PARISH COUNCIL Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Parish Council on Wednesday 31st October 2018 in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm These minutes are provisional until they are agreed and signed by the chairman at the next meeting of the parish council Members present: Councillors: C. Rowland, D. Greathead, V. Cooper, N. Holding, Cllr A Greene, Cllr D Colwill, Cllr Hawke In attendance: N. Taylor (Clerk)

Members of the public present: 2

18/061 Apologies received and accepted from Cllr R Gunby, Cllr I Bellamy

18/062 Consideration of request of Dispensation: none

18/063 Declarations a. Of Interest in Items on the Agenda: Cllr Greene declared an interest in PA18/02532/PREAPP Cllr Greene and Cllr Colwill declared a personal interest in PA18/08703 and PA18/08656

b. Of Gifts over £25: none

18/064 Adoption and signing of the minutes as a true record of the meeting held on 26 th September (previously circulated) Agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

18/065 Public Participation The agent spoke regarding PA18/08703 and PA18/08656: approval for prior notification was received some months ago – a court of appeal decision has now been taken into account and it has been decided to consider applications for new dwellings on prior approval dwellings. The replacement has to be similar to the prior approval. The build will be better as a new build rather than working with what is there. In this case, the smaller building has been increased by 500 at one end but both are the same footprint. Legal class Q approval allows the option to try for approval of new build.

18/066 Finance (i) To approve payments of this month’s cheques

Payments proposed DG, seconded AG N Taylor Chq no 904 Clerks salary October £164.82 Clerk’s expenses £50.00 Total: 214.82 Copthorne Chapel donation £50.00 Chq no 905 Launceston methodist donation £50.00 circuit Chq no 906 St Paternus Church donation £50.00 Chq no 907 Maxworthy Chapel donation £50.00 Chq no 908 Break in procedures for signatories to sign cheques for payment

Action: Clerk to make all payments

(ii) Receipts:

Interest on Business Reserve Account September 2018: £0.11.

(iii) Bank Balances as at 1 October 2018 Current a/c 18105.68 Business Reserve a/c 2,776.23 Total funds 20,882.02 Business reserve bank statements signed by Chair. Current account statement not sent to Clerk. Will be received in next 3 days. (iv) Donation requests Requests received from Hospice Care and Cruse Bereavement Care. Donations of this type are left to parishioners discretion so will not be made by the PC.

18/067 Planning

(i) Applications for consideration received to date PA18/02532/PREAPP Location: Lower Clubworthy Clubworthy North Petherwin Launceston Cornwall PL15 8NZ Proposal: Pre application advice for conversion/extension of an existing stone barn to dwelling, plus conversion of the existing cow shed to one high end holiday let, replacement of current static caravan with a high grade, residential quality wooden lodge NPPC noted this application.

Cllr Greene and Cllr Colwill left the room. PA18/08703 Applicant: Ms T Colwill Location: Barn A Nescott Farm Road From Nescott To Langdon Cross North Petherwin Launceston PL15 8NX Proposal: Demolition of existing agricultural building (recently notified for proposed change of use to a dwelling under PA18/05003) and erection of replacement dwelling PA18/08656 Applicant: Ms T Colwill Location: Barn C Nescott Farm Road From Nescott To Langdon Cross North Petherwin Launceston PL15 8NX Proposal: Demolition of existing building (recently notified for proposed change of use to a dwelling under PA18/01104) and erection of replacement dwelling Motion: to support the applications: proposed NH, seconded DG. Action: Clerk to upload comments to Cornwall planning website Cllrs Greene and Colwill returned

PA18/00003/SPD is publishing the draft Housing Supplementary Planning document for a six week consultation period between Friday 19th October and 5pm 30th November 2018. Action: Clerk to put on next agenda to see if any further comment to make.

(ii) Notice of Cornwall Council Decisions PA17/11199 APPEAL DISMISSED Prior approval application to change use of concrete portal frame barn together with external alterations to facilitate the conversion to form 2 dwellings - Stenhill Farm, North Petherwin, Launceston - Appeal Dismissed. No Costs claimed. PA18/07122 APPROVED Listed Building Consent to install one extractor fan in the kitchen and line existing chimney and fit new pot and cowl following installation of new woodburner. 3 Canns Cottages Hellescott Road Petherwin Gate Launceston Cornwall PL15 8LW

PA18/07121 APPROVED Install one extractor fan in the kitchen and line existing chimney and fit new pot and cowl following installation of new woodburner. 3 Canns Cottages Hellescott Road Petherwin Gate Launceston Cornwall PL15 8LW

PA18/01936/PREAPP CLOSED – ADVICE GIVEN Pre application advice for resiting of farm stead and conversion of traditional buildings to residential development South Hellescott Farm Hellescott Road Petherwin Gate Launceston Cornwall PL15 8LL

18/068 Picture competition for website

Councillors looked at competition entries and chose 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Prizes will be obtained by Cllr Greene. Action: Clerk to place winning entry onto website and to rotate pictures approximately monthly so that all designs are displayed.

18/069 Licensing Act Consultation Added where to find advice and support; looked at urban areas and no further liceses likely to be granted in , , Pensance and Falmouth; new policy highlighting police/Home Office interevntion where illegal working may be occurring in licensed premises; new information for event organisations; active discouragement of single use plastics; Every Customer Counts policy to improve equality.

The PC had no comments to make.

18/070 Launceston Community Network Planning Feedback The Clerk summarised the main points covered in the latest Community network Planning meeting. The paper from the Speedwatch group was read out and noted by Councillors.

18/071 Cemetery Management Update

The Clerk reported back on progress in updating cemetery management papers and procedures. This work will be ongoing.

18/072 To receive Reports from the Chairman, Cornwall Councillor A Paynter, Parish Councillors to include Highways reports

It was reported that 3 parishioners have highlighted issues with the septic tank/soakaway at North Petherwin School. Children cannot use field for a range of activities – gardening, football, wild tribe etc. The area in question is very close to kitchen. This raises important health and safety concerns. The issue has been known of for some time and pumping is not solving the problem. Action: Clerk to draft letter to An Daras highlighting the concerns of the PC – cc Adam and Cornwall Council.

It was reported that the property adjacent to the school is becoming more of an issue with rubbish piling up. Action: Clerk to report this to Environmental Health

It was reported that a tree has come down on the footpath bridge at Bodgate – footpath closed. The CC are aware and the landowner has now removed the tree. Action: Clerk to contact Cornwall Council to inform them the tree has been removed and ask that they now come out to look at the bridge. It was reported that a broken sign post had been reported and was fixed 3 days later – the PC wished to acknowledge Cormac for this swift response.

18/073 Correspondence/emails received by the Clerk

North Coast Cluster Group – the Clerk updated the PC on work being done by the North Coast Cluster Group to address the issue of affordable housing and housing apportionment.

Crantock Parish Council Judicial review – the Clerk updated the PC on the ongoing juducial review at Crantock regarding the ir Neighbourhood Plan. Action: Clerk to add Crantock NP to next agenda and Clerk to ask Cllr Paynter to attend.

18/074 Questions and Statements from Councillors, notice of Parish events, items for inclusion on future agenda, and exchanges of information relevant to the Parish.

The Fireworks evening was well attended.

18/075 To agree date of the next meeting - Wednesday, 28th November 2018 at 7.30pm

Signed: ……………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………

Meeting closed 8.36pm