Duke Energy Carolinas’ WFGD Retrofit Program: 12 Months of Operation at Marshall Ronald E. Laws, P.E. Senior Engineer, Program Engineering (
[email protected] ph. 704-382-8411, fax 704-382-9769) Duke Energy Carolinas 526 S. Church Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Dave Styer FGD Area Coordinator (
[email protected] ph. 828-478-7506, fax 828-478-7613) Duke Energy Carolinas Marshall Steam Station 8320 East NC Hwy. 150 Terrell, NC 28682 Kelly Barger Technology Manager (
[email protected] ph. 865-560-1654, fax 865-694-5203) Jürgen Dopatka, P.E. Technology Manager (
[email protected] ph. 865-694-5342, fax 865-694-5203) Alstom Power Environmental Control Systems 1409 Centerpoint Boulevard Knoxville, TN 37932 Jim McCarthy, P.E. Chief Engineer Mechanical/Piping, Power Division – Fossil Sector, Shaw Group (
[email protected] ph.704-331-6043, fax 704-331-1310) 128 S. Tryon St., Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28202 Presented at: POWER-GEN International 2007 New Orleans, LA December 11 - 13, 2007 Page 1 of 15 ABSTRACT Duke Energy Carolinas is committed to a multiphase fleetwide SO2 emissions reduction program where four of eight coal-fired stations are being retrofitted with high efficiency WFGD systems by 2012. Engineering started in 2003, one station has started up, one station is being commissioned, construction is under way at the third, and the fourth started engineering in 2007. A brief overview of the retrofit progress at each site will be presented. The state-of-the-art WFGD system at the Marshall Station has been operating for 12 months, and the performance testing on each of three absorbers and the overall system has been completed.