Dr. Weining Man Department of Physics and Astronomy Phone: (415) 338-2731 (Office) San Francisco State University (415) 338-1343 (Lab) 1600 Holloway Ave
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Dr. Weining Man Department of Physics and Astronomy Phone: (415) 338-2731 (office) San Francisco State University (415) 338-1343 (lab) 1600 Holloway Ave. Fax: (415) 338-2178 San Francisco, CA 94132 Email: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Ph.D. Physics Princeton University 2005 M.S. Quantum optics Jilin University, China 2000 B.S. Physics Jilin University, China 1997 PRFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS: San Francisco State University Professor 2019-present San Francisco State University Associate Professor 2014-2019 San Francisco State University Assistant Professor 2008-2014 New York University, Physics Dept. Assistant Research Scientist 2007-2008 Princeton University, Chem. Eng. Dept. Visiting Research Collaborator 2007-2008 Princeton University, Chem. Eng. Dept. Research Associate 2005-2007 Princeton University, Physics Dept. Research/Teaching Assistant 2000-2005 PUBLICATIONS: (i) Five publications most closely related to the proposed project 1. Local Self-Uniformity in Photonic Networks. Steven R. Sellers, Weining Man, Shervin Sahba*, and Marian Florescu Nature Communications 8 14439 (2017) 2. Light localization and nonlinear beam transmission in specular amorphous photonic lattices. C Peigen Ni*, Peng Zhang*, Xinyuan Qi, Jianke Yang, Zhigang Chen, and Weining Man OPT. EXPRESS 24 3, 2420-2426 (2016) https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-24-3-2420 3. Unfolding the band structure of non-crystalline photonic band gap materials Samuel Tsitrin*, Eric Williamson*, Timothy Amoah, Geev Nahal*, Ho Chan*, Marian C Florecscu and Weining Man Scientific Reports (2015) doi:10.1038/srep13301 http://www.nature.com/articles/srep13301 4. Isotropic Band Gaps and Freeform Waveguides Observed in Hyperuniform Disordered Photonic Solids. Weining Man, Marian Florescu, Eric Williamson*, Yingquan He*, Seyed Hashemizad*, Brian Leung*, Devin Liner*, Salvatore Torquato, and Paul Chaikin, Paul Steinhardt PROC. NATL. ACAD. SCI. 110 4015886-15891 (2013) 5. Photonic band gap in isotropic hyperuniform disordered solids with low dielectric contrast. C Weining Man , Marian Florescu, Kazue Matsuyama*, Polin Yadak*, Geev Nahal*, Seyed Hashemizad*, Eric Williamson*, Paul Steinhardt, Salvatore Torquato, and Paul Chaikin OPT. EXPRESS 21 17, 19972-19981 (2013) (ii) Other selected previous journal publications 6. Giant tunable self-defocusing nonlinearity and dark soliton attraction observed in m- cresol/nylon thermal solutions Valton Smith*, Brian Leung*, Phillip Cala*, Zhigang Chen, and Weining Man Optical Materials Express, Vol. 4, Issue 9, pp. 1807-1812 (2014) 7. Using microwave and macroscopic samples of dielectric solid to study the photonic properties of disordered photonic bandgap materials 1 Seyed Reza Hashemizad*, Sam Tsitrin*, Yingquan He*, Polin Yadak*, Daniel Cuneo*, Eric C Paul Williamson*, Devin Liner*, Weining Man J. VIS. EXP. 91, e51614, doi:10.3791/51614 (2014) 8. Engineered optical nonlinearities and enhanced light transmission in soft-matter systems with tunable polarizabilities, Weining Man, Shima Fardad*, Ze Zhang*, Jai Prakash*, Michael Lau*, Peng Zhang*, Matthias C Heinrich, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, and Zhigang Chen PHYS. REV. LETT., 111, 218302 (2013) 9. Interactions between self-channeled optical beams in soft-matter systems with artificial nonlinearities. Shima Fardad*, Matthew S. Mills, Peng Zhang*, Weining Man, Zhigang Chen, and C Demetrios N. Christodoulides OPT. LETT., 38 18 3585-3587 (2013) 10. Self-Organized Criticality in Sheared Suspensions. C Laurent Corté, Sharon J. Gerbode, Weining Man, David J. Pine PHYS. REV. LETT. 103 248301 (2009) 11. Direct measurements of critical stresses and cracking in thin films of colloid dispersions W. Man and W. B. Russel, PHYS. REV. LETT. 100 198302 (2008) 12. A generalized Hertzian model for the deformation and cracking of close-packed colloidal arrays saturated with liquid W. B. Russel, N. Wu, and W. Man, LANGMUIR 24 (5) 1721 (2008) 13. Some Observations on the Random Packing of Hard Ellipsoids P. M. Chaikin, A. Donev, W. Man, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, INDU. ENG. CHEM. RES. 45 6960 (2006) 14. Experiments on Random Packings of Ellipsoids W. Man, A.Donev, F. H. Stillinger, M. Sullivan, W. B. Russel, D. Heeger , S. Inati, S. Torquato and P. M. Chaikin, PHYS. REV. LETT. 94 198001 (2005) 15. Measurements of Photonic Gaps in Icosahedral Quasicrystals W. Man, M. Megens, P. Steinhardt, P. M. Chaikin, NATURE 436 993 (2005) (iii) Recent Invited Talks 1. Experimental Studies of Hyperuniform and Local-Self Uniform Disordered photonic structures. The International and interdisciplinary workshop on correlated disorder, hyperuniformity and local self-uniformity from biomimetics to photonic integrated circuits. (UK 2018) 2. Optical Nonlinearity Overserved in Various Soft Matter International Soft Matter Symposium 2017 & 6th "China Soft Matter Day", (China 2017) 3. Experimental realization and characterization of hyperuniform disordered photonic materials. Invited talk, Princeton University 2016 4. Hyperuniform disordered photonic bandgap materials, from microwave to infrared wavelength regime. Invited talk at APS March Meeting 2016 PATENTS 1. Assembly of Quasicrystalline Photonic Heterostructures David G. Grier, Yael Roichman, Weining Man, Paul Chaikin & Paul. J. Steinhardt, US Patent No. 7981774 issued July 19, 2011 US Patent No. 8394708 issued March 12, 2013 2. Quasicrystalline Photonic Heterostructures and Uses Thereof Weining Man, Paul Chaikin and Paul. J Steinhardt US Patent No. 8064127 issued November 22, 2011. US Patent No. 8243362 B1 issued August 14, 2012. US Patent No.8508838 B2 issued August 13, 2013. US Patent No.TBA B3 approved August 23, 2013. 2 GRANTS AND CONTRACTS 1. National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrumentation Award (#1530978, 5coPI, $268k) 2015 2. National Science Foundation, Research Grant (DMR 1308084, $400k) 2013 3. American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Award (#52644-UR6 $65k) 2012 4. National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrumentation Award (#1040444, 5coPI, $263k) 2010 5. Research Corporation, Cottrell College Science Awards (#10626, $40k) 2009 PRIZES AND AWARDS FOR RESEARCH 1. Santander Fellowship, University Of Surrey, UK 2018 2. SFSU, Research and Scholarly Activity Fund 2018 3. SFSU, Leave With Pay (Sabbatical) Award 2014 4. SFSU, President’s Sabbatical Award 2012 5. SFSU, Provost’s Research Time Award 2011 6. SFSU, Facilitating Research and Creative Activity ORSP Internal Award 2010 OTHER AWARDS 1. CSU’s Course Redesign with Technology Award 2016 2. SFSU’s Affordable Instructional Materials Faculty Projects 2016 3. Kirtland Manley ’31 Merit Fellowship, Princeton University 2002 4. President’s Fellowship, Princeton University 2001 5. First class Master’s thesis award, Jilin University, China 2000 6. Graduated with honor, Physics Department, Jilin University, China 1993-1997 SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES 1. Serving in the NSF’s proposal review panel for the Electronic and Photonic Materials category in Division of Materials Research. 2. Reviewing proposals for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), American Chemistry Society and other private funding agents, such as Research Corporation. 3. Reviewing manuscripts for APS, OAS and Nature journals, including PRL, PRB, PRA, OE, OL, NC, SR, et. al. and be invited to be an editorial board member for Scientific Reports. 4. Recruiting and mentoring underrepresented and economically-challenged undergraduate and graduate students in research to help them build a career path geared at academic success. 5. Recruiting and mentoring students outside of SFSU (students from community colleges and local high schools, as well as Ph. D student and post-doctors from a collaborator’s institution) in conducting scientific research. 6. Serving as members of professional organizations, i. e. American Physical Society (APS), American Chemistry Society (ACS), Optical Society of America (OSA) 7. Serving as a faculty advisor, Optical Society of America, San Francisco State University Student Chapter 8. Volunteering to conduct frequent campus visits to demonstrate and explain science to K-12 teachers and students in local elementary schools. 9. Serving as an undergraduate advisor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at SFSU (since 2014) 10. Chairing the Lower-division-course-revision-committee in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at SFSU 11. Serving in the Leave With Pay and Development of Research Creativity Committee in the College of Science & Engineering at SFSU 12. Chairing the search committee in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at SFSU (2015/2016) 13. Serving as the lab coordinator for PHYS 232 and PHYS 112 regularly. 14. Serving as the supervisor for CoSE’s supplementary courses SCI 234 or 111. 15. Chairing or serving in Master’s degree thesis defense committees and oral exam committees. 16. Hosting scientific workshops and laboratory tours for undergraduates, high school students and teachers. 3 17. Serving as judges for various student projects and competitions. Peer-reviewed proceedings and conference presentations 1. Locally Self-uniform Photonic Networks Steven Sellers, Weining Man, Marian Florescu. In META’16, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (Spain 2016) 2. Novel Silicon Waveguides and Modulators Via Hyperuniform Disordered Platforms Weining Man, Milan Milos, Geev