The Ohio Architect and Builder
r ::=====::::=~~ The Ohio Architect and Builder ~\ \ pllbltsbe~ .mont bll? bl? '(tbe \\)btIJ arcbitfct an~ .mlltl~er <!ompanl?, at 180 St. I.!latr St., 'ale"elan~, \\)bto. In tbe tnterests of tbe arcbttects an~ .mlltl~ers of \\) bto a n~ tbe .Mt~Ne 'lIUlest. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: TELEPHONES, BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL ROOMS, $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE, MA.IN 7. r\o. 180 ST. CLAIR STREET, TEN CENTS A COPY. CUYAHOGA C ~17~. CLEVELAND, 0 THOMAS A. KNIGHT, Editor. 'October EUGENE MARTINEAU, Bus. Man~ger. F. ~. BARNUM. 2 THE OHIO ARCHITECT· AND BUILDER -------------- EDITORIAL Welcome, Architects WeJ.come, architects, fr·om all over Ameri'ca·! Welcome, delegates of the Ameri can Institute of Ar~hitects, members' and :visitors, to Clevdand, a city which desires the feebly flickering torch of architecture hitherto kept alive 'by a few, to be rekindled into a glowing and enduring flame by your presence. Cleveland as a city ne'eds the educatioti and inspiration which the flower of the architectural 'profession in our leading cities. win bring, Cleveland architects" the local chapter of this organization, and the larger body outside of its definite organization, but in' sympathy with its aims, ne'eds also the stimu~ Ius, the broadening influence that contact with a wider horizon of thought brings, . The profession will and should be 'advanced by the coming of these men, and the learning, ambition, achievement and influence they will emanate, as well as by the. force and value 0.£ their utteranc,e's and deliberations. If the profession be stimulated, then Cleveland as a whole w.ill benefit from the stronger influence toward better things her archi tects will exert.
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