Ballybay Moffetts : a Brief History of the Crievagh House, Ballybay, County
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I !l ' I BALLYBAY MOFFETTS .^-j-i'j I ].....(; ! ! I I .U,.J- diss wU U !)()( I. .Hg PHKSK.NTKl) BY (Y^:\^C^^CP^ BALLYBAY MOFFETTS A Brief History of the Cricvagh House Ballybay County Monaghan, Ireland, Branch of the Moffctt Family BY GEORGE AND ADAM MOFFETT ASSISTED nV DTHEKS OF THE NAME The data ot the families living in England and Ireland was furnished by Rev. Joseph Moffctt and Frank J. Moffctt, Esq. 1908 as-;/ EXPLANATION. The number following the name in this work is the number of the gener- ation to which the person belongs, which can be traced by referring to the outline pages at the beginning—the first one of the name that we have any record of being taken as generation No. 1 . Blank pages are for any data that you may wish to record in regard to the names on opposite page. At the back are pages for records of births, marriages and deaths, and we ask that you keep a record of your family here as complete as possible as it may be of assistance to some in the future, who may wish to bring this history up to a fu- ture date. Copies of this book can be had by addressing Dr. Geo. Moffett, 30't' • i ., Kui]ju.t Moffett, CllwiyVSlte,^^iiciiyvaie Kdub. ^ammacw Dldi City , Mo., or Dr. A. Cj ^ fjl PREFACE. In preparing this brief history of the Ballybay, Ireland, branch of the Moffett family, we have endeavored to make it as complete as pos- that sible with the facilities we had at hand. We worked with the hope some member of the branch with more time and means at their command might be able at some future time to make it more complete, which may not be done by continuing the history of the families given, tracing those records, given and by searching old records of land t ties. leases, army family church records, etc.. in Ireland, and thereby trying to trace the farther back than where this history begins. There are many different branches of the Moffelts in the U. S.. spelling of many of whom came here between 1 600 and 1 700. The that the spelling the name differs slightly in the families and we also find the sometimes differs among members of the same family. We find all combinations. vowels used in both the first and last syllables giving us many Some of the most striking spellings are Maphet. Miffit. Morfot. Mophat. Muffat, Moffette. Mofht. Maffet. Moffal. Maffitt. etc. But no matter what the spelling, they are all supposed to come from as to the origin the same origin. Almost every family has some tradition origin; one that of the name. There are two principal theories as to the the present town of the name and family carrying it originated near with the spread of Moffat. Scotland, the other that it came from Italy England, and thence the Christian religion up through France. Normandy. into Scotland. branch came from Eng- It is supposed that the forefathers of our conquered the north of land to Ireland about the time King William Ireland. But the fact is not certain. first of Martha Moffett. 4. daughter of James Moffet. 3. was the coming about 1835, to the Ballybay branch to emigrate to America, Central Illinois. facts from each In preparing this work we tried to get the same but found it hard to do. one so as to have the biographies about equal, some could not Some were reluctant to send in what they could, and of having kept the important send in what was required, from neglect grandparents. Others responded dates in the lives of their parents and help along, for which we Willingly and were glad to do all they could to have aided us in any way we are very grateful, and to one and all who —3— want to here express our thanks and appreciation of their aid. We hope that the next who tries the work may find in this some records that may help him. We cannot help but feel the mistake that we all make in not keep- ing a record of the important dates in our lives when we undertake a work of this kind. This work may contain some mistakes, but we have tried to get the data as near correct as possible, and have put the material in just as received from the parties sending it in. A tradition gives the oldest mention of the name (Moffett) as in 1 066, when the Norman Knight, William de Moffette, came with the invading force of William the Conqueror, into England. Authentic church records show that Nicholde de Moffat, Archdeacon of Tivotdale, became Bishop of Glasgow, in 1268. There is a genealogy in preparation of all the Moffat Clan in America, by Geo. W, Maffet, of Lawrence, Kas., as editor and his- torian in chief, aided by several other branch historians. The above work, if finished, may contain a copy of this work. Yours, GEORGE MOFFETT, ADAM MOFFETT. -4— . I N n K X . Xo. Gen. No. Gen. Anderson, Helen M 387 7 Cathcart. William R 183 6 Becker, Clarence L 3)3 6 Cathcart. Lillian 184 6 Ik-ckcr. A.lalaidc E 2l>4 6 Cathcart. Edna 185 6 Hecker, Ktiie \V 205 6 Cathcart. Charles R 186 6 Becker. Mable L 206 6 Cathcart. Olive 187 6 Becker, Alice M 207 6 Cathcart, Earnest. .188 6 Becker, Howard R .V<2 7 Cathcart, James M . .378 7 Becker. Mildred C 3K3 7 Cohine, ^Iay E . 41 5 Becker. William W 3S4 7 Cohine. Mary .146 6 Beygs, Kli/a 40 5 Cobine, James D. 42 5 Biggers. Eliza M 3/0 7 Cobine, James. 148 6 BigRers, Thomas M 371 7 Cobine, James W 175 6 BifjK'crs, Harold C 39*^ S Cobine, James D 377 7 BixKv. Mildre.l C 373 7 Cobine. Samuel 43 5 Bovd, I-'raiicis J. S 365 7 Col)ine, EIi/al»eth M 44 5 BoVd. Thomas G. M My6 7 Cobine. Elizabeth. .143 6 BoVd. Sarah S 367 7 Cobine, Elizabeth T. .176 6 Bovd, Rachel E M^ 7 .line, Margaret. 45 5 .Vi<) Boyd. James G 7 liie, Mavvie. .151 6 Brown. John M. F ^S5 7 ..iiinc, Tlioinas S 46 5 Brown, Arthur T '>^> 7 obine, Thoma- 1.^4 6 Brown, Janu-s 1 -ln.i 7 "bine. Sarah 144 6 Bruce, \Varren C 372 7 ' ine. Eleanor 145 6 Carson, Thomas 25 4 "liMie. William 147 6 Carson, Eliza A 26 4 "•liine. Catherine J 149 6 '" Carson, Nanc> 4 obine. Dorothy 150 6 Carson, John -'.^ 4 obine. Marth.a! 15? 6 Carson, John \V llW 5 . 'I'ine. Martha M. .172 6 Carson, John M Ill 5 'nu-. Sus.nn. .153 6 Carson, John \V .^22 6 •liiiie. Julia C. .173 6 Carson, John E i^2 obine, Kenner R. ,174 6 Carson, Jane 29 4 Cobine. Ruth ,177 6 Carson. Jane 30 4 obine, Gilbert K. ,376 7 Carson, Isabella 31 4 olvin. Emilv J... ,250 6 Carsi^n, Richard 3? 4 Col V in. John A... ,251 6 7=;^ Carson. Mary F. lOS 5 Col V in. Jcames H. 6 Carson. Marv F 334 6 Col V in. Luccle A 2S^ 6 Carson. William H 110 5 Colvin. Jessie L 254 6 Carson. RoIhtI S 112 5 Crawford. James M 3% 7 Carson. David P 113 5 Davis, Nona G 265 6 Carson. Edwin R 321 6 Davis. David X 266 6 Carson. Charles T 323 6 Davis. Tohn C 267 6 Carson. Willard M 324 6 Davis. "Marv J 268 6 Carson. Tames M. L. R..325 6 Davis. Frma E 269 6 Carson. Floyd A. H 326 6 Davis. Titus R. E 270 6 Carson. Ruth E ^27 6 Davis. Ruth A 271 6 Carson, Warren F 328 6 Fitzgerald, Leonard 394 7 Carson. Ella M 329 6 I'itzgerald. Hellen E 395 7 Carson, ^fclvil K 330 6 Gardner. Gertrude H 260 6 Carson. Kattie W 331 6 Gardnor. Mary E 261 6 Carson, Eleanor E ^?>^ 6 Gardner, John M 262 6 Cat'icart. Tohn M 179 6 Gardner. Charles H 263 6 Cathcart, Mav ISO 6 Gardner, Erma J 264 6 Cathcart. Anna E 181 6 Gordon, X'ona G 272 6 Cathcart, Thomas J 182 6 Gordon, Allen A 273 6 —5— . .. No. Gen. No. Gen. .303 6 Gordon, Jane M 274 6 McClay, Flossie. 6 Gordon, Lelia H 275 6 McClay, Oscar .309 Floyd .310 6 Gordon. Harold J 276 6 McClay, Gordon, Elizabeth M 277 6 McClay, Edgar .311 6 .120 5 Greer, Timothy 5 4 McCloy, Margaret L. 122 5 Greer, John 5 4 McCloy, Samuel T. 21 5 Greer, James 5 4 McCloy, Samuel R. C J .114 5 Greer, Elizabeth 5 4 McCloy, Mary B. .. .123 5 Greer, Sally 5 4 McCloy, Mary E. .115 5 Greer, Jane 5 4 McCloy, Nancy J. 5 Hibbard, Alva M 335 6 McCloy, Sarrah E. .116 Hibbard, Howard C 336 6 McClov, McLeod W. .117 5 Hibbard, James C 337 6 McCloy, John C. K. .118 5 Hibbard. Arthur W 338 6 McCloy, James R. S. .119 5 Hibbard, Lois H 339 6 McCloy, Alpheus Z. .124 5 Hibbard, Ivan E 340 6 McElhenny, . .343 6 Hibbard, Henry C 344 6 McKee. Russel M. .225 6 Hibbard, Hattie 1 345 6 McKee, Elizabeth. .226 6 Hibbard, Clara M 346 6 McKee, James E. .227 6 Hibbard, Philo C 347 6 McKitrick, Joseph E.