Google's algorithms Google search-term data probably have just models, they don’t work in a vacuum,” says 8 overestimated peak as much noise. And although Internet-based u levels this year John Brownstein, an epidemiologist at Har- surveys may boast less noise, their smaller size vard Medical School in , Massachusetts. means that they may be prone to sampling “You need to recalibrate them every year.” 6 errors. “I suspect that passive monitoring of Brownstein is one of many researchers try- social media will always yield more data than ing to harness the power of the web to establish 4 systems that rely on people to actively respond sentinel networks made up not of physicians, to surveys, like Flu Near You,” Paul says. but of ordinary citizens who volunteer to To reduce the noise, the Johns Hopkins report when they or someone in their family 2 team has recently analysed a subset of a few are experiencing symptoms of ILI. ‘Flu Near thousand flu-related tweets, looking for pat- SOURCES: GOOGLE FLU TRENDS (WWW.GOOGLE.ORG/FLUTRENDS); CDC; FLU NEAR YOU CDC; FLU TRENDS (WWW.GOOGLE.ORG/FLUTRENDS); GOOGLE FLU SOURCES:

You’, a system run by the HealthMap initiative illness Estimated % of US population with in uenza-like terns indicating which tweets showed that the co-founded by Brownstein at Boston Children’s 0 tweeter was actually ill rather than simply, say, Jan Jan Jan Hospital, was launched in 2011 and now has 2011 2012 2013 pointing to news articles about flu. They then 46,000 participants, covering 70,000 people. used this information to retrain their models Similar systems are springing up in . to weed out irrelevant flu-related tweets. Paul For example, GrippeNet.fr, run by French worked with Flu Near You on its development, says that a paper in press will show that this researchers in collaboration with national and Finelli herself has signed up: “I submit my greatly improves their results. health authorities, has attracted more than family’s data every week,” she says. Already, web data mining and crowdsourced 5,500 participants since its creation a year ago, Other researchers are turning to what is tracking systems are becoming a part of the with 60–90 people joining each week. probably the largest publicly accessible alterna- flu-surveillance landscape. “I’m in charge of Lyn Finelli, head of the CDC’s Influenza tive trove of social-media data: Twitter. Several flu surveillance in the United States and I look Surveillance and Outbreak Response Team, groups have published work suggesting that at Google Flu Trends and Flu Near You all the feels that such crowdsourcing techniques hold models of flu-related tweets can be closely fitted time, in addition to looking at US-supported great promise, especially because the question- to past official ILI data, and various services, surveillance systems,” says Finelli. “I want to naires are based on clinical definitions of ILI such as MappyHealth and Sickweather, are see what’s happening and if there is something and so yield very clean data. And both Flu Near testing whether real-time analyses of tweets that we are missing, or whether there is a sig- You and GrippeNet.fr have a representative can reliably assess levels of flu. nal represented somewhat differently in one of age distribution of participants. The CDC has But Finelli is sceptical. “The Twitter analyses these other systems that I could learn from.” ■

MEDICINE connection was concrete. He describes the syndrome seen in all four children, and prob- ably caused by ASXL3 mutations, in a paper published on 5 February (M. N. Bainbridge et Data barriers limit al. Genome Med. 5, 11; 2013). Researchers are using new tools to increase the pace of discoveries such as Bainbridge’s. genetic diagnosis Efforts to connect sequences with symp- toms — or in genetic parlance, genotype with phenotype — have taken on increased Tools for data-sharing promise to improve chances of urgency as clinical sequencing gains traction connecting mutations with symptoms of rare diseases. and funders put more money towards rare diseases. Researchers are planning to address the barriers to data sharing at a workshop in BY ERIKA CHECK HAYDEN abnormal version of a called ASXL3. April, after the first International Rare Diseases But Bainbridge had no easy access to records Research Consortium Conference in Dublin. or the first five months of Harrison of other children with ASXL3 mutations, and “There is a very positive feeling in the com- Harkins’ , doctors had little idea about could not be sure that this mutation was the munity that things are changing for the better,” what was causing his spinal malformation culprit. So he did what many do: says Peter Robinson, a computational Fand inability to gain weight. But in November he networked. A Dutch team put Bainbridge at the Charity University Hospital in Berlin. 2011, Matthew Bainbridge, a computational in touch with German researchers who were Thousands of people have had their biologist at Baylor College of Medicine in treating another boy with an ASXL3 muta- genomes sequenced, but a reluctance to Houston, Texas, found a clue. After analysing tion — and symptoms similar to Harrison’s. surrender ownership of the valuable data, genetic data from Harrison and his parents, After finding two further cases in an inter- along with the privacy concerns of research- Bainbridge discovered that the child had an nal Baylor database, Bainbridge felt that the ers and families (see ‘Families find solace in

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