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Thecambodiadaily All the News Without Fear or Favor The Cambodia daily Volume 65 Issue 38 Thursday, August 25, 2016 2,000 riel/50 cents Soldiers Rally Against Plans For Kem Ley Statue By Khy Sovuthy the cambodIa daIly Soldiers and military com- manders stationed along the Thai border have joined a veterans’ as- sociation to urge the government not to approve a public statue of slain political analyst Kem Ley in Phnom Penh, and vowed to re- move it if erected. CNRP lawmaker Ou Chanrath last week asked the Phnom Penh municipal government for per- mission to place a statue of the popular and outspoken commen- tator, who was gunned down in- side a Phnom Penh convenience store on July 10, at the city’s Free- Reuters dom Park. Though the man ar- An underwater test-firing of a strategic submarine ballistic missile is seen in this undated photograph released rested for the shooting claims he by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency in Pyongyang in April. killed Kem Ley over an unpaid debt, many are convinced it was a political assassination. City Hall has yet to make a deci- North Korea Launches Missile Toward Japan sion, but resistance to the proposal ReuteRs clear-armed North Korea’s land- porters, referring to an area of con- has been building among the North Korea fired a submarine- based arsenal was destroyed, ex- trol designated by countries to country’s soldiers and veterans. launched missile yesterday that perts said. help maintain air security. “We are absolutely against put- flew about 500 km toward Japan, a The ballistic missile was fired at The missile was fired at a high ting a statue of Mr. Kem Ley at show of improving technological ca- about 5:30 a.m. from near the angle, South Korea’s Yonhap Freedom Park because Kem Ley pability for the isolated country that coastal city of Sinpo, where a sub- News Agency reported, an indica- is not a hero and he is not military has conducted a series of launches marine base is located, officials at tion that its full range would be or police,” Brigadier General in defiance of U.N. sanctions. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff 1,000 km at an ordinary trajectory. Chan Sokhon, deputy command- Having the ability to fire a mis- and the Defense Ministry said. The distance indicated the North’s er of the Royal Cambodian sile from a submarine could help The projectile reached Japan’s push to develop a submarine- Armed Forces’ 3rd Division, sta- North Korea evade a new anti- air defense identification zone for launched missile system was pay- tioned in Preah Vihear province, missile system planned for South the first time, Chief Cabinet Secre- ing off, officials and experts said. said yesterday. Korea and pose a threat even if nu- tary Yoshihide Suga told re- Continued on page 10 Continued on page 2 Western Pair Mixes Marxism With CPP Ties By Ben Paviour bloody, decadeslong Cultural Revo- have been Khmer Rouge soldiers.” the cambodIa daIly lution, Ms. Jarvis departed with an Ms. Jarvis has since spent de - In 1967, Helen Jarvis packed her armband and souvenir copy of cades advocating justice for victims bags for Mao Zedong’s China. Mao’s Little Red Book, and contin- of the Khmer Rouge. More contro- Ms. Jarvis, who would decades ued on the group’s tour through versially, she represented them at later become a top foreign adviser Vietnam and Cambodia. the Extraordinary Chambers in the to the ruling CPP, had joined an On the way to Siem Reap, sol- Courts of Cambodia and has long Asian tour as a representative of a diers stormed the group’s bus and served as an adviser to Deputy leftist campus group and was searched passengers’ belongings, Prime Minister Sok An, whom a among the first such students to see she told the newspaper. 2009 report by Global Witness Transgender Victims Chose the People’s Republic, she later told “I thought, ‘Oh no,’ but when they likened to “a many-armed Hindu Suicide Over KR Marriages The Australian newspaper. found the book and armband they all god, due to his tendency to have a Page 4 After a sweep through China just cheered,” Ms. Jarvis said in the 2003 hand in everything.” a year after Mao initiated the article. “In retrospect, they must Continued on page 6 មានដំណឹងបែែសមែួលជាភាសាខ្មែរនៅខាងក្នុង The Daily Newspaper of Record Since 1993 2 The Cambodia daily thuRsday, august 25, 2016 ANd AlSo NEWSMAKERS Penguin Promoted to Brigadier n Despite a drop in earnings this year, jennifer lawrence has been ReuteRs Guard and was knighted in 2008. named the world’s highest-paid actress for the second year in a row. Standing in line for a special cere-Sir Nils slowly made his way “The Hunger Games” headliner and “X-Men: Apocalypse” star brought mony at Edinburgh Zoo on Mon- down the zoo’s Penguin Walk, in an estimated $46 million in the last 12 months, according to Forbes day, uniformed soldiers of His ending his inspection with a cry magazine. The gender pay gap has been a hot issue in Hollywood and Majesty the King of Norway’s and a scratch of his head. A zoo - Lawrence’s wages in particular were further scrutinized when the ac- Guard were carefully inspected—bykeeper then bestowed the honor tress lambasted the industry in a scathing essay for lena dunham’s a penguin. on his wing. Lenny newsletter in October last year. “Ghostbusters” star meliSSa mc- Sir Nils Olav, a resident king pen-The penguinial link between carthy landed in the No. 2 spot this year, earning $33 million, the mag- azine said. The full list also includes Scarlett johanSSon, jennifer guin at Edinburgh Zoo, was hon- Edinburgh Zoo and Norway goes aniSton, charlize theron, amy adamS, julia roBertS, mila KuniS, ored with the title of brigadier duringback to 1914 when a Norwegian Chinese film star fan BingBing and Bollywood actress deePiKa the parade. Sir Nils is the mascot familyof presented the zoo with king PaduKone. (LAT) His Majesty the King of Norway’spenguins. statue of Mr. Kem Ley, they can making the rounds on Facebook free speech. It took the city eight Statue... put it at CNRP headquarters.” show Kem Ley standing at ease in years to approve a statue for union Kem Ley was a frequent, and a short-sleeve shirt and tie with a leader Chea Vichea, whose 2004 continued from Page 1 sometimes harsh, critic of the gov- pen in his shirt pocket—his busi- shooting remains unsolved and “If they bring the statue of Mr. ernment with a considerable pub- ness-casual attire of choice—and similarly shrouded in popular sus- Kem Ley to Freedom Park, we will lic following. But he was also re- a slight smile across his face. picion of a government-ordered go and remove it,” he said. spected by many for being more Mr. Chanrath said he and his hit. Srey Doek, the division com- analytical and even-handed than friends put up the $5,000 for the Mr. Chanrath said he respect- mander, claimed that the entire many of the ruling party’s detrac- materials—the sculptor is donat- ed the sacrifice of the veterans op- 3rd Division was opposed to the tors. He was the driving force be- ing his labor at no cost—and that posing his proposal for a statue, statue and questioned where hind the creation of a new political it should be finished in a few but respectfully disagreed. Kem Ley was during the bloody party last year aimed at challeng- weeks, with or without a public “I respect the credit they give reign of the Khmer Rouge. ing what he considered the elitist place to put it. themselves for protecting the “We are absolutely against it,” tendencies of both the CPP and He stood by his request to have country...but they cannot under- he said. “During the regime of the CNRP. it placed at Freedom Park, which mine or disrespect what Kem Ley three years, eight months and 20 Kem Ley’s widow, Bou Ra - he called Democracy Square. has done. You cannot give a price days, where was he?” chana, said yesterday that those “He was just a very, very promi- to what Kem Ley has done,” he The public pushback started on- opposing the statue were wrong nent commentator who helped said. line with a post on Saturday to the to label her late husband a self- many people understand what Mr. Chanrath said those at City Facebook page of the Cambodian serving partisan. was happening in our society, our Hall weighing his request should Veterans Association, which claims “The people who talk like this, politics, and many other things... also consider the popular analyst’s more than 200,000 members. they do not understand society,” and many people respected him many fans and followers. On the “We have neveR demanded the she said. “He did not act for him- as a hero,” he said. “He talked the day his body was driven to his final construction of a statue for our sol- self; he acted for our people and truth about our society, and that’s resting place in Takeo province, diers,” it said, recalling the mili- our country. My husband did not why I chose Democracy Square tens—if not hundreds—of thou- tary’s role in reviving the country support any party.” for the statue.” sands of mourners followed the after the Khmer Rouge fell.
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