Wednesday 13 November 2019 – Afternoon

List of speakers

1 Her Excellency Ms Kersti KALJULAID President of

2 His Excellency Jenis av RANA Minister of Foreign Affairs and Culture of Faraoes

3 His Excellency Mr Jean-Michel BLANQUER Minister of National Education and Youth of France

4 Her Excellency Ms Ingrid van ENGELSHOVEN Minister of Education, Science and Culture of the

5 His Excellency Mr Ziya SELCUK Minister of National Education of Turkey

6 His Excellency Mr Michel MENGA M’ESSONE Minister of National Education and Civil Training of Gabon

7 His Excellency Mr Shafqat MAHMOOD Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training of Pakistan

8 Her Excellency Honorable Ms Claudiana Aya COLE Minister of Basic and Secondary Education of Gambia

9 His Excellency Dr Mohammad Mirwais BALKHI Minister of Education of Afghanistan

10 His Excellency Mr Banov BOÏL Minister of Culture of Bulgaria

11 Her Excellency Ms Sam TANSON Minister of Culture of Luxembourg

12 His Excellency Mr Le Hoai TRUNG Deputy Foreign Minister of Viet Nam

13 His Excellency Mr Lubomír ZAORÁLEK Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic


14 Her Excellency Ms Suha Khaleel AL-ALI BEG Minister of Education of Irak

15 Her Excellency Ms Angie MOTSHEKGA Minister of Basic Education of the Republic of South Africa

16 Her Excellency Ms Grace FU Minister of Culture, Community and Youth of Singapore

17 Her Excellency Ms Ana Paula Tuavaneje ELIAS Minister of Education of Angola

18 Her Excellency Ms Marie Tunba NZEZA Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Congo

19 His Excellency Mr Alpidio Alonso GRAU Minister of Culture of Cuba

20 Her Excellency Ms Marilyn ALCALÁ-WALLÉ Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Curaçao

21 Her Excellency Ms Olga NACHTMANNOVA Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

22 His Excellency Mr Igor FISSENKO Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to the French Republic Permanent Representative of Belarus to UNESCO

23 His Excellency Dr Mohammed JUMEH Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Yemen to UNESCO