Stirling Council Agenda Item No. 12

Date of Environment & Housing Meeting: 7 February 2019 Committee Not Exempt Network Rail -Dunblane–Alloa (SDA) Improvement Project - Kerse Road Bridge Replacement – Project Update

Purpose & Summary

The purpose of this paper is to provide elected members with an update on the replacement Kerse Road Bridge works as they near completion and other associated Network Rail improvement works undertaken on the Stirling-Dunblane-Alloa project.


Committee is asked to: 1. note the works carried out in the successful construction and delivery of the new replacement Kerse Road Bridge; and 2. agree to explore the retention of the two way traffic flow on the STEP Link Road with all the required permanent modifications.

Resource Implications

The permanent acquisition of the land bounding the road from adjacent landowners would need to be permanently secured. There are a small number of on-site works required to make the two way traffic flows permanent between STEP and Forthside. This will include removal of the old road markings and the installation of permanent road line markings.

Legal & Risk Implications and Mitigation

It is important that the Council officers and Network Rail (N.R) and its contractor take every step to ensure works progress timeously. 1. Background

1.1. The replacement Kerse Road bridge works are part of the Stirling – Dunblane – Alloa (SDA) Electrification project which form part of the Scottish Governments national programme of investment and improvements on the rail network within the central belt. 1.2. The programme sets out to deliver service improvements within the Stirling area by improving connections across the central belt, increased passenger capacity, shorter journey times across the network in sustainable, cleaner and more energy efficient rolling stock. 1.3. The replacement bridge works were necessary due to the previous bridge not complying with current electrification standards. The demolition of the old bridge and reconstruction of the new replacement bridge entailed significant engineering works that had the potential to impact on access to and from Stirling city centre for a prolonged period of time. 1.4. The new bridge opened to traffic ahead of schedule on the 19 October 2018. This has been a significant investment in Stirling infrastructure, delivering a brand new bridge to the city. 1.5. Works were also undertaken and completed at other road bridges to increase the parapet heights to conform to the new electrification standards of protection. 1.6. The installation of the overhead lines and gantries was undertaken during the course of the Kerse Road bridge works between Larbert and Dunblane/Alloa and completed in December 2018. 1.7. Refurbishment works and improved accessibility to various platforms commenced in Stirling Railway Station in the summer of 2018 and are currently ongoing.

2. Considerations

Kerse Road Bridge Works 2.1. Outstanding works around the Kerse Road Bridge include the installation of pedestrian barriers that are still to be installed on the north and south footways. These are bespoke barriers that are currently being fabricated off site and are due to be installed in late February. 2.2. An anti-graffiti coating is to be applied to the concrete surfaces. Suitable samples have been requested from Network Rail to ensure there is no major impact on the aesthetics of the bridge colour. This coating will be applied during suitable weather conditions. 2.3. Landscaping works are currently ongoing to replant shrubs and trees on the north and south embankments. An access point at trackside has still to be formalised to allow visual inspections of the bridge structure. 2.4. The temporary pedestrian bridge that was installed to facilitate pedestrian/cyclist access to and from Kerse Road during the period of closure was successfully removed over the weekends of 12, 19 and 26 January 2019. This work resulted in a full closure of Kerse Road between the hours of 21.00hrs on the Saturday evening to 10.00hrs on the Sunday to facilitate the access of the 500t lifting crane. 2.5. The installation of traffic counter equipment for cyclists and pedestrians has been completed on the north side footway with traffic counters loop for vehicles being installed during the temporary closure period in January. Traffic & Mitigation Measures 2.6. In advance of the bridge being closed, extensive mitigation works were carried out to minimise disruption from increased dispersed traffic onto other alternative routes. This included; increased lane stacking of approaching vehicles at roundabouts and junctions, improved traffic signals at key junctions, installation of automated speed limit signs and installation of pedestrian crossing points at key locations. All these works had a positive impact on the road networks ability to cope with an increase in use but to also preserve pedestrian safety along these alternative routes. 2.7. Part of the mitigation measures put in place was the change from single lane access between STEP and Forthside to two way access. This change had a positive impact for vehicles gaining access and egress to the city centre during the period of the road closure. 2.8. A temporary traffic order is currently in place to suspend the one way traffic flow with a permanent traffic order in place for the 20mph speed limit and 7.5tonne weight restriction. The weight restriction is currently in place with exemptions for buses (this was to assist the local bus service operating between Fallin and Stirling) and Network Rail vehicles in order they can access their yard area. 2.9. It is proposed that due to the success and benefit this two way access provides to road users that this temporary arrangement is made permanent with all the necessary adjustments that are required. SDA Project Update 2.10. Electrification of the SDA line was completed as of the 9 December 2018. There are still ongoing snagging works however there is no expected impact on the operation of the trains. 2.11. New electric trains are now operating on the SDA routes. There are currently a mix of electric trains being used as the new Class 385 rolling stock numbers are increased on a gradual programme. The introduction of each new train requires a significant amount of testing so there is a gradual programme of introduction. Number of the new rolling stock will keep increasing in numbers until May 2019 2.12. Work in Stirling Railway Station commenced in the latter half of 2018 to improve accessibility to all platforms. The scope of works include; platform works, canopy alterations and alterations to the two footbridges within the station to provide step- free access between platforms 2 and 3 and replacing the footbridge between platforms 6 and 9 with a fully accessible structure. Completion of works will be later in 2019. 2.13. The footbridge has been removed from site and taken away for repair prior to reinstatement. The steelwork for the new lift and staircase on platform 9/10 has been installed. Network Rail are working with the Council to discharge various listed building consent conditions required to be concluded before the repair and reinstatement works can be completed. Network Rail are currently working towards completion of the footbridge works by June 2019, dependent on the timing of the planning conditions being discharged.

2.14. New train timetables were introduced as part of the continued rail improvements works on 9 December 2018. This has delivered journey time and capacity benefits on the Dunblane, Stirling and Alloa routes. As more of the new electric trains are introduced there will be more timetable improvements delivered. These are due to take place at the next timetable change in May 2019. 2.15. There are planned improvements for Stirling Railway Station forecourt area that are being delivered in partnership with ScotRail and Stirling Council.

3. Implications

Equalities Impact 3.1. The contents of this report were assessed under the Council’s Equality Impact Assessment process. It was determined that an Equality Impact Assessment was not required as the proposal does not disproportionally affect any groups or people with protected characteristics. Fairer Duty 3.2. The contents of this report were considered in terms of the Fairer Scotland Duty and were determined not to be of strategic importance. Sustainability and Environmental 3.3. No direct sustainability impact as a result of this report. 3.4. No impact on Climate Change. Other Policy Implications 3.5. None. Consultations 3.6. Network Rail continue to engage with local residents and businesses through various communications channels advising residents and local businesses of progress.

4. Background Papers

4.1. EqIA Relevance Check. 4.2. Environment & Housing Committee Network Rail Edinburgh – Improvement Programme Kerse Road Bridge Replacement – Project Update – 8 February 2018, 12 April 2018 and 13 September 2018.

5. Appendices

5.1. None.

Author of Report: Contact Details: David Crighton [email protected] Service Manager, Operations 01786 237793

Approved by: Signature:

Brian Roberts Senior Manager, Infrastructure

Date: 14 January 2019

Details of Convener(s), Vice Convener(s), Councillor Thomson, Convenor Portfolio Holder and Depute Portfolio Holder Councillor Gibson, Vice Convenor consulted on this report: Councillor Thomson, Convener and Councillor Gibson, Vice Convener

Wards affected: 3,4,5,6 & 7

Key Priorities: E - We will create & implement environment and infrastructure improvements; deliver new ownership & delivery methods around energy generation, public transport & internet access, ensuring profits & services work to community, not commercial priorities

Key Priority Considerations:

Stirling Plan Priority Outcomes: Resilient - People are part of safe and caring (Local Outcomes Improvement Plan) communities within an attractive and sustainable environment