Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems General Theory, Results and Methods Heinrich Voss
[email protected] Hamburg University of Technology Institute of Mathematics TUHH Heinrich Voss Isfahan, July, 2016 1 / 72 On the one hand: Parameter dependent nonlinear (with respect to the state variable) operator equations T (λ, u) = 0 discussing — positivity of solutions — multiplicity of solution — dependence of solutions on the parameter; bifurcation — (change of ) stability of solutions Nonlinear eigenvalue problem The term nonlinear eigenvalue problem is not used in a unique way in the literature TUHH Heinrich Voss Isfahan, July, 2016 2 / 72 Nonlinear eigenvalue problem The term nonlinear eigenvalue problem is not used in a unique way in the literature On the one hand: Parameter dependent nonlinear (with respect to the state variable) operator equations T (λ, u) = 0 discussing — positivity of solutions — multiplicity of solution — dependence of solutions on the parameter; bifurcation — (change of ) stability of solutions TUHH Heinrich Voss Isfahan, July, 2016 2 / 72 Find λ 2 D and x 6= 0 such that T (λ)x = 0: Then λ is called an eigenvalue of T (·), and x a corresponding (right) eigenvector. In this presentation For D ⊂ C let T (λ), λ 2 D be a family of linear operators on a Hilbert space H (more generally a family of closed linear operators on a Banach space). TUHH Heinrich Voss Isfahan, July, 2016 3 / 72 In this presentation For D ⊂ C let T (λ), λ 2 D be a family of linear operators on a Hilbert space H (more generally a family of closed linear operators on a Banach space).