Father only one A roguish Design Flaw smart enough to plant flaw It turns out the had a little inside help Evidence: Father was one smart dude!

destroying the Death AND Rebellion is "Rebellions are persistent also! built on hope" Step 1 - Fill in an Outline Knew DS-1 was Empire is Problem(s) (DS-1) destruction, Empire weapon not inevitable persistent Evidence: One ship What goes to Scarif (data available, infiltration not detected, spy in the works, Evidence: Dying citadel) and fleet intentional flaw introduced, flaw not detected, Plans delivered man's statement Rebellion able message to daughter about flaw, able to deliver the to Rebellion/ to extract plans AND plans of DS-1 to the Rebellion Princess When Date Long time ago AND Daughter Time NA Message from Planted there knows plan Different, unusual, unique Only one of its kind abducted father Gotta have a by angry father exists Where Facility, site A Galaxy far, far away Forced to work tail pipe! on DS-1 Unit, area, equipment Death Star AND Task being performed Nasty things, testing of DS-1 Daughter Impact to the Goals AND AND Legend: Safety Lives lost AND DS-1 - Death Star One knows where pilot has plans are knowledge Environmental R2D2 - Plucky robot Debris scattered Father Property/ Equipment Death Star (DS-1) abducted AND Intentional flaw Path to reactor exists core Needed help is Flaw not Empire not as from Obi Wan with him! detected during smart as they construction/ thought! AND Plans in R2D2 Placed there by AND memory bank AND Empire attack on diplomatic mission Flaw not Death Star - considered "Ultimate power important in the Universe" Need to protect Photon torpedo plans AND

AND Plans are chance to stop Step 2 - Build the Cause Map Death Star Main reactor AND Technical plan - Add detail as information becomes available. chain reaction Existence of Analysis of Plucky robot - in hands of AND path discovered plans R2D2 The Force is rebellion The Force was strong with with them! Able to get Skywalker! Empire wants Safety Goal Lives lost torpedo to path plans back Impacted AND entrance AND AND Must find Obi The Force was Wan used! R2D2 on As with any Cause Map, as new information AND surfaces, we need to update the map to Environmental Debris Destruction of AND incorporate the changes forced by the Goal Impacted scattered Death Star AND AND Sneaky revelations and learnings. The evil Empire is no AND Escaped from exception! In a roguish twist, we have found Single ships - X that there were other causes in motion when Use of devilish wing fighters Team of - the powerful Death Star 1 was destroyed. reactor AND and Property/ Equipment Death Star lost Planted tracking Tracked Goal Impacted device AND To find Rebel Millennium R2D2 escaped base Falcon from Tatooine The dark side Death Star Death Star at approachable rebel base AND Empire allows AND buy rebel ships AND

For a free copy of our Root Cause Analysis Template in Microsoft Excel, used to create this page, visit our web site. Tracking device To destroy AND not discovered Rebel base AND These are Desire to crush seriously bad - the Rebellion! Investigate Problems. Prevent Problems. Millennium bad guys! Houston, Texas 281-412-7766 ThinkReliability.com Desire to crush Dark side of the Falcon rebellion Force Copyright ThinkReliability 2017