LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 1 - &

This guide is the copy of game walkthrough with 100% of item bubbles. Original version you can find here - . This guide created by members of Russian LittleBigPlanet fun site –


Da Vinci's Hideout page

Rookie Test …………………………………………………………………………... 3

Grab and Swing …………………………………………………………...... 5

Gripple Grapple …………………………………………………………...... 10

Bravery Test …………………………………………………………...... 13

Final Test …………………………………………………………...... 19

Bonus Stages: Hedge Hopping, Tower of Whoop …………………………………. 20

Victoria's Laboratory

Runaway Train ………………………………………………...... 22

Brainy Cakes ………………………………………………...... 25

The Cakeinator ………………………………………………...... 28

Currant Affairs ………………………………………………...... 32

Kling Klong ………………………………………………...... 35

Bonus Stages: Attack of the Mutant Marshmallows, Death by Shockolate ………… 36

The Factory of a Better Tomorrow

Maximum Security ………………………………………………...... 38

Pipe Dreams ………………………………………………...... 43

Bang for Buck ………………………………………………...... 48 LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 2 - &

Waste Disposal ………………………………………………...... 55

Fowl Play ………………………………………………...... 58

Bonus Stages: Split Paths, Sackbot Bounce ………………………………… 60, 61


Avalon's Advanced Armaments Academy ……………………………………………. 62

Got the Hump ………………………………………………...... 66

The Sackbot Redemption ………………………………………………...... 69

Flying in the Face of Danger ………………………………………………...... 72

Huge Peril for Huge Spaceship ………………………………………………...... 73

Bonus Stages: On Burrowed Time, Gobotron ……………………………… 74, 75

Eve's Asylum

Up and At 'Em ………………………………………………...... 76

Fireflies When You're Having Fun ………………………………………………...... 78

Patients Are a Virtue ………………………………………………...... 82

Casa Del Higginbotham ………………………………………………...... 86

Invasion of the Body Invaders ………………………………………………...... 88

Bonus Stages: Mind Control, Root Canal …………………………………………… 90, 91

The Cosmos

Set the Controls for the Heart of the Negativitron ……………………………………… 92

Full Metal Rabbit …………………………………………………………………… 95

Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge ……………………………………………. 97

Fight of the Bumblebees …………………………………………………………………….. 102

Into the Heart of the Negativitron ………………………………………………………… 104

Bonus Stages: Ping Pang Pong, Space Pool, Rocket Funland …………………………… 107

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 3 - & Da Vinci's Hideout

Rookie Test // 43 Items

Switch Trigger: Da Vinci Specs

You'll have to return with a sunglasses-shaped sticker from "Grab and Swing" to activate this Switch Trigger near the beginning of the . This will also allow you to bypass the "suicide lesson" area so you can actually Ace the level!

Tip: Kill Yourself!

At the first TV you'll be trapped in a pit. You'll have to self-destruct to return to the safety of the ledge above. When you self-destruct, you spawn again at the last checkpoint door you passed (the small circle with the white, glowing ring around it). To self-destruct, open your menu and choose the picture of the burning in the lower right. HOLD the button as you select it to watch Sackboy blow up.

Switch Trigger: Hand & Sleeve Sketch / Hairy Leg Sketch

At the second TV you'll need to use stickers to complete the image of a man in the background. Open your menu and choose the new STICKERS icon. You should see the Hand & Sleeve Sketch and Hairy Leg Sketch stickers in your collection on the first page.

Item Bubbles by the Mouse LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 4 - &

When you get to the mouse with a wedge of cheese, drop down on the far right and enter the background to slip behind the toilet paper tube and get these bubbles.

Item Bubbles at the Launch Pads

When you use the Launch Pads to clear out the Item Bubbles in the air, a pack of three more will appear high above. You can use the angled Launch Pads that appear at the sides of the area to get these. The very highest of the three bubbles in the middle of the screen can be attained by hitting the outer edge of the angled Launch Pads. This will cause you to travel in a higher arch.

The Hanging Item Bubbles

The Item Bubbles hanging from a small piece of wood by the book shelves can be grabbed only by knocking down the wood. Run into it at full speed a few times to knock it down. Collect the bubbles from the background once it hits the ground.

Ace the Level

You'll have to return with a sunglasses-shaped sticker called Da Vinci Specs from the Grab and Swing level to activate this Switch Trigger near the beginning of the level. This will also allow you to bypass the "suicide lesson" area so you can actually Ace the level! LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 5 - &

Grab and Swing // 43 Items

Tip: Grabbing Stuff 101

You can drag the yellow sponge under the Item Bubble to create a platform to leap off of. You can perform a similar maneuver with the wheeled cart in the next area. When you come to the Item Bubble on top of the stack of blocks, jump up and then grab the stack in the middle. Hold the stack and press the analog stick in a direction away from the stack to take advantage of its center of gravity and pull it down.

Item Bubble: The Sofa Ramp

Pull the sofa towards the edge of the ramp and quickly hop onto it. From here, clamber to the very top, left edge of the sofa and hang tight. Only by gripping this upper edge will you slam into the high Item Bubble at the bottom of the ramp.

Item Bubbles: Beneath the Sofa Ramp

At the bottom of the ramp you ride the sofa down, backtrack to the left in the background and you'll find a small ramp leading to a lower secret area. Pull the blocks here to the left (jump up and grab them in the middle to pull them over) and run through the toilet paper tube to a secret area with 5 Item Bubbles.

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Item Bubbles: The Path Below the Key

At the second swinging area, below the hanging key, stick to the ground and head all the way to the right. Pass into the rear-most layer of the background and step into the shadows. Keep moving to the right and you'll find yourself on a pile of books with a path of Score Bubbles leading back to the left. Follow it all the way to the two Item Bubbles on the far left. You can exit this chamber by using the Launch Pads to shoot you through a secret hatch to the left.

The Key

You can use the row of hanging sponges to get the Key. This key unlocks a Survival Challenge called Hedge Hopping on the map screen.

Item Bubble: Behind the Books

Run behind the books just before the Level Link to find a well-hidden bubble. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 7 - &

Tip: The Level Link

Enter the Level Link door to be transported to a new section of the current level. There's no return ticket!

Tip: Hidden Switch

To the right of the Level Link exit is a hidden switch. Step into the background and slip behind the cardboard to activate a pressure switch that opens the book-door to the right. To get the Item Bubble on the roller to the left, just jump up and grab the roller and it will fall to the ground.

Item Bubble: The Secret Lever

On the far side of the Level Link you can make out a yellow lever just above the Level Link door. Make your way to the Grappling Hook a bit further in the level and then run back here. Aim the Hook straight up at this switch (you'll need to stand in the background) and attach it to yank the switch and drop a super-secret Item Bubble. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 8 - &

Tip: Grappling Hook 101

Practice your Grappling Hook skills on the sponge hanging above this area. Fire it at a grab-able surface and it will latch on as long as you hold the R1 button. It's of utmost importance that you learn how to swing properly while hanging from the Hook: While pressing RIGHT and LEFT will cause you to swing back and forth, pressing UP and DOWN will let you take in or release slack. This means that you can let the line out and swing back and forth to reach high-up Item Bubbles.

Your momentum will also carry Sackboy for a bit when you let go, so use this to get a bit more distance in your swing. Occasionally you just need to get a better angle on your swinging. To do this, release the Grappling hook mid-air and fire it again. This can also give you some additional swinging momentum.

Hint: Lower Yourself Down

When you come to a dead end with a chalkboard drawing of Sackboy behind you, grapple the sponge above and hold on. Press DOWN to lower yourself through the trap door in the background. You cannot fall down background areas like this, you must lower yourself down with the Grappling Hook. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 9 - &

Item Bubble: Behind the Books

After lowering yourself down, walk into the background by the chalkboard with Sackboy on it and then walk left to find a secret area with books and this important Item Bubble, Da Vinci Specs, a switch trigger you must use on the previous level to find even more Item Bubbles.

Hint: The Race

The first time you play a race, be sure to take it slow and collect all the Item Bubbles -- you can always replay the level for points later! If you do let your time completely run out, you'll respawn at the beginning of the race -- so watch out if you are planning to Ace the level.

You'll have to swing around a bit and re-attach your Grappling Hook a few times to get the Item Bubble above the electric floor at the start of the race.

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Three Item Bubbles are on a high ledge just before the massive spinning wheel. To get these, attach to the sponge roller above the Launch Pad and electric pit. Let out your slack to about 60% of its length and swing into the launch pad. This will send you flying vertically. Let go of R1 to release the hook as you travel vertically. Your momentum should carry you up to the shelf.

Another tough Item Bubble is high above the massive spinning wheel. To get this one, grapple the wheel and let out your slack out to about 75%. As you whip around, let go on the left side as you travel vertically upwards and use the momentum to pass through the Item Bubble -- or hit it on the way down. Pass through the flags at the end of the race to complete it.

Gripple Grapple // 63 Items

Switch Trigger: Da Vinci Crest

You'll have to return here with the correct sticker, the Da Vinci Crest, found later in this level, to activate the Sticker Switch here. It will release 3 Item Bubbles; but there's a catch! These Bubbles will zip away from you as a race begins. You need to catch them RIGHT AWAY or you will never get them. Run to the left and leap across the first pit without using your Grappling Hook.

Grapple the next roller and use the Launch Pad to get up to the next level. Run back to the left and jump way out into the next pit, skipping the first roller above but grappling the MIDDLE one. You should have a lot of momentum from your long jump and this should carry you into the fleeing Item Bubbles.

Item Bubbles: The Swaying Rollers LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 11 - &

Several Item Bubbles in the area with the swaying, red rollers are tough to get. One, right above Da Vinci, can be attained by letting go of your grapple as you swing towards the bubble.

The triangle of 5 Item Bubbles above the swaying rollers are really difficult to get to. The key to getting up here is simply a matter of momentum and gravity, but it's seriously tough to get the hang of the first time you try it. You have to use both grapple points to get the necessary height. Let out your slack completely and swing back and forth without pulling in your line. When you get a fast upswing (which kind of depends on the roller) let go and try and grapple the other roller as you begin to plummet towards the pit. If you can maintain a swing using the added tug of gravity you should have enough speed to fly up high as you release again on the upswing -- check out the video for a better idea of how to pull off this tough-to-explain maneuver! Alternate strategy: You can jump off the high ledge with the Key to get a some good momentum to swing up to the bubbles.


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The Key in this level is hanging seemingly out of reach just past the swaying rollers. To get it, simply press UP and grapple to a hidden roller above it. The Key unlocks a Secret Challenge. Don't forget about the Item Bubbles below this Key -- you'll have to jump to the far right of the Launch Pads below to bounce up to them.

Item Bubbles: The Wheels

There are two Item Bubbles on each of the three wheels. Be patient and wait for each bubble to appear!

Hint: Traps, Rollers and Launch Pads

You'll have to use the right amount of slack to launch around the rollers in this area. Use about 50% for the first roller and you should snap around to safety easily. Let out all of your slack for the next one to whip through the bubbles and onto the upper level.

Item Bubbles: The Swinging Roller V

This swinging V will give you enough momentum to launch up to the three Item Bubbles. You should pull in the slack to about 50% and wait for the V to jerk you upwards, which will happen randomly based on the complex swinging physics involved. When it does, let go and begin to control your trajectory as best you can.

Item Bubbles: Behind the Door LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 13 - &

Although you can snag two Item Bubbles by the door just past the swinging V-shaped set of rollers, jump on the ledge in the background to find a hidden one behind the door. x2 Cooperative Area

You'll need a second player -- local or online -- for this x2 area just after the Level Link. Both of you must grab a roller at the same time to activate the lift. At the top is a roller and a wide semi- circular swinging area. One person should grapple the roller and let out all the slack. Have the second player jump off and grapple on to the hanging player's body. This will allow the lower Sackperson to swing into the launch pad and swing high up to the upper level with 4 Item Bubbles.

Hint: Making Platforms

Just past the x2 cooperative area is a row of three sponges you'll have to tug on to create platforms above. Use the spinning wheel to the far right to reach the top of the three platforms -- a hard-to- spot Item Bubble is on the wheel's axel. Use the Launch Pad to the left to reach the upper area.

Bravery Test // 40 Items

Switch Trigger: Wooden Gear 1

It's tough to notice, but above the entry door is a gear-shaped Switch Trigger. The Wooden Gear 1 sticker to activate it is located later in the level, so return here after grabbing it. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 14 - &

This Switch trigger transforms the entire level, casting it in a green light and giving you a Grappling Hook from the very start! Also, you'll initiate a race. You can add 7 Item Bubbles to your collection by playing this alternate level -- Bubbles you can SEE from the regular version of the level but can't quite reach.

On the initial ascent with your Grappling Hook you'll score 2 Item Bubbles, and then in the area with the electric switches you'll be able to get 3 more that were painfully out of reach before!

Finally, with Grappling Hook in hand you can launch out of the cannon later in the level and grapple onto the glowing stars. Swing here to pluck 2 Item Bubbles from the sky. After this, swing to the right and drop through the blocks to the level proper.

Item Bubble: Behind the Cobwebs

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Search behind the cobwebs to the right of the big, red button at the start of the level to find an Item Bubble. Another one can be found behind cobwebs at the "Metalmatica" device.

Hint: Levers and Switches

The yellow levers can be activated by grabbing them with R1 and pulling them into place with your weight. Stand on the red, glowing switches to bring down hand grips from above.

Hint: Return Later

You may be able to see some Item Bubbles on the right side of the area above the beginning of the level. To get to these, just keep playing the level. You can drop down here from above in a bit.

Hint: Wall Switch

The switch is on the wall to the left here: it will make some platforms appear above.

Hint: Leap of Faith

Jump across to the Item Bubble and then drop to the electric pit below -- you'll be saved at the last second by the odd appearing platforms that are common in this level. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 16 - &

Hint: Hit the Switches

You'll have to bang your head into the switches on the ceiling to keep the electricity off. Run fast!

Item Bubbles: Electrified Area

You'll need to hit the Switch Trigger for Wooden Gear 1 at the very beginning of the level to get these (see above).

Item Bubbles: Behind the Cannon

BEFORE getting into the cannon, stand under it, drop into the background and grab the 2 Item Bubbles.

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: In the Night Sky LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 17 - &

You'll need to hit the Switch Trigger for Wooden Gear 1 at the very beginning of the level to get these (see above).


On the far side of the cannon, Da Vinci will practically hand you the key.

Item Bubbles: Behind the Books

Just after the cannon area, run to the right past the key to find 3 Item Bubbles behind a book at the edge of the screen.

Item Bubbles: Launch Pad Maze

Swing far out on the first Grapple Point to score a lone Item Bubble before descending into a maze of Launch Pads. Follow the Score Bubbles carefully as you drop down the Launch Pads -- one is right above the bottom, so fall down the center of the shaft to hit it! LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 18 - &

x2 Area

A somewhat hidden x2 area can be found near the bottom of the series of Launch Pads. Return here with a second player. In this area one player must operate a lever while the other player hops across the platforms it operates. The player hitting the lever should time his or her switches for right when Sackboy is in mid-jump between platforms. The Launch Pad will take some especially careful timing. 5 Item Bubbles are at stake, so get that timing down! The player collecting the Bubles can drop down to the right at the top.

Item Bubbles: Final Grapple Area

After the x2 area you may think you area at a dead end. At the Respawn Door, press DOWN + JUMP to drop below. Quickly grapple as you fall so you don't hit the electric floor. Let out the slack on your Grappling Hook to grab the Item Bubbles. Keep dropping down and you'll eventually come to a long track with a roller that follows it.

Grab the roller and tug it to the left. You'll have to leap off and get the Item Bubble on the platform to the left -- you can grapple back on if you are quick. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 19 - &

Some tricky Item Bubbles can be found at the very bottom of the roller track. Let out a lot of slack on your way down and the roller swing you into a secret area beneath its final resting place with two Item Bubbles.

Final Test

In this battle against Da Vinci's machine you must turn any lights glowing red to green by activating various types of switches. At the outset of the fight, run to the right and pull the lever. Run to the left, waiting for the dipping cylinders to rise before slipping by them.

Hit the second lever and run to the center of the stage. Jump up to land on the rising ledge in the background and then hit the floor switch.

You now have to repeat this pattern again, but the cylinders move differently. Run to the right lever and yank it, then return to the middle recess with the floor switch and wait for a cylinder to pass by -- you're safe here. Make a dash for the switch on the left now. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 20 - &

Hit the middle switch a second time and the levers on the edges will turn red again. This time you'll have to use the Launch Pads to avoid the cylinders by using the two tiers of the level.

Now, several grapple points will drop. You can hang from these in total safety, so be sure to get a sense of the cylinder movements from this vantage point. You now need to swing to the levers on the sides of the level and GRAPPLE them to pull them.

After doing this, pull the central, glowing grapple point that drops with your Grappling Hook to end the level.

Hedge Hopping // 9 Items

To Unlock: Collect Key in Grab and Swing

In this bonus game you'll have to keep moving at all times. You must bounce across pits and spikes, carefully landing on Launch Pads. Try for further jumps rather than small jumps to each platform. Your score matters if you want Item Bubbles, so be sure to plan your path accordingly.

 2500 - 3 Item Bubbles  5000 - 3 Item Bubbles  10000 - 3 Item Bubbles

Tower of Whoop // 23 Items

To Unlock: Collect Key in Gripple Grapple LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 21 - &

This score challenge is ALL about the multipliers. Since there are plenty of Item Bubbles to collect right in the path of your ascent, it pays to go for them just as much as it does to leave some behind. You want to get multipliers above 10x preferably, and to do that you can only have a second or so between each Score Bubble. Where you'll really clean up is near the top. One grapple point can be used with a Launch Pad to land you in an area thick with Item Bubbles that you'd normally sling right over -- just don't let go of the grapple point. Get to this area with a high multiplier and you'll clean up. It's good to get into the final stretch with a huge multiplier as well. Go through the entire level to grab Item Bubbles before attempting a high score.

 300000 - 3 Item Bubbles  600000 - 3 Item Bubbles  900000 - 3 Item Bubbles

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 22 - & Victoria's Laboratory

Runaway Train // 36 items

Hint: Grabbinators 101

The Grabbinators can be used to pick up certain objects. As long as you HOLD R1 you'll grip the object. Hold LEFT or RIGHT and release R1 to toss the object, or just face a direction and let go to drop it. Use your new toy to move the first block out of the way. Gather the 5 Item Bubbles and move to the third car.

Item Bubble: Above Da Vinci

Move the three blocks into a pyramid formation right in front of Da Vinci to create steps up to the Item Bubble above him.

Item Bubbles: Hit the Switch!

In the fourth car, pick up the lacey blocks and toss them at the switches on the right and left walls. The left switch will drop a bunch of Item Bubbles from above.

Hint: Jam!

Jam bubbles are in endless supply here. They will splatter if you throw or drop them. Awesomely enough, you can collect Item Bubbles by tossing the jam globules at them. Use this technique to get LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 23 - & all the Item Bubbles in the area, then toss a jam globule at the switch over to the right to make a Launch Pad appear.

Hint: Block Head

Lift the block above your head and jump up into the electric switch to activate it. This will fry the ice cream to the left.

Item Bubbles: Under the Ice Cream

On the fifth car you can dig through the ice cream blocks below using your Grabbinators. Dig down the left column to find a hidden cache with 2 Item Bubbles. x2, x3 Area

Return here with two people for 3 Item Bubbles or with three people for all 6 Item bubbles. Toss your friends up with your Grabbinators to reach them -- two onto the second platform and one onto the top platform. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 24 - &

Hint: Enemies

The cupcake enemies have a weak spot on their heads -- use the Launch Pads to leap high above them and land on the blue nodules to knock them out.

The next pack of enemies emits poison gas, so keep away! Use the Grabbinators to lift jam spheres and toss them at the enemies. Hit them in their weak spots to take them out. You'll have to leap to the platform with jam in hand to reach the second enemy, but it weighs you down quite a bit. Careful, now! Destroy the final enemy dragon in a similar manner: toss jam at its face.

Hint: Engine Car

In the engine car, carefully hop over the Launch Pads with a ball of jam. Use the final one to jump up, turn around and toss the jam at the switch.

Hint: Train Boss

This miniboss is quite easy. Use the Launch Pad to get the necessary height and then toss jam at the weak spots on his hat and face.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 25 - &

Brainy Cakes // 53 Items

Item Bubbles: Backtrack!

At the very start of the level, head LEFT from the gate to score two Item Bubbles by a bicycle wheel.

Item Bubbles: Behind the Gate

Move slightly to the right of the gate and hop onto the green tiers in the background. You can get on the high green wall and run to the left to score Item Bubbles behind the gate. At the base of the gate is an Item Bubble and a Launch Pad that will blast you into a second Item Bubble. Two more Item Bubbles can be found to the right of the gate along the high part of the green wall, so grab those before moving on.

Hint: Cake Slide

While holding a cake, hop onto the iron tracks to slide to safety.

Item Bubbles: Cake Toss

Remember, the small cakes can be used to gather Item Bubbles -- just toss them at your target to collect. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 26 - &

Hint: Enemies

The tall, cupcake-headed enemies have a weak spot that flips around periodically, exposing itself on a single side. Pick up a cake and toss it at the weak spot once its exposed to take out these baddies.

Item Bubbles: The Pink Pit

If you are toting a cake you can hop onto the iron tracks in the background and slide across them. Use this to gather the Item Bubbles over the pink pit. The moving platforms will launch you into the Item Bubbles above this pink pit. x2 Area

An x2 area can be found near the several tiers of tall cupcake enemies. Bounce up to the top tier and run to the left with two people and it will automatically open up. You'll need a second player (local or online) to complete this area and score 2 additional Item Bubbles.

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Hint: Jam Wheel of Death

Look at the spinning wheel before hopping on it with a cake: The pink, jam-colored slots in the wheel are deadly! Hop on a black slot.

Item Bubbles: Cake Dispensers

Check the top of the cake dispensers for lone Item Bubbles. Toss a cake at the bubbles to pop them.


At the very end of the level you'll have to drop down many tiers of disappearing cookie platforms. Stick to the right side and you should spot this silver Key lying flat on one of the platforms. Grab it to unlock a Versus Level called rodent Derby. You can jump while navigating these platforms to avoid the pink goo -- be quick about it!

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The Cakeinator // 32 Items

Item Bubbles: Behind the Bottles

Be sure to hop into the background and check behind bottles for Item Bubbles!

Hint: Sniper Trifle 101

The cupcake-firing Sniper Trifle provides a single, sticky projectile which can be used to shoot enemies, create a platform on dangerous material, create a step to a higher area or add weight to topple an object. Using the latter method, shoot the Sniper Trifle near the top of the walls you encounter to topple them and create a path. You can move the turret on your head by pressing the RIGHT ANALOG STICK in a direction -- use this for precision cake shots!

Item Bubbles: Below the Drawers

The drawer that pops out will prevent you from falling to 3 Item Bubbles. Shoot a gooey cupcake on the far side of the chasm and the drawer won't be able to open and block you.

Item Bubbles: Above the Flames LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 29 - &

Plant a cupcake in the flames to create a stepping stone to safety. Cross it, kill the enemy and flip around your turret by pressing LEFT on the RIGHT ANALOG STICK. Fire a cupcake on the ground and use it to reach the 2 Item Bubbles on the upper tier -- plant a cupcake in front of the drawer here to prevent it from shoving you off the ledge.

Item Bubbles: The Extremely Hidden Platform

But that's not all there is to find in the area with the flames! Stand on the platform with the drawer and turn right -- you should be able to make out a fabric object you can stick a cake to in the far upper right. Shoot this and it will drop a pair of Item Bubbles

Hint: Make an Elevator

Attach a cupcake to the moving belt to make an elevator platform. Jump off early to reach the platform far below -- you can't jump as high with this helmet!

Item Bubble: Behind the Cookie LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 30 - &

Search behind the wafer cookie on a platform you pass on the elevator/belt for a well-hidden Item Bubble.

Item Bubbles: The Patrolling Enemy

An enemy firing fire projectiles can be taken out with a cupcake -- but you may notice 3 Item Bubbles above him. To get this, flip your turret to the left and fire at the icing-smeared platform. Your cupcake will weigh it down, rotating it into position. Fire another cupcake on it and hop on to get to the Launch Pad and the Item Bubbles.

Hint: Check the Tea Cup

Look in the Tea Cup by the Launch Pad for a Item Bubble.

Item Bubbles: The Stuck Drawer

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A rather unpredictable drawer is your only means of reaching 3 Item Bubbles by the x2 area. Get to the platform to the right of it and step into the background. Fire a sticky cake at its base from the side and it should stick open. Hop onto the drawer to collect the goods. x2 Area

With two players (online or off), a door to the left of the x2 sign will open. Here you'll find 4 Item Bubbles on a high ledge and a sort of weight scale. One person must stand on the rightmost scale platform while the other shoots the leftmost platform and attaches a cake. This will lift the rightmost person up high to the Item Bubbles.

Hint: Tip the Scales and Stop the Gears

Shoot the scale on the left from the bottom to weigh it down and clear a path. After that, put a cupcake in the gears of the device to stop the rotating wheel in the correct position.


On the conveyor belt, stick cakes on the floor to block the purple blobs and also provide a boost to the key.

Item Bubbles: Down the Chute

Two Item Bubbles are out of reach above a chute between two pink goo waterfalls. To get these, shoot the platforms beneath the bubbles themselves to weigh them down, allowing them to roll into the chute one at a time. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 32 - &

Item Bubbles: Scale Launcher

Tile the scale by shooting its far end and it will lift you quickly. Jump as you are lifted to get a boost up to the 3 Item Bubbles floating high above.

Currant Affairs // 45 Items

Item Bubbles: Under the Duck

Turn left at the start of the level and hop into the background. You'll find a secret ramp here leading down below the furry duckling to 3 Item Bubbles.

Hint: Electric Roller

The enemies with electric rollers can be destroyed by hopping into their weak point as they turn away from you.

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Item Bubbles: Behind the Fence

A hole in the fence behind the spawn door leads to a Launch Pad with 5 Item Bubbles.

Hint: Charges

Watch the charges in the electric areas -- they visibly activate traps and other things.

Item Bubbles: The Electric Lift

The elevators rise only when the electric shocks activate them. Use the momentum these give you to launch high into the air and gather the Item Bubbles above the elevators.

x2 Area

Two players (online or off) must operate the yellow levers on either side of this electric maze puzzle. Your task is to make a path for the electric charge as it travels up the path. This one's easy!

Item Bubbles: x2 Area LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 34 - &

There are 3 Item Bubbles behind the spawn door at the x2 area -- don't miss out!

STYLE="clear:both">Key (and Item Bubbles!)

A hole in the fence behind the spawn door leads to a Launch Pad with 4 Item Bubbles and a Key to unlock a Score Challenge.

Item Bubbles: Above the One-Eyed Roller

Don't miss out on the 3 Item Bubbles above the one-eyed roller monster. You can use the launch pads to get these after taking out all three of the weak spots on the enemy. These are hard to spot!

Item Bubbles: Under the Skeletons

At the respawn door under a pair of skeletons, drop down to find 2 Item Bubbles on the left side and 2 much-more-hidden Item Bubbles behind a screen on the right side. Drop into the background to get these.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 35 - &

Kling Klong

Hop into the elevator to initiate this boss fight. The object of this battle is to toss snack cakes, from the left side of the area, into the open maw of Klong. The gates protecting the weak spot of Klong only open occasionally, so you'll have to watch for them.

In the first round of the fight, Klong will send electric charges along the ground which you can simply hop over. Wait for the jaws to open, jump into the air near the creature and toss your snack cake into its weak spot. You must hit it two more times in this manner to move up to the next area.

In this area you must again hit Klong with three projectiles, but its attack has changed to a bouncing beam. Luckily you can predict this beam's path fairly easily and find safe spots under its parabolic path. DO NOT let your cake touch the beam or it will break up and be impossible to dodge.

For the final round, Klong will fire three blasts from top to bottom. You can avoid the bottom two by just standing there. The third blast can be avoided by jumping on the Launch Pad -- you don't even have to land on the upper platform, your air time should be just enough. When you land, immediately run to Klong, jump and toss your cake. Three hits here will bring down the abomination for good.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 36 - &

Attack of the Mutant Marshmallows // 9 Items

To Unlock: Collect Key in The Cakeinator

In this tough score challenge you must zap the bouncing pastries with R1 while avoiding them at all costs. We found that standing to one side and aiming with the RIGHT ANALOG STICK made things easier, only moving out of the way if a collision was imminent. Larger pastries are worth more, and a 3000 game is pretty hard to pull off -- try using a friend to help out!

 500 - 3 Item Bubbles  1500 - 3 Item Bubbles  3000 - 3 Item Bubbles

Death by Shockolate // 28 Items

To Unlock: Collect Key in Currant Affairs

This level is all about the race component, so do your Item Bubble collecting separately. You want to get through this as fast as possible for the 50K score -- and you'll want to get to the finish line with about 10K points from Score Bubbles. Learn the course and get better at swinging through it, while also nailing Score Bubbles without backtracking at all.

Tricky Item Bubbles

The two Item Bubbles at the very start can be scored by jumping off the ledge to the far right. Grapple as you fall to gain momentum to swing up to the ledge to the left with the bubbles. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 37 - &

Tricky Item Bubbles

At the beginning of the level, when you come to the first large wheel you can grapple, drop below and to the left to find a passage leading to some secret Item Bubbles.

 15 - 3 Item Bubbles  25 - 3 Item Bubbles  50 - 3 Item Bubbles

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 38 - & The Factory of a Better Tomorrow

Maximum Security // 39 Items

Item Bubble: Behind the Door

Jump up onto the ledge behind the very first spawn door at the start of the level to find an Item Bubble.

STYLE="clear:both">Item Bubble: Secret Area Beneath the Sign

At the start of the stage, slide down the hill and, under the massive "New Life" sign, run to the left to find a hidden passage and an Item Bubble.

Item Bubble: Robot Door Secret Area

At the start of the stage, slide down the hill and, under the massive "New Life" sign, run to the right until you come to the red robot door. Enter it to find an Item Bubble.

Item Bubble: Bottom of the Pit LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 39 - &

After getting the Grappling Hook, drop to the bottom of the grapple area and grab the Bubble behind the girder.

Item Bubble: Top of the Pit

After getting the Grappling Hook, use the Launch Pads and grapple points to get to the top, left region. From here you can make out an Item Bubble high above the center of this area -- it's on a platform above the top grapple point. To get to this you'll need to bounce off the Launch Pad towards the grapple point and, as you fall, shoot your Hook and attach. Your downward momentum should convert to angular momentum as you swing around the pivot point. Let go as you swing up and you should launch upwards and land on the Item Bubble.

Hint: To the Finger!

Swing out to the purple, neon index finger and drop directly onto it to get to the next area. If you miss the finger, you'll fall to your death.

Item Bubbles: Clive Handforth's Secret Room

When you land on solid ground after falling past the neon hand, open the door on the left using the Launch Pad and lever. Run to the left through the open door to find a secret area with 2 Item Bubbles and Clive Handforth inside. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 40 - &

Hint: Save the Sackbots

The Sackbots throughout this level are caught in cages. Activate switches to release them and then herd them to the right. If they get on your left, chase them until they bounce of the Launch Pads on the leftmost walls. By herding them to the right you can open doors and even use them as projectiles. They will be sucked up into any green tubes you come to, so sometimes you have to hit a button to release them.

The Sackbots will jump over dangerous things or stop at the edge of pits they cannot cross -- the only way to kill them is to throw them into danger. Other than that, try not to leave any behind . Why? Because 4 Item Bubble depend on the rescue of all 15 Sackbots you can release in this level! Every time you see a cage, release the bots and herd them onward.

Hint: Hit the Switch

At the dead end, look for a red switch on the wall. To hit this, you'll need to employ the help of the Sackbots nearby. Pick one up and bounce off the launch pad, releasing it in the direction of the button. It will take two direct hits to open the door.

Hint: Spider Enemies

Stand under the fire-spewing spiders and jump up to hit their weak spots. Your completely safe beneath their bodies! LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 41 - &

Item Bubbles: Avoid the Tube

Don't follow the Sackbots into the tube with the glowing arrows just yet. Move to the foreground and use the launch pads on the right to blast into the two Item Bubbles at the top of the screen.

Item Bubbles: Free the Trapped Sackbots

Pull on the sponge hanging above the bouncing Sackbots to knock them into the foreground so they can run free. Grab one and toss it into the button on the right to release the Item Bubbles.

Item Bubble: In the Background

Just to the left of the area where the Sackbots bounce endlessly between Launch Pads, drop down and walk back to the right. Jump into the background to find a row of Launch Pads and a lone Item Bubble. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 42 - &

Hint: Sackbot Toss

To escape this pit, toss a Sackbot up and to the left. A Launch Pad here will bounce the bot into a switch repeatedly and open the path forward. Chase the Sackbots across the bridge to continue.

Hint: Pick up the Launch Pad

The Launch Pad block in the background can be picked up. Grab it and bring it into the foreground. Toss it into the pit to the left and chase the lil' bots onto it to bounce them into the next area.


You'll need a few Sackbots to get the key. Toss them up at the switch on the wall to activate it and drop the key, simultaneously opening a path forward. The key opens a level called Basketball.

2x Area

The 2x Area can be accessed by one person for a single Item Bubble, but 3 Item Bubbles are only available to two or more players (on or offline). To get to the Bubbles on the upper left, both Sackpeople should jump to the right ledge using the Launch Pad, then one must throw the other to the Item Bubbles. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 43 - &

Item Bubbles: Sackbot Rewards

You'll get one Item Bubble a piece for the 5 and 10 tiers, and two Item Bubbles for getting all 15 -- that means 4 Item Bubbles are at stake, so herd those Sackbots carefully!

Pipe Dreams // 23 Items

Switch Trigger: Red Fist

You'll need to beat the NEXT level, Bang for Buck, to get this Switch Trigger sticker, Red Fist. The Switch Trigger is a blocky shape just to the left of the level entrance. Activating the trigger will give you access to Grabbinators at the very start of the level, allowing you to toss Sackbots with abandon!

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Toss the Sackbot

Toss a Sackbot at the button on the right side of the level at the very beginning to drop and Item bubble. You'll have to step into the foreground to hit the button accurately. On the other side of the stamper machine is another button which you can hit for another Item Bubble. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 44 - &

Hint: I Heart Sackbots

Take the launch pad up to the hanging sponge at the start of the level and grab it to release the Sackbots from two cages. The Sackbots in this level area bit clingy. They'll mindlessly huddle around you at all times. The idea here is to lead all 10 Sackbots you'll find in the level to safety. Your reward is 4 Item Bubbles for all 10!

Item Bubble: Behind the Scenes

A the very beginning of the level, step into the background to get this Item Bubble under the picture of a dude.

Hint: Sackbot Traps

You can lead Sackbots through the mashers by just running as fast as you can through the area. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 45 - &

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: The L-Shaped Ledge

Just before the tube that sucks up your Sackbots is a little L-shape ledge with two Item Bubbles on it. Don't walk too far past it or your Sackbots will by sucked up by the tube. Stand back to the far left and toss Sackbots at the small portion of the platform hanging down that you can hit. Even a slight disruption will jiggle the Bubbles loose.

Hint: Step on the Stampers

After you run past the entrance to the green tube, you'll be on your own as the Sackbots get sucked in. As the Sackbots zip around the plumbing, make your way downwards. You can hop on top of the stampers to get to the next area -- but don't miss the 2 Item Bubbles beneath them.

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Above the Door

Above this spawn door is a moving Launch Pad and a pair of Item Bubbles perched precariously on a high ledge. Toss a Sackbot up here to drop the Bubbles.

Hint: Wait Up! LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 46 - &

The Sackbots cannot easily follow you over Launch Pads unless you stand still and wait for each one.

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubble: Above the Bridge

A platform high above the bridge can be nailed with a tossed Sackbot to knock an Item Bubble down.

x2 Area

The x2 Area, just past the second green tube that snatches your Sackbots, requires two players (on or offline). Jump over the Launch Pad to reach the area. Enter the door that opens on your right and take note of the two hamster-wheel-like devices. Each person must operate a separate wheel by running in it. Hop in and run until both sides of the device show a pink heart. For your troubles you'll be awarded with 4 Item Bubbles.

Key LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 47 - &

You can't miss this key -- it's right in your path as you navigate the Launch Pads in front of the trash-compactor device. Press DOWN when you come to a landing to slip out of harm's way as the compactor's doors slam behind you. Grab the key at the top -- and don't miss out on 3 Item Bubbles hidden to your left!

Hint: Devil Horns

Pull the leftmost trigger and rightmost trigger to make the hand look like the signage in this area: the devil horns of rawck. This will allow the Sackbots to pass.

Hint: Kill Yourself

At the end of the level, drop through the moving hole in the ground to fall right into an Item Bubble on the far right or left -- then self-destruct to gather the one on the other side.

Item Bubbles: Sackbot Savior Rewards

Lead all 10 Sackbots to safety and the machine here will dispense your ultimate prize: 4 Item Bubbles. You'll get less for any other amount. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 48 - &

Bang for Buck // 44 Items

Switch Trigger: Red Fist

After you get the Red Fist Switch Trigger sticker at the very end of this level, return to the beginning and slap it on the boxy fist-shaped Trigger. This will give you access to an amazing bomb helmet -- the Creatinator -- which you can use to get a ton of Item and Score Bubbles! Use the RIGHT ANALOG STICK to aim the bombs from this amazing helmet at any target you wish. Keep an eye out for Red Fist-marked boxes throughout the level with Item Bubbles inside.

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Above the Creatinator

As soon as you get the Creatinator, use the Launch Pad above the spawn door where it appears to launch up and you'll see some destructible blockage with 2 Item Bubbles behind it. Shoot it out and collect them.

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Red Fist Box at Level Start

Backtrack after getting the Creatinator -- shoot the robotic arm for Score Bubbles -- to the beginning of the level and shoot the boxes above the spawn door. They will drop 2 Item Bubbles. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 49 - &

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Check the Ceiling

In the area where you first get the Creatinator, drop down to the bomb dispenser area. Check the ceiling for a destructible area with 2 Item Bubbles in it.

Just to the right of this is a wall of posters with ray guns on them. This is just above the first place you must bomb out to drop down and continue through the level. Shoot the blockage marked with Red Fists here to drop 2 Item Bubbles.

Hint: Bombs 101

You'll be introduced to bombs in this level. Step on the button and hold R1 to catch a bomb as it falls. The round bombs are extremely dangerous -- a nearby explosion will mean an untimely end to Sackboy. Using your Grabbinators you can hold R1 to carry a round bomb for as long as you'd like. Hold the direction you want to throw it on the LEFT ANALOG STICK before letting go and you can toss this bomb at destructible material to clear it. Destructible material is usually marked -- in this area it looks like tan or brown blocks. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 50 - &

Time bombs are square and blink red -- indicating their immanent destruction. Be careful to toss these far away before they go off in your hands.

Item Bubbles: Bombs Away!

Drop down after the first time bomb dispenser and grab a round bomb from the dispenser on the right. Run all the way back to the left and you should find a secret area with 4 Item Bubbles. Use the bomb to clear away the blockage and get at the Bubbles.

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Red Fist Tunnel

At one area you must blow out boxes holding up a ramp that leads to the upper level. Don't go up this ramp. Step into the background and run behind it to find an Item Bubble. 3 Item Bubbles can be found trapped in explosive material in a tunnel to the right of this area. Use the Creatinator to blow your way through the tunnel and collect the Item Bubbles.

Item Bubbles: Above the Dispenser

Just past the two fire-spouting nozzles is a bomb dispenser. Look above it for some blockage and some Score and Item Bubbles. Stand on the bombs, jump and toss the bomb as high as you can. It should detonate the blockage and drop the 2 item Bubbles. You'll have to slip past the moving wall in the next area by standing in the background with a bomb. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 51 - &

Item Bubbles: Beneath the Bomb Lift

At the bomb lift track where you must discard your Grabbinators, walk behind the spawn point door to find 2 Item Bubbles.

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Red Fist Boxes Above the Bomb Lift

Above the start of the bomb lift track are two boxes you can shoot with the Creatinator. Be sure not to walk into the red X or you'll lose the hat prematurely!

Item Bubble: The Bomb Lift

Grab onto the bombs hanging from the bomb lift track and you'll be transported up to a fire- spouting mechanical arm. Get off before it fries you but do NOT drop below. Instead, run to the right and hop across the game to find a secret area with an Item Bubble inside.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 52 - &

Item Bubbles: Brick Out

Lead the fire from the mechanical arms to the bricks above the Item Bubbles trapped beneath them. You may have to hop around a bit to get the arms to clear a path out. in the next area, have the arm shoot out the blocks in the middle of the floor to collapse it and create a path forward.

Item Bubbles: Above the Cages

The Sackbots in cages can be released by tugging on the hanging sponge. Use this to get atop the cage on the left and it will rise, lifting you to the Item Bubbles in the upper left corner.

Hint: Sackbot Love

The Sackbots in this level are attracted to large holograms, called Luscious Lucy, you can activate with the help of yellow levers on the massive red boxes with hearts. Don't pull a second switch until you've created a safe path for the little guys. There are 10 Sackbots in this level to save for a total of 4 Item Bubbles.

Hint: Make a Path

Cross the chasm with the spinning platform carefully -- one side is electrified. On the far side, pull the lever and the Sackbots will line up on the edge of the pit with the spinning platform. A sponge above this will stop its motion for as long as you grab it. Step into the background and time your grab so the left side of the spinning platform is slightly below the left ledge. This will ensure the Sackbots can make the jump onto it. Don't miss the Item Bubble above the cage to the left. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 53 - &

x2 x3 x4 Area

With one player you can get 2 Item Bubbles, with two you can get 4 Item Bubbles, with three you can get 5 Item Bubbles and with four players (on or offline) you can get a total of 6 Item Bubbles from this bomb-throwing puzzle. And you will be throwing plenty of bombs. The goal of this area is to toss the time bombs, obtained from the depository on the upper left, over the obstacles triggered by the button.

Here is the proper 4-player setup: One person stands under the button; One person stands just between the first two green lights; One person stands at the far right x2 spot; and the fourth person stands at the x3 spot.

Using this positioning, the first person must summon the bomb and immediately toss it to the next and so on. DO NOT jump with the box bomb in hand. Just press in the direction you want to throw it and toss it to the next person. To catch the bomb, hold R1. You have to be extremely fast to get the bomb to the x4 spot! If you die, just have everyone move forward a spot and try again. Good Luck!

Item Bubble: Under the Cage

Under the sponge that opens the cage there's a secret area to the right. Walk into it from the ledge above the spawn door. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 54 - &


You can't miss this key. Hit the button to drop a bomb and then bounce over to the destructible wall using the Launch Pads. Just above the Launch Pads is the key.

Hint: The Bomb Track

Pull yourself to the right over this track, carefully avoiding obstacles. If you pull one direction you can lift your body out of harm's way. Be sure to drop to the ground before you get to the wall of explosives!

Hint: Angry Bomb Giants

You'll have to sprint through the last segment of the level as the floor explodes beneath you. This is triggered by your footsteps, so jump as far as you can onto the exploding earth before dashing for safety. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 55 - &

Hint: Sackbot Savior Rewards

You'll get a total of 4 Item Bubbles for completing this level with 10 Sackbots -- you'll get fewer Bubbles for bringing in less.

Waste Disposal // 25 Items

Hint: The Conveyor Belt

Press DOWN and JUMP to drop down onto the conveyor belt and ride it deeper into the level.

Hint: The Rock Crusher

Drop into the pit just after the rock crusher rises and make a dash for the gap in the background on the far right. Wait here for the crusher to drop and then hop onto it. Run to the left and use the Launch Pad to vault to safety.

Hint: Release the Sackbots

Pull the two yellow levers to release the Sackbots -- don't worry, they'll get to the tube OK. They will reemerge just ahead, creating a rope for you to use to swing across the gap. Pull the lever on the far side to create a safe place for them to land. After this they will follow you through the level. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 56 - &

Hint: The Sackbot Gauntlet

The crushing fists are tough obstacles for you and six Sackbots. To get though them you'll need to move fast. Run away from the fists until they retract and then make a mad dash for safety. The Sackbots will follow you diligently.

x2 Area

Note that 2 Item Bubbles can be found near the entrance of the x2 area and can be collected by a single person. The x2 area is at the bottom of some red retracting doors. Run all the way to the left and cross the fire pits carefully. The spawn door here has a limited amount of lives, so try not to die too much or you'll be forced to replay the entire level!

The object of this x2 area is to activate two buttons at the top of the elevator. The positions of these buttons vary randomly so you and your partner will have to think fast on your way up. You can drop off the elevator in case of an emergency. As both players find a notch to stand in safely, both should start hopping to hit the red button on the ceiling. If both hit it at once, you'll light up one of 4 red lights high above. Yep, you have to do this three more times! For lighting all 4 lights you'll be rewarded with 4 Item Bubbles. Yes! LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 57 - &

Hint: Flammable Platforms

The platforms that fall into the fiery pits make for good stepping stones, but they will burn away layer-by-layer. You can pick up burning platforms and toss them into the lava if you need to make a path.

Item bubbles: Above the Lava

In the first area where you throw the flammable platforms onto the fire, jump into the background and use the launch pad to get to the upper area and avoid the crushers to get to a total of 4 Item Bubbles.

Hint: Robotic Arms

Grab the sponge and hold it above your head to attract the attention of the robot arms. These will take you across the fiery pits. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 58 - &

Item Bubbles: Sackbot Savior Awards

For saving all 12 Sackbots you'll get a total of 4 Item Bubbles. You'll get less for the other tiers.

Fowl Play // 13 Items

Hint: Turkey!

In this level you'll have to stay just ahead of the robot turkey as it rampages through the level. There are several Item Bubbles on various tiers of the level that you simply cannot get in one run -- you'll have to play this one a few times.

Item Bubbles: Atop the Towers

You may not have noticed it, but you'll start this level with a Grappling Hook. Put it to use to get to the towers in the very beginning of the level. Launch towards the first grapple point at grapple it early. Pull back and to the left to let out a bunch of slack, then swing to the launch pad between the two towers. This should get you to an Item Bubble.

Item Bubbles: The High Road

Many Item Bubbles in the first section of this level are high out of reach. You'll need to push your Grappling Hook abilities to their limits by pulling off some big swings to get to the Item Bubbles on the red platforms. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 59 - &

Hint: It's a Dead End!

While you can swing over the doors blocking your path if you take the high road, just tugging on the grapple points with green circles on them with the Grappling Hook will drop the walls and allow you and the Sack Bots to get by.

Item Bubbles: The High Road Part II

Run up the blocks in the background to get to a high Item Bubble and a row of stacked-block platforms. With some quick taps of JUMP you can make it to the Launch Pads that will shoot you into another Item Bubble.

Hint: Fake Ending!

When you get to the end of the road, the turkey will fall into the fire -- only to emerge again when you get to the TV! LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 60 - &

Item Bubbles: The High Road Part III

There's no way to get all the Item Bubbles on this section of the course but to get up to the last section of high, red platforms you'll need to use a Launch Pad immediately after the resurrection of the chicken. This should take you to the highest tier of platforms. The end of the level is just ahead!

Item Bubbles: The Teetering Towers

The last few Item Bubbles on top of towers can be collected easily after the turkey topples them. Snag them from the rubble as you run to the end of the level.

Split Paths // 9 Items

To Unlock: Collect Key in Pipe Dreams

The key to this level is Sackbot survival -- not points. You need to get all 20 of the Sackbots to the end of the level to get the 9 Item Bubbles as your reward. To do so, pick up a heart block from the dispenser at the beginning of the level. Any time you see a button with red or green lights above it, hit it three time to release more Sackbots. They will follow the block whether you are holding it or not.

Occasionally you'll have to hold the block in the right place so the Sackbots will activate a button, and other times you'll have to leave the heart block in one place while you press a button in another. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 61 - &

The electric hazards can kill you or, worse, the Sackbots, so watch for the little, white meters and skulls signs that indicate a timed trap.

 5 - 3 Items  15 - 3 Items  20 - 3 Items

Sackbot Bounce // 9 Items

To Unlock: Collect Key in Bang for Buck

This is a short and evil game in which you have to get Sackbots to bounce to safety by moving a series of pads left and right. It takes some finesse, but once you get their bouncing patterns down a 3000 score isn't too bad -- you can even let 5 or 6 Sackbots fall before you lose.

 1600 - 3 Items  1500 - 3 Items  3000 - 3 Items

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 62 - & Avalonia

Avalon's Advanced Armaments Academy // 50 Items

Switch Trigger: Avalon Centrifuge

The Avalon Centrifuge sticker can be found in Flying in the Face of Danger -- you get it for collecting all of the Item Bubbles in the shooter level. This simply unlocks a race through the entire level for bonus points -- no Item Bubbles are related to it.

Hint: RoboBun 101

At the bottom of the elevator shaft you'll get to hop in the driver's seat of a RoboBun. This device allows you to leap high in the air and, if you press R1, you can slam down with deadly rabbit force. The RoboBun can take damage, but you can replenish your heart-shaped meter at any nearby spawn door.

Item Bubble: Don't Kick the Cans

The Item Bubble above the cans at the start of this level can be attained only if you don't go crazy and knock everything over. Carefully leap onto the stacked cans and then hop to the Item Bubbles.

Item Bubbles: Above the Electric Wedges LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 63 - &

Leap onto the wedge on the wall at the far right of the electric wedges and use it to get to the suspended cans. There are 2 Item Bubbles to collect here.

Hint: The Pit

The pit ahead is filled with electric wedges. Jump off the spring platform to reach a high Item Bubble before diving in. On the far side, don't jump too high or you'll fry on the ceiling wedge.

Item Bubble: High Item Bubble

After you climb a series of springboards, look for an Item Bubble high above the area.

Item Bubbles: Robot Launch

The red robots can be killed with a single stomp from the RoboBun, but before your rabbit rampage you should use the robots to reach the Item Bubbles above the area. Just jump on them and jump off to reach the bubbles. You should be a bit more careful around the electrified robots, but you don't need to Ace the level on your initial Item Bubble run, so don't sweat your respawns it too much. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 64 - &

Hint: MechaPup 101

If you thought the RoboBun was odd, wait until you get a load of the MechaPup. This ride comes equipped with a sonic beam that can move the blocks you encounter in the level. The MechaPup also clings to walls, so if you fall down a pit, you can climb out easily.

Hint: Revolving Doors

Use your sonic beam to knock the revolving doors into motion. Use this technique to make a path to the 3 Item Bubbles and then dash through the row of free-swinging doors after shooting them.

Hint: Make Stairs

Just past the revolving doors, go all the way to the right and drop down to knock the staircase back to the left so you can use it to continue.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 65 - &

Hint: Dead End?

Scoot under this swinging door and blast it up so it hits the cylinder this will cause a chain reaction that opens the path onward.

Hint: Hamster 101

The Hamster is your final "vehicle" in this level. It can dash right through the red blockages you come to, but it can also dash in mid air. You can use this technique to reach high Item Bubbles.


The Key in this level can be reach with some easy boosting. Remember, you can boost in mid-air with R1 so that means you can easily boost into the lone Item Bubble under the Key.

Item Bubbles: Above the Final Stretch

Jump and then hold UP and R1 to boost up and explore the area above the final portion of the level. A few Item Bubbles can be scored here. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 66 - &

Got the Hump // 84 Items

Hint: Camel Power

The Camel's blasters can destroy enemies, blocks and collect Item Bubbles. You can hold R1 for a brief burst of rapid fire, or tap it for single shots. To do the most damage you'll find a steady rhythm of medium-length button presses will yield the most shots. You can hit targets for points, but don't shoot Avalon or you'll lose 10 points for each shot! The Camel will take damage but you can get a life boost at each spawn point you come to.

Hint: Shoot Out the Targets

Hit the targets in the background -- but not Avalon -- to open the doors ahead.

Item Bubbles: Shoot the Boxes

Item Bubbles are all over the place, and mainly in boxes like those in stacks and in spinning wheels seen at the start of the stage. Shoot them. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 67 - &

Item Bubbles: Topple the Towers

The tall towers often have Item Bubbles atop them. Be wary of the bats as you target Item Bubbles.

Hint: Missile Launcher

You can shoot the missiles out of the air, but make sure you shoot the open missile launcher as well to destroy it or you'll be here for a long time. The bomb catapult just pas the barrage of bats can be destroyed as well.

Hint: Falling Rocks

Shoot out the platform holding up the burning rocks so they drop and list you to the next area.

Key LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 68 - &

At the bottom of the first elevator ride you'll move left towards a massive stack of blocks and bubbles. Begin shooting away the bottom of this and the Key should get caught in the crossfire -- it's somewhere in there!

Hint: Bombs Away!

The dropping bombs must be constantly shot -- preferably at the source.

Item Bubble: The Tallest Tower

Just past the dispenser that drops bombs on you from above, shoot the base of the first tower you come to and an Item Bubble will drop from high above. Be sure to shoot it as it falls behind you -- it's tough to spot!

Hint: The Miniboss

This miniboss has a lone weak spot, it's red eye, so shoot it as much as possible. Otherwise, you'll probably be spending a lot of ammo defending yourself from its missiles, which come from multiple places. A good rule of thumb is to shoot the pink eye until it covers it with its hands. When it does this, turn to whatever port is open, the bomb port on its mouth or the missile port on top of the head, and fire away. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 69 - &

After a dozen or so shots to the creature's eye, you start moving again. At this point, it may jump into the air. Immediately train your crosshairs on the lower right portion of the screen and wait for the large missiles to appear. These missiles take a lot of shots to destroy, so hold R1 as needed. One will probably slip through your defenses -- they are just tough to take out. The good news is that you should be able to finish off the boss before it jumps any more. The boss will drop two final Item Bubbles when it detonates.

The Sackbot Redemption // 41 Items

Hint: Bee 2.0

The Bee 2.0 allows you to freely fly around the level. With R1 held you can transport Sackbots from one place to another. The more Sackbots the more sluggish you'll be. Carry Sackbots from the left side of the first area to the pad marked "4." Bring 4 Sackbots to this pad and you'll open the door above.

Key LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 70 - &

To the right of the first tube where you must deposit Sackbots you can score a key amongst the Item Bubbles.

Hint: Sackbot Airlift

Collect 4 Sackbots before heading up through the burning gauntlet. You'll be pretty weighed down, but you'll only need to make one trip, which is nice. After depositing the Sackbots at the pad above, collect the 6 Item Bubbles that appear by hovering in front of them.

Hint: Patch Up

Fly up through the electrical current and you can grab hold of sponges attached to two platforms. Carry them down to the electric areas under the red Xs to patch up the floor. This will allow the Sackbots to cross the area.

Hint: Conveyor Belt

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Drop Sackbots onto the GREEN spots on the conveyor belt to get them to the tube. DO NOT forget the 3 Item Bubbles by the tube before flying up to the next area!

Hint: Fix the Pipe

Line up the Bee's legs with the red sponges on either side of this area and you can tug the Sackbot boxes into the central column. Before moving on, be sure you collect the 6 Item Bubbles that appear at the top of the area.

Item Bubbles: Heavy Lifting

After toting the 4 Sackbots across the electric pits with the falling rocks and depositing them at the tube on the far right, head back left to pick up 3 Item Bubbles in a compartment between the two pits.

Hint: Finishing Touches

As the lab crumbles around you, transport the last 4 Sackbots to the tube on the far right and they will hit the button, allowing you to complete the level.

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Flying in the Face of Danger // 29 Items

Bee 2.0 101

This level is a fairly straightforward recreation of an old-school space shooter. You'll pilot the Bee 2.0, now equipped with a H.O.N.E.Y. cannon. Parts of the stage in volve shooting, while others involve dodging obstacles. You can hold X to automatically fire a stream of shots your cannon or tap it quickly to shot faster. Enemies and red barriers can be destroyed with one or two shots. The red goo that covers the barriers and certain stretches of wall will sap your life if you touch them. A spawn door follows behind you along the way, so if you get trapped behind an object or lose all your life you will pick up just after where you left off.

Hint: Shoot 'Em Up

Shoot the lines of enemies for points. The enemies with red barriers are more dangerous -- you must shoot these or risk running into them for an instant death.

Item Bubbles: Dodge 'Em!

The middle section of this level features all of the Item Bubbles. You'll have to play the level at least twice to score them all, since many times you'll have to choose the high or low path for unique bubbles. Try sticking to one or the other for the entire level to make this easier on your second playthrough.

Hint: Moving Parts LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 73 - &

Don't press up against the moving parts in this level -- you'll explode! Be especially cautious around the pink goo which will drain your life as you near it. At the end of the Item Bubble stretch you'll double your speed and have to step up your dodging skills.

Hint: The Final Stretch

The top-down section has no Item Bubbles, so switch back to blowing up bugs with your blasters. You can get tons of Score Bubbles if you line up with them correctly.

Huge Peril for Huge Spaceship

The enemy mothership that appears to take down Huge Spaceship features a powerful laser cannon that you must avoid at all costs -- it's an instant kill if you get caught in the beam. Luckily, it takes a while to power up so you'll have time to dodge it. You'll also be dodging smaller projectiles at the same time which can drain your life, but these are pretty easy to slip around.

For the first round, fire rapidly at the source of the laser as it powers up. Move out of the way as the beam focuses. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 74 - &

For the second round, look for two recessed weak spots inside the ship. You can only take shots at these between laser blasts, which you now must avoid by sticking to the top or bottom of the screen.

For the final round you must shoot the pilot in the center of the mothership, but the beam pattern will force you to move constantly from the edges of the screen to the center. The beams that force you to the center will fry you as they roll into position, so be sure to make it to the safe zone quickly. Once you destroy the pilot the level will conclude.

On Burrowed Time // 9 Items

To Unlock: Collect Key in Avalon's Advanced Armaments Academy.

This one is, interestingly, not about the race but about the combo you can get. If you press R1 rapidly throughout the course, busting through walls and taking the correct routes to get the most Score Bubbles, your combo should get into the double digits fast. We finished the level with a whopping 31x combo for 150K points!

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 20000 - 3 Items  50000 - 3 Items  99000 - 3 Items

Gobotron // 9 Items

To Unlock: Collect Key in Got the Hump

This Robotron knockoff has you moving with one analog stick and firing with the other. As you take out enemies, you can score bonuses in the central area which should be carefully worked into your strategy -- don't waste health and upgrades! Here are the types of pickup you can get:

 + - Life  ^ - Speed  O - Shield  * - Double shot/rapid fire

Later enemies are worth more points, so getting to the 5K goal isn't as hard as it sounds.

 1500 - 3 Items  3000 - 3 Items  6000 - 3 Items

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 76 - & Eve's Asylum

Up and At 'Em // 40 Items

Hint: Hidden Score Bubbles

They aren't as cool as Item Bubbles, but there is a stash of Score Bubbles to the left of the start of this level. You'll have to leap over some smoldering spots to get to them.

Hint: The Caterpillar Run

There's nothing special about the caterpillar ride up the tree -- you just need to dodge obstacles. You cannot fire any shots. If you get trapped behind obstacles or get fried you'll spawn at one of the doors on the side of the level.

Item Bubbles: The High Road

At the beginning of the course, stick to the right and you can run up a ramp and grab an Item Bubble above the main course.

Item Bubbles: Right or Left? LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 77 - &

You can't possible get all of the Item Bubbles in the caterpillar run on one go -- try collecting them on the left or right side first, then you can complete your collection on second round.

Item Bubbles: Behind the Spiders

The caterpillar run is divided into sections be low-hanging ceilings which force the camera to zoom in on Sackboy in his ride. In the second section you'll come across rows of spider-like enemies. Don't miss the hard-to-spot Item Bubbles on the sides of the course here.

Item Bubbles: Great Balls of Fire!

Wait for one volley of fireballs to pass in front of you before zipping over to the Item Bubbles in this section -- one hit and you are toast!


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The caterpillar run is divided into sections be low-hanging ceilings which force the camera to zoom in on Sackboy in his ride. In the third section a Key can be grabbed in a round wooden section of the middle of the track. You have to go out and around the low wall to get it.

Item Bubbles: The High Road Part II

Just after the Key you can take a ramp leading up to an upper track with additional Item Bubbles.

Fireflies When You're Having Fun // 38 Items

Switch Trigger: Golden Apple

The Golden Apple Switch Trigger sticker can be found at the very end of the Patients Are a Virtue level. Slap it on the apple-shaped trigger just to eh right of the beginning of the level to make a Platform Cannon appear! You can now spit out Launch Pads wherever you go! Aim the cannon with RIGHT TRIGGER and fire with R1. You can only fire on Launch Pad platform at a time. Platforms disappear shortly after you create them.

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Bubbles Above the Beginning

In the beginning of the level there are many Item Bubbles to be found on Frefly tracks high above. To reach them you'll need to use the Platform Cannon. First, backtrack to the beginning and use the Platform Cannon to climb up through the Score Bubbles to the many ledges with Item Bubbles.

In the area above where you get the Platform Cannon is another series of platforms in the dark above the Firefly track. Beware of the bugs -- they will fry you and the platforms! LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 79 - &

Hint: Fireflies

The fiery bugs that patrol this area light the way, but you can also use the bubbles to see the path forward if you are impatient. Don't miss the Item Bubble in the recess in the wall to the far right, as you start climbing, and another on the far left in a similar recess.

Hint: Hazardous Climb

They may be helpful, but the Fireflies will kill you if you make contact with them. TO make things worse, dark clouds of poison gas lie between many platforms -- so don't walk off the ledge!

Hint: Leverage

Jump on the tilting platform and move from side to side to get it swinging. You can then use it to launch up to the Item Bubble and also to get the necessary height to reach the adjacent ledge.

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(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Above the Lever

Above this area are 2 Item Bubbles. You can use a cool technique to get up high here. Aim your Platform Cannon straight down and fire it at the top of your bounce to create a series of platforms that take you ever higher.

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: The Hidden Ledge

Just to the right of the high point with the last Item Bubbles is a high ledge you can reach with your Platform Cannon. From here you can climb and explore the upper area of the Firefly tracks for 2 Item Bubbles.

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Above the Trees

Just before you exit the dark area to daylight again, use the Platform Cannon to climb into the top right corner of the next dark area. Here you will find an upper path leading out to the light. Follow the Score Bubbles to 2 Item Bubbles in the trees.

Hint: Swinging

With the grappling hook you can get around the outside area easily. Don't worry about the areas above, though, you can only reach these with the help of the Switch Trigger. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 81 - &

(Switch Trigger) Item Bubbles: Before the Level Link

Before you come to the Level Link you'll find another massive hidden area filled with Score Bubbles and 2 Item Bubbles that you can only reach by using the Platform Cannon. x2 x3 Area

For this multiplayer area you'll need 3 people (on or offline) to collect all 6 Item Bubbles. The key to this area is for each person to jump up and grab a handhold, thus pulling pieces of the Firefly track in place. The following permutations for handholds A, B and C (with A on the far left) yield bubbles:

 ABC  BC  AC

Item Bubbles: The Lift

Keep an eye out for item bubbles on the left and right sides of the lift as you swing to dodge fireballs. If you are missing a single Item Bubble at the end of the level, it's probably hidden here!

Hint: Cool Swinging

The fiery grapple points won't hold you. Aim only for those that are extinguished. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 82 - &

Hint: Fire Men

You can wait for a big break in the walking fire men to progress or slip between them carefully. Don't miss out on the Item Bubbles at the far end -- you can jump into the background to save yourself at the last second. Bouncing up the Launch Pads with fire men takes a bit of luck, since you can't see too far above.

Patients Are a Virtue // 28 Items

Item Bubbles: Level Start

Run to the left at the start of the level to score a hidden Item Bubble. Drop down to the next level and run to the left past the Splashcannon for another one by the bunny-thing.

Hint: Splashcannon 101

The Splashcannon can douse flaming spots with a tap of R1. You can also hold R1 to spout water in a constant stream since it may take a good soak to put out flames. You can also use the Splashcannon to kill bruning enemies. Finally, if you shoot the globs of blue liquid found in this level they will transform. Aim the cannon with RIGHT TRIGGER and fire with R1. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 83 - &

Item Bubbles: Save the Sackperson

Put out the flames with the Splashcannon around the Sackperson in the window to reveal 2 Item Bubbles.

Hint: Shoot the Glob

Shoot the glob of blue goo with the Splashcannon to lower the platform. In other places, shooting the glob extends platforms allowing you to continue. Shoot the glob!

Item Bubble: Extend the Bridge

In the first place where you shoot a blue glob to extend it across the gap, cross the blue platform and enter a secret passage on the right to find an Item Bubble.

Item Bubbles: Save the Sackpeople LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 84 - &

Once again, spray the burning boxes around the Sackpeople to reveal Item Bubbles.

Item Bubble: Grow the Vines

In certain places, shooting blue globs causes vines to grow. You can climb the vines to reach the platform just under the Score and Item Bubbles, but a secret Launch Pad to the left will allow you to reach the top of the vine and collect the aforementioned bubbles.

Hint: Fire and Water

If the burning objects drop on your extended water platform it will fizzle and retreat -- beware!


Douse the spinning platform and then keep it spinning towards the Key. Jump across the gap between the spinning sections to reach the ledge with the Key.

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Item Bubble: Spray Away

Use the Splashcannon to spray this Item Bubble so it sways and swings back towards you. Leap from the top water platform to grab it.

Item Bubble: Jump for It

This Bubble may look out of reach but once you douse the platform you can jump to it as the left edge raises. Don't forget to put out the flames around the Sackperson here.

Item Bubbles: Secret Spot

At the bottom of the series of blue glob platforms is a secret area on the left with 3 Item Bubbles.

Item Bubbles: Another Secret Spot

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 86 - &

Squirt the glob on the top of the lift and it will lower to the bottom of the shaft. Here you can score some Item Bubbles in a secret compartment to the left, like in the previous shaft.

Item Bubbles: The Fireball

When you shoot the blue glob beneath the large fireball, it will begin rolling along, torching the root structures in its path. Drop down through the first burned root and leap over the rolling fireball and run to the right -- DO NOT LET THE FIREBALL BURN THE ROOTS ON THE RIGHT YET -- and you can use the roots to get to a pocket of Item Bubbles. After this, use a stream of water to push the fireball into the root. On the next tier, look for a lone Item Bubble to the left before pushing the fireball further to the right.

Casa Del Higginbotham // 23 Items

Hint: Activating Blue Globs

Shoot the blue globs in this level to create bouncing pads and extend platforms, much like the last level. They can be hard to spot, so keep an eye on the sky.

Item Bubbles: Green Glob

Shoot the green glob after to you put out the flames on the ground and it will drop 2 Item Bubbles.

Key LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 87 - &

In the area with the many blue globs that launch you upwards, the Key is hanging off to the left. You can fly over to it by holding left as you activate the launcher by spraying the glob above it.

Item Bubbles: In the Tree Trunk

Shoot the green glob above the spawn door and these bubbles will shoot out of the tree trunk and land by the door. x4 Area

For the 6 Item Bubbles above the x4 area you'll need four players (on or offline). First, everyone needs to drop onto the gold platform by the x4 sign. When you all stand on the platform, blue globs will slowly emerge around the area. Each Sackperson must pick one of the blue globs to fire at. Keep a steady stream of water on all four blue globs and you'll be launched up to the Item Bubbles.

Item Bubbles: Above the Bridge

Just past the x4 area is a green glob that's easy to miss above the bridge you extend. Shoot it to drop 3 Item Bubbles. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 88 - &

Item Bubbles: Fiery Floor

You can put out the flames here temporarily, but keep a stream of water under you feet at all times to make sure you don't get fried as the flames return.

Hint: The Miniboss

The fireball-spewing piranha plant is tough to beat without getting fried a few times. Its weakness is its open mouth. While shooting a stream of water at the mouth you'll have to carefully dodge the fireballs by moving back and forth.

This fight is pretty short, but you have to be on your toes constantly to avoid getting burned. We found that standing right at the edge of the area was fairly safe, plus you can easily target the mouth from there.

Invasion of the Body Invaders // 20 Items

Hint: Inner Space

You can grab the white blood cells by hitting X and then release them again to send them flying at obstructions and enemies. You can also hit X to use the chompers to pup Item Bubbles. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 89 - &

Item Bubbles: Choose the Left Path

Shoot your white blood cell at the left enemy while dodging the projectiles. If you know it out first, you'll have access to a stash of Item Bubbles that you'll miss if you immediately attack the enemy on the right.

The Boss

This boss has an obvious weak point: its glowing orange eye. The purple globs that surround it don't exactly protect it, and you can shoot the white blood cell right through the globs to hit the eye. The purple globs make for a bigger enemy to dodge, however, so any shot you fire that misses the eye will help reduce the threat of the enemy.

In the first round, the creature will dash around the perimeter of the area, making it easy to avoid. Keep firing at it and it will retreat to the top of the screen and repair itself. During this time, avoid the purple beams of light or you'll take damage.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 90 - &

Soon the eyes will multiply. You can hit them at any time, so nail them with the white blood cell while they are forming. At this point they will not be too aggressive, scooting around the area perimeter once again. What you need to be careful about is the occasional dash to the center of the area.

For the last portion of this fight there will be four eyes to get rid of. You'll have to carefully avoid the purple globs now, and if the beams in front of the enemies turn red, quit firing and run away! Only fire at them when the beams are purple. Luckily the four eyes are significantly weaker, so you can take them out with just a few shots a piece. Try to hit all four when they are clumped together. The last two will give you some trouble, but the fight is nearly over now!

Mind Control // 7 Items

To Unlock: Collect Key in Patients are a Virtue

To get to your goal of 90000 you'll just need to play through this once or twice and get a handle on all the puzzles. Your controls are the same for both Sackpeople on screen, so you'll have to use short walls and other obstacles to stop one Sackboy while the other can run freely. The goal is to line up both Sackpeople in the green areas. Remember that you can grab the purplish cushions on certain areas to stop one or both Sackpeople.

 20000 - 3 Items  45000 - 2 Items  90000 - 2 Items

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 91 - &

Root Canal // 9 Items

To Unlock: Collect Key in Casa Del Higgenbotham

In this level you get to swim! While swimming, press JUMP to move faster and tug at objects you are holding with R1. You will die if you don't surface for air within 30 seconds, but you can get a submarine breath of air by swimming through the streams of bubbles as well. Most of the puzzles require you to swim down and clear the path on the surface.

One puzzle requires you to pull yellow sponges into place so that they prop up a path above. Another has you raise a harness for a fish which you must then tug into the harness. After that, lower the harness again to douse the hot flames on the platform above. Meeting your goal of 70000 just requires that you swim fast and know the puzzle solutions ahead of time -- this one's easy!

 20000 - 3 Items  40000 - 3 Items  70000 - 3 Items

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 92 - &


Set the Controls for the Heart of the Negativitron // 54 Items

Keys: Playing Arcade Games for Keys

There are 3 Keys to be found in the green-screened arcade games. For the first, play Cosmic Invasion by approaching the machine and hitting the button shown. Control the paddle and bounce the square into the bricks. Once all of them are cleared, a key will drop.

Past the claw machine is another Key game called Science Diner. Simply bounce the square off the paddle to win the Key.

Finally, on the far right you'll come across Parmesan. Catch a few of the falling blocks to drop a third Key.

Item Bubbles: The Claw Machine

Step on the red button to move the claw into position above the 2 Item Bubbles. Step off of the button to let it drop. Your first few tries should automatically fail even if your aim is true. Don't worry though, you'll get the bubbles eventually. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 93 - &

x2 Area

Just past the "arcade" is an x2 area that requires two people (on or offline). To get to the 4 Item Bubbles you'll need to first lift one player to the upper level. Have one player stand on the red button on the right, while the other rides the glowing blue platform up. Now the upper player can stand on the button on the upper level and create a path for the lower player to reach another button. By hitting the leftmost buttons you can access the Item Bubbles.

Hint: Zero G

The gravity significantly diminishes in the second half of the level. Take advantage of this to leap to lofty bubbles. You can also use things like the grippy wheel to fling further than usual. Grab onto the wheel and let go as you travel upwards to fling into the Item Bubbles.

Item Bubble: Long Leap

Run and jump in one, fluid motion over the electric floor to score a high Item Bubble. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 94 - &

Hint: Freedom for Sackbots

Sackbots and other things need your help. Pull levers and step on buttons to free them in the background.

Item Bubbles: Above the Door

Don't miss the digits in the Item Bubbles above the spawn door. You can just jump up to collect them.

Item Bubbles: Low G

Use the Launch Pad and detritus to leap up to the Item Bubbles in this area.

Hint: Rad Gravity LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 95 - &

You can flip with a tap of X from floor to ceiling with the blue cylinder you get at the end of the level. Use this to avoid the electrified floors. You can also push purple blocks around. Certain blocks can be fitted into place to free more allies.

Full Metal Rabbit // 16 Items

Item Bubbles: The Towers

The devilish enemies in the red towers toss bombs you can catch with your Grabbinators. The bombs can be tossed back to eliminate the enemy towers, but you can also toss them at the two doors holding Item Bubbles above the spawn door.

The key to getting both bubbles is to destroy the first tower AFTER it lobs another bomb at you. You should destroy it, then immediately catch the final bomb tossed -- alternately you can toss one bomb on the ground by letting go of R1 WITHOUT holding a direction on the ANALOG STICKS. Use this to bust the door and release the Item Bubble on the left. You can use the second bomb- tossing tower to get the Item Bubble behind the right door.

This same technique must be used later on with the fourth bomb-lobbing enemy you encounter. Save a bomb to free the Item Bubbles and you can save yourself a replay. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 96 - &

Hint: Platforming Perils

Jumping across the platforms is tough thanks to the stream of deadly fire the enemies spew. Take your time and avoid the flames -- they'll fry you fast if you get close.

Hint: Fire Walkers

Hanging from the yellow grip sponge activates the compactor next to it. The large walking firebreathers can be smashed if you lead them to the left and crush them.

Item Bubbles: Behind the Laser Turret

After getting the Robobun, use R1 to break through the barrier on the ground and then stomp on the enemies in your path. Behind the second laser turret is a pair of TIem Bubbles, so be sure to take it out with a stomp to collect them.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 97 - &

Drop below and search behind another turret on the lower left for more Item Bubbles.

Item Bubble: Hidden Behind the Scenery

To the left of the fifth orange-eye-laser-turret-thing is an Item Bubble hidden behin a bit of scenery.

Item Bubbles: Strenuous Steps

The final Item Bubbles are high above the steps with laser cannons on them. Jump up and crush a cannon, then hide out on the cleared step awaiting a lull in the fire. Use this method to proceed up the stairs and collect the last bubble.

Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge // 41 Items

Item Bubbles: Swing to the Ledge

While the Bee 2.0 can give you a boost up the 3 Item Bubbles, you can also use some creative swinging to get up to this ledge if you miss your chance. While grappling the leftmost grapple point swing back and forth, releasing your grapple and reattaching it as you plummet to gain speed. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 98 - &

Hint: Release the Sackbots

They're back! You'll have to help these Sackbots through the level. This time the Sackbots are armed, and they will automatically shoot and destroy anything covered in pink goo. You don't have to save them all for Item Bubbles this time, so don't fret if you lose a few (you probably won't).

Item Bubbles: Under the Overhang

After releasing the Sackbots, use the grapple point to pull down a platform for them to cross, then drop below and to the right to grab some bubbles and get back up to the top.

Hint: Sneak Attack

Approach the enemy tank from behind and grapple onto the grapple point on its back to expose its weak point. The Sackbots will finish it off.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 99 - &

Hint: Eye Creatures

Jump on the weak spot on these creatures' heads and then retreat to let the Sackbots finish them off. They can still hurt you if you hang around. Be sure to use the Bee 2.0 to get to the Item Bubbles above the area.

Item Bubble: Under the Overhang II

Let out some slack and swing over to this Item Bubble above the fiery floor. Quickly grapple back to safety once you grab it.

Hint: Use the Bee

Once again you can use the Bee to swing to the 3 Item Bubbles around it. The motion of the Bee will actually help you reach the bubbles.

Item Bubble: Under the Overhang III

Walk off the edge of this overhang and then backtrack for a hidden Item Bubble above the launchpad in the background.

Hint: The Final Fireblaster

Time your path through this harrowing gauntlet so you leap over the first blast of fire, swing past the second and then pull the lever to destroy the turret just as it's about to fire a third time. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 100 - &

Hint: Going Down

The elevator has two grapple points which is more than enough to keep you out of rang of the flying enemies you encounter. Just make sure you are out of the way when their beams turn pink. When you land on a weak point, immediately swing far away so the damaged enemy doesn't kill you in its desperate final attack. The Sackbots will finish it off swiftly enough.

The fire turrets are tough to attack, and you'll have to lead their fire to one side, then swing to the other to land on the weak point. This is especially important for the pair of fire turrets. Also, be sure to keep an eye out for Item Bubbles on your way down!

Item Bubble: Before the Miniboss

Right in front of the miniboss is a well-hidden Item Bubble behind a red panel int eh foreground. Drop into the background and run to the left to get it.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 101 - &

Hint: The Miniboss

This one-armed, angry robot has a weak spot on its back. To get there, slip under its arm and grapple upwards -- you should attach to the pink ring above you on the arm itself. This will fling you to the enemy's rear where you can grapple another pink ring to open its weak spot so the Sackbots can take it out.

Hint: Shadow of the Colossus

Climbing the final robot is easy, thanks to conveniently placed grapple points, marked with blue rings, and Launch Pads. The Bee 2.0 will swoop in to provide extra grapple points as well -- use the Bee to cross the knees and then use it again to lift you up to the next area. Grab the Item Bubble on the launch pad and you'll be blasted up into the interior of the beast.

Grapple onto the spinning wheel and use it to fling you up and slightly to the right so you can carefully gather the Item Bubbles in the corner. Beware of the pink gas!

Exit to the left and wait on the "shoulder" for the arm to swing down. Hop into the elbow area and grab the final Item Bubble. You'll now have to climb back up to this spot. This time, walk out on the arm when it rises and use the Launch Pad to reach the top of the beast. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 102 - &

A Launch Pad on the right arm will let you hit the lone weakspot on the right side of the head. Use it again to get inside the head and pull the lever to bring the giant down.

Fight of the Bumblebees // 31 Items

Hint: Shoot 'Em Up

Press X to fire your Bee 2.0 blasters to take out anything pink in this level. Doing so will net you points and clear your path. You can either shoot Item Bubbles to collect them or fly through them.

Item Bubbles: In the Background

The column of pink squares and Item Bubbles rotates from background to foreground and you can only shoot stuff in the foreground, so be patient and shoot at the Item Bubbles until you nail 'em.

Hint: Incoming! LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 103 - &

The firing patterns of the enemies are tough to avoid, so try to catch them as they enter on the top and bottom. If they end up filling the screen with bullets you are bound to get hit. Take out the turrets firing vertically way ahead of time as well.

Item Bubbles: Top Bottom, or Both

If you are fast you can snag these Item Bubbles on one run -- just be sure to shoot out the turrets as you zip from top to bottom.

Item Bubbles: The Moving Maze

Slip through the black boxes quickly here to get to the Item Bubbles. They can only be collected if they are in the foreground.

Hint: Move the Walls

You must fire quickly to move the pink walls out of the way so you can slip past.

Item Bubble: Under the Waves LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 104 - &

The waves of squiggly pixels can distract from the Item Bubble hidden beneath them.

Hint: Miniboss

The boss that greets you at the end of the level will shoot missiles right at you, making it necessary to constantly move. We recommend moving in a sweeping motion from the top of the screen to the bottom repeatedly, all the while rapidly firing at the three weak spots on the enemy, marked in pink.

If you keep moving, you simply won't get hit. After a few dozen hits the enemy will detonate and the level will conclude.

Into the Heart of the Negativitron

The final battle is separated into three different segments. In the first you'll have a RoboBun to assist you. You can dash freely about the area -- even dash in mid air -- by hitting R1. Your target is a weak spot on the top right of the Negativitron. To hit it, just dash up to it and fall on it.

The Negativitron's attack pattern is simple: it sends out a deadly beam every few seconds that will instantly kill you if you are in its path. You can avoid it entirely by dashing around in the upper left or right areas. LittleBigPlanet 2 Guide - 105 - &

After hitting the weak spot, quickly dash across the level and get ready to hit the next weak spot on the opposite side. You need to hit 5 weak spots to end this round of the battle. When you do, you can head to the next area by taking a tube out either side of the bottom area. Note: you can double your Score Bubbles by taking the tube exit on one side, crossing the exit on the very bottom, and collecting Bubbles from the other side.

In the second round you'll be outfitted with a Grappling Hook. The Negativitron will open its maw and suck in a constant series of platforms. You can hop on the tops of these platforms or swing from the grapple points beneath them. If you get sucked into the mouth, you will die -- you will also die if you fall to the floor.

Constantly swing and bounce to the right until you see Bee 2.0 appear. When it fires a missile into the mouth, be ready to swing back to the left. Land on the head and stomp on the weak spot to damage the Negativitron. Immediately grapple to the left after doing so.

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After hitting it twice, the platforms will be moving significantly faster, so try to aim your jumps and grapples for every other platform. You'll need to hit the weak spot four times to move on.

The third round may seem impossible at first, but it's actually quite simple once you get the pattern of the pink shots down. The Negativitron will fire volleys of shots that you can best avoid by jumping just ahead of their impact. We recommend standing all the way over to one side of the area. Stand right next to the wall and jump in place to avoid any shots that head your way.

Don't press towards the wall as you jump or you'll hit the pink spot on the wall and fry. By jumping in place on the side of the level you can survive until the Negativitron changes its tactics after a few full-screen shots.

At this point, a pastry will be delivered from one side. Run and pick this up with your Grabbinators and look for the weak spot above the Negativitron's eyes. To make 100% sure your tossed pasty hits the weak spot, head back to the edge of the level, perform a small jump and toss the pasty at the weak spot.

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You must now do this three more times, for a total of four hits. The shots from the Negativitron will become a bit faster, but jumping in place will allow you to avoid them. After you hit it four times, you'll be launched high in the air to hit the final weak spot in the heart of the beast. Doing so will end the level. Congratulations, you've beat LittleBigPlanet 2!

Ping Pang Pong // No Items

Collect Key in Set the Controls for the Heart of the Negativitron.

Space Pool // No Items

Collect Key in Set the Controls for the Heart of the Negativitron.

Rocket Funland // No Items

Collect Key in Set the Controls for the Heart of the Negativitron.