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Jacksonville State University JSU Digital Commons Chanticleer Historical Newspapers 1954-06-29 The Teacola | Vol 22, Issue 10 Jacksonville State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Jacksonville State University, "The Teacola | Vol 22, Issue 10" (1954). Chanticleer. 262. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Historical Newspapers at JSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chanticleer by an authorized administrator of JSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -- I,, -F Local FBLA Chapter Wins National Prize - - -- VOLUME TWENTY-TWO - JACKSONVILLE, ALA. Tuesday, June 29, 1954 S~QIRERTEN Annual Class Officers Dance Planned For Gym On July 14th, Semi-For Student Council Considering - Adoption Of New Point System BUSINESS LEI ~RED-Jacksonville's chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America at the recent national con- vention at Dallas, Texas. The local group was awarded a plaque for the best project of the year as the national convention approved Bill Advocated More Fun Is the Jacksonville organization of a placement bureau, designed to secure employment for graduates. Shown above are Joe Lane, Coll- To Limit Load Being Planned bran; Kenneth Davis, Gadsden, Miss Lucille Branscomb, sponsor, and Rosamond Ponder, Jacksonville, state president. * ;b :b 0 f Activi t i e s Here For Wed. * b * The Jacksonville Chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America was presented the national award for the ]host unique and The Student Council is now The annual summer Class Offi- outstanding project of 1953-54 at the National FBLA Convention in considering a new point system cers Dance ivill furnish the top Dallas, Texas, last week. which is designed to distribute social event of the semester here Members of the Jackson\.ille Chapter attending the convention the work and the honors of extra- two weeks from Wednesday. The were: Rosamond Ponder. who is curricular activities among a Student Government's social com- 1954-55 of the Alabama Chapter greater number of students. The mittee has announced the big date of the Future Business Leaders; plan being considered has been for July 14 when the 'Blue Kenneth Davis, Gadsden; and JOC Dean's Record discussed in a general meeting of -Flames' will furnish four hours of Lane, Collbran. Accompanying the Student Council and among music in the college gymnasium. the Jacksonville students to Dal- RevealS Eight the conlmittee members and stu- The da e is being sponsored las were Miss June Miles of Glen- dents. as a conguation of a Jackson- toe High School, who is retiring The sponsors of _the proposed ville tradition and as a means of state president; and Don Bailey W i t h All A 'S legislation maintain that it will be furnishing more entertainment for of the Dothan High School Chap- of definite benefit to our extra- the summer session. Plans are ter. These students were repre- curricular program and will be a MISS KAY STEVENSON . in nations capital now in the process of being com- senting both the state chapter and The il~an's list for the spring grcat aid to students who tend *** pleted by the social committee, their respective local chapters. semester has been released. Stu- to overload in extra work. The headed by Travis Walker. It will Miss Ponder was chosen by the dents whose names appear on it bill is designed to limit the num- be a semi-formal, no-flower af- state chapter as its candidate for arc as fullows: ber of offices that an individual Kay Stevenson fair with an admission price of Miss National Business Executive All A'S-Mrs. Jack Barlow, student can hold at one time. In one dollar per couple. of 1954, and Kenneth Davis as its Charles J. Cater. Clara G. Mc- reducing the load on some stu- Committees Appointed GEM OF THE HILLS-Miss Aleen Scogin, pretty junior class- candidate for Mr. National. Busi- Namee. hniston; Kenneth N. ilcrits, the bill also will tend to ~ationalFTA man from RIenager, competes with nature's beauty as she poses Walker already has announced ness Executive. Hitchcock, Gillespie, 111.; John J. g~ve other students a better for this month's 'Gem of the Hills' portrait. A graduate of Sylvania Sammy W. In- chance to demonstrate the leader- the committees which will, plan ~i~~ ponder participated in a Hyde, Crossville and execute the preparations for High School, she is majoring in elementary education here. panel discussion at the gram, Cropwell; William J. Nor- ship and initiative necessary to Student Meet tion on "~~~~i~i~~and strength- ton, Centre; Nelta Jean Thorne, earn recognition for outstandinog -- the dance. Beth Taylor, senior social representative, will head Nauvoo. achievement in student activities. Wash. D. C., June 17-Kay Ste- ening ~olleiechapters." She also the decoration committee. The served on the banquet cornmit- B plus average or 2.5-2.9-Peter More Efficiency venson, 708 Mt. View Rr. Jackson- Acker, Raglsnd; Mary P. Bacon, publicity committee will be head- City Plans Gala 4th: tee of the convention. Advocates of the new bill also ville, Ala., kill atlend a leader- The expenses of the state dele- Ramon E. Carden, Charles D. snip conference opening here on ed by Frances Hanson, junior claim that it will tend to elimi- social representative, and Bob gates were paid from the state Cook, William D. Huddleston, June 18 for some 55 college and nate monopolies on student offi- Hand, senior SGA representative. treasuury while the Jacksonville Gurney Landers, James A. Lip- university leaders who soon will ham, Viv i an E. McCollough, ces and will mean more efficiency Ben Nodal, SGA treasurer, and Street Party On Slate representatives' expenses were in most of the elective and ap- be Liking office in state associa- Tom Freeman. junior SGA rep- Grady F. McKay, Marian Mims, tions or local chapters of the paid by contributions of the chap- pointive offices. Arguments for resentative, will direct the ticket Kenneth Robinson, Helen Smith, National Association of Future ter members and two Anniston the bill have brought out the fact sales. Charles Gidley, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce's Jean Stephens, Howard Waldrep, Teachrrs aof America (NAFTA). businessmen. Col. Harrv M. Avers. that students who hold more of- Alice Fay Sides, sophomore Fourth of July committee, states that all a1.rangement.s have published of the ~nnistonStar: An"iston. fire- than thev ran handlo offer- NAFTA is a unit of the National .-,,,.;.,1 ..on..--,...+,.+:.,?. ..-.a n:11:- hnnn ,.nrnnlrrtn,l fnr tl,,, n,-lr.hx.nt ;n- ,.F thn -nl.. nrrnmC hnr.~ r-n r-n IOT o og -. #, - --., &a1 repres#tative, will head muwo. achievement in student activities. q*. D. C.;J- Sh B pius averaw or 2.5-2.9-Petar 17-K2y .the decoration committee. The More Efficiency- vetwon; ?08 hBt.A7aerbw Rz6 Jackson- publicity committee will be head- Acker, Ragland; Mary P. Bacqa, ville, Ala., *ill. avd a leader- w k&m. & Oarden, Charles D. Advocates of the nm bill also ed by Frances Hanson, junior chim that it .will tend to elimi- ship *conferepce ning here on 'Ckkby -Vei 'Q awn, add nate pleb~olieson June 18 for smE5. caege @a@,.* Mp, ';A::* student &i- ces and will mean more efficiency university leaders who soon will ham, yii i a n E. ' Md201laugh, be taM& office irrlstate asocia- Grady 'F. McPZay, Marian Mim, in most of the elective and ap-' Tom Freeman, junior SGA rep- :' . ,pi13 tions l or locai chppters of the 1 by contributions of the. chap- pointive offiees. Arguments for resentative, will direct. the ticket - - f- beP. members and two Anhiston Kenneth Robinson, Helen Smith, National Associatton of Future Jean Stephens, Howard Wddrep, the bill have brought out the fact sales. Charb Gidley, ehrtiman of the Chamber of Commeriie'k Wgjnessmen, COL'H~XTY$4. Aye= that students who hold. more of- Teachers aof Amefica (NAFTA). dl Andston. .a &ice Fag Side, sophomore Fourth of July cmrnitkee, stahthat arrangements have , pubLis.hed of the Anniston Star: fice than they can handle effec- NAFTA is unit qk the National social &presentative, and Bi;llie been Orble V. Barnes, Jaeestown; Education Ass~eiation.. completed for the celebration of the @lo event here an& Mr. Maloolm Street, manager tively are not providing the June Naylor, freshman social rep- in the "Gem of the Hills". of Radio Stafion WHMA. Walter H. Bowlgtld. Fadueah, KY.; leadership necessary to build Miss Stevenson, sophomore at resentative, will serve jointly on lome me-t Bureau Uni~tlle George L. Broom, Jfi F. Smith, Jacksonville State ollege, recent- The rne~hantsof the tom will offer many items of strong active organizations. d the publicity and lead-out cm- merchandise at especially aftrac- Tbe project which received the LOU& Stanton, Lore@ Y. Teal, ly was voted state president-elect mitt-. The new -point system, if adop- of yle Alabama Pivision, FTA. tive prices this week-Monday -htional award wag the student William A. Woods, Gabden; Dor- ted, wiU be based upon a maxi- In keeping with the established placement bureau, inithted and 0th~Cole, Conbran; Imogene Students participating in the 16- New Teachers Urraugh Saturday-it has been Mum point-limit for each of the tradition, all of the SGA officers announced, as a goodwill gmture operat& by and for b\.lsiness stu-- Ciaft, Lester Sims, Oxford Carol stay conference will have an op- of this four claws, beginning with 200 portunity to visit everal eastern and the class officers will partici- Are Due In Fall to th-e people section of the dents.