In The Newt I[HIS Sennn~ the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City

MORNING Associated Press Leased Wires and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, April 24, 1963 " ON CAMPUS- STUART C. DODD, University oC Washington, will give a lecture entitled "Mass Acts" at 8 p.m. to· DIJbt, In the Senate Chamber of the Old Capitol - Traded for 24 Americans- He will also speak on "Counter ~ Acts" Thursday night, ai the same time and place. The lectures are the filth and sixth of the Sociology Department's I Probable Acts of Man lecture ser'l leS. Cuban Pri$onOers Freed • • • liLA FIESTA BRAVA" - "the BULLETIN slaying of a 9-year-old Venezuelan Another of the freed Cubans, credit to James B. Donovan, the cars, to the ofr·limits north end festival of the brave" - begins a I JIAVA A (AP) - Four girl, a bystander during a shoot- Jo e Garcia Orellana. 42, reo New York lawyer who has had of Idlewild Airport in New York. four·night in Studio Theatre I ing brawl between supporters and turned with his wife and two outstanding suece s in negotiating Meanwhile, in a separate move, tooight at 8. Tickets are available I Cubans freed from U. . jail~ foes of Prime Mini ter Fidel Cos. American·born daughters , aged delicate exchanges with Commu· Gov. Nelon A. RockeCeller of in the East Lobby of the Union be· , in a swap for 24 Americans tro in a New York restaurant in 10 and 12. He said he had rejected nists. New York announced that he was tween 9 a.m. and noon Saturday. ' held by th e Castro regime re· 1960. an oCfer to let him stay in the MOlina, Sanliesleban, and Suei· commuting Mollna's 2O·years·to· ' The play attempts to contrast The Havana newspaper La United States. ro were Cuban citizens. Garcia, a life sentence. He was taken from the Spanish and American concepts tum d to Havana Tue day Tarde said Molina was unjo tly The two others returning ore native of Cuba, was a naturalized prison ond put on the same plane of manhood. night. One charged he had sentenced to 25 years. The sen· Roberto Santie lebon Ca anova, American citizen who ran a cos· as the three other Cubans. , been subjected to subhuman tence wa 20 years to life. Tl, and Antonio Sueiro, 23. They, tume jewelry shop in New York. About three months ago Dono· • • 1I10lina and three other Cuban with Garcia, had been indicted Their release came qUIckly van. who was negotiating with TODAY'S HOL!, one of our fa­ treatment. vorites in the downtown area, ap· who were held in New York under for conspiring to gain information after a plane had brought the 21 Castro about the American pris' pears on page three. Looking fit, convic,ed murderer charges of sabotage arrived from about U.S. defense in tallotion American to Florida Monday oners, informed the tate Depart­ , ,. Francisco Molina del Rio, 31, said Key West, Fla" in a Soviet·built and to learn how to use explo· morning. ment that Cuba would not relea e THI IOWA STRING QUARTET prisoners in the United States Cuban airliner. They landed at a sives to blow them up. Late in the afternoon Ju lice them unle s the United State , in "ill present its final concert of the "only receive as nourishment Cuban air force base outside Developments came quickly in Department attorneys asked U.S. turn, freed the four Cuba ns . season tonight at 8 in Macbride bread and potatoes and a little Havana where troops Ilanked the the United States in the swap, In Dist. Court Judge Thomas F. Donovan told the State Depart· ILa Fiesta Bravo' "uditorium. milk if one can call thtlt which runway. Washington officials tended to Croake in New York to dismiss ment that Castro would not ac­ Rosalind, John, G, Iowa City, .nd Jerry Robert., AI, Perry, perform they give for breakfast." "1 AM HERE to carryon my downgrade the cloak.and-dagger the chargcs against the three In- ccpt anything less. The State De· a Spanish dlnc. In a "Vilia Rosa Club" IItting lhe ploy "L. The quartet will perform com. , HE SAID the convicts "live in fight for thee, Cuba, my f:lther· a peets oC the deal. Instead, they dicted men. partment, after COnsuttatlon with 0' positions by Haydn, Casella and subhuman conditions and are sub- land," La Tarde said Molina called the swap smooth. quiet and Croake did so. The three men other agencies Including the Jus· Fiesta Bran." Th. ptay, directed by ProfelSor John R. Wlnnl., Beethoven. op.ns today In Studio Theater, and will run through Ihl, Frld.y. ject to the most cruel of abuscs. cried as he stepped Crom the relatively open. then were quickly taken In black lice Department, 8gre~d to go Members of the quartet are I Molina was found guilty in the plane. OFFICIALS in Washington gave limousines, protected by security ahead with Lhe deal. - Photo by Bob N.nd.1I Charles Treger, associate proCessor ______-=:~_=_ ___..:...... ______=_._...:.=______:. ______:_------of music, violin ; John Ferrell, as· iOChlte professor of music, violin; William Preucil, assistant profes­ sor of music, viola and Camille Doppman, cello. Postal Department IOt.'A SOCI£TY Tearn • • • /filii( ""1'tI'N"~ ~F' Neutralist Truce J, H, PLUMB, emineni British historian, will speak on "Progress EVEftYTHIA/fi- and the Historians," tonight at 8 Cuts Expenditures In Shambaugh Auditorium. Plumb's lecture is being spon· sored by the Humanities Society, Big Offices Told To Curtail Services; To Seek Laotian Peace the Graduate College and the De· deroga and the guided missile de· partment of History, Sma lIer Towns May Be Affected Later troyer Robin on were two days out Three-Nation Commission of Manila Bay on un unannounced IN THE CITY- WASHINGTON (.4'1 - Taking drastic steps to match congressional mis. ion. lIeading a riolilla an· chor d at the Philippine Subic SELECTION OF JUDGES. The budget cuts, the Post Omee Department clamped down Tuesday on new hirings and overtime pay in Its 68 biggest offic<,s and told them Bay, the U.S. Navy's chief center flnal step In changing the method Set for, JOne-Sided Effort' of operalions off Southeast AlIia, of selecting Supreme Court and to curtail their service if necl'ssary, I There was a hint that the reo ------.--­ was the helicopter carrier York· District Court judges was com· VIENTrANE, Lam (AP) - A three-nution ('omnllSSI011, town. pleted Tuesday when Gov. Harold strictions may extend laler into ing the four -week period thllt ended barred from operating within lin s of Ill(' pro· oll1ll1tlni,t Huehes sieDed the judicial reform other communities. But the order last March 29. bill. would be wiped out if Congress Pathct Lao, is sending a tmce tram today or Thmsday to tlll:' relents and gives Postmaster Gen­ As Day had told Congress earli· The bill implements the constllu· er, Belen said the personnel pinch nelltrali~t side in the Plaines des Jarres t'umpaign in a one· Senate Gets liooal amendment approved by the eral J. Edward Day the money he says is needed to keep his d part· moy make it necessary to cut sided effort for peace. voters last year under which down on service to postal custom­ Premier Prinee SOllvanna said Tllesday judges will be appointed by the ment at full steam. Phouma the com· el·s. The first action, where "ab­ mission's observers - representing eovemor from lists submitted by Congressional rea c t ion was solutely nece sary," will be to halt Revenue Bill· nominating commissions. mixed. Some members said the plans for extending mail delivery India, Canada and Poland - can at 3uthOl'ities about th Lnolian silua. ,. department had 110 choice and least see "who is firing the rifle tion, sped to London fol' similar • • to new office buildings and housine LAWYERS H 0 NOR E D. Two should get more money, Others developments nol now served, shots." . talks wilh the Bt·i Ush . said economie~ should be found There ~ad /)een a 48-~our . lull. 111 • The Soviet government n ws. For Debate Clinton lawy ~rs were named Tues· Belen told the postmasters. elsewhere than cutting down serv­ daY nieht as outstanding legislators DAY MENTtONED os additional the shootmg, ~ut heaVier flghtm~ paper Izvestia said the Brilish by newsmen covering the 60th bwa ice. threatened ..Rlghtist Gen. PhOUI~1I hove rcjected a Russian proposal (For ollU'r slatc tegislaillre HOUSE REPUBLICAN Leader cutbacks which may be necessary ·General Assembly. the elimination of Saturday mail Nosavan ~a ld he. would se~d hiS I that Britain join the Soviet Union siorif's, see lJl1ge 3). The7 are Sen. David 0_ Shafr Charles A. Halleck oC Indiana said regulars mto action as . alll~s of in charging the United States with Day's department is "trying to deliveries and a shutdown of the to ••• And that cOllcludes our telegram to the Legislalure the outnumbered If the fllDning tension in Laos. DES IA'I - Debat.e on and Rep. Lawrence D. Carstensen, parcel post service. neutr~hsts MOlNE~ blackjack Congress." And Rep. agaitMt liquor by the drink. Let lIS turn 11010 10 otlr Pathet Lao completed Its conquest . . . the Senate version of the revenue both Republicans. of the Plaine, a strategic plateau • Military consulta\lons were ' bill already passed by the House Ben F. Jensen of Iowa, senior campaign to keep college graduates from leaving 10100." Republican on the House Appropri· 110 miles north of Vientiane. p~rsued . at headquarter~ of the WDS set for 9 a.m. Thursday after IN THE NATION- ations Committee, said "they would Dodge St. Repairs A Pathet Lao broadcast from elght-~all~n ~outheast ASia Treaty it was reporled out by the Ways . IIG VOICE . The Defense Depart· have hollered iC we had cut them the interior a serted that two of OrgoDlzlltlOn 10 Bangkok, .Thall.and. and Means Committee Tuesday. ment announced plans Tuesday to only $5." MayBeCompleted In West Germany­ Phoumi's crack paratroop bat· - The U.S, attack comer Tlcon· Like the House measure, the bill set up worldwide voice and other Asst. Postmaster General Fred· talions had been dropped in the recommended by the Senate com· communications networks to link erick C. Belen, chief of the depart· By Monday: Evans Plaine des Jarres area Monday III A t· D th mittee would boost the sales tax U.S. military Installations and menl's Bureau of Operations, noli· Bnd Tuesday. It said this proved • n 1- ea from two to three per cent and ex· t\ghtt» et>mm\)>>d \:I)l\\tl)\. {jed the postmasters of the order Police Chief Emmett Evans said Erhard Is Nominated the United States and the rightists tend it to hotels and motels. It also Two speCialized networks are in a telegram saying: "Initially Tuesday that repairs on Dodge I "did not want to end the present B'II A d would repeal all bul one mill of plUMed to provide ' automatic these restrictions will be limited in Street are nearing completion and military conflict." Phoumi denied I pprove the monies and credits tax and switching systems for voice, Tele· application to tbe 68 largest post similar Pathet LIIO charges last aU of the per onal property tax on olfices." the street should be open to traffic For Chancellor Post week. , SPRlNGFIELD, 111. (.fI _ Illinois household goods. The corporation type and data communications again next Monday. among overseas bases and between The postmasters were told to Abroad, a series of developments HOll e committees approved Tues· income tax would be raised from take two immediate steps: not hire Police said traffic has been mov- BONN, Germany (.fI - West Germany's strongest party overruled the United States and overseas the objections of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer Tuesday and nominated reDected concern oC the United day bills calling for a six·year ban three pel' cent to four per cent. points, any new employes, and to limit ing along smoothly in the down· Ludwig Erhard to head the next government. States and other powers at the on the death penalty in Illinois, COMITTEE CHAIRMAN David overtime in any futUre accounting town area following the rerouting , ______menace to Laos' neutrality and The House Judiciary Committee O. Shaff (ft·Clinton) said it would • • • period to the amount paid out duro It was a bitter hlow for the independence that was guaranteed endorsed a bill to place a mora- produce an estimated $43 mi1lion D. C. EMPLOYES. Employes or of traffic from HighwllY I onto chancellor, now 87, who is com- the District of Columbia govern· representatives or theIr Christian by a 14-nation Geneva conference torium on the death penalty de- more for the state fOl' each of the ment would be required to live in Dubuque Street to speed up re- milled to retire from thc No. 1 Democralic party and its close last July : spite objections of a representa· next two yeal'S. He said lhe sale~ !be district under a bill introduced Thresher Sinking pairs. job this fa ll . He considers Erhard, ally, the Christian Socialist Union • Units of the U.S, 7th Fleet live of the Chicago Police Depal't· lax increase would bring In about I Tuesday by Rep, Fred Schwengel The traffic Tuesday was unusual. 66, lacks political skills necessary of Bavaria. were reported moving to the Soulh menl. $40 million and the higher cOl'por· {R·lowal. To Be Examined Iy light. POlice said, and rerouting to run the government. But Adenauer looked angry and China Sea area off lhe Gulf of Sgl. Paul Quinn, who spoke for ate income tax and sales tax on West Germany can be expected brushed reporters away impatient· Siam as a precaution against a Chicago Police upi. Orlando W. hotel and motel services about $1.5 "This is a practice fonowed by The probable causes of the sink­ created no complIcatIOns. . even III Ito remain firmly in the Western Communist takeover. Laos itself Wilson , said capital punishment each. almost every major city in the Iy at the end oC the two-hour ses- ing of the nuclear submarine the evening rush hour . Icamp under Erhard, although Er- sion. is landlocked, but it is a potential should be retained because it is The committee vote to recom· country," Schwengel said. "Be· stepping stone to its Southeast a deterrent to professional rob- mend the bill was 12-9, barely the cause of the district's acute need Thresher will be discussed today To facilitate the !low of traffic, ha.rd may lean more toward Bri· "You'll find out aU about it from parking has been banned along tam than France as Adenauer has the others ," he said. Asian neighbors - some pro- bers who might carry guns and use two-thirds minimum needed to reo for revenue, it is all the more im­ by Myron E. Lunchik when he I Western and others neutral. them if !leeing from police. port out the measure. portant that this requirement be addresses a seminar in advanced the east side of Dubuque Street, done. . On the other hand, F.rhard was beaming. • U, So Undersecretary of State Illinois Public Safety Director The backel'S of the hill woo instituted here, " mechanics in 109 Engineering and ample space has been provided Adenauer took hiS defeat at the W. Averill Harriman, fresh from Joseph Ragen, former warden of enough SUPPOl't to get it out as Building. near corners to allow trucks to hands of Erhard as gracefully as "I am very happy about the urgent consultations with French Stateville penitentiary, spoke for purely a revenue raising measure • • • make turns. a losing politician can. result," he said. "I look forward PRIEST ATTACKED. Roman LUllchik, of Booz·AlIen nesearch, -----. --- - the bill. despite strong sentiment (Qr-attach· Inc., Bethesda, Md .. will speak at Whi le Dodge Street will be ready TWO SHOOK HANDS and to the future with confidence and "I've seen a lot of executions," . ing an earmarking prOVision to in· Catholic authoriu'es in New Or­ TH~ to my work with the chancellor. leans said Tuesday night they had 9:30 p.m. His topic will be "Plastic for traf[Jc ~londay If the repair promised to work. together after said Ragen, "and I don't feel that · sure that some of the money would I will cooperate with him Cully and anyone can recommend that an· go for some form oC property tax I filed assault charges against a resi­ Instability of Shells for Deep Sea program is on schedule, Evans Erhard had .been pIcked,. 159 to 47, unstintedly until the day I take 2nd Fiddle other person should die:' relief. dent of Belle Chasse in neighboring Vehicles." plans to have officers handle traf. at a meetlllg or parlIamentary over," Plaquemines Parish in connection All interested persons are in· fic If the downtown rush should be· AT ALMOST the same time that I Erhard hos been minister of JFK Loses Show the Ways and Means Committee I with the man's alleged attack on a vited to attend. come too great. economics for 13 years. If every· priest who conducted an inter· To 17 -Month-Old University Sing acled, the Senate Sifting Commit· West Branch thing goes as planned, he will take . I. h tee reported out for debate two racial retreat {or Roman Catholic over the chancellOl'ship when WASHINGTON IWI - A 17· chUdren. Flna IStS C osen measures aimed at relieving pro- Adenauer steps down . month-old girl, Wiving her .nn. ~~~~ LawYPrs acting {or the arch­ Women Hurt HEINRICH VON BRENTANO, and making fae'5 b.hl"ICI "15 Finalists for University Sing l one would pay the agricullural diocese of New Orleans fil ed a the Christian Democrats' leader in beck during a lpetch, ltol. tIwI Icompetition, to be held during Itlnd tax cl'edit in full at a 2O-mlll sworn affadavit with Justice of the Parliament, was designated to in· show from Pr ••ldent Kennedy in Mother 's D:JY Wee kend, May 4 and levet , instead of at the 15-millleve) Peace Melba Lange in Belle Chasse lIn Car Crash form President Henrich LuelJke of the White Hous. rose garden . 5, have been selected from Lhe 12 now in effect. ..he other would charging Leonard Henry Macken· Two West Branch women were the nomination . Th. chief ell.cull"., groups in the semifinals. raise lhe maximum homestead tax roth had assaulted the Rev. Frank reporled in good condition at .When Adenauer resigns, Luebke to Irrepres.ID~. young ladles - They are: Gamma Phi Beta· ('red it for $62.50 10 $80. 1'he hills Ecimovich Saturday. . . will send Erhard's name to the ha"ing one of his .wn - loak It Sigma Nu, Alpha Xi Delta·Sigma I"et'e assigned to the Senate Ap­ • • • Mercy Hospital Tuesday mght fol 'l Bundestag, the lower house in Par- with a grin. Pi, Pi Ktlppa Alpha-Delta Delta propriations Committee. MITCHELL RELEASED. New· lowing a two-car accident Ilt Ihe lli ament. The Bundestag elects the Kennedy WI. plying trlbut. Delta, Beta Theta Pi-Delta Gam· 1'he bill as reported out by the burgh, N. Y. City Joseph 4-H Fairgrounds, south of row a I chancellor. 10 lot Fulbright from rna, Pi Beta Phi-Della Tau Delta, ' Ways and Means Committee. wall Mitebell, nationally known critic City on Higbway 218. The two Christian parties do not abroad wM w.... ,ccompenied Maude McBroom TIouse at Burge" similar ill many respects to the and Chi Omeea·Sigma Alpha Epsi· measure passed by the House. of free and easy municipal relief The acc ident occurred at 10:23 have a majority in the 6undestog. by .bout 40 wi,," Ind SO chll· handouts, was acquitted Tuesday They work in a coalition with the dren. K.,iml Khalil stood behind Ion. However, the Senate committee did of eOllneering a $20,000 rezoning p.m. when a car driven by Mar· Free Democrats, 0 rig ht-of-cenler him on the steps leading from not go along with the House in shakedown. garet Hora, 10, Route 2, West group. But the Free Democrats the- portico .utsldt his Tickets Available adding one cent to the cigll(et taX'. '" think I've cleared nol only my I Branch, )lulled out of the 4-" Fair· announced after the vote that they office. In another revision, the Senate name but the name of Newburgh," grounds and was in the I'car by are ready to continue th e coalition Karim., cled In • pink dress For Hawkins' Dance version would levy a S11les. jax a car driven by James G. O'Brien, under Erhard. only on the first 28 days of· rent said Mitchell, 41 , as he headed .nd sweeter, at lhe outs.t hoi· Tickets arc now on sale Cor a bac:k to the Hudson Illver Valley 18, 33 W. Harrison St. for "Mommle, mommlel" on a tempoi'arily rented sleeping Adenauer and Erhard have new dance to be performed here room . The House version. _d city to resume his controversial Both cars were total losses. worked in the same govern men t lust II K.nnedy wes "luting Saturday by Erick Hawkins. Tick­ career in City Hall. O'Brien suffered minor bruises "1OIn. of the br""test minch have co ll ected a tax on all boteI since the West German Federal ets cost $1.75 and are available in and molel room rent regardless of Surprise Colonel! and lacerations. Mrs, Hora and the Republic was formed in 1949. !from ebroed." The youngs'.r the East Lobby of lhe Union for passenger in her car, Lucille Hem· up the .ctIen during his the length of stay. IN THE WORLD- M.mbers of th. P.rshlng Rlfl. Drill T•• m, comm.nded by c.-' Adenauer was largely respon· the dance to be presented at 8 p.m. ingway, 4.2, were taken to Mercy in Macbride Auditorium. MORI RIOTS: Students set off 2nd Lt. L.rry Jeckson, Al, West Des Moines, p,,-sent Col. WIIIi.m ' Hospital by ambulance. sible for the political task oC bring­ !leW demonstrations Tuesday night ing his country, deCeated and dis­ At the end, K,nnecIy turned to Hawkins, who created the new Holm, prof.ssor of Mlllt.ry Selene., with first plec. trophy th.t tIwI A Little Warmer in Amman, Jordon allainst King No charges were reported late graced in World War II, back to the Ilttl. girl wit~ a broed grin, dDnce entitled "Here and Now ltllSsein. One demonstration was te.m won in a drill competition with low. St.t. Univ.rsity .nd Tuesday. a position of respectability and In. indlCttlng h. wes nat ..eluding With Watchers", uses a seri es of Fair and w.nner to,r.y wIth near the American Embassy. For D'ik. It D.s Moines Saturday. Colonel Holm did not know of the Inrormation as io the nature of fluence among nations. Erhard Is her from the britht minds. K.ri· duets and solos in eight parts to ' highs In tIwI 50s. Fair llId warm· Hussein's comments on the cur­ drill I.. m', sueee" until the pr,"nlilion Tu.sday nighl, the women 's injuries could not be generally cl'edited with bringing it m. is the d.ughter oi Mr. .nd "red[scover sources of immedia cy I er tonight, P.rtly cloudy .n4 tent atrife, see Page 3, - Photo by Don ~obwiek obtained. from ruins to prosperity. Mrs. Ha ...n Kh,Uf, Iin pure movement." warm4r Thuntley, ",."

t , .b. Daily Iowan . Letfe'rs to the Editor ...: 'I 'I" . i'L OBSERVATIONS I THe First Glimmers •• And Comment r Cardona's Action: Of Progress Dawn ID WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1963 " I of 'Irresponsi ble' To the Editor: '1 Himmel: The Iirst glimmers of progress dawn on The Hawkeye wi (The Miami [Fla,) Herald) (or Corn) State: Fr Dr. Jose Miro Cardona's use be of the word "criminal" to de­ • The State Senate approves a timid liquor·by-Ihe-drink bill. • The Board of Regents approves a $2.5 million, 100story addiwon tOI scribe United Stales policy on J Cuba, plus other abusive word· to Currier Hall (from whence the coeds will trudge through knee-deep snows lo the drorty lemporariesl. 8 age in his version of dealings to with President Kennedy, was • Johnny Hart dares to tamper with religion in B.C. and at least foe rash and irresponsible. one Iowa paper runs the strip. , This country is no product of • The Daily Iowan gets ben­ 10 rag-tag coups and humply-dumply Letters Policy day rules. Readers are invited to express 01 revolutions. The American revolu­ lit tion was thought out and fought When I left Iowa almost a year opinions In letters to the Edit­ by palriots who could and did ago for greener pastures, I was, or. All letters must Include rise to peaks of emotional fervor, by and large, in agreement with handwritten signatures and ad­ but who also kept a rational the pundit who said: "There is dresses, and should be type­ grasp on lheir sense of national a move afoot in Congress to make written and -spaced. W. wii purpose. Iowa a federal reserve, so that reserve the right to short.n I' onl Cuba is first of all a nation cur­ Americans may come here and letters. rently run by a Cuban whom see how people lived in lhe 19th many other Cubans oppose. This Century." is Lough on the anli-Caslro Cub· However, I now know that not A Reply ans, and they have received a all the idiots arc in Iowa. Wit­ generous measure of U.S. sym­ ness, for example: pathy of a tangible kind. • The Florida Legislature re­ To Frenkel Cuba is secondly a small close· cently passed - and tne U,S. by neighbor of the United States District Court approved - a bill To the Editor: which has gotten tangled up in that provides majority repre­ Really Mr. Frenkel, where has the worldwide menace which sentation in the Legislature by 29 this "dynamic attorney general" Communism poses to the leader per cent of the state's population been hiding himself? Perhaps the of the free world. In Washington, (here, we can lhe throwbacks Hultman you speak of is not the the Cuban "problem" has to be Pork Choppers), same Hultman we watched argue dealt with on this basis. Our the Republican sponsored "Shaft" foreign policy is our own to con­ • The State Road Department Plan as a "virtuous·, method of If. Perilous Intersection trol. It is not subject to changes recenlly decided that since a protecting the city dwellers from , That Needs Attention determined by how loudly a proposed tour-lane, trans-stale their own actions by carefuUy a1. .. troublesome ally shouls his own highway would compete with lhe locating the majority of the lfouse contrary policy. toll Sunshine Slale Parkway, sev­ seals among 24 per cent of the * * * * * * The U.S. Slate Department's eral 20-mile stretches would be people of Iowa. Needed: A New response to Dr. Miro holds that left uncompleted in the new free­ Are yotl speaking of lhe "ex­ his statement is "a gross distor­ way. p<'l'ienced" Altorney General who ' I tion of recent history." It says • Hundrcds of refugee Batista recently uttered the Farm Bureau further that "the United States thugs go to Dade County Junior plan of "freedom" to lhe farm· Light Control Plan cannot coexist with a Soviet College free, while U.S.-born Ne­ ers and husinessmen of Johnson There arc seven intersections controlled by traffic satellite in this hemisphere." 'Oh, boy - we/re in the clear!' groes attend night school and County? The freedom he speaks We believe this. work as janitors, or worse. of is freedom to plunge further lights between the west boundary of Coralville on IIighway into economic disaster, 1t is the 6 and the southern boundary of Iowa City at Ihe intl'T­ • Bible - reading and funda­ freedom 10 go bankrupt and to menlalist devotions are a daily join the ranks of the urban un­ se~tions of South Hivl'rside drive, Highway 6, and lIigh­ A Switch From An SUI Instructor Writes - part of elementary and junior employed. It is also the freedom way 1. Farming to Fun? high classes, although the Su­ to lose one's farm to the wealthy Six of tIll'Se traffic light- • (Wall Street Journal) preme Court may soon forbid this. speculators who prosper on the L'et us hope lhatlowa ca~ show misfortunes of olhers. The Repub­ controlled intcresctions have I With the Agriculture Depart­ ment determined to encourage the way to less progressive states lican Party and the Farm Bureau overhead ligllts sup P 1 - A Guatemalan Surveys His in oullawing capitat punbhment. have continued to cry out for a farmers to shift their cropland mcnted by post-moullted into recreational projects, it may Bob Ingle return to Benson style prosperity (c.g., economic dlsasler) while ig. signals. One docs not. The be instructive to consider the Miami, Florida case of J. C. Sharpe. noring Lhe basic problem. intersection lacking 0 v e r­ Mr. Sharpe has 250 acres near Country's Politics f challenge you, MI'. Frenkel, lo head traffic light control is LaFayette, Ala. Until about 10 Hounding produce examples of concrete ac· Circle locates intersection years ago he was a dairyman By CARLOS H. MONSANTO F1ranklin Del a n 0 Roosevelt, tions undertaken by the Republi· one of the most heavily WrItten for The Daily Iowan praises and exults a world of can Party of Iowa whic:l by the traveled in Iowa City, where NortI1 Riverside drive with a 32-cow herd. But help was hard to get and he wasn't making A free Guatemalan is something of a rarity ever since a handful superior values, without which By the Law most liberat interpretation can be branches off Highway 6 south of the Art Building and much profit. So Mr. Sharpe be­ of "brave and patriotic men" have taken the country by sheer force human life slops being human. classified as dynamic. We have ast of Westlawn dormitory. gan to turn his farm into a with the pretext of protecting it effectively against the Communist This is what Arevalo means by To the Editor: heard many dynamic words from the Republican Party but have recreation area which he caUs menace. After living in this country for several years, however, I spiritualism, a belief, and prac­ It is highly unforlunate that an A high rate of accidents occur at tllis intersection. tice of these higher values. Presi­ seen few dynamic legislative ac· "Dizzy-Land" . find it impossible to stop feeling a free man, and to keep from exer­ Indiana University coed should be Lane Mashaw, director of public works for Towa dent Roosevelt's brand of spiri­ tions which have attempted to put Today he has a rough but play­ cising the right to speak my piece, 1 know I will not be put in jail, and the victim of a dope ring. It is City, Monday morning said he plans to ask the Iowa High- able go\( course, a couple of soft­ tualism, so strong that it kept also highly unfortunate that she Iowa into the 20th Century. ball fields, six ponds (fishing fee: leave my family without its head. You Americans are very very lucky. logether and united such a vast Larry L. Berg, G ay Commission to recommend a change in traffic light It is all too obvious that what happened in Guatemala several should be hounded by the law for 50 cents), facilities for badminton, and diversified country during the her political beliefs. 2312 MU5CIltine Ave. 1tli>ut at this intersection. shuffleboard and horseshoe pitch. weeks ago was a planned effort dark years oC war, was religious * * * The Associated Press slory OFFICIAL DAILY IUUETlN • Mashaw said he thinks an overilead light, supplc­ ing, a playground, picnic tables to keep ex-President Juan Jose in origin. We all remember lhe and a meeting place for clubs, Arevalo from returning to the The U,S. does not understand many Bible quotations in his carried by the Iowan stated that Ip~nted by the already-existing post-mounted signals and church organization,s and the like. country to stand free elections in the problems of Guatemala and speeches. Arevalo's brand of the prosecutor "had had Miss Dil­ ~ overhead signs, might be tIle best solution to the n's nothing fancy; Mr. Sharpe November. That tne whole thing the people of that Central Am­ spirilualism, however, although lingham under surveillance about University a month because of her activities problem. made all the children's swings was pre-planned is clearly shown erican country do not under­ very similar to that of Mr. Roose­ and other equipment from his own by the graceful manner in which .tand this country, according \'ell's, is a philosophical one, in­ in the Young Socialist Alliance, a Calendar The intersection in question is heavily traveled by timber. And he's just about President Ydigoras left the Guate­ to a native Guatemalan who in· spired on the idea that man has group accused oC involvement in married students from Templin and Riverside parks, stu­ doubled his previous dairy earn­ m a ) a n White structs in the SU I depa rtment a body and a soul. Il is a type of Castro sympathy demonstrations on the campus at the time of the Wednesday, Aprll 24 dents from fraternities on North Riverside drive and Ellis ings. House. No one of Romance languages. spiritualism that was born in the 8 p.m. - 10wa String Quartet H the switch from farming to fired a shot to Cuban blockade last fall." avenue, law studenls, and art and thealer students. A new Carlos MonSlJnto, a graduate university classroom, where Are­ Concert. Mllcbdde Auditorium. fun really calehes on and if keep him in of­ instructor and son of Dr. Adolfo valo has spent many days of his So what's wrong with demon· 8 p.m. - Humanities Society, light.control plan definitely is needed. enough acres are turned over to fice. He becomes M. Monsanto who helped wrile life. Lel's not forget that Arevalo strating for Castro? I refer you to Graduate College, and History ~ (:'We urgo tIle cily to implement such a plan as soon as golI and picnicking, maybe It will the first man in the 1945 Constitut ion of Guate­ is known everywhere for his im­ that subversive document. the Department Lecture: "Progress solve the Whole dairy farm sur­ history to admit Constitution of the United States p'O~sibl e. -Joe Lippincott mala, begins here today a two­ portant contributions to Ule fields and the Historians," ProfesSCJr plus problem. Or would the gov­ that his having part dl"ussion of Guatemalan of Educational Psychology and of America, which guarantees J. H. Plumb, Christ's College, ernment then have to launch a been overthrown politics and Communism. His also to the history of political thal we can disagree with our Cambridge. Shambaugh Audi­ program for stockpiling golf is good for his second article will appear thought. Anyone doubting Ihis government MY time we want to, lorium. balls? as long as we are orderly. , Respect Their Plight country and con­ Thursday. may consult our general library, 8 p.m. - The Probable Acts of tinent. Let's for­ Stephen Tudor, G . he scven month long controversy involving Buchanan under his name. Man Lecture Series: "Mass get Mr. Ydigoras MONlIANTO ARBENZ, ON THE other hand, Mount Vernon CoUnty Amish farmers is a disturbing one. The Lunch Hour Acts, ' Stuart C. Dodd, University in tllat great but unfortunate rialistic* simplicity * of *those for is incapable of such an ideology. oC Washington. Senate Chamber, • Next fall a district court is expected to rule whether country where he has chosen to whom human life is satisfied as It is not surprising, then, to find Old Capito\. Lock-Out retire, a country whose wonder­ 'Evashevski Is the Amish faUlers arc breaking the law by sending their (Iowa Dtfenct.r) long as there exists a good and great differences between these 8 p.m. - Studio Theatre pro­ ful people for a number of years, two men. Arbcnz did not hesitale children to schools which arc not accrediled by tIle state. it has struck us that the satisfactory arrangement of eco­ So Very Right' duction, "La Fiesta Brava," stu· have lived a sort of dynastic-re­ nomic circumstances. Man de­ to surround himself with profes­ dio Theatre. It is not difficult to sympathize with U1Cse people quaint custom of closing most of public where the presidency is the Un i vet s ity's offices from serves the name of man only sional blood-bathers - Castro To the Editor: 8 p.m. - "Probable Acts of who stek 10 perpetuate thcir harmless existence by guiding handed down [rom father to SOD. when he knows tnat he has a style - in his obstinacy to change Mr. Evashevski is so very right Man," a lecture by Prof. Stuart twelve to one in the afternoon, About Mr. Peralta, the man their children toward Ihe saJlle sill1ple life. For if they do while all o[fice help enjoys a si­ thinking mind and a soul, bolh of overnight a semi-feudalistic sys­ about the great need for a "new C. Dodd in the Senate Chamber who has taken over, the American which need the proper environ­ tem that has existed for centuries. combination intercollegiate sports of Old Capitol. multaneous lunch hour, is a policy public already knows about his J'\6t: tJl 'y f ar their sc)Ci ly will vall ish. ment to be cultivated. That en­ When U.S.-Guatemalan relations and student recreation-intramural 8 p.m. - A lecture "A(ric~ and that ought to be seriously con­ tactics and ambitions. There are, - -Oil the other hand, we have Ule iaw which is main­ sidered for revision. Many of the vironment must be free from to­ were sLrained during hi s Adminis­ building" on this campus. I would America; Two World's in Cultural then, two other men who have talitarianism, whether from the tration, he asked and gol help place it second only to the ever­ Confronlation" by Colin Bell, na· tain\d to ensure th hettermeot of tJle whole society. Alld offices. such as the O[fice of Stu­ been mentioned in the political dent Affairs, the Registrar's Of­ left or right, and in that environ­ from iron curtain countries. There in-progress guest house at the tional executive secretary oC the this includes education for the youth or every om 11 Hlllil)'. drama that is now unfolding in ment, both religious and moral were all too many abuses and Memorial Union. American Friend's Service Com· fice, and the Placement O[fice, my little Land of Eternal Spring: l'crilaps we afC ohsl'nillg a paradO\ical phellomenon offer services which do not re­ norms must be respected. tortures during his days as presi­ Monica Williams, G mittee, in the House chamber of Juan Jose Arevalo aDd Jacobo Arevalo, like the inmorlal dent, and Guatemalans know it. 26 W, Bloomington St. Old Capitol, jn which a fragmcllt of our citiz lII'y can suffer legal prose­ quire their entire starr and which ArbeD;!;. About these men 1 want can be handled or supervised by Thursday, April 25 cution by adhcrin r to its established concept of domestic to talk brieny necause too many clerical personnel. Such offices 6:30 p.m. - 46th Annual Fink· tranquility. journalists and news commenta­ biDe Dinner for Men in the Union. could be kept open by merely tors in this country are com­ We must respect the plight of tJle Amish. 111c)" arc slaggering the lunch hours of the University Bull etin Board 8 p.m . - "Probable Acls of mitting the of associating Man," a lecture by Prof. Stuart fighting extinction. -John Schol::: office personnel thus making them very closely. o ..... nIt, ••II.u.. e ..r •••11." ••_ ...... 1 ... al n. DaU, I...... rn", a.•• M1 00_..... various services available at what tieD' Oe.te~. b, D.OD .1 till ••a, b,f., ••8bUeaUI •. Tile, ID.,. be i,," ..... t,ned b, .. &4..t •••• r C. Dodd in the Senate Chamber is often a convenient hour for stu­ AM I QUALIFIED to do this? ",,*r .1 ...... 11 .. , .... p ••IJeb .. . P ...I, >MaI ....tlo ... ara ••1 'U.lbl. for 1Ia1. ...tI ... of Old Capitol. dents' business transactions, My lather, Dr. AdoUo M. Mon­ HAWKEYE EDITORIAL and busl· ,roup ot students. mceu every UnIversity lIall. Moura aro 8:30 a.m • Friday, April 26 santo helped write the 1945 Con­ ness stafr position. wUl be selecled Tuesday evenIng It 7:S0 In lbe East to noon and 1 to .:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. - Baseball wIth Min, .'11l& 1)aily Iowan {or Ihe 1964 yearbook. Those Inter· Lobby Con'erence Room, IMU to stitution of Guatemala, which ested In applying are Invited to the Mn"'der varlou. tool,," 0' lIen .....1 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY HOURS: nesota. Something We ended centuries of tyranny. He Hawkoye co£ree hour, Tuesday, April Interest. All are cord1all7 invIted to Monday·Frlday: 7:30-2 a.m.; Saturday: 8 p.m. - Studio Theatre pro­ f'M Dally 1l1fDllrlU wrllten and ed/led by "ud~ and /.r gOtJmled 'IIJ • 30. a\ 7:30 p.m. In the lounge oC the attend 1:30 • .m.·10 p.m.; Sunday: 1:30 p.m.· ~ of fioe rtudenl trustel1.f elected by the .fudent body and four served also as secretary and Communications Ccnter. At Ihls time 2 8,m. ServIce Desks: MondaY-Thun­ duction, "La Fiesta Brava," stu· All Know About diplomat during Arevalo's presi­ the edllor and business manager THE LOWDEN PRIZE examlnallon day: B o.m.-IO p.m.; Friday and S .... dio Thealre. IruIfeu appointed by the pres/dent of 'he Un/oerall!!. The Dally lqwan', 'Wm help !III out applications and In mathematics will be gIven In 26 urday: 8 •.10.-5 p,m., 7·10 p.m. (Re. (Cedar Rapids Garette) dential term (1945-51). Dr. Areva­ answer questions. Phvslcs BuildIng on 1'bursday Crom aerve only); Sunday: 2 ·~ p.m .• 7-10 Saturday, April 21 tdlforlal policy U an npre&rion of SUI adm/n/#ratlcn polley or 3:10 to 5 p.m. "The prize of 525 Is no' Governor Hughes brought back lo is my God father in the Catho­ p.m. (Reserve only). Photodupllca· 8 a.m. - Golf with Minne~la opinion. In any particular. ZOOLOGY SEMINAR will meet on open 10 all sophomores who arc tlon: Monday.Frlday: 8 l.m"S p.m.; some good ideas from promoting lic faith, and I enjoyed a visit Friday aL 4 p.m. In 101 ZB. Speaker: about to complete the work of the Mondoy·Thura.d.y: 5-10 p.m.; Satur. and Wisconsin, two dual meets, tour ism from his trip to Ken­ with him In Mexico last sum· Mr. Philip T. ClampItt. Graduate As­ freshman and lo!,homore years in day: 10 a.m. untU nooD. 1-5 p.m., on Finkbine GolC Course. PubUsher ..•.•.... . Edwlrd P. 8t'~- ett sistant, Dept. of ZoolOgy.. SUI. Title mathemaUc.. Candidates s h 0 U I d Sunday: U p.m MEMBIR mer. of hIs talk: " The <.:omparatlve leave their names In the General AUDIT BURIAU Editor , .. , ...... Glry G<.l!l\cb tucky to visit with the governors 9 a.m. - Big Ten Bowling M.nlglng Editor . . , . ,Doug C~"~on Ecology of the SnaUs Physa gyrlna OHice. no Pbyslc. BuUding. Ques­ OF of Illinois, and Indi­ Now, to the comparison. Arbenz and Physa Integra." tions concernln, the exainlnaUon lUI OBSERVATORY will be open Tournament at the Union, CIRCULATIONS New. Edltore ...... Erlc Zoeck1er .Dd for the public every clear Monday Mohammad Id.refl ana. He also brought back in­ is a man of exlreme ideas, who should be dIrected to Prof. J. F, 3 p.m. - The opening of an STUDENTS IN THE. e con dar y Jakobsen, , 213~cs BuUdIng. between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. throuKb. City Editor " ' " .Ioan Anderson formation that most asked about wants and wanted to carry re­ teacher education program who plan out the spring semester except exhibition of paintings, ceramics Edltorlll AnocJate ...... Tim CIIIlln to register for 7:79, ObservaUon and during University holld.ys. Any per. SporlJ! EdItor ...... Bill pe~ tourist attraction in Iowa, so far forms without moderation, and CHRIITIAN ICIINCI ORGAN· and drawings at the Guild Gal· I'ubUlhed by Student PubUcIUona, Lab 0 rat 0 r y Practice I"Student IOn Interested In viewing wllh the IDe.,• Communloltlona Center, Iowl Society Editor ,...... ,SU&ln as this particular conference was without hesitating to share the IZAT IO N holCII I testimony mceUn, telescope may vlsit the observatory lery, 130'h S. Clinton St. Teaching"), for ellher semester of ClII, lowi. dally except SundlY Ind ChJef Pbotogra.pher, . . Joe Lippincott each Thursday afternoon In lb. F.,JsI durlnJl 'hese hours wIthout reserva· concerned, was the Amana Col­ preaiciebtial desk with pro·Rus­ Ihe 1963-M academic year. must ap· Conference Room, £ ..1 Lobby. Iowa 8 p.m. - Studio Theatre pl'O' IIODd.,., Ind legal holldays. Enle ...d ARlstant CIty &\mar ... Klthle SwIlt ply for assignments prior to May 1. Uon. FrIday nights are reserved 10f .. .con­ 1:00 p.m. - Baseball double­ AdvertIsing llaDqer ... . DIck Pa._ nies are a great attraction for he does not have a chance. He THE LAST DAY on which appll· .-JA.83 0'" 'l'4U5 Dlel 104m from nooD to mldnlght to ClassUied eK cations can be rued this academIc open tor I ..lmmln,l from 4:15 p.m. header wilh Minnesota. Man.gtr ...... " Dennl. III Inne, to 5 : 1~ lI.m. Monda.v throullh"FrI­ j ,port new. llema. warneD'. page tourisls. does not have the clear-cut and year Cor the Federal Service En· IOWA MeMORIAL UNION HOURS: Monday, April 29 Ile_ and announccomenfa to TIl. AdvertWng Conaultanls .. BJU Bryan&, Is day. SwimmIng suits and to,vell . Dennl. Blnnlne well-exprcssed ideals of Arevalo. trance Eltamlnatlon on Thursday, "'Ill be provided by the WomeD', eafeterla open 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Mon· 4: to p.m. - College of Medicine DaII7 Iowan. Edltol'lal ortlcn are In Applications can be obtained at the Physlc.1 Education nePlrlment. day.s.turday; ~:45 p.m., Monday­ 1M Communications Cenlet'. ClreullUon Ilan.,.r..•... JIIIl CoWer The laller has defined himseU as Buslness & Industl'lal Placement Of· I'rlday: 11 :30 l.m"':30 p.m., Sunday. Lecture: "High Pressure - • The Farmer: a "spiritual socialist." A famous flce. 107 UnIversity HaU or at the Gold Foather Room open 7 a,m.- of Iowa City Post Office. PARINTS COO P'I!RATIVI BAey· 10:45 p.m., Mondly-Thursday; 7 I .m.· Tool in 1'.1 i C l' 0 b i 0 logical Re­ Iubtcl'lptlon R.I.s: By caTTIer In TrustHS, Board Student I'ubllc.. SITTING LIAGUe. Members desir­ lion. Inc.: Lee Theisen, M.i Larry American new s commentator 11:(5 p.m., Friday; 8 a.m.·ll:45 I)'[n. search," ProEessor C. G. Heden, Iowl ClIy, ,10 per year In Idvance; PrybU, G; Nancy Shinn AD; Pral. A Paradox smiled when he described Arevalo WOMEN'S PHYSICAL EDUCA· Ing sllters call MIs. O'Nelll , 8·9061. Saturday; ]-10:45 p.m. Sunday. Rec. Ibr ..onth., $5,50; three m.onths, $l. Dale Bentz, Unlverslly Library; Prol. T IO N Exemption EKamlnation wUJ Those Interested In membershIp call reaUon Dr a open 8 a.m.·11 p.m. I{arolinska Institute, Stockholm. BJ man In Iowa. $9 per year; !ilt Leslie G. MoeUer School of Journal­ (Crait Colo, Empi,...c.u,ier) as such, Of course, our newsman be given Thursday, Friday and Sal· Mrs. Van Atta, 7-5346. Monday·Thursday; 8 •.m.·12 mid· Medical Amphitheatre alonlb" $5; three monthli, $3. AU urday. May 16, 17, lB. Applicallons nl&ht. Frld.,. and Saturd.,.. 2--11 ~ther maU sub5Crlptlona, ~l' Iml' Mlcl!lel Maduff, LI, Dr. Geor~ A tarmer is a paradox. He is an does nol understand, and does not ,to East on. College oC DentWry; RIChe'" must be flied ill the oWce or the TO CA NDIDATES (or deere,,! In p.m. Suoday. 8 p.m. - Humanities Society '.'!.i &Ix month., $5.80; three montu, V overalled executive with his own bother to understand what Areva­ Department of Physical Education June: Orders lor or! ~aduatlon Il. ... A. Miller. Ll; Dr. Lauren A. aD Lecture: Professor Austiu War­ Dyke, Colle,_ 01 EducaUon, home his office; a scientist using lo means by this term. for Women by May 14 at announcements Ire now beln, t aken. APPLICATIONS for unllergrldu· ren, Universily of Michigan. Sell- 5 p.m. Pllce .Your order before 5 p.m. Wed· ate student scbolarshlps for the faD fertilizer attachment.s; a pur­ To define it as Arevalo uses it "oaday, April 24. .t tho AlumnI ate Chamber. Old Capitol. I AlIIOCaled Pren ~ entlUed Dill ,..", II yOt; do n.ot receive your semesler .... avaUable In III UnI· '!'be ex· THE GUILD GALLERY, 130", S. House 130 N. Madiaon St., across verslty Hall. luHItb to the uee 'or republlcaUon Duly Iowan by 7:10 a.m. The Dall1 chasing agent in an old straw hat; Is not an easy task, for great from tho Unloa. Price per announce· Tuesday, April 30 >I air tlie local news prl,nted In thlJ lowln circulaUon ottlc:e In the Com­ Clinton 1St., Is 5h owlng paintings, NIUonl1 DeCcnso Education Ac~ a personnel director with grease men quite olten express them· ceramic. and drawings by Roger lDent I, U . ctntt, plyable when EA) lOin applications are .Iso 8 p.m. - John F. Murray Me:­ ee"~lper as WIU II aU liP newl munlcaUons Center I. open from , ordered. , &QCI dlapatahea. l.m. to 5 p.m. Monday lhrou,h rn. unde~ his fingernails: a prOduc­ selves with a great style. 1 can Gottschalk and Donald Cole. The IvaHlble. OUlce hours are Crom morial Lee t u r e: "Significaat day and from 9 to 10 l.m. SltUrdlY. hour.. Jl<)ud"ll 111I'\>'lII h !low, - out the country, the board was or. mental sluiceway. proud possession propria lion of $4 million a year. gaoized in 1946. Its primary func. Sen. Jake Mi ncks, (D·Otlumwa ), lion is to advise on matters per. by l\.llempted to amend the measure taining to the research program 10 rai e the ADC appropriation to of Ihe Institule and the planning of o the amount sought by the Gover· technical conferences. Each ap· nor. pointmentla ts for three years. ~ NEW PROCESS He said the amount contained in Profe sor Huntov Rouse, in litute OMEGA Laundry Dry Cleaning the Senate bill would pay only 60 director, said the con uJlant will Convenient, Modern per cent of the need because of increased case loads and costs. ;======1 Drive-In Office 313 S. Dubuque Ph. 7·9666 Minck's amendment was defeat· ed 36-l0. CARRIER SPOTLIGHT


YOU'Il. SAY "off with the old 8JIcI OIl with the DeW" when you see those e1l:eptioaal Ome .. "atchet. The ladia' Sappbette watch features a Magntftoent New SWIRL Variation faeet edaed jewel-crystal; the Constellation Cluo­ of the Clase10 DJAMOND SOUTAlRB DomeIer Dever need. wiadina. hu a dale-IeIllD. p,.ell,! 'dial, is aealed apinlt water, dust and sbocu. Modem .• lovel, • ProcHcol A lovely 14K. !tOld 8ettin. with Please co rne in and SI'e our wi de sdr>e tion of "Ad a jJ;,clure ~ RICK RUPPERT, 16·yur.qld sophomore .t City High School. delicate .wirllnll pronl/" A lIew rltts the "C.rri.r Spotlight" tocl.y. Rick, who c.rri.s mort th.n Omega timepieces - a wonderful gift for the addlttontoourolamondcollectton. From '100. 70 01'. on Evans Stre.t, list to Clapp Street and on lowl Avenue graduate you care about. and styled by: north to Rochester Avenu., has been I memMr of The Deily w-u...... Iuted to .... deiaJL lowen clrri.r force for two years. A consd.ntious young m.n, Rick WIS . winner in Th. Deily Iowan "Carrl. r Service AWlrds" $;m?p Contfst h. 1d lost semest. r. Rick is octive in e holt of org.nizi. B1.AUTtiJ'SAu:M WAYNER'S tions. H. is a m.mMr of the Luther L.lgue, Boy Scout., !)e. mol.y, I nd Explorer Scouts. At City Hi!lh he i, I memMr of tile HOURS: 114 E. Washington Lltin Club, Bind, Drlme Club, and plrticipates in "nnis, swim· Monday 12 :00.9:00 Phone 337-2232 the bookshop location ming ' end trick. His church recently honored him with the "Pro Tues.-S. t. ':30-5:00 0.0 Et Patrll (For Goci end Country) IW.rd for his Ichl.v.ments in the Boy Scouts, Rick is the son of Mrs. Edith E. Ruppert, 1923 E. Court St. His mother is the I ssistlnt director of nursing H,· _ hundrtcl nlnt .ast w.shlntfon IfnIt On the Balcony VOUNKIERS QUALITY· STYLE • VALUE. COMPARE vices et University Hosplt.l. -. ~ ... 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-low. City, low_Wad" Apt'll 14, 1913 u.s. Team Grabs lJp Lj);:;'sen Brothers Baseball Roundup I I double, triple and in Orioles Hold 1st; the game played before 1,578, the smalle t crowd in lhe two-year Topple Twins, 1-0 history of D.C. Stadium. Los Angeles 000 tol 201 1- S , 0 MorePan-AmMedals Spark Hawkeyes BALTI fORE tA'I - The Balti· Washlnglon 000 102 100 0- 4 10 0 more Oriole held onto fir t place tID Innlngl) BY HARRIETT HINDMAN .ellnsky, HI • .,ro (7), Fowler (7), NATIONAL LEAGUE soP ULO, Brazil (AP) - The United St..'ltes boosted its lion Patsy Willard. of [esa, Ar~. Auist.nt Sports Editor in the , beating 5prlng ('), Morgln (10) Ind E. 'ldOw· W. L. Pet. 0.'. ski, Rodgers (IO)i Rudolph, kline (I), old medal collection to six Tuesday with a victory in pistol an~ Barbara .McAllster of PhoeniX, Minnesota 1·0 Tuesday night as San FranCisco . . 9 5 .643 g . . Am., were fIrst and second at the Sportswriters and sports announcers abide by a well-known Milt Pappas allowed only five hits C .... t .. (10) and :>chmldt, Rel ..r (10). ~ . Louis . 9 5 .643 superstition that when a bas a no·hitter going, it just isn't W - $prlng (1.0). L - COltts (0·1). Piltsburgh .... 7 5 .583 1 shootmg, won another ha 1mll game, sent two women mto completion of their five compul- and Jerry Adair drove in the only Home runs - Los Angeles, Wagner ~·Mllwaukee 8 6 .571 I talked about until the last man is out. (2), E. sadowski (I), Fregool (1) . WISh. Phlladelphll 7 6 .538 I ~ the tennis semifinals and seemed set for one-two sweeps sory dive. Dick Gilbert , 19·year-old run with a sacrifice fly in the sec· Inglon, Hinton (2). x·Los Angeles .... 7 7 .500 2 of both men's and women's diving at the Pan American Games. l~diana Univer ity sophomore, and How do the feel about it? Lee Petersen, who pitched ond inning. Chicago " 7 7 .500 2 • , ',' , , hIgh schooler Ken Sltzberger, J 8 of CIncinnati 5 8 .455 2~ a no·hiller for the Hawks in their 5-0 win over Luther Saturday, Pappas, winning his second with· New York . . 4 9 .308 4'1 Uncle Sam lost the last oC hIS River Forest III. were aL the commented, "I'd just as soon the announcers didn't say anything out a 10 , struck out eight as he ltouSion 4 11 .267 5', Cards Rap Colts; x·Played nl'ht game. men's tennis players when Allen formally," he said. The United head of the 'list 'after Ihe first about it. pitched his econd Fox of Los Angeles bowed to Car- States planned no formal protest. h If o[ the men's three·meter before 4,055 (ans, who shivered in Tuesday'S G.mes "I knew) had a no·hitter going," Petersen said, "but you can't Broglio In 2-Hitter St. Louis 15 , Houslon 0 ., los ~ernandes o[ Brazil in a quar- Capt. Franklin Green, a U.S. Air springboard event. 49·degree temperatures chilled by Chlclgo 7 Plltsburah 2 really tell. You always figure the last man up is going to get a hit. Sin ~randl.o 4, ClnclnnaU 2 ter-flOal malch 6-2: 1Hl, 3-6, 2.~, Darlene Hard of Los Angeles, wind gusts up to 30 miles an hour. HOUSTON iA' - Ernie Eroglio 6-4. Frank Froe.h.ltng, America Force officer from San Antonio, America's lop.ranking woman It happened to Ron Reifert last year when, with two men out in Milwaukee al Los Angeles \1\1&11\) s Minne.ot. 000 000 000- 0 S 0 pitched a masterful, two·hit shut­ Only game. scheduled. N 2 ok d 0 Cu t Tex., captured first place in the the ninth, the batter got a scratch single." .1"lmort 010 000 00.- 1 I I o. ra ~. aVIs p s ar, was free pistol.shooting competition. tennis playcr and Carole Ann Cald- SlIgmln, Moore (I) Inll Bllley; ,.p. out, the Cardinals pounded four TodlY'. Problble Pilch." Jay, Lee's younger brother who plays third base for the Hawks, 2~) an upset vlcttm Monday. well of Santa Monica Calif. both pas end Orsino. W - 'eppll (2.0). Houston pitchers for 17 hits and Plttsbur,h (Frlend al Phlladel· \ , Meanwhile, cries of "profession. The Yanks also picked up a won mat~hes. ' said he didn't think too much about Lee's no.hltter during the L - SlIgmln (1·2). phta (Short 0-1) - nlgh\ bronze medal when Sgt. Alvin R. St. Louis blasted the Rouston Coils, New York (Willey 0·1) at Chlca,o game. " I just tried to keep from getling killed out there at third," (8uhl I·ll. aUsm" were raised against the Mene of San Antonio finished Miss Hard crushed Maureen 15·0 here T'lesday before 2,551 MJlw8ullee (Spahn 2·) at HOUlton Cuban baseball team, which third. Schwartz of Brazil 6-3, 6·1 and Miss he stated, yeL admitted that he really likes playing the hot corner. 968 See Cubbies businessmen's special fans at a (Farrell 1·2) - nIght smothered the United States 13·1 Caldwell won over a Brazilian also, Cincinnati (Owens O~) al Los An. The no·bitter was nothing new lor the 6·2, 175·pound junior from noonday game. The victory gave geles (Podres 0-2) - nlihl in the opening game and now is The U.S. baseball leam, rocked beating Maria Helena Amorim with Clinton. Lee pitched a no·hiller when he was a junior at SI . Mary's the Cardinals a sweep of the two­ SI. Louis (Simmons 2·0) at San Fran· Win at Pittsburgh cIsco (pIerce 1·1) the favorite for the championship. 13-1 by Cuba in its opening game, equal ease 6-1, 6-3. High School in Clinton and a perfect game during his senior year game series. In the first major controver y won its second straight with a 5-4 The U.S. baseball team, a hastily there. PITTSBURGH fA'! - The Chicago St . Loul. . 101 502 024-1S 17 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE of the games, Victor Luque of the extra·inning decision over Vene· assembled squad made up mostly HOUI!on 000 000 000- 0 2 4 W. L. Pet. G.•. ow a junior majoring in business, Lee attended St. Ambrose Cubs went on their biggest one­ Brogllo Ind Sowl15kl; Golden, Kim· Baltimore . .. 8 « .1567 Mexican mission said he was in· luela and seemed sure of another of youngsters with litUe experience, inning scoring binge of the sea on mlrer (4), '"rdlnll (4), Zlch.ry (7) Klnsa. City . 8 5 .815 I vestigating reports that the Cuban shot at the Cubans in the round came from behind twice in beating College in Davenport for 1.., years before coming to Iowa. "St. Am­ with a six·run fourth inning Tues· Ind Batemln. W - Irogllo (2.0). L - Chlcigo .... 6 4 .600 I :r brose doesn't have Intercollegiate baseball," Lee explained. Golden (0.1). New York ..". 6 4 .600 I team included players from the robin tournament windup next Venezuela, the defending champion, day and rolled to a 7·2 victory over Boston .. 6 5 .545 lI,~ Jay, now a sophomore majoring in political science, came to Detroit ., . 6 7 .462 %'h former Cuban professional leagues. week. in 10 innings. Pittsburgh. Los Angeles . . G 7 .462 2'h "1£ 1 find it true, I will protest In the women's diving compeli· Iowa as a freshman. He played shortstQP on St. Mary's baseball Big blast of Ihe inning was a Giants Edge Reds; Cleveland ... 4 6 .400 S Washington . .. 4 7 .38-4 ",I, team and was a guard on the cage team while Lee earned his prep three·run homer by Jim Schaffer, MJnne50ta . .. 4 9 .308 t'h awards as a pitcher in baseball and in football. his first of the year. Marichal Wins, 4-2 ThursdlY's Glm" * * A slim gathering of 968, smallest Kansas CIty 3, Detroit 1 * * * * 2· Men Hurt When asked if they would like to take a crack at major league Los An,eles 5, Washington 4 baseball, the brothers looked at each other, laughed and said, "Well, Forbes Field crowd ill 20 years, SAN FRANCISCO fA'! - Willie Boston at New York, ppd, cold and No International Flareups watched the afternoun game under Mays and Orlando Cepeda each wpt we haven't been asked yet." Both agreed, however, that If the op· Bailimore I, Minnesota 0 • lights in 42-degree wcather. drove in a run and scored another Only ,ames scheduled. .. portunity presents itself, they might give it a try . Chlc_.o 000 '01 000- 7 , 1 Tuesday pacing San Francisco 10 In Grid Drills The Petersens are looking forward to the Big Ten season which Pltt.burgh .00 110 010- 2 I 0 TodlY's Probable Pitchers Noticed in Pan-Am Games Jlckson Ind 5ch,Her; ,.,dwell, a 4·2 victory over Cincinnati. Los A~elcs (Chance I·) at Delrolt opens Friday. "I think we have the potential to do real well In SturdiVint (5), Hlddlx tl) and PlglI •• The Gianls regained a share of (Bunnln, 0-2). the conlerence race, but the competition is going to be a lot rougher ronl, "llSkelt (5/. W - Jecklon 11·2). Boslon (Wilson ].1) at Clevellnd SAO PAULO, Brazil fA'! - Cuba limes easily turns inlo tomorrow's L - ClrdwIIi 1·2). first place in the NatJonal League. (8ell O~) - night apparently is out to win friends - sharply honed animosity. Here Tuesday than it has been," Lee said wiLh a confirming look from Jay. Homl runs - Chicago, Schaffer (11, Right·hander Juan Marichal Mlnnesot 8 (Pascual 0·3) at Washln,. 'rock (1), ton (BouldIn H) - night American included - as well as But in the Games' first three Lee and Jay both enjoy water·skilng and hunting and Jay adds checked the Reds on six hits. Kans.s City (Pena 2·0) at Baltimore gold medals in the Pan-American Following a two·day layoff the hiking to his list of recreational activities. In recording his second victory (McNally 1.0) - night days, the engaging friendliness of Iowa Hawkeyes began their second ChIcago (PIzarro 1·0) at New York Games. Rakow Hurls A's against one setback Marichal (Williams 1·0). Revolutionary dogma has been the Cubans has caught the atten· week of spring football practice in struck out five and issued only one muted and obscured by the friend· tion of many fans. crisp fall·like weather. Monday's Over Detroit, 3-1 walk. ly "abrazo," or hug, and gifts of "I wi h J'd known they were go· practice was called off because of Clncinnlti 000000 011- 2 6 2 rain. S.n Frlnclsco 010 100 20.- "10 1 cigars and other non·political mo· ing to do that," said U.S. ba eball KANSAS CITY iA' - Ed Rakow Nu.ha", Worthlnglon (8) and Ed· mentoes of Cuba. coach, Archie Allen of Springfield, Coach said follow· Sports Briefs pitched Kansas City to a 3·1 vic· wlrds' Marlchll .nd HI"er. W - Maric(,.1 (2,1). L - Nu.hlll 10.1). It may be loo early to evaluate Mass., after recei Ying a gift box of ing practice that he was satisfied tory over the and Home run - Cincinnati, Gonder (I). the durability of the friendly front. thick, rich-looking Cuban cigars. with the performance of his squad NEW YORK (.4'1 - The next extra the first United States' swimming put the A's into at least a tem­ )n the highly volatile arena o{ "We should have brought some· Tuesday as they ran drills in forty base hit will be a momentous one gold medal with a 10·foot triumph porary tie for first place in the sport, today's camaraderie ome· thing for them ." degree weather. [or Stanley Frank Musial. in the men'S 200-meter breaststroke American League. IN PERSON Injuries plagued the Hawkeye The veteran St. Louis outfielder in the Pan· American Games Tues· Rakow struck out six o{ the first TIlE FAMOUS camp as two backfield mcn were needs one more to lie Babe Ruth's day night. 10 men he faced and got two more Wednesd.y, April 24, 1963 ATTEND THE sidelined. record {or most long hits in a Jastremski gradually wore down before the game was finished. He 8:00 News Headllncs Gary Swain a sophomore full· career. teammate Ken Merten, 18 from didn't walk a batter. BUDDY : : ~ ~~!;.~Ing Chapel back hopeful from Garretson, S. D. Phil Regan , who started for Dc· 8:30 Africa: Peace Corps Plus aile Ruth poled 1,356 doubles, triples Paicoma, Calif., and won easily. 9:00 Aluslc suffered a broken Icft hand during and home runs in his 22-year , Third was John Kelso of Canada, troit, was the victim o{ sloppy sup· 9:30 Bookshelt DRAKE RELAYS DANCE port. The Tigel's made three mis­ 9:55 News warm-ups while working on the career in the major leagues. a 23-year·old graduate student at KNOX 10 :00 Recenl American Hlslory sled. Through Tuesday's games, the the University or Denver. Kelso, cues and nOlle of lhe Athletics' No. 28 Gary Tucker (5·11, 195) suffered Cardinal star has hit 716 doubles (rom Ocean Falls, B.C., was an· runs was earned. Regan gave up and His Orchestra 10 :50 1I1u81e Saturday, Apr. 27 - 9:00-12:00 P.M. l! :15 Music - Deleled RecOrlll",. a sprained right ankle while play­ 175 triples and 464 home runs. That other 10 feet behind Merten. only five hits in his seven innings. SINGING l! :5S Coming Events Delroit . 010 000 000-' 5 3 11 :58 News Capsule ADMISSION: $3,50 PER COUPLE ing defensive halfback in contacl makes a total of 1,355 extra base Jastremski finished in a games K.nsas City 000 110 OOx- 3 5 0 "Party Doll" 12:00 Rhythm Rambles drill. Tucker is a sophomore from hits. record time of 2 minutes , 35.4 sec· Regan, Anderson (8) anll Triandos, "Bikini" 12:30 Afternoon Report Fre.hln (2); Rakow .nd IIrYln. W - 1:00 Music Galesburgh. Ill. • •• onds, tt'imming two seconds off the R.kow 11·1). L - Regln (1.1). "Hula Love" ?·no DIscovery nnd DecisIon No. 11 VAL AIR BALLROOM The Hawks drilled in three sepa· LEXINGTON, Ky. IA'I - The real mark he set in the qualifying Home run - Oetroll, Cash (3). and all his big hits 2:50 Music dark horse for Thursday's $25,000· heats. 4:25 News DES MOINES, IOWA rate revolving units against man· 4 :30 Tea Time dUlpmys in pass plays. added Blue Grass Stakes at Keene. Thursday Night 5' 15 Sporls Time Fregosi's Homer 5:30 Evening Report land - Bnd possibly the Kentucky E I B k J t 6:00 Evenlna Concert - 8ergen • Derby - is Walnut Hill Farm's Fe tlval - 1962 X~ owa ac e er Nips Senators 5-4 THE HAWK 7:00 AM·FM Stcreo Concert Gray Pet. L• cl b P k ' 8:00 Live Concert - Strlng Quur· The son of Revoked is improving WASHINGTON IA'I _ Los An. let - Live Macbride Iste y ac ers Friday - Th-a Flames News FInal ' with every race, Lrainer Junior geles Jim Fregosi wreck. SIGN OFF 'd 'T d "I th' k Former Iowa halfback Se rna sat ues ay. 10 ed WashIngton with three hils you've got to consider him a real was named to the 6O·player roster Tuesday , including a game win. contender in both races," he said. announced Tuesday by the Green ning home l'un with two out in • •• Bay Packers. Included 011 the BOB HOPE - LUCILLE BALL AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. squad hre 3S veterans and 24 first. the 10th as the Angels won 5-4 ENGLERT I tJ1': _ Col. Edmund A. Rafalko. a year men. ~~ri!~~n a split in the two·game LAST In the Comedy Hit - % varsity football. basketball and Star halfback Paul Hornung's Washington's Chuck Hinton had a "' DAY "CRITIC'S CHOICE" in Color III baseball player in his days at the name was not on the list. He has ~~~~~~~~~~~~ • iii U.S. Military Academy, was ap· been suspended indefinitely by Na· r - DOORS OPEN 1:15 P.M. - a pointed director of athletics at the tional Football league Commission. STRAND I Walt. DiSJley's Ail' Force Academy Tuesday. ~r for betling on • • games. LAST "SON OF SAO PAULO, Brazil IA'I - Chet Jeter was Grecn Bay 's second DAY • FLUBBER" Jastremski, University o[ Indiana cholee in the 196t player draft but 0000(6)0; star from Toledo, Ohio, produced ST ARTS TOMORROW s· decided to play Canadian ball. He I' - "DOORS OPEN 1:15" - ~ returned to the Packers last fall in • "ONE SOLID OTTUMWA RUNNERS WIN • THURSDAY· WEEK" Ottumwa's Bulldogs nipped Iowa ~:=:n.Of making the squad this r:tj/"l: ~ 'It' Shows· 1:30·4:00·6:50·8:50· "Last Feature 9:20" City, 66-62 in a dual track meet DOORS OPEN 1:15 P.M. ______... at City High stadium Tuesday .... afternoon. The Little Hawks had FEEL THE NEED OF X .. ) I ! ' 'I' \ ' STARTING - TOMORROW 1ft the day's only triple winner in ~~_... _...... ' .. _... r.,,_ • THURSDAY. Meefs.An Bob Mauseth who copped the 100, A SPRING TONIC? ! , ~,:N;;;~~fS(tUAR': , 440 and 200 yard dashes. NOW SHOWING! ------HELD OVERI ONE r-----~ J~Of.Fi.~IK"f_ ~nwichV;lIaqt WEEK I l\faUnre - 730 and Eve. I;. Sun. - DOc MOVED OVER. MORE • · • • NOW • • • 1 ,1' thin liie "WOW" Thiilqs N¥P'II! at the VARSITY • . ."....- , Children IMlD IITt 300 ~l~~~~~A I " 0001'8 Open 1:15 P,~L ,:7" Is The P.-My b Be. .-. Remembered! ShoWI At 1:80, COLOR 'iIIiIIIW ':00,8:30, aDd ' :00 P,M. r "Las' Feature" 9:20 P,M. STARTS THURSDAY '~'"'~ CKawA) "Did you tell your wife about me?" WILD ~'fIfWiy't1tJ KHAKII ONE WEEK ONLY .. . '~,~: St.rting . SATURDAY, APRIL 27 i nr. atoriIa .f tile UIU i ...... different, !. IOIIInhlt dlnn .. • 1IIfth1t dellcloua I IOII~.!-Ll~acciO

-Plus­ Color C.rtoon KIDDIES DAVID WAYNE "Ollie The Owl" 35c PHYlLIS K , R~ i li~70 ALL -' PETER LO'lR£ ·JOE MANTELL In Color TIMES • "Fairy Tale L.nd" n !., ENJOY MOVIES IN '!. SHIRLEV • THE GRE4T OUTDOORS! RELAX IN THE COMFORT MACLAINE OF YOUR CARl ROBERT MITCHUM THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, low_WacI" April 1., l ~ P'I' ~, , .. ,(hem PEOPLE-IO-PEOPLE Maplecrest Texas Geologist 2 Foreign SUlowans Annex Visit Farms on Weekend , , e Suit Settled TRo. AG. B'a'llve, pr~s~d~ t uOfrt~e In. Two S Iowan will parti Ipnte Tours Saturday I 0 f C in the international student week· ,·n fI ,.g ea' r 0 OU dependent Exploration Co. of Hous- end on Iowa farm Frid3Y lhrough SUI's Department of Chemistry Stu d PI an h G ut rt ton, Tex., will lecture on "Some will be host to the Y ew Concepts in Geophysics" at Sunday to have an opportunity to S tat e Universities A sociation . . . The legal fight over control of 7:30 p.m. Monday in Grology Audi· experienc farm life nd informal BY DOUG CARLSON sions are open to students partici· eJgn nnd American students to dis- , Maplecrest Cold Storage, Inc .• , torium. neighborhood gatherings. Chemistry Department Chairmen'S Manqing Editor Meeting Thursday and Friday, and pating in the Student AI!lbassador cuss topics of interest to both Iowa City, was sellied out of court I The lecture will be illustrated by Rattan Aggarwal. G. Ferolcporc, will hold Open House Saturday The prospect of studying in foreign unh'er ity and program and to all slUdents who groups. . Tue day. . motion pictures and slidcs which Panjab, India, will "iit the Ed in the newly completed Chemistry Uving among thousands of strangers would be a difficult ad­ are planning to travel abroad this Oth~r members of the executive Attorneys would not re\'eal terms will show the use of several types Luett home in Delmar, and Eu· Aunex. justment for most students. summer. committee are: Janet foore, A2, o[ the settlement, but did say New- of geophysical pro peeling devices genia Kuttler, G, ie ico, will visil 1 Department chairman Stanley The host countries for the Amer. Marshalltown, secretary·treasu~er; ton L. Margulies. plaintiff, would and surface initiated energy sys- the Glen Paisley home in lnde· 1 Wawzonek, professor, said the To ease the adjustment problem, the University-People-to. ican student:; are aU in Europe. Susan Artz, A2. Jackson,. MISS., no longer be connected with the terns. pendence. ' H~ 2 meeting will cover problems of ad· People program was founded in Work is being "one In the job and Carol Heeren, AI,, ]~I.. Cirm. Detail oC the ettlement will ..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. ;-' 2 1961 to promote understanding be· student ambassador; Elame Till, be made public today . 21'. • ministration of a chemistry de­ comes to the United States to study. placement area to help foreign stu· 4\'1 partment. Changes in undergradu· tween students of different na· B4, Farley, and James Kopel, G, 'I r h d t'r d th TWO ILLINOIS girls, Carol Ann dents find jobs, e pecinlly during Marshalltown, job placement; San. .. argu les a pe I .one e 511 ate curricula required for Ameri· tionalities and cultures. The pro­ the summer months. Question­ gram is not designed to "win over" H reno AI, Moline, and Beverly dy Worland. A3, Rockford, Ill., and ~ourt to put control of th~ company can Chemical Society standards Becker. A3, Geneva, were selected naires are being sent to the stu· G, Free Pick-up and Delivery Yohannes Kine, Addas Ababa, mt~ the h~nds of a rect;lver. lar­ , and new trends in professional the foreign student Lo American dents asking them what type of job . political beliefs, but rather to give as student ambassadors from SUI. Ethiopia, brother-sister; Sarah gultes claimed ownersh~p ?£ 48.24 training of graduate students will They will attend a week of orienta· they seek and how long they would Brogan, A3, Thornton, and Dennis per cent of the corporat~on s stock be discussed. Eight other univer· the student an understanding of job. Shirts Repairs tion in Washington, D.C., in June be able to hold the Meredith, A2, Webster City. Corum; and. ought $JOO ,OOO In claims I sities will have representatives at the people, culture, and political system of the country. before departing by plane for Eu· alional indUStrial oCfiees cur­ Donna Fergu on, A2, Cedar Falls. against the company. . Fluff and Fold Swea t~rs the session. rope from New York City, renUy send lists of employers who and Burns lossman, A2, Vinton, Margulies was also attorn y for ) , 'The program is shirting into Wawzonek also announced thaI high gear at SUI this year, and Atty, Gen. Robert Kennedy will are seeking foreign students for hospitality; Inder Pal Khera, G, the estate of C. Urban Kelly, guided' lours will be conducted at the leaders of the local program conduct some of the orientation their organizations. An American Rohtak , India, and Shelly Peter. founder of the firm. Margulies ' the Annex Open House from 9 a.m. are enthusiastic about its potential­ sessions in Washington. student accompani~ the foreign son, A2, Kansas City, Mo., events; named th trustees of the firm as to 4 p.m. to display the new re­ Another week 0; orientation is student in his search for work in Varsity Cleaners ities. Judy Steelman, A2, Zearing, Dick Wilson, A2, Waterloo, and defendants , who then sought Mar· search laboratories and offices of executive committee chairman, planned (or the students after ar. hopes that the visitor will be able Helen Goodell, At, Peoria, 11\., gulies' removal as attorney of the I Phone 7.. 4153 17 E, Wilshington the building. says the work is being done in five riving in Europe. Then they wlll to be placed easier. publicity. estate. The Chemistry Annex was fi· areas: student ambassador, broth­ begin their pre· planned itinerary THE HOSPITALITY program nanced by a grant from the Iowa er.sister, job placement, hospitali. which includes scheduled dates for will make the opportunity available General Assembly and a grant ty, and forum , visits to four family homes, three for the foreign stut>ents to visil from the National Science Founda­ 'Ilhe student ambassador pro~ days at each. indu try and farms in surrounding tion. The building has been in use gram sends students to a foreign NEARLY 400 students across the areas. The students will also be since September, 1962 for under· country for three months during United States are now participat. able to spend weekends in Ameri· graduate classes, since January, the summer. It is designed to give ing in discussions with professors can homes to give them a 1963 by graduate students. them a chance to live in homes and foreign students on the cus­ look at and a better understand· abroad and to give them the same toms, political set·up, and other ing of American life. sort of feeling a foreign student information about the country to The forum program plans to es· probably experiences when he which the will travel. The di cus· tablish discussion groups for for- Ind C.R. Speech For Rembolt Dr. Raymond R. Rembolt, di· rector of the University Hospital APART~ENTS ~R RENT mlNG SERVICE APPROVED HOUSING School for Scverely Handicapped LOVELY furnl hed apt. above Lubin', HAVE En.cll. h B.A. will type. B~tty MEN : Approved housIng with cooking Children, will address seminars on DrU6 Store suitable for 2. All utlll. Slevens. 8-1434. 5 BAR facllltle . Phone 7 ·~ 2 5·24 treatment and educatipo of the Advertising Rates }~;5l~~nl:~~~9. ,go a month. D~ NANCYI#t, 1.25 and 2.00 plus tax. SHU L TO N SolS phonll 337·2115 ten with Rene Wellek. Warren also I = -=fj£? WANTED . has written a book on the English FOR------'ALE: 1932 New-- Moon-- mobile- cJlHCJflite '- the shave'lotion men recommend to other men I WANTED: Furnl hed house, Ipart. home 30' x 8' ",lih or ",lthoul Inll~x) poet Richard Crashaw. ment or tr lIer house by aummer 14' x 8'. Priced reasonable. 8.0059. :H MISC. POR SALE 8es!don Instructor No children, refer· ences furnished . WMte Box 70, Dally WHO DOES IT? Iowan. 3-25 HAIILEY DAVIDSON scooter, like new 700 mllo8. 8'{)753. 4·26 IWANTED: 6 SludenlS! frlternlt,r board HAGEN'S TV. Gunranleod televl.lon M' Jobs beginning Sep , Olal 7·5.56. 4-25 servicing b)' certified servicemen. 9 2 CALRAD 12" lII,h.FI Sp

MONEY LOANED Thoroughly walh. rinse and DI,mond., C.....,.•• , ,pin dry your clothes in ALLEN IMPORTS HELP WANTED - apply In person. ONLY 18 MINUTES Typewriters, Watcha., L...... , Pizza Villa. 216 S. Dubuque. Sol8 1024 ht Ave. NE Ilun., MUlical Inltruments at GIRt.S! Looking tor summer employ· EM 3·2611 01.17-4535 ment? ExperIenced lypl~1 wanted at DOWNTOWN LAUNDERETU School ot Journalism, 40 hours " Cedar Rapids, Iowa HOCK-EYE LOAN week. Apply 205 Communlcallons Cen· 226 S, Clinton ~~~.... ~ .. ~~~ ~te~r._ 5-1 ...... ______~~ ======~~~==;==_ I S.<'. tly JO.llnD.,. HNt WHAiTH5 11M L.AYlN(;:. A FOUR HUNDRED,FI~1Y~D'LON&' HECI< AAE'rtlU OUT THE BOoK! -1'0 CAL.L ~T NOVE':L, Start with a carton and you'll end up knowing why Winston is America's DoiNG., WILEY? OF MVNr:=W . \NOUL.QN'T Vbu '? NOVEL.. number one filter cigarette ... first in sales because it's first in flavor. The next time you buy cigarettes, buy pleasure by the carton ...Winstonl

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PLUS ~ FILTER - BLEND UP FRONT SOMEON~ 'fElI.eD. 'IOU "'AVe A LETTE~ • "yoo ~AVf A F~oM . LETTER FROM TIoIE PeNTAGON! THE Plli'lTA601'l1' .. II S tastes goo ,! '!. like a cigarette should! Pete &-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, low_Wed., April M, 1~ IIIlno· S nate OK Coli 'f Slbws Train Strike At Finkbine Dinner- ' .. Maremont: Backer CmCAGO r.., _ The Brotherhood be a vio;ation of the National Rail. Of Birth Control oC Railroad Trainmen was ordered w.ay I.ahor Art in that it would ' Tuesday not to strike agDinst the d,srupt the status quo. ! , 'Most Likely To Succeed' SPRINGFIELD, III. fA'! - The Santa Fe Railroad. George Neibank Jr., railway lit· Illinois Senate executive commit· Judge Julius J. Hoffman of U.S. torney, argued lhat some of the tee approved. 17-4, Tue day the ap· Dist. Court issued a temporary issues in the Santa Fe dispute are pointment of Arnold Maremont. resu"aining order, pending a hear. being considered now by a presi· chairman of the Illinois Public Aid ing on a tem!lOrary in junction, that Students To Be Honored Commis ion who espouses a con­ dential emergency board attempt· prevented the union from striking t"roversial birth coni 1'01 rrogram. at 6 a.m. Wednesday. The hearing ing to bring an agreement on rules Eighty-on J students who have b en selected by deans Gov. Otto Kerner' nomination on the temporary injuncLion w~ s changes involving the nallon's rail· and department heads as Wmos t likcly to succee~~~e~h~:k G. arrived Tuesday in the area where proved Maremont's administration INWOOD: Daniel Bullock. M4 . the nuclear suhmnrine Thresher from a parking 'pac, on tM north .id. of the Mechanical Enginee,' deliver the main addre 5 at the IOWA CITY: ua.oem · Armaly, £4; h bo d olherwise. dinner, and Hugh Kel 0, a sociate John Baker, A4 ; DavId Bradbury, 04; vanis ed with 129 men a or. ing Building to ttl, intlrMCtion of Washington and Madison I.,..ts The program would permit giv. CAMPUS INTERVIEWS David Broasky, LA ; Duane Dautttl AUantic Fleet headquarters said profe sor of polilicnl science, will LA; Norman DenzJn. A4; Mlchae 1 • I Monday befor, coming to '1St on top of a "No Parking Any Tim." ing birth control information and be toastmaster. Dooley, _ I... ; Jerald Kinnamon. L3j the At antis would lower a stll lign. contraceptive to applicant moth· Alan Lerr, 1.4; Lawrence Prybll, " camera to the ocean bottom to C. Maxwell Stanley of Muscatine, and William Scott MS. - Photo by Bob Nandell ers whether married or living with JANESVILLE: RIchard Borglum, £2. take photographs of "various desig· their spouses. who heads the Stanley Engineering KALONA: Ned MlIJer, U and WU· naled points, one oC which may be lIam Relf, O. UPJOHN CO. Co. there, will be the alumni KEOKUK: Robert Fretwell, G. the Thresher." speaker. He received a B.S. from KEOSAUQUA: Jam •• Mernlo hl G. The camera WOuld be towed Unfit Mothers May Lose Children Amltic,s 211 Iowa Ave. SUI in 1926 and M.S. in engineering LAKE CITY : Dwllht Rosl, MI. (Pharmaceutical Sales) in 1930. LEMAIlS:JohnDull .LA. slowly over the designated points RALEIGH , N.C. fA'! _ The North The bill would permit children to FREE STORAGE t~~~LN~ar:'m~:r~t~re£4A3 . and then the Cilm returned to the Carolina Senate passed and sent be taken [rom a woman with three WILL INTERVIEW ON CAMPUS SPEAKING IN BEHALF of the MANCHESTn: Donald Brown. M'2 AUantis {or proceSsing. to the House Tuesday a bill that illegitimate children but would not 1I0re your wlnl.r , III students will be Robert Downer, • n~~6c,l'a~ IT~:rrJ~e8 Dustin, B4; "If pictures oC the Thresher are could have women wilh three or require it . nul fall ..• al ou r low Newton law senior. A former presi· ROier Flickinger, M3; Richard Sernetl, obtained," a neet spoke man sa id, more children born out of wedlock -;;;;;;;;::::==:;;;;;;;;; cl.anlne co.I. ,MONDAY, APRIL 29 dent in the SUI student body, LAM1~~0~\:rh·~A~~~~~UI~~in::· Hln. "the fUm will be forwarded to the branded unfit and permit the chil· • Downer also was the stud nt speak· rich a, At. naval court of inquiry at Ports· dren to be taken from her. Busi ness majors with some Icience background and lales er at the 1961 Finkbine dinner. MONTROSI!: Richard Burn., 04. th N H '" . t' h ' . h d Artistic MT. PLEASANT: Larry Klnney.t E.. mou, . ., IDvesttga 109 I e ChIldren of unfit mot ers coul ~' experience and Biological lcience majan wilh on 'nlerelt The Rev. Robert J. Welch, pro· MURRAY: Jame. Kimball, M~ . disaster. be placed in foster homes. Sen. Tailoring M • .' fessor of religion, will deliver the MUSCATINE : Jerry DevIn, 04. G. Th t 0 C·· me tit R 0 b t "1 0 f B It Co t y . in 101 .. Ihould con tad Placement Office for Information NEW LONDON: Dennl. McAv_oy, e cour mqulry pr va e· er "organ arne un 415 •• turll"tllo" invocation. Music for group sing· NEWTON: Robert Downer 1.4. Iy Tuesday, reportedly weighing said it was an attempt to benefit OLDS: Robert Deyarman, h I Ph. 7.... 14 or interview appointment. ing will be played by John Simms, ORIENT: Oary Reddln,ton, 6B4. . testimony and deciding whot to do the children, not to punish t e 7·'165 professor of music, and Earl E. OSKALOOSA: David oel/en, G. next. mothers. I - 'I ij" ~ Harper, dlrector of the Union and OTTUMWA: James Kip e, A3 and ______iiiiiiiiiiiiiii __ Allan Pennln,ton, G. ~~~ ~~~~ iiiiiiii __ ~=~~======::~======::~~"";";;;~~iiiiiiiii;;'_iiiiiiii~;"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i'; PAULLINA: Jerry Kracht. A4 . of the School of Fine Arts, will di · PLIASANTVILLE: Lloyd Bar., P4. rect the singing. liED OAK: Dennis Killion, P4. ROLFE : Richard Ranney, 04. The dinner was inaugurated by RUDD: Byron BurUn,ham, Ml. . ~ the late W. O. Finkbine, a former SAC CITY: Charles Ions. M2. ST. ANSGAR : Gary Gerlach, A4. . Des Moines businessman and an SIGOURNEV: Thomas Davis, A•. J880 graduate oC the SUl College SIOUX CITY: Marvin Arkovich A4 ; Jeltrey Pili. AS: Samuel Sibley It A4; of Law, and the lale Carl Kuehnle, Lee TheIsen, A4 and Stephen Wilkin· " >on. 84. on l882 graduate of the College of SIO UX RAPIDS : I.acl Moe , A3. Law from Denison. SOUTH ENGLISH : Gerald K.rr, G. DIVl!l'sarr SPENCER : Stephen Avery. AS . 1'his year's dinner will be held in nORY CITV : Pelnr Donhowe, G. ~ the Main Lounge of Iowa Memo. TAMA: MIchael Bird. A4 . TERRILL: VOllce Tllomao, A3 . r!:ll Union . It will bf'gi n lit G p.m. TRAER: J3me Selin. G. Those Who have been invited to VINTI'IN : nennl. E~w.rd. , n4. WAPILLO: Roger K~rr . A4 . the dinner arc listed \JI'lolY by WATERLOO: Lesler Arlhprholt, A4 anti .Iames Youni. G. home towns. WAVERLV: James Brye. B3 und A Mloh •• 1 Carver, AS. WELLSIIURG : Mark Schantz. A• . Iowans WEBSTER CITY: Charles Coulter, 1.1 an~ Peter Plarck. A3 . ALGONA: DlVld Andrelsen. M . WISTSIDE: Dennis Wilken, M4 . ALLISON: Ivan Ackermon. lAo AMEI: Stephen Walsh, 1014 . ATLANTIC: Kenneth Moorman, P4 . Non-Iowans IILMOND: John Pulver. E4 . IETTINooltF: 1t{lIlon Deels, G and BENTONVILLE, ARK .: Richard Wer. Joseph Roo •. E3. nick. A9. I ILOOMFIELD: Allan Goode, A3. ESTIS PARK, COLO.: Donald Bul lOON.: Ronald Stolte, O. IURLINGTON : Thom. Cromwell. tcrlleld. 1014 . FREE! 10 BIG DAYS A.; Dennis Samuelson, 1012 nnd Keith COUNCIL, IDAHO: Waldon 110m, C. SChuJl t, LI. GALESIIURO, ILL.: Delio. Wood , O. CIDAR FALLS: Corl lIIghae nboten, GLENCOE, ILL .: William Buck, G. MERCHANDISE PRIZES SALE. STARTS )12. CIDAR RAPIOS: Jam •• Drahoytnl, HILLSDALE, ILL.: Orwln Carter, A3 . 0; RIchard l"ehmnnn. A3' .'redrlc MADISON, ILL .: tawren.. Feriu, Ilpdlott, E4 ' Ralph Trimble, A.~i Dennis son . A4 Nothing to buy, you don't have to be Vokolek, ii4 and Wllllnm whelpley, MOLINE, ILL .: Steyen Combs, A• . A4 . ROCKFORD, ILL .: Nolden Oentry. CHARITON: Wilson Clcmon5, 01. L4 . present to win. TODAY, APRIL 24 CHARLIS CITY : Ralph Rodamaker. KANSAS CITV, !CAN .: Robert lAo Schmidt A4 . CHEROkEE: Stephen Curtis. M4 anll ARMY CHEMICAL CENTER, MD .: AND YOU DON'T NEED CASH lIex. RIl. A2 . Frank Bau.r Ir .. A4 . This once a year sale will give CLINTON : John Jordan, 04 ' Cary FAIRMONT, MINN.: John Younger· Lorenz, 0 ; Lynn I.yon, A4; harold man. n. TO SHOP AT ALDENS Mayer Jr .. 0 Ani! John SlIlzell, O. LE SUEUR, MINN .: Philip Dean CORALVILLE: Robert Norton, O. RMcnour. 1'11 . you some of the best values ever. CORNING: William Stanley. A4. WOODSTOCK, MINN .: Gerald Oa m· CORWITH : James Thorn. LA . ber, O. ALL, THIS PLUS . . • COUNCI L BLUFFS : Averil Vallier, KANSAS CITY, MO.: Robert Olven, U . B3. DAVENPORT: William Ashton G; BOVS TOWN, NEB.: Wilburn 1I0lU8'I W. John Denkmann{ G; Lance hell. A4. man, A4 and Ernes Zuber Jr., G. CHATHAM, N.J.: Ivon Harris, A4. DENISON: Lee Horker, M3. BROOKLYN, N.Y.: Robert Wornln, These .First Come, First Served 'DOOR BUSTERS! DIS MOINES: Harold Babblt, A4; A3. Charles Corwin, 84; John Hel~el , G; IIUFFALO.... N.V.: Paul Seelau. A2. Kenneth Herst, A3; Robert Kreamer, ENDICOTT, N.V.: Robert Roscmler, A4; Mlcha.1 McDermott LA; Leo G. Plummer, MS and Rlchar~ Shaw, At. ME RRICK, N.Y.: Oary Lustiarten, WOMEN'S DUIUQUE : Guy Fischer, E4 . M2. Famous Aldenaire DYIRSVILLE : Roberl CraWford, 04. STATIN ISLAND, N.V.: Ronald WOMEN'S ILKAOER: John Niemeyer, L3. Isler A4. ELKHART: Larry Seuferer. B3. BliMARCK, N.O.: Bruce Anderson, EMMETSBURG: Jon Jacobson. L4. O. 'AIRFIELO: Jeltrey Lamson, A3 and FESSE NOEN. N.D.: John Sawyer, D• . Capri Pants George Mayer A2. CLEVELAND, OHIO: Roberl Morris, HOSIERY SPECIAL FT. MADISON: Terry Noonan. E2. G. AND Sleeveless Shirts ~ALT: Le land Swanger, G. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.: Vernon GLADBROOK: Albert otto, O. Pa'J.e. Ll. ~RIINI: Robert Shultz. A4 and IIIRDEEN, S.D.: Thaddeu. Torp. ONLY James Stanton LA . G. I Usually $2 .99 or More GRIIN MOUNTAIN: William Lynch. WASHIN~TON, D.C.: Geor,e, A3. M . Jamaica 77~ PAIR GRINNELL: Frederic BrO

Sizes 10 to 20 ¥ .. MEN'S FAMOUS LABEL wlth~~ .. WASH AND WEAR PLAMEPROOF Crepe Pap.r INFANTS, CHILDRENS: DACRON AND WOOL FAMOUS LABEL d1l­, and St,.ame,. ; . 3 TO 6X AND SLACKS MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE t 30 wonderful oolore GilLS: 7 TO 14 Knit Shirts ~ .. e ••'tou.e II Reg. $12.95 .~~ K eoonomloal, too SPORTSWEAR AND NOW $700 MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE Aak U. For Decorating Suggestion. Regular to' $2.99 each in 1015 of two your choice Sport Shirts \lachine wash, hang & dry. •. values to $5.00 These famolls brand 1l3me • Sleeveless cotton blollses 51acks are from ollr regular 44 in solid stripes and stock speCially priced for $2 each ·Lind's white. our allni versaTY S:l Ie. Theso are wash and wear. They need Jittl 01' no PHOTO and ART SUPPlY You11 recognize the famous • Shorts, }amaicas, and pressing. Pedal Pushers. golfer shirts. 1n sport shirts Your ~~ Headquarters Colors: Charcoel, brown, choose Crom cotton, • Stock lip for slimmer navy, olive, light grey, black. Cl1piOllis, woven-plaids, "Friendly, Personal Service Always" -living - new colors check, :lnd stripes. latest and styling. SIZES: 29 TO ,,4 SIZES: 5, M, L, XL 9 SOUTH' DUBUQUE