Cshperspect-CAL-Index 491-500 491..500
This is a free sample of content from Calcium Signaling. Click here for more information or to buy the book. Index A nitric oxide, 447–448 Adenylate cyclases, phosphorylation of, 306 testosterone, 446–447 2þ Adenylyl cyclases, 273–290 Arachidonate-regulated Ca (ARC) channels, STIM1 activity at single cell level, 290 roles in regulation, 74 overview, 273–275 Asthma, 474–475 phylogenetic tree, 276 Atherosclerosis, 472 physiological roles for Ca2þ-dependency of, ATP, ryanodine receptor (RyR) activation and, 285–287 105–106 2þ regulation by Ca2þ-signaling pathways, 278–290 ATPase. See Plasma membrane Ca ATPase (PMCA); by agonist-triggered Ca2þ release, 288 SERCA (sarco/endoplasmic reticulum 2þ by Ca2þ entry, 287 Ca ATPase); SPCA (secretory pathway 2þ compartments for Ca2þ and cAMP, 288–289 Ca ATPase) direct regulation by Ca2þ, 278–279 Atypical periodic paralyses (APP), role of ryanodine evidence for, 285, 286 receptors (RyRs) in, 101 indirect regulation by PKC, 281, 282–283 Autophagy, 452–455 indirect regulation via CaMKII, CaMKIV, and induction by ER stress pathways, 453 CaN, 279–280, 282 overview, 452–453 indirect regulation via GBg, 283–285 regulation by calcium signaling, 453–454 regulatory susceptibilities of, 275–278 regulation by IP3Rs, 454–455 structural domains of, 275 T-cell activation, 454 Aequorin, 361–362 Autosomal centronuclear myopathy, 475 A kinase anchoring protein (AKAP), 9–11 Axon outgrowth and pathfinding, regulation of, 345–346 Anesthesia, IP3R activity and, 472 Angiotensins, apoptosis regulation by, 446, 447 Apoptosis,
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