The Preamplifier Survey, Originally Intended for the Last Issue and by Now Considerably Expanded, Is the Main Event
Issue No. 18 Spring/Summer 1992 Retail price: $7.50 In this issue: The preamplifier survey, originally intended for the last issue and by now considerably expanded, is the main event. It's the final exam for preamps by Prof. Rich. Your Editor reports his tests and evaluations of delta- sigma ("1-bit") CD players and D/A converters. New staffer David Ranada begins a series of interviews with some of the deepest thinkers in audio. Part I: John Eargle, Roy Allison, Kevin Voecks, Floyd Toole. David Ranada also shows his musicological side with a monumental Magic Flute review and a bit of Beethoven. Plus the longest crank letter ever published and answered in our pages, along with sundry columns and features. pdf 1 Issue No. 18 Spring/Summer 1992 Editor and Publisher Peter Aczel Contributing Technical Editor David Rich Contributing Editor at Large David Ranada Technical Consultant Steven Norsworthy Cartoonist and Illustrator Tom Aczel Business Manager Bodil Aczel The Audio Critic® is published quarterly for $24 per year by Critic Publi- cations, Inc., 1380 Masi Road, Quakertown, PA 18951. Application to mail at second-class postage rates is pending at Quakertown, PA. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Audio Critic, P.O. Box 978, Quakertown, PA 18951-0978. The Audio Critic is an advisory service and technical review for consumers of sophisticated audio equipment. Any conclusion, rating, recommendation, criticism, or caveat pubished by The Audio Critic represents the personal findings and judgments of the Editor and the Staff, based only on the equip- ment available to their scrutiny and on their knowledge of the subject, and is therefore not offered to the reader as an infallible truth nor as an irrevers- ible opinion applying to all extant and forthcoming samples of a particular product.
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