Russian Doorman Built

last September and who set a Ro. al Secret Embassy Radio,, j Commission probe in mo- tion with his information, gave further evidence purporting to Gouzenko Tells Court show Russia's interest in develop- ment of the atomic bomb. , June 4 (CP) .-Existence of a secret radio room Exhibiting documents he claimed 'in the Russian Embassy at was revealed before a Court of to have taken with him from the Ding's Bench jury today in evidence that completed the five-day Embassy to support his contention, appearance of in the witness box at the conspiracy Gouzenko testified that samples of ' ------`"lariat- of Fred Rose. Prosecution Uranium 235 and location of the examination of the 27-year-old atomic bomb plant in the were sought from an alleged ,former cipher clerk at the Russian agent, "Alex." He identi- Embassy in Ottawa ended in mid- espionage afternoon after Gouzenko told of Ified "Alex-" as Dr. , who now is serving a 10-year .ent- the radio room built for communi- ~ence in England for violation of cation with Moscow, but held in ,the Official Secrets Act. reserve on instructions from Other documents filed by Gou- the Soviet capital, and cited ~zenko spoke of "Badeau's" express- further evidence of Russia's inter- ed willingness to 'apply for a posi- est in,atomic development in Can- ., ada and the United States . tion in a new nuclear set-up at' The key IMcGill University" of "the highest witness against the isecrecy." "Bade4u" was identified ,,,Labor-Progressive member of Par- S.nith liament for Montreal-Cartier said 1by the witness as Duruford . the radio set had been built by one Could Procure Samples `Gusev, whom he portrayed as a contact man in an alleged espion- Then'. mentioned -"difficulty" with l'I'age ring and a qualified radio en- Bacon" identified as "Halperin," gineer working as a doorman at since "h'e was asked to supply sam- the Embassy. ples of Uranium 2.35 ." "Bacon" had Gouzenko was followed in the claimed it .was impossible for him box by a number of witnesses from to obtain them. Ottawa, called to identify exhibits At request of special Federal placed on record or to amplify his Prosecutor F. Philippe Brais, Gau- own evidence, and by Miss Kath- zenko referred again to evidence he leen Willsher, former stenographer gave yesterday . concerning atomic in the British High Commissioner's bomb tests in New Mexico last July_ office in Ottawa. Miss Willsher was 16. Iconvicted last month of infraction Gouzenko, who had introduced a of the Official Secrets Act and was document purporting to 'be a copy 'sentenced to three years in prison. of a telegram sent by Col. Zabotin, former Russian Military Attache in Cross-Examination to Come Ottawa, to Moscow, telling of the Both Gouzenko and Miss Will- tests, said the date on the message -slier -are expected to be called again should have been, Aug, 9, 1945, tomorrow . Gouzenko for cross- rather than July-9. He said an error examination by the defense and in date had been made by Zabotin. Miss Willsher to continue testi- The document spoke of the tests mony interrupted by a defense ob- as having taken place. -jection to the admissibility of her Miss Willsher told the jury she 'statements. has known Rose since 1936, and Rose is charged with conspiring ;had had conversations with him on 'to communicate information to +"a few occasions" since then. 'Russia . The former stenographer in the Identification of Rose as a re- British High Commissioner's office cruiting agent for the alleged So- at Ottawa had started to describe 1viet espionage ring" was made by the nature of such conversations Gouzenko and a document intro- when Chief Defense Counsel Joseph 'duced told how "Debouz" was to ICohen objected . 149 "'tie-up" with "Berger," identified He argued that testimony should WAR as an American scientist called be confined to the period in which Rose's alleged conspiracy took EUROPEAN Stenberg. "Debouz" previously has is, June, 1939. been identified by Gouzenko as. the place-,-that from His 1939 1code*name for Rose. request that Miss Willsher be re- The Russian, who 1Eft his post WEAPONS called BOMB from the witness box to per- mit him to advance further ATOMIC ment tomorrow argu- 'granted on this point was by Mr. Tt;stiee Wilfrid La, Izure," presiding jtfdge. His Lordship spoke of the possi- bility of holding three sions court ses< a day in order to finish the. trial. as rapidly as the possible, with urymen expressing their will= 'ingness to do so.