



Our! next! General! Assembly! will! take! place! in! ! –! Kolping! Wien! Zentral! –! ,! on! Saturday! 15th! of! November!2014!at!the!invitation!of!our!friends!of!the!Austrian!Association.!


A! detailed! agenda! will! be! sent! in! September,! but! please! be! aware! that! the! highlight! of! this! GA! will! be! a! presentation!of!Rett!Centres!in!Europe,!by!the!associations!of!countries!where!there!are!Rett!Centres!and/or! clinics.!This!is!of!interest!for!all!associations;!it!could!also!be!of!interest!for!some!doctors!from!countries!willing! to!set!up!a!Rett!clinic!in!their!country.!

On!the!occasion!of!the!GA,!RSE!has!the!possibility,!as!last!year!–!through!EURORDIS!Programme!“Support!to! European! Federations”! –! to! give! financial! support! to! a! few! member! associations! of! Rett! Syndrome! Europe! attending!our!GA.!!

This!programme!is!mainly!intended!for!Eastern!Europe!associations!and!will!allow!the!!reimbursement!of!!travel! and!accommodation!expenses!on!presentation!of!the!original!receipts!of!expenses,!up!to!a!maximum!of!400! Euros!per!association.!


Z To!be!a!representative!of!a!Rett!Syndrome!parents’!association!of!Eastern!Europe,! Z The!association!is!a!fully!paid!up!member!of!RSE,! Z The!association!representative!will!have!to!attend!the!RSE!GA.!

If!you!are!interested,!please!apply!officially!to!Danijela!Szili!by!email:[email protected]!


! Over!300!members:!!!!!!400!Euros! ! Over!200!members:!!!!!!300!Euros! ! Over!100!members:!!!!!!200!Euros! ! 51Z100!members:!!!!!!!!!!100!Euros! ! Less!than!50!members:!!50!Euros!



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RSE!Secretary! Venue for the General Assembly of RSE in Vienna on Nov, 15th 2014

Kolping Wien Zentral www.kolping-wien-zentral.at 1060 Wien, Gumpendorfer Straße 39

Seminar room: Kardinal König Saal, Hausteil 2, Stiegengasse 10

Short walking distances to the famous “Viennese Naschmarkt” market, the shopping boulevard “Mariahilferstraße”, the famouse Café Sperl, and historical buildings of the Inner City U4 leads you in 15 minutes to “Schönbrunn Castle” The Kolping Wien Zentral is barrier-free! FROM THE AIRPORT:

Please use the CAT ( 9,--) or the Schnellbahn, get off at station "Landstraße Wien-Mitte", take the underground U4 (green line) direction Hütteldorf, get off at station "Kettenbrückengasse", coming out of the station turn left, cross the street, go straight ahead up the Stiegengasse to the next corner - you can see already our colourful house, turn right and come in.

FROM THE TRAIN STATION SÜDBAHNHOF: Take the tram "D", get off at station "Burgring", there you take the bus 57 A and get off at Gumpendorfer Straße corner Stiegengasse.

FROM THE TRAIN STATION WESTBAHNHOF: Take the underground U6 direction Siebenhirten, get off at station "Längenfeldgasse", change to underground U4 direction Heiligenstadt, get off at Kettenbrückengasse,coming out of the station turn left, cross the street, go straight ahead up to Stiegengasse - our house is at number 10. FROM THE HIGHWAY A2 from Italy, Carynthia,Graz: Take the exit direction "Zentrum - city center", follow the Triesterstraße aprx. 4000 meters straight ahead, pass under a train bridge, cross the Matzleinsdorferplatz, (follow dir. Zentrum), go down the "Reinprechtsdorferstraße aprx. 1000 meters, at corner "Schönbrunnerstraße" turn right - its a one way, follow the left street (it makes a bend to the left than to the right) - go straight ahead on the "Rechte " aprx. 800 meters, untill you reach the "Naschmarkt" - you can see our sign - turn left, at the next street light turn left, and immediately turn right again, you are in the "Stiegengasse". Go up and you can see already our colourful house. The main entrance is on the Gumpendorfer Straße 39.

FROM THE HIGHWAY A1 from Germany, Salzburg, Linz:

Take the exit direction "Zentrum - city center", go straight ahead, pass castle Schönbrunn, go straight ahead - its a one way, at the corner "Reinprechtsdorferstraße" change to the left street, (it makes a bend to the left than to the right) - go straight ahead on the "Rechte Wienzeile" aprx. 800 meters, untill you reach the "Naschmarkt" - you can see our sign - turn left, at the next street light turn left, and immediately turn right again, you are in the "Stiegengasse". Go up and you can see already our colourful house. The main entrance is on the Gumpendorfer Straße 39.

room contingent:

Prices between 14.11.14 und 16.11.14

Double room "STADTBLICK" zur Gumpendorfer Straße, shower/WC, SAT-TV, W-LAN, Radio, Telefon, hair-dryer, safe à 80,00 Doppelzimmer "STADTBLICK" zur Einzelbelegung 60

Double room "DELUX" look to peaceful courtyard, shower/WC, SAT-TV, W-LAN, Radio, Telefon, hair-dryer, safe à 90,00 double room "DELUX" for one person 70

Our prices are per room per night and include buffet breakfast service and taxes.

The Kolping House Vienna gladly reserves rooms for guests of the RSE General assembly 2014 Vienna. Please book with indicating „ Event Österreichische Rett-Syndrom Gesellschaft“ Hotels close to the venue:

Hotel Drei Kronen Wien City

„Viennese Naschmarkt Hotel“ Schleifmühlgasse 25 1050 Wien, www.hotel3kronen.at

Ibis Wien Mariahilfer Gürtel 22-24 1060 Wien www.ibishotel.ibis.com/wien

The Hotel 1060 Vienna Webgasse 23 1060 Wien www.theviennahotel.at