Fisheries Research Organisations and Research Programmes in the European Union, Iceland, Israel and Norway
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Fisheries research organisations and research programmes in the European Union, Iceland, Israel and Norway Iceland, research organisations and programmes in the European Union, Fisheries 3 15 CU-23-99-815-EN-C ABSTRACT European Commission This report provides a description of the fisheries research organisations and research programmes and a brief presentation of the sectors of fisheries, aquaculture and processing industry in EU countries, and in three associated countries: Iceland, Israel and Norway. Its aim is to inform the scientist community, administration and private industry about research organisations and the main research Institutes involved in fisheries and aquaculture. It completes the European Directory of Research Centers in the Fisheries Sector, edited by the Commission in 1994. This document was co-ordinated by Ifremer, France in co-operation with a national contributor in each country. Contributions were built around a single format agreed by all participants. The first part is devoted to a description of the marine resource industry. The second part presents the research Fisheries research organisations organisation; administrative organisation, research Institutes involved in the sector (address, date of creation and status, detailed objectives and research programmes, resources, scientific co-operation in Europe and abroad). and research programmes in the A synthesis of production data in the European Union, Iceland, Israel and Norway and a list of acronyms are given at European Union, Iceland, Israel and Norway the end of the document. RÉSUMÉ Ce document décrit le dispositif de recherche halieutique des États membres auxquels se sont associés l’Islande, Israël et la Norvège et présente un bref état du secteur des pêches, de l’aquaculture et de la transformation des produits de la mer dans chacun d’eux. Son objectif est d’informer la communauté scientifique, les administrations et le secteur industriel de l’organisation de la recherche halieutique et de présenter les programmes des principaux instituts de recherche en Europe. Elle complète le répertoire européen des centres de recherche dans le secteur des pêches publié en 1994 par la Commission. La compilation des contributions nationales et leur mise en cohérence ont été assurées par l'Ifremer en concertation étroite avec un correspondant dans chacun des États concernés. Elles ont été rédigées sous un format unique pour en faciliter la lecture. La première partie est consacrée à une description du secteur des produits de la mer. La seconde présente l’organisation de la recherche halieutique: organisation administrative et présentation des instituts de recherche (adresse, date de création et statut juridique, objectifs détaillés, programmes de recherche et moyens, coopération européenne et internationale). Une synthèse des données de production en Europe et dans les trois pays associés est présentée en fin d’ouvrage ainsi qu’une liste des acronymes. OFFICE FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES L-2985 Luxembourg European Commission Directorate-General for Fisheries Fisheries research organisations and research programmes in the European Union, Iceland, Israel and Norway Coordinators: Jacques Fuchs (Ifremer) assisted by Pascal Le Floc’h (ENSAR)) The photographs have been reproduced courtesy of Ifremer: O. Barbaroux (Cover, p. 39, 87, 181, 191, 229, 251, 263, 303) A. Carpentier (Cover, p. 29, 87, 191, 211) C. Chauvin (p. 29) P. Delpierre (p. 39) M. Gouillou (p. 87) B. Leroy (p. 165) D. Leroux (p. 19, 263) J. Morin (p. 135) M. Taquet (p. 251) Karin Frohlund (p. 287) Philip Kavanagh (p. 165) T. G. MacInnes (p. 303) Jukka Mikkola (p. 71) A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server ( Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000 ISBN 92-828-8303-5 © European Communities, 2000 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Italy PRINTED ON WHITE CHLORINE-FREE PAPER FOREWORD Almost every year since 1989, the directors of the fisheries and aquaculture research institutes of Europe have met to discuss research topics of common interest within the framework of the continuous devel- opment of the common fisheries policy. These meetings have largely contributed to better mutual under- standing among European fisheries and aquaculture research institutes. Most important still, they have promoted cooperation among these institutes within the successive Community framework programmes in support of research and technological development (RTD). The first meeting of the fisheries and aquaculture research directors (Fuengirola — Malaga, 22 to 24 May 1989) led to the publication of a review of fisheries and aquaculture research means and objectives in Europe. Ten years later, an update of this review appears quite timely and useful, to measure the progress accomplished so far, and to envisage ways to further reinforce cooperation among European fisheries and aquaculture research institutes. Furthermore, given the past enlargement of the European Union and of the European Community framework programme, this review had to be enlarged to include the 15 Mem- ber States as well as Iceland, Israel and Norway. For each country, information about the marine resource industry context (harvesting, aquaculture, pro- cessing and of seafood consumption) is summarised. In a second part, research organisations are described, starting with the national and followed by the main research organisations. When available, their objectives and research programmes are briefly presented, as well as their involvement in scientific cooperation at national, European or international level. In publishing this book the Fisheries Directorate-General of the European Commission aims at dissemi- nating among — actual or potential — research partners the type of information that will promote the coordination of their research activities. It has thus adopted a catalyst rather than a directive role to facilitate the activities of its research partners, upon which rests the continuous development of the common fisheries policy. The Fisheries Directorate-General of the European Commission wishes to thank MM. Jacques Fuchs (Ifremer) and Pascal Le Floc’h (ENSAR) for their major coordination work and to acknowledge the sup- port of the national research institutes who remain responsible for their respective contributions. Steffen Smidt Director-General Directorate-General for Fisheries 3 Contents Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 13 Austria .................................................................................................................................................. 19 1. The fisheries, aquaculture and processing industry .......................................................................... 21 1.1. Fisheries sector.................................................................................................................... 21 1.2. Aquaculture sector.............................................................................................................. 21 1.3. Processing industry sector................................................................................................... 21 1.4. Consumption of fishery products ........................................................................................ 21 2. Research organisation scheme ......................................................................................................... 22 2.1. National research organisations ........................................................................................... 22 2.2. Main research institute: Bundesamt für Wasserwirtschaft, Institut für Gewässerökologie, Fischereibiologie und Seenkunde......................................... 24 2.3. Other research organisations ...............................................................................................25 Biologische Station Illmitz........................................................................................................... 25 Bundesamt für Wasserwirtschaft, Institut für Wassergüte............................................................. 25 Institut für Seenforschung Kärnten............................................................................................... 25 Ökologische Station Waldviertel.................................................................................................25 Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Limnologie....................................... 26 Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Biologische Station Lunz .................................. 26 Universität für Bodenkultur, Institut für Hydrobiologie, Fischereiwirtschaft und Aquakultur ....... 26 Universität Graz, Institut für Zoologie.........................................................................................26 Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Zoologie ................................................................................. 26 Universität Salzburg, Institut für Zoologie ................................................................................... 27 Universität Wien, Institut für Zoologie .......................................................................................