UAA General Education Requirements (37‐40 Credits) 2018‐2019

Tier 1: Basic College-Level Skills Tier 2: Disciplinary Areas FREN A101 Elementary French I Natural Sciences: Oral Communication Skills: * Fine Arts: FREN A102 Elementary French II 7 credits (select two courses: one course must 3 credits (select one course) 3 credits (select one course) FREN A201 Intermediate French I include a lab) COMM A111 Fundamentals of Oral Communication ##AKNS/MUS A215 Music of Natives and FREN A202 Intermediate French II ANTH A205 Biological Anthropology (includes COMM A235 Small Group Communication Indigenous Peoples of Northern Regions FREN A301 Advanced French I lab) COMM A237 Interpersonal Communication ##AKNS/MUS A216 World Indigenous Music FREN A302 Advanced French II ASTR A103/L Solar System Astronomy COMM A241 Public Speaking ART A160 Art Appreciation GER A101 Elementary German I ASTR A104/L Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology DNCE A170 Dance Appreciation GER A102 Elementary German II BIOL A102 Introductory Biology MUS A121 Music Appreciation GER A201 Intermediate German I BIOL A103 Introductory Biology Laboratory Quantitative Skills: * MUS A221 History of Western Art Music I GER A202 Intermediate German II BIOL A108/L Principles and Methods in Bio (6) 3 credits (select one course) MUS A222 History of Western Art Music II GER A301 Advanced German I BIOL A111 Human Anatomy & Physiology I MATH A104 Technical Mathematics MUS A224 History of Jazz GER A302 Advanced German II BIOL A112 Human Anatomy & Physiology II MATH A115 Art of Mathematics THR A111 Theatre Appreciation HIST A101 Western Civilization I BIOL/GEOL A178 Fund of Oceanography HIST A102 Western Civilization II MATH A121 College Algebra for Managerial and THR A214 Historical Plays BIOL/GEOL A179 Fund of Oceanography Lab THR A215 Contemporary Plays HIST A121 East Asian Civilization I BIOL/CPLX A200 Intro to Complexity Social Sciences HIST A122 East Asian Civilization II CHEM A103/L Intro to General Chemistry MATH A151 College Algebra for Calculus Humanities: HIST A131 History of I CHEM A104/L Intro to Organic Biochemistry MATH A152 Trigonometry HIST A132 History of United States II CHEM A105/L General Chemistry I MATH A155 Precalculus 6 credits (select two courses outside the major) AKNS A101 I ##HIST A341 History of Alaska CHEM A106/L General Chemistry II MATH A221 Applied Calculus for Managerial and HNRS A192 Honors Seminar: Enduring Books ENVI A211/L Env Sci: Systems and Processes Social Sciences ##AKNS A101A Elementary Central Yup’ik Lang I ##AKNS A101B Elementary I HUM A211 Introduction to Humanities I GEOG/ENVI A111 Earth Systems: Elements of MATH A251 Calculus I HUM A212 Introduction to Humanities II Physical Geography MATH A252 Calculus II ##AKNS A101C Elementary Alaska Native Lang I ##AKNS A101D Elementary Inupiaq Language I JPN A101 Elementary Japanese I GEOL A111/L Physical Geology MATH A253 Calculus III JPN A102 Elementary Japanese II GEOL A115/L Environmental Geology STAT A200 Elementary Statistics ##AKNS A101E Elementary Alutiiq Language I ##AKNS A101F Elementary Dena’ina Language I JPN A201 Intermediate Japanese I GEOL A221 Historical Geology STAT A253 Applied Statistics for the Sciences JPN A202 Intermediate Japanese II LSIS A102 Origins: Earth-Solar Systems-Life STAT A307 Probability and Statistics ##AKNS A101H Elementary I ##AKNS A102A Elementary Central Yup’ik Lang II JPN A301 Advanced Japanese I LSIS A201 Life on Earth JPN A302 Advanced Japanese II LSIS A202 Concepts & Processes: Natural Sci Written Communication Skills: * ##AKNS A102B Elementary Tlingit Language II ##AKNS A102C Elementary Alaska Native Lang II LING A101 How Language Works PHYS A101 Physics for Poets 6 credits (select two courses) ##AKNS A102D Elementary Inupiaq Language II PHIL A101 Introduction to Logic PHYS A123/L Basic Physics I WRTG A111 Writing Across Contexts ## AKNS A102E Elementary Alutiiq Language II PHIL A201 Introduction to Philosophy PHYS A124/L Basic Physics II WRTG A211 Writing and the Humanities AKNS A102H Elementary Ahtna Language II PHIL A211 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy PHYS A211/L General Physics I WRTG A212 Writing and the Professions ##AKNS A201 Alaska Native Perspectives PHIL A212 Early Modern Philosophy PHYS A212/L General Physics II WRTG A213 Writing and the Sciences ART A261 History of Western Art I PHIL A301 Ethics WRTG A214 Arguing Across Contexts ART A262 History of Western Art II PHIL A305 Professional Ethics

ART A360A History of Non-Western Art I PHIL A313 Eastern Philosophy & Religion

ART A360B History of Non-Western Art II PHIL A314 Western Religions *Business majors refer to your catalog ASL A101 Elementary I PS A331 Political Philosophy Equivalent courses are treated as repeats. Only requirements and planning sheets to ASL A102 Elementary American Sign Language II PS A332 History of Political Philosophy I: Classical the credits and chronologically last grade earned PS A333 History of Political Philosophy II: Modern optimize your GER and degree ASL A201 Intermediate American Sign Language I are applied toward graduation requirements, RUSS A101 Elementary Russian I prerequisite fulfillment and cumulative UAA GPA requirements. ASL A202 Intermediate American Sign Language II CHIN A101 Elementary Chinese I RUSS A102 Elementary Russian II calculation. Only the most recent course taken is CHIN A102 Elementary Chinese II RUSS A201 Intermediate Russian I used to fulfill university requirements, including CHIN A201 Intermediate Chinese I RUSS A202 Intermediate Russian II the General Education Requirements. CHIN A202 Intermediate Chinese II RUSS A301 Advanced Russian I ENGL A121 Introduction to Literature RUSS A302 Advanced Russian II ENGL A201 Masterpieces of World Literature I SPAN A101 Elementary Spanish I ENGL A202 Masterpieces of World Literature II SPAN A102 Elementary Spanish II ENGL A301 Literature of Britain I SPAN A201 Intermediate Spanish I ENGL A302 Literature of Britain II SPAN A202 Intermediate Spanish II ENGL A306 Literature of the United States I SPAN A301 Advanced Spanish I ENGL A307 Literature of the United States II SPAN A302 Advanced Spanish II ENGL A310 Ancient Literature THR A411 History of Theatre to 1700 ENGL A383 Film Interpretation THR A412 History of Theatre Since 1700 ## ENGL A445 Alaska Native Literatures ## See back for Alaska-Native Themed GER Info UAA General Education Requirements (37‐40 Credits) 2018‐2019

Social Sciences: Alaska Native-Themed GER Tier 3: Integrative Capstone 6 credits (select two courses outside major & 3 credits (choose from the list below or you can Integrative Capstone: from two different disciplines) overlap with other GER courses marked with ##) 3 credits (select one course) MATH A420 Historical Mathematics ANTH A101 Introduction to Anthropology AKNS A109B Tlingit Orthography (4) ACCT A452 Auditing ME A438 Design of Mechanical Engineering ##ANTH A200 Alaska Native Cultures AKNS A109C AK Native Lang Orthography (4) ANTH A452 Culture and Human Biodiversity Systems ANTH A202 Cultural Anthropology AKNS A109D Alutiiq Orthography (4) ANTH A454 Culture and Ecology MEDT A302 Clinical Laboratory Education and ANTH A211 Archaeology AKNS A181 Community Project Planning (1) ANTH A455 Culture and Health Mgmt ANTH A250 The Rise of Civilization AKNS A182 Grant Writing for AK Native Comm (1) ANTH A464 Culture and Globalization MUS A331 Form and Analysis **BA A151 Business Foundations AKNS A184 Indig Leadership and Civic Engmt (1) ART A491 Senior Seminar NS A411 Population Health Integrative Capstone CEL A292 Introduction to Civic Engagement AKNS A185 Event Planning and Meeting Fac (1) ASTR/BIOL A365 Astrobiology OSH A460 Economic Value of Safety **ECON A100 Political Economy AKNS A230 Oral Traditions of AK Native People ATA A492 Air Transportation System Seminar PEP A384 Cultural and Psychological Aspects of **ECON A123 Intro to Behavioral Economics AKNS 290 Topics in Alaska Native Studies (1-3) BIOL A452 Human Genome Health and Physical Activity **ECON A201 Principles of Macroeconomics AKNS A292A Alaska Native Language BIOL/CHEM/PHYS A456 Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos PHIL A400 Ethics, Community, and Society **ECON A202 Principles of Microeconomics Apprenticeship (1-3) BIOL A473 Conservation Biology PS A492 Senior Seminar in Politics **ECON A210 Environmental Economics and Policy AKNS A292B Alaska Native Language BIOL A481 Marine Biology PSY A370 Behavioral Neuroscience EDEC A105 Introduction to the Field of Early Conversational Fluency Intensive (1-3) BIOL A489 Population Genetics & Evolutionary Processes SOC A488 Capstone Seminar Childhood Education AKNS/PS A313 Tribes, Nations, and Peoples CA A495 Hospitality Internship STAT A308 Intermediate Stats for the Sciences ENVI A212 Living on Earth: Intro to Envi Studies AKNS A346 Alaska Native Politics CE A438 Design of Civil Engineering Systems SWK A406 Social Welfare: Policies and Issues GEOG/INTL A101 Local Places/Global Regions: An AKNS A356 Yup’ik Music and Dance Ensemble (2) CEL A450 Civic Engagement Leadership Capstone TECH A453 Capstone Project Introduction to Geography AKNS A357 Inupiaq Music and Dance Ensemble (2) CHEM A441 Principles of Biochemistry I THR A492 Senior Seminar HNRS A292 Honors Seminar in Social Science AKNS/ANTH A461 Decolonizing Methodologies CIS A376 Management Information Systems JPC A204 Media Literacy AKNS A490 Advanced Topics in Alaska Native CM A422 Sustainability in the Built Environment Most GER Integrative Capstones are JUST A110 Introduction to Justice Studies (1-3) CM A450 Construction Mgmt Professional Practice incorporated into major requirements. Please JUST/SOC A251 Crime and Delinquency AKNS A492 Cultural Knowledge of Native Elders CSCE A470 Comp Sci & Eng Capstone Project see your advisor for more information. JUST A330 Justice and Society ANTH A390A Arctic and Subarctic Cultures DH A424 Community Dental Health II JUST A375 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency ANTH A490D Topics in the Contemporary North DN A415 Community Nutrition LEGL A101 Introduction to Law ART A370 Intermediate Alaska Native Art DNCE A370 Interdisc Dance Studies: Issues and Methods LSSS A111 Cultural Foundations of Human Behavior ART A470 Advanced Alaska Native Art ECON A492 Seminar in Economic Research PS A101 Introduction to American Government BA A290A Alaska Native Business Practices (1-3) EDFN A300 Philosophical & Social Context-American Ed PS A102 Introduction to Political Science BA A401 AK Native Corporation Business Mgmt EDFN A304 Comparative Education PS A311 Comparative Politics BA A402 Indigenous Leadership EE A438 Design of Electrical Engineering Systems PS/SOC A351 Political Sociology BA A403 Inside the Boardroom of Alaska Native ENGL A434 Rhetoric and Composition Research Theories PSY A111 Introduction to Psychology Organizations (1) and Methodologies PSY A150 Lifespan Development BA A490B Selected Topics in Alaska Native ENGL A476 History of PSY A200 Introduction to Behavior Analysis Corporations (1-3) ENGL A478 Public Science Writing SOC A101 Introduction to Sociology DN A155 Survey of Alaska Native Nutrition ENVI A470 Environmental Planning and Problem Solving SOC A110 Intro to Gerontology: Multidisc Approach EDFN A478 Issues in Alaska Native Education, K-12 GEO A460 Geomatics Capstone Project SOC A201 Social Problems and Solutions ENGL A444 Topics in Native Literatures GEOG A390A Topics in Global Geography SOC A202 Social Institutions HIST A346 History of Native Peoples of United States GEOG A390B Topics in Regional Geography SOC A342 Marriages and Families and GEOL A361 Earth Resources and Society SWK A106 Introduction to Social Welfare JUST A355 Rural Justice GEOL A456 Geoarchaeology ##SWK A243 Cultural Diversity & Comm Svc Learn JUST/LEGL A485 Tribal Courts & AK Native Rights GEOL A468 Geomicrobiology URS A121 Methods of Inquiry MUS/AKNS A218A Alaska Native Drummaking HIST/INTL/PS A325 Northeast Asia in 21st Century WS A200 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies Techniques: Athabascan and Southeast style HIST A390 Themes in World History MUS/AKNS A218B Alaska Native Drummaking HIST/RUSS A427 Post-Soviet Culture and Society Techniques: Inupiaq and Yup’ik style HS A491 Health Issues in Alaska **All BBA majors, except for BBA ECON will have MUS A356 Yup’ik Music and Dance Ensemble (2) HS A492 Senior Seminar: Contemporary Health Policy their GER Social Science Requirement met with BA MUS A357 Inupiaq Music and Dance Ensemble (2) HUMS A496 Human Services Integrative Capstone NS A423 Transcultural Nursing JPC A403 Communications and Media Research A151 and either ECON A201 or ECON A202. NS A430 Rural Health Care JPC A492 JPC Capstone Seminar ** BBA ECON majors will have one of their GER Social PS A345 Alaska Government and Politics JUST A432 Crime Analysis and Mapping Science Requirements met with BA A151, and will need PS A346 Alaska Native Politics JUST/LEGL A443 Civil Liberties to pick a second, non‐ECON GER Social Science. PSY A465 Cross-Cultural Psychology JUST A460 Justice in Crisis **BA ECON majors will have to pick two non‐ECON SWK A243 Cultural Diversity and Community Service JUST A463 Biobehavioral Criminology Learning GER Social Sciences, from two different disciplines. ## JUST/LEGL A485 Tribal Courts & AK Native Rights LEGL A449 Jurisprudence and Legal Theory LSIC A488A Capstone Project I: Design and Research