1 Any Attempts to Restore the Earth Old Control System Even in Some

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1 Any Attempts to Restore the Earth Old Control System Even in Some One’s mental capacity is not in one’s diplomas, but in the ability to develop this capacity. Any attempts to restore the Earth Old Control System even in some fragments are out of the question. This is irreversible, it no longer exists. It should be taken as the main postulate for moving forward fully realizing the ongoing. And it is for this IRREFUTABLE MANIFESTED REASON that in April 2011, the collapse of the last unfinished phase in the development of the past Civilization WAS COMPLETED, and any attempts of administrative volitional decisions at any level and of any orientation, focused on the suspension of such states, are nothing more than buffoonery. Recently, from a high rostrum, the UN Secretary General noted that the 26 richest people have the benefits and wealth of half the world's population. The twenty-six richest people in the world own as much as half of the world's population. The overwhelming majority of people live in the conditions of increasing inequality. For many people, especially indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and various minorities, inequality means discrimination, abuse and lack of access to basic justice. Those who imagined themselves to be “the owners of the highest level of self- perfection”, that is, the crown of “all-decisiveness” from the “specially elected”, as well as representatives from the state departments, parliaments, state Dumas and many other structures of social violence of the collapsed power sphere of any scale, who previously realized through their activity, the programmed processes of the old Control System, – NOW ARE FUNCTIONALLY ZEROED. THEY ARE NOTHING, there are only auto-motor-like instincts of a man-made character, and their effective influence on control processes is eliminated. Residual elements – this is what we observe in what is happening now. The entire programmed control of the information support processes was not eliminated overnight, but by the translation fading density of such an act. The control information translation was carried out not only to support the executing actions related to the control of being, but ALL THE PROCESSES on the Earth, including the state of the environment, the objects and complexes’ actions, etc. The beginning of the destruction was started in October 1985 and brought to complete sterilization of the controlled operation of objects and complexes by September 2010. 1 F. Shkrudnev ¾ The Controlling Reality In the conditions of the new Control System functioning, any attempts to manifest activity in the format of the old System are considered today as extra- program atavisms with an appropriate liquidation reaction to this. Most people find it difficult to understand this and give an appropriate assessment of the ongoing, because, unfortunately, their Brains ARE NOT YET READY to think in new categories with the incoming information due to the same residual elements from the Old Control System. And this is one of the prerogative tasks today – to preserve people as such and form their understanding of their own participation in the ongoing processes. The Mind, even if it is still in such states (in the conditions of still unconscious liberation from the previous Interventionist Control System consequences), cannot depend entirely on the will and desire of a person. Nevertheless, today everyone has a chance. There may be an affective misconception of humane maternal guardianship on the part of the old System for the entire process of human development. Indeed, everything took shape in a different, quite disgusting final meaning for people. The System-imposed perception of the surrounding objective reality by people gave rise to the CONCENTRATED FALSE UNDERSTANDING of the limitless permissiveness of being in the environment, an undeserved and non-existent place of the "king of nature", which overwhelmed to the point of madness a vicious sense of self. All of the above was the basis for the rise of the stable acquired and growing state of destructive consumer and parasitic vices in all spheres of life. It should be admitted now that the former creative nature of Man has been completely eradicated, and there is no any ground for possible manifestation of such at the current stage of the Civilization collapse. Many thinkers of the past and present have tried to find the true causes of such vices with the aim of preventing or combating them, but everything was philosophical or mystically vain, for the main vice was their conditionally conscious being controlled by the System! The leading majority of the world population, that is, those who had a relatively active life position, most often at the everyday life level, had only a universal secular judgment of an interrogative nature: “To be or not to be, that's what...” And no more. At the moment, I focus only on the state of the control sphere related to the being of people. The information support is fading fast in the descending information density. So far, only that LOWER MARGINAL INFORMATION LEVEL, which is related to preserving the living conditions on the Earth and the limited control of the living cell vital activity. For all that, it should be borne in mind that for quite a 2 number of individuals with the Brain genotypes1 42 and 44, this process IS OF A SENTENCE CHARACTER, depriving them of their ability to reproduce, preserving, at best, the possibility of limited biological survival. All the problems of maintaining power control through the created social structures are becoming more and more difficult. Conflicts at any level of scale arise more and more often for no apparent reason, socionic images of any state at the interstate level are becoming more aggressive. There is no more sustainable peace in the sphere of interfaith relations, The effectiveness of political structures of any state is acquiring a clearly expressed antagonistic character, the methodological foundations of the value approach in all spheres of life have confidently stepped on the tracks of the vicious existence, all previously acquired cultural values and norms of a common human civilized community are being destroyed. The world has taken a confident path leading to the inevitable collapse! Even the “word” itself, as the energy-information, previously realized as the impact control message on the previous behavioral executive state of people, coming from the Control System, has lost its control effective force as a mandatory behavioral law, as a necessary consequence of the energy- biochemical natural reaction of the living cell of people to their Brain control signal. Therefore, there appeared inexplicable behavior of double and more standards, including in political and other spheres of governing through the social structures of any society. But this is only the beginning of the manifestation of power and social collapse! The moment is not far off when there will be no perception of any established norms of behavior through the previously envisaged violence. This is ESPECIALLY DISASTROUS for the existence of usual economic foundations of those states, the prosperity of which, including the high level of the consumed wealth at the expense of other raw material regions, will be extremely doubtful and unsupported. This directly concerns Russia. Under the current conditions of the actively collapsing control process in general, the former steadily goal-oriented being of people has gone beyond even that conventional reasonableness, which was determined by the consumer-like use of people. How should people navigate in their life and development, meaning not only the production and consumption of goods and services? Should people live, peeping at and taking an example of the natural organization of ants, bees existence or a herd of wild animals, making complex model calculations using the “great” capabilities of modern computer technology of the seductive “artificial intelligence” looming on the horizon or wait for some mystical clues from 1 Genotype – the combination of the Brain neurons capabilities and the genes of a given organism, which, unlike the concept of the genetic fund, characterizes an individual, not a species. 3 F. Shkrudnev ¾ The Controlling Reality distant stars, sadly listening to the broadcast for years? And perhaps even more actively chase the shadow of economic, financial and other damned looming crises, amicably waving flags and slogans, hardly made by distraught politicians, on the run satisfying the need for benefits or some random services, and even stop feeling sad about something bright, perhaps about the future, to live as always – actively and with problems, because only they push our development, as philosophers of all times claim? But the main thing is to believe in the utter lies rushing from all sides, and without even thinking about it – because this is exactly there where we were told, starting from school, and we all believed it together – “…this is written in textbooks”, “…and the eminent scientists say the same”, – the authors and authorities from both politics and science also say the same – referring to each other. But where can you find at least some kind of a foothold today, from which you can push off and make sure that the whole “history”, and everything related to it, and the so-called scientific base, built on this, is a LIE, that HAS ALWAYS BEEN PRESENTED TO US as the ultimate truth? For me, this foothold was my acquaintance with Nicolai Levashov and his works. Our talks, reading and comprehending his works opened for me A. Khatybov and N. Morozov. For a long time, I could not fully understand the works of A. Khatybov, until I found and got acquainted with the works of N. Morozov, his main work – “Christ” in seven (in some early editions in six) volumes. I have read them. This was the starting point in my understanding the lies surrounding us.
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