P.O. Box 518 New York, New York 10025


American Committee on Africa Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) Americans for Democratic Action South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee American Friends Service Committee South African Students' Movement ARENA the Institute for Sport and Social Analysis Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Clergy a~d Laity Concerned Sports for the People Coalition of Concerned Black Americans United Methodist Church, Women's Division, Gray Panthers Board of Global Ministries Methodist Federation for Social Action Women's International League for Peace & Freedom


Before beginning, please be reminded that the Bext ACCESS meeting will be on Wednesday, 18 July at 9:30 AM on the 8th floor-of-the-Church-Center for the u~ (777 UN Plaza).

Also, please mark down the date for a forthcoming demonstration: Time: August 1st at Noon Place: Top Ra~~, Inc. (Bob Arum's office) 450 Park Avenue; New York, NY 10022


Events surrounding the Tate-Coetzee fight have been moving rapidly since our last mailing. Numerous opinion columns, mostly critical of Arum, have appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, and Daily News. Copies are enclosed.

The fight was officially announced by Arum today. We simultaneously launched the STOP THE FIGh~ CP~~AIGN (STFC); A press release is enclosed.

We have had consultations with the NAACP (Denton Watson) and Franklin Williams of the Phelps-Stokes Fund. They both agree that the involvement of the Black community is the key and will help to achieve this.

Don King, Arum's rival promoter, is going to work on the campaign.

Official ACCESS communications were sent to and to Arum. We asked Arum for a meeting and he refused by claiming that he had personally "licked apartheid." That clears our way to go after him.

A major target will be the TV network that agrees to carry the fight as well as those who will be doing the advertising. We will have a mailing on this next week.


Please mobilize your entire networks to write to Arum at the above address;.to John Tate (c/o Col. Jerry ~liller, Golden Gloves Arena, p/o. Box 6230, Y~oxville, Tenn 37914- make your coIDmittments to how many ACCESS brochures and boxing backgrounders you will distribute to your members. please send as much financial support as your organization is able to afford. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1979 ,

Tate Fight Set Oct~ 20 In Pre[()r"ia

ByMIClli\ELKATZ The fight Ottween wldefeated J 0AM Tate of Knoxville, Tenn., and un~e­ -feated Genie Coetzee of South Atnca for the heavy,weight title Muhamm,:d Ali just vacated will take place m , on OCt. 20\ Bob (2oetzee-Tate Is \ Arum, chairman of Top Rank Inc., an­ et nounced y%terday. Continueu From Page 137 Sun, a South African hotel chain, was Arum said the fight in W,OOO-seat "notl ing more than a front' for the Gov­ Loftus Stadium "fully inte­ refused a nie~ting with the promoter ernment." The South African Council. grated" and that he had "timl as,3~r­ himself.· " on sport has charged that Southern Sun ances" from the South African MII?ls­ has used funds from the Ministry of In­ ter of Sporl, Punt Jahnsen, that seatIng , ''I'm prepared to sit down and talk format:' on to finance its boXing pro­ about what changes can be made in· at all future boxing matches in the na-'· gram. Amm called these charges. tion of apartheid would be integrated. South Africa;" said Arum, "but I "preposterous." / Following' the announcement, a refuse to sit dO\vn and listen if all Arum ac1f..nowledged that it was "Stop The Fight" was they're going to do is say 'stoP. the partly in fear of protest in the United fight.' That's not my idea of a dia- started by the antiapartheId l?rou~s logue." . - States that he is staging the title iight here that led tlJ.e 1978 demon~t~tlOns In in South Africa. But the main reason, Nashville aaainst South Afncan par­ ,Anml defended his demand that the he said, was "economic." facilities the figllt be integrated. ticipation i~ the Davis Cup tenms for Tate, who nas won a1119 professional competition. The groups ch?rge that "Those signs saying black or white . fights, inclUding an eight-round knock­ the South African Governmcnt has sc­ arotmd the restaurant facilities, lava­ out of another South AfriCan, Kaltie dretly provided funds to the cO,mpan~' tories and water fountains are coming down" Arum, ·"and they';re never _ Knoetze" that vaulted him into the that is co-promoting the bout wlth Top said W.B.A.'s No. 1 rating, will earn $400," going' back up. I IU!ly believ that in Rank . Boutfor W.B.A. Title . 000. Coetzee, who has won all 22 of his three months every stadium and every tights, including a start:ing first-rOlmd ~l1J.e protest leaders ackno\vledged athletic event in South Africa will be full)' integrated, of 12 days ago, that they h'ad little chance of stoppmg will make $300,000. the bout between Tate, who is black, '!What I'm doing is much more eft :- I and Coetzee, wbo is white, fo::- the tive and much more appreciatc'

c.'li1titmed on Page as, CollJmr, 1 The' American Coordinating

Committee' for Equality in Sport & Society

For release: 11 July 1979. at 3·pm


- ACCESS, the American Coordinating Committee for EQuality in Sport and Society, and other groups that organized the 1978 Davis Cup protests that led to South Africa's suspension from the Davis Cup, today announced the launching of the STOP THE FIGHT CAMPAIGN (STFC); This is in response to Bob Arum's arranging the John Tate-Gerrie Coetzee fight for the WBA heavyweight championship later this year in South Africa.

ACCESS coalition members began contacting Arum on 2 July asking him not to promote the fight and to meet with a delegation of concerned Americans. Arum bluntly refused both reQuests on 10 July 1979.

The STFC aims to negate South Africa's use of boxing as an international propaganda. vehicle. Inside South Africa, the non-racial South African Council on Sport (SACOS1. has charged that South African Southern Sun Hotels, which has promoted South African - boxing in the United States, has used laundered Ministry of Information funds to do this. SACOS estimates that more than $1 million was spent in the United States last year promoting boxing. SACOS President Hassan Howa said that the recent Tate-Knoetze fight in BophuthaTswana was nothing more than a massive propaganda exercise for the South African Government and that Bob Arum was an opportilllist who had exploited South Africa's isolaxion to stage the fight in BophuthaTswana.

STFC will help to expose to the public how South Africa has manipulated international boxing to enhance its overseas image and how promoter Bob Arum, claiming to "have licked apartheid," has in reality promoted apartheid.

Plans include letter-writing campaigns to and meetings with television network execu­ tives, potential advertisers for the fight and other actions as deemed appropriate by 1 the STFC. The ultimate aim is to stop the fight from ever taking place.


American CommittEe jn A ~rica Americans for Democratic Ac~ion Amencan Friends Service COmmqted ARENA. the Institute for Sport ana Social AnalysIs Clerg'( and Laity Conoer"ed Coalition of Concerned Elac~ Americans Dr. J Dcrmnis se, J\.eting Chairperson Gray Panthers ahn MethOdist Fcder3tion for Social Action P.O. Box 518 Cperation PUSH (?eop;e Uni:ed to Sa,,'! H'Jr"a"i,y South African NO'1-Rac!JI O!y.'T'Icj~ C"mrn;t!lJe New York, NeK York 10025 Sou:h Af;ica" S:ucents' !""."t SOIJ':hern Chri~tian Le.!~ership Confere:"\'=8 ~SCLC; (212) 682-3633 (0); (204) 484-9413 (h) Sports for the P~o::>~e United ~""e-;:hodi)! ChLJrC'~, V'>lor;.en·~ Division, BOare of Global Mlr.istrie, ...- " ,_.,_:,~_. :1hJ$Mbrrung c 8: :....- f_n_·.._T_._l._IT_6_,_19_,1_._· '-:-TH_._E:_·,_W_A_S_II_lN_.'r._,T_O_N_P_O-:ST:- . ,.; ". ", r'·. I .TIllIE FORTi;lUTU "-" .~ :) ,1!;: Fight Turns Spotlight on South Africa DENLINGER, From C1· emment hu said will be black And In· weJght champion, And that would, be ship wiI,t make South A(ries, chanRe Bob Arum "nd·lhe ~oveniineni:'of Soulh Mric. depen'd("nt. and which nohody else rec- highly' likely, because" Spinks . ~,l1d i~s pollcle.s, beyond what rece!"t 8thI.e. used to.flnd a: s~cce5.')or for Muham~, ognlles as "lore than a·shim;. tl tvoutd ShO'NO a ,unique lalent (or botch109 tic' .!OpanklOg3_have brought about In just h.v. made my sodium penl.1lho\ leom. jninin\( rnad All') V,I1cant world Boxing As- .•' be .lik~ the .United StatesJh~rdlnS:"11 every' major po.!Oiive break In hi! lICe. "sP not undr.r the Inrluence of another bo:t~ng 'Rhat It had failed to gill" else- hea\o-yweight champ. He eould not, ~ 7.\li e~t~t's..<' Hnw many mHlinns hi~ Ud~i\:"teams w~re promoter, Don Kine'. The mn~t famous' where. the ""tfa~line It t"lro'~t~d-Bop- anrl an in·~h8pe All emh"rnt5St!d him ~~r1~ ~ h:'c;~ler sU~h I'S Arum !!enerate Woorl!n 'inS a rP.gular' when ,Jtulhatswa"a--aC"cep~ance all-powerful and Bowie Kuhn also rated mention South African. Knnel'le, W3.5 named that this In the remAtch. . for that sort of match? Could All let a lop "Ced ~lld the best Smith Arric.. n, de~plc",ble place e:nsted. So a Cochee could gain Instant South African keep his Litle unC'hal. every time he lhrashed 'Cl,arli. F1n'''Y''.'~ln the whippi~g re~ati\'~IY ~la.veri best inl~r"'t 01 'basebail,: .• :,<,. Caehet', wa,; fourth: ",he~' Knoetze 10,;ln, W;H! not th::tl rrillca!. credibility by a len2ed? All will h ..we in dec-.;nt pentilihol~li-l;r"!ch~'ln Why WR1! Knoet7.e seeded first His sta!us IllS a celebrit,Y\ as the fellow easy mark, Spinks. Which he did, \t'lth bv then. cuHlng a!'sortetf (ont. '." 'SooiWn lhe hesl .In. l\rum had the former WBA champ, ban'f3 from fighting In }he U.S. be- a flr~t-round knockout tw,o weeks a~o baH pl;yers and other (()t)Is-:lOd \lie.[1'1-and ""Ing ~aried.jn J97.ll.!l:01l\ the Olym· be Sept. 14 or 15 in , or ':j pics'-.ud in 19.$ .hY,Ui.>i~rn.lionil. Pretoria. '--.. ---: _.--:-: - _ ' body lor·Irack and field. ror It, apartHeid poilCles, So what? Cynics wih Insist. th:'lt ,white ho~! '3'~il'!nlflcaflt ~art ,: hurt decply:.Althou~Il.gollc~. Gary, ,rlaY~f' and have been oC Grand Prix racer J!ldl'c.:)chKkter have lore

New YorL< Da.ily NeKs J 5 July 1979 . ArUm offers· King yvinn~r-take-all promo on ARUM Y£",\TF.RnAY ('hl'''f'n~ed Don Kin~ to mu('h Ilk!! Gianl,Ii' SIfi(I;mce of modtrn h;~tnry." of that ultim~te fighl, consolidalinll lhe WBA and wac S:'yS Boh Arllnl. "U will 5urpllS:,;: the 1)a.()(tO we tHl~s. will go lo the promoter of the winning: fighler.. .. did in New Orl(,;1n,'I; fnr lhe se('nnri Spinl(,'.Ali." There will be on a fridtly tlfternoon If ~h3mpion~llip oo.ut to produce a successor to Ali. "Wel" ""e ain'tli::0lII d~te yef,~ he said, "I can lhrow the winnin~ network wants it for F'rid:.)' night showin( S~tnrdllY !ho\\'in~. ~ Arum's voice C';Im~ bouncing 0(( the satellite trom Shavers In ag;lin~t T::tte, If Amm wanl.~ lo i'n.. k~ that nne here, or on early "'ternonn TV lohannt"soHrg_ \. a,all promotion. he and I wOllld have to get "TU";.'H: f'F.Ort.F; will ~hnw up tmy time for Ihe fight ",\05 far "$ Tate and are concerned," he s:ilid, to~ether on that one. Then, iC Shavers bel'lt Tate, I'd have here,~ said AnJln. "They hwe il." Tm C'o",'inced Larrv Holme~ will be duck soup (or hath both champ~. snd I could unify the titles nly~elr b"y Ano how riid Arum U'l T .. le·s man:lger, Ace '\Iiller,lo :f them. Bit·her m~Hl'would fight him tomorrow, Holme' havin~ Lal":)' ,lIo11l1e~ (jg~t the: ~inner .. I'1I h~v! to talk Ill('tee-ro l~~hrr a~n follol,r,'i"t, some unp)easllnlrlell Be~irles, ha~ lh~ 'thi(e·inthe-Tale.Klloei~Te ~_n ~ can·t IighL he cOllnge of a mOUSf:!'" ,In Don Kmg'$ fantasy, Cern Coetzee 13 beInII' Ignorffi. -;.;-p-'....el1{e, . _ . and how Clln ynu Ignore a man who knocked out Leon ~~- • _ _. • IN NF;W· \"ORK, Don King rt"dilY'!lcc!pted .-\rum's Spinks i~ round Oll~ hlst the othe~ day? .. r "He'll f1~hl." 3"irl Arum. "We hue lirked llpllrtheld, .rhallenge oe winnill~·promOler-take·.11. "Qerr,-C~~s _th~ b~s_t..:v..!~ghler ~ver anArum.,'. -Tite:"""lha( nltltns, w,HrereiV"e""S-lho,ooo to COt17ee's ~that.rdlikelodoH,hlltw8it..." $.300,~, ~Xpe"~es, phl~ it h THF. WRt\ Cf\NNOT \V,<\IT the whim. or the wac plu.'1.11 trAvel and lrainill( a ' ."!'H·o ,? ~.·niUAonr W"n ','.1 11 the "·,·nner 01 • Tale.Coel',-, chAmp. Larry Holme!. John T~le w,iJl fi~ht Cerrl bonus I( the bolll does ~s famously :I" !';(pef'ted. \...... B b ,0.\1y position," .sAid RQh Arum. "is thal 'thrl)lI~h ~rt1i'e\VBA ch:lmpt Earnle sl11i~I'i"TneNUmOO-2' Co~lzee In Pretoria, ~8pltAl o( South Afr~c:l'l, a~~llrl!S 0 Ipn"ris [ have .. ccompli~hed som~thing.-Boy('o(fl HI ~1It"'ngtr ln~RA rankings. Tate 1:'Ii Numher 1. t .Arum, "They will fight \).efore an p.nllrely IntffJ:ra~ed cr11 . j:Tate pOllsibility,' The Tale·Coetzee fIght. to nam,~ A/I.~ lucce.!so~ to th~ "';'e you trying to say that there might not be a WBA crown. will h~ st~ged In Loftus, Stadltl!", • story lhOUl:1 ."\cncan 590rL t b. II e.rclte:nenr, uthat we are eiimin3tion i~.nt:S VI 3. J e Gerrle Coetzee-­ ,~ ( t e r .1l.mcst 20 Suns elimination series. aC'ran~ea. ~x?talned Leon Splnks fight last ...bout to see the record Tuck· "'ears 0' ::uso-erl.:sWO. ~:t. er. "It Wa3 the only way week could not llnder· Dutsion ana re-:ecuon, books re--wr'itten. we ,·-:ould g~t luto the stand t.'1e hysteria that ~.)uC!... ':Vnca W3.S \.0 ae rneet~ gripp~d -The fight itself is being "'When Caetzee contest.'" the small band :'~;:)resencad tn J. .:on· John Tlce in September !t Arum once scoffed at of South African sup' t~st ror sPOrt's mo.::t porters ait~r the stun· viewed South Africa's ,Wilt b~ ~J,e biggest event su:;gesttaos tnat ne con· taOUlQUS 0 r [ ! e. ~.d~ trOt1e~ ning knock-out.. hp '1 ...·Y'... el!,mt cnamplOn· to hit the boxtnoz ice~e toe ;:ea'r;,wetght vehicle for upsetting its div13lOn. Of caUl'Se, Sou t h 5hio DC the world. 3icce ~he eirst fia~ler/Ati Africans love to cheer. That may seem to 20 years of sports isolation. clase." Can'l lose and Coeu:ee gave t:"em :iom~ to be do pu:!'!l~ ~ ha:s ton~ ~a!n4 every re3son to g~t a~tttude. Jut It is true tain!d that Tare will oe Yet he has the signa· ~xcitdd. But t~ere W'3S tor rr..z.ny South ..Uri· an in~enstty to their -Tate 'liants to fight in the CS L."e next world cham?lon. t U i:" e.5 'J[ most 1C ...'1e C:J.ns. and it was c-er· bo~ers 'J,;no Ul~tter tn Ene re3.ction ~hat lS nat :iO rJ..mly true in ~,ton3co. bu~ he wouldc't ;lush L1.a :a-3slly t!xp!ained away. NOT because he opposes dinsIon ana h~ uses t.hem In the absence o( point this wee!t...rt wIH orcnest:-J.t~ 1S thoug!:l much more to :Ill ,he big: J!;n0.J1o aU olne, .'t3JOt out because he does not ~ant ~ a. he!luva tight," was teleVLswn rtgnc5- was H issue than tOe result ot a aO:Gog L!"'.ter;:J.uonal 390rt. .1 all he was ,repared to W'hoever e!I1e:"~es trium.. 50ons'lOnn~ n2.t:.oo 100,000 fans screarrQng for l1latc;n. >ay. phant I rom the WE" ..las rocused ail It:;i J,(­ .series, .-\..rum'5 Top Raak T.he feeling was art1 4 'ter"l.tlon and :H..:.~ctron Coetzee Arum. .. I said had can't lOSe. For like Co~t· c~tated by ] young 'on one !:!l3n Q.hd un ever:t re3.S0n to sm!l't cor zee~ Tate i3 locked into h.i~ tue- noct!' tnat i1~ s1i6~~e~ '~'!n th~. ann ..vith tears in the orgarusation. b~l:Qrr.a. C:1J.IT!OlOn. i~~q ~Ui':! ~ S?u~h eyes ·,.,ho regeatad 5h If Arum sees Coetzee <1.5 over and O...·2r Ln Atri· -Arum is calling for integrated Atrj£.~n ~3 CQnrG,.t~a ;0 South Airic:1n neow::s· a dollar sign.. it'3 not k.1J.ns: ., 'N e did tt, ~o .\.m-=!'!c~n papers. responding the shrewd . :-:lr .5u!1lC'ising Viccie ·South .-\lnca dla It ~ seating. Ee this his-c"lrsrtnree ll.Ue de­ 11 e want:i of thetr Taweel~ one of only two readers. devoted hug~ 1~nces. pledge before the Tate-Knoetze South A.frica.n" to 'Join .1 He felt as millions chunks oi spac~ to the '--eoeuee's manager. Hal world title. looks at it 1 must have done to ol bulld·up and to the fight 'out the v2shin7,ton Post 'rucker. confirmed thd ar· little di:ierencly. i:5 liso to lesser or g:reater ex· fi~ht itself. Coetz~~ ran~menc.."Gcrc;~·s be oxa the lion's w~ek. hOW21,·er. it ',l,'-3S mad~ t~e NEW YORK - IYhere den t",ice...... ith tOO ()i)() clear by thOSe in ~now thac, 15 a!wa)·s. it is will the world heavy. taos holterln~ for Coe[zee. -That 'Nould be an in­ ~he hi!! money that do~s weight title fight be· ,iDlr3.tion. and he's tough the real talking. . tween Gerrie Coetzee to beat. anyhaw .- Southern Sua ~~neral m.Jn3~er P~te:r and John Tate take To) iJ R.a::.k boss Bob Venison place? Adding fuel to A.'-'lm ri3S .s:,ala he ra..-ours ',l{a::3 quid:: to report 0( a the already heated con· 3. [ 1~i::·,-j2,-2Z ,_ .• ~.~I\oI\Oj.· switch in ~enue. ~ht';) ooa,~ .}(r V~niscn jlJS~ buck troversy .surrounctin:; .ll 3,Ju .... x ... h .... ~ronte the Iv"BA version of {rom Carlo 3aid: ]1~~~nv ~!et~ 0'~ °IT~;: "These reoorts3re .1 loc boxing's richest prize ieg"!"eg::l~!aa or i~a~l:tg. of rubbish: The (i;ht will todav. is a loud and ~~~J:~~ce.~~ :H~ tak~ place her-e. ::ou c:tn clear messa~e from the aL_.· be certain ot th3C" Tate - (nat tne'" James: Den.:5on. a bOIing South~;n Sl1::l he~d 1 would Drefer noC to Irornor~d Pt'!:l!tt!t.t cc .con~ract ',:;"t~h 3:)0 Ar-lm cheC39ft]~~E!": f~ht In South .'>'idca o-rCbmm.erC"E!. .::1 ~C.;~;.I.g aga.ln. )\-&";!n!5to-1'T~~~.le E~W~~?;}~~ -":a~7 W2nt there onc!! to OI c~e 't~H. aH~ ;:":':1 .• ::l fight ~llio:! Knoe~e," said -si;ht5 on 52000-seat R.fK ·...·ould ~ake O:>ilce (;1 ::>VU(O manager Ace :-'{ill~r_ "I Stadium. "';;'::'''';.z1. don't think ·..·e should

Issued by: ACCESS, the ."merican Coordinatino'S C:orrr.,ittee fer r:ct..'2.lit~r in 2.nd Society 2.C. Box 518; Lev; York) re~.· York 10025 --- ' I r-.:·~>if21 Ql:ieUy. ever so quietiy, Bob "'ru::"! and CBS slip· L:lrry Hc!mp$ W:1S to.H\in~ softly, red a. neat litUe pac~2ge of ugli.ness into our laps for Sat­ so as not to str:::!.i:l the thrJ:J.t polyps u:-cay e\-"e:"l..ir1g viewmg. th.:lt som~(lmes rr:J.:~e Urn h03.rse. But his meSS3pe :-nng !ct.:d .1r:d c1e3r. C.OS wiil televise the John Tate \"s Kallie Knoet:e fight· . "I'm the b1d(~cst :~'::':lvJ"~'eiGht in .I: from Bophu!..tatswa.n~..\.inca. nnoet2e is t~e ex-cop, from the world," he was 5:J::in~ yes:.erd:ty I S()U~~ Alrica whose a~?€ara-~ce in this country irritated on the phone from his mo~;:er's home people b"""l:5e of his history. Back in the homeland he. in Easton. P3. "The:-e's r,ol:o.1y out had g-unnet ",3Yo" my mis.:iemeanor. \Vhen he fought BIll Sharkey in :Mia.m.i L'l motter. Not EJ.mie I Jsentatives.attended its founding cer· mad Ali's retirement. : "Nc:>ody out emonies. ~o one officially recognized it, except for Trans· The bout would m,1tch T3tc, a there C3n whip me." kei, the second puppet state of South Africa. - blO1ck American, ag3inst Cce~C'e. the *** ...... :.'." '_. tmdeieatN South AfnC3n \\ho have guC'ssed by now, have u ar· rang~~~~~1J ~o Now Bob Arum and CBS are grrt.nting it reco~itict1. ; knocked out LCf:ln Spinkc; on .June 201 ,,;,;i:h AT'"um. t.:";:: 'fheil:' e:fforts a:'e being .bankrolled by Southern Sun, a I in erie rctL,d. dea~s and have stanN! Alum 1i~3 ~£:n c:..liiing C~tzt:e lr.~ .':"'fric~_Tl hot~i that ~ as the nval promotional groups Sc'U.t!1 chain has a .. , "1 w~i~c .h~ ~ve.r contro~ i~ t~-:" h~:'.',:· hotel in Bophutha.tswana. After. tte- ~~ .. ~~~~:~.:. "best fighter" .h3S sCf:lmble for .::.:~~, ":':'.~ u •.,: P' VU ...... lC....1..t..J v.:,"':I. l.M-4>..J­ \Io(l;;:;o.!l(Un·l~ivll. :nC'lllrhinq, f:,:,~"npO:;:l.C' ":c1 finthinq with /\.,t;, rhp. inf;?.h~jnf! intNl<;irip",. thp. in.. f~~~ttt~t~~:eA:1}t~~~~~ ~~¥!t~~~~f' the courage at a miJ~0," <1 phony Sult3 nnd COlll~i\,in~ 'sill get worse. I champion ",ho woultl te "duck so:!!," And it is unliKely t~.C r.~t!crs will be £>'::~l'i::'i-:-?;'''):J Sun. supposedly had kIcked m.,H for either T3tO or Coetz"". pa}i~g much attention to h'.!maEit~­ ~"'.-fA,,,,,"!/l.::-~~: r::tlhan. .. Y "If Coetzee is the ~st white iighter io.ns li~\e Jose Su1.1iO'!~n or Mexico. T3en ·the deal w~.s ca.nceled, Dli· " ,,--,., "",'_'. 'J ~essure. ~;"":'::~~"'~~'---I' Bob ArJm ever saw." said Haimes, the presider.tof t:~e W.B.C, Pou:Jd ror ferent reasons \l,.·ere given. "then sometody lx:lter siap his iace l'ot.::Jd, Su!aiman is pmbably the and wake him u;l, Didn't Arur:1 ever fi,!~ht .!;3me'S ~:E'rcest apologist. '(roen S~ Rocky ~,IGrcjano? Jerry QU3rry he t.1lks 300U: :lis t~l"ioritc sport, t~e would have !,iiled C""t.zce, Knocl(ed e{:~ct a l1~fensc counsel's ~:~&~iiEi1~;¥~J~~~~~~~ him out. You hear \\,·hJ.t I'm s3)ing? impassioned ple3 for P-Ji Baba and QU3rry just C:lme up r.t the I'jrong the·m thieves. "'a5n'( really there, Any-way, Arum nOB ARUM ) time." "I would stron31y disagree with a.'1nO\\nced that the fight would be Holmes doesn't thini, mech 01 people who say that boXing is cor· ::::ooovc~j '~an .. to indegender1t African country;: ,,:,hich turned Tate's ability, either, ""d h~ is even rt!pt," S3.ys Suln.:man. "11'!ey say we :··..·:..·:out to C>e (';~w Orleans...... '.~ mere cntkal of the AmenC2.n's deci­ are i:i:1uenced by promo~ers, but f.o­ I .,<. 'But now he's back in BophuLhatswana, and CBS, with a I sion to iight in a cOlL,trJ with a policy lxx:iy has ta!,en even,1 cup of coffee to :::.:' :ninir.-:u!n of publicity, is snea~i:1g in as his co-prarr.oter: of raci.:ll discri:nin3tion. affect ~~e r.:!linr:s. I believe tiiere has ! ....,. So c'Jiet has this production been that on!)' two of ito,e hair' "ot been b\Jrn yet he who can buy us . 'A GreBil Tomalo' :.:~ 3. dozen people 1 cailed re;J!"escn~ing the NAACP, th~ We will fight to the minute to ':~-:~L:':-::-""o...."1 League. the Randolph Institute a:1d the R~Y. Je~se "He's a grJ?Cn to~aW," theW.B.C. .:ccp tl:c ~onestJ· a..."!d nob!ei1ess ot our ,',','::Jac!-:son's Operation Pus"', were even aware of !ts e''.lst· champion said. "~nd he's J. fool to dear sport, This is not a corrupt busi­ ·:·":':·:erlce. .. fight in South Africa. \lthy fight ncss." where you'r-c not welcome? !l'S:1Il in· I .... $~U \\~'d knO\Yn-about it, we'd., orga:njz~d ·~m~'ldnd suit to the Amt:rican i"'A'Opie.. " Seeing the Light? ::'::"-cf demonst':'":ltion in front of CBS in ~'ew Yor~:' said. Ironically, Holmes's image as the It is nice to have 3. 5alEs;'";1an with ,:':,F::l.nk 'Vatkins, the communications dicector oi Opera. "true" world heaV)"\veight champion that much faith in the prodL:c:. SU~ ·-:::'tlon Push, which led the demonstrations 3gainst Knoetze lest some or its giitter two •..... eeks ago some at Sulo.im3:l'S recem me-.::s~ges :: 'in January. -. . ~~. despite the f<:lct that he scored his to his membersnip confirm the prob­ L"li.d straight knoc~:out in defen3e of lems. He talks of the "disgusting, ?""Z~ "But it's kind of late L, the day for.that now; which. I'm his title. It took him 12 rounds to stoo pulsivc b-~h:lvior" ot so many yeopl!: s;Jre is whv CBS han.::lled this the wav the\' did: \'le oppose ~like "Ges~roying .::·thei~ K~llie (Hercules) Wen.ver, a cnai. each other and pouring teievlsing t!"'.ls tight. Kneeue a.'1d Bophutr.ats· lengcrwith so little box-oifice :lppe:ll more mud" on t;-;c sport. He .....'arns I ·.:·:·::.:wana repre~ent the ~vC!rst thi:1gs .about Sou~~_Africa. that network television refU!;ed the th.:lt television's growing ini!uecce, .***:.::., , bout. lL'1!ess it is modi Hed to protect t:-:e ..... Holmes. thumbed in the left eye by smtlilcr fight clUbs. could ki!1 the We:J.ver. still h2..S not recovered from \;,hole operation. A.r.d lie sLipp.Jrts r-..::. .... "Tho~c- tv..·o homela~ds, Bopr.uthGtsw.ana a-'1d Tra"1s~~ei: the injurj. His Goctors have told him form'l r~ng!ng {r0m amieopi;,g tests '~~:'a:e not !ee-itL""-:'2.te countries. T::ey're there by force; they he wiil have to we,1r prescripticn to ;nsumnce and pension plans for ·:·;~.repr~ser!t°apartheid .=.nd the fascist regime of South .-\iri· glasses for ::H le3st anot.her two Co"or-s, ·:-:·:,ca. They're ?nother slap in the face to clack Afcic:1ns and wce!'_~. until the eye problem cle3rs "~.Iost of us are sick and tj~ ot ::·.black AC!1;ericans." up, the toxing world being ir.volvod in .. And how cO"'S CBS Creel aoout its promotion? H;eII , It appe3rs certain now that his cor.:rover.3ies," says Sul.::.iman. schcc'~led d~f~nse iC'~d '::'. Fr:>n;,; Smith. the president oi CDS Sports. wouldn't ani Sept. 14 title "Tr.ey to nowh,::,re' bm 5clf-de· ..:.: ~:..,~'f'r his phone ye~terrlay. ,Tay Ro~en~tf>!n. a PH man who ng.:.!illst Sha ...ers at Giants St' ~i5 As :\s .-'..rum ls cOl1rt"rnt:"'

"It's a s?d c('lm:'":"'l~:1t::tr/ on a !'T::t;) who's \l"imn~ to .m:l:. j:~.:C' jOil:l 'T,l~e. ·.... !':o • ~' ...... n't K..'i0 ...... Of1~ thl.-:~ :·ror."". :lr.I'J~r.C'r ...\:.d se:-:l~:n..; )-,:::1.. '..• \ : \.0,.. !:,·,rl'~ :~"'1. ::..·1r:~,~ ;.'("';;:~ ',,,·:ll f~(l .1:'::~::;:-.'~ :''):"