
2 Background and Objectives Background

In June 2017, as part of HSS in Rakhine in 3MDG collaboration with Central HMIS Unit of MoHS, Health System Strengthening Naypyidaw and Public Health Department, 7 Days long HMIS and DHIS2 training Initiative in Rakhine State was conducted to senior Health Officials and HMIS focal persons of State Public Health Department and 17 Townships Health Departments. The training, using the existing Government PrePrePre-Pre ---bidbid clarification meeting for Excel Training guidelines and templates, was found to be very useful and effective as per the feedback of Rakhine SPHD.

2 Background and Objectives Outline of Presentation Background (Cont.)

1 3MDG-supported HSS programme Objectives In cooperation with SPHD, UNICEF intends to hire services of a competent lead national consultant to coordinate, organise and facilitate Comprehensive 2 Background and Objectives Excel Training (Microsoft Excel 2013/2016) to HMIS focal persons and other related data operators of all 3 Description of Assignment health departments across the districts and townships of Rakhine. 4 Key Deliverable

5 Conclusion

1 3MDG-supported HSS programme Objectives 2 Background and Objectives 3MDG3MDG----supportedsupported HSS programme Objectives Three Main Objectives 1. Support SPHD in improving state-wide administrative • To provide Comprehensive Excel Training to SPHD capacities in planning and coordination to ensure that and district/township health departments available resources are allocated and used appropriately, • to further enhance capacity of HMIS focal persons and efficiently, and effectively other related data operators 2. Support SPHD in improving collection of routine health • to ensure effective and efficient skills in routine data information and ensuring the use of data in decision- processing and management across the Rakhine Health making System. 3. Strengthen technical and organizational capacities in human resources for health, supply chain management and public financial management

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2 Background and Objectives 3 Description of Assignment Objectives (Cont.) Description of Assignment (Cont.)

Specific objectives are to: • This is not a full-time employment for an entire • Ensure through Comprehensive Excel training (MS Excel period. 2013/2016) and mentorship, that the HMIS focals and respective data operators become better understood and • This is a consultancy on the basis of days’ work. effectively utilized in all districts and townships, resulting in improved spreadsheet processing skills, data analysis, • The Comprehensive Excel Training and visits to management and reporting. District and Townships to ensure concerned staff • Ensure Microsoft Excel 2013/2016 is properly -understood and effectively trained to HMIS focal persons and other and units of respective health departments to help related data operators at State, district and township levels. strengthen capacity of data analysis and • As part of the training, identify, document and share lessons management to support routine HMIS and DHIS2 learnt, in broader knowledge development planning and management to strengthen the capacity of HMIS focals and roll out under Health System of Rakhine State. other related data operators of Rakhine SPHD.

3 Description of Assignment Description of Assignment Location and Duration Estimated Duration/ Estimated Training No. Training Locations (Townships) Districts Contact time per Participants Group participant • The overall duration to implement and complete State Public Health Department 1 15 - 20 1 50 - 60 hr the entire Excel Training work is from October 2017 Sittwe THD 2 Rathaedaung THD Sittwe 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr to May 2018 (approximately 8 months). 3 THD Sittwe 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr 4 THD Sittwe 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr • The contractor shall appoint up 4 Excel experts (1 5 THD Maungdaw 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr 6 THD Maungdaw 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr Lead trainer and 3 Co-lead trainers) with relevant 7 THD Maruk Oo 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr academic background. 8 Mrauk -U THD Maruk Oo 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr 9 THD Maruk Oo 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr • 10 THD Maruk Oo 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr With advice of the Directors of SPHD & SMSD and 11 Kyaukpyu THD 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr Township Medical Officers and with close 12 Ann THD Kyaukphyu 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr 13 THD Kyaukphyu 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr monitoring of Health Specialist of UNICEF Sittwe 14 Munaung THD Kyaukphyu 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr Field Office, actual working days for delivering the 15 THD Thandwe 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr 16 Toungup THD Thandwe 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr training may be spread over the working period. 17 Gwa THD Thandwe 5 - 10 1 50 - 60 hr Estimated participants for Comprehensive Excel 50 – 60 hrs per 95 - 100 1 Training in Rakhine State participant

3 Description of Assignment Description of Assignment (Cont.) Excel Training Consultants

The training is to be provided on weekends and/or No Excel trainer District Coverage Total Townships Remark outside office hours depending on availability of 1 Lead 4 1 group (SPHD, SMSD, Sittwe THD) and 3 groups of participants for 3 trainees in agreement and guidance under SPHD and THDs respective THDs. 2 Co -lead Mrauk Oo District 4 4 groups of participants for 4 THDs Conducting 17 Comprehensive Excel trainings for 3 Co -lead Kyaukphyu District 4 4 groups of participants for 4 THDs 4 Co-lead Thandwe District 5 5 groups of participants for 4 THDs HMIS focal persons and other data operators of SPHD & SMSD and 17 Township Health Department 4 Excel Experts 5 Districts 17 Townships 17 groups of participants of Sittwe.

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4 Key Deliverable Key deliverables Thank You A. Development of standard training curriculum manual with exercise files including self-learning videos B. A final detailed proposal developed in consultation with the Rakhine Health Department, including a clear work plan with schedule for implementation of Comprehensive Excel Training C. Township specific completion progress reports reflecting achievements and recommendations of Comprehensive Excel Training - 1 group in Sittwe to the SPHD, SMSD and 16 groups in 16 Townships D. An end-term report clearly stating the activities implemented, achievements and recommendations for the future initiatives to strengthen capacity of HMIS focals and other data operators

Note: Ad hoc supports in the area of Microsoft Excel application as advised by SPHD Director, in close coordination with UNICEF, are to be offered by the Excel experts assigned by Consultant Company.

5 Conclusion Conclusion

General Discussion Questions and Answers