



fT. E. PAGE, C.H., LITT.D. tE. CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. tW. H. D. ROUSE, litt.d.

L. A. POST, l.h.d. E. H. WARMIXGTON. m.a., f.r.hist.soc.















BooKS XXXIII, XXXIV, and XXXV of Pliny's Natural History contain interesting accounts of minerals and mining and of the history of art. Mr. H. Rackham left when he died a translation in typescript vvith a few footnotes. The Latin text has been prepared by Prof. E. H. Warmington, who has also added the critical notes on this text, many footnotes on the translation, and marginal helps, Some parts of the translation were completely re-written by him. The sections on Greek art were read and criticised by Prof. T. B. L. Webster, to whom thanks are now duly rendered. The codices cited in the critical notes on the Latin text are as follows : B = Bambergensis ; cd. Leid.

Voss. = V ; cd. Leid. Lips. = F ; cd. Chiffl{eiianus)

= f ; cd. Flor. Ricc. = R ; cc?. Par. Lat. 6797 = d ; c^.

Par. 6801 = h ; cd. Vind. CCXXXIV = a ; cd. ToleL = T.





1. Metalla niinc ipsaeque opes et rerum pretia di- centur, tellurem intus exquirente cura multiplici modo, quippe alibi divitiis foditur ^ quaerente vita aurum, argentum, , aes, alibi deliciis gemmas et parietum lignorumque ^ pigmenta, alibi temeritati ferrum, auro etiam gratius inter bella caedesque. persequimur omnes eius fibras vivimusque super excavatam, mirantes dehiscere aliquando aut intre- mescere illam, ceu vero non hoc indignatione sacrae 2 parentis exprimi possit. imus in viscera et in sede manium opes quaerimus, tamquam parum benigna ^ fertilique qua calcatur ; et inter haec minimum remediorum gratia scrutamur, quoto enim cuique fodiendi causa medicina est ? quamquam et hoc summa sui parte tribuit ut fruges, larga facihsque in

^ ante quippe transferewlum aut fodinis vel e fodini.s legendum coni. Mayhoff. ^ lignorumque {vel signorumque) Mayhoff : pictorum Detlefsen: digitorumque cdd. {rectet): delieiis parietum digitorumque gemmas et pigmenta Bergk. ^ V .11. caecatur, cecatur, secatur.

" Elecirum, properly amber, was a word applied to an of and , and also to native argentiferous gold, be- cause of their resemblance in colour. —



I. Our topic now will be , and the actual MetaU. resources employed to pay for commodities resources diligently sought for in the bowels of the earth in a variety of ways. For in some places the earth is dug into for riches, when life demands gold, silver, silver-gold " and , and in other places for luxury, when gems and colours for tinting walls and beams are demanded, and in other places for rash valour, when the demand is for iron, which amid warfare and slaughter is even more prized than gold. \Ve trace out all the fibres of the earth, and live above the hollows we have made in her, marvel- ling that occasionally she gapes open or begins to tremble—as if forsooth it were not possible that this may be an expression of the indignation of our holy parent ! We penetrate her inner parts and seek for riches in the abode of the spirits of the departed, as though the part w^here we tread upon her were not sufficiently bounteous and fertile. And amid all this the smallest object of our searching is for the sake of remedies for illness, for with what fraction of mankind is medicine the object of this delving? Although medicines also earth bestows upon us on her surface, as she bestows corn, bountiful and !


3 omnibus, quaecumque prosunt. illa nos peremunt,

illa nos ad inferos agunt, quae occultavit atque demersit, illa, quae non nascuntur repente, ut ^ mens ad inane evolans reputet, quae deinde futura sit finis omnibus saeculis exhauriendi eam, quo usque penetratura avaritia. quam innocens, quam beata, immo vero etiam delicata esset vita, si nihil aliunde quam supra terras concupisceret, breviterque, nisi ^ quod secum est 4 IL Eruitur aurum et chrysocolla iuxta, ut pre- tiosior videatur, nomen ex auro custodiens. parum enim erat unam vitae invenisse pestem, nisi in pretio esset auri etiam sanies. quaerebat argentum avari-

tia ; boni consuluit interim invenisse minium ruben- tisque terrae excogitavit usum. heu prodiga ingenia,

quot modis auximus pretia rerum ! accessit ars picturae, et aurum argentumque caelando carius fecimus. didicit homo naturam provocare. auxere

et artem vitiorum inritamenta ; in pocuHs libidines r> caelare iuvit ac per obscenitates bibere. abiecta deinde sunt haec ac ^ sordere coepere, ut ^ auri argentique nimium fuit. murrina ex eadem tellure et crystalHna effodimus, quibus prctium faceret ipsa fragilitas. hoc argumentum opum, haec vera luxu-

' repente ut Mayhojf : iit repente aut repente. ^ V.l. haberetque non nisi. ^ ac Mayhoff : abs B : et rell. * ut Mayhoff : et.

" XpuaoKoAAa, 'gold-solder.' This is malachite, basic copper carbonate.

* See§§ 111 ff. * Or possibly finest agate. 4 BOOK XXXIII. I. wi. =;

generous as she is in all things for our benefit ! The things that she has concealed and hidden under- ground, those that do not quickly come to birth, are the things that destroy us and drive us to the depths belovv ; so that suddenly the mind soars aloft into the void and ponders what finally \vill be the end of draining her dr^' in all the ages, what will be the point to which avarice vriW penetrate. How innocent, how blissful, nay even how luxurious life might be, if it coveted nothing from any source but the surface of the earth, and, to speak briefly, nothing but what lies ready to her hand ! II. Gold is dug out of the earth and in proximity to


riae gloria existimata est, habere quod posset statim perire totum. nec hoc fuit satis. turba gemmarum potamus et zmaragdis teximus calices, ac temulentiae causa tenere Indiam iuvat. aurum iam accessio est. 6 III. utinamque posset e vita in totum abdicari [sacrum fame, ut celeberrimi auctores dixere] ^ proscissum conviciis ab optimis quibusque et ad perni- ciem vitae repertum, quanto feliciore aevo, cum res ipsae permutabantur inter sese, sicut et Troianis

temporibus factitatum Homero credi convenit ! ita enim, ut opinor, commercia victus gratia inventa.^ 7 alios coriis boum, alios ferro captivisque res ^ empti- tasse tradit. quare,^ quamquam ipse iam mirator auri,^ pecore ^ aestimationes rerum ita fccit, ut c boum arma aurea permutasse Glaucum diceret cum Diomedis armis viiii boum. ex qua consuetudine multa legum antiquarum pecore constat etiam Romae. 8 IV. Pessimum vitae scelus fecit qui primus induit digitis, nec hoc quis fecerit traditur. nam de Pro- metheo omnia fabulosa arbitror, quamquam illi quoque ferreum anulum dedit antiquitas vinculumque id, non gestamen, intellegi voluit. Midae quidem anulum, quo circumacto habentem nemo cerneret,

1 Seclusit J. Muller. 2 inventa cd. Par. 6801 : invecta rell. ^ res Detlefsen : nierum coni. lan : vinum Bergk : rebus

codd. (rerus B^ : reru B^). * quare MayhofJ : qua B^ : qua B^ : om. rell. ^ ]\l. miratus auri. ^ pecore Mayhoff : pec : B^ pec B"^ : et aut om. rell.

" The MSS. here insert a clause (' aocursed by hunger, as vcry famous writcrs have said ') adapted from Virgirs famous

' phrase in Aen. Ilf . .57 : auri sacra fames.' 6 BOOK XXXIII. II. 5-iv. 8 of wealth, the true glory of luxury, to possess some- thing that might be absolutely destroyed in a moment.

Xor was this enough : we drink out of a crowd of precious stones, and set our cups ^vith emeralds, we take dehght in holding India for the purpose of tippUng, and gold is now a mere accessory. III. And would that it ° could be entirely banished from Hfe, reviled and abused as it is by all the worthiest people, and only discovered for the ruin of human life—how far happier was the period when goods themselves were interchanged by barter, as it i-^ agreed we must take it from ^ to have been the custom even in the days of Troy. That in my view was the way in which trade was discovered, to procure the necessities of Hfe. Homer relates how some people used to make their purchases with ox-hides, others with iron and captives, and consequently, al- though even Homer himself <^ was already an admirer of gold, he reckoned the value of goods in cattle, saying that Glaucus exchanged gold armour worth 100 beeves with that of Diomede worth 9 beeves. And as a result of this custom even at Rome a fine under the old laws is priced in cattle. lY. The worst crime against man's Hfe was Ooid riTtjs committed by the person who first put gold on his fingers, though it is not recorded who did this, for I deem the whole story of Prometheus mythical, although antiquity assigned to him also an iron ring, and intended this to be understood as a fetter, not an ornament. As for the story of Midas's ring, which when turned round made its wearer invisible,

* Horaer, II. VII. 472 S. « II. VI. 234-6. PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

9 quis non etiam fabiilosiorem fateatur ? manus et prorsus sinistrae maximam auctoritatem conciliavere auro, non quidem Romanae, quarum ^ in more ferrei

erant ut ^ virtutis bellicae insigne. De regibus Romanis non facile dixerim. nullum habet Romuli in Capitolio statua nec praeier Numae

Serviique Tullii alia ac ne Lucii quidem Bruti. hoc in Tarquiniis maxime miror, quorum e Graecia fuit origo, unde hic anulorum usus venit, quamquam 10 etiam nunc Lacedaemone ferreo utuntur. sed a Prisco Tarquinio omnium primo filium, cum in praetextae annis occidisset hostem, bulla aurea donatum constat, unde mos bullae duravit, ut

eorum, qui equo meruissent, fiUi insigne id haberent,

ceteri lorum ; et ideo miror Tarquinii eius statuam

sine anulo esse. quamquam et de nomine ipso

ambigi video. Graeci a digitis appellavere, apud nos

prisci unguhim vocabant, postea et Graeci et nostri

11 symbolum, longo certe tempore ne senatum quidem

^ romani quorum cd. Par. 6801. 2 ut Hardouin : et.

° Sinistra suggests ' unlucky,' ' sinister.' ^ One of the two first consuls (509 B.c), not a king. <^ The white toga with a purple border worn by free-born boys at Rome until they were declared to be of age, between 14 and 16, and assumcd the toga pura or virilis, the white woollen cloak of the Roman citizen. ^* AaKTvXios, from Sa/fTuAoj. 8 BOOK XXXIII. IV. 8-1 1 who would not admit this to be more mythical still ? It was the hand and what is more the left ^ hand, that first won for gold such high esteem ; not indeed a Roman hand, whose custom it was to wear an iron ring as an emblem of warHke valour. As to the Roman kings I find it hard to make a Ring-': and statement. The statue of Romulus in the Capitol th^e^Roman has nothing, nor has any other king's statue excep- monarchk ting those of Numa and Servius Tullius, and not even that of Lucius Brutus.^ I am especially surprised at this in the case of the Tarquins, who came originally from , the country from which this fashion in rings came, although an iron ring is worn in even at the present day. But of all, Tarquinius Priscus, it is well known, first presented his son with a golden amulet when while still of an age to wear

'^ the bordered robe he had killed an enemy in battle ; and from that time on the custom of the amulet has continued as a distinction to be worn by the sons of those who have served in the cavalry, the sons of all others only wearing a leather strap. Owing to this I am surprised that the statue of that Tarquin has no ring. All the same, I notice that there is a difference of opinion even about the actual word for a ring. The Greek name ^ for it is derived from the word meaning a finger ; ^Wth ourselves, in early days it was called ' ungulus,' ^ but afterwards both our people and the Greeks give it the name of 'symbolum.'/ For a long period indeed, it is quite

* The word survives in fragments of early poetry. f Greek avix^oXov, originally meaning two parts of a coin or other object broken in half to serve as a means of identifica- tion because tallying when put together; and so the word was used to denote any token or symbol. PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

Romanum habuisse aureos manifestum est, siquidem iis tantum, qui legati ad exteras gentes ituri essent, anuli publice dabantur, credo, quoniam ita exterorum honoratissimi intellegebantur. neque ahis uti mos fuit (^uam qui ex ea causa pubhce accepissent, volgoque sic triumphabant et, cum corona ex auro Etrusca sus- tineretur a tergo, anulus tamcn in digito ferreus erat aeque triumphantis et servi prae ^ se coronam sus- tinentis. sic triumphavit de lugurtha C. Marius aureumque non ante tertium consulatum sumpsisse traditur. ii quoque, qui ob legationem acceperant aureos, in pubhco tantum utebantur iis, intra domos vero ferreis, quo argumento etiam nunc sponsae muneris vice ferreus anulus mittitur, isque sine gemma. equidem nec Ihacis temporibus ullos fuisse anulos video. nusquam certe Homerus dicit, cum et codicillos missitatos epistularum gratia indicet et conditas arcis vestes ac vasa aurea argenteaque et eas colligatas ^ nodi, non anuli, nota. sortiri quoque contra provocationes duces non anuhs tradit, fabricae etiam deum fibulas et aha muhebris cultus, sicut

^ prae se Mayhoff {qni et forte coni.): fortasse cdd.: del. edd. vett. ^ consignatas coni. Mayhoff.

<• I.e. by the future bridegroom; it was called anulus pronuhus.

«• II. VT. 168-9. ' Od. VIII. 424, 438-41, 443, 447. <* II. VII. 171, 175; KXrjpoi Mots,' were raoulded out of clay, but it is not said that they were markcd with the chiefs' signet rings.

« Hephaestus. See //. XVIII. 400 ff. 10 «;


c!car, not even members of the liad and in th< gold rings, inasmuch as rings were bestowed officially p^^yjj^"" on men about to go as envoys to foreign nations, and on them only, the reason no doubt being that the most highly honoured foreigners were recognized in this way. Nor was it the custom for any others to wear a gold ring than those on whom one had been officially bestowed for the reason stated ; and customarily Roman generals went in triumph with- out one, and although a Tuscan crown of gold was held over the victor's head from behind, nevertheless he wore an iron ring on his finger when going in triumph, just the same as the slave holding the crown in front of himself. This was the way in which Gaius Marius celebrated his triumph over Jugurtha, and it is recorded that he did not assume J=^°- ^» a gold ring till his third tenure of the consulship. io3 b!c:. Those moreover who had been given gold rings because they were going on an embassy only wore them in pubUc, but in their homes wore iron rings this is the reason why even now an iron ring and what is more a ring without any stone in it is sent as a gift to a woman when betrothed. Indeed I Rms in ^^'""^'- do not find that any rings were worn in the Trojan period ; at all events Homer nowhere mentions them, although he shows that tablets ^ used to be sent to and fro in place of letters, and that clothes and gold and silver vessels were stored away in chests ^ and were tied up with signet-knots, not sealed with signet-rings. Also he records the chiefs as casting lots about meeting a challenge from the ^ enemy without using signet-rings ; and he also says that the god ^ of handicraft in the original period frequently made brooches and other articles of

II —


inaures, in primordio factitasse, sine mentione

13 anulorum. et quisquis primus instituit, cunctanter

id fecit : laevis manibus latentibusque induit, cum,

si honos securus fuisset, dextra fuerit ostentandus.

quodsi impedimentum potuit in eo aliquod intellegi,

^ etiam serioris usus argumentum est : maius in laeva

fuisset, qua scutum capitur. est quidem apud eundem Homerum virorum crinibus aurum inplexum ; ideo nescio an prior usus feminis coeperit.

14 V. Romae ne fuit quidem aurum nisi admodum exiguum longo tempore. certe cum a Gallis capta

urbe pax emeretur, non plus quam mille pondo effici potuere. nec ignoro mm pondo auri perisse Pompeii

III consultu e Capitolini lovis solio a Camillo ibi condita, et ideo a plerisque existimari mm pondo coUata. sed quod accessit, ex Gallorum praeda fuit

detractumque ab iis in parte captae urbis delubris

15 Gallos cum auro pugnare solitos Torquatus indicio

est— ; apparet ergo Gallorum templorumque tan- tundem nec amplius fuisse. quod quidem in

^ est cdd. (est et B) : esset Mayhojf.

» II. XVII. 52. * Victor over the Gauls in 390 b.c. '^ T. Manliiis obtained this surname from the gold necklace, lorques, which he took from a Gaul whom he slew in single combat in 3()U b.c. BOOK XXXIII. IV. I2-V. 15 feminine finery like earrings—without mentioning finger-rings. And whoever first introduced them did so with hesitation, and put them on the left hand, which is generally hidden by the clothes, whereas it would have been shown off on the right hand if it had been an assured distinction. And if this might possibly have been thought to involve some inter- ference with the use of the right hand, there is the proof of more modern custom ; it would have also been more inconvenient to wear it on the left hand, which holds the shield. Indeed it is also stated, by Homer ^ again, that men wore gold plaited in their hair and consequently I cannot say whether the use of gold originated from women.

\ . At Rome for a long time gold was actually Roman not to be found at all except in very small amounts. ^goid. At all events when peace had to be purchased after the capture of the City by the Gauls, not more than 390 b.c. a thousand pounds' weight of gold could be produced. I am aware of the fact that in Pompey's third consul- 52 b.o, ship there was lost from the throne of Jupiter of the Capitol two thousand pounds' weight of gold that had been stored there by Camillus,^ which led to a general beUef that 2000 pounds was the amount that had been accumulated. But really the addi- tional sum was part of the booty taken from the Gauls, and it had been stripped by them from the temples in the part of the city which they had captured—the case of Torquatus ^ shows that the Gauls were in the habit of wearing gold ornaments in battle ; therefore it appears that the gold belong- ing to the Gauls and that belonging to the temples did not amount to more than that total ; and this in fact was taken to be the meaning contained in the


augiirio intellectum est, cum Capitolinus duplum reddidisset. Illud quoque obiter indicari convenit—etiam^ de

anulis sermonem repetivimus— , aedituum custodiae eius conprehensum fracta in ore anuli gemma statim 10 expirasseet indicium itaextinctum. ergo vel^maxime MM tantum pondo, cum capta est Roma, anno ccclxiiii fuere, cum iam capitum liberorum censa essent cLii DLXXiii. in eadem post annos cccvii, quod ex Capitolinae aedis incendio ceterisque omnibus delubris C. Marius filius Praeneste detulerat,^ xnri ^ pondo, quae sub eo titulo in triumpho transtulit SuHa et argenti vi.^ idem ex reliqua omni victoria pridie transtulerat auri pondo xv, argenti p. cxv. 17 VI. Frequentior autem usus anulorum non ante Cn. Flavium Anni filium deprehenditur. hic namque publicatis diebus fastis, quos populus a paucis principum cotidie petebat, tantam gratiam plebei adeptus est—Hbertino patre aHoqui genitus et ipse scriba Appi Caeci, cuius hortatu exceperat eos dies consultando adsidue sagaci ingenio promulgaratque

^ etiam B: quoniam rell. : et iam lan: etenim coni. Ma>/hoff. 2"vel L. C. Ptir.ser: ut. ^ detulerat, erant coni. Mayhoff. ^ xiiii lan : xiiii B : xm rell. (tredeeim milia cd. Par. 080 IJ^ ^ VI lan : vi.

" The reference has not been explained. * It eontained a poiaon, cf. § 2G. « By the Gauls in 390 n.c. •* Appius Claudius, censor in 312 b.c. and buiider of the Appian Way.

14 BOOK XXXIII. V. 15-V1. 17

aiigury," when Jupiter the God of the Capitol had repaid twofold. Also, as we began on this topic from the subject of rings, it is suitable incidentally to point out that the official in charge of the temple of Jupiter of the Capitol when he was arrested broke the stone ^ of his ring between his teeth and at once expired, so putting an end to any possibility of proving the theft. It follows that there w^as only 2,000 Ibs. weight of gold at the outside when Rome was cap- tured in its 364th year,'' although the census showed there were already 152,573 free citizens. From the same city 307 years later the gold that Gaius Marius 82 b.c. the younger had conveyed to Palestrina from the conflagration of the temple of the Capitol and from all the other shrines amounted to 14,000 Ibs., which with a placard above it to that effect was carried along in his triumphal procession by , as well as 8I b.o. 6,000 Ibs. weight of silver. Sulla had Hkewise on the previous day carried in procession 15,000 Ibs. of gold and 115,000 Ibs. of silver as the proceeds of all the rest of his victories. VI. It does not appear that rings were in more Moreabout

common use before the time of Gnaeus Flavius son ^^pubiican of Annius. It was he who first pubUshed the dates v^riod.

for legal proceedings, which it had been customary 305-4 b.c. for the general pubhc to ascertain by daily enquiry

from a few of the leading citizens ; and this won him such great popularity with the common people—he was also the son of a hberated slave and himself a clerk to Appius Caecus,^ at w hose request he had by dint of natural shrewdness through continual observation picked out those days and published them—that he was appointed a curule


— , ut aedilis curulis crearetur cum Q. Anicio Prae- nestino, qui paucis ante annis hostis fuisset, prae-

teritis C. Poetilio et Domitio, quorum patres consules

18 fuerant. additum Flavio, ut simul et tribunus plebei

esset, quo facto tanta indignatio exarsit, ut anulos

abiectos in antiquissimis reperiatur annalibus. fallit

plerosque quod tum et equestrem ordinem id fecisse

arbitrantur ; etenim adiectum hoc quoque sed et phaleras positas propterque hoc nomen equitum adiec-

tum est, anulosque depositos a nobilitate in annales

relatum est, non a senatu universo. hoc actum P. ii) Sempronio L. Sulpicio cos. Flavius vovit aedem

Concordiae, si populo reconciliassct ordines, et, cum ad id pecunia publice non decerneretur, ex multaticia

faeneratoribus condemnatis aediculam aeream fecit in Graecostasi, quae tunc supra comitium erat,

inciditque in tabella aerea factam eam aedem

"20 cciiii annis post Capitolinam dedicatam. id a.^

ccccxxxxviiii a condita urbe gestum est et primum

anulorum vestigium extat ; promiscui autem usus alterum secundo Punico bello, neque enim aliter

' propterque hoc -RacMam : aliialia: propterque. 2 id a. (anno) C. F. W. Muller : ita.

" Probably in the war with the twelve tribes of Etruria, who were ronquered by Fabius at Lake Vadimo, 310 B.f. ** A platform Greek and, later, any foreign envoys could watch proceedings. It was later placed in the Forum. i6 BOOK XXXIII. VI. 17-20 aedile as a coileague of Quintus Anieius of Palestrina, who a few years previously had been an enemy at war with llome,*^ while Gaius Poetilius and Domi- tius, whose fathers had been consuls, were passed over. Flavius had the additional advantage of being at the same time. This caused such an outburst of blazing indignation that we find in the oldest annals ' rings were laid aside.' The common belief that the Order of Knighthood also did the same on this occasion is erroneous, inasmuch as the following v.ords w^ere also

* added : but also harness-bosses were put aside as

' well ; and it is because of this clause that the name of the Knights has been added ; and the entry in the annals is that the rings were laid aside by the nobihty, not by the entire Senate. This occurrence took place in the consulship of Publius Sempronius 305 b.c and Lucius Sulpicius. Flavius made a vow to erect a temple to Concord if he succeeded in effecting a reconcihation between the privileged orders and the people ; and as money was not allotted for this purpose from pubhc funds, he drew on the fine- money collected from persons convicted of prac- tising usury to erect a small shrine made of on the Graecostasis,^ which at that date stood above the Assembly-place, and put on it an inscription engraved on a bronze tablet that the shrine had been constructed 204 years after the consecration of the CapitoUne temple. This event took place in the 44:9th year from the foundation of the city, and 305 b.o. is the earliest evidence to be found of the use of rings. There is however a second piece of evidence Ibr their being commonly worn at the time of the Second Punic War, as had this not been the case it


potuisset trimodia anulorum illa Carthaginem ab Hannibale mitti. inter Caepionem quoque et Dru- sum ex anulo in auctione venali intimicitiae coepere,

21 unde origo socialis belli et exitia rerum. ne tunc quidem omnes senatores habuere, utpote cum memo-

ria avorum multi praetura quoque functi in ferreo consenuerint—sicut Calpurnium et Manilium, qui legatus C. Marii fuerit lugurthino bello, Fenestella tradit, et multi L. Fufidium illum, ad quem Scaurus

de vita sua scripsit— , in Quintiorum vero familia aurum ne feminas quidem habere mos fuerit, nullos- que omnino maior pars gentium hominumque, etiam qui sub imperio nostro degunt, hodieque habeat.

non signat oriens aut Aegyptus etiam nunc litteris

contenta solis. 22 Multis hoc modis, ut cetera omnia, hixuria variavit gemmas addendo exquisiti fulgoris censuque opimo

digitos onerando, sicut dicemus in gemmarum volu-

mine, mox et effigies varias caelando, ut alibi ars,

ahbi materia esset in pretio. alias dein gemmas

violari nefas putavit ac, ne quis signandi causam in 23 anulis esse intellegeret, soHdas induit. quasdam

" This was after the battle of Cannae in 216 b.c. says 3^ peeks, Florus savs 2. " The so-called SociafWar, 91-88 b.c. « This statement is untrue. i8 BOOK XXXIII. VI. 20-23 woiild not have been possible for the three <* pecks of rings as recorded to have been sent by Hannibal to Carthage. Also it was from a ring put up for sale by auction that the quarrel between Caepio and Drusus began which was the primary cause of the war with the allies ^ and the disasters that sprang from it. Not even at that period did all members of the senate possess gold rings, seeing that in the memory of our grandfathers many men who had even held the office of wore an iron ring to the end of their Hves—for instance, as recorded by Fenestella, Calpurnius and ManiUus, the latter ha^-ing been

Ueutenant-general under Gaius Marius in the war 112-106 b.c. with Jugurtha, and, according to many authorities, the Lucius Fufidius to whom Scaurus dedicated his Autobiography—while another piece of evidence is that in the family of the Quintii it was not even customary for the women to have a gold ring, and that the greater part of the races of mankind, and even of the people who live under our empire and at the present day, possess no rings at all. The East and Egypt do not '^ seal documents even now, but are content with a \^Titten signature.

This fashion hke everj^thing else luxury has diversi- Methods of fied in numerous ways, by adding to rings gems of^^^y exquisite brilliance, and by loading the fingers with a wealthy revenue (as we shall mention in our book xxxvri. on gems) and then by engraving on them a variety ' **^' of devices, so that in one case the craftsmanship and in another the material constitutes the value. Then again with other gems luxury has deemed it sacrilege for them to undergo violation, and has caused them to be worn whole, to prevent anybody's imagin- ing that people's finger-rings were intended for

19 —


vero neque ab ea parte, qua dioito occultantur, ^ auro clusit aurum(|ue millis ^ lapillorum vilius fecit. contra vero multi nullas admittunt gemmas auroque ipso signant. id Claudii Caesaris principatu reper- tum. nec non et servitia iam ferrum auro cingunt

alia per sese mero auro decorant— , cuius licentiae origo nomine ipso in Samothrace id institutum declarat.

'A Singulis primo digitis geri mos fuerat, qui sunt minimis proximi. sic in Numae et Servi Tullii statuis videmus. postea pollici proximo induere, etiam in ^ deorum simulacris, dein iuvit et minimo dare. Galliae Brittanniaeque medio dicuntur usae. hic nunc solus excipitur, ceteri omnes onerantur, atque

!5 etiam privatim articuh" minoribus ahis. sunt qui uni tantum minimo congerant, ahi vero et huic tantum unum, quo signantem signent. conditus

ille, ut res rara et iniuria usus indigna, velut e sacrario promitur, ut et unum in minimo digito habuisse pretiosioris in recondito supellectihs osten-

tatio sit. iam ahi pondera eorum ostentant. aliis phires quam unum gestare hibor est, ahi bratteas

^ r./. qiiae digito occultatur. ^ miliis lan: micis Gronov: vilibus coni. Urlichs: millib.

B^ : milibus. 3 in add. Mayhnff.

" Or possibly 'that finger-rings contained a motive for sealing documents,' i.e., that people were ready to seal deeds in order to show olf the engraved stones. " yiaves wore iron rings, a symbol of captivity.

<^ I.e. they were called Samothracian rings. 20 ;


" sealing documents ! Some gems indeed luxury has left showing in the gold even on the side of the ring that is hidden by the finger, and has cheapened the gold with collars of little pebbles. But on the contrary many people do not alloAV any gems in a signet-ring, and seal with the gold itself ; this was a fashion invented when Claudius Caesar was emperor. Moreover even slaves nowadays encircle the iron of their rings ^ with gold (other articles all over them they decorate with pure gold), an extravagance the origin of which is shown by its actual name <^ to have been instituted in Samothrace. It had originally been the custom to wear rings on one finger only, the one next the Httle finger that is how we see them on the statues of Numa and Servius TuUius. Afterwards people put them on the finger next the thumb, even in the case of statues of the gods, and next it pleased them to give the little finger also a ring. The GalHc Provinces and the British Islands are said to have used the middle finger. At the present day this is the only finger exempted, while all the others bear the burden, and even each finger-joint has another smaller ring of its own. Some people put all their rings on their little finger only, while others wear only one ring even on that finger, and use it to seal up their signet ring, which is kept stored away as a rarity not deserving the insult of common use, and is brought out from its cabinet as from a sanctuary ; thus even wearing a single ring on the little finger may advertise the possession of a costlier piece of apparatus put away in store. Some again show off the weight of their rings ; others count it hard work to wear more than one ; and others consider that filling the gold tinsel !


infercire leviore materia propter casum tiitius gem-

marum sollicitudini putant, alii sub gemmis venena cludunt, sicut Demosthenes summus Graeciae orator, 26 anulosque mortis gratia habent. denique vel ^ plu-

rima opum scelera anuUs fiunt. quae fuit illa vita priscorum, qualis innocentia, in qua nihil signabatur nunc cibi quoque ac potus anulo vindicantur a rapina. hoc profecere mancipiorum legiones, in domo turba externa ac iam servorum quoque causa nomenclator adhibendus. ahter apud antiquos singuh Marcipores Luciporesve dominorum gentiles omnem victum in promiscuo habebant, nec ulla domi a domesticis -7 custodia opus erat. nunc rapiendae conparantur epulae pariterque qui rapiant eas, et claves quoque

ipsas signasse non est satis. gravatis somno aut morientibus anuh detrahuntur, maiorque vitae ratio circa hoc instrumentum esse coepit, incertum a quo tempore. videmur tamen posse in externis auctori- tatem eius rei inteUegere circa Polycraten Sami

tyrannum, cui dilectus ille anulus in mare abiectus capto relatus est pisce, ipso circiter ccxxx urbis

^ vel Bergk : ut.

" , Vil. Denwsih. 29 reports a statement that Demosthenes always carried a poison in a bracelet on his arm, and that he killed himself with it to avoid falHng into the hands of Antipater of Macedon, 322 b.c. * I.e. documents are forged and sealed with faked signet- rings. " He was put to death c. 515 u.v. by the Persian Oroetes. 22 a

BOOK XXXIII. VI. 25-27 of the circle with a lighter material, in case of their dropping, is a safer precaution for their anxiety aboiit their gems ; others enclose poisons underneath the stones in their rings, as did Demosthenes,'^ the greatest orator of Greece, and they wear their rings as a means of taking their own Hves. Finally, a very great number of the crimes connected with money are carried out by means of rings.^ To think what Hfe was in the days of old, and what innocence existed when nothing was sealed ! WTiereas now- adays even articles of food and drink have to be protected against theft by means of a ring : this is the progress achieved by our legions of slaves— foreign rabble in one's home, so that an attendant to tell people's names now has to be employed even in the case of one's slaves I This was not the way with by-gone generations, when a single servant for each master, a member of his master's clan, Marcius's boy or Lucius's boy, took all his meals with the family in common, nor was there any need of precautions in the home to keep watch on the domestics. Nowadays we acquire sumptuous viands only to be pilfered and at the same time acquire people to pilfer them, and it is not enough to keep our keys themselves under seal : while we are fast asleep or on our death-beds, our rings are sHpped off our fingers; and the more important concerns of our hfe have begun to centre round that tool, though when this began is doubtful. Still it seems we can reahze the importance this article possesses abroad in the case of the tyrant of , Polycrates, who flung his favourite ring into the sea and had it brought back to him inside a fish which had been

'^ caught : Polycrates himself was put to death PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

28 nostrae annum interfecto. celebratior quidem usus

cum faenore coepisse dehet. argumento est con-

suetudo volgi, ad sponsiones etiamnum ^ anulo exiliente, tracta ab eo tempore, quo nondum erat arra velocior, ut plane adfirmare possimus nummos ante apud nos, mox anulos coepisse. de nummis paulo post dicetur. 29 VII. Anuli distinxere alterum ordinem a plebe, ut semel coeperant esse celebres, sicut tunica ab anulis senatum. quamquam et hoc sero, vulgoque purpura latiore tunicae usos invenimus etiam prae- cones, sicut patrem L. Aelii Stilonis Praeconini ob

id cognominati. sed anuli plane tertium ordinem mediumque plebei et patribus inseruere, ac quod antea militares equi nomen dederant, hoc nunc

pecuniae indices tribuunt. nec pridem id factum.

.30 divo Augusto decurias ordinante maior pars iudicum

in ferreo anulo fuit iique non equites, sed iudices vocabantur. equitum nomen subsistebat in turmis

equorum publicorum. iudicum quoque non nisi quattuor decuriae fuere primo, vixque singula milia in decuriis inventa sunt, nondum provinciis ad hoc

^ etiam nunc coni. Mayhoff.

" ' Son of the herald.' ^ Eques. 24 :

BOOK XXXIII. VI. 27-vii. 30 about the 230th year of the city of Rome. Still the 523 b.c. employment of a signet-ring must have begun to be much more frequent with the introduction of usury. This is proved by the custom of the lower classes, among whom even at the present day a ring is whipped out when a contract is being made ; the habit comes down from the time when there was as yet no speedier method of guaranteeing a bargain, so we can safely assert that w-iih us money begarf first and signet-rings came in afterwards. About money we shall speak rather later. VII. As soon as rings began to be commonly wearing of worn, they distinguished the second order from the Eqftlstrian commons, just as a tunic distinguished the senate ^'"''^- from those who wore the ring, although this distinc- tion also was only introduced at a late date, and we find that a wider purple stripe on the tunic was commonly worn even by heralds, for instance the father o'f Lucius Aehus Stilo Praeconinus, who received his surname ^ from his father's office. But wearing rings clearly introduced a third order, inter- mediate between the commons and the senate, and the title ^ that had previously been conferred by the possession of a war-horse is now assigned by money rates. This however is only a recent introduction when his late lamented Majesty made regulations for the judicial panels the majority of the judges belonged to the iron ring class, and these used to be designated not Knights but Justices; the title of Knights remained with the cavalry squadrons mounted at the pubhc charge. Of the Justices also there were at the first only four panels, and in each panel scarcely a thousand names were to be found, as the provinces had not yet been


mimus admissis, servatumque in hodiernum est, ne 31 quis e novis civibus in iis iudicaret. decuriae quoque ipsae pluribus discretae nominibus fuere, tribunorum aeris et selectorum et iudicum. praeter hos etiam- num nongenti vocabantur ex omnibus electi ad custodiendas sufFragiorum cistas in comitiis. et divisus hic quoque ordo erat superba usurpatione nominum, cum alius se nongentum, alius selectum, alius tribunum appellaret.

;52 VIII. Tiberii demum principatu ^ nono anno in unitatem venit equester ordo, anulorumque aucto- ritati forma constituta est C. Asinio Pollione C. Antistio Vetere cos. anno urbis conditae dcclxxv, quod miremur, futtili paene de causa, cum C. Sulpi- cius Galba, iuvenalem famam apud principem popina- rum poenis aucupatus, questus esset in senatu, volgo institores eius culpae defendi anulis. hac de causa constitutum, ne cui ius esset nisi qui ingenuus ipse, <^ingenuo)> ^ patre, avo paterno hs cccc census fuisset et lege luHa theatrali in quattuordecim ordinibus 33 sedisset. postea gregatim insigne id adpeti coeptum.

^ principatu B : principatus rell. * ingenuus ipse ingenuo Z)e

" Originally it seems officials (tribuni aerarii) who collected the property-tax from Roman citizens (until 167 B.c), and paid the soldiers out of a special fund. But in the first century B.c. they appear as an ordo in the state next below the equites. " Tiberius.

<= I.e. the gold ring of the Order of Knighthood, whose members often practised banking, tax-farming and otber bnsinosse?. •* The financial standing of aii equen. 26 BOOK XXXIII. vii. 30-viii. T^2

admitted to tliis duty ; and the regulation has survived to the present day that nobody newly admitted to citizenship shall serve as a justice 011 one of the panels. The panels themselves also were distinguished by various designations, as consisting of TriJDunes of the Money," Selected Members and Justices. Moreover beside these there were those styled the Nine Hundred, selected from the whole body as keepers of the ballot-boxes at elections. And the proud adoption of titles had made divisions in this order also, one person styHng himself a member of the Nine Hundred, another one of the Select, another a Tribune. \TII. Finally in the ninth year in office of the Emperor Tiberius the Order of Knights was united a.d. 14-3; ^D- 22. into a single body ; and in the Consulship of Gaius Asinius Polho and Gaius Antistius Vetus, in the 775th year since the foundation of Rome, a regulation

was estabUshed authorizing who should wear rings ; the motive for this, a thing that may surprise us, was virtually the futile reason that Gaius Sulpicius Galba had made a youthful effort to curry favour \nth the emperor ^ by enacting penalties for keeping eating-houses and had made a complaint in the senate that peddling tradesmen when charged with that offence commonly protected themselves by means of their rings.'' Consequently a rule was made that nobody should have this right except one who was himself a free-born man whose father and father's father had been free-born also, and who had been rated as the owner of 400,000 sesterces ^ and had been entitled under the JuHan law as to the theatre to sit in the fourtcen front rows of seats. Sub- sequently people began to apply in crowds for this 27 PLINY: NATUKAL HISTORY

propter haec discrimina C. princeps decuriam quintam

adiecit, tantumque enatum est fastus, ut, quae sub divo Augusto impleri non potuerant, decuriae non capiant eum ordinem, passimque ad ornamenta ea

etiam servitute liberati transiliant, quod antea num-

quam erat factum, quoniam ^ ferreo anulo et equites

iudicesque intellegebantur. adeoque id promiscuum

esse coepit, ut apud Claudium Caesarem in censura

eius unus ex equitibus Flavius Proculus cccc ex ea

causa reos postularet. ita dum separatur ordo ab

34 ingenuis, communicatus est cum servitiis. iudicum autem appellatione separare eum ordinem primi

omnium instituere Gracchi discordi popularitate in

contumeliam senatus, mox debellata auctoritas

nominis vario seditionum eventu circa publicanos

substitit et aliquamdiu tertiae sortis viri publicani

fuere. M. demum stabilivit equestre nomen

in consulatu suo Catilinianis rebus, ex eo ordine pro-

fectum se celebrans eiusque vires peculiari populari-

tate quaerens. ab illo tempore plane hoc tertium

corpus in re p. factum est, coepitque adici senatui

^ quoniam Mayhoff : qm in.

" In fact C. Gracchus, tribune 123-2 b.c. 28 •


mark of rank ; and in consequence of these distinc- tions within the order the Emperor Gaius Caligula added a fifth panel. and so much conceit has this occasioned that the panels which under his late lamented Majesty Augustus it had not been possible to fill will not hold that order, and there are frequent cases of men who are actually liberated slaves making a leap over to these distinctions, a thing that previouslv never occurred, since the iron ring was the distinguishing mark even of knights and judges. And the thing began to be so common that during the censorship of the Emperor Claudius a member a.d. 48. of the Order of Knighthood named Flavius Proculus laid before him information against 400 persons on this ground, so that an order intended to distinguish the holder from other men of free birth has been shared with slaves. It was the Gracchi" who first instituted the name of Justices or Judges as the distinguishing name of that order of knights— seditiously currpng favour with the people in order to humihate the senate ; but subsequently the importance of the title of Knight was swamped by the shifting currents of faction, and came down to be attached to the farmers of public revenues, and for some time these revenue officers constituted the third rank in the state. Finally Marcus Cicero, thanks to the Catilinarian affair, during his consulship 63 b.o. put the title of knighthood on a firm footing, boasting that he himself sprang from that order, and M'inning its powerful support by methods of securing popu- larity that were entirely his own. From that time onward the Knighthood definitely became a third element in the state, and the name of the Equestrian

Order came to be added to the formula ' The 29 PLINY: NATURAL HLSTORY

popiiloqiic Romano et equester ordo. qua de causa et nunc post populum scribitur, quia novissime coeptus est adici.

Sf) IX. Equitum quidem etiam nomen ipsum saepe

variatum est, in iis quoque, qui id ab equitatu tra- hebant. celeres sub Romulo regibusque sunt appel-

lati, deinde flexuntes, postea trossuli, cum oppidum

in Tuscis citra Volsinios p. vTni sine ullo peditum adiumento cepissent eius vocabuli, idque duravit 36 ultra C. Gracchum. lunius certe, qui ab amicitia eius Gracchanus appellatus est, scriptum reliquit his

verbis : Quod ad equestrem ordinem attinet, antea trossulos vocabant, nunc equites vocant ideo, quia non intellegunt trossulos nomen quid valeat, mul- tosque pudet eo nomine appellari. et causam, quae

supra indicata est, exponit invitosque etiamnum ^ tamen trossulos vocari. 37 X. Sunt adhuc aliquae non omittendae in auro differentiae. auxilia quippe et externos torquibus aureis donavere, at cives non nisi argenteis, praeter- que armillas civibus dedere, quas non dabant externis. 38 XI. lidem, quo magis miremur, coronas ex auro

dedere et civibus. quis primus donatus sit ea, non

^ etiamtum cojii. Mayhoff.

" But in fact the regular order of words was senate, equites, Roman people.

*• Trossum or Trossulum ; there are still remains of a town at Trosso, two miles from Monte Fiascone in Tuscany. 30 BOOK XXXIII. viii. 34-xi. t^^

Senate and People of Rome.' This is the reason why it is even now WTitten after " ' People,' because it was the latest addition introduced. IX. Indeed the very name of the Knights has itself frequently been altered, even in the case of those who derived the title from the fact of their serving as cavalry. Under Romulus and the Kings they were called the Celeres, then the Flexuntes and afterwards the Trossuh, because of their having without any assistance from infantry captured a town of that name ^ in Tuscany nine miles this side of \^olsinii ; and the name survived till after the time of . At all events in the writings left by Junius, who owing to his friendship with Gaius Gracchus was called Gracchanus, these

' words occur : So far as concerns the Equestrian Order they were previously called the TrossuH, but are now simply designated the Cavahy, because people do not know what the word TrossuH means and many of them are ashamed of being called by that name.' He goes on to explain the reason above indicated, and says that they were even in his time still called Trossuh, though they did not \vish to be. X. There are some additional particulars in Xeckiaces. regard to gold which must not be omitted. For instance our authorities actually bestowed gold necklaces on foreign soldiers, but only awarded sih'er ones to Roman citizens, and what is more they gave bracelets to citizens, which it was not their custom to o-ive to foreifjners. XI. But at the same time, as is even more Crowns oj surprising, they gave crowns of gold even to citizens. ^^ * Who was the first person to receive one I have not

31 ;!


inveni equidem ; quis primus donaverit, a L. Pisone

traditur : A. Postumius dictator apud lacum Regillum

castris Latinorum expugnatis eum, cuius maxime

opera capta essent. hanc coronam ex praeda is

dedit II 1.,^ item L. Lentulus consul Servio Cornelio

Merendae Samnitum oppido capto, sed hic quinque

^ librarum ; trium Piso Frugi filium ex privata pecunia

donavit eamque coronam testamento ei praelegavit.

39 XI L Deorum honoris causa in sacris nihil aliud

excogitatum est quam ut auratis cornibus hostiae,

maiores dumtaxat, immolarentur. sed in militia

quoque in tantum adolevit haec luxuria, ut M.

Bruti e Philippicis campis epistulae reperiantur

frementis fibulas tribunicias ex auro geri. ita,

Hercules ? idem enim tu, Brute, mulierum pedibus

aurum gestatum ^ tacuisti. et nos sceleris arguimus

illum, qui primus auro dignitatem per anulos fecit

habeant in lacertis iam quidem et viri, quod ex Dardanis venit—itaque et Dardanium vocabatur

40 viriolae Celtice dicuntur, viriae Celtiberice— ; habe- ant feminae in armilHs digitisque totis, collo, auribus,

spiris ; discurrant catenae circa latera et in secreto

^ dedit II 1. {i.e. iibrarum) MayhofJ : dedit cdd. (dedit

2 trium add. Hardouin coll. \'al. Max. IV. 3. 10. ^ gestatum B, cd. Colb. : gestari rell. 32 !;

BOOK XXXIII. XI. 38-xii. 40 myself been able to ascertain, but Lucius Piso records who was the first person to bestow one, namely the dictator Aulus Postumius, who when the camp of the Latins at Lake Regillus had been ^97 b.o. taken by storm awarded a gold crown to the soldier who had been chiefly responsible for taking the place. In this case the crown which he bestowed was made of gold taken from the booty captured, and weighed two pounds. Also Lucius Lentulus as consul awarded a gold crown to Servius Cornehus 275 b.o. Merenda after the taking of a town belonging to the Samnites, but Servius's crown weighed five pounds while Piso Frugi bestowed on his son one weighing three pounds out of his personal resources, leaving it to him by will as a specific legacy. XII. As a mark of honour to the gods at sacrifices Further no other means has been devised but to gild the ^ahoutgoid. horns of the victims to be immolated, at all events of full-grown animals. But in military service also this form of luxury has grown to such dimensions that we find a letter of Marcus Brutus sent from the Plains of PhiHppi expressing his indignation at 42 b.c. the brooches made of gold that were worn by the tribunes. Really I must protest ! Why, even you, Brutus, did not mention the gold worn on their feet by women, and we accuse of crime the man who first conferred dignity on gold by using gold rings Let even men nowadays wear gold bracelets—called * Dardania ' because the fashion came from the ' Dardani—the Celtic name for them is ' viriolae

' ' and the Celtiberian viriae ; let women have gold in their bracelets and covering their fingers and on their neck, ears and tresses, let gold chains run at raiidom round their waists ; and let little bags of PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

margaritarum sacculi e collo dominarum auro pen- deant, ut in somno quoque unionum conscientia

adsit : etiamne pedibus induetur atque inter stolam plebemque hunc medium feminarum equestrem ordinem faciet ? honestius viri paedagogis id damus, 41 balineasque dives puerorum forma convertit.^ iam vero et Harpocraten statuasque Aegyptiorum numi- num in digitis viri quoque portare incipiunt. fuit et aha Claudii principatu differentia insolens iis, quibus admissiones ^ liberae ^ ius ^ dedissent ^ imaginem principis ex auro in anulo gerendi, magna criminum occasione, quae omnia salutaris exortus A^espasiani imperatoris abolevit aequahter publicando principem. de anulis aureis usuque eorum hactenus sit dictum. 42 XIII. Proximum scelus fuit eius, qui primus ex auro denarium signavit, quod et ipsum latet auctore incerto. populus Romanus ne argento quidem sig- nato ante Pyrrhum regem devictum usus est. libraHs—unde etiam nunc Hbella dicitur et dupondius

—adpendebatur assis ; quare aeris gravis poena dicta, et adhuc expensa in rationibus dicuntur, item

^ converrit J. Mulhr. 2 admissiones Movimsen : admissionem cdd. pler. : admis- 8ion//i//s B-. 3 liberae B : Hberti rell. * ius Lips : eius, ^ dedisset coni. lan.

<» I.e. gold ornaments on tbe sandal-straps. " Said to have been the Egj^ptian god of silence. " I.e. committed against the welfare of mankind. The worst crime was tlie introduction of gold rings, § 8. ^ Equal in value to 25 silver denarii. « 'the as was reduced in weight in the Ist Punic War or soon after. •^ A piece worth two asses.

34 ;

BOOK XXXIII. XII. 40-xiii. 42 pearls han^ invisible suspended by gold chains from their lady owners' neck, so that even in their sleep they may retain the conscioiisness of possessing gems : but are even their feet to be shod with gold," and shall gold create this female Order of Knight- hood, intermediate between the matron's robe and the common people ? Much more becomingly do we men bestow this on our page-boys, and the wealthy show these lads make has quite transformed the pubhc baths ! But nowadays even men are beginning to wear on their fingers a representation of Harpocrates ^ and figures of Egyptian deities. In the time of the Emperor Claudius there was also a.d. 41-54. another unusual distinction, belonging to those whose rights of free access to the presence had given them the privilege of wearing a gold likeness of the emperor on a ring, this affording a great opportunity for informations ; but all of this was however entirely aboHshed by the opportune rise to power of the Emperor Vespasian, by making the a.d. 69-79. emperor equally accessible to all. Let this suffice for a discussion of the subject of gold rings and their employment.

XIII. Next in degree was the crime committed <^ Roman by the person who first coined a gold denarius,^ a in'three crime which itself also is hidden and its author un- metais. known. The Roman nation did not even use a stamped silver coinage before the conquest of King 275 b.c. Pyrrhus. The as weighed one pound—hence the

' ^ ' ' term still in use, ' httle pound and two pounder / this is the reason why a fine is specified in ' heavy bronze,'^ and why in book-keeping outlay is still designated as ' sums weighed out,' and Ukewise

On aes, see XXXIV. 1, note. 35 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

43 inpendia et dependere, quin et militum stipendia,

hoc est stipis pondera, dispensatores, libripendes, qua

consuetudine in iis emptionibus, quae mancipi sunt,

etiam nunc libra interponitur. Servius rex primus

signavit aes. antea rudi usos Romae Timaeus tradit.

signatum est nota pecudum, unde et pecunia appel-

lata. maximus census cxx assium fuit illo rege, et

ideo haec prima classis.

44 Argentum signatum anno urbis cccclxxxv,^ Q.

Ogulnio C. Fabio cos., quinque annis ante primum

Punicum bellum. et placuit denarium pro x libris

aeris valere, quinarium pro v, sestertium pro dupon-

dio ac semisse. librale autem pondus aeris inminutum

est bello Punico primo, cum inpensis res p. non

sufficeretjconstitutumque ut asses sextantario pondere

ferirentur. ita quinque partes lucri factae, dissolu-

45 tumque aes alienum. nota aeris eius fuit ex altera

parte lanus geminus, ex altera rostrum navis, in

triente vero et quadrante rates. quadrans antea

teruncius vocatus a tribus unciis. postea Hannibale

^ ccccLxxxv Cellarius : ccccLxxxxv B : dlxxxv rell.

" I.e. an as. 36 BOOK XXXIII. XIII. 42-45 interest as ' weighed on account ' and paying as * weighing do^vn,' and moreover it explains the terms * soldiers' stipend,' which means ' weights of heaped money,' and the words for accountants and paymasters that mean ' weighers ' and ' pound- weighers,' and owing to this custom in purchases that deal with all larger personal property, even at the present day, an actual pair of ' pound '-scales is introduced. King Servius was the first to stamp a ^"^'1*"!"'' Timaeus, design on bronze ; previously, according to 534 b.o. at Rome they used raw . The design stamped on the metal was an ox or a sheep, pecus, which is the origin of the term ' pecunia.' The highest assess- ment of one man's property in the reign of Servius was 120,000 as-pieces, and consequently that amount of property was the standard of the first class of citizens. Silver was first coined in the 485th year of the city, 269-8 b.o. in the consulship of Quintus Ogulnius and Gaius Fabius, five years before the first Punic War. It was decided that the value of a denarius should be ten pounds of bronze, that of a half-denarius five pounds, that of a sesterce two pounds and a half. The weight of a standard pound " of bronze was however reduced during the first Punic War, when the state could not meet its expenditure, and it was enacted that the as should be struck weighing two ounces. This effected a saving of five sixths, and the national debt was Uquidated. The design of this bronze coin was on one side a Janus facing both ways and on the other the ram of a battleship ; the third of an as and the quarter as had a ship. The latter had previously been called a teruncius, as weighing three ounces. Subsequently when the presence of Hannibal was being felt, in the dictator- 217 b.c.


urguente ^ Q. Fabio Maximo dictatore asses unciales facti, placuitque denarium xvi assibus permutari,

quinarium octonis, sestertium quaternis. ita res p. dimidium lucrata est, in militari tamen stipendio 46 semper denarius pro x assibus datus est. notae

argenti fuere bigae atque quadrigae ; inde bigati quadrigatique dicti. Mox lege Papiria semunciarii asses facti. Livius Drusus in tribunatu plebei octavam partem aeris

argento miscuit. is, qui nunc victoriatus appellatur,

lege Clodia percussus est ; antea enim hic nummus ex Illyrico advectus mercis loco habebatur. est autem signatus Victoria, et inde nomen. 47 Aureus nummus post annos li ^ percussus est quam argenteus ita, ut scripulum valeret sestertios vicenos,^ quod effectum* in Hbrali^ ratione sestertii,^ qui tunc erat, cccc.'^ postea placuit X xxxx signari ex auri Ubris, paulatimque principes inminuere pon- dus, et novisissime Nero ad xxxxv. 48 XIV. Sed a nummo prima origo avaritiae faenore

excogitato quaestuosaque segnitia ; nec paulatim exarsit rabie quadam non iam avaritia, sed fames auri,

^ urguente B, cd. Par. 6801 : urguente Mareum rell. : urguente Marcum Minucium Brotier. ^ lA B: Lxn rell. ^ sestertios vicenos Brotier: sestertius vicenus aut sestertiis

vicenis (sestertio B : viciens B^ : vincens B^). * effectum K. C. Bailei/: efficit B, cd. Par. 6801: effecit rell. ^ librali B : libras rell. : libram Mayhoff. ^ sestertium Urlichs : sestertiorum Caesarius. ' erat cd. Par. 6801: erant relL: cccc B: D nongenti rell.

(sestertios dcccc cd. Par. 6801) : varia editores. 3« BOOK XXXIII. XIII. 45-xiv. 48 ship of Quintus Fabius Maximus, asses of one ounce wei^i^ht were coined, and it was enacted that the exchange-value of the denarius should be sixteen asses, of the half-denarius eight and of the quarter- denarius four ; by this measure the state made a clear gain of one half. But nevertheless in the pay of soldiers one denarius has always been given for ten asses. The designs on silver were a two-horse and a four-horse chariot, and consequently the coins were called apair ofhorses and 2ifour-in-hand. Next according to a law of Papirius asses 39 b.o. weiffhiniT half an ounce were struck. Livius Drusus " when holding the office of tribune of the plebs alloyed the silver with one-eighth part of bronze. The coin now named the victory coin was 104b.o. struck under the law of Clodius ; previously a coin c of this name was imported from Illyria and was looked on as an article of trade. The design on it was a figure of Victory, which gives it its name. The first gold coin was struck 51 years later than 217 b.o. the silver coinage, a scruple of gold having the value of twenty sesterces ; this was done at 400 to the pound of silver, at the then rating of the sesterce. It was afterwards decided to coin denarii at the rate 49 b.c. of 40 from a pound of gold, and the emperors grad- ually reduced the weight of the gold denarius, and most recently Nero brought it down to 45 denarii to a.d. 54-68. the pound. XIV. But from the invention of money came the Ezampies o/ original source of avarice when usury was devised, ^^'^*^-^ and a profitable life of idleness ; by rapid stages what was no longer mere avarice but a positive

" Probably the tribune of 123 b.c, not his son who was tribune in 91 b.c. 39 !


utpote cum Septumuleius, C. Gracchi familiaris, auro rependendum caput eius abscisum ad Opimium

tulerit plumboque in os addito parricido suo rem p.

etiam circumscripserit ; nec iam Quiritium aliquis, sed universo nomine Romano infami rex Mithridates Aquilio duci capto aurum in os infudit. haec parit

49 habendi cupido ! pudet intuentem nomina ista, quae subinde nova Graeco sermone excogitantur insperso argenteis vasis auro et incluso, quibus deliciis pluris veneunt inaurata quam aurea, cum sciamus inter- dixisse castris suis Spartacum, ne quis aurum haberet aut argentum. tanto plus fuit animi fugitivis nos-

50 tris ! Messalla orator prodidit Antonium triumvirum aureis usum vasis in omnibus obscenis desideriis, pudendo crimine etiam Cleopatrae. summa apud exteros Hcentiae fuerat Philippum regem poculo aureo pulvinis subdito dormire solitum, Hagnonem Teium, Alexandri Magni praefectum, aureis clavis

sufRgere crepidas : Antonius solus contumelia natu-

rae vilitatem auro fecit. o dignum proscriptione, sed Spartaci 51 XV. Equidem miror populum Romanum victis gentibus in tributo semper argentum imperasse, non

" Consul in 121 b.c. * After the battle of Protomachiura in Asia Minor, 88 b.c. * Leader of a great slave-rising in Italy, 73-71 b.c. ^ I.e. by a slave, not by a fellow freeraan. Antony was infamous for the proscription which he inflicted in 43 b.c. 40 BOOK XXXIII. XIV. 48-xv. 51 hiinger for gold flared up with a sort of frenzy, inasmuch as the friend of Gaius Gracchus, Sep- tumuleius, a price having been set on Gracchus's 121 b.c. head to the amount of its weight in gold, when Gracchus's head had been cut ofF, brought it to Opimius," after adding to his unnatural murder by putting lead in the mouth of the corpse, and so cheated the state in addition. Nor was it now some Roman citizen, but King Mithridates who dis- graced the whole name of Roman when he poured molten gold into the mouth of the General Aquilius whom he had taken prisoner.^ These are the things that the lust for possessions engenders ! One is ashamed to see the new-fangled names that are invented every now and then from the Greek to denote silver vessels filigreed or inlaid with gold, niceties which make gilded plate fetch a higher price than gold plate, when we know that Spartacus " issued an order to his camp forbidding anybody to possess gold or silver : so much more spirit was there then in our run-away slaves ! The orator Messala has told us that the triumvir Antony used vessels of c. 83-30 b.c. gold in satisfying all the indecent necessities, an enormity that even Cleopatra would have been 69-8-30 b.o. ashamed of. Till then the record in extravagance had lain with foreigners—King Philip sleeping with /'«'f

XV. It does indeed surprise me that the Roman Emmpies oj nation always imposed a tribute of silver, not of gokl, ^^e!juihin^ on races that it conquered, for instance precwus ^ on Carthaere ° metals. 41 PIJNY: NATURAL HISTORY

aurum, sicut Carthagini cum Hannibale victae octin- genta milia, xvi ^ pondo annua in quinquaginta annos, nihil auri. nec potest videri paenuria mundi id evenisse. iam Midas et Croesus infmitum pos- sederant, iam Cyrus devicta Asia pondo xxiiTi invenerat praeter vasa aurumque factum et in eo solium,^ platanum, vitem. qua victoria argenti D ^ talentorum reportavit et craterem Semiramidis, 52 cuius pondus xv talentorum colligebat. talentum Aegyptinm pondo lxxx patere M.* Varro tradit. iam regnaverat in Colchis Saulaces Aeetae suboles, qui terram virginem nactus plurimum auri argentique eruisse dicitur in Suanorum gente, et alioqui velleri- bus aureis incluto regno. et illius aureae camarae, argenteae trabes et columnae atque parastaticae narrantur victo ^ Sesostri, Aegypti rege tam superbo, ut prodatur annis quibusque sorte reges singulos e subiectis iungere ad currum solitus atque ita trium- phare. 53 XVI. Et nos fecimus quae posteri fabulosa arbi- trentur. Caesar, qui postea dictator fuit, primus in aedilitate munere patris funebri omni apparatu

1 XVI lan : avt cdd. (om. B : argenti a/. Par. 6801). * soliu {{.e. soliura) Mai/hoff: solia ac Pintianits: foliatam

lan : folia B : folia ac rell. ^ D coni. Warmingion. * patere M. Detlefsen : capere Gelen : pendere aut habere

coni. Mayhoff : patere cdd. (paterem cd. Leid. Voss.). 5 victae cd. Par. 0801.

" Probably the right reading is d = 500. ^ The legend was that Phrixus flew there on a ram with a fleece of gold to escape from his stopmother, and married the 42 BOOK XXXIII. XV. 51-XVI. 53

when conquered together with Hannibal, 800,000 202 b.c. pounds weight of silver in yearly instalments of 16,000 pounds spread over 50 years, but no gold. Nor can it be considered that this was due to the world's poverty. Midas and Croesus had already possessed wealth without Umit, and Cyrus had ah-eady on con- quering Asia Minor found booty consisting of 24,000 516-5r.c. pounds weight of gold, besides vessels and articles made of gold, including a throne, a plane-tree and a vine. And by this victory he carried ofF 500,000 ^ talents of silver and the wine-bowl of Semiramis the weight of which came to 15 talents. The Aegyptian talent according to Marcus Varro amounts to 80 pounds of gold. Saulaces the descendant of Aeetes had already reigned in Colchis, who is said to have come on a tract of virgin soil in the country of the Suani and elsewhere and to have dug up from it a great quantity of gold and silver, his realm being moreover famous for golden fleeces.^ We are also told of his gold-vaulted ceilings and silver beams and cokimns and pilasters, belonging to Sesostris King of Egypt whom Saulaces conquered, so proud a monarch that he is reported to have been in the habit every year of harnessing to his chariot individual kings selected by lot from among his vassals and so going in triumphal procession.

XVI . \Ve too have done things to be deemed mythical by those who come after us. Caesar, the future dictator, was the first person in the office of aedile to use nothing but silver for the appointments 65 b.c. of the arena—it was at the funeral games presented in honour of his father ; and this was the first

daughter of King Aeetes. The jfleece was later carried away b}' Jason and the Argonauts. 43 !


harenae argenteo usus est, ferasque etiam argenteis vasis incessivere tum primum noxii, quod iam etiam * in municipiis aemulantur. C. Antonius ludos scaena

argentea fecit, item L. Murena ; Gaius princeps in circo pegma duxit, in quo fuere argenti pondo 54 cxxiiii.^ Claudius successor eius, cum de Brittannia triumpharet, inter coronas aureas vTi ^ pondo habere quam contulisset Hispania citerior, viili * quam Gallia comata, titulis indicavit. huius deinde succesor Nero Pompei theatrum operuit auro in unum diem, quo Tiridati Armeniae regi ostenderet. et quota pars ea fuit aureae domus ambientis urbem 55 XVII. Auri in aerario populi R. fuere Sex. luHo L. Aurelio cos., septem annis ante bellum Punicum tertium, pondo xvn ^ ccccx, argenti xxTi lxx, et in numerato JLxTl xxxv cccc, Sexto luho L. Marcio cos.,

hoc est belli socialis initio, auri . . .^ ptvT] xx dcccxxxi. 56 C. Caesar primo introitu urbis civili bello suo ex aerario protulit laterum aureorum xv, argenteorum XXX, et in numerato'' |ccc|. nec fuit aliis temporibus

1 iametiam B : etiam rell. : iara et coni. Mayhoff. 2 cxxiiii B : cxxiiii aut cxxxiiii rell. 3 vTi J5 : VII rell. * vTin B : viiii rell. ^ In §§ 55-56 numeri varie traduntur. ® lac. Detlefsen, 3Iommsen.

V.ll. nummo, numero {add. HS cdd. nonnulli : pondo cd. Par. 6801).

° A wooden edifice on wheels in two or more stages, which were raised and lowered, opened and closed, by machinery; on them performances were given. " So cd. B. The number 124 or 134 of the other cdd. is of course much too small. « So cd. B. The other MSS. give 7 and 9. The higher number is so absurd that perhaps we should omit inter and 44 BOOK XXXIII. XVI. 53-xvii. 56

occasion on which criminals made to fight with wild animals had all their equipment made of silver, a practice nowadays rivalled even in our municipal towns. Gaius Antonius gave plays on a silver

stage, and so did Lucius Murena ; and the emperor Gaius Caligula brought on a scaffolding " in the a.d. 37-41. circus which had on it 124,000 ^ pounds weight of silver. His successor Claudius when celebrating a triumph

after the conquest of Britain, advertised by placards a.d. 43. that among the gold coronets there was one having

a weight of 7000 '^ pounds contributed by Hither

Spain and one of 9000 '^ from GalHa Comata. His immediate successor Nero covered the theatre of a.d. 54-C8. Pompey with gold for one day's purpose, when he was to display it to Tiridates King of Armenia. Yet how small was the theatre in comparison with Nero's

Golden Palace which goes all round the city ! X\TI. The gold contained in the national treasury of Rome in the consulship of Sextus JuUus 156 b.c. and Lucius Aurelius, seven years before the third Punic War, amounted to 17,410 Ibs., the silver to 22,070 Ibs., and in specie there was 6,135,400 b.c. sesterces ; in the consulship of Sextus Julius and 9i Lucius Marcius, that is to say, at the beginning of the

war with the allies,'^ there was . . . Ibs. of gold and 1,620,831 Ibs. of silver. Gaius JuUus Caesar, on first entering Rome during the civil war that bears 49 b.c. his name, drew from the treasury 15,000 gold ingots, 30,000 silver ingots, and 30,000,000 sesterces in

coin ; at no other periods was the state more wealthy.

translate : ' that there were crowns weighing in aU 7000 pounds contribnted by Hither Spain and 9000 pounds from Gallia Comata.' <* See n. on § 20. 45 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

res p. lociipletior. intulit et Aemilius Paulus Perseo rege victo e Macedonica praeda [mmm], a quo tempore populus Romanus tributum pendere desiit. 57 XVIII. Laquearia, quae nunc et in privatis domi- bus auro teguntur, post Carthaginem eversam primo in Capitolio inaurata sunt censura L. Mummi. inde transiere in camaras quoque et parietes, qui iam et

ipsi tamquam vasa inaurantur, cum varie sua aetas de Catulo existimaverit, quod tegulas aereas Capitoli inaurasset. 58 XIX. Primos inventores auri, sicut metallorum fere omnium, septimo volumine diximus. praecipuam gratiam huic materiae fuisse arbitror non colore, qui clarior in argento est magisque diei similis, ideo miUtaribus signis famiUarior, quoniam ^ longius fulget, manifesto errore eorum, qui colorem siderum pla- cuisse in auro arbitrantur, cum in gemma aliisque

59 rebus non sit praecipuus. nec pondere aut facilitate materiae praelatum est ceteris metalHs, cum cedat per utrumque plumbo,^ sed quia rerum uni nihil igne deperit, tuto ^ etiam in incendiis rogisque. quin immo quo saepius arsit, proficit ad bonitatem,

^ 1'./. quo nimis : quouiam in iis coni. MayhofJ. - plumbo cdd. : plumbum coni. K. C. Bailey. '^ V.ll. tota, toto.

<" King of Macedonia, defeated at Pydna, 168 b.c. ^ It was not levied after 167 B.c. * I.e. he was by no means universally approved. <* This is not true. 46 BOOK XXXIII. xvn. ^r^-xix. 59

Aemilius Paulus also after the defeat of King Perseus " paid in to the treasury from the booty won in Macedonia 300 million sesterces ; and from that date onward the Roman nation left off paying the citizens' property-tax.^ XVIII. At the present day we see ceilings covered with gold even in private houses, but they were first gilded in-the Capitol during the censorship of Lucius Mummius after the fall of Carthage. 146 b.c. From ceiHngs the use of gilding passed over also to vaulted roofs and walls, these too being now gilded like pieces of plate, whereas a variety of judgements were passed ^ on Catulus by his contemporaries for Betwem 79 having gilded the tiUngs of the Capitol. XIX. We have already said in Book VII who vii. 97. were the people who first discovered gold, and Popuiarity almost all of the metals Hkewise. I think that the chief popularity of this substance has been won not by its colour, that of silver being brighter and more Hke dayHght, which is the reason why it is in more common use for miHtary ensigns because its briHiance is visible at a greater distance ; those persons who think that it is the colour of starHght in gold that has won it favour being clearly mistaken because in the case of gems and other things with the same tint it does not hold an outstanding place. Nor is it its weight or its maUeabiHty that has led to its being preferred to aU the rest of the metals, since in both quaHties it yields '^ the first place to lead, but because fiold is the only thing that loses no substance by the Spedal qualities oj i.- r n \ ^ ' n 4.- J action or fire, but even m confiagrations and on goid. funeral pyres receives no damage. Indeed as a matter of fact it improves in quaHty the more often it is fired, and fire serves as a test of its goodness.


aurique experimentum ignis est, ut simili colore

rubeat ignescatque et ipsum ; obrussam vocant. 60 primum autem bonitatis argumentum quam difficil- lime accendi. praeterea mirum, prunae ^ violentis- simi ligni indomitum palea citissime ardescere atque, ut purgetur, cum plumbo coqui. Altera causa pretii maior, quod minimum usus deterit, cum argento, aere, plumbo lineae praedu- 61 cantur manusque sordescant decidua materia. nec aliud laxius dilatatur aut numerosius dividitur, utpote cuius unciae in septingenas quinquagenas pluresque bratteas quaternum utroque digitorum spargantur. crassissimae ex iis Praenestinae vocantur, etiamnum retinentes ^ nomen Fortunae inaurato fidelissime ibi 62 simulacro. proxima brattea quaestoria appellatur. Hispania strigiles ^ vocat auri parvolas massas. super omnia solum in massa aut ramento capitur. cum cetera in metallis reperta igni perficiantur, hoc statim aurum est consummatamque materiam suam protinus habet, cum ita invenitur. haec enim in-

ventio eius naturalis est ; aha, quam dicemus, coacta. super cetera non robigo ulla, non aerugo, non aliud ex ipso, quod consumat bonitatem minuatve pondus. iam contra salis et aceti sucos, domitores rerum, constantia ^ superat omnia, superque ^ netur ac

^ pruna cd. deperd. recte ? 2 retinente B. ^ V.H. strigile, striges {B). * fonstantiam B. ^ sujierat omnia superque Mayhoff: superque superat

omnia B : superque omnia rell.

" Cf. Schol. ad Thuc. II. 13 6^pvl,ov xpvalov. ^ A variant reading ' striges ' gives ' grooves.' 48 BOOK XXXIII. XIX. 59-62 making it assume a similar red hue and itself becomes the colour of fire ; this proccss is called assaying." The first proof of quahty in gold is however its being affected by fire v/ith extreme difficulty ; beside that, it is remarkable that though invincible to live coal made of the hardest wood it is very quickly made red hot by a fire of chaff, and that for the purpose of purifying it it is roasted with lead. Another more important reason for its value is that it gets extremely Httle worn by use ; whereas, with silver, copper and lead, Hnes may be drawn, and stuff that comes off them dirties the hand. Nor is any other material more malleable or able to be divided into more portions, seeing that an ounce of gold can be beaten out into 750 or more leaves 4 inches square. The thickest kind of gold leaf is called Palestrina leaf, still bearing the name taken from the most genuinely gilded statue of Fortune in that place. The foil next in thickness is styled Quaestorian leaf. In Spain tiny pieces of gold are called scrapers.** Gold more than all other metals is found unalloyed in nuggets or in the form of detritus. Whereas all other metals when found in the mines are brought into a finished condition by means of fire, gold is gold straight away and has its substance in a perfect state at once, when it is obtained by mining. This is the natural way of getting it, while another which we shall describe is artificial. More §^gs sqq. than any other substance gold is immune from rust or verdigris or anything else emanating from it that wastes its goodness or reduces its weight. Moreover in steady resistance to the overpowering effect of the juices of salt and vinegar it surpasses all things, and over and above that it can be spun 49 PLINY: NATURAL HLSTOKY t)3 texitiir lanae modo vel sine lana. tunica aurea tri-

umphasse Tarquinium Priscum ^ errius docet ; nos vidimus Agrippinam Claudi principis, edente eo navalis proelii spectaculum, adsidentem et indutam paludamento aureo textili sine alia materia. Atta- licis vero iam pridem intexitur, invento regum Asiae.

04 XX. Marmori et iis, quae candefieri non possunt, ovi candido inlinitur, ligno glutini ratione conposita,^ leucophorum vocant. quid sit hoc aut quemadmo- dum fiat, suo loco docebimus. aes inaurari argento vivo aut certe hydrargyro legitimum erat, de quis, ut - dicemus illorum naturam reddentes, excogitata fraus 65 est. namque aes cruciatur in primis ^ accensumque restinguitur sale, aceto, alumine, postea examinatur,^

an satis recoctum sit, splendore deprehendente. iterumque exhalatur ^ igni, ut possit, edomitum mix- tis pumice et ^ alumine, argento vivo inductas accipere bratteas. alumen et in purgando vim habet qualem esse diximus plumbo.

()G XXL Aurum invenitur in nostro orbe, ut omitta- mus Lidicum a formicis aut apud Scythas grypis

^ composito vel re composita coni. Mayhoff. 2 ut cd.. Par. 6801 : om. rell. ^ primis cdd. : prunis coni. D'Arcy Thompson. * examinatur K. C. Bailey : exharenatur. ^ exhalatur cdd.: exharenatur JJetlefsen : excitatur coni, Mayhoff. « et wld. K. C. Bailey.

" Probably Attalus I of Pergamum, 241-197 b.c. ' Literally ' fiuid silver.' ' See XXXV. 183 ff. <* I.e. alum purifies copper as lead purifies gold. 50 ;

BOOK XXXlIi. XIX. 62-xxi. 66 into thread and woven into a fabric like wool, even without an addition of wool. Verrius informs us that Tarquinius Priscus celebrated a triumph wearing Traduionai a golden tunic. \Ve have in our own times seen the ^1^**!?^ Emperor Claudius's wife Agrippina, at a show at which he was exhibiting a naval battle, seated at his side wearing a mihtary cloak made entirely of cloth of gold. For a long period gold has been woven into the fabric called cloth of Attahis," an invention of Kings of Asia. XX. On marble and other materials incapable of being raised to a Mhite heat gold is laid with M'hite of egg ; on wood it is laid vrith glue according to a formula ; it is called leucophorum, white-bearing what this is and how it is made we will exph^in in its proper place. The regular way to gild copper xxxv. 36. would be to use natural or at all events artificial quicksilver,^ concerning which a method of adultera- tion has been devised, as we shall relate in describing §§ 100. 125. the nature of those substances. The copper is first subjected to the violence of fire ; then, when it is red hot, it is quenched with a mixture of brine, vinegar, and alum,'^ and afterwards put to a test, its brilliance of colour showing whether it has been sufficiently heated ; then it is again dried in the fire, so that, after a thorough poHshing with a mixture of pumice and alum, it is able to take the gold-leaf laid on with quicksilver. Alum has the same clean- § 60. sing property here that we said is found in lead.^ XXI. Gold in our part of the workl—not to speak Methodsfor of the Indian gold obtained from ants or the gold ^ow?'^""^ dug up by griffins in Scythia «^—is obtained in three

* This Indian and Scythian gold was perhaps got from Tibet. The stories about it go back to Herodotus. 51 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

^ erutum, tribus modis : fluminum ramentis, ut in Tago Hispaniae, Pado Italiae, Hebro Thraciae, Pactolo Asiae, Gange Indiae, nec ullum absolutius aurum est, ut cursu ipso attrituque perpolitum. alio modo puteorum scrobibus effoditur aut in ruina

montium quaeritur ^ ; utraque ratio dicatur. 67 Aurum qui quaerunt, ante omnia segullum ^ tol-

lunt ; ita vocatur indicium. alveus hic est harenae, quae lavatur, atque ex eo, quod resedit, coniectura capitur. invenitur aliquando in summa tellure protinus rara felicitate, ut nuper in Delmatia princi- patu Neronis singulis diebus etiam quinquagenas libras fundens. cum ita inventum est in summo

caespite, talutium ^ vocant, si et aurosa tellus subest. cetero montes Hispaniarum, aridi sterilesque et in quibus nihil aliud gignatur, huic ^ bono fertiles esse coguntur. 68 Quod puteis foditur, canalicium vocant, ahi cana- liense, marmoris glareae inhaerens, non illo modo, quo in oriente « sappiro atque Thebaico aliisque in gemmis scintillat, sed micans '^ amplexu ® marmoris. vagantur hi venarum canales per latera puteorum et huc illuc, inde nomine invento, tellusque Hgneis 69 columnis suspenditur. quod effossum est, tunditur,

^ tribus Berglc : apud nos tribus. 2 quaeritur B : quare rell. ^ \'.L segutilura. * talutium B : talutatium rell. : alutatium Hardouin : alutiatum Gronov: an alutium (c/. XXXIV, 157)? ^ hoc coni. Warmington. * orientis coni. Mayhoff. ' micans B"^ : micas. * amplexu Solinasius : amplexum. 52 BOOK XXXIII. XXI. 66-69

ways : in the detritus of rivers, for instance in the Tagus in Spain, the Po in Italy, the Maritza in Thrace, the Sarabat in Asia Minor and the Ganges in

India ; and there is no gold that is in a more perfect state, as it is thoroughly polished by the mere friction of the current. Another method is by sinking shafts ; or it is sought for in the fallen debris of mountains. Each of these methods must be described. People seeking for gold begin by getting up segullum^—that is the name for earth that indicates the presence of gold. This is a pocket of sand, which is washed, and from the sediment left an estiraate of the vein is made. Sometimes by a rare piece of luck a pocket is found immediately; on the surface of the earth, as occurred recently in Dalmatia when Nero was emperor, one yielding fifty pounds ^-^- ^4-08 weight of gold a day. Gold found in this way in the surface crust is called talutium if there is also auri- ferous earth underneath. The othervvise dry, barren mountains of the Spanish provinces which produce nothing else whatever are forced into fertility in regard to this commodity. Gold dug up from shafts is called * channelled ' or Goid-miidng.

' ' trenched gold ; it is found sticking to the grit of marble, not in the way in which it gleams in the lapis lazuli of the East and the stone ^ of Thebes ^' and in other precious stones, but sparkling in the folds of the marble. These channels of veins wander to and fro along the sides of the shafts, which gives the gold its name; and the earth is held up by wooden props. The substance dug out is crushed, washed,

" Segullo is still the miners' name for surface earth in auriferous deposits in Castile. ^ Apparently some micaceous granite. * In Egypt. 53 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

^ lavatur, uritur, molitur in farinam ; farinam a pila 2 scudem vocant ; argentum, quod exit a fornace, sudorem. quae e camino iactatur spurcitia in omni metallo scoria appellatur. haec in auro tunditur

iterumque coquitur. catini fiunt ex tasconio ; hoc est terra alba similis argillae, neque enim alia flatum ignemque et ardentem materiam tolerat. 70 Tertia ratio opera vicerit Gigantum. cuniculis per magna spatia actis cavantur montes lucernarum

ad lumina ; eadem mensura vigiliarum est, multisque mensibus non cernitur dies. Arrugias id genus vocant. siduntque rimae subito et opprimunt operatos,^ ut iam minus temerarium videatur e profundo maris petere margaritas atque

purpuras. tanto nocentiores fecimus terras ! relin- quuntur itaque fornices crebri montibus sustinendis.

71 occursant in utroque genere silices ; hos igne et aceto rumpunt, saepius vero, quoniam id cuniculos ^ vapore et fumo strangulat, caedunt fractariis cl libras ferri habentibus egeruntque umeris noctibus ac

diebus per tenebras proximis tradentes ; hicem

novissimi cernunt. si longior videtur silex, latus

1 molitur {aut mollitur) in farinam ; farinam Warmingfon :

mollitur {B, cd. Par. 6801 : molitur rell.) farinam (in farinam (xl. Flor. Ricc. et ut videtur cd. Par. 6801). 2 a pila scudem Madvig : a.p. cudem Detlefsen : apitascudem

B : varia rell. cdd. et edd. ^ V.ll. operantes, operarios. * id cuniculos B : in cuniculis rell.

" A given amount of oil is known to last a specified time. ^ Arrugia is said to be the term for a deep mine in Spaiii to-day. Tlie word is probably connected opvaaoj, dig. 54 BOOK XXXIII. XXI. 69-71 fired and ground to a soft powder. The powder from the mortar is called the ' scudes ' and the silver

' ' that comes out from the furnace the sweat ; the dirt thrown out of the smeltinsr-furnace in the case of every metal is called ' scoria,' slag. In the case of gold the scoria is pounded and fired a second time ; the cruc:bles for this are made of tasconium, which is a white earth resembhng clay. No other earth can stand the blast of air, the fire, or the intensely hot material. The third method will have outdone the achieve- ments of the Giants. By means of galleries driven for long distances the mountains are mined by the Hght of lamps—the spells of work are also measured by lamps,« and the miners do not see daylight for many months.

^ The name for this class of mines is arrugiae ; also cracks give way suddenly and crush the men who have been at work, so that it actually seems less venturesome to try to get pearls and purple-fishes out of the depth of the sea : so much more dangerous have we made the earth ! Consequently arches are left at frequent intervals to support the weight of the mountain above. In both kinds of mining masses of flint are encountered, which are burst asunder by means of fire and vinegar, though more often, as this method makes the tunnels suffocating through heat and smoke, they are broken to pieces with crushing-machines carrying 150 Ibs. of iron, and the men carry the stuff out on their shoulders, working night and day, each man passing them on to the next man in the dark, while only those at the end of the line see dayhght. If the bed of flint seems too long, the miner follows along the side of it

55 —:


sequitur fossor ambitque. et tnmen in silice facilior

72 existimatur opera ; est namque terra ex quodam argillae genere glarea mixta—gangadiam vocant prope inexpugnabilis. cuneis eam ferreis adgredi-

untur et isdem malleis nihilque durius putant, nisi

quod inter omnia auri fames durissima est. peracto

opere cervices fornicum ab ultimo caedunt.^ dat

signum rima, eamque^ solus intellegit in cacumine

73 eius montis vigil. hic voce, nutu ^ evocari iubet

operas pariterque ipse devolat. mons fractus cadit

ab sese longe fragore qui concipi humana mente

non possit, aeque et flatu incredibili. spectant vic-

tores ruinam naturae. nec tamen adhuc aurum est

nec sciere esse, cum foderent, tantaque ad pericula

et inpendia satis causae fuit sperare quod cuperent.

74 Alius par labor ac vel maioris inpendii : flumina ad

lavandam hanc ruinam iugis ^ montium obiter duxere

a centesimo plerumque lapide ; corrugos vocant, a

conrivatione credo. mille et hic labores : praeceps

^ cadunt B. 2 rima eamque cd. Par. G801 : ruina eamque B et al.

ruinamque rell. : ruinae eamque Celen : ruinae rima eamque Detlefsen. ^ voce nutu B: voce ictuve cd. Tolet.: vocent utve reU.: voce in tutura Dellefsen. * fortasse vel iugis. 56 BOOK XXXIII. XXI. 71-74 and goes round it. And yet riint is considered to involve comparatively easy work, as there is a kind of <'arth consisting of a sort of potter's clay mixed with gravel, called gangadia, which it is almost inipossible to overcome. They attack it with iron wedges and the hammer-machines mentioned above ; and it is thought to be the hardest thing that exists, except greed for gold, which is the most stubborn of all things. When the work is completely finished, beginning with the last, they cut through, at the tops, the supports of the arched roofs. A crack gives warning of a crash, and the only person who notices it is the sentinel on a pinnacle of the mountain. He by shout and gesture gives the order for the workmen to be called out and himself at the same moment flies down from his pinnacle. The fractured mountain falls asunder in a wide gap, with a crash which it is impossible for human imagination to conceive, and likewise with an incredibly violent blast of air. The miners gaze as conquerors upon the collapse of Nature. And nevertheless even now there is no gold so far, nor did they positively know there was any when they began to dig ; the mere hope of obtaining their coveted object was a sutficient inducement for encountering such great dangers and expenses. Another equally laborious task involving even greater expense is the incidental operation of previously bringing streams along mountain-heights frequently a distance of 100 miles for the purpose of washing away the debris of this collapse ; the channels made for this purpose are called cornigi, a term derived I beheve from co?irivatio, a uniting of streams of water. This also involves a thousand


esse libramentum oportet, ut ruat verius quam fluat; itaque altissimis partibus ducitur. convalles et in- tervalla substructis canalibus iunguntur. alibi rupes inviae caeduntur sedemque trabibus cavatis praebei-e 75 coguntur. qui caedit, funibus pendet, ut procul

intuenti species ne ferarum quidem, sed alitum fiat. pendentes maiore ex parte librant et lineas itineri praeducunt, quaque insistentis vestigiis hominis locus non est, amnes trahuntur ab homine.^ vitium

lavandi est, si fluens amnis lutum inportet ; id genus terrae urium vocant. ergo per siHces calculosve ducunt et urium evitant. ad capita deiectus in superciliis montium piscinae cavantur ducenos pedes in quasque partes et in altitudinem denos. emissaria

in iis quina pedum quadratorum ternum fere rehn- quuntur, ut repleto stagno excussis opturamentis

7(3 erumpat torrens tanta vi ut saxa provolvat. alius etiamnum in plano labor. fossae, per quas profluat,

cavantur—agogas vocant— ; hae sternuntur grada- tim uHce. frutex est roris marini simiHs, asper aurumque retinens. latera cluduntur tabuHs, ac per

^ trahuntur ab homiiie B : trahuntur ad homines rell. : trahunt. omne Hanlouin.

" I.e. the gold-beariag dcbris. ^ The identification is doubtful in view of the alleged resemblance to rosemary. Rosemary may be called ' rough,' but it is not prickly Uke gorse. 58 BOOK XXXIII. XXI. 74-76

tasks ; the dip of the fall must be steep, to cause a rush rather than a flow of water, and consequently it is brought from very high altitudes. Gorges and crevasses are bridged by aqueducts carried on masonry ; at other places impassable rocks are hewn away and compelled to provide a position for hollowed troughs of timber, The workman hewing the rock hangs suspended with ropes, so that spectators viewing the operations from a distance seem to see not so much a swarm of strange animals as a flight of birds. In the majority of cases they hang suspended in this way while taking the levels and marking out the Hnes for the route, and rivers are led by man's agency to run where there is no place for a man to pUmt his footsteps. It spoils the operation of washing if the current of the stream carries mud along with it : an earthy sediment of this kind is called uritnn. Consequently they guide the flow over flint stones and pebbles, and avoid nrium. At the head of the waterfall on the brow of the mountains reservoirs are excavated measuring 200 ft. each vray and 10 ft. deep. In these there are left five sluices with apertures measuring about a yard each way, in order that when the reservoir is full the stopping-barriers may be struck away and the torrent may burst out with such violence as to sweep forward the broken rock.« There is also yet another task to perform on the level ground. Trenches are excavated for the water to flow through

' ' —the Greek name for them means leads ; and these, which descend by steps, are floored with gorse * —this is a plant resembling rosemary, which is rough and holds back the gold. The sides are closed in with planks, and the channels are carried


praerupta suspenduntur canales. ita profluens terra in mare labitur ruptusque mons diluitur, ac longe terras in mare his de causis iam promovit Hispania^ 77 in priore genere quae exhauriuntur inmenso labore, ne occupent puteos, in hoc rigantur. aurum arrugia quaesitum non coquitur, sed statim suum ^ est. in- veniuntur ita massae, nec non in puteis, et denas

excedentes libras ; palagas,^ alii palacurnas,^ iidem quod minutum est balucem vocant. ulex siccatur, uritur, et cinis eius lavatur substrato caespite her- 78 boso, ut sidat aurum. vicena milia pondo ad hunc modum annis singulis Asturiam atque Callaeciam et Lusitaniam praestare quidam prodiderunt, ita ut plurimum Asturia gignat. neque in alia terrarum parte tot saeculis perseverat haec fertilitas. ItaUae

parci vetere interdicto patrum diximus ; aUoqui nuUa fecundior metallorum quoque erat tellus. extat lex censoria Victumularum ^ aurifodinae in Vercellensi agro, qua cavebatur, ne plus quinque milia hominum in opere publicani haberent. 79 XXII. Aurum faciendi est etiamnum una ratio ex auripigmento, quod in Syria foditur pictoribus in summa tellure, auri colore, sed fragile lapidum specularium modo. invitaveratque spes Gaium prin-

^ sudum coni. Hermolaus Barharm. * palagas B : palacas rell. : palacras ed. Basil. ^ V.ll. psalacurnas, palacranas. * Victumularum B: V.ll. victim-, vittim- : (vici) Ictimu- iorum Hermolaus Barharus coll. Strab.

" See § 70. ^ Yellow sulphide of arsenic. 6o BOOK XXXIII. XXI. 76-xxii. 79

on arches over steep pitches. Thus the earth carried along in the stream sHdes down into the sea and the

shattered mountain is washed away ; and by this time the land of Spain owing to these causes has encroached a long way into the sea. The material drawn out at such enormous labour in the former

kind of mining so as not to fill up the shafts is in § 67. this latter process washed out. The gold obtained by means of an arrugia'^ does not have to be melted, but is pure gold straight away. In this process nuggets are found and also in the shafts, even weighing more than ten pounds. They are called palagae or else palacurnae, and also the gold in very small grains baluce. The gorse is dried and burnt and its ash is washed on a bed of grassy turf so that the gold is deposited on it. According to some accounts Asturia and Callaecia and Lusitania produce in this way 20,000 Ibs. weight of gold a year, Asturia supplying the largest amount. Nor has there been in any other part of the world such a continuous production of gold for so many centuries. We have stated that by an old prohibiting decree of the

senate Italy is protected from exploitation ; other- wise no country would have been more productive in metals; as well as in crops, There is extant a ruHng of the censors relating to the gold mines of Victumulae in the territory of Vercellae which pro- hibited the farmers of public revenues from having more than 5000 men engaged in the work. XXII. There is moreover one method of making gold out of orpiment ^ which is dug up in Syria for use by painters ; it is found on the surface of the earth, and is of a gold colour, but is easily broken, Uke looking-glass stone. Hopes inspired by it had 61 :


cipem avidissimum auri ; quam ob rem iussit excoqui magnum pondus et plane fecit aurum excellens, sed ita parvi ponderis, ut detrimentum sentiret propter avaritiam expertus, quamquam auripigmenti librae

X iiii permutarentur. nec postea temptatum ab ullo est. 80 XXIII. Omni auro inest argentum vario pondere, aliubi decuma parte,^ aliubi octava. in uno tantum

Callaeciae metallo, quod vocant Albucrarense, tri-

censima sexta portio invenitur ; ideo ceteris praestat. ubicumque quinta argenti portio est, electrum

vocatur ; scobes hae reperiuntur in canaliensi. fit et

cura electrum argento addito. quod si quintam portio- 81 nem excessit, incudibus non resistit. vestusta et electro auctoritas Homero teste, qui Menelai regiam auro, electro, argento, ebore fulgere tradit. Miner- vae templum habet Lindos insulae ^ Rhodiorum, in

quo Helena sacravit calicem ex electro ; adicit historia, mammae suae mensura. electri natura est ad lucernarum lumina clarius argento splendere. quod est nativum, et venena deprehendit. namque discurrunt in cahcibus arcus caelestibus similes cum igneo stridore et gemina ratione praedicunt.

* decuma parte B : non rell. (nona cd. Par. Lat. 6797 dena alibi nona cd. Par. 6801). ^ insula B : in insula coni. Maijhoff.

" Properly the word means ' amber.' See § 1, note.

" Od. IV.' 71 fif. 62 BOOK XXXIII. XXII. 79-xxiii. 8i attracted the Empcror Gaius Caligula, who was a.d. 37-41. extremely covetous for gold, and who consequently gave orders for a great weight of it to be smelted; and as a matter of fact it did produce excellent gold, but so small a weight of it that he found himself a loser by his experiment that was prompted by avarice, although orpiment sold for 4 denarii a pound ; and no one afterwards has repeated the experiment.

XXIII. All gold contains silver in various pro- ' Ekcirum: portions, a tenth part in some cases, an eighth in others. In one mine only, that of Callaecia called the Albucrara mine, the proportion of silver found is one thirty-sixth, and consequently this one is more valuable than all the others. Wherever the pro- portion of silver is one-fifth, the ore is called

« ' ' of. 68. electrum ; grains of this are found in channelled § gold. An artificial electrum is also made by adding silver to gold. If the proportion of silver exceeds one-fifth, the metal produced offers no resistance on the anvil. Electrum also held a high position in old times, as is evidenced by Homer ^ who represents the palace of Menelaus as resplendent with gold, electrum, silver and ivory. There is a temple of at Lindus of the island of in which there is a goblet made of electrum, dedicated by Helen; history further relatcs that it has the same measurement as her breast. A quahty of electrum is that it shines more brightly than silver in lamp- light. Natural electrum also has the property of detecting poisons ; for semicircles resembling rain- bows run over the surface in poisoned goblets and emit a crackling noise hke fire, and so advertise the presence of poison in a twofold manner. 63 PLINY: NATLRAL HISTORY

82 XXIV. Aurea statua prima omnium iiulla inani- tate et antequam ex aere aliqua modo fieret, quam vocant holosphyraton, in templo Anaitidis posita di- citur quo situ terrarum nomen hoc signavimus, 83 numine gentibus ilUs sacratissimo. direpta ea est Antonii Parthicis rebus, scitumque narratur vetera- norum unius Bononiae hospitali divi Augusti cena, cum interrogatus ^ esset, sciretne ^ eum, qui primus violasset id numen, oculis membrisque captum ex-

spirasse ; respondit enim cum maxime Augustum e crure ^ eius cenare seque ilhim esse totumque sibi censum ex ea rapina. hominum primus et auream statuam et soHdam lxx* circiter olympiade Leontinus Delphis in templo posuit sibi. tantus erat docendae artis oratoriae quaestus. 84 XXV. Aurum pluribus modis poUet in remediis volneratisque et infantibus adplicatur, ut minus noceant quae inferantur veneficia. est et ipsi superlato^ vis malefica, galHnarum quoque et pecuariorum ® feturis. remedium abluere inhtum "^ et spargere eos, quibus mederi veHs. torretur et cum

^ interrogatus B : interrogaretur rell. 2 esset sciretne B^ : esset B^ : essctne {aut essene) verum

rell. : esset verumne esset lan. ^ cruore cd. Par. 6801. * Lxxxx Bergk. ^ superlito Gronov. ® pecuariorum cd. Flor. Ricc. : pecorum rell. ' inlitum Gronov. : inlatum.

" V. 83, where Anaitica is said to be a region divided from Cappadocia by the upper Euphrates. ^ ' 500-497 B.c. But Gorgias the ' visited in 427 B.c. and professed rhetoric and philosophy there in subsequent years. Probably the right date is the 90th Olympiad (420-417 b.c). 64 BOOK XXXIII. XXIV. 82-xxv. 84

XXIV. The first gold statiie of all that was made Goiden of soHd metal and even before any was made of"'"*** bronze, of the kind called ' made of solid beaten metal,' is said to have been erected in the temple of Anaitis, in the region of the earth where we have designated this name," that goddess' deity being held in the highest reverence by those races. This

statue was taken as booty during the campaigns of c. 36 b.c. Antonius in Parthia, and a story is told of a witty saying of one of the veterans of our army who was entertaining his late lamented Majesty Augustus as a guest at dinner at Bologna. He was asked whether it was true that the man who was the first to commit this sacrilege against that deity was struck blind and paralysed and so expired. His answer was that the emperor was at that very moment eating his dinner off one of the goddess's legs, and that he himself was the perpetrator of the sacrilege and owed his entire fortune to that piece of plunder. The first solid gold statue of a human being was one of himself set up by Gorgias of Leontini in the temple at about the TOth Olympiad. ^ So great were the profits to be made

by teaching the art of oratory ! XXV. Gold is efiicacious as a remedy in a variety Medidnai of is for ways, and used as an amulet wounded g^i^f^ people and for infants to render less harmful poisonous charms that may be directed against them. Gold has itself however a maleficent eifect if carried over the head, in the case of chickens and the young of cattle as well as human beings. As a remedy it is smeared on, then washed off and sprinkled on the persons you wish to cure. Gold is also heated with twice its weight of salt and


salis gemino pondere, triplici misyis ac riirsus cum ii salis portionibus et una lapidis, quem schiston vocant. ita virus trahit rebus una crematis in fictiH vase, 85 ipsum purum et incorruptum. reliquus cinis ser-

vatus in fictili olla, ex qua ^ inlitas ^ lichenas in facie lomento eo convenit abhii. fistulas etiam sanat et quae vocantur haemorroides. quodsi tritus pumex adiciatur, putria ulcera et taetri odoris emendat, ex melle vero decoctum cum melanthio inlitum umbilico leniter solvit alvum. auro verrucas curari M. Varro auctor est. 86 XX^^L Chrysocolla umor est in puteis, quos diximus, per venam auri defluens crassescente limo rigoribus hibernis usque in duritiam pumicis. lauda- tiorem eandem in aerariis metallis et proximam in aegentariis fieri conpertum est. invenitur et in plumbariis vilior etiam ^ auraria. in omnibus autem

his metallis fit et cura multum infra naturalem illam inmissis in venam aquis leniter hieme tota usque in lunium mensem, dein siccatis lunio et lulio, ut plane intellegatur nihil aliud chrysocolla quam vena putris.

87 nativa duritia maxime distat ; uvam vocant. et tamen illa quoque herba, quam lutum appellant, tinguitur. natura est, quae lino lanaeve, ad sucum

^ ^ qua J5 : aqua rdl. inlitas B^ : inlitus. ^ fortasse tamen.

" Lotnentum is properly barley-meal mixed with rice, * See § 4, note.

" ' Or : Another sort is found in lead mines, but it is inferior to the true " gold "-kind.' 66 BOOK XXXIII. XXV. 84-xxvi. 87

three times its weight of copper pyrites, and again >vith two portions of salt and one of the stone called ' spHttable.' Treated in this way it draws poison out, when the other substances have been burnt up with it in an earthenware crucible while it remains pure and uncorrupted itself. The ash remaining is kept in an earthenware jar, and eruptions on the face may well be cleansed av/ay by being smeared with this lotion " from the jar. It also cures fistulas and what are called haemorrhoids. With the addition of ground pumicestone it reHeves putrid and foul- smelHng ulcers, while boiled down in honey and git, and appHed as a liniment to the navel it acts as a gentle aperient. According to Marcus ^ arro gold is a cure for warts. XXVI. Gold-solder ^ is a liquid found in the Ooid- shafts of, floving along a vein of gokl, we spoke down §§67 53/. with a sHme that is solidified by the cold of winter even to the hardness of pumicestone. A more highly spoken of variety of the same metal has been ascertained to be formed in copper mines, and the next best in silver-mines. A less valuable sort also with an element of gold is also found in lead mines. <^ In aH these mines however an artificial variety is produced that is much inferior to the natural kind referred to ; the method is to introduce a gentle flow of water into the vein all winter and go on till the beginning of June and then to dry it off in June and July, clearly showing that gold-solder is nothing else than the putrefaction of a vein of metal. Natural gold-solder. known as ' grape,' differs very greatly from the artificial in hardness, and neverthe- less it also takes a dye from the plant called yeHow- weed. It is of a substance that absorbs moisture, 67 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

bibendum. tunditur in pila, dein tenui cribro ccrni- tur, postea molitur ac deinde tenuius cribratur. quidquid non transmeat, repetitur in pila, dein 88 molitur. pulvis semper in catinos digeritur et ex aceto maceratur, ut omnis duritia solvatur, ac rursus tunditur, dein lavatur, in conchis siccatur, tum tinguitur alumine schisto et herba supra dicta pin- giturque, antequam pingat. refert quam bibula

dociUsque sit. nam nisi rapuit colorem, adduntur et

scytanum atque turbistum ; ita vocant medicamenta sorbere cogentia. 89 XXVII. Cum tinxere pictores, orobitin vocant

eiusque duo genera faciunt : elutam,^ quae servatur in lomentum, et Hquidam globuHs sudore resolutis. haec utraque genera in Cypro fiunt. laudatissima autem est in Armenia, secunda in Macedonia, largis-

^ sima in Hispania ; summa commendationis, ut colorem in herba segetis laete virentis quam simil- 90 lime reddat. visumque iam est Neronis principis

spectaculis harenam circi chrysocolla sterni, cum ipse concolori panno aurigaturus esset. indocta opificum

turba tribus eam generibus distinguit : asperam, quae

^ luteam Hermolam Barbarm fortasse recte (cf. § 91). 2 V.l. summae : summa est lan.

« Cf. XXXV. 186. * These two substances have not been identified. * Perhaps we should adopt the reading luieam. 68 —

BOOK XXXIII. XXVI. 87-xxvii. 90

like flax or wool. It is pounded in a mortar and then passed through a fine sieve, and afterwards milled and then sifted again with a finer sieve, everything that does not pass through the sieve being again treated in the mortar and then milled again. The powder is all along separated off into bowls and steeped in vinegar so as to dissolve all hardness, and then is pounded again and then rinsed in shells and

' left to dry. Then it is dyed by means of ' spHttable alum « and the plant above mentioned and so given a colour before it serves as a colour itself. It is important how absorbent it is and ready to take the

dye ; for if it does not at once catch the colour, scytanum and turbistum ^ must be added as well those being the names of two drugs producing absorption. XXVn. When painters have dyed gold-sokler, they call it orobitis, vetch-like, and distinguish two kinds, the purified,^ which is kept for a cosmetic, and the Hquid, in which the little balls are made into a paste with a hquid. Both of these kinds are made in Cyprus, but the most highly valued is in Armenia and the second best in Macedonia, while the greatest quantity is produced in Spain, the highest recommendation in the latter being the quahty of reproducing as closely as possible the colour in a bright green blade of corn. We have before now seen at the shows given by the emperor Nero the sand of the circus sprinkled with gold- a.d. 54-68. solder when the emperor in person was going to give an exhibition of chariot-driving wearing a coat of that colour. The unlearned multitude of artisans distinguish three varieties of the substance, the rough, which is valued at 7 denarii a pound, the 69 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

taxatiir^ in libras X vii, mediam quae X v, attritam,

(|iiam et herbaccam vocant, X iii. siiblinunt autem harenosam, priusquam inducant, atramento et i)l Paraetonio. haec sunt tenacia eius, colore blanda. Paraetonium, quoniam est natura pinguissimum et propter levorem tenacissimum, atramento aspergitur, ne Paraetonii candor pallorem chrysocollae adferat. luteam putant a luto herba dictam, quam ipsam

caeruleo subtritam pro chrysocolla inducunt, vilis- simo genere atque fallacissimo.

92 XXVIII. Usus chrysocollae et in medicina est ad

purganda volnera cum cera atqne oleo. eadem per

se arida siccat et ^ contrahit. datur et in angina orthopnoeave Hngenda cum melle. concitat vomi-

tiones, miscetur et collyriis ad cicatrices oculorum ac viridibus emplastris ad dolores mitigandos, cicatrices trahendas. hanc chrysocollam medici accsim appel-

lant, quae non est orobitis.

93 XXIX. Chrysocollam et aurifices sibi vindicant adglutinando auro, et inde omnes appellatas similiter virentes dicunt. temperatur autem Cypria aerugine et pueri inpubis urina addito nitro teriturque Cyprio

^ mataxatur B : iam taxatur coni. Mayhoff. 2 siccat et B, cd. Par. 6801 : et sicca rell.

« Paraetonium ; see XXXV, 30, 36. * afcecrt?, a remedy, healirig. * Or, child (of either sex). 70 ;

BOOK XXXIII. XXVII. 90-xxix. 93 middling, which is 5 denarii, and ttie crushed, also called the grass-green kind, 3 denarii. Before applying the sandy variety they put on a prehminary " coating of black dye and pure white chalk : these serve to hold the gold-solder and give a softness of colour. As the pure chalk is of a very unctuous consistency and extremely tenacious owing to its smoothness, it is sprinkled with a coat of black, to prevent the extreme whiteness of the chalk from imparting a pale hue to the gold-solder. The yellow gold-solder is thought to derive its name from the phmt vellow-weed, which is itself often pounded up with steel-blue and applied for painting instead of gold-solder, making a very inferior and counterfeit kind of colour. XXVIII. Gold-solder is also used in medicine, mixed with wax and olive oil, for cleansing wounds likewise appHed dry by itself it dries wounds and draws them together. It is also given in cases of quinsy or asthma, to be taken as an electuary with honey. It acts as an emetic, and also is used as an ingredient in salves for sores in the eyes and in green plasters for relieving pains, and drawing together scars. This kind of gold-solder is called by medical men ' remedial solder,' * and is not the same as orobitis. XXIX. The goldsmiths also use a special gokl- sokler of their own for soldering gold, and according to them it is from this that all the other substances with a simikar green colour take the name. The mixture is made with Cyprian copper verdigris and the urine of a boy ^ who has not reached puberty with

«^ the addition of soda ; this is ground with a pestle ^ Sodiura carbonate. PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

aere in cypriis mortariis ; santernam vocant nostri.

ita feruminatur aurum, quod argentosum vocant.

signum est, si addita santerna nitescit. e diverso

aerosum contrahit se hebetaturque et difficulter

feruminatur. ad id glutinum fit auro et septima

argenti parte ad supra dicta additis unaque tritis.

94 XXX. Contexique par est reliqua circa hoc, ut

universa naturae contingat admiratio. auro gluti-

num est tale, argilla ferro, cadmea aeris massis,

alumen lamnis, resina plumbo et marmori, at plum-

bum nigrum albo iungitur ipsumque album sibi oleo,

item stagnum aeramentis, stagno argentum. pineis

optume lignis aes ferrumque funditur, sed et Aegyptio

papyro, paleis aurum. calx aqua accenditur et

Thracius lapis, idem oleo restinguitur, ignis autem

aceto maxime et visco et ovo. terra minime flagrat,

carboni vis maior exusto iterumque flagranti.

95 XXXI. Ab his argenti metalla dicantur, quae

sequens insania est. non nisi in puteis reperitur

nullaque spe sui nascitur, nulHs, ut in auro, lucentibus

" Here zinc oxide. See also XXXIV. 100. b Tin. * Or atannum, an alloy of silver and lead. <* Probably lignite.

72 ;

BOOK XXXIII. XXIX. 93-xxxi. 95

made of Cyprian copper in mortars of the same metal, and the Latin name for the mixture is santerna. It is in this way used in soldering the gold called silvery-gold ; a sign of its having been so treated is if the appHcation of borax gives it brilliance. On the other hand ' coppery ' gold shrinks in size and becomes dull, and is difficult to solder ; for this purpose a solder is made by adding some gold and one seventh as much silver to the materials above specified, and grinding them up together. XXX. While speaking of this it wili be well to annex the remaining particulars, so as to occasion all-round admiration for Nature. The proper solder for gold is the one described ; for iron, potter's clay " for copper in masses, cadmea ; for copper in sheets, alum ; for lead and marble, resin. Black lead how- ever is joined by means of white lead,'' and white ^ lead to white lead by using oil ; stagnum likewise with copper fiHngs, and silver with stagnum. For smelting copper and iron pine-wood makes the best fuel, though Egyptian papyrus can also be used; gold is best smelted with a fire made of chaff. Water puts heat into quicklime and Thracian stone,*^ and oHve-oil puts it out; fire however is most readily quenched by vinegar, mistletoe and eggs. Earth it is quite impossible to ignite, but charcoal gives a more powerful heat if it is burned till it goes out and then catches fire again. XXXI. After these details let us speak about the sUvcr. varieties of silver ore, the next madness of mankind. Silver is only found in deep shafts, and raises no hopes of its existence by any signs, giving off no shining sparkles such as are seen in the case of gold.


scintillis. terra est alias rubra, alias ^ cineracea. excoqui non potest, nisi cum plumbo nigro aut cum vena plumbi galenam vocant quae iuxta argenti — — , venas plerumque reperitur. et eodem opere ignium discedit pars in plumbum, argentum autem innatat ^ superne, ut oleum aquis. 96 Reperitur in omnibus paene provinciis, sed in Hispania pulcherrimum, id quoque in sterili solo atque etiam montibus, et ubicumque una inventa vena est, non procul invenitur alia. lioc quidem et in omni fere materia, unde metalla Graeci videntur dixisse. mirum, adhuc per Hispanias ab Hannibale inchoatos durare puteos. sua nomina ab inventoribus habent, 97 ex quis Baebelo appellatur hodie, qui ccc pondo Hannibali subministravit in dies, ad md passus iam cavato monte, per quod spatium aquatini ^ stantes noctibus diebusque egerunt aquas lucernarum men- 98 sura amnemque faciunt. argenti vena in summo reperta crudaria appellatur. finis antiquis fodiendi

solebat esse alumen inventum ; ultra nihil quaere- batur. nuper inventa aeris vena infra akmien nullam finem spei fecit. odor ex argenti fodinis inimicus omnibus animahbus, sed maxime canibus. aurum argentumque quo molHus, eo pulchrius. Hneas ex argento nigras praeduci plerique mirantur. 99 XXXII, Est et lapis in iis venis, cuius vomica

^ V.l. rufa alia. ^ natat B. 3 aquatini coni. Sillig : Accitani coni. Hardouin : lacetani

Pintianus : aquitani.

" Still 80 called. It is lead sulphide, the most useful lead ore. For galena in a different sensc, see XXXTV. 159. ^" Taking ficraXXa as (dAAa) /xer' dXXa * one after another'. ' Possibly carbun dioxide, which, since it lies low, would affect dogs before men.

74 ;

BOOK XXXIII. XXXI. 95-xxxii. 99

The ore is sometimes red, sometimes ash-coloured. It cannot be smelted except when combined with lead or with the vein of lead, called galena," lead ore, which is usually found running near veins of silver ore. Also when submitted to the same process of firing, part of the ore precipitates as lead while the silver floats on the surface, Hke oil on water. Silver is found in almost all the provinces, but the finest is in Spain, where it, as well as gold, occurs in sterile ground and even in the mountains ; and wherever one vein is found another is afterwards found not far away. This indeed also occurs in the case of almost every metal, and accounts it seems for the word ' metals ' used by the Greeks.^ It is a remarkable fact that the shafts initiated by Hannibal 221-219 b.c. all over the Spanish provinces are still in existence they are named from the persons who discovered them ; one of these mines, now called after Baebelo, furnished Hannibal with 300 pounds weight of silver a day, the tunnelling having been carried a mile and a half into the mountain. Along the whole of this distance watermen are posted M-ho all night and day in spells measured by lanterns bale out the water and make a stream. The vein of silver nearest the surface is called ' the raw.' In early days the excavations used to stop when they found alum, and no further search was made ; but recently the discovery of a vein of copper under the ahim has removed all limit to men's hopes. The exhalations ^' from silver mines are dangerous to all animals, but specially to dogs. Gold and silver are more beautiful the softer they are. It surprises most people that silver traces black lines. XXXII. There is also a mineral found in these QuicksUver.


liquoris aeterni argentum vivum appellatur. vene-

num rerum omnium est perrumpitque vasa perma-

nans tabe dira. omnia ei innatant praeter aurum;

id unum ad se trahit. ideo et optime purgat, ceteras

eius sordes expuens crebro iactatu fictilibus in vasis.

ita vitiis ^ eiectis ^ ut et ipsum ab auro discedat, in

pelles subactas effunditur, per quas sudoris vice

100 defluens purum relinquit aurum. ergo et cum aera

inaurentur, sublitum bratteis pertinacissime retinet,

verum pallore detegit simplices aut praetenues brat-

teas. quapropter id furtum quaerentes ovi liquore

candido usum eum adulteravere, mox et hydrargy-

rum,3 de quo dicemus suo loco. et alias argentum

vivum non largum inventu est.

101 XXXIII. In isdem argenti metallis invenitur, ut

proprie dicatur,* spumae lapis candidae nitentisque,

non tamen tralucentis ; stimi appellant, aUi stibi,

aHi alabastrum, ahqui larbasim.^ duo eius genera,

mas ac femina. magis probant feminam, horridior

^ V.ll. ita vitis, ita ut iis (hiis), avitis: ita autem iis Sillig:

alutis Brotier : vestibus Hardouin. * eiectis lan : tectis B : V .11. abiectis, iniectis, invectis. ^ hydrargyrum L. Poinsinet de Sivry : hydrargyro. * dicatur Mayhojf : dicatus B^ : dictus B^ : dicemus rell. (dicamus cd. Par. 6801). * larbasim B : turbasim rell. : larbason Hemiolaus Barharus coll. Diosc. V. 99. 76 BOOK XXXIII. XXXII. 99-xxxiii. loi veins of silver which contains a hiimour, in round drops, that is always liquid, and is called quicksilver. It acts as a poison on everything, and breaks vessels by penetrating them with malignant corruption. All substances float on its surface except gold, which is the only thing that it attracts to itself; conse- quently it is also excellent for refining gold, as if it is briskly shaken in earthen vessels it rejects all the impurities contained in it. When these blemishes have been thus expelled, to separate the quicksilver itself from the gold it is poured out on to hides that have been well dressed, and exudes through them like a kind of perspiration and leaves the gold behind in a pure state. Consequently when also things made of copper are gilded, a coat of quicksilver is appHed underneath the gold leaf and keeps it in its place with the greatest tenacity : but if the gold- leaf is put on in one layer or is very thin it reveals the quicksilver by its pale colour. Consequently persons intending this fraud adulterated the quick- silver used for this purpose with white of egg ; and later they falsified also hydrargyrum or artificial quicksilver, which we shall speak about in its proper § 12.3. place. Otherwise quicksilver is not to be found in any large quantity. XXXIII. In the same mines as silver there is found Antimony. what is properly to be described as a stone, made of white and shiny but not transparent froth ; several names are used for it, stimi, stibi, alabastrum and sometimes larbasis. It is of two kinds, male and female." The female variety is preferred, the male

" Probably stibnite (sulphide of antimony), and native metallic antimony respectively (K. C. Bailey, The Elder Plini/s Chapters on Chemical Subjects, I, p. 213).

77 ;


est mas scabriorque et minus ponderosus minusque radians et harenosior, femina contra nitet, friabilis fissurisque, non globis, dehiscens. 102 XXXIV. Vis eius adstringere ac refrigerare, principalis autem circa oculos, namque ideo etiam plerique platyophthalmon id appellavere, quoniam in caUiblepharis mulierum dilatet oculos, et fluctiones inhibet oculorum exulcerationesque farina eius ac

turis cummi admixto. sistit et sanguinem e cerebro profluentem, efficacissime ^ et contra recentia volnera et contra veteres canum morsus inspersa farina et contra ambusta igni cum adipe ac spuma argenti

103 cerussaque et cera. uritur autem offis bubuli fimi circumHtum in cHbanis, dein restinguitur mulierum lacte teriturque in mortariis admixta aqua pluvia ac subinde turbidum transfunditur in aereum vas emundatum nitro. faex eius intellegitur plumbosis- sima, quae subsedit in mortario, abiciturque.^ dein vas, in quod turbida transfusa sint, opertum linteo per noctem rclinquitur et postero die quidquid

104 innatet effunditur spongeave tollitur. quod ibi sub-

sedit, flos intellegitur ac Hnteo interposito in sole siccatur, non ut perarescat, iterumque in mortario teritur et in pastillos dividitur. ante omnia autem

^ efficacissime B : efficaci rell. (efficacior cd. Par. 6801). * abiciturque Gelen : abigiturque aut abicitur.

" See XXXIV. 175. 78 BOOK XXXIII. xxAiii. lor-XAxiv. 104

being more uneven and rougher to the touch, as well as Hghter in weight, not so hrilHant, and more

gritty ; the female 011 the eontrary is hright and friable and spHts in thin layers and not in globules. XXXIV. Antimony has astringent and cooHng properties, but it is chiefly used for the eyes, since this is why even a majority of people have given it a Greek name meaning * wide-eye,' because in beauty-washes for women's eyebrows it has the property of magnifying the eyes. Made into a powder %^ith powdered frankincense and an ad- mixture of gum it checks fluxes and ulcerations of the eyes. It also arrests discharge of blood from the brain, and is also extremely effective with a sprinkling of its powder against new wounds and old dog-bites and against burns if mixed with fat and

litharge of silver, or lead acetate '^ and wax. It is prepared by being smeared round vdXh. lumps of ox dung and burnt in ovens, and then cooled down with women's milk and mixed with rain water and pounded in mortars. And next the turbid part is poured ofF into a copper vessel after being purified \\-ith soda. The lees are recognized by being fuH of lead, and they settle to the bottom of the mortars and are thrown away. Then the vessel into which the turbid part was poured off is covered with a cloth and left for a night, and the next day anything floating on the surface is poured off or removed ^vith a sponge. The sediment on the bottom is con- sidered the choicest part and is covered with a Hnen cloth and put to dry in the sun but not allowed to become v^ry dry, and is ground up a second time in the mortar and divided into small tablets. But it is above all essential to limit the amount of heat

79 :


urendi modus necessarius est, ne plumbum fiat. quidam non fimo utuntur coquentes, sed adipe. alii tritum in aqua triplici linteo saccant ^ faecemque abiciunt idque, quod defluxit,^ transfundunt, quid- quid subsidat colligentes. emplastris quoque et collyriis miscent. 105 XXXV. Scoriam in argento Graeci vocant hel- cysma. vis eius adstringere et refrigerare corpora, ac remedio est ^ addita ^ emplastris ut molybdaena, de qua dicemus in plumbo, cicatricibus maxime glutin- andis, et contra tenesmos dysenteriasque infusa clysteribus cum myrteo oleo. addunt et in medica- menta, quae vocant liparas. ad excrescentia ulcerum aut ex attritu facta aut in capite manantia. 106 Fit in isdem metallis et quae vocatur spuma argen-

ti. genera eius tria : optima quam chrysitim vocant, sequens quam argyritim, tertia quam molybditim. et plerumque omnes hi colores in isdem tubulis in- veniuntur. probatissima est , proxima His- paniensis. chrysitis ex vena ipsa fit, argyritis ex argento, molybditis e plumbi ipsius ^ fusura—quae 107 fit PuteoHs—et inde habet nomen. omnis autem fit excocta sua materia ex superiore catino defluens in inferiorem et ex eo sublata vericuHs ferreis atque in

^ V.l. siccant. 2 effluxit B. ^ ac remedio est Mayhoff qui et acribus aut viridibus aut

a Graecis coni. : hac de re Detlefsen : quare his J. Muller

acre dies B^ : hac re B^ : om. rell. * addita Mayhoff : additur. ^ potius coni. Mayhoff.

" Really into metallic antimony, mistaken for lead. ^ I.e. debris scraped off. BOOK XXXIII. xxxiv. 104-XXXV, 107 applied to it, so that it may not be turned into lead.** Some people do not employ dung in boiling it but fat. Others pound it in water and strain it through three thicknesses of linen cloth and throw away the dregs, and pour ofF the liquor that comes through, collecting all the deposit at the bottom, and this they use as an ingredient in plasters and eye-washes. XXXV. The slag in silver is called by the Greeks siag 0/ *^^^'^* the ' draw-off.' ^ It has an astringent and cooling effect on the body, and like sulphuret of lead, of xxxiv. ^^^ '^^' which we shall speak in dealing with lead, it has healing properties as an ingredient in plasters, being extremely effective in causing wounds to close-up, and when injected by means of syringes, together with myrtle-oil, as a remedy for straining of the bowels and dysentery. It is also used as an ingre- dient in the remedies called emollient plasters used for proud flesh of gathering sores, or sores caused by chafing or running ulcers on the head. The same mines also produce the mineral called Litharge. scum ^ of silver. Of this there are three kinds, with Greek names meaning respectively golden, silvery and leaden ; and for the most part all these colours are found in the same ingots. The Attic kind is the most approved, next the Spanish. The golden scum is obtained from the actual vein, the silvery from silver, and the leaden from smelting the actual lead, which is done at Pozzuoli, from which place it takes its name.^ Each kind however is made by heating its raw material till it melts, when it flows down from an upper vessel into a lower one and is lifted out of that with small iron spits and then twisted round on

'^ Litharge, k^ad monoxide. ^ Argyritis Puteolana. PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

ipsa flamma convoluta vericulo, ut sit modici pon- deris. est autem, ut ex nomine intellegi potest, fer- vescentis et futurae ^ materiae spuma. distat a

scoria quo potest spuma a faece distare : alterum, purgantis se materiae, alterum purgatae vitium est. 108 quidam duo genera faciunt spumae, quae vocant scirerytida ^ et peumenen,^ tertium molybdaenam in plumbo dicendam. spuma, ut sit utilis, iterum coquitur confractis tubulis ad magnitudinem anulo- rum.* ita accensa follibus ad separandos carbones cineremque abluitur aceto aut vino simulque restin- guitur. quodsi sit argyritis, ut candor ei detur, magnitudine fabae confracta in fictili coqui iubetur ex aqua addito in linteolis tritico et hordeo novis, donec 109 ea purgentur. postea vi diebus terunt in mortariis, ter die abluentes aqua frigida et, cum desinant,^ calida, addito sale fossili in libram spumae obolo. novissimo die dein condunt in plumbeo vase. alii cum faba candida et tisana cocunt siccantque sole, alii in lana candida cum faba, donec lanam non denigret. tunc salem fossilem adiciunt subinde aqua mutata siccantque diebus xl calidissimis aestatis nec non in ventre suillo in aqua coquunt exemptamque

^ et foturae B^ : e fusura coni. Mayhoff : del. Hardouin. ^ scirerytida B : varia rell. : lythrida Brotier : sclererytida Dethfsen. ^ reumenen Detlefsen. * avellanarum Caesarins coll. Diosc. V. 102 : nucularum coni. lan. ^ desinant cd. Par. 6801 : desinat rell. : dies desinat

Mayhoff : denigrare desinat C. F. W. Muller.

" Native lead sulphide.

82 BOOK XXXIII. XXXV. 107-109 a spit in the actual flame, in order to make it of moderate weight. Really, as may be inferred from its name, it is the scum of a substance in a state of fusion and in process of production. It differs from dross in the way in which the scum of a liquid may differ from the lees, one being a blemish excreted by the material when purifying itself and the other a blemish in the metal when purified. Some people make two classes of scum of silver which they call ' scirerytis ' and * peumene,' and a third, leaden scum,** which we shall speak of under the head of xxxiv. lead, To make the scum available for use it is i^^^' boiled a second time after the ingots have been vdphide. broken up into pieces the size of finger-rings. Thus after being heated up with the bellows to separate the cinders and ashes from it it is washed with vinegar or wine, and cooled down in the process. In the case of the silvery kind, in order to give it brilliance the instructions are to break it into pieces the size of a bean and boil it in water in an earthen- ware pot Nvith the addition of wheat and barley ^vrapped in new linen cloths, until the cereals are stripped of their husks. Afterwards they grind it in mortars for six days, three times daily washing it with cold water and, when they have ceased opera- tions, with hot, and adding salt from a salt-mine, an obol weight to a pound of scum. Then on the last day they store it in a lead vessek Some boil it with white beans and pearl-barley and dry it in the sun, and others boil it with beans in a white woollen cloth till it ceases to discolour the wool ; and then they add salt from a salt-mine, changing the water from time to time, and put it out to dry on the 40 hottest days of summer. They also boil it in a sow's 83 :


nitro fricant et ut supra terunt in mortariis cum sale. sunt qui non coquant, sed cum sale terant et adiecta

^ 1 10 aqua abluant. usus eius ad collyria et cuti mulie- rum cicatricum foeditates toUendas maculasque,

abluendum ^ capillum. vis autem siccare, mollire, refrigerare, temperate purgare, explere ulcera,

^ tumores lenire ; talibusque emplastris additur et

- liparis supra dictis. ignes etiam sacros tollit cum ruta myrtisque et aceto, item perniones cum myrtis et cera.*

111 XXX\T. In argentariis metallis invenitur minium quoque, et nunc inter pigmenta magnae auctoritatis et quondam apud Romanos non solum maximae, sed etiam sacrae. enumerat auctores Verrius, quibus

credere necesse sit lovis ipsius simulacri faciem diebus

festis minio inlini solitam triumphantiumque corpora ;

112 sic Camillum triumphasse ; hac religione etiamnum

addi in unguenta cenae triumphahs et a censoribus

in primis lovem miniandum locari. cuius rei causam equidem miror, quamquam et hodie id expeti constat Aethiopum populis totosque eo tingui proceres, hunc

^ cuti Mayhoff {qui et cutem coni.) : litum B^ : situm B^ varia rell. ^ V.l. et [aut et ad) abluendum : ad alendum lan. ^ albisque Frohner. * cera edd. vett. : cetera.

" Sulphide of mercury (' cinnabar ') is meant here. True red ]ead was properly called minium secundarium. See § 119. 84 BOOK XXXIII. XXXV. 109-XXXVI. 112 paunch in water, and when they take it out rub it with soda, and grind it in mortars with salt as above. In some cases people do not boil it but grind it up with salt and then add water and rinse it. It is used to make an eye-wash and for women's skins to remove ugly scars and spots and as a hair-wash. Its effect is to dry, to soften, to cool, to act as a gentle purge, to fill up cavities caused by ulcers, and to soften tumours ; it is used as an ingredient in plasters serving these purposes, and for the emollient plasters mentioned above. Mixed with § 105. rue and myrtle and vinegar, it also removes erysipelas, and likewise chilblains if mixed with myrtle and wax. XXX\'I. Minium or cinnabar ° also is found in cinnabar silver mines ; it is of great importance among pig- ments at the present day, and also in old times it not only had the highest importance but even sacred associations among the Romans. Verrius gives a Hst of writers of unquestionable authority who say that on hoHdays it was the custom for the face of the statue of Jupiter himself to be coloured with cinnabar, as well as the bodies of persons going in a triumphal procession, and that Camillus was so coloured in his triumph, and that under the same ritual it was usual even in their day for cinnabar to be added to the unguents used at a banquet in honour of a triumph, and that one of the first duties of the Censors was to place a contract for painting Jupiter with cinnabar. For my own part I am quite at a loss to explain the origin of this custom, although at the present day the pigment in question is known to be in demand among the nations of Ethiopia whose chiefs colour themselves all over with it, and 85 PLINY: NATURAL HLSTORY

ibi deorum simulacris colorem esse. quapropter diligentius persequemur omnia de eo. 113 XXXVn. lxxxx annis ante Praxi- bulum Atheniensium magistratum—quod tempus exit in urbis nostrae cccxlviiii ^ annum— tradit in- ventum minium a Callia Atheniense initio sperante aurum excoqui posse harenae rubenti in metalHs

argenti ; hanc fuisse originem eius, reperiri autcm 114 iam tum ^ in Hispania, sed durum et harenosum, iteni apud Colchos in rupe quadam inaccessa, ex qua

iaculantes decuterent ; id esse adulterum, optimum vero supra Ephesum Cilbianis agris harena cocci colorem habente, hanc teri, dein lavari farinam et

quod subsidat iterum lavari ; differentiam artis esse, quod aHi minium faciant prima lotura, apud alios id esse dilutius, sequentis autem loturae optimum. 115 XXXVHL Auctoritatem colori fuisse non miror. iam enim Troianis temporibus rubrica in honore erat Homero teste, qui naves ea commendat, aHas circa pigmenta picturasque rarus. milton vocant Graeci 116 miniumque cinnabarim. unde natus error Indicae ^ cinnabaris nomine.^ sic enim appcHant ilH saniem draconis eHsi elephantorum moricntium pondere

^ cccxLViiii Hermolaus Barharus : ccccxxxviiii Casauhon: CCXLVIIII. 2 nativum coni. Hardouin. ^ Indicae K. C. Bailey : indicio B : indico relL. * cinnabaris nomine cd. Par. G801 : nominum {om. cinna-

baris) B : nomine {om. cinnabaris) rell.: inscitia nominum Mayhoff.

» De Lap. 59, 58. " 315 B.c. " This was really an exudation (still called ' dragon's blood') from species of the oriental plant Dracaena or Ptero- carpus. 86 ;

BOOK XXXIII. XXXVI. ir2-xxxviii. ii6 with whom the statues of the gods are of that colour. On that account we will investigate all the facts concernino; it more carefully. XXXVII. Theophrastus " states that cinnabar was discovered by an Athenian named CaUias, 90 years before the archonship ^ of Praxibulus at lo» b.c. Athens—this date works out at the 349th year of our city, and that Callias was hoping that gold could by firing be extracted from the red sand found in silver mines ; and that this was the origin of cinnabar, although cinnabar was being found even at that time in Spain, but a hard and sandy kind, and Hkewise in the country of the Colchi on a certain inaccessible rock from which the natives dislodged it by shooting javeHns, but that this is cinnabar of an impure quality whereas the best is found in the Cilbian territory beyond , where the sand is of the scarlet colour of the kermes-insect and that this is ground up and then the powder is washed and the sediment that sinks to the bottom is washed again ; and that there is a difference of skill, some people producing cinnabar at the first washing while with others this is rather weak and the product of the second washing is the best. XXXVni. I am not surprised that the colour had an important rank, for as far back as Trojan times n.u. 637. red ochre was highly valued, as evidenced by Homer, who speak? of it as a distinguished colour for ships, although otherwise he rarely alludes to colours and paintings. The Greek name for it is ' miltos,' and they call minium ' cinnabar.' This gave rise to a mistake owing to the name ' Indian cinnabar,' for that is the name the Greeks give to the gore <^ of a snake crushed by the weight of dying elephants,


permixto utriusque animalis sanguine, ut diximus, neque est alius colos, qui in pictura proprie sangui- nem reddat. illa cinnabaris antidotis medicamen- tisque utilissima est. at, Hercules, medici, quia cinna])arim vocant, utuntur hoc minio, quod ^ venenum esse paulo mox docebimus. 117 XXXIX. Cinnabari veteres quae etiam nunc vocant monochromata pingebant. pinxerunt et Ephesio minio, quod derehctum est, quia curatio magni operis erat. praeterea utrumque nimis acre existimabatur. ideo transiere ad rubricam et Sino- pidem, de quibus suis locis dicam. cinnabaris adulteratur sanguine caprina aut sorbis tritis. pre-

tium sincerae nummi l. 118 XL. luba minium nasci et in Carmania tradit, Timagenes ^ et in Aethiopia, sed neutro ex loco invehitur ad nos nec fere ahunde quam ex Hispania, celeberrimo Sisaponensi regione in Baetica miniario metallo vectigaHbus populi Romani, nullius rei dih- gentiore custodia. non licet ibi perficere id exco- quique^; Romam adfertur^ vena signata, ad bina miha fere pondo annua, Romae autem lavatur, in vendendo pretio statuta ^ lege, ne modum excederet Hs Lxx in libras. sed adulteratur multis modis, unde 119 praeda societati. namque est alterum genus omni-

^ cinnabarim miniuni v., u.h. quod coni. Warmington. * Timaeus coni. Pintianas. ^ excoquique cdd. (excoqui quae B : excoctique cd. Leid.

Voss.) : excoctaque coni. Mayhoff. * V.ll. refertur, defertur, deferuntur: perferuntur edd. vetl. ^ V.l. statuto. 88 ;

BOOK XXXIII. xxx^iii. 116-XL. 119 when the blood of each animal gets mixed together, as \ve have said ; and there is no other colour that viii. 34. properly represents blood in a picture. That kind of cinnabar is extremely useful for antidotes and medicaments. But our doctors, I swear, because they give the name of cinnabar to minium also, employ this miyiitim, which as we shall soon show is a poison. § 124. XXXIX. In old times ' dragon's-blood ' cinnabar was used for painting the pictures that are still called monochromes, * in one colour.' Cinnabar from Ephesus was also used for painting, but this has been given up because pictures in that colour were a great amount of trouble to preserve. More- over both colours were thought excessively harsh consequently painters have gone over to red-ochre and Sinopic ochre, pigments about which I shall xxxv.

"^'^ *^^' speak in the proper places. Cinnabar is adulterated with goat's blood or with crushed service-berries. The price of genuine cinnabar is 50 sesterces a pound. XL. Juba reports that cinnabar is also produced in Carmania, and Timagenes says it is found in Ethiopia as well, but from neither place is it exported to us, and from hardly any other either except from Spain, the most famous cinnabar mine for the revenues of the Roman nation being that of Almaden in the Baetic region, no item being more carefully safeguarded : it is not allowed to smelt and refine the ore upon the spot, but as much as about 2000 Ibs. per annum is dehvered to Rome in the crude state under seal, and is purified at Rome, the price in selhng it being fixed by law established at 70 sesterces a pound, to prevent its going beyond limit. But it is adulterated in many ways, which is a source Redieadmd '^™'^^- of plunder for the company. For there is in fact 89 VOL. IX. D :


bus fere argentaHis itemque plumbariis metallis,

quod fit exusto lapide venis permixto, non ex illo,

cuius vomicam argentum vivum appellavimus—is

^ enim et ipse in argentum <(vivum)> excoquitur— , sed ex aliis simul repertis. steriles etiam plumbi de- prehenduntur ^ solo colore nec nisi in fornacibus rubescentes exustique tunduntur in farinam. hoc est secundarium minium perquam paucis notum,

120 multum infra naturales illas harenas. hoc ergo adulteratur minium in officinis sociorum, et vilius ^ Syrico. quonam modo Syricum fiat suo loco doce-

bimus ; sublini autem Syrico minium compendi ratio demonstrat. et aHo modo pingentium furto oppor- tunum est, plenos subinde abluentium penicillos. 121 sidit autem in aqua constatque furantibus. sincero cocci nitor esse debet, secundarii autem splendor in parietibus sentit * robiginem,^ quamquam hoc ro- bigo quaedam metalli est. Sisaponensibus autem miniariis sua vena harenae sine argento. excoquitur auri modo; probatur auro candente, fucatum enim

^ vivum add. K. C. Bailey. ^ de micae prehenduntur B^ : micae. deprehenduntur JB* deprehenduntur. ^ et vilius Mayhoff: et ubivis lan: et vivis B: item rell. * V.l. sentire. ^ Toh\(i,inem K.C. Bailey: plumbaginem Maijhoff: uliginem

Caesarius : imaginem.

" Probably the true red-lead (prepared from cerusite, natural lead carbonate).

" Of sulphide of mercury. See § 111, note; § 118. " This is not true. 90 —

BOOK XXXIII. XL. 119-121

another kind '^ of minium, found in almost all silver- mines, and likewise lead-mines, which is made by smelting a stone that has veins of metal running through it, and not obtained from the stone the

round drops of which we have designated quick- § 09 siher—for that stone also if fired yields quicksilver but from other stones found at the same time. These have no quicksilver and are detected only by their leaden colour, and only when they turn red in the furnaces, and after being thoroughly smelted thev are puherized by hammering. This gives a minium of second rate quality, which is known to very few people, and is much inferior to the natural sands we have mentioned. It is this then that is used for adulterating real miiiium in the factories of the company, but a cheaper kind is adulterated with

Syrian : the preparation of the latter will be des- xxxv. 40. cribed in the proper place ; but the process of giving cinnabar and red-lead a treatment of Syrian is detected by calculation when the one is weighed against the other. Cinnabar also, wath red-lead, aifords an opportunity for pilfering by painters in another way, if they wash out their brushes imme-

diately when full of paint ; the cinnabar or the red-lead settles at the bottom of the water and stays there for the pilferers. Pure cinnabar ought to have the brilliant colour of the scarlet kermes- insect, while the shine of that of the second quahty when used on wall-paintings is affected by rust, although this is itself a sort of metalHc rust. In the cinnabar mines ^ of Almaden the vein of sand

'^ is pure, without silver. It is melted like gold ; it is assayed by means of gokl made red hot, as if it has been adulterated it turns black, but if genuine


nigrescit, sincerum retinet colorem. invenio et calce

adulterari, ac simili ratione ferri candentis lamna, si

122 non sit aurum, deprehendi. inlito solis atque lunae contactus inimicus. remedium, ut pariete siccato cera Punica cum oleo liquefacta candens saetis in- ducatur iterumque admotis gallae carbonibus inura- tur ad sudorem usque, postea candelis subigatur ac deinde linteis puris, sicut et marmora nitescunt. qui

minium in officinis poliunt, faciem laxis vesicis inli- gant, ne in respirando pernicialem pulverem trahant et tamen super ^ illas spectent. minium in volu- minum quoque scriptura usurpatur clarioresque litteras vel in muro ^ vel in marmore, etiam in sepul- chris, facit. 123 XLI. Ex secundario invenit vita et hydrargyrum

in vicem argenti vivi, paulo ante dilatum. fit autem

duobus modis : aereis mortariis pistillisque trito minio ex aceto aut patinis fictilibus impositum ferrea con- cha, caUce coopertum, argilla superinhta, dein sub patinis accenso^ follibus continuis igni atque ita

calici ^ sudore deterso, qui fit argenti colore et aquae hquore. idem guttis dividi facilis et lubrico umore

^ super Mayhoff coll. Diosc. V. 109 : ut per cdd. 2 muro Detlefsen : aere Hubner : auro cdd. ^ accenso qnidatn ap. Dalecamp : accensum. * V.l. calicis.

" This seems to be the raeaning here ; secundario would not refer to the minium of the second quality (see above, § 111, note; § 119), for hydrargyrum was made from the sulphide of mercury of § 111. 92 BOOK XXXIII. XL. I2I-XLI. 123

it keeps its colour. I find that it is also adulterated with lime, and this can be detected in a similar way with a sheet of red-hot iron if there is no gold avail- able. A surface painted with cinnabar is damaged by the action of sunlight and moonlight. The way to prevent this is to let the wall dry and then to coat it with Punic wax melted with oHve oil and apphed by means of brushes of bristles while it is still hot, and then this wax coating must be again heated by bringing near to it burning charcoal made of plant- galls, till it exudes drops of perspiration, and after- wards smoothed down with waxed rollers and then with clean linen cloths, in the way in which marble is given a shine. Persons poHshing cinnabar in workshops tie on their face loose masks of bladder- skin, to prevent their inhaHng the dust in breathing, which is very pernicious, and nevertheless to allow them to see over the bladders. Cinnabar is also used in writing books, and it makes a brighter lettering for inscriptions on a waH or on marble even in tombs. XLI. Of secondary importance « is the fact that experience has also discovered a way of getting hydrargyrum or artiiicial quicksilver as a substitute for real quicksilver ; we postponed the description of this a Httle previously. It is made in two ways, §§ g4, 100. by pounding red-lead in vinegar with a copper pestle in a copper mortar, or it is put in an iron shell in flat earthenware pans, and covered with a convex Hd smeared on with clay, and then a fire is Ht under the pans and kept constantly burning by means of bellows, and so the surface moisture (with the colour of silver and the fluidity of water) which forms on the

Hd is wiped off it. This moisture is also easily divided into drops and rains down freely with sHppery


124 compluere.^ quod cum venenum esse conveniat, omnia, quae de minio in medicinae usu traduntur, temeraria arbitror, praeterquam fortassis inlito

capiti ventrive sanguinem sisti, dum ne qua penetret in viscera ac volnus attingat. aliter utendum non equidem censeam. 125 XLII. Hydrargyro argentum inauratur solum nunc prope, cum et in aerea simili modo duci debeat. sed eadem fraus, quae in omni parte vitae ingenio- sissima est, viliorem excogitavit materiam, ut docui- mus. 126 XLIII. Auri argentique mentionem comitatur lapis, quem coticulam appellant, quondam non solitus inveniri nisi in flumine Tmolo, ut auctor est Theo- phrastus, nunc vero passim. ahi HeracHum, aUi Lydium vocant. sunt autem modici, quaternas uncias longitudinis binasque latitudinis non ex-

cedentes. quod a sole fuit in iis, mehus quam quod a terra. his coticulis periti cum e vena ut Uma rapuerunt experimento ramentum,^ protinus dicunt quantum auri sit in ea, quantum argenti vel aeris, scripulari differentia, mirabih ratione non fallente. 127 XLIV. Argenti duae differentiae. vatillis ferreis candentibus ramento inposito, quod candidum per-

^ compluere B : confluere rell. ^ experimento ramentum L. C. Purser : experimentum.

" Both kinds of minium—the sulphide of mercury and the lead carbonate—are poisonous. * De Lap. 47, 46. 94 BOOK XXXIII. XLi. 123-XLIV. 127 fluidity. And as cinnabar and red-lead*^ are admitted to be poisons, all the current instructions on the subject of its employment for medicinal purposes are in my opinion decidedly risky, except perhaps that its apphcation to the head or stomach arrests haemorrhage, provided that it does not find access to the vital organs or come in contact with a lesion. In any other way for my own part I would not recommend its employment. XLII. At the present time silver is almost the only substance that is gilded with artificial quick- sih'er, though really a similar method ought to be used in coating copper. But the same fraudulence which is so extremely ingenious in every department of life has devised an inferior material, as we have § 100. shown. XLIII. With the mention of gold and sih'er rouchstotu goes a description of the stone called the touch stone, formerly according to Theophrastus ^ not usually found anywhere but in the river Tmolus, but now found in various places. Some people call it HeracUan stone and others Lydian. The pieces are of a moderate size, not exceeding four inches in length and two in breadth. The part of these pieces that has been exposed to the sun is better than the part on the ground. When experts using this touchstone, like a file, have taken with it a scraping from an ore, they can say at once how much gold it contains and how much siher or copper, to a difference of a scruple, their marvellous calcula- tion not leading them astray. XLIV. There are two points in which siher shows a variation. A shaving that remains perfectly white when placed on white-hot iron shovels is passed

95 :


maneat, probatur. proxima bonitas rufo, nulla nigro. sed experimento quoque fraus intervenit. servatis in urina virorum vatillis inficitur ita ramentum obiter dum uritur candoremque mentitur. est aliquod experimentum politi et in halitu hominis, si sudet protinus nubemque discutiat. 128 XLV. Lamnas duci,^ speciem ^ fieri^ non nisi ex optimo posse creditum.'* fuerat id integrum, sed id quoque iam fraude corrumpitur. Est ^ natura mira imagines reddendi, quod reper- cusso aere atque in oculos regesto fieri convenit. eadem vi sic ® in specuU usu polita crassitudine pau- hmique propulsa dilatatur in inmensum magnitudo imaginum. tantum interest, repercussum illum ex- 129 cipiat an respuat. quin etiam pocula ita figurantur expulsis^ intus crebris ceu specuUs, ut vel uno intuente totidem populus imaginum fiat. excogitantur et monstrifica, ut in templo Zymrnae dicata. id evenit figura materiae. plurimum refert concava sint et pocuU modo an parmae Threcidicae, media depressa an elata, transversa an obUqua, supina an infesta,

' duci et cd. Par. Lat. G801 : duci rell. : duci in Mayhoff. 2 speciem B : specula rell. 2 fieri cdd. : vitri Mayhoff. * credimus B.

'" est Mayhoff : sed. ^ vi sic Mayhoff : vis Sillig : visi B : m cd. Par. 6801 nisi rell. ' V.l. exscuJptis.

° When it is concave. " \\'hen it is convex or plane. " I.e. the raajor axis of an oval rairror, or of a convex or concave oval centre of a special kind of mirror.

96 BOOK XXXIII. xLiv. 127-XLV. 129 as good, while if it turns red it is of the next quality, and if black it has no value at all. But fraud has found its way even into this test ; if the shovels are kept in men's urine the silver shaving is stained by it during the process of being burnt, and counter- feits ^vhiteness. There is also one way of testing polished silver in a man's breath—if it at once forms surface moisture and dissipates the vapour.

XLV. It has been believed that only the best Rejieaing

<^'"-' silver is capable of beinof beaten out into plates ?"<^«'»f'» and producmg an image. 1 nis was lormeriy a siiver. *""^*- sound test, but nowadays this too is spoiled by fraud. Still, the property of reflecting images is marvel- lous ; it is generally agreed that it takes place owing to the repercussion of the air which is thrown back into the eyes. In a similar way, owing to the same force, in employing a mirror if the thickness of the metal has been poHshed and beaten out into a sHghtly concave shape the size of the objects reflected is enormously magnified : such a difference does it make whether the surface welcomes ^ the air in question or flings it back.^ Moreover bowls can be made of such a shape, with a number of looking- glasses so to speak beaten outward inside them, that if only a single person is looking into them a crowd of images is formed of the same number as the facets in question. Ingenuity even devises vessels that do conjuring tricks, for instance those deposited as votive offerings in the temple at Smyrna : this is brought about by the shape of the material, and it makes a very great difference whether the vessels are concave and shaped hke a bowl or convex like a Thracian shield, whether their centre is recessed or projecting, whether the oval ^ is horizontal or obhque,


qualitate excipientis figurae torquente venientes um-

130 bras ; neque enim est aliud illa imago quam digesta claritate materiae accipientis umbra.^ atque ut omnia de speculis peragantur in lioc loco, optima aput maiores fuerant Brundisina, stagno et aere mixtis.

praelata sunt argentea ; primus fecit Pasiteles Magni Pompei aetate. nuper credi coeptum certiorem imaginem reddi auro opposito vitris.^ 131 XLVL Tinguit Aegyptus argentum, ut in vasis Anubim suum spectet, pingitque, non caelat, argen- tum. unde transiit materia et ad triumphales

statuas ; mirumque, crescit pretium fulgoris excae-

cati. id autem fit hoc modo ; miscentur argento tertiae aeris Cyprii tenuissimi, quod coronarium

vocant, et sulpuris vivi quantum argenti ; conflantur

ita in fictili circumlito argilla ; modus coquendi, donec se ipsa opercula aperiant. nigrescit et ovi indurati luteo, ut tamen aceto et creta deteratur. 132 Miscuit denario triumvir Antonius ferrum, miscent aera falsae monetae,^ alii et * ponderi ^ subtrahunt, cum sit iustum lxxxiiii e Ubris signari. igitur ars

^ umbra lan : umbram. 2 vitris K. C. Bailey : vitris aversis coni. D'Arcy Thompson : aversis. 2 V.l. falsa moneta. * alii et Mayhoff: alii e cd. Par. 6801 : alia aiit aliae ant alii {om. et) rell. ^ ponderi Urlichs : pondere aut ponderae aut pondera. alii de pondere coni. Mayhoff.

° Cf. § 94 and note. ^ vitris is K. C. Bailey'8 conjecture. The sentence cannot refer to silver mirrors. Roman glass mirrors, backed usuall}'- with lead, have been found, but seem to belong to a later time than Pliny. '^ Tliis was employed to make imitation gold crowns for use on the stage. 98 :


laid flat or placed upright, as the quaUty of the shape receiving the shadows twists them as they come for in fact the image in a mirror is merely the shadow arranged by the brilHance of the material receiving it. And in order to complete the whole subject of mirrors in this place, the best of those known in old days were those made at Brindisi of a mixture of stagnum " and copper. Silver mirrors have come to

be preferred ; they were first made by Pasiteles in the period of Pompey the Great. But it has c 106-48. °*°* recently come to be believed that a more reliable reflection is given by applying a layer of gold to the back of glass.^ XLVI. The people of Egypt stain their silver so as to see portraits of their god Anubis in their

vessels ; and they do not engrave but paint their silver. The use of that material thence passed over even to our triumphal statues, and, wonderful to relate, its price rises with the dimming of its

brilliance. The method adopted is as follows : with the silver is mixed one third its amount of the very fine Cyprus copper called chaplet-copper ^ and the same amount of live sulphur as of silver, and then they are melted in an earthenware vessel having its lid stopped with potter's clay; the heating goes on till the lids of the vessels open of their own accord. Silver is also turned black by means of the yolk of a hard-boiled egg, although the black can be rubbed off with vinegar and chalk. The triumvir Antony alloyed the silver denarius Dehasedand^ with iron, and forgers put an alloy of copper in silver So^e! coins, while others also reduce the weight, the proper coinage being 84 denarii from a pound of silver. Consequently a method was devised of 99 —;


facta denarios probare, tam iucunda plebei lege, ut Mario Gratidiano vicatini tota ^ statuas dicaverit. niirumque, in hac artium sola vitia discuntur et falsi denarii spectatur exemplar pluribusque veris denariis adulterinus emitur. 133 XLVII. Non erat apud antiquos numerus ultra

centum milia ; itaque et hodie multiplicantur haec, ut decies centena aut saepius dicantur. faenus hoc fecit nummusque percussus, et sic quoque aes alienum etiamnum appellatur. postea Divites cognominati, dummodo notum sit eum, qui primus hoc cognomen 134 acceperit, decoxisse creditoribus suis. ex eadem gente M. Crassus negabat locupletem esse nisi qui reditu annuo legionem tueri posset. in agris hs

[mri] possedit Quiritium post Sullam divitissimus, nec fuit satis nisi totum Parthorum usurpasset aurum atque ut memoriam quidem opum occupaverit iuvat enim insectari inexplebilem istam habendi

cupidinem— : multos postea cognovimus servitute hberatos opulentiores, pariterque tres Claudii prin- cipatu paulo ante CaUistum, Pallantem, Narcissum. 135 atque ut hi omittantur, tamquam adhuc rerum

1 totas B, cd. Par. 6801.

" Crassus the so-called ' triumvir ' was defeated by the Parthians at Carrhae (Haran) in 53 B.c, and assassinated when treating for peace. His head was cut off and sent to the Parthian king, who caused melted gold to be poured into its mouth, saying ' Sate thyself now with the metal for which when alive thou wert so greedy ' (Dio Cassius XL. 27). lOO BOOK XXXIII. xLvi. 132-XLV11. 135

assaying the denarius, under a law that was so popular that the common people unanimously

district by district voted statues to Marius Before 82 Gratidianus. And it is a remarkable thing that in ^-^- this alone among arts spurious methods are objects of study, and a sample of a forged denarius is care- fuUy examined and the adulterated coin is bought for more than genuine ones.

XLVII. In old days there was no number standing Exampies of ^'"^ for more than 100,000, and accordingly even to-day J^S^ we reckon by multiples of that number, using the weaith.

' expression times ' ten times one hundred thousand or larger multiples. This was due to usury and to the introduction of coined money, and also on the same Hnes we still speak of money owed as * some- body else's copper.' Afterwards ' Dives,' ' Rich,' became a family surname, though it must be stated that the man who first received this name ran through his creditors' money and went bankrupt. Afterwards Marcus Crassus, who was a member of the Rich family, used to say that nobody w^as a wealthy man except one who could maintain a legion of troops on his yearly income. He owned landed property worth two hundred million sesterces, being the richest Roman citizen after Sulla. Nor was he satis- fied without getting possession of the whole of the " Parthians' gold as well ; and although it is true he was the first to win lasting reputation for wealth—it is a pleasant task to stigmatize insatiable covetousness of that sort—we have known subsequently of many hberated slaves who have been wealthier, and three at the same time not long before our own days in the period of the emperor Claudius, namely CalHstus, a.d. 41-64. Pallas and Narcissus. And to omit these persons, TOI !


potiantur, C. Asinio Gallo C. Marcio Censorino cos.

a. d. VI Kal. Febr. C. Caecilius C. 1. Isidorus testa- mento suo edixit, quamvis multa bello civili perdidis- set, tamen relinquere servorum ^ Tm cxvi, iuga boum Tn DC, reliqui pecoris cclvii, in numerato hs [dc|, 136 funerari se iussit hs \xT\.^ congerant excedentes numerum opes, quota tamen portio erunt Ptolemaei, quem Varro tradit Pompeio res gerente circa ludae- am octona milia equitum sua pecunia toleravisse, mille convivas totidem aureis potoriis, mutantem

ea vasa cum ferculis, saginasse ! quota vero ille ipse 137 —neque enim de regibus loquor—portio fuerit Pythis Bithyni, qui platanum auream vitemque nobiles illas Dario regi donavit, Xerxis copias, hoc est |vii] Lxxxviii'^ hominum, excepit epulo, stipendium quinque mensum frumentumque pollicitus, ut e quinque liberis in dilectu senectuti suae unus saltem

concederetur ! hunc quoque ipsum aliquis comparet Croeso regi! quae, malum, amentia est id in vita cupere, quod aut et servis contigerit aut ne in regibus quidem invenerit finem 138 XLVIII. Populus R. stipem spargere coepit Sp.

Postumio Q. Marcio cos. ; tanta abundantia pecuniae erat, ut eam conferret L. Scipioni, ex qua is ludos

1 se servorum coni. Mayhoff. 2 |xii| lan-, \S\ Detkfsen: xi milibus cd. Par. 6801: Xi rell. (ixi B). ^ ^ |vfi| lan : Lxxxviii Sillig : varia cdd.

" I.e. still alive and ruling tlie Empire, so that it would be dangerous to speak of them. ^ Probably Auletes, King of Egypt 80-51 b.c.

"= See Herodotus VII. 27, 38.

I02 BOOK XXXIII. xLvii. 135-XLV111. 138 as if they were still in sovereign power,'^ there is Gaius Caecilius Isidorus, the freedman of Gaius

Caecilius who in the consulship of Gaius Asinius g b.o. Gallus and Gaius Marcius Censorinus executed a will dated January 27 in which he declared that in spite of heavy losses in the civil war he nevertheless left 4116 slaves, 3600 pairs of oxen, 257,000 head of other cattle, and 60 million sesterces in cash, and he gave instructions for 1,100,000 to be spent on his funeral. But let them amass uncountable riches, yet what fraction will they be of the riches of the ^ who is recorded by Varro, at the time when Pompey was campaigning in the regions 63 b.o. adjoining Judaea, to have maintained 8000 horse at his own charges, to have given a lavish feast to a thousand guests, with 1,000 gold goblets, which were changed at every course ; and then what fraction would his own estate have been (for I am not speaking about kings) of that of the Bithynian Pythes,<^ who pre- sented the famous gold plane tree and vine to King

Darius, and gave a banquet to the forces of Xerxes, iso b.c. that is 788,000 men, with a promise of five months' pay and corn on condition that one at least of his five children when drawn for service should be left to cheer his old age ? Also let anyone compare even

Pythes himself with King Croesus ! What madness it is (damn it all !), to covet a thing in our Hfetime that has either fallen to tlie lot even of slaves or has reached no Hmit even in the desires of Kings ! XLVIII. The Roman nation begran lavishingr donations in the consulship of Spurius Postumius 186 b.o. and Quintus Marcius : so abundant was money at that date that they contributed funds for Lucius Scipio to defray the cost of games which he cele-

103 V —:


fecit. nam quod Agrippae Menenio sextantes aeris in funus contulit, honoris id necessitatisque propter paupertatem Agrippae, non largitionis esse duxerim.^ 139 XLIX. Vasa ex argento mire inconstantia humani ingenii variat nullum genus officinae diu probando. nunc Furniana,^ nunc Clodiana, nunc Gratiana

etenim tabernas mensis adoptamus— , nunc ana- glypta asperitatemque exciso ^ circa Hniarum picturas 140 quaerimus, iam vero et mensas repositoriis inponi- mus ad sustinenda opsonia, interradimus aHa, ut quam plurimum Hma perdiderit. vasa cocinaria ex

argento fieri Calvus orator quiritat ; at nos carrucas argento caelare invenimus, nostraque aetate Poppaea coniunx Neronis principis soleas deHcatioribus iu- mentis suis ex auro quoque induere iussit. 141 L. Triginta duo Hbras argenti Africanus sequens heredi reliquit idemque, cum de Poenis triumpharet,

iiii cccLxx pondo transtuHt. hoc argenti tota Car-

thago habuit illa terrarum aemula, quot mensarum postea apparatu victa! Numantia quidem deleta idem Africanus in triumpho miHtibus X vii dedit. o

^ V.l. dixerim. ^ V.l. Firmiana. ^ V.l. excisa.

" In performance of a vow that he made in the war with Antiochus III, King of Syria, victoriously concluded in 190 B.c. * These various kinds of plate are named after the silver-

smiths who introduced them. For the last cf. Martial I . 39

Argenti genus omne comparasti . . . Nec desunt tibi vera Gratiana.

<= Scipio AemiHanus. 104 •

BOOK XXXIII. xLviii. 138-L. 141

hrated." As for the national contrihiition of one- sixth of an as per head for the funeral of Menenius 491 b.c. Agrippa, I should consider this as a mark of respect and also a measure rendered necessary by Agrippa's povertv, and not a matter of lavish generosity.

XLIX. Fashions in silver plate undergo marvel- siiver piate, lous variations o\nng to the vagaries of human taste, ^^' no kind of workmanship rcmaining long in favour. At one time Furnian plate is in demand, at another Clodian, at another Gratian ^—for we make even the factories feel at home at our tables—at another time the demand is for embossed plate and rough surfaces, where the metal has been cut out along the painted lines of the designs, while now we even fit removable shelves on our sideboards to carry the ^'iands, and other pieces of plate we decorate with filigree, so that the file may have wasted as much silver as possible. The orator Calvus complain- 82-c. 47b.o. ingly cries that cooking-pots are made of silver; but it is we who invented decoratino; carriacres with chased silver, and it was in our day that the emperor Nero's wife Poppaea had the idea of even ha^dng her favourite mules shod with gold.

L. The younger Africanus «^ left his heir thirty- 129 b.c. two pounds weight of silver, and the same person paraded 4370 pounds of silver in his triumphal procession after the conquest of Carthage. This i46 b.c. was the amount of silver owned by the whole of Carthage, Rome's rival for the empire of the world, yet subsequently beaten in the show of plate on how many dinner-tables ! Indeed after totally destroying

Numantia the same Africanus at his triumph gave a 133-2 b.c. largess of seven denarii a head to his troops— warriors not unworthy of such a general who were

105 !:


viros illo imperatore dignos, quibiis hoc satis fuit frater eius Allobrogicus primus omnium pondo mille Iiabuit, at Drusus Livius in tribunatu plebei x.^ 142 nam propter x ^ pondo notatum a censoribus trium- phalem senem fabulosum iam videtur, item Catum Aelium, cum legati Aetolorum in consulatu pranden- tem in fictilibus adissent, missa ab iis vasa argentea non accepisse neque aliud habuisse argenti ad supre- mum vitae diem quam duo pocula, quae L. Paulus socer ei ob virtutem devicto Perseo rege donavisset. 143 invenimus legatos Carthaginiensium dixisse nullos hominum inter sese benignius vivere quam Romanos. eodem enim argento apud omnes cenitavisse ipsos. at, Hercules, Pompeium Paulinum, Arelatensis equitis Romani fiHum paternaque gente pellitum,

xfi pondo argenti habuisse apud exercitum ferocissi- (LI.) lectos vero iam 144 mis gentibus oppositum scimus ; pridem mulierum totos operiri argento, pridem ^ et triclinia. quibus argentum addidisse primus traditur Carvihus Pollio eques Romanus, non ut operiret aut

DeHaca specie faceret, sed Punicana ; eadem et

1 X CG7ii. Mmihojf: XI mlHa cd. Par. 6801 : x rell. (X B). 2 x Freinshem coll. Liv. Ep. XIV, Val. Max. II. 9. 4, elc. quinque. 3 pridem coni. Mayhoff: quaedam cdd. (quidem cd. Par. Lat. 6797).

" Q. Fabius Maximus AHobrogicus, consul in 121, and in reaHty a nephew of AemiHanus. * P. CorneHus Rufinus. ^ C. Fabrioius and Q. Aemilius. Cf. § l."53.

io6 BOOK XXXIII. L. 141-L1. 144

satisfied \nth that amount ! His brother

AUobrogicus " was the first person who ever owned 121 b.c. 1000 Ibs. weight of silver, whereas Livius Drusus when tribune of the people had 10,000 Ibs. For 91 b.o. that an old warrior,'' honoured with a triumphal procession, incurred the notice of the censors '^ for 275 b.c, possessingten poundsweight of silver—that nowadays seems legendary, and the same as to Catus Aelius's not accepting the silver plate presented to him by the envoys from Aetolia who during his consulship 198 b.o. had found him eating his lunch ofF earthenware, and as to his never till the last day of his life having owned any other silver but the two bowls given to him by his mfe's father Lucius Paulus in recognition of his valour at the time when King Perseus was I68 b.o. conquered. We read that the Carthaginian ambas- sadors declared that no race of mankind Hved on more amicable terms with one another than the Romans, inasmuch as in a round of banquets they had found the same service of plate in use at every house ! But, good heavens, Pompeius Pauhnus the son of a Knight of Rome at Arles and descended on his father's side from a tribe that went about clad in skins, to our knowledge had 12,000 Ibs. weight of silver plate with him when on service with an army confronted by tribes of the greatest ferocity ; (LI.) while we know that ladies' bedsteads have for a long time now been entirely covered with silver plating, and so for long have banqueting-couches also. It is recorded that CarviUus PolHo, Knight of Rome, was the first person who had silver put on these latter, though not so as to plate them all over or make them to the pattern, but in the Carthaginian style. In this latter style he also had bedsteads 107 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

aureos fecit, nec multo post argcntei Deliacos imitati sunt. quae omnia expiavit bellum civile Sullanum.

145 LII. Paulo enim ante haec factae sunt lances e

centenis libris argenti, quas tunc cuper cl numero

fuisse Romae constat multosque ob eas proscriptos dolo concupiscentium. erubescant annales, qui bel-

lum civile illud talibus vitiis inputavere ; nostra aetas

fortior fuit. Claudii principatu servus eius Drusilla-

nus ^ nomine Rotundus, dispensator Hispaniae citeri-

oris, quingenariam lancem habuit, cui fabricandae ^

officina prius exaedificata fuerat, et comites eius octo

ad ccL libras, quaeso, ut quam multi eas conservi eius

146 inferrent, aut quibus cenantibus ? Cornelius Nepos

tradit ante Sullae victoriam duo tantum triclinia Romae fuisse argentea, repositoriis argentum addi sua memoria coeptum. Fenestella, qui obiit novis-

simo Tiberii Caesaris principatu, ait et testudinea tum in usum venisse, ante se autem paulo lignea,

rotunda, solida nec multo maiora quam mensas fuisse, se quidem puero quadrata et conpacta aut acere operta aut citro coepisse, mox additum argentum in

^ V.l. Drusilianus. * V.l. cum fabricando : quam fabricando Detlefsen.

" By Sulla in 82 b.c. ^ Fenestella died in a.d. 21, Tiberius in a.d. 37.

io8 BOOK XXXIII. Li. 144-L11. 146

made of gold, and not long aftenvards silver bed- steads were made, in imitation of those of Delos.

All this extravagance however was expiated by the 83.2 b.o. civil war of Sulla.

LII. In fact it was shortly before this period that otfiersUie' silver dishes were made weighing a hundred pounds, /"""^"''^- and it is well-known that there were at that date over 150 of those at Rome, and that many people were sentenced to outlawry ° because of them, by the intrigues of people who coveted them. History which has held vices such as these to be responsible for that civil war may blush with shame, but our generation has gone one better. Under the Emperor Claudius his slave Drusillanus, who bore a.d. 41-54. the name of Rotundus, the Emperor's steward of Nearer Spain, possessed a silver dish Meighing 500 Ibs., for the manufacture of which a workshop had first been specially built, and eight others of 250 Ibs. went with it as side-dishes, so that how many of his fellow-slaves, I ask, were to bring them in or who

Mere to dine off them ? Cornelius Nepos records that before the victory won by Sulla there were 82 b.c. only two silver dinner-couches at Rome, and that silver began to be used for decorating sideboards within his own recollection. And Fenestella who died towards the end of the principate of Tiberius ^ says that tortoiseshell sideboards also came into fashion at that time, but a Httle before his day they had been solid round structures of wood, and not

much larger than tables ; but that even in his boy- hood they began to be made square and of planks morticed together and veneered either with maple or citrus wood, while later silver was laid on at the corners and along the Hnes marking the joins, and 109 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

angulos lineasque per commissuras, tympana vero se iuvene appellata, tum a stateris et lances, quas antiqui magides vocaverant. 147 LIII. Nec copia argenti tantum furit vita, sed valdius paene manipretiis, idque iam pridem, ut ignoscamus nobis. delphinos quinis milibus sester- tium 1 in libras emptos C. Gracchus habuit, L. vero Crassus orator duos scyphos Mentoris artificis manu caelatos hs c,^ confessus tamen est numquam iis uti propter verecundiam ausum. scimus ^ eundem hs 148 VI in singulas libras vasa empta habuisse. Asia primum devicta luxuriam misit in Italiam, siquidem L. Scipio in triumplio transtulit argenti caelati pondo mille et * cccc ^ et vasorum aureorum pondo md anno conditae urbis dlxv. at eadem Asia donata ® multo etiam gravius adflixit mores, inutiliorque victoria illa 149 hereditas Attalo rege mortuo fuit. tum enim haec emendi Romae in auctionibus regiis verecundia ex- empta est urbis anno dcxxii, mediis lvii annis erudita civitate amare etiam, non solum admirari, opulentiam externam, inmenso et Achaicae victoriae momento ad inpellendos mores, quae et ipsa in hoc intervallo annn

^ sestertium 7/arcZo»m : sestertiis. ^ C Urlichs: c. ^ scimus Mayhoff : scitum coni. lan: constat ed. Basil.: sicut. * mille et Mayhoff : milia aut m. ^ cccc B : cccL rell. ^ domita cd. Par. 6801 : domata Gelen.

° I.e. Asia Minor and Syria, peace having been concluded vvith King Antiochus in 189 B.c. ^ Attalus 111, King of Pergamum 138-133 b.c, bequeathed his klngdom to Rome. Part of it became the provmce Asia.

•^ I .e. tlic destruction of Corinth by L. Mumniius, 146 B.c. IIO —;:

BOOK XXXIII. ui. 146-LI11. T49

when he was a young man they were called * drums,' and then also the dishes for which the old name had been magides came to be called basins from their resemblance to the scales of a balance. LIII. Yet it is not only for quantities of silver that there is such a rage among mankind but there is an almost more violent passion for works of fine handicraft ; and this goes back a long time, so that Me of to-day may excuse ourselves from blame. Gaius Gracchus had some figures of dolphins for 153-121 b.c which he paid 5000 sesterces per pound, while the orator Lucius Crassus had a pair of chased goblets, uo-yi b.c. the work of the artist Mentor, that cost 100,000; yet admittedly he was too ashamed ever to use them. It is known to us that he HkeM'ise owned some vessels that he bought for 6000 sesterces per pound. It was the conquest of Asia " that first introduced luxury into Italy, inasmuch as Lucius Scipio carried in procession at his triumph 1400 Ibs. of chased silverware and vessels of gold weighing 1500 Ibs. this was in the 565th year from the foundation of the city of Rome. But receiving Asia also as a gift 1^9 n.o. dealt a much more serious blow to our morals, and the bequest of it that came to us on the death of King Attalus ^ was more disadvantageous than the victory of Scipio. For on that occasion all scruples entirely disappeared in regard to buying these articles at the auctions of the king's effects at Rome the date was the 622nd year of the city, and in the 132 b.c. interval of 57 years our community had learnt not merely to admire but also to covet foreign opulence an impetus having also been given to manners by the enormous shock of the conquest of Achaia,^ that victory itself also having during this interval


150 urbis Dcviii parta signa et tabulas pictas invexit. ne quid deesset, pariter quoque ^ luxuria nata est et Cathago sublata, ita congruentibus fatis, ut et liberet amplecti vitia et liceret. petiere et digna- tionem hinc aliqui veterum. C. Marius post victo- riam Cimbricam cantharis potasse Liberi patris ex-

emplo traditur, ille arator Arpinas et manipularis imperator. 151 LIV. Argenti usum in statuas primum divi Augusti temporum adulatione transisse falso existimatur. iam enim triumpho Magni Pompei reperimus trans- latam Pharnacis, qui primus regnavit in Ponto, argenteam statuam, item Mithridatis Eupatoris et 152 currus aureos argenteosque. argentum succedit aliquando et auro luxu feminarum plebis compedes sibi facientium, quas induere aureas mos tritior vetet. vidimas et ipsi Arellium Fuscum motum equestri ordine ob insignem calumniam, cum celebritatem ^ adsectarentur^ adulescentium scholae, argenteos anu- los habentem. et quid haec attinet colligere, cum capuU militum ebore etiam fastidito caelentur argen- to, vaginae cateUis, baUea lamnis crepitent, iam vero

1 quoque Mayhoff: que. 2 celebritatem B: celebritate rell. 3 adsectarentur cdd.: expectarentur edd. vett.: assectati- onem HerTTiolaus Barbarus: adsectaretur coni. Warmington.

" He became king c. 190 b.c. ^ Mithridates VI, King of Pontus, finaUy queUed in Pompey'8 campaigns.

112 BOOK XXXIII. Liii. 149-LIV. 152 of time introduced the statues and pictures won in the 608th year of the city. That nothing might be uc b.c. lacking, luxury came into being simultaneously, wlth the downfall of Carthage, a fatal coincidence that gave us at one and the same time a taste for the vices and an opportunity for indulging in them. Some of the older generation also sought to gain esteem from these sources. It is recorded that Gaius Marius after his victory over the Cimbrians 101 b.c. drank from Bacchic tankards, in imitation of Father Liber—he, the ploughman of Arpino who rose to the position of general from the ranks ! LIV. The view is held that the extension of suver the use of silver to statues was made in the case of ^•^^"/*;,^ statues of his late lamented Majesty Augustus, owing to the sycophancy of the period, but this is erroneous. We find that previously a silver statue of Pharnaces the First,® King of Pontus, was carried in the triumphal procession of Pompey the Great, 6I b.o. as well as one of Mithridates Eupator,^ and also chariots of gold and silver were used. Like^-ise silver has at some periods even supplanted gold, female luxury among the plebeians having its shoe buckles made of silver, as wearing gold buckles would be prohibited by the more common fashion. We have ourselves seen ArelHus Fuscus, when he was expelled from the Equestrian order on a singularly false charge, wearing silver rings merely because classes of students were attracted to him by his fame. But what is the point of coUecting these instances, when our soldiers' sword hilts are made of chased silver, even ivory not being thought good enough; and when their scabbards jingle with Httle silver chains and their belts with silver tabs, nay now-a-days our 113 ! :!


paedagogia in transitu virilitatis custodiantur ar- gento, feminae laventur et nisi argentea solia fasti-

diant, eademque materia et cibis et probris serviat ? 153 videret haec Fabricius et stratas argento mulierum balineas ita, ut vestigio locus non sit, cum viris

lavantium ! Fabricius, qui bellicos imperatores plus quam pateram et salinum habere ex argento vetabat, videret hinc dona fortium fieri aut in haec frangi heu mores, Fabrici nos pudet 154 LV. Mirum auro caelando neminem inclaruisse, argento multos. maxime tamen laudatus est Men- tor, de quo supra diximus. quattuor paria ab eo omnino ^ facta sunt, ac iam nullum extare dicitur Ephesiae Dianae templi ac ^ Capitolini incendiis. 155 Varro se et aereum signum ^ eius habuisse scribit. proximi ab eo in admiratione Acragas et Boethus et Mys fuere. exstant omnium opera hodie in insula Rhodiorum, Boethi apud Lindiam Minervam, Acra- gantis in templo Liberi patris in ipsa Rhodo Cen- tauros Bacchasque caelati scyphi, Myos in eadem aede Silenos et Cupidines. Acragantis et venatio in 156 scyphis magnam famam habuit. post hos celebratus est Calamis, et Antipatro qui ^ Satyrum in phiala

^ vasorum Thiersch. ^ ac Warmington : aut (iacet cd. Par. 6801). ^ sinum Ilavet. * Antipatro qui Mayhoff : Antipater quoque qui Urlichs

Antipater quoq B : A. quinque rell. (quique cd. Par. 6801).

" C. Fabricius Luscinus, a man who held high offices c. 285- 275, but died a poor man. ^ See § 142. " In 356 B.c. <^ In 83 B.c. 114 —!

BOOK XXXIII. Liv. 152-LV. T56 schools for pages just at the point of adolescence wear silver badges as a safegiiard, and women use silver to wash in and scorn sitting-baths not made of silver, and the same substance does service both for our viands and for our baser needs ? If only Fabricius ^ could see these displays of luxury women's bathrooms with floors of silver, leaving nowhere to set your feet—and the women bathing in company with men— if only Fabricius, who forbade ^ gallant generals to possess more than a dish and a saltcellar of silver, could see how nowadays the rewards of valour are made from the utensils of luxury, or else are broken up to make them ! Alas for our present manners—Fabricius makes us blush LV. It is a remarkable fact that the art of chasing Famous ^^ gold has not brought celebrity to anyone, whereas ^^/H"/-^^^ persons celebrated for chasing silver are numerous. i^ork in silver The most famous however is Mentor of whom we spoke above. Four pairs of goblets were all that he § 147 and ^^^" ^'^'' ever made, but it is said that none of them now survive, owing to the burning of the of Ephesus ^ and of the Capitol.^ Varro says in his writings that he also possessed a bronze statue by this sculptor. Next to Mentor the artists most admired were Acragas, Boethus and Mys. Works by all of these exist at the present day in the island of Rhodes—one by Boethus in the temple of Athena at Lindus, some goblets engi*aved with Centaurs and Bacchants by Acragas in the temple of Father Liber or Dionysus in Rhodes itself, goblets with Sileni and Cupids by Mys in the same temple. Hunting scenes by Acragas on goblets also had a great reputation. After these in celebrity is Calamis, and Diodorus who was said to have placed 115 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

gravatum sornno conlocavisse verius quam caelasse dictus est Diodorus,^ Stratonicus mox Cyzicenus, Tauriscus, item Ariston et Eunicus Mitylenaei laud- antur et Hecataeus et circa Pompei Magni aetatem Pasiteles, Posidonius Ephesius, Hedys, Thracides,^ qui proelia armatosque caelavit, Zopyrus, qui Areo- pagitas et iudicium Orestis in duobus scyphis hs xil^ aestimatis. fuit et Pytheas, cuius ii unciae X x

venierunt : UHxes et Diomedes erant in phialae em- 157 blemate Palladium subripientes. fecit idem et cocos magiriscia appellatos parvolis potoriis et e quibus ne

exemplaria quidem liceret exprimere ; tam oppor- tuna iniuriae subtilitas erat. habuit et Teucer crustarius famam, subitoque ars haec ita exolevit, ut sola iam vestustate censeatur usuque attritis cae- laturis si nec * figura discerni possit auctoritas constet. 158 Argentum medicatis aquis inficitur atque adflatu salso, sic et ^ in mediterraneis Hispaniae. LVL In argenti et auri metallis nascuntur etiam- num pigmenta sil et caeruleum. sil proprie limus est. optimum ex eo quod Atticum vocatur, pretium

in pondo hbras X ii ; proximum marmorosum di-

^ lac. Mayhoff qui Diodorus suppl. : coni. et Antipatro

poetae Satyrum . . . caelasse dictus /Diodorus), Stratonicus. 2 Hedys, Thracides Furtwdngler : hedystrachides B : haedi-

stadices, iedisthracides aut alia rell, : Hedystratides Sillig : Telesarchides coni. DiltJm/. 3 xli Gelen : |xn| B : xii rell. * si nec Urlicks : ai ne B : ne rell. ^ sic et L. Poinsinet de Sivry : sicut.

" Who probably wrote an epigram {Anth. Plan. 248) stating that Diodorus ' put to sleep ' the . The MSS. of Pliny make Antipater the engraver, while in the Anthology the epigram is attributed to the younger. * At Athens for the murder of his mother, according to the story. Il6 BOOK XXXIII. Lv. 156-LV1. 158 in a condition of heavy sleep rather than engraved on a bowl a Slumbering Satyr for Antipater.** Next praise is awarded to Stratonicus of Cyzicus, Tauriscus, also Ariston and Eunicus of Mitylene, and, period of and Hecataeus, around the Pompey ^. 106 48 the Great, Pasiteles, Posidonius of Ephesus, Hedys, b.c Thracides who engraved battle scenes and men in armour, and Zopyrus who engraved the Athenian Council of Areopagus and the Trial of Orestes ^ on two goblets valued at 12,000 sesterces. There was also Pytheas, one of whose works sold at the price of

10,000 denarii for two ounces : it consisted of an embossed base of a bowl representing Odysseus and Diomede in the act of steahng the Palladium. The same artist also carved some very small drinking cups in the shape of cooks known as ' The Chefs in Miniature,' which it was not alloMed even to reproduce by casts, so Hable to damage was the fineness of the work. Also Teucer the artist in embossed work attained celebrity, and all of a sudden this art so declined that it is now only valued in old specimens, and authority attaches to engravings worn with use even if the very design is invisible. Silver becomes tarnished by contact with water from springs containing minerals and by the salt breezes, as happens also even in the interior regions of Spain.*^

LVL In gold and silver mines also are formed orides mtj the pigments yellow ochre and blue. Yellow ochre ^ W°J"^*' is strictly speaking a slime. The best kind comes from Avhat is called Attic slime ; its price is tAvo denarii a pound. The next best is marbled ochre.

" The sentence is probably misplaced. •* Various oxides and hvdroxides of iron. 117 ;


midio Attici pretio. tertium genus est pressum,

159 quod alii Scyricum vocant, ex insula Scyro, iam et ex Achaia, quo utuntur ad picturae umbras, pretium in

libras hs bini ; dupondiis vero detractis quod lucidum vocant, e Gallia veniens. hoc autem et Attico ad lumina utuntur, ad abacos non nisi marmoroso, quoniam marmor in eo resistit amaritudini calcis. effoditur et ad xx ab urbe lapidem in montibus postea uritur pressum appellantibus qui adulterant. sed esse falsum exustumque, amaritudine apparet et quoniam resolutum in pulverem est. 160 Sile pingere instituere primi et Micon, Attico dumtaxat. secuta aetas hoc ad lumina usa est, ad miibras autem Scyrico et Lydio. Lydium Sardibus emebatur, quod nunc obmutuit.^ 161 LVII. Caeruleum harena est, huius genera tria

^ fuere antiquitus : Aegyptium maxime probatur,^ Scythicum mox * diluitur facile et, cmn teritur, in quattuor colores mutatur, candidiorem nigrioremve

et crassiorem tenuioremve ; praefertur huic etiam- num Cyprium. accessit his Puteolanum et Hispa- niense, harena ibi confici coepta. tinguitur autem omne et in sua coquitur herba bibitque sucum. rehqua confectura eadem quae chrysocollae.

^ V.ll. ommutuit, omittunt. ^ V.l. quod maxime. ^ V.l. probatum. * mox Mayhoff [coni. et umore) : hoc.

" Azurite, a basic copper carbonate. ii8 BOOK XXXIII. Lvi. 158-LV11. 161 which costs half the price of Attic. The third kind is dark ochre, Mhich other people call Scyric ochre, as it comes from the island of Scyros, and nowadays also from Achaia, which they use for the shadows of a painting, price two sesterces a pound, while that called clear ochre, coming from Gaul, costs two asses less. This and the Attic kind they use for painting different kinds of Hght, but only marbled ochre for squared panel designs, because the marble in it resists the acridity of the lime. This ochre is also dug up in the mountains 20 miles from Rome. It is afterwards burnt, and by some people it is adulterated and passed off as dark ochre ; but the fact that it is not genuine and has been burnt is shown by its acridity and by its crumbhng into dust. The custom of using yellow ochre for painting was first introduced by Polygnotus and Micon, but they only used the kind from Attica. The following period employed this for representing Hghts but ochre from Scyros and Lydia for shadows. Lydian ochre used to be sold at Sardis, but now it has quite gone out.

LVn. The blue pigment ^* is a sand. In old days Azuriie. there were three varieties : the Egyptian is thought most highly of ; next the Scythian mixes easily with water, and changes into four colours when ground, lighter or darker and coarser or finer ; to this blue the Cyprian is now preferred. To these were added the PozzuoU blue, and the Spanish blue, when bhie sand-deposits began to be w'orked in those places. Every kind however undergoes a dyeing process, being boiled with a special plant and absorbing its juice ; but the remainder of the process of manufac- §§ scaqq. ture is the same as with o;old-sokler. 119 ;


162 Ex caeruleo fit quod vocatur lomentum, perficitur id lavando terendoque. hoc est caeruleo candidius. pretia eius X x ^ in libras, caerulei X viii. usus in creta; calcis inpatiens. nuper accessit et Vesto-

rianum, ab auctore appellatum. fit ex Aegyptii

levissima parte ; pretium eius in libras X xi. idem ^ et Puteolani usus, praeterque ad fenestras ; cyanon 163 vocant. non pridem adportari et Indicum coeptum est, cuius pretium X vii. ratio in pictura ad incisuras,

hoc est umbras dividendas ab lumine. est et \dlissi- mum ^ genus lomenti, quod ^ tritum vocant, quinis assibus aestimatum. Caerulei sinceri experimentum in carbone ut flagret fraus viola arida decocta in aqua sucoque per linteum expresso in cretam Eretriam. vis in medicina ut purget ulcera; itaque et emplastris adiciunt, item

164 causticis. teritur autem difficillime. sil in medendo leniter mordet adstringitque et explet ulcera.

uritur in fictilibus, ut prosit. Pretia rerum, quae usquam posuimus, non ignora-

mus alia aliis locis esse et omnibus paene mutari annis, prout navigatione constiterint aut ut quisque merca-

tus sit aut aliquis praevalens manceps annonam

^ §§ 162-163 numeri varie traduntur. 2 cyanon Brotier ex coni. Durandi: cylon B: V.ll. cyllon, cylonon, cynolon. 3 V.ll. utilissimum, subtilissimum. * V.l. quondam : quod dant edd. vett : quidara Hermolaus Barharus. I20 ;

BOOK XXXIII. Lvii. 162-164

From blue is made the substance called blue wash, which is produced by washing and grinding it. Hhie wash is of a paler colour than blue, and it costs 10 denarii per pound, while blue costs 8 denarii. Blue is used on a surface of clay, as it will not stand lime. A recent addition has been Vestorian blue, called after the man Vestorius who invented it it is made from the finest part of Egyptian blue, and costs 11 denarii per pound. Pozzuoli blue is employed in the same way, and also near windows ** it is called cyanos. Not long ago Indian blue or indigo. indigo began to be imported, its price being 7

denarii ; painters use it for dividing-lines, that is, for separating shadows from light. There is also a blue wash of a very inferior kind, called ground blue, valued at 5 asses. The test of genuine Indian bhie is that when laid on burning coal it should blaze ; it is adulterated by boiling dried violets in water and straining the Hquor through linen on to Eretrian earth.^ Its use as a medicament is to clean out ulcers ; consequently it is employed as an ingredient in plasters, and also in cauteries, but it is extremely difficult to pound up. Yellow ochre used as a drug has a gently mordant and astringent effect, and fills up ulcers. To make it beneficial it is burnt in earthenware vessels. We are not unaware that the prices of articles which we have stated at various points difFer in different places and alter nearly every year, ac- cording to the shipping costs or the terms on which a particular merchant has bought them, or as some dealer dominating the market may whip up the

" I.e. it does not lose its colour in the light. * See p. 283, note k. 121

VOL. IX. E PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY flagellet, non obliti Demetrium a tota Seplasia

Neronis principatu accusatum apud consules ; poni tamen necessarium fuit quae plerumque erant Romae, ut exprimeretur auctoritas rerum.

« A district in the city of Capua occupied by druggists and perfumers and sellers of pigments.


selling price ; \ve havc not forgotten that, undcr the emperor Nero, Dcmetriiis was prosecuted before the a.d. 54-6H. Consuls by the entire Seplasia.^ Neverthcless I have found it necessary to state the prices usual at Rome, in order to give an idea of a standard value of commodities.




I. Proxime dicantur aeris metalla, cui et in usu proximum est pretium, immo vero ante argentum ac paene etiam ante aurum Corinthio, stipis quoque auctoritas, ut diximus. hinc aera militum, tribuni aerarii et aerarium, obaerati, aere diruti. docuimus quamdiu populus Romanus aere tantum signato usus ^ esset : et alia re vetustas aequalem urbi auctorita- tem eius declarat, a rege Numa coUegio tertio aerarium fabrum instituto. II. Vena quo dictum est modo foditur ignique perficitur. fit et e lapide aeroso, quem vocant cadmean, celebri trans maria et quondam in Campania, nunc et in Bergomatium agro extrema parte ItaUae ferunt nuper etiam in Germania provincia repertum. fit et ex alio lapide, quem chalcitim appellant, in

^ alia re Mayhoff {qui ei alio coni.) : alta coni. lan : alia.

" The word aes usually means a prepared alloy of copper and tin, that is, bronze; it also inchided brass (alloy of copper and zinc). Much ancient aes contained lead. Pure copper was properly called aes Cyprium. Note that native copper ore or metallic copper is not common in the Old World, but the ancients discovered that it could be produced artiiicially by heating the much more plentiful oxides, sidphides, silicates, and carbonates of copper. ^ The others were the CoUege of Priests and the College of Augurs. " Apparently mineral calamine and smithsonite = silicate and carbonate of zinc ; cf. § 100.


I. Let oiir next subject be ores, etc., of copper Ba^e metah. and bronze " the metals which in point of utility have the next value ; in fact is Brome and '^^pp^- valued before silver and almost even before gold ; and bronze is also the standard of payments in money as we have said : hence aes is embodied in the xxxiii. terms denoting the pay of soldiers, the treasury *^' ^^^* paymasters and the pubHc treasury, persons held in debt, and soldiers whose pay is stopped. We have pointed out for what a long time the Roman xxxiii. ^^ *^^' nation used no coinage except bronze ; and by another fact antiquity shows that the importance of bronze is as old as the city—the fact that the third corporation ^ established by King Numa was ^I^^^b r the Guild of Coppersmiths. II. The method followed in mining deposits of copper. copper and purifying the ore by firing is that which has been stated. The metal is also got from a xxxii. coppery stone called by a Greek name cadmea,^ a ^*' ^^^" kind in high repute coming from overseas and also formerly found in Campania and at the present day in the territory of Bergamo on the farthest confines of Italy ; and it is also reported to have been recently found in the province ^ of Germany. In Cyprus, where copper was first discovered, it is also

** Only the region of the left bank of the Rhine is meant. 127 PLINY; NATURAL HISTORY

Cypro, ubi prima aeris inventio, mox vilitas praeci-

pua reperto in aliis terris praestantiore maximeque aurichalco, quod praecipuam bonitatem admira- tionemque diu optinuit nec reperitur longo iam 3 tempore effeta tellure. proximum bonitate fuit Sallustianum in Ceutronum Alpino tractu, non longi et ipsum aevi, successitque ei Livianum in Gallia. utrumque a metallorum dominis appellatum, illud ab 4 amico divi Augusti, hoc a coniuge. velocis defectus

Livianum quoque ; certe admodum exiguum inveni- tur. summa gloriae nunc in Marianum conversa, quod et Cordubense dicitur. hoc a Liviano cad- mean maxime sorbet et aurlchalci bonitatem imitatur in sestertiis dupondiariisque, Cyprio suo assibus contentis. et hactenus nobilitas in aere naturali ^ se habet. 5 III. Reliqua genera cura constant, quae suis locis reddentur, summa claritate ante omnia indicata. quondam aes confusum auro argentoque miscebatur, et tamen ars pretiosior erat; nunc incertum est,

peior haec sit an materia, mirumque, cum ad infinitum operum pretia creverint, auctoritas artis extincta est.

^ naturali coni. Mayhoff: naturalis.

« See§ 117, note. ^ Aurichalcum, the right word being probably = 6p€LX"^^Kos, ' mountain-copper,' that is yellow copper ore and the brass made from it. « Named after the great Marius (155-86 b.c). 128 BOOK XXXIV. II. 2-III. 5 obtained from another stone also, called chalcitis,'* copper ore ; this was however afterwards of ex- ceptionally low value when a better copper was found in other countries, and especially gold-copper,^ which long maintained an outstanding quality and popularity, but which for a long time now has not been found, the ground being exhausted. The next in quality was the Salhistius copper, occurring in the Alpine region of Haute Savoie, though this also only lasted a short time ; and after it came the Livia copper in Gaul : each was named from the ov>ners of the mines, the former from the friend of Augustus and the latter from his vdfe. Livia copper also quickly gave out : at all events it is found in very small quantity. The highest reputation has now gone to the ^Larius ^ copper, also called Cordova copper; next to the Livia variety this kind most readily absorbs cadmea and reproduces the excellence of gold-copper in making sesterces and double-«5 pieces, the single as having to be content with its proper Cyprus copper. That is the extent of the high quality contained in natural bronze and copper. IIL The remaining kinds are made artificially, and wiW be described in their proper places, the most distinguished sorts being indicated first of all. Formerly copper used to be blended ^\nth a mixture of gold and silver, and nevertheless artistry was valued more highly than the metal; but nowadays it is a doubtful point whether the workmanship or the material is worse, and it is a surprising thing that, though the prices paid for these works of art have grown beyond all limit, the importance attached to this craftsmanship of working in metals has quite disappeared. For this, which formerly used 129 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

([uaestiis enim causa, ut omnia, exerceri coepta est (juae gloriae solebat—ideo etiam deorum adscripta operi, cum proceres gentium claritatem et hac via

quaererent— , adeoque exolevit fundendi aeris pre- tiosi ratio, ut iam diu ne fortuna quidem in ea re ius artis habeat. 6 Ex illa autem antiqua gloria Corinthium maxime laudatur. hoc casus miscuit Corintho, cum caperetur, incensa, mireque circa id multorum adfectatio furuit,^ quippe cum tradatur non alia de causa \^errem, quem M. Cicero damnaverat, proscriptum cum eo ab Antonio, quoniam ^ Corinthiis cessurum se ei negavisset. ac mihi maior pars eorum simulare eam scientiam videtur ad segregandos sese a ceteris

magis quam intelk^ere aliquid ibi suptilius ; et 7 hoc paucis docebo. Corinthus capta est olympiadis CLviii anno tertio, nostrae urbis dcviii, cum ante haec saecula ^ fictores nobiles esse desissent, quorum

isti omnia signa hodie Corinthia appellant. qua- propter ad coarguendos eos ponemus artificum

aetates ; nam urbis nostrae annos ex supra dicta comparatione olympiadum colligere facile erit.

^ furuit Warmington : furit Sillig, lan : fuerit ahl. (fuit cd. Par. 6801). ^ quoniam . quam rell. (quam quod cd. Par. 6801). ^ saeculo quid. ap. Dalecamp.

* I.e. Hephaestus or Vulcan. " Or ' has won praise normally due to art.' " Corinth was destroyed by the Roman forces under Mummius 146 b.c. 130 ;

BOOK XXXIV. III. 5-7 to be practised for the sake of glory —consequently it was even attributed to the workmanship of gods,** and the leading men of all the nations used to seek for reputation by this method also—has now, Hke everything else, begun to be practised for the sake of gain ; and the method of casting costly works of art in bronze has so gone out that for a long time now not even hick in this matter has had the privilege of producing art.^ Of the bronze which was renowned in early days, CorintMm ^^'^- the Corinthian is the most highly praised. This is a compound that was produced by accident, when

Corinth was burned <^ at the time of its capture and there has been a wonderful mania among many people for possessing this metal—in fact it is recorded that Verres, whose conviction Marcus Cicero had 7ob.c. procured, was, together with Cicero, proscribed by Antony for no other reason than because he had 43 b.o. refused to give up to Antony some pieces of

Corinthian ware ; and to me the majority of these collectors seem only to make a pretence of being connoisseurs, so as to separate themselves from the multitude, rather than to have any exceptionally refined insight in this matter ; and this I will briefly show. Corinth was taken in the third year of the

158th Olympiad, which was the 608th year of our i^g ^q^ city, when for ages there had no longer been any

famous artists iii metalwork ; yet these persons designate all the specimens of their work as Corinthian . In order therefore to refute them we will state the periods to which these artists belong ; of course it will be easy to turn the Olym- piads into the years since the foundation of our city by referring to the two corresponding dates given 131 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

sunt ergo vasa tantiim Corinthia, quae isti elegan- tiores modo ad esculenta transferunt, modo in lucernas aut trulleos nuUo munditiarum dispectu.^ ^ 8 eius aeris tria genera : candidum argento nitore quam proxime accedens, in quo illa mixtura prae-

valuit ; alterum, in quo auri fulva natura ; tertium, in quo aequalis omnium temperies fuit. praeter haec est cuius ratio non potest reddi, quamquam hominis manu est,^ at fortuna temperatur * in simulacris signisque illud suo colore pretiosum ad iocineris imaginem vergens, quod ideo hepatizon appellant, procul a Corinthio, longe tamen ante Aegineticum atque DeHacum, quae diu optinuere principatum. 9 IV. Antiquissima aeris gloria Deliaco fuit, mer- catus in Delo celebrante toto orbe, et ideo cura officinis. tricliniorum pedibus fulcrisque ibi prima aeris nobilitas, pervenit deinde et ad deum simulacra effigiemque hominum et aliorum animalium. 10 V. Proxima laus Aeginetico fuit, insula et ipsa eo,^ nec quod ibi gigneretur,^ sed officinarum tem- peratura, nobiUtata. bos aereus inde captus in foro boario est Romae. hoc erit exemplar Aeginetici

^ V.l. despectu. * eius aeris Warmington : aeris coni. Mayhoff : eius. ^ manus est Mayhoff : manu faeta edd. vett. : manus et B: manu sed aut raanus sed rell. * V.l. temperamentum : temperatum C. F. W. Miiller. ^ eo Mayhoff : est. * gigneretur Sillig : signetur aut gignens aut gimens.

" Or ' for the neatness of the workmanship.' 132 ;

BOOK XXXIV. III. 7-v. 10 above. The only genuine Corinthian vessels are then those which yoiir connoisseurs sometimes convert into dishes for food and sometimes into lamps or even washing basins, without nice regard for decency.'* There are three kinds of this sort of bronze : a white variety, coming very near to silver in brilliance, in which the alloy of silver predominates ; a second kind, in which the yellow quality of gold predominates, and a third kind in which all the metals were blended in equal proportions. Besides these there is another mixture the formula for which cannot be given, although it is man's handiwork but the bronze valued in portrait statues and others for its peculiar colour, approaching the appearance of liver and consequently called by a Greek name ' hepatizon ' meaning ' liverish,' is a blend produced by luck ; it is far behind the Corinthian blend, yet a long w^ay in front of the bronze of Aegina and that of Delos which long held the first rank. IV. The Dehan bronze was the earliest to become DeHan famous, the whole world thronging the markets ^'"'^^- in Delos ; and hence the attention paid to the processes of making it. It was at Delos that bronze first came into prominence as a material used for the feet and framework of dining-couches, and later it came to be employed also for images of the gods and statues of men and other living things. V. The next most famous bronze was the Aeginetm ^'"''^- Aeginetan ; and the island of Aegina itself became celebrated for it, though not because the metal copper was mined there but because of the com- pounding done in the workshops. A bronze ox looted from Aegina stands in the cattle-market at Rome, and will serve as a specimen of Aegina bronze, ^33 1 .


aeris, Deliaci aiitem luppiter in Capitolio in lovis

Tonantis aede. illo aere usus est, hoc Poly-

^ cletus, aequales ate|ue condiscipuli ; sic aemulatio

et in materia fuit. VI. Privatim Aegina candelabrorum superficiem

1 dumtaxat elaboravit, sicut Tarentum scapos. in iis

ergo iuncta commendatio officinarum est. nec

pudet tribunorum militarium salariis emere, cum

ipsum nomen a candelarum lumine inpositum

appareat. accessio candelabri talis fuit Theonis

iussu praeconis Clesippus fuUo gibber et praeterea

et alio foedus aspectu, emente id Gegania hs l.

eadem ostentante in convivio empta ludibrii causa

12 nudatus atque inpudentia ^ libidinis receptus in

torum, mox in testamentum, praedives numinum

vice illud candelabrum coluit et hanc Corinthiis

fabulam adiecit, vindicatis tamen moribus nobili

sepulchro, per quod aeterna supra terras Geganiae

dedecoris memoria duraret. sed cum esse nulla

1 sic Mayhoff : sit B^ : sed. 2 impotentia Gelen.

« Built in 22 b.c. " Myron fl. c. 475 B.c, Polyclitus c. 435. See pp. 168-171 «= I.e. the sockets holding the eandles, the other parts being the stems and the {'eet. BOOK XXXIV. V. lo-vi. 12

while that of Delos is seen in the Zeus or Jupiter in the temple ** of Jupiter the Thunderer on the Capitol. Aegina bronze was used hy Myron and that from Delos by Polyclitus, who ^ were contemporaries and fellow-pupils ; thus there was rivalry between them even in their choice of materials. VI. Aegina specialized in producing only the rhandeiiers. upper parts " of chandeliers, and similarly Taranto made only the stems, and consequently credit for manufacture is, in the matter of these articles, shared between these two locaUties. Nor are people ashamed to buy these at a price equal to the pay of a military tribune, although they clearly take even their name from the hghted candles they carry. At the sale of a chandelier of this sort by the instructions of the auctioneer (named Theon) selling it there was thrown in as part of the bargain the fuller Clesippus a humpback and also of a hideous appear- ance in other respects besides, the lot being bought by a woman named Gegania for 50,000 sesterces. This woman gave a party to show off her purchases, and for the mockery of the guests the man appeared

with no clothes on ; his mistress conceiving an outrageous passion for him admitted him to her bed and later gave him a place in her will. Thus be- coming excessively rich he worshipped the lamp- stand in question as a divinity and so caused this story to be attached to Corinthian lampstands in general, though the claims of morahty were vindicated by his erecting a noble tombstone to perpetuate throughout the living world for all time the memory of Gegania's shame. But although it is admitted that there are no lampstands made of


Corinthia candelabra constet, nomen id praecipue in

his celebratur, quoniam Mummi victoria Corinthum quidem diruit, sed e compluribus Achaiae oppidis simul aera dispersit.

13 VII. Prisci limina etiam ac valvas in templis ex aere factitavere. invenio et a Cn. Octavio, qui de Perseo rege navalem triumphum egit, factam porticum duplicem ad circum Flaminium, quae

Corinthia sit appellata a capituUs aereis columnarum, Vestae quoque aedem ipsam Syracusana superficie tegi placuisse. Syracusana sunt in Pantheo capita columnarum a M. Agrippa posita. quin etiam

privata opulentia eo modo usurpata est. Camillo inter crimina obiecit Spurius Carvilius quaestor, ostia quod aerata haberet in domo.

14 VIII. Nam triclinia aerata abacosque et mono- podia Cn. ManUum Asia devicta primum invexisse triumpho suo, quem duxit anno urbis dlxvii, L. Piso

auctor est, Antias quidem heredes L. Crassi oratoris multa etiam tricUnia aerata vendidisse. ex aere

factitavere et cortinas tripodum nomine [et] ^ Delphi-

cas, quoniam donis ^ maxime Apolhni Delphico dicabantur. placuere et lychnuclii pensiles in delubris

1 rell. et Mayhoff : ac 5 : a cd. Leid. Voss. vi. 1 : om. 2 donis cdd. pler. : ludis cd. Poll. : erat B : aeratae

Urlichs : eae lan : dono coni. Warmington. 136 BOOK XXXIV. VI. I2-VII1. 14

Corinthian metal, yet this name specially is commonly attached to them, because although Mummius's victory destroyed Corinth, it caused the dispersal of bronzes from a number of the towns of Achaia at the same time. \ II. In early times the lintels and folding doors Various of temples as well were commonly made of bronze. ^bnmze. I find that also Gnaeus Octavius, who was granted a 169 b.o. triumph after a sea-fight against King Perseus, constructed the double colonnade at the Flaminian i67 b.o. circus which owing to the bronze capitals of its columns has received the name of the Corinthian portico, and that a resolution was passed that even the temple of \^esta should have its roof covered with an outer coating of Syracusan metal. The capitals of the pillars in the Pantheon which were put up by Marcus 27 b.o. Agrippa are of Syracusan metal. Moreover even private opulence has been employed in similar uses : one of the charges brought against Camilhis 391 b.o. by the quaestor Spurius CarviHus was that in his house he had doors covered \vith bronze. VIII. Again, according to Lucius Piso dinner- couches and panelled sideboards and one-leg tables decorated with bronze were first introduced by Gnaeus ManHus at the triumph which he celebrated 187 b.o. in the 567th year of the city after the conquest of

Asia ; and as a matter of fact Antias states that the heirs of Lucius Crassus the orator also sold a number of dinner couches decorated with bronze. It was even customary for bronze to be used for making the cauldrons on tripods called Delphic cauldrons because they used to be chiefiy dedicated as gifts to of Delphi ; also lamp-holders were popular suspended from the ceihng in temples or with their


aut arborum mala ferentium modo lucentes, quale est in templo Apollinis Palatini quod Alexander Magnus Thebarum expugnatione captum in Cyme dicaverat eidem deo. 15 IX. Transiit deinde ars vulgo ubique ad effigies deorum. Romae simulacrum ex aere factum Cereri primum reperio ex peculio Sp. Cassi, quem regnum adfectantem pater ipsius interemerit. transiit et a diis ad hominum statuas atque imagines multis modis. bitumine antiqui tinguebant eas, quo magis mirum est placuisse auro integere. hoc nescio an ^ Romanum fuerit inventum ; certe etiam nomen non 16 habet vetustum.^ effigies hominum non solebant exprimi nisi aliqua inlustri causa perpetuitatem merentium, primo sacrorum certaminum victoria maximeque Olympiae, ubi omnium, qui vicissent, statuas dicari mos erat, eorum vero, qui ter ibi superavissent, ex membris ipsorum simihtudine 17 expressa, quas iconicas vocant. Athenienses nescio an primis omnium Harmodio et Aristogitoni tyran- nicidis pubUce posuerint statuas. hoc actum est eodem anno, quo et Romae reges pulsi. excepta deinde res est a toto orbe terrarum humanissima

^ nomen non B : romae non rell. : Romae nomen Sillig. 2 vetustum B : vetustatem rell.

* Dedicated by Augustus in 27 B.c. * Probably to provide a protective polish. ' From the Greek etVajv, etVojviKo?. ^ By Antenor. The conspiracv of Harmodius and Arisio- geiton took place in 514-513 B.c. A marble copy of Critius' and Nesiotes' later substitute still exists. See note on pp. 256-257. 138 BOOK XXXIV. VIII. 14-1X. 17 lights arranged to look like apples haiiginfy on trees. like the specimen in the temple ° of Apollo of the Palatine which had been part of the booty taken by

Alexander the Great at the storming of Thebes 335^ b.c. and dedicated by him to the same deity at Cyme. IX. But after a time this art in all places came to statues oj be iisually devoted to statues of gods. I find that ^JTme!'*' the first image of a god made of bronze at Rome was that dedicated to Ceres and paid for out of the propertv of Spurius Cassius who was put to death 485 b.c. by his own father when trying to make himself king. The practice passed over from the gods to statues and representations of human beings also, in various forms. In early days people used to stain statues with bitumen,^ which makes it the more remarkable that they afterwards became fond of covering them with gold. This was perhaps a Roman invention, but it certainly has a name of no long standing at Rome. It was not customary to make effigies ofch-eekpor- human beings unless they deserved lasting com- ""«''-*'<""* memoration for some distinguished reason, in the first case victory in the sacred contests and particularly those at Olympia, where it was the custom to dedicate statues of all who had won a competition ; these statues, in the case of those who had been victorious there three times, were modelled as exact personal Hkenesses of the \dnners—what are called iconicae,'^ portrait statues. I rather believe that the first portrait statues^ officially erected at Athens were those of the tyrannicides Harmodius and Aristogeiton. This happened in the same year 510 b.c. as that in which the Kings were also driven out at Rome. The practice of erecting statues from a most civilized sense of rivalry was afterwards 139 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

ambitione, et in omnium municipiorum foris statuae ornamentum esse coepere propagarique ^ memoria hominum et honores legendi aevo basibus inscribi, ne in sepulcris tantum legerentur. mox forum et in

domibus privatis factum atque in atriis : honos clientium instituit sic colere patronos. 18 X. Togatae effigies antiquitus ita dicabantur. placuere et nudae tenentes hastam ab epheborum e

gymnasiis exemplaribus ; quas Achilleas vocant. Graeca res nihil velare, at contra Romana ac militaris thoraces addere. Caesar quidem dictator loricatam

sibi dicari in foro suo passus est. nam Lupercorum habitu tam noviciae sunt quam quae nuper prodiere paenulis indutae. Mancinus eo habitu sibi statuit, 19 quo deditus fuerat. notatum ab auctoribus et L. Accium poetam in Camenarum aede maxima forma statuam sibi posuisse, cum brevis admodum fuisset. equestres utique statuae Romanam cele- brationem habent, orto sine dubio a Graecis exemplo.

sed illi celetas tantum dicabant in sacris victores,

^ propagarique B : prorogarique rell.

" Forum Caesaris or Forum Ivlhim was built by in the eighth region of the city, near the temple of Janus and the old forura, which had become too small, * Mancinus, consul 137 B.c, in a war with the Numantines made a treaty which the senate refused to ratify, and he was handed over to the enemy though they refused to receive him, He seems to have regarded this as discreditable to the senate but not to himself,

140 —

BOOK XXXIV. IX. 17-X. 19

taken up by the Avhole of the world, and the custom proceeded to arise of having statues adorning the pubHc places of all municipal towns and of per- petuating the memory of human beings and of inscribing lists of honours on the bases to be read for all time, so that such records should not be read on their tombs only. Soon after a pubhcity centre was estabHshed even in private houses

and in our own halls : the respect felt by cHents inaugurated this method of doing honour to their patrons. X. In old days the statues dedicated were simply ^^^^ «"«^

clad in the toga. Also naked figures holding spears, styies. made from models of Greek young men from the g}Tnnasiums—what are called figures of became popular. The Greek practice is to leave the figure entirely nude, whereas Roman and miHtary "^9-44 b.c. statuary adds a breastplate : indeed the dictator Caesar gave permission for a statue wearing a cuirass to be erected in his honour in his Forum." As for the statues in the garb of the Luperci, they are modern innovations, just as much as the portrait- statues dressed in cloaks that have recently appeared. Mancinus ^ set up a statue of himself in the dress that he had wom when surrendered to the enemy. It has been remarked by writers that the poet Lucius Accius also set up a very tall statue of ^^'^' ^^ himself in the shrine of the Latin Muses, although he was a very short man. Assuredly equestrian statues are popular at Rome, the fashion for them

ha\ing no doubt been derived from Greece ; but the Greeks used only to erect statues of winners of races on horse-back at their sacred contests, although subsequently they also erected statues of

141 ;


postea vero et qui bigis vel quadrigis vicissent;

unde et nostri currus nati in iis, qui triumphavissent.

serum hoc, et in iis non nisi a divo Augusto seiuges,

sicut ^ elephanti.

20 XI. Non vetus et bigarum celebratio in iis, qui

praetura functi curru vecti essent per circum

antiquior cohimnarum, sicuti C. Maenio, qui devicerat

priscos Latinos, quibus ex foedere tertias praedae

populus Romanus praestabat, eodemque in consulatu

in suggestu rostra devictis Antiatibus fixerat anno

urbis ccccxvi, item C. DuilUo, qui primus navalem

triumphum egit de Poenis, quae est etiam nunc in

21 foro, item L. Minucio praefecto annonae extra portam Trigeminam unciaria stipe conlata—nescio an primo honore taU a populo, antea enim a senatu erat,—praeclara res, ni frivoUs coepisset initiis. namque et Atti Navi statua fuit ante curiam—basis eius conflagravit curia incensa P. Clodii funere—

^ sicut et edd. vett. : aut Eugenie Sellers.

" For purposes wbich were not religious. For a dedication of a six-horsed chariot in 189 b.c, cf. Livy, XXXMII. 35, 4. ^ For the surviving inscription of the Columna Rostrata see Remains of Old Latin, IV, pp. 128-131. " Famous augur under King Tarquinius Priscus (tradi- tional dates 616-579 b.c). X42 —;

BOOK XXXIV. X. 19-X1. 21 winners with two-horse or four-horse chariots and this is the origin of our chariot-groups in honour of those who have celebrated a triumphal procession. But this belongs to a late date, and among those monuments it was not till the time of his late lamented Majesty Augustus that chariots with six horses occurred,^ and likewise elephants. XI. The custom of erecting memorial chariots Roman with two horses in the case of those who held the •"'^^""- office of praetor and had ridden round the Circus in a chariot is not an old one ; that of statues on pillars is of earlier date, for instance the statue of honour of Gaius Maenius who had vanquished the Old 338 b.c. Latins to whom the Roman nation gave by treaty a third part of the booty won from them. It was in the same consulship that the nation, after defeating the people of Antium, had fixed on the platform the beaked prows of ships taken in the victory over the people of Antium, in the 416th year of the city of

Rome ; and similarly the statue to Gaius DuilHas, who was the first to obtain a naval triumph over the 260 b.o. Carthaginians—this statue still stands in the forum ^ and Hkewise that in honour of the praefect of markets

Lucius Minucius outside the Triplets Gate, defrayed 439 b.o. by a tax of one-twelfth of an as per head. I rather think this was the first time that an honour of this

nature came from the whole people ; previously it had been bestowed by the senate : it would be a very distinguished honour had it not originated on such unimportant occasions. In fact also the statue of Attus Navius ^ stood in front of the senate-house when the senate-house was set on fire at the funeral of Publius Clodius the base of the statue was burnt 52 b.o.

143 —


fiiit ct Hcrmodori Kphesii in comitio, legum, quas

scribebant, interpretis, publice dicata.

22 alia causa, alia auctoritas M. Horati Coclitis statuae

quae durat hodieque— , cum hostes a ponte sublicio solus arcuisset. equidem et Sibyllae iuxta rostra

esse non miror, tres sint licet: una quam Sextus

Pacuius Taurus aed. pl. restituit ^ ; duae quas

M. Messalla. primas putarem has et Atti Navi,

positas aetate Tarquinii Prisci, ni regum anteceden-

23 tium essent in Capitolio, ex iis RomuH et Tatii sine

tunica, sicut et Camilli in rostris. et ante aedem

Castorum fuit Q. Marci Tremuli equestris togata,

qui Samnites bis devicerat captaque Anagnia popu-

lum stipendio Uberaverat. inter antiquissimas sunt

et Tulli Cloeli, L. Rosci, Sp. Nauti,^ C. Fulcini in

rostris, a Fidenatibus in legatione interfectorum.

24 hoc a re p. tribui solebat iniuria caesis, sicut aliis et

P. lunio, Ti. Coruncanio, qui ab Teuta IUyriorum

regina interfecti erant. non omittendum videtur,

quod annales adnotavere, tripedaneas iis statuas in

^ V.l. instituit. 2 naiitii B : Antii Caesarius coll. Liv. IV.17.

" I.e. Castor and Pollux : records {Div. luL, 10) that it was dedicated to both, but usually spoken of as the Temple of Castor. J44 BOOK XXXIV. XI. 21-24

with it ; and the statue of Hermodorus of Ephesus the interpreter of the laws drafted by the decemvirs, 451-450 b.o dedicated at the public cost, stood in the Assembly- place of Rome. There was a different motive and another reason—an important one—for the statue of Marcus Horatius Cocles, which has survived even to 508 b.o. the present day ; it was erected because he had single-handed barred the enemy's passage of the Bridge on Piles. Also, it does not at all surprise me that statues of the Sibyl stand near the Beaked Platforai though there are three of them—one restored by Sextus Pacuvius Taurus, aedile of the plebs, and two by Marcus Messalla. I should think these statues and that of Attus Navius, all erected in the period of Tarquinius Priscus, were the first, (6I6-579 ^-^'^ if it were not for the statues on the Capitol of the kings who reigned before him, among them the figures of Romulus and Tatius without the tunic, as also that of Camillus on the Beaked Platform. Also there was in front of the temple of the Castors " an equestrian statue of Quintus Marcius Tremulus, wearing a toga ; he had t\\ice vanquished the

Samnites, and by taking Anagni delivered the nation c. 305 b.c. from payment of war-tax. Among the very old statues are also those at the Platform of Tullus Cloelius, Lucius Roscius, Spurius Nautius, and Gaius

Fulcinius, all assassinated by the people of Fidenae 438 b.o. when on an embassy to them. It was the custom for the state to confer this honour on those who had been wrongfully put to death, as among others Publius Junius and Titus Coruncanius, who had been killed by Teuta the Queen of the IUyrians. 230 b.o. It would seem not to be proper to omit the fact noted by the annals that the statues of these persons,


foro statutas ; haec videlicet mensura honorata tunc erat. non praeteribo et Cn. Octavium ob unum SC.i verbum. hic regem Antiochum daturum se responsum dicentem virga, quam teiiebat forte, circumscripsit priusque, quam egrederetur circulo illo, responsum dare coegit. in qua legatione interfecto senatus statuam poni iussit quam oculatissimo loco, eaque est in rostris. invenitur statua decreta et Taraciae Gaiae sive Fufetiae virgini Vestali, ut poneretur ubi vellet, quod adiectum non minus honoris habet quam feminae esse decretam. meri- tum eius ipsis ponam annalium verbis : quod cam- pum Tiberinum gratificata esset ea populo. XII. Invenio et Pythagorae et Alcibiadi in cornibus comitii positas, cum bello Samniti Apollo Pythius iussisset fortissimo Graiae gentis et alteri sapientissimo simulacra celebri loco dicari. eae stetere, donec Sulla dictator ibi curiam faceret. mirumque est, illos patres Socrati cunctis ab eodem deo sapientia praelato Pythagoran praetulisse aut tot aliis virtute Alcibiaden et quemquam utroque ^ Themistoch.

^ 8c B, cd. Leul. Voss. : scilicet rell. ^ utraque coni. Mayhoff.

" This is a mistake. This act was performed by C. Popillius Laenas when Antiochus IV was on his 4th campaign against Egypt. ^ In fact on an embassy to Syria connected with troubles on the accession of Antiochus V (not IV).

" • Oculalissimus is the single word ' to which Pliny alludes above, meaning ' most visible to the eye.' ^ It was in fact an enlargement of the original Senate-house. * The Athenian chiefly responsible for Athens' sea-power and the defeat of Xerxes by sea at Salamis in 480 B.c. 146 «

BOOK XXXIV. XI. 24 -XII. 26 crectcd in the forum, were three feet in height, showing that this was the scale of these marks of honour in those days. I will not pass over the case of Gnaeus Octavius also, because of a single word that occurs in a Decree of the Senate. When King Antiochus IV said he intended to answer him, Octavius " with the stick he happened to be holding in his hand drew a line all round him and compelled him to give his answer before he stepped out of the I68 b.c. circle. And as Octavius was killed while on this 162 b.c. embassy,^ the senate ordered a statue to be erected

* ' to him in the spot most eyed '^ and that statue stands on the Platform. We also find that a decree was passed to erect a statue to a Vestal Virgin named Taracia Gaia or Fufetia ' to be placed where she wished,' an addition that is as great a compliment as the fact that a statue was decreed in honour ofa woman. For the N^estaFs services I will quote the actual words

' of the Annals : because she had made a gratuitous present to the nation of the field by the Tiber.' XII. I also find that statues were erected to Greek and to , in the corners of the statues. Place of Assembly, when during one of our Samnite

Wars Pythian Apollo had commanded the erection 343 b.c, in some conspicuous position of an effigy of the bravest man of the Greek race, and Hkewise, one of the wisest man ; these remained until Sulla the dictator made^ the Senate-house on the site. It so e.o. is surprising that those illustrious senators of ours rated Pythagoras above , whom the same deity had put above all the rest of mankind in respect of wisdom, or rated Alcibiades above so many other men in manly virtue, or anybody above Themistocles for wisdom and manly virtue combined. 147 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

27 Columnarum ratio erat attolli super ceteros mor- tales, quod et arcus significant novicio invento. primus tamen honos coepit a Graecis, nullique arbitror plures statuas dicatas quam Phalerco Demetrio Athenis, siquidem ccclx statuere, nondum anno hunc numerum dierum excedente, quas mox laceravere. statuerunt et Romae in omnibus vicis tribus Mario Gratidiano, ut diximus, easdemque subvertere Sullae introitu. 28 XIII. Pedestres sine dubio Romae fuere in

auctoritate longo tempore ; et equestrium tamen origo perquam vetus est, cum feminis etiam honore communicato Cloeliae statua equestri, ceu parum esset toga eam cingi, cum Lucretiae ac Bruto, qui expulerant reges, propter quos Cloelia inter obsides 29 fuerat, non decernerentur. hanc primam cum Cochtis publice dicatam crediderim—Atto enim ac Sibyllae Tarquinium, ac reges sibi ipsos posuisse

verisimile est— , nisi Cloeliae quoque Piso traderet ab iis positam, qui una opsides fuissent, redditis a Porsina ^ in honorem eius. e diverso Annius Fetialis

^ porsina B^ : porsena cd. Par. 6801 : porsenna rell.

" An Attic orator and statesman who lived c. 345-282 B.c, and was exiled in 307 b.c. after a ten years' tyranny. * The last , Tarquinius Superbus, was supported against his republican enemies at Rome by Lars Porsena, the Tuscan king of Clusium, who invaded Rome and seized the Capitol, but withdrew after receiving twenty hostages. Among them was a maiden Cloelia, who escaped, swam across the Tiber and reached Rome, She was sent back to Porsena, but he was so struck with her gallantry that he set her free and allowed her to take back with her some of the other hostages. The rape of Lucretia by Sextus Tarquinius led to 148 BOOK XXXIV. XII. 27-xiii. 29

The purport of placing statues of men on columns was to elevate them above all other mortals ; which is also the meaning conveyed by the new invention of arches. Nevertheless the honour originally began with the Greeks, and I do not think that any person ever had more statues erected to him than Demetrius " of Phalerum had at Athens, inasmuch as they set up 360, at a period when the year did not yet exceed that number of days, statues however the Athenians soon shattered in pieces. also the tribes „ At Rome Koman n 1 T . X c • in all the districts set up statues to Marius statues. Gratidianus, as we have stated, and Hkewise threw xxxiii. them down again at the entrance of Sulla. 1^2. XIII. Statues of persons on foot undoubtedly held the field at Rome for a long time ; equestrian statues also however are of considerable antiquity, and this distinction was actually extended to women with the equestrian statue of CloeUa, as if it were not enough for her to be clad in a toga, although statues were not voted to Lucretia and Brutus, who had driven out the kings owing to whom Cloelia had 510-609 ^"^" been handed over with others as a hostage.^ I should have held the view that her statue and that of Cocles were the first erected at the pubHc expense— oos b.c. for it is probable that the monuments to Attus and the Sibyl were erected by Tarquin and those of the § 22. kings by themselves—were it not for the statement of Piso that the statue of CloeHa also was erected by the persons who had been hostages with her, when they were given back by Porsena, as a mark of honour to her ; whereas on the other hand Annius FetiaHs states that an equestrian figure which once the expixlsion of the Tarquins by Brutus and his companions and the estabUshment of the repubHcan government. 149 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

equestrem, quae fuerit contra lovis Statoris aedem in vestibulo Superbi domus, Valeriae fuisse, Publi- colae consulis filiae, eamque solam refugisse Tiberim- que transnatavisse ceteris opsidibus, qui ^ Porsinae ^ mittebantur, interemptis Tarquinii insidiis. M) XIV. L. Piso prodidit M. Aemilio C. Popilio iterum cos. a censoribus P. Cornelio Scipione M. Popilio statuas circa forum eorum, qui magistratum gesserant, sublatas omnes praeter eas, quae populi aut senatus sententia statutae essent, eam vero, quam apud aedem Telluris statuisset sibi Sp. Cassius, qui regnum adfectaverat, etiam conflatam a censori- bus. nimirum in ea quoque re ambitionem provide-

81 bant illi viri. exstant Catonis in censura vocifera- tiones mulieribus statuas Romanis ^ in provinciis

poni ; nec tamen potuit inhibere, quo minus Romae quoque ponerentur, sicuti Corneliae Gracchorum

matri, quae fuit Africani prioris filia. sedens huic posita soleisque sine ammento insignis in Metelli publica porticu, quae statua nunc est in Octaviae operibus. 32 XV. PubUce autem ab exteris posita est Romae

C. Aelio tr. pl. lege perlata in Sthennium Stallium

^ V.l. quae. 2 porsinae B^ : porsennae. ^ statuas romanis B : romanis statuas rell. (r. in p. statuas cd. Par. 6801).

" Public buildings in Rome erected by Augustus on the site of Metellus' colonnade built in 146 b.c. and named after his sister Octavia. The basia of Cornelia's statue survives. BOOK XXXIV. XIII. 29-xv. ^2 stood opposite the temple of Jupiter Stator in the forecourt of Tarquinius Superbus's palace was the statue of Valeria, daughter of Publicola, the consul, and that she alone had escaped and had swum across the Tiber, the other hostages who were being sent to Porsena having been made away with by a stratagem of Tarquin. XIV. Lucius Piso has recorded that, in the consulship of Marcus Aemihus and the second of 153 b.c. Gaius Popilius, the censors Publius CorneUus Scipio and Marcus PopiHus caused all the statues round the forum of men Mho had held office as magistrates to be removed excepting those that had been set up by a resolution of the people or the Senate, while the statue which Spurius Cassius, who had aspired to 485 b.c. monarchy, had erected in his own honour before the temple of the Earth was actually melted down by censors : obviously the men of those days took precautions against ambition in the matter of statues also. Some declamatory utterances made by Cato during his censorship are extant protesting against 134 e.c. the erection in the Roman provinces of statues to women yet all the same he was powerless to prevent ; this being done at Rome also : for instance there is the statue of CorneHa the mother of the Gracchi and daughter of the elder . This represents her in a sitting position and is remarkable because there are no straps to the shoes ; it stood in the public colonnade of Metellus, but is now in Octavia's Buildings." XV. The first statue publicly erected at Rome by foreigners was that in honour of the tribune of the people Gaius Aelius, for having introduced a law against Sthennius Stallius the Lucanian who had 151 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

Lucaniim, qui Thurinos bis infestaverat. ob id Aelium Thurini statua et corona aurea donarunt. iidem postea Fabricium donavere statua liberati obsidione, passimque gentes ^ in clientelas ita ^ receptae, et adeo discrimen omne sublatum, ut Hannibalis etiam statuae tribus locis visantur in ea urbe, cuius intra muros solus hostium emisit hastam. 33 XVI. Fuisse autem statuariam artem familiarem Italiae quoque et vetustam, indicant Hercules ab Euandro sacratus, ut produnt, in foro boario, qui triumphalis vocatur atque per triumphos vestitur habitu triumphali, praeterea lanus geminus a Numa rege dicatus, qui pacis bellique argumento colitur digitis ita figuratis, ut ccclv ^ dierum nota * et aevi 34 esse deum indicent.^ signa quoque Tuscanica per terras dispersa quin ^ in Etruria factitata sint,' non est dubium. deorum tantum putarem ea fuisse, ni Metrodorus Scepsius, cui cognomen a Romani nominis odio inditum est, propter mm statuarum Volsinios expugnatos obiceret. mirumque mihi

^ gentes cdd. : clientes Gelen : statuae edd. vett. 2 V.l. clientela sua : sunt edd. vett. ^ CCCLV edd, vett. : ccclxv. * nota aut per significationem anni temporis cdd. : seclud.

aut . . . temporis Mayhoff. * indicent B : indicet rell. : indicaret edd. vett. * quin Detlefsen : quae quin Urlichs : quae. ' sint B : om. rell.

<» When he came up to the walls of Rome in 2n b.c. without attacking the city. * Presumably three fingers of one hand made III, the first finger and thumb of that hand V, and the first finger and second finger of the other band V, the thumb and the tbird and Httle finger of that hand being bent and not counting. The MSS. have 365 (which number was not vaUd until Caesar^s 152 BOOK XXXIV. XV. 32-x\'i. 34

twice made an attack upon Thurii ; for this the 289, 285 b.o inhabitants of that place presented Aelius with a statue and a crown of gold. The same people after- wards presented Fabricius with a statue for having rescucd thcm from a state of siege ; and various 283 b.o. races successively in some such way placed them- sehes under Roman patronage, and all discrimination was so completely abrogated that even a statue of Hannibal may be seen in three places in the city within the walls of which he alone of its national foes had hurled a spear."

XVI. That the art of statuary was famihar to itaiian Italy also and of long standing there is indicated by "'«^'"^*- the statue of Hercules in the Cattle Market said to have been dedicated by Evander, which is called * Hercules Triumphant,' and on the occasion of triumphal processions is arrayed in triumphal vest- ments ; and also by the two-faced Janus, dedicated by King Numa, which is worshipped as indicating war and peace, the fingers of the statue being so arranged as to indicate the 355 ^ days of the year, and to betoken that Janus is the god of the duration of time. Also there is no doubt that the so-called Tuscanic images scattered all over the world were regularly made in Etruria. I should have supposed these to have been statues of deities only, were it not that Metrodorus of Scepsis, who received his sur- name<^ from his hatred of the very name of Rome, reproached us with having taken by storm the city of Volsinii for the sake of the 2000 statues which it 264 b.o. contained. And it seems to me surprising that time). In such a case the VI could be represented by the thumb and the first and second fingers of one hand. " Misoromaeus, fiLaopojfialos, ' Roman-hater.'


videtiir, cum statuarum origo tam vetus Italiae

sit, lignea potius aut fictilia deorum simulacra in delubris dicata usque ad devictam Asiam, unde luxuria. 3o Similitudines exprimendi quae prima fuerit origo, in ea, quam plasticen Graeci vocant,dici convenientius

erit ; etenim prior quam statuaria fuit. sed haec ad

infinitum effloruit, multorum voluminum opere, si quis plura persequi velit; omnia enim quis possit? 86 (XVII.) M. Scauri aedilitate signorum MMM in scaena tantum fuere temporario theatro. Mummius Achaia

devicta replevit urbem, non relicturus filiae dotem;

cur enim non cum excusatione ponatur ? multa et Luculli invexere. Rhodi etiamnum m ^ signorum esse Mucianus ter cos. prodidit, nec pauciora Athenis, Olympiae, Delphis superesse creduntur. quis ista M mortalium persequi possit aut quis usus noscendi

intellegatur ? insignia maxime et aliqua de causa

notata voluptarium sit attigisse artificesque cele- bratos nominavisse, singulonmi quoque inexplicabili multitudine, cum Lysippus md opera fecisse prodatur, tantae omnia artis, ut claritatem possent dare vel

singula : numerum apparuisse defuncto eo, cum

^ in Mayhojf : tria milia al. Par. 6801 : Lxxni aut Lxxiii rell.

" See p. 110, notes. * L. Licinius Lucullus, consul 74 b.c, and iiis brother M., consul 73 B.c.

^54 —

BOOK XXXIV. XVI. 34-xvii. 37

although the initiation of statuary in Italy dates so far back, the images of the gods dedicated in the shrines should have been more usually of wood or terracotta right down to the conquest of Asia,*^ which introduced luxury here. What was the first origin of representing likenesses Popuianty

"'' in the round will be more suitably discussed when %onze^^^ we are deaHng with the art for which the Greek statuary.

* ' term is plastice plastic, as that was earlier than sqq. the art of bronze statuary. But the latter has flourished to an extent passing all limit and offers a subject that would occupy many volumes if one wanted to give a rather extensive account of it for as for a completely exhaustive account, who

could achieve that ? (XVII.) In the aedileship of 58 b.c. Marcus Scaurus there w^ere 3000 statues on the stage in what was only a temporary theatre. Mummius

after conquering Achaia filled the city with statues, i46 b.c. though destined not to leave enough at his death to provide a dowry for his daughter—for why not mention this as well as the fact that excuses it ? A great many were also imported by the LucuIIi.^

Yet it is stated by Mucianus who was three times a.d. 52, 70. ^^' consul that there are still 3000 statues at Rhodes, and no smaller number are believed still to exist at Athens, Olympia and Delphi. What mortal man could recapitulate them all, or what value can be

felt in such information ? Still it may give pleasure just to allude to the most remarkable and to name the artists of celebrity, though it would be impossible

to enumerate the total number of the works of each, Lysippus. inasmuch as Lysippus is said to have executed 1500 ^f^r works of art, all of them so skilful that each of them ithcentury ^"^* by itself might have made him famous ; the number PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

thesaiirum effregisset heres ; solitum enim ex mani- pretio cuiusque signi denarios seponere aureos singulos. 38 Evecta supra humanam fidem ars est successu, mox et audacia. in argumentum successus unum exemplum adferam, nec deorum hominumve simili- tudinis expressae. aetas nostra vidit in Capitolio, priusquam id novissime conflagraret a Vitellianis incensum, in cella lunonis canem ex aere volnus suum lambentem, cuius eximium miraculum et

. indiscreta veri similitudo non eo solum intellegitur,

quod ibi dicata fuerat, verum et satisdatione ; nam quoniam summa nuUa par videbatur, capite tutelarios 39 cavere pro ea institutum publice fuit. (XVIII.) audaciae innumera sunt exempla. moles quippe excogitatas videmus statuarum, quas colossaeas vocant, turribus pares. talis est in Capitolio Apollo, tralatus a M. Lucullo ex ApoUonia Ponti urbe, xxx

^ 40 cubitorum, d talentis factus ; talis in campo Martio luppiter, a ^ Claudio Caesare dicatus, qui devoratur

Pompeiani theatri vicinitate ; talis et Tarenti factus a Lysippo, xl cubitorum. mirum in eo quod manu, ut ferunt, mobilis ea ratio libramenti est, ut nullis convellatur procellis. id quidem providisse et artifex dicitur modico intervallo. unde maxime

1 D cdd. : L Overbeck : CL e//

" No doubt a araTrjp. ** This figure seems too large. " Lit. ' is swallowed up by.' IS6 BOOK XXX1\'. XVII. 37-xviii. 40 is said to have been discovered after his decease, wheii his heir broke open his cofFers, it having been his practice to put aside a coin'^ of the value of one gold denarius out of what he got as reward for his handicraft for each statue. The art rose to incredible heights in success and afterwards in boldness of design. To prove its success I will adduce one instance, and that not of a representation of either a god or a man : our own generation saw on the Capitol, before it last went up a.d. 69. in flames burnt at the hands of the adherents of VitelUus, in the shrine of Juno, a bronze figure of a hound hcking its wound, the miraculous excellence and absolute truth to life of which is shown not only by the fact of its dedication in that place but also by the method taken for insuring it ; for as no sum of money seemed to equal its value, the goverimient enacted that its custodians should be answerable for its safety with their hves. (XVHI.) Of boldness of design the examples are innumerable. We see enormously huge statues de\-ised, what are called Coiossai Colossi, as large as towers. Such is the Apollo on the Capitol, brought over by Marcus Lucullus from 73 b.o. Apollonia, a city of Pontus, 45 ft. high, which cost ^ 500 talents to make ; or the Jupiter which the Emperor Claudius dedicated in the Campus Martius, which is dwarfed <^ by the proximity of the theatre of Pompey ; or the 60 ft. high statue at Taranto made by Lysippus. The remarkable thing in the case of the last is that though it can be moved by the hand, it is so nicely balanced, so it is said, that it is not dislodged from its place by any storms. This indeed, it is said. the artist himself provided against by erecting a column a short distance from

157 ;


riatum opus erat frangi, opposita columna. itaque magnitudinem propter difficultatemque moliendi ^ non attigit eum Fabius Verrucosus, cum Herculem, 41 qui est in Capitolio, inde transferret. ante omnes autem in admiratione fuit Solis colossus Rhodi, quem fecerat Chares Lindius, Lysippi supra dicti discipulus. Lxx cubitorum altitudinis fuit hoc simula- crum, post lxvi ^ annum terrae motu prostratum, sed iacens quoque miraculo est. pauci pollicem eius amplectuntur, maiores sunt digiti quam pleraeque statuae. vasti specus hiant defractis membris spectantur intus magnae mohs saxa, quorum pondere stabihverat eum constituens. duodecim annis tra- dunt effectum ccc talentis, quae contigerant ex apparatu regis Demetrii rehcto morae taedio 42 obsessa ^ Rhodo. sunt ahi centum numero in eadem urbe colossi minores hoc, sed ubicumque singuh fuissent, nobilitaturi locum, praeterque hos deorum quinque, quos fecit Bryaxis. 43 Factitavit colossos et Itaha. videmus certe Tus- canicum Apolhnem in bibhotheca temph Augusti quinquaginta pedum a pohice, dubium aere mira- bihorem an pulchritudine. fecit et Sp. Carvihus lovem, qui est in Capitoho, victis Samnitibus sacrata

^ movendi B-. * Lxvi B^ : LVi. ^ obsessa B : obesse a rell. (obsesso cd. Virul.) : obsessae

Sillig : del. edd. vett. (iletn rhodo).

« Demetriua Polioroetes. » Cf. § 34. 8 BOOK XXXIV. xviii. 40-43 it to shelter it on the side where it was most necessary to break the force of the wind. Accordingly, because of its size, and the difficulty of moving it with great labour, Fabius Verrucosus left it alone when he transferred the from that place 209 b.c. to the Capitol where it now stands. But calling for admiration before all others was the colossal Statue chares. at Rhodes Chares of Lindus, of the Sun made by f^^^*'^ the pupil of Lysippus mentioned above. This Rhodes. statue was 105 ft. high ; and, 66 years after its erection, was overthrown by an earthquake, but c. 226 b.o. even lying on the ground it is a marvel. Few people can make their arms meet round the thumb of the figure, and the fingers are larger than most statues ; and where the limbs have been broken oft' enormous cavities yawn, while inside are seen great masses of rock with the weight of which the artist steadied it when he erected it. It is recorded that it took twelve years to complete and cost 300 talents, money realized from the engines of war belonging to King Demetrius'^ Mhich he had abandoned when he got tired of the protracted siege of Rhodes. There 305-4 b.c. are a hundred other colossal statues in the same city, which though smaller than this one would have each of them brought fame to any place where it might have stood alone ; and besides these there were five colossal statues of gods, made by Bryaxis. Italy also was fond of making colossal statues. other

At all events we see the Tuscanic ^ ApoUo in the 7(Mues. library of the Temple of Augustus, 50 ft. in height measuring from the toe ; and it is a question whether it is more remarkable for the quality of the bronze or for the beauty of the work. Spurius CarviHus also made the Jupiter that stands in the Capitol,


lege piignantibus e pectoralibiis eoriim ocreisque et galeis. amplitudo tanta est, ut conspiciatur a Latiari love. e reliquiis limae suam statuam 44 fecit, quae est ante pedes simulacri eius. habent in eodem Capitolio admirationem et capita duo, quae P. Lentulus cos. dicavit, alterum a Charete supra ^ dicto factum, alterum fecit . . . dicus compara- tione in tantum victus, ut artificum ^ minime pro- 45 babilis videatur. verum omnem amplitudinem sta- tuarum eius generis vicit aetate nostra Zenodorus Mercurio facto in civitate Galliae Arvernis per annos decem, hs [cccc] ^ manipretii, postquam satis artem ibi adprobaverat, Romam accitus a Nerone, ubi destinatum illius principis simulacro* colossum fecit cvis ^ pedum in ® longitudinem, qui dicatus Soli "^ venerationi est damnatis sceleribus ilhus 46 principis. mirabamur in officina non modo ex argilla similitudinem insignem, verum et de parvis admodum surculis ^ quod primum operis instaurati fuit. ea statua indicavit interisse fundendi aeris scientiam, cum et Nero largiri aurum argentumque paratus esset et Zenodorus scientia fingendi cae- 47 landique nulli veterum postponeretur. statuam Ar-

^ coni. Sillig : Pythodicus Urlichs coll. § 85.

2 V .1. artificium. ^ ]cccc| lan : cccc.

'^ simulacro B : simulacrum rell. ^ cvis Detlefsen : cxix lan : cxixs Urlichs : cui

nouaginta (= cvixc) B : cui x aut alia rell. ^ in add. Mayhoff. ' soli B : solis rell. " sublicis coni. Warmington.

" On the Alban Mount, ten miles from Rome. * Only the last five letters of the name survive in MSS. Another conjectured restoration is Pythodicus, cf. § 85- l6o BOOK XXXIV. xviii. 43-47 after defeating the Samnites in the war which they ^'jz b.o. fought under a most solemn oath ; the metal was obtained from their breastplates, greaves and helmets, and the size of the figure is so great that it can be seen from the temple of Jupiter Latiaris.^" Out of the bronze filings left over CarviHus made the statue of himself that stands at the feet of the statue of Jupiter. The Capitol also contains two much admired heads dedicated by the consul Publius 57 b.o. Lentulus, one made by Chares above-mentioned and the other by Prodicus,^ who is so outdone by comparison as to seem the poorest of artists. But all the gigantic statues of this class have been beaten in our period by Zenodorus with the Hermes or zenodoms. Mercury which he made in the community of the

Arverni in Gaul ; it took him ten years and the sum paid for its maldng was 40,000,000 sesterces. Having given sufficient proof of his artistic skill in Gaul he Mas summoned to Rome by Nero, and there made the a.b. 54-68. colossal statue, 106J ft. high, intended to represent that emperor but now, dedicated to the sun after the condemnation of that emperor's crimes, it is an object of awe. In his studio we used not only to admire the remarkable Ukeness of the clay model but also to marvel at the frame of quite small tim- bers ^ which constituted the first stage of the work put in hand. This statue has shown that skill in bronze-founding has perished, since Nero was quite ready to provide gold and silver, and also Zenodorus was counted inferior to none of the artists of old in his knowledge of modelhng and chasing. When he

" A skeleton for the model; or, according to Eugenie Sellers, slender wax tubes covering a wax model, wbich was then cased in loam before bronze was poured in. 161 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

vernorum cum faceret provinciae Dubio ^ Avilo praesidente, duo pocula Calamidis manu caelata, quae Cassio Salano avunculo eius, praeceptori suo, Germanicus Caesar adamata donaverat, aemulatus est, ut vix ulla differentia esset artis. quanto maior Zenodoro praestantia fuit, tanto magis deprehenditur aeris obliteratio. 48 Signis, quae vocant Corinthia, plerique in tantum capiuntur, ut secum circumferant, sicut Hortensius orator sphingem Verri reo ablatam, propter quam Cicero illo iudicio in altercatione neganti ei, aenig- mata se intellegere, respondit debere, quoniam sphingem domi haberet. circumtuHt et Nero prin- ceps Amazonem, de qua dicemus, et paulo ante C. Cestius consularis ^ signum,^ quod secum etiam in proelio habuit. Alexandri quoque Magni taber- naculum sustinere traduntur soUtae statuae, ex quibus duae ante Martis Ultoris aedem dicatae sunt, totidem ante regiam. 49 XIX. Minoribus simulacris signisque innumera prope artificum multitudo nobilitata est, ante omnes tamen Atheniensis love Olympio ^ facto ex ebore quidem et auro, sed et ex aere signa fecit.

i Vibio cd. Par. 6801 : Duuio J. Klein. 2 consularis Laris Frohner. 3 syjhingera coni. Mayhoff: seclud. Urlichs. * Olympio B : Olympiae rell.

" The reference is probably to statuettes, not medallions or signet rings or brooches. ^ Apparently Pliny has made a mistake, because Alexander's oK-qvT) was the canopy (supported by four golden statues of Victory) of the chariot which carried AIexander'8 dead body to Alexandria. " Tn the forum of Augustus at Rome. •* Near the temple of Vesta. 162 BOOK XXXIV. xviii. 47-xix. 49

was making the statue for the Arverni, vvhen the governor of the province was Dubius Avitus, he produced facsimiles of two chased cups, the handiwork of Calamis, which Germanicus Caesar had prized highly and had presented to his tutor Cassius Salanus,

Avitus's uncle ; the copies were so skilfully made that there was scarcely any difference in artistry between them and the originals. The greater was the emi- nence of Zenodorus, the more we reaHze how the art of working bronze has deteriorated.

Owners of the figurines " called Corinthian are Fiffurines. usually so enamoured of them that they carry them

about with them ; for instance the orator Hortensius was never parted from the sphinx which he had got

out of \erres when on trial ; this explains Cicero's tob.o. retort when Hortensius in the course of an altercation at the trial in question said he was not good at

* riddles. * You ought to be,' said Cicero, as you keep a sphinx in your pocket.' The emperor Nero also ^i^- ^^^^- used to carry about with him an Amazon which we ^2. shall describe later, and a httle before Nero, the ^ ex-consul Gaius Cestius used to go about with a figurine, which he had with him even on the battle- iield. It is also said that the tent ^ of was regularly erected with four statues as tent-poles, two of which have now been dedicated to stand in front of the temple ^ of Mars the Avenger ' and two in front of the Royal Palace.^ XIX. An almost innumerable multitude of artists Smaii have been rendered famous by statues and figures ^aJjJ^^, '^''"^^* of smaller size ; but before them all stands the .

Athenian Pheidias, celebrated for the statue of Bom c. 560 Olympian Zeus, which in fact was made of ivory and c.' 4508.0. gold, although he also made figures of bronze. He 163 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

floruit autem olympiade lxxxiii, circiter ccc urbis nostrae annum,^ quo eodem tempore aemuli eius fuere Alcamenes, Critias, Nesiotes, Hegias, et deinde

olympiade lxxxvii Hagelades, Callon, Gorgias Lacon ; rursus Lxxxx Polyclitus, , Myron, Pytha- 50 goras, Scopas, Perellus.^ ex iis Polyclitus discipulos habuit Argium, Asopodorum, Alexim, Aristidem, Phrynonem, Dinonem,^ Athenodorum, Demean CH- torium, Myron Lycium. lxxxxv olympiade floruere

Naucydes, Dinomenes, Canachus, Patroclus ; cii ^ Polycles, Cephisodotus, Leochares,* Hypatodorus ; ciiii Praxiteles, ; cvii Aetion, Theri- 51 machus. cxiii Lysippus fuit, cum et Alexander Magnus, item Lysistratus frater eius, Sthennis,^ Euphron, Sofocles,' Sostratus, lon, Silanion—in hoc

mirabile quod nullo doctore nobihs fuit ; ipse disci-

pulum habuit Zeuxiaden— ; cxxi Eutychides, Euthy- crates, Laippus,^ Cephisodotus,^ Timarchus, Pyro- 52 machus.^*^ cessavit deinde ars ac rursus olympiade CLVi revixit, cum fuere longe quidem infra praedictos,

1 V.L anno. ^ Perellus B : Perelius rell. : Perileus Tliiersch. 3 om. B.

•* Leochares Hermolaus Barharus (cf. § 79) : leuchares B : leuihares aiit sim. rell. ^ Epatodorus Hermolaus Barharus. ^ Sthennis Herinolaus Barharus : thenis. ^ Euphron, Sofocles Loeivy : E., Eucles lan : euphron

fucles B : euphronicles aut -ides relL * Dahippus Hardouin. " Cephisodorus Gelen. ^" Phyromachus KeiL

° More exactly the 306th to the 309th year of the city of Rome = 448-445 b.c. ^ In merit. For Critias the Marmor Parium has Critios.

164 BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 49-52 flourished in the 83rd Olympiad, about ^ the 300th 448-145 b.c. year of our city, at which same period his rivals ^ 454 b.c. were Alcamenes, Critias, Nesiotes and Hegias ; and hiter, in the 87th Olympiad there were Hagelades,*' 432-429 b.c. Callon and the Spartan Gorgias, and again in the 90th Olympiad Polycleitus, Phradmon, Myron, 420-417 b.c. Pythagoras,^ Scopas ^ and Perellus. Of these Polycleitus had as pupils Argius, Asopodorus, Alexis, Aristides, Phryno, Dino, Athenodorus, and Demeas of Clitor; and Myron had Lycius. In the 95th 400-397 b.u Olympiad flourished Naucydes, Dinomenes, Cana- chus and Patroclus ; and in the 102nd Polycles, Cephi- 372-369 b.c b.c. sodotus, Leochares and Hypatodorus ; in the 104-th 364-3G1

Praxiteles and Euphranor ; in the lOTth Aetion 352-349 b.c. and Therimachus. Lysippus / was in the 113th, the 327-324 b.c. period of Alexander the Great, and hkewise his brother Lysistratus, Sthennis, Euphron, Sophocles, Sostratus, lon and Silanion—a remarkable fact in the case of the last named being that he became famous without having had any teacher ; he him- self had Zeuxiades as his pupil—and in the 121st 295-292 b.c. Eutychides, Euthycrates, Laippus,^ Cephisodotus, Timarchus and Pyromachus. After that the art languished, and it revived again in the 156th 156-153 b.o. Olympiad, when there were the following, far inferior it is true to those mentioned above, but

'^ The Greek form is Hagelaidas. He really flouxished c. 515-485 B.c. ^ In fact MjTon^s best work was done before 450 b.c, Pythagoras' before 475 B.c. • In fact Scopas was stiU working in 350 b.c. unless we have here an ekier Scopas. f He was apparently working soon after 369 b.c. 9 Probably this should be Daippus as in § 87, cf. Paus. VI. 12, 6; 16, 35, AaiTTTTo?. 165 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

probati tamen, Antaeus,^ Callistratus, Polycles , Callixenus, Pythocles, Pythias, Timocles. 53 Ita distinctis celeberrimorum aetatibus insignes raptim transcurram, reliqua multitudine passim dispersa. venere autem et in certamen laudatissimi, quamquam diversis aetatibus geniti, quoniam fecerant Amazonas, quae cum in templo Dianae Ephesiae dicarentur, placuit eligi probatissimam ipsorum artificum, qui praesentes erant, iudicio, cum ^ apparuit eam esse, quam omnes secundam a sua quisque iudicassent. haec est Polycliti, proxima ab ea Phidiae, tertia Cresilae,^ quarta Cydonis, quinta Phradmonis. 54 Phidias praeter lovem Olympium, quem nemo aemulatur, fecit ex ebore auroque * Minervam Athenis, quae est in Parthenone stans, ex aere vero praeter Amazonem supra dictam Minervam tam eximiae pulchritudinis, ut formae cognomen acceperit. fecit et cliduchum et aliam Minervam, quam Romae Paulus AemiHus ad aedem Fortunae Huiusce Diei dicavit, item duo signa, quae Catulus in eadem aede, palhata et alterum colossicon nudum, primusque artem toreuticen aperuisse atque demonstrasse merito iudicatur.

1 Antheiis edd. vett. 2 tum 0. Jahn. 3 clesilae B : Ctesilae GeJen : Ctesilai Hardouin. * auroque coni. 3Iayhoff: aeque.

" Some blunder has produced a new artist out of the name Cydonia, Cresilas'8 birthplace. * Perhaps Callimorphos, ' fair of form.' ' A priestess probably, but possibly Persephone. i66 BOOK XXXIV. Mx. 52-54

nevertheless artists of repute : Antaeus, Callistratus, Polycles of Athens, Calhxenus, Pythocles, Pythias and Timocles. After thus defining the periods of the most famous artists, I will hastily run through those of out- standing distinction, throwing in the rest of the throng here and there under various heads. The most celebrated have also come into competition with each other, although born at different periods, because they had made statues of Amazons ; when these were dedicated in the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus, it was agreed that the best one should be selected by the vote of the artists themselves who were present ; and it then became evident that the best was the one which all the artists judged to be the next best after their own : this is the Amazon by Polycleitus, while next to it came that of Pheidias, third Cresilas's, fourth Cydon's " and fifth Phradmon's.

Pheidias, besides the Olympian Zeus, which pheidias. ^^- nobody has ever rivalled, executed in ivory and gold § the statue of Athene that stands erect in the Parthenon at Athens, and in bronze, besides the Amazon mentioned above, an Athene of such ex- quisite beauty that it has been surnamed the Fair.^

He also madc the Lady «^ with the Keys, and another Athene which Aemilius Paulus dedicated in Romei67B.o,r at the temple of Today's Fortune, and Ukewise a work consisting of two stntues wearing cloaks which Catulus erected in the same temple, and another 101 b.(.0. work, a colcssal statue undraped ; and Pheidias is deservedly deemed to have first revealed the capa- bilities and indicated the methods of statuary.<*

^ Here perhaps ali statuary as contrasted with painting ; or else all metal-work only. 167 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

55 Polyclitus Sicyonius, Hageladae discipulus, dia- dumenum fecit moUiter iuvenem, centum talentis nobilitatum, idem et doryphorum viriliter puerum. fecit et ^ quem canona artifices vocant liniamenta artis ex eo petentes veluti a lege quadam, solusque hominum artem ipsam fecisse artis opere iudicatur. fecit et destringentem se et nudum telo ^ incessentem duosque pueros item nudos, talis ludentes, qui vocantur astragalizontes et sunt in Titi imperatoris atrio—quo ^ opere nullum absolutius plerique iudi- cant;—item Mercurium qui fuit Lysimacheae, 56 Herculem, qui Romae, hagetera * arma sumentem, Artemona, qui periphoretos appellatus est. hic consummasse hanc scientiam iudicatur et toreuticen sic erudisse, ut Phidias aperuisse. proprium eius est, uno crure ut insisterent signa, excogitaose, quadrata tamen esse ea ait Varro et paene ad exemplum. 57 Myronem Eleutheris natum, Hageladae et ipsum discipulum, bucula maxime nobilitavit celebratis

^ del. et Urlichs functo post puerum sublato. 2 telo Benndorf : talo. 8 quo cd. Par. 6801 : hoc lan : duo. hoc B : om. rell. * hagetera B : agetera rell. : alexetera Hardouin : Anteum 6 terra {om. arma) ed. vett.

" Of Argos, says Plato (Protag. 31 lc). But his family moved to Sicyon. He cannot however have been a pupil of Hagelades (§ 49). Copies of Polycleitus' Diadumenos and of his are extant. Pliny confuses the great Poly- cleitus with P. the younger, likewise of Argos, who Uved in the 4th century b.c. ' ** We know however that this ' model statue ' or ' standard was the Doryphoros just mentioned. * Or, ' in a single work embodied the principles of his art.' P. wrote a treatise on art, called it Kav(xjv, then made his i68 —


Polycleitus of Sicyon," pupil of Ha^elades, made a Pohjdenus statue of the ' Diadumenos ' or Binding his Hair a youth, but soft-looking—famous for having cost 100 talents, and also the ' Doryphoros ' or Carry- ing a Spear—a boy, but manly-looking. He also made what artists call a ' Canon ' or Model Statue,^ as they draw their artistic outlines from it as from a sort of standard ; and he alone of man- kind is deemed by means of one work of art to have created the art itself.^ He also made the statue of the Man using a Body-scraper (' Apoxyomenos ') and, in the nude, the Man Attacking with Spear, and the Two Boys Playing Dice, Hkewise in the nude, known by the Greek name of Asiragalizontes and now standing in the fore-court of the Emperor Titus— a.d. 79-8I. this is generally considered to be the most perfect work of art in existence—and likewise the Hermes that was once at Lysimachea ; Heracles ; the Leader Donning his Armour, which is at Rome; and Artemon,*^ called the Man in the Litter. Polycleitus is deemed to have perfected this science of statuary and to have refined the art of carving , just as Pheidias is considered to have revealed it. A dis- coveiy that was entirely his own is the art of making statues throwing their weight on one leg, although Varro says these figures are of a square buikl and almost all made on one model. Myron, who was born at Eleutherae, was himself ^y/j^^ c. 477 also a pupil of Hagelades ; he was specially famous for his statue of a heifer, celebrated in some well-

Doryphoros on his own principles, and called the sculptured work also Kavcjv. ^ A famous voluptuary (not the engineer of Pericles' time). 169 PLINV : NATURAI. HISTORY

versibus laudata, quando alicno plerique ingenio magis quara suo commendantur. fecit et Ladam ^ et di^cobolon et Perseum et pristas ^ et Satyrum admirantem tibias et Minervam, Delphicos penta- thlos, pancratiastas, Herculem, qui est apud circum maximum in aede Pompei Magni. fecisse et cicadae monumentum ac locustae carminibus suis 58 Erinna significat, fecit et Apollinem, quem ab triumviro Antonio sublatum restituit Ephesiis divus Augustus admonitus in quiete. primus hic multi- plicasse veritatem videtur, numerosior in arte quam Polyclitus et in ^ symmetria dihgentior, et ipse tamen corporum tenus curiosus animi sensus non expressisse, capilhim quoque et pubem non emendatius fecisse, quam rudis antiquitas instituisset. 59 Mcit eum Pythagoras lleginus ex Italia pancratiaste

Delphis posito ; eodem vicit et Leontiscum. fecit et stadiodromon Astylon, qui Olympiae ostenditur, et Libyn^ puerum tenentem tabellam^ eodem loco, et mala ferentem nudum, Syracusis autem claudi- cantem, cuius ulceris dolorem sentire etiam spectantes

^ ^ Ladam Benndorf : canem. pyctas Ldschke. 3 et in ald. : del. et Sillig. * Libyn Ilermolaus Barharus: lybin B: lipin aut lympin ° aut iolpum rell. tabellam B : tabellas rell.

" Ladas was a famoiis runner. But the !MSS. give canem, 'dog.' Copies of M^^ron^s Discoholos are extant. ^ It is possible that Pliny wrote ' the Boxers.' '' Probably a group of and Athene, of which copies exist. <* Experts in both boxing and wrestling. * This absurd statement is caused by a confusion of ^lvpwv and a girl Mupci {Anth. Pal. VII. 190—Myro makes a tomb for her pet insect). ^ For another interpretation see E. Gardner, Classical Re- vieu\ II. 69. " I>contisfns was an atliloto, not an artist. 170 "

BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 57-59 known sets of verses—inasmuch as most men owe their reputation more to someone else's talent than to their own. His other works include Ladas and a * Discobolos ' or Man Thro^ving a Discus, and Perseus, and The Sawyers,^ and The Satyr MarveUing at the Flute and Athene,'' Competitors in the Five Bouts at Delphi, the AU-round Fighters,*^ the Heracles now in the house of Pompey the Great at the Circus Maximus. Erinna ^ in her poems indicates that he even made a memorial statue of a tree-cricket and a locust. He also made an Apollo which was taken from the people of Ephesus by Antonius the Triumvir but restored to them by his late lamented Majesty Augustus in obedience to a warning given him in a dream. Myron is the first sculptor who appears to have enlarged the scope of reahsm, being more prolific in his art than Polycleitus and being more careful in his propor- tions./ Yet he himself so far as surface configura- tion goes attained great finish, but he does not seem to have given expression to the feeHngs of the mind, and moreover he has not treated the hair and the pubes vvith any more accuracy than had been achieved by the rude work of olden days.

Myron was defeated by the Itahan Pythagoras pythagoras of Reggio with his All-round Fighter which stands at <>/ ^f*^9'>^m. Delphi, with which he also defeated Leontiscus^;

Pythagoras also did the runner Astylos which is on show at Olympia ; and, in the same place, the

^* Libyan as a hoy holding a tablet ; and the nude Man Holding Apples, while at Syracuse there is his Lame Man, which actually makes people looking at it feel a pain from his ulcer in their own leg, and

* Mnascas of Cyrene. Paus. VI. 13, 7; 18, 1. ryi PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

videntiir, item Apollinem serpentemque eius sagittis configi/ citharoedum, qui Dicaeus appellatus est, quod, cum Thebae ab Alexandro caperentur, aurum a fugiente conditum sinu eius celatum esset. hic primus nervos et venas expressit capillumque dihgentius. 60 Fuit et aUus Pythagoras Samius, initio pictor, cuius signa ad aedem Fortunae Huiusce Diei septem nuda et senis unum laudata sunt. hic supra dicto facie quoque indiscreta simiHs fuisse traditur, Regini autem discipuhis et fiUus sororis fuisse Sostratus. 61 Lysippum Sicyonium Duris negat ulhus fuisse discipulum, sed primo aerarium fabrum audendi rationem cepisse pictoris Eupompi responso. eum enim interrogatum, quem sequeretur antecedentium, dixisse monstrata hominum multitudine, naturam 62 ipsam imitandam esse, non artificem. plurima ex omnibus signa fecit, ut diximus, fecundissimae artis, inter quae destringentem se, quem M. Agrippa ante Thermas suas dicavit, mire gratum Tiberio principi. non quivit temperare sibi in eo, quamquam imperiosus sui inter initia principatus, transtuhtque in cubiculum aUo signo substituto, cum quidem tanta pop. R.

^ configi lan : configit B : confici rell.

<» Named Cleon, a Theban poet. Athenae. I. 19b. ^ I.e. the statue afterwards restored the deposit entrusted to it. « It is now known that he was the same as P. of Reggio. Paus. VI. 4, 3^ shows that P. of Reggio was the sculptor of

the statue of Euthynos ; but we have the basis of that statue, whereon P. signs hiniself as ' Samian.' He must therefore have migrated to Reggio. <* ' Apoxyomenos.' The example in the Vatican is probably by a .'ird century artist. T72 BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 59-62 ako Apollo shooting the Python with his Arrows, a Man " playing the Harp, that has the Greek name of The Honest Man ^ given it because when

Alexander took Thebes a fugitive successfully hid 335 b.c. in its bosom a sum of gold. Pythagoras of Ileggio was the first sculptor to show the sinews and veins, and to represent the hair more carefully.

There was also another '^ Pythagoras, a Samian, Pyihagwxs ^^ ^^^°^- who began as a painter ; his seven nude statues now at the temple of To-day's Fortune and one of an old man are highly spoken of. He is recorded to have resembled the above mentioned Pythagoras so closely that even their features were indistinguish- able ; but we are told that Sostratus v>'as a pupil of Pythagoras of Reggio and a son of this Pythagoras' sister. Lysippus of Sicyon is said by Duris not to have Lysippus. been the pupil of anybody, but to have been origi- nally a copper-smith and to have first got the idea of venturing on sculpture from the reply given by the painter when asked which of his prede- cessors he took for his model ; he pointed to a crowd of people and said that it was Nature herself, not an artist, whom one ought to imitate. Lysippus as we have said was a most prolific artist and made more § 37 statues than any other sculptor, among them the Man using a Body-scraper '^ which Marcus Agrippa gave to be set up in front of his Warm Baths and of which the emperor Tiberius was remarkably fond. a.d. 14-37. Tiberius, although at the beginning of his principate he kept some control of himself, in this case could not resist the temptation, and had the statue re- moved to his bedchamber, putting another one in its place at the baths ; but the public were so


contuniacia fuit, ut theatri clamoribus reponi apoxyo- menon flagitaverit princepsque, quamquam adama- 63 tum, reposuerit. nobilitatur Lysippus et temulenta tibicina et canibus ac venatione, in primis vero quadriga cum Sole Rhodiorum. fecit et Alexandrum Magnum multis operibus, a pueritia eius orsus, quam statuam inaurari iussit Nero princeps delectatus

admodum illa ; dein, cum pretio perisset gratia artis, detractum est aurum, pretiosiorque talis existima- batur ^ etiam cicatricibus operis atque concisuris, 64 in quibus aurum haeserat,^ remanentibus. idem fecit Hephaestionem, Alexandri Magni amicum,

quem quidam Polyclito adscribant, cum is centum prope annis ante fuerit; item Alexandri venationem, quae Delphis sacrata est, Athenis Satyrum, turmam Alexandri, in qua amicorum eius imagines summa

omnium similitudine expressit ; hanc Metellus Macedonia subacta transtulit Romam. fecit et 65 quadrigas multorum generum. statuariae arti pluri- mum traditur contulisse, capillum exprimendo, capita minora faciendo quam antiqui, corpora graciliora siccioraque, per quae proceritas signorum maior videretur. non habet Latinum nomen sym-

^ V.l. existimatur. 2 fuerat B : haeserat rell.

" With the head encircled with rays. ^ This would be right, perhaps, if they meant the younger P., unknown to Pliny.

*= Twenty-five officers who fell in the Battle of the Granicus. Vellei. Paterc, I. 11, 3. BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 62-65 obstinately opposed to this that they raised an out- cry at the theatre, shouting " Give us back the " ' Apoccyovienos ' —Man using a Body-scraper—and the Emperor, although he had fallen quite in love with the statue, had to restore it. Lysippus is also famous for his Tipsy Girl playing the Fhite, and his Hounds and Huntsmen in Pursuit of Game, but most of all for his Chariot with the Sun belonging to Rhodes.'' He also executed a series of statues of

Alexander the Great, beginning with one in 356-323 b.c. Alexander's boyhood. The emperor Nero was so a.d. 54-68, delighted by this statue of the young Alexander that he ordered it to be gilt ; but this addition to its money vakie so diminished its artistic attraction that afterwards the gold was removed, and in that condition the statue was considered yet more valu- able, even though still retaining scars from the work done on it and incisions in which the gold had been fastened. The same sculptor did Alexander the Great's friend Hephaestio, a statue which some people ascribe to Polycleitus,^ although his date is about a hundred years earlier ; and also Alexander's Hunt, dedicated at Delphi, a Satyr now at Athens, and Alexander's Squadron of Horse, in which the sculptor introduced portraits of Alexander's friends <^ consummately lifelike in every case. After the con- quest of Macedonia this was removed to Rome by 148 b.o.

Metellus ; he also executed Four-horse Chariots of various kinds. Lysippus is said to have contributed greatly to the art of bronze statuary by representing the details of the hair and by making his heads smaller than the old sculptors used to do, and his bodies more slender and firm, to give his statues the appearance of greater height. He scrupulously


metria, quam diligentissime custodiit ^ nova intacta- que ratione quadratas veterum staturas permutando, vulgoque dicebat ab illis factos quales essent homines, a se quales viderentur esse. propriae huius videntur esse argutiae operum custoditae in minimis quoque rebus. 66 Filios et discipulos reliquit laudatos artifices Laippum,^ Boedan, sed ante omnes Euthycraten, quamquam is constantiam potius imitatus patris quam elegantiam austero maluit genere quam iucundo placere. itaque optume expressit Herculem Delphis et Alexandrum Thespiis venatorem et Thespiadas,^ proelium equestre, simulacrum ipsum Trophoni ad oraculum, quadrigas complures, equum* 07 cum fiscinis,^ canes venantium. huius porro disci- pulus fuit Tisicrates, et ipse Sicyonius, sed Lysippi sectae propior, ut vix discernantur complura signa, ceu senex Thebanus et Demetrius rex, Peucestes, Alexandri Magni servator, dignus tanta gloria. 68 Artifices, qui compositis vohmiinibus condidere haec, miris laudibus celebrant Telephanen Pho-

^ custodiit Mayhoff : custodit aut custodivit cdd. 2 Dahippum Hardouin. 3 et Thespiadas cd. Par. Lat. 6797 : om. thespiadas B :

om. et cd. Leid. Voss., cd. Flor. Ricc. : et thespiaduni al. Par. 6801. * equitem coni. T. B. L. Webster. ^ fiscinis B : fuscinis rell.

<» See note on Laippus in § 51. * Or ' his Heracles niade for Delphi, and his Alexander Hunting, and his Thespiades (these two made for Thespiae).' The Thespiades wero the Muscs. '^ All MSS. except one give fuscinis, ' with Two-pronged Spears.'

176 BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 65-6S

preserved the quality of " symmetry (for which there is no word in Latin) by the new and hitherto untried method of modifying the squareness of the figure of the old seulptors, and he used commonly to say that whereas his predecessors had made men as they really were, he made them as they appeared to be. A pecuUariry of this sculptor's work seems to be the minute finish maintained in even the smallest details. Lysippus left three sons who were his pupils, the Lynppus' ^'^^' celebrated artists Laippus," Boedas and Euthycrates, the last pre-eminent, although he copied the harmony rather than the elegance of his father, prefemng to \x\n favour in the severely correct more than in the agreeable style. Accordingly his Heracles, at Delphi, and his Alexander Hunting, at Thespiae, his group of Thespiades,^ and his Cavalry in Action are works of extreme finish, and so are his statue of Trophonius at the oracular shrine of that deity, a number of Four-horse Chariots, a Horse ^vith Baskets ^ and a

Pack of Hounds. Moreover Tisicrates, another Tisicrates. native of Sicyon, was a pupil of Euthycrates, but closer to the school of Lysippus—indeed many of his statues cannot be distinguished from Lysippus's vrork, for instance his Old Man of Thebes, his King Demetrius (PoHorcetes), and his Peucestes, the man who saved the life of Alexander the Great and so deserved the honour of this commemoration. Artists ^ who have composed treatises recording these matters speak with marvellously high praise of Telephanes of Phocis, who is othervvise unknown, TeUphanes.

^ Pliny means the writers Xenocrates of Sicyon and Antigonus of Carystus, from whom, through Varro, much of Pliny's material about art comes. 177 PLiNY: NATURAL HISTORY

^ caeiim, ignotum alias, quoniam . . . Thessaliae^ habitaverit et ibi opera eius latuerint; alioqui siifiragiis ipsorum aequatur PolycHto, Myroni, Pytha- gorae. laudant cius Larisam et Spintharum penta- thlum et Apollinem. ahi non hanc ignobilitatis fuisse causam, sed quod se regum Xerxis atque Darei officinis dediderit, existimant.

()9 Praxiteles quoque, qui ^ marmore fehcior, ideo et

clarior fuit, fecit tamen et ex aere pulcherrima opera : Proserpinae raptum, item catagusam et Liberum patrem, Ebrietatem nobilemque una Satyrum, quem Graeci periboeton cognominant, et signa, quae ante Felicitatis aedem fuere, Veneremque, quae ipsa aedis incendio cremata est Claudii principatu,

marmoreae illi suae per terras inclutae parem, 70 item stephanusam,^ psehumenen,^ Oporan,® Harmo- dium et Aristogitonem tyrannicidas, quos a Xerxe Persarum rege captos victa Perside Atheniensibus remisit Magnus Alexander. fecit et puberem ApolUnem subrepenti lacertae comminus sagitta

1 lac. C. F. W. MuUer. 2 thessaliae B : in thessalia rell. ^ qui add. Mayhoff. * Fortasse stephanusam vel stephanusam . ^ pseliumenen Urlichs, 0. Jahn : pselhimenen cd. Leid.

Voss. : varia rell. * Oporan al. Flor. Ricc. : varia rell. (oporum cd. Par. 6801): oenophorum edd. vett.: canephoram Urlichs {imnio canephorum).

" KaTayovGa, from KaTdyoj ' draw down,' ' spin.' * The wreath would be one bestowed on an athlete by the city (personified) when he won his victory; pseliumene is from 0f AtcD, and 0eAtov means an armlet. '^ Not the actual tyrant but his brother and assistant Hipparchus, at Athens, 514-13 b.c. 178 BOOK XXXIV. xiv. 68 70

since he lived at . . . in Thessaly where his works have remained in concealment, although these writers' own testimony puts him on a level with Polycleitus, Myron and Pythagoras. They praise his Larisa, his Spintharus the Five-bout Champion, and his Apollo. Others however are of opinion that the cause of his lack of celebrity is not the reason mentioned but his having devoted himself entirely to the studios estabUshed by King Xerxes and King Darius. Praxiteles although more successful and therefore Praxiteies. '^' more celebrated in marble, nevertheless also made '

some very beautiful works in bronze : the Rape of Persephone, also The Girl Spinning,'' and a Father Liber or Dionysus, with a figure of Drunkenness and also the famous Satyr, known by the Greek title Periboetos meaning ' Celebrated,' and the statues that used to be in front of the Temple of Happiness, and the Aphrodite, which was destroyed by fire v/hen the temple of that goddess was burnt down in the reign of Claudius, and which rivalled the famous a.d- 41-54. Aphrodite, in marble, that is known all over the

M-orld ; also A Woman Bestowing a Wreath, A Woman Putting a Bracelet on her Arm,^ Autumn. Harmodius and Aristogeiton who slew the tyrant ^ — the last piece ^ carried oif by Xerxes King of the 4S0 .bc. Persians but restored to the Athenians by Alexander 331 b.c. the Great after his conquest of Persia. Praxiteles also made a youthful Apollo called in Greek the Lizard-Slayer ^ because he is waiting with an arrow

^ But the group carried off was by Antenor, and its restoration is attributed also to Seleucus I, and to Antiochus I, See note on pp. 256-257. * Degenerate copies of this still exist. 179 ;


insidiantem, quem sauroctonon vocant. spectantur et duo signa eius diversos adfectus exprimentia. flentis matronae et meretricis gaudentis. hanc putant Phrynen fuisse deprehenduntque in ea amorem artificis et mercedem in vultu meretricis.

71 habet simulacrum et benignitas eius ; Calamidis enim quadrigae aurigam suum inposuit, ne melior in equorum effigie defecisse in homine crederetur. ipse Calamis et alias quadrigas bigasque fecit equis ^ semper sine aemulo expressis ; sed, ne videatur in hominum effigie inferior, Alcmena ^ nulHus est nobiUor. 72 .Alcamenes, Phidiae discipulus, et marmorea fecit, sed aereum pentathlum, qui vocatur encrinomenos at Polychti discipuhis Aristides quadrigas bigasque. Amphicrates ^ Leaena huidatur. scortum haec, lyrae cantu famiharis Harmodio et Aristogitoni. consiha eorum de tyrannicidio usque in mortem

excruciata a tyrannis non prodidit ; quam ob rem Athenienses, et honorem habere ei volentes nec tamen scortum celebrasse, animal nominis eius fecere atque, ut intellegeretur causa honoris, in opere Hnguam addi ab artifice vetuerunt.

^ equis semper cdd. (sem pari equis B) : se impari, equis Trauhe. 2 alcumena cd, deperd. ap. Dalecamp : Achamene edd. vett. :

Alcman poeta Eugenie Sellers : alchimena aut alcm- cdd.

(alcamenet B^ : -me et B^). ^ iphicrates cd. Par. 6801 : Tisicratis Hardouin.

" Or, • received by her.' The exact meaning is not clear.

* ' Or perhaps : Undergoing the test ' for recognition as an athlete. ' Hippias and Thessalus of Athens after the killing of their

brother, 514-13 b.c. ; c/. § 70 above, and note. l8o BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 70-73 for a lizard creepin^ towards him. Also two of his statues expressing opposite emotions are admired, his Matron Weeping and his Merry Courtesan. The latter is believed to have been Phryne and connoisseurs detect in the figure the artist's love of her and the reward promised him " by the expression on the courtesan's face. The kindness also of Praxiteles is represented in sculpture, as in the Chariot and Four of Calamis he contributed the Caiamis. charioteer, in order that the sculptor might not be thought to have failed in the human figure although more successful in representing horses. Calamis himself also made other chariots, some with four horses and some with two, and in executing the horses he is invariably unrivalled : but—that it may not be supposed that he was inferior in his human figures—his Alcmena is as famous as that of any other sculptor. Alcamenes a pupil of Pheidias made marble figures, Aicamencs- and also in bronze a Winner of the Five Bouts, known by the Greek term meaning Highly Com- mended,'' but Polycleitus's pupil Aristides made four-horse and pair-horse chariots. Amphicrates is Amphicra/es. praised for his Leaena ; she was a harlot, admitted to the friendship of Harmodius and Aristogeiton because of her skill as a harpist, who though put to the torture by the tyrants ^ till she died refused to betray their plot to assassinate them. Consequently the Athenians wishing to do her honour and yet unwilling to have made a harlot famous, had a statue made of a lioness, as that was her name, and to indicate the reason for the honour paid her instructed the artist to represent the animal as having no

181 —:


73 Brvc^^xis Aesculapium et Seleucum ^ fecit, Boedas adorantem, Baton Apollinem et lunonem, qui sunt 74 Romae in Concordiae templo, Cresilas ^ volneratum deficientem, in quo possit intellegi quantum restet animae, et Olympium Periclen dignum cognomine, mirumque in hac arte est quod nobiles viros nobiliores fecit. Cephisodorus ^ Minervam mirabilem in portu Atheniensium et aram ad templum lovis Servatoris in eodem portu, cui pauca comparantur, Canachus 75 Apollinem nudum, qui Philesius cognominatur, in Didymaeo Aeginetica aeris temperatura, cervumque una ita vestigiis suspendit, ut linum ^ subter pedes trahatur alterno morsu calce digitisque retinentibus solum, ita vertebrato ungue ^ utrisque in partibus, ut a repulsu per vices resiliat. idem et celetizontas pueros, Chaereas Alexandrum Magnum et PhiHp- pum patrem eius fecit, Ctesilaus doryphoron et 76 Amazonem vohieratam, Demetrius Lysimachen, quae sacerdos Minervae fuit lxiiii annis, idem et Minervam, quae mycetica ^ appellatur—dracones "^ in Gorgone eius ad ictus citharae tinnitu resonant ;

^ Salutem Hardouin. 2 ctesilas cd. Leid. Voss. : Ctesilaus Hardouin. ^ Cephisodotus Hardouin. * ut inlitum B. ^ ungue aut pede aut vertebrata ungula Warmington: dente. ® mycetica Trauhe : myctica lan : mystica Frohner

myetica B : musica rell. ' dracones B : quoniam dracones rell.

« Probably Seleucus I, King 312-280 b.c. ^ ' Olympian,' ' High and Mighty,' as Pericles himself was callod during his lifctime. Copies of this, and the basis of the original, still exist.

182 —


Bryaxis made statues of Asclepius and Seleucus,'* other Boedas a Man Praying, Baton an ApoUo and a Hera, {cSw-*. both now in the Temple of Concord at Rome. Cresilas did a Man Fainting from Wounds, the expression of which indicates how httle Hfe remains, ;ind the Olympian Pericles, a figure worthy of its title ^ ; indeed it is a marvellous thing about the art of sculpture that it has added celebrity to men alreadv celebrated. Cephisodorus made the wonder- ful Athene at the harbour of Athens and the almost unrivalled altar at the temple of Zeus the Deliverer at the same harbour, Canachus the naked Apollo, surnamed Philesius, at Didyma, made of bronze compounded at Aegina ^ ; and with it he made a stag so Hghtly poised in its footprints as to allow of a thread being passed underneath its feet, the ' heel ' and the ' toes ' holding to the base \y\th. alternate contacts, the whole hoof being so jointed in either part that it springs back from the impact alternately.^ He also made a Boys Riding on Race-horses. Chaereas did Alexander the Great and his father Phihp, Ctesilaus a Man with a Spear and a Wounded Amazon, Demetrius Lysimache who was a priestess of Athene for 64 years, and also the Athene called the Murmuring Athene ^ the dragons on her Gorgon's head sound with a tinkhng note when a harp is struck ; he Hkewise did

" Or, ' compounded on the Aeginetan formula.' Cf. § 10. <* Pliny is not clear; the MSS. reading dente (' tooth ' not ' ivory ' ?) is altcred here to ungue by conjecture. Perhaps he simply means that Avhen the figure was rocked to and fro, a thread coukl be slipped under two feet. From coins we know that the small stag was not on the ground but on the god'3 hand. * The right reading is unknown. 183 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

idem equitem Simonem, qui primus de equitatu scripsit. Daedalus, et ipse inter fictores laudatus, pueros duos destringentes se fecit, Dinomenes 77 Protesilaum et Pythodemum luctatorem. Euphra- noris Alexander Paris est, in quo laudatur quod omnia simul intellegantur, iudex dearum, amator Helenae et tamen AchiUis interfector. huius est Minerva, Romae quae dicitur Catuliana,^ infra Capitolium a Q. Lutatio dicata, et simulacrum Boni Eventus, dextra pateram, sinistra spicam ac papa- vera tenens, item Latona puerpera ApolHnem et Dianam infantes sustinens in aede Concordiae. 78 fecit et quadrigas bigasque et cliduchon ^ eximia forma et Virtutem et Graeciam, utrasque colossaeas, mulierem admirantem et adorantem, item Alexan-

drum et Philippum in quadrigis ; Eutychides Euro- tam, in quo artem ipso amne liquidiorem plurimi dixere. Hegiae Minerva Pyrrhusque rex laudatur et celetizontes pueri et Castor ac Pollux ante aedem lovis Tonantis, Hagesiae in Pario colonia Hercules. 79 Isidoti 2 buthytes.* Lycius Myronis discipulus fuit, qui fecit dignum praeceptore puerum sufflantem

languidos ignes et Argonautas ; Leochares aquilam sentientem, quid rapiat in Ganymede et cui ferat,

^ Catulina Manutius. 2 clidnchon Hermolaus Barbarus : cliticon B : cliticum rell. 3 V.l. Isidori. * Buthytes B : Buthyres rell. : Eleuthereus Hardouin.

" In Grcek 'Ayadrj Tvxrj. But it appears that the statue was one of Triptolemus, re-named as a Roman rustic divinity. * Cf. § 54. " The river on which Sparta stood. <* c. 318-272 B.c. But perhaps rez, king, should be deleted. « Parium was made a Roman colony b}^ Augustus. 184 BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 76-79

the moiinted statue of Simon who wrote the first treatise on horsemanship. Daedalus (also famous as a modeller in clay) made Two Boys using a Body-Scraper, and Dinomenes did a Protesilaus and the \\Testler Pythodemus. The statue of Alexander Paris is by Euphranor; it is praised because it conveys all the characteristics of Paris in combina- tion—the judge of the goddesses, the lover of Helen and yet the slayer of Achilles. The Athene, called at Rome the CatuHana, which stands below the Capitol and was dedicated by Quintus Lutatius 73 b.o. Catulus, is Euphranor's, and so is the figure of Success," holding a dish in the right hand and in the left an ear of corn and some poppies, and also in the temple of Concord a Leto as Nursing Mother, with the infants Apollo and Artemis in her arms. He also made four-horse and two-horse chariots, and an exceptionally beautiful Lady with the Keys,^ and two colossal statues, one of Virtue and one of Greece, a V/oman Wondering and vVorshipping, and also an Alexander and a PhiHp in four-horse chariots. Eutychides did a Eurotas,*^ in v/hich it has frequently been said that the work of the artist seems clearer than the water of the real river. The Athene and the King Pyrrhus ^ of Hegias are praised, and his Boys Riding on Race-horses, and his Castor and Pollux that stand before the temple of Jupiter the Thunderer; and so are Hagesias's Heracles in our colony ^' of Parium, and Isidotus's Man Sacrificing an Ox. Lycius who was a pupil of Myron did a Boy Blowing a Dying Fire that is worthy of his

instructor, also a group of the Argonauts ; Leochares an Eagle carrying ofF Ganymede in which the bird is aware of what his burden is and for whom he is


parcentenique ungiiibus etiam per vestem puero,^ Autolycum pancratii ^ victorem, propter quem symposium scripsit, lovemque illum Tonantem in Capitolio ante cuncta laudabilem, item Apollinem diadematum, Lyciscum,^ mangonem,^ puerum subdolae ac fucatae vernilitatis, Lycius 80 et ipse puerum suffitorem. Menaechmi vitulus genu premitur repHcata cervice. ipse Menaechmus scripsit de sua arte. Naucydes Mercurio et dis- cobolo et immolante arietem censetur, Naucerus ^ kictatore anhelante,^ Niceratus Aesculapio et Hygia,' qui sunt in Concordiae templo Romae. Pyromachi quadriga ab Alcibiade regitur. Polycles Ilermaphroditum nobilem fecit, Pyrrhus Hygiam 81 et Minervam, Phanis, Lysippi discipulus, epithyu- san. Styppax Cyprius uno celebratur signo,

splanchnopte ; PericHs Olympii vernula hic fuit exta torrens ignemque oris pleni spiritu accendens. Silanion Apollodorum fudit, fictorem et ipsum, sed inter cunctos dihgentissimum artis et iniquum sui iudicem, crebro perfecta signa frangentem, dum satiari cupiditate artis non quit, ideoque 82 insanum cognominatum—hoc in eo expressit, nec

^ puero B : puerum rell.

'^ pancrati B : pancratio rell. ^ lyciscum B : hiciscus rell. : Lyciscus Gelen. * mangonem B : langonem vel lagonem rell. ^ Nauclerus coni. Hardouin. " ]'./. luctatorem anhelantem (fecit add. edd. vett.).

' Aesculapio et Hygia coni. lan : aesculapium et hygiara

aut a.h. cdd. : Hygiam fecit Detlejsen.

° The bmiquet described in Xenophon's Symposium was given by Callias in honour of AutoIycus's victory in the pentathlum at the Great Panathenaea in 422 b.c. * See § 74, note. l86 ;

BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 79-82 carrying it, and is careful iiot to let his claws hurt the boy even through his clothes, and Autolyciis Winner of the All-roiind Bout, being also the athlete in whose honour Xenophon wrote his Baiiquet^^ and the famous Zeus the Thunderer now on the Capitol, of quite unrivalled merit, also an Apollo crowned with a Diadem ; also Lyciscus, the Slave-dealer, and a Boy, with the crafty cringing look of a house- hold slave. Lycius also did a Boy Burning Perfumes. There is a Bull-calf by Menaechmus, on which a man is pressing his knee as he bends its neck back Menaechmus has written a treatise about his own Mork. The reputation of Naucydes rests on his Hermes and Man throwing a Disc and Man Sacri- ficing a Ram, that of Naucerus on his Wrestler Winded, that of Niceratus on his Asclepius and his Goddess of Health, which are in the Temple of Concord at Rome. Pyromachus has an Alcibiades

Driving a Chariot and Four ; Polycles made a famous Hermaphrodite, Pyrrhus, a Goddess of Health and an Athene, Phanis, who was a pupil of Lysippus, a Woman Sacrificing. Styppax of Cyprus is known for a single statue, his Man Cooking Tripe, which represented a domestic slave of the Olympian ^ Pericles roasting inwards and puffing out his cheeks as he kindles the fire with his breath ; Silanion cast a metal figure of ApoUodorus, who was himself a modeller, and indeed one of quite unrivalled devotion to the art and a severe critic of his own work, who often broke his statues in pieces after he had hnished them, his intense passion for his art making him unable to be satisfied, and consequently he was given the surname of the Madman—this quahty he brought out in his statue, the Madman, which


hominen» t^\ aere fecit, sed iracundiani — et Achillem

nobilem, itcm epistaten exercentem athletas ; Stron- ^ylion Amazonem, quam ab excellentia crurum eucnemon appellant, ob id in comitatu Neronis principis circumlatam. idem fecit puerum, quem amando Brutus Philippiensis cognomine suo inlus- 83 travit. Theodorus, qui labyrinthum fecit Sami, ipse se ex aere fudit. praeter similitudinis mira- ^ ^ bilem famam magna suptilitate celebratur : dextra Hmam tenet, laeva tribus digitis quadrigulam ^ ^ tenuit, tralatam Praeneste parvitatis ut miraculum : pictam ^ eam currumque et aurigam integeret alis simul facta musca. Xenocrates, Tisicratis discipulus, ut aUi, Euthycratis, vicit utrosque copia signorum. et de sua arte composuit volumina. 84 Plures artifices fecere Attali et Eumenis adversus Gallos proelia, Isigonus, Pyromachus, Stratonicus, Antigonus, qui volumina condidit de sua arte. Boethi, quamquam argento melioris, infans amplex- ando ^ anserem strangulat. atque ex omnibus, quae rettuH, clarissima quaeque in urbe iam sunt dicata a

^ similitudinis mirabilem famam B : similitudinem fama

rell. : s. nobilem f. edd. vett. 2 celebratur J. Muller : celebratus. ^ parvitatis B : tantae p. rell. * miraculii il/aiyAoj5f: ut miraculo 5 (om. miraculo reZZ.): ut

mirum dictu Traiibe : del. ut Urlichs. ^ pictam B : totam rell. : fictam Stuart Jones : pictam ut Urlichs. ' amplexando Traube : annosum (olim vi annisus)

Buecheler : vi annosum Meister : vi Kulh : vi aenum Boisacq :

ex aere II. Stein : sexennis 0. Jahn : ex animo lan : ulnis ^^ Urlichs: eximiu. Mayhoff : sexanno^: sex annis . eximie aut eximiae rell.

<» Tlie temple of Hera. i88 ;

BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 82-84 represented in bronze not a hunian being but anger personified. Silanion also made a famous Achilles, and also a Superintendent Exercising Athletes Strongylion made an Amazon, which from the remarkable beauty of the legs is called the Eucnemon, and which consequently the emperor Nero caused to be carried in his retinue on his journeys. The same sculptor made the figure rendered famous by Brutus under the name of Brutus's Boy because it represented a favourite of the hero of the battles at 42 Philippi. Theodorus, who constructed the Labyrinth " at Samos, cast a statue of himself in bronze. Besides its remarkable celebrity as a likeness, it is famous for its very minute workmanship ; the right hand holds a file, and three fingers of the left hand origin- ally held a little model of a chariot and four, but this has been taken away to Palestrina as a marvel of smallness : if the team were reproduced in a picture with the chariot and the charioteer, the model of a fly, which was made by the artist at the same time, would cover it with its wings. Xenocrates, who was a pupil of Tisicrates, or by other accounts of Euthycrates, surpassed both of the last mentioned in the number of his statues ; and he also wrote books about his art. Several artists have represented the battles of Attalus ^ and Eumenes against the Gauls, Isigonus, Pyromachus, Stratonicus and Antigonus, who wrote books about his art. Boethus did a Child «^ Strangling a Goose by hugging it, although he is better in silver. And among the Hst of works I have referred to all the most celebrated have now been dedicated by the

^ Attalus I of Pergamum, who dealt with Gallic invaders of Asia Minor between 240 and 232 b.c. " Copies exist. 189 ;


Vespasiano principe in templo Pacis aliisque eius operibus, violentia Neronis in urbem convecta et in sellariis domus aureae disposita. 80 Praeterea sunt aequalitate celebrati artifices, sed

nuUis operum suorum praecipui ; Ariston, qui et argentum caelare solitus est, Callides,^ Ctesias, Cantharus Sicyonius, Dionysius, Diodorus,^ Critiae discipulus, Deliades, Euphorion, Eunicus et Heca- taeus, argenti caelatores, Lesbocles, Prodorus, Pythodicus, Polygnotus, idem pictor e nobilissimis,^ item e caelatoribus Stratonicus, Scymnus Critiae discipulus. 86 Nunc percensebo eos, qui eiusdem generis opera fe- cerunt, ut , Androbulus, Asclepiodorus, Aleuas philosophos, Apellas et adornantes * se ^ feminas, Antignotus et [hictatores,]^ perixyomenum, tyrannicidasque supra dictos, Antimachus, Atheno- dorus feminas nobiles, Aristodemus et luctatores bigasque cum auriga, philosophos, anus, Seleucum regem. habet gratiam suam huius quoque dory-

87 phorus. Cephisodoti duo fuere : prioris est Mer-

curius Liberum patrem in infantia nutriens ; fecit et contionantem manu elata—persona in incerto est sequens philosophos fecit. , qui cum Phidia lovem Olympium fecerat, philosophos, item Cleon

^ callases cd. Par. 6801 : Callicles Urlichs : Calliades Hardouin. ^ Dionysius, Diodorus Detlefsen : diodorus B : dionysio- dorus aut dionysodorus rell. 3 V.l. idem pictores nobilissimi. * V.l. adorantes. ^ se cd. Leid. Voss. : oin. rell. * et luctatorcs cdd. : om. luctatores B, cd. Par. Lat. 6797. 190 BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 84-87

emperor Vespasian in the Temple of Peace and his a.d. 76. othor public buildings ; they had been looted by Nero, who conveyed them all to Rome and arranged them in the sitting-rooms of his Golden Mansion. Besides these, artists on the same level of merit but of no outstanding excellence in any of their works are : Ariston, who often also practised chasing silver, Callides, Ctesias, Cantharus of Sicyon, Dionysius, Diodorus the pupil of Critias, Deliades, Euphorion, Eunicus and Hecataeus the silver chasers, Lesbocles, Prodorus, Pythodicus, Polygnotus, who was also one of the most famous among painters, similarly Stratonicus among chasers, and Critias's pupil Scymnus. I will now run through the artists who have made works of the same class, such as Apollo- dorus, Androbulus and Asclepiodorus, Aleuas, who have done philosophers, and Apellas also women donning their ornaments, and Antignotus also Man using a Body-scraper and the Men " that Slew the Tyrant, above-mentioned, Antimachus, Athenodorus who made splendid figures of women, Aristodemus who also did Wrestlers, and Chariot and Pair with Driver, figures of philosophers, of old women, and King Seleucus ; Aristodemus's Man holding Spear is also popular. There were two artists named Cephisodotus ; the Hermes Nursing Eather Liber or Dionysos when an Infant belongs to the elder, who also did a Man Haranguing \viih Hand Uplifted—whom it represents is uncertain. The later Cephisodotus did philosophers. Colotes who had co-operated with Pheidias in the Olympian §§ 19, 54. Zeus made statues of philosophers, as also did Cleon

" Harmodius and Aristogeiton. See §§ 70, 72. 191 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

et Cenchramis ^ et Callicles et Cepis, Chalcosthenes ^ et comoedos et athletas, Daippus perixyomenon, Daiphron et Damocritus et Daemon philosophos. 88 Epigonus omnia fere praedicta imitatus praecessit

in tubicine et matri interfectae infante miserabihter blandiente. Eubuli mulier admirans laudatur, Eu-

buhdis digitis computans. Micon athletis spectatur, Menogenes quadrigis. Nec minus Niceratus omnia, quae ceteri, adgressus repraesentavit Alcibiaden lampadumque accensu matrem eius Demaraten

89 sacrificantem. Tisicratis bigae Piston mulierem

inposuit, idem fecit Martem et Mercurium, qui sunt

in Concordiae templo Romae. Perilkim nemo laudet saeviorem Phalaride tyranno, cui taurum

fecit mugitus inclusi ^ hominis polHcitus igni subdito et * primus expertus cruciatum eum iustiore saevitia. huc a simulacris deorum hominumque devocaverat humanissimam artem. ideo tot conditores eius laboraverant, ut ex ea tormenta fierent! itaque una

de causa servantur opera eius, ut quisquis illa videat, 90 oderit manus. Sthennis Cererem, lovem, Minervam

fecit, qui sunt Romae in Concordiae templo, idem

^ Cenchramus Overbeck. 2 calcostenes 5 : Caecoaihenea {=Ka'CKoa6€vr)s) Overbeck. ^ inclusi add. Mayhoff. * et B : v.ll. ex, est : exprimere Detlefsen. * This should be Dinomache. 192 !;


and Cenchramis and Callicles and Cepis ; Chalco- sthenes also did actors in comedy and athletes

Daippus a Man using a Scraper ; Daiphron, Damocritus and Daemon statues of philosophers. Epigonus, who copied others in almost all the subjects already mentioned, took the lead with his Trumpet- player and his Weeping Infant pitifully caressing its Murdered Mother. Praise is given to Eubulus's Woman in Admiration and to EubuHdes's Person Counting on the Fingers. Micon is noticed for his athletes and Menogenes for his chariots and four. Niceratus, who likewise attempted all the subjects employed by any other sculptor, did a statue of Alcibiades and one of his mother Demarate,« repre- sented as performing a sacrifice by torch-light. Tisicrates did a pair-horse chariot in which Piston afterwards placed a woman ; the latter also made an and a Hermes now in the Temple of Concord at Rome. No one should praise Perillus, who was o-. 570B.0. more cruel than the tyrant Phalaris, for whom he made a bull, guaranteeing that if a man were shut up inside it and a fire lit underneath the man would do the bellowing ; and he was himself the first to experience this torture—a cruelty more just than the one he proposed. Such were the depths to which the sculptor had diverted this most humane of arts from images of gods and men ! All the founders of the art had only toiled so that it should be employed for making implements of torture Consequently this sculptor's works are preserved for one purpose only, so that whoever sees them may hate the hands that made them. Sthennis did a , a Zeus and an Athene that are in the Temple of Concord at Rome, and also Weeping


flentes matronas et adorantes sacrificantcsque. Simon canem et sagittarium fecit, Stratonicus 91 caelator ille philosophos, copas ^ uterque ;2 athletas autem et armatos et venatores sacrificantesque Baton, Euchir, Glaucides, HeHodorus, Hicanus, lophon,^ Lyson, Leon, Menodorus, Myagrus, Polycrates, ,* Pythocritus, , idem pictor e clarissimis, ut dicemus, Patrocles,^ Pollis, Posidonius, qui et argentum caelavit nobiliter, natione Ephesius, Periclymenus, Philon, Symenus, Timotheus, Theom- nestus, Timarchides, Timon, Tisias, Thrason. 92 Ex omnibus autem maxime cognomine insignis est Calhmachus, semper calumniator sui nec finem habentis dihgentiae, ob id catatexitechnus appel- latus, memorabili ^ exemplo adhibendi et curae modum. huius sunt saltantes Lacaenae, emendatum opus, sed in quo gratiam omnem dihgentia abstulerit. hunc quidem et pictorem fuisse tradunt. non aere captus nec arte, unam tantum Zenonis statuam Cypria expeditione non vendidit Cato, sed quia philosophi erat, ut obiter hoc quoque noscatur tam insigne ' exemphmi. 93 In mentione statuarum est et una non praeter-

^ copas Gerhard : scopas. * uterque cdd. (utrosque B^, utraque B") : utrasque edd. vett. 3 lophon Urlichs: Leophon Sillig : Herophon Loeivy :

olophon B : lophon rell. * Polydorus Hermolaus Barharus. ^ Patroelus coni. SiUig coll. § 50. « memorabili B, cd. Par. 6801 : memorabilis rell. ' insigne Pintianus : inane.

» The doubtful text may contain the name Scopas; see critical notes. * KaraTT]^ir€xvos, one who wastes his skill in dribl^^ts. 194 BOOK XXXIV. XIX. 90-93

Matrons and Matrons at Prayer and OfFering a Sacri- fice. Simon made a Dog and an Archer, the famous engraver Stratoiiicus some philosophers and each of these artists made figures of hostesses of inns.« The following have made figures of athletes, armed men, hunters and men offering sacrifice : Baton, Euchir, Glaucides, HeHodorus, Hicanus, lophon, Lyson, Leon, Menodorus. Myagrus, Polycrates, Polyidus, Pythocritus, Protogenes (who was also, as we shall xxxv. 101 say later, one of the most famous painters), Patrocles, *'^^* Pollis and Posidonius (the last also a distinguished silver chaser, native of Ephesus), Periclymenus, Philo, Symenus, Timotheus, Theomnestus, Timarchides, Timon, Tisias, Thraso. But of all Callimachus is the most remarkable, ^

" The MSS. give ' this empty example,' explained as imply- ing that Cato neglected the example set by his great grand- father, Cato the Censor who disliked the Greeks. 195 :


eiinda, quamqiiam auctoris incerti, iuxta rostra, Herculis tunicati, sola eo habitu Romae, torva facie

sentiensque ^ suprema tunicae.- in hac tres sunt

tituli : L. Luculli imperatoris de manubiis, alter

pupillum Luculli filium ex S. C. dedicasse, tertius

T. Septimium Sabinum aed. cur. ex privato in

publicum restituisse. tot certaminum tantaeque

dignationis simulacrum id fuit.

94 XX. Nunc praevertemur ^ ad difPerentias aeris et mixturas. in Cyprio [coronarium et regulare est

utrumque ductilej * coronarium tenuatur in lamnas,

taurorumque felle tinctum speciem auri in coronis

histrionum praebet, idemque in uncias additis auri

scripulis senis praetenui pyropi brattea ignescit.

regulare et in aliis fit metallis, itemque caldarium. differentia quod caldarium funditur tantum, malleis

fragile, quibus regulare obsequitur ab aliis ductile

appellatum, quale omne Cyprium est. sed et in ceteris metallis cura distat a caldario; omne enim

diligentius purgatis igni vitiis excoctisque regulare

95 est. In reliquis generibus palma Campano perhi-

^ sentiensque B : sentientique rell. : sentienteque edd. vell. 2 tunicae B : tunica rell. : in tiinicd edd. vett. ^ V.l. revertemur. * coronarium .... ductile cd. Vind. : om. rell.

" I.e. the poisoned garment that caused his death. * In campaigns against Mithridates, 74-67 B.c. 196 ;'

BOOK XXXI \'. xi\. 93-xx. 95 not pass over in spite of the sculptor's not being known—the figure, next to the Beaked Platform, of Heracles in the Tunic,® the only one in Rome that shows him in that dress ; the countenance is stern and the statue expresses the feehng of the final agonv of the tunic. On this statue there are three inscriptions, one stating that it had been part of the bootv taken ^ by the general Lucius LucuUus, and another sapng that it was dedicated, in pursuance of a decree of the Senate, by Lucullus's son while still a ward, and the third, that Titus Septimius Sabinus as curule aedile had caused it to be restored to the public from private ownership. So many were the rivalries connected \\ith this statue and so highly was it valued.

XX. But we m111 now turn our attention particu- vario-as larly to the various forms of copper, and its blends. {5^"/^ In the case of the copper of Cyprus ' chaplet copper ' copper ana "''^'^- is made into thin leaves, and when dyed with ox-gall gives the appearance of gilding on theatrical property coronets ; and the same material mixed with gold in the proportion of six scruples of gold to the ounce makes a very thin plate called pyropus, ' fire-coloured and acquires the colour of fire. Bar copper also is produced in other mines, and likewise fused copper. The difference between them is that the latter can only be fused, as it breaks under the hammer, whereas bar copper, otherwise called ductile copper, is malleable, which is the case with all Cyprus copper. But also in the other mines, this difference of bar copper from fused copper is produced by treatment for all copper after impurities have been rather carefully removed by fire and melted out of it becomes bar copper. Among the remaining kinds


betur,^ utensilibus vasis ^ probatissimo. pluribus

fit hoc modis. namque Capuae liquatur non carbonis ignibus, sed ligni, purgaturque roboreo cribro ^ profusum in * aquam frigidam ac saepius simili modo coquitur, novissime additis plumbi argentarii Hispa- niensis denis libris in centenas aeris. ita lentescit coloremque iucundum traliit, qualem in aliis generibus

96 aeris adfectant oleo ac sale. fit Campano ^ simile in multis partibus Italiae provinciisque, sed octonas plumbi libras addunt et carbone recocunt propter inopiam ligni. quantum ea res difFerentiae adferat,

iii Gallia maxime sentitur, ubi inter lapides cande-

factos funditur ; exurente enim coctura nigrum atque fragile conficitur. praeterea semel recoquunt quod saepius fecisse bonitati plurimum confert. id quoque notasse non ab re est, aes omne frigore magno melius fundi. 97 Sequens temperatura statuaria est eademque tabularis hoc modo: massa proflatur in primis, mox in proflatum additur tertia portio aeris coUectanei, hoc est ex usu coempti. peculiare in eo condimen- tum attritu domiti et consuetudine nitoris veluti mansuefacti. miscentur et plumbi argentarii pondo 98 duodena ac selibrae centenis proflati. Appellatur

^ perhibetur . . . campano {§ 96 init.) B : om. rell. * vasorum coni. WarmiTigton coll. XIII. 72. ^ ligno A'. C. Bailey. * in add, K. C. Bailey : perfusum aqua frigida Sillig.

" Tin and lead mixed in equal parts. " Posaibly mineral coal. 198 BOOK XXXIV. .vx. 95-98

of copper the palm goes to bronze of Campania. vvhich is most esteemed for utensils. There are several ways of preparing it. At Capua it is smelted in a fire of wood, not of charcoal, and then poured into cold water and cleaned in a sieve made of oak, and this process of smelting is repeated several times, at the last stage Spanish silver lead ^ being added to it in the proportion of ten pounds to one

hundred pounds of copper : this treatment renders it pliable and gives it an agreeable colour of a kind imparted to other sorts of copper and bronze by means of oil and salt. Bronze resembling the Campanian is produced in many parts of Italy and the provinces, but there they add only eight pounds of lead, and do additional smelting with charcoal ^ because of their shortage of wood. The difference produced by this is noticed specially in Gaul, where the metal is smelted between stones heated red hot, as this roasting scorches it and renders it black and friable. Moreover they only smelt it again once whereas to repeat this several times contributes a great deal to the quality. It is also not out of place to notice that all copper and bronze fuses better in very cold weather.

The proper blend for making statues is as follows, Bieiidsfor

and the same for tablets : at the outset the ore is ^/SS"'^'^ melted, and then there is added to the melted metal a third part of scrap copper, that is copper or bronze that has been bought up after use. This contains a peculiar seasoned quality of briUiance that has been subdued by friction and so to speak tamed by habi- tual use. Silver-lead is also mixed with it in the proportion of twelve and a half pounds to every hundred pounds of the fused metal. There is also


etiamnum et formalis temperatura aeris tenerrimi, quoniam nigri plumbi decima portio additur et argentarii vicesima, maximeque ita colorem bibit, quem Graecanicum vocant. Novissima est quae vocatur ollaria, vase nomen hoc dante, ternis aut quaternis libris plumbi argentarii in centenas aeris additis. Cyprio si addatur plumbum, colos purpurae

fit in statuarum praetextis. 99 XXI. Aera extersa robiginem celerius trahunt quam neglecta, nisi oleo perunguantur. servari ea optime in liquida pice tradunt. usus aeris ad perpetuitatem monimentorum iam pridem tralatus est tabulis aereis, in quibus publicae constitutiones inciduntur. 100 XXII. Metalla aeris multis modis instruunt medi- cinam, utpote cum ulcera omnia ibi ocissime sanen- tur, maxime tamen prodest ^ cadmea. fit sine dubio haec et in argenti fornacibus, candidior ac minus ponderosa, sed nequaquam comparanda aerariae. plura autem genera sunt. namque ut ipse lapis, ex quo fit aes, cadmea vocatur, fusuris necessarius, medicinae inutilis, sic rursus in fornacibus existit 101 aha, quae ^ originis suae nomen ^ recipit. fit autem

1 prodest al. Par. 6801, ccl. Flor. Ricc. ? prosunt rell. 2 alia quae aut aliamque cdd. : aliaque aliam J. Muller. ^ originis snae nomen Mayhoff : nominis sui originem ccUl. item Isid. XVI. 20. 12.

» A blend for making moulds. ^ The colour is in fact green. One expects the word aeruginem here. ' See the next two notes. <* C/. § 2 of this book (p. 126); mineral calamine and smith- sonite = sihcate and carbonate of zinc. ' Furnace calamine = oxide of zinc. Cf. K. C. Bailey, The Elder Pliny's Chapters on Chemical Subjects ,11, pp. 166-7. 200 BOOK XXXI\'. XX. 98-xxii. loi

in additioii what is called the mould-blend ^ of bronze of a very delicate consistency, because a tenth part of black lead is added and a twentieth of

silver-lead ; and this is the best way to give it the

colour called Graecanic ' after the Greek.' The last kind is that called pot-bronze, taking its name

from the vessels made of it ; it is a blend of three or four pounds of silver-lead with every hundred pounds of copper. The addition of lead to Cyprus copper produces the purple colour seen in the bordered robes of statues. XXI. Thinjjs made of copper or bronze get Copper-rusi. covered with copper-rust ^ more quickly when they are kept rubbed clean than when they are neglected, unless they are well greased with oil. It is said that the best way of preserving them is to give them a coating of Hquid vegetable pitch. The employment of bronze was a long time ago apphed to securing the perpetuity of monuments, by means of bronze tablets on which records of official enactments are made. XXII. Copperores and mines supply medicaments

in a variety of ways : inasmuch as in their neighbour- hood all kinds of ulcers are healed with the greatest

is • rapidity ; yet the most beneficial cadmeaS This cadmea: is certainly also produced in furnaces where silver is smelted, this kind being whiter and not so heavy, but it is by no means to be compared with that from

copper. There are however several varieties ; for

while the mineral itself '^ from which the metal is made

is called cadniea, which is necessary for the fusing

process but is of no use for medicine, so again another kind ^ is found in furnaces, which is given a name indicating its origin. It is produced by the thinnest PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

egesta flammis atque flatu tenuissima parte materiae et camaris lateribusque fornacium pro quantitate

levitatis adplicata. tenuissima est in ipso fornacium

ore quam flammae eructarunt,^ appellata capnitis,

exusta et nimia levitate similis favillae. interior optuma, camaris dependens et ab eo argumento

botryitis nominata, ponderosior haec priore, levior 102 secuturis—duo eius colores, deterior cinereus, pumicis

melior — , friabilis oculorumque medicamentis utilis- sima. tertia est in lateribus fornacium, quae propter gravitatem ad camaras pervenire non potuit. haec

dicitur placitis, et ipsa ab argumento planitiei ^ crusta verius quam pumex, intus varia, ad psoras

103 utilior et cicatrices trahendas. fiunt ^ ex ea duo

alia genera ; onychitis extra paene caerulae, intus

onychis maculis similis, ostracitis tota nigra et e

ceteris sordidissima, volneribus maxime utilis. omnis autem cadmea, in Cypri * fornacibus optima, iterum a medicis coquitur carbone puro atque,

ubi in cinerem rediit, extinguitur vino Ammineo quae ad emplastra praeparatur, quae vero ad psoras, aceto.

104 quidam in ollis fictilibus tusam urunt et lavant in

^ V.ll. quae ant que aut qua flamma eructatur aut eructantur

aut fluctuantur : eructarunt Mayhoff. 2 planitiei Salmasius : planitie. ^ fiunt B : fluunt rell. * Cypriis coni. Mayhoff : cyprio aut cypria aut cypri. BOOK X\X1\ . xxii. 101-104

part of the substance being separated out by the flames and the blast and becoming attached in proportion to its degree of Hghtness to the roof- chambers and side-walls of the furnaces, the thinnest being at the very mouth of the furnace, which the

' ' flames have belched out ; it is called smoky cadmea from its burnt appearance and because it resembles hot white ash in its extreme Hghtness. The part

inside is best, hanging from the vaults of the roof- chamber, and this consequently is designated ' grape-

' cluster cadmea : this is heavier than the preceding kind but Hghter than those that foHow—it is of two colours, the inferior kind being the colour of ash and the better the colour of pumice—and it is friable, and extremely useful for making medicaments for the eyes. A third sort is deposited on the sides of furnaces, not having been able to reach the vaults because of its weight; this is caHed in Greek ' placitis,' ' caked residue,' in this case by reason of its flatness, as it is more of a crust than pumice,

and is mottled inside ; it is more useful for itch- scabs and for making wounds draw together into a scar. Of this kind are formed two other varieties, onychitis which is almost blue outside but inside Hke the spots of an onyx or layered quartz, and ostracitis ' sheH-Hke residue ' which is aU black and the dirtiest

of any of the kinds ; this is extremely useful for wounds. AH kinds of cadmea (the best coming from the furnaces of Cyprus) for use in medicine are heated again on a fire of pure charcoal and. when it has been reduced to ash, if being prepared for plasters

it is quenched with Amminean wine, but if intended for itch-scabs with vinegar. Some people pound it and then burn it in earthenware pots, wash it in 203 PLINY : NATURAL riLSTORY

mortariis, postea siccant. Nymphodorus lapidem ipsum quam gravissimum spississimumque urit pruna et exustum Chio vino restinguit tunditque, mox

linteo cribrat atque in mortario terit, mox aqua

pluvia macerat iterumque terit quod subsedit, donec

cerussae simile fiat, nulla dentium ofFensa. eadem

lollae ratio, sed quam purissimum eligit lapidem. 105 XXIIL cadmeae effectus siccare, persanare, sistere

fluctiones, pterygia et sordes oculorum purgare,

scabritiam extenuare et quidquid in plumbi effectu dicemus. Et aes ipsum uritur ad omnia eadem, praeterque albugines oculorum et cicatrices, ulcera quoque

oculorum cum lacte sanat; itaque Aegyptii collyrii

106 id modo terunt in coticulis. facit et vomitiones e

melle sumptum. uritur autem Cyprium in fictilibus crudis cum sulpuris pari pondere, vasorum ^ circum-

lito spiramento, in caminis, donec vasa ipsa perco- quantur. quidam et salem addunt, aliqui alumen

pro sulpure, alii nihil, sed aceto tantum aspergunt.

ustum teritur in ^ mortario Thebaico, aqua pluvia

lavatur iterumque adiecta largiore teritur et, dum considat, relinquitur, hoc saepius, donec ad speciem

^ vasorum MayJioJf : vaso aut vase. * in aild. MayhojJ.

" A medical maii of the thlrd oentury B.c. 204 BOOK XXXIV. XXII. 104-XX111. 106

" mortars and aftenvarcls dry it. Nymphodorus's process is to burn on hot coals the most heavy dense piece of cadmea that can be obtained, and when it is thoroughly burnt to quench it with Chian %\ine, and pound it, and then to sift it through a Hnen cloth and grind it in a mortar, and then macerate it in rain- water and again grind the sediment that sinks to the bottom till it becomes like white lead and offers no grittiness to the teeth. lollas' ^ method is the same, but he selects the purest specimens of native cadmea. XXIII. The effect of cadmea is to dry moisture, to heal lesions, to stop discharges, to cleanse inflamed swellings and foul sores in the eyes, to remove eruptions, and to do ever}'thing that we shall specify in dealing with the effect of lead. Copper itself is roasted to use for all the same purposes and for white-spots and scars in the eyes besides, and mixed with milk it also heals ulcers in the eyes ; and consequently people in Egypt make a kind of eye-salve by grinding it in small mortars. Taken ^vith honey it also acts as an emetic, but for this Cyprian copper with an equal weight of sulphur is roasted in pots of unbaked earthenware, the mouth of the vessels being stopped with oil; and then left in the furnace till the vessels themselves are completely baked. Certain persons also add salt, and some use alum instead of sulphur, while others add nothing at all, but only sprinkle the -copper with vinegar. WTien burnt it is pounded in a mortar of Theban stone, washed with rainwater, and then again pounded with the addition of a larger quantity of water, and left till it settles, and this process is repeated several times, till it is reduced

^ A Bithynian medical writer of unknown date. 205 ;


minii redeat. tunc siccatum in sole in aerea pyxide servatur. 107 XXIV. Et scoria aeris simili modo lavatur, minore ^ eifectu quam ipsum aes. sed et aeris flos medicinae utilis est. fit aere fuso et in alias fornaces tralato ibi flatu crebriore excutiuntur veluti milii squamae,

quas vocant florem ; cadunt autem, cum panes aeris aqua refrigerantur, rubentque similiter squamae aeris, quam vocant lepida, et sic adulteratur flos, ut squama veneat pro eo. est autem squama aeris decussa vi clavis, in quos panes aerei feruminantur,^ in Cypri maxime oflicinis. omnis ^ differentia haec est, quod squama cxcutitur ictu isdem panibus, flos 108 cadit sponte. squamae est alterum genus suptilius, ex summa scilicet lanugine decussum, quod vocant stomoma. XXV. Atque haec omnia medici—quod pace eorum dixisse liceat—ignorant. parent^ nominibus: in tantum^ a conficiendis medicaminibus absunt, quod esse proprium medicinae solebat. nunc quo- tiens incidere in libellos, componere ex iis volentes aliqua, hoc est impendio miserorum experiri^ com- mentaria,'^ credunt Seplasiae omnia fraudibus cor-

1 minor cdd. fere omnes. 2 formantur coni. Eichholz. ^ omnis Mayhojf {qui et siimma coni.): omnia, * parent Urlichs: paret B: pars maior et reU.: p.m, paret Deflefsen. *~^ parent nominibus hi: tantum coni. Mayhoff. ^ V.l. expediri. ' commentariaque 5: sujpra post WheWos, trans. Urlichs.

" The dross produced when the ore is fused. ^ Probably in the main red cuprous oxide (not black cupric oxide) with some metallic copper in it. '- Seplasia was the special quarter of Capua where perfumes were sold. 2o6 —


to the appearance of cinnabar ; then it is dried in the sun and put to keep in a copper box. XXIV. The slaff " of copper is also washed in the ^^9, «ca'«'

• and flower of t 1. -j. 1 m • J.1 -j. !/• same vvay, but it is less emcacious tnan copper itseli. copper. The flower ^ of copper also is useful as a medicine. It is made by fusing copper and then transferring it to other furnaces, where a faster use of the bellows makes the metal give off layers Hke scales of millet, which are called the flower. However when the sheets of copper are cooled off in water they shed off other scales of copper of a similar red hue—this ' scale is called by the Greek word meaning * husk and by this process the flower is adulterated, so that the scale is sold as a substitute for it. On the other hand, scale of copper is forcibly knocked ofF bolts into which are welded cakes of the metal, specially in the factories of Cyprus. The whole difference is that the scale is detached from the cakes by successive hammerings, whereas the flower falls off of its own accord. There is another finer kind of scale, the one knocked off from the down-like sur- face of the metal, the name for which is ' stomoma.' XXV. But of all these facts the doctors, if they will permit me to say so, are ignorant—they are governed by names : so detached they are from the process of making up drugs, which used to be the special business of the medical profession. Now- adays whenever they come on books of prescriptions, wanting to make up some medicines out of them, which means to make trial of the ingredients in the prescriptions at the expense of their unhappy patients, they rely on the fashionable druggists' shops «^ which spoil everything with fraudulent adulterations, and for a long time they have been


riimpenti. iam pridem ^ facta emplastra et collyria mercantur, tabesque mercium aut fraus Seplasiae sic ^ exhibetur ! 109 Et squama autem et flos uruntur in patinis fictili-

bus aut aereis, dein lavantur ut supra ad eosdem usus ; squama ^ et amplius narium carnosa vitia, item sedis, et gravitates aurium per fistulam in eas flatu inpulsa et uvas oris farina admota tollit et tonsillas cum melle. fit ex candido aere squama longe Cypria inefficacior. nec non urina pueri prius macerant clavos panesque quidam excussuri squamam, terunt- que et aqua pluvia lavant. dant et hydropicis eam drachmis ii in mulsi hemina et inlinunt cum polline. 110 XXVL Aeruginis quoque magnus usus est. pluri- bus fit modis. namque et lapidi, ex quo coquitur aes, deraditur, et aere candido perforato atque in cadis suspenso super acetum acre opturatumque operculo. multo probatior est, si hoc idem squamis fiat. quidam visa ipsa candidi aeris fictihbus con- 111 dunt in acetum raduntque decumo die. alii vinaceis contegunt totidemque post dies radunt, alii delima- tam aeris scobem aceto spargunt versantque spathis saepius die, donec absumatur. eandem scobem

1 pridem edd. vett. : quidem. 2 sic exhibetur Warmington : sic excitetur Mayhoff (qni et

excitatur coni.) : exsiccatur coni. Sillig : sicce taxetur lan :

alii alia : sic cexatetur B^ : sicce sane duret B^ : sic exteritur rell. recte? 3 squama Mayhoff : que cd. Leid. Voss., cd. Flor. Ricc. : om. rell.

" Or, if we read exteritur (is ground out), ' finds its way into the mortar ' (thus K. C. Bailey). * Brass. " Basic copper carbonate. ** Basic copper acetate or true verdigris, Avhich does not occur in a natural state. 2o8 BOOK XXXIV. XXV. 108-X.XV1. III

buying plasters and eye-salves ready made ; and thus is deteriorated rubbish of commodities and the fraud of the druggists' trade put on show." Both scale however and flower of copper are burnt in earthemvare or copper pans and then washed, as described above, to be applied to the same purposes ; § 106. the scale also in addition removes fleshy troubles in the nostrils and also in the anus and duhness of hearing if forcibly blown into the ears through a tube, and, when applied in the form of powder, removes swellings of the uvula, and, mixed with honey, swellings of the tonsils. There is a scale from white copper ^ that is far less efficacious than the scale from

Cyprus ; and moreover some people steep the bolts and cakes of copper beforehand in a boy's urine when they are going to detach the scale, and pound them and wash them \^dth rainwater. It is also given to dropsical patients in doses of two drams in half a sextarius of honey-w ine ; and mixed with fine flour it is applied as a Hniment. XXVI. Great use is also made of verdigris. verdigru.

^' There are several ways of making it ; it is scraped ofF the stone from which copper is smelted, or by '^ drilling holes in white copper ^ and hanging it up in casks over strong vinegar which is stopped with a

Hd ; the verdigris is of much better quahty if the same process is performed with scales of copper. Some people put the actual vessels, made of white copper, into vinegar in earthenware jars, and nine days later scrape them. Others cover the vessels Mith grape-skins and scrape them after the same interval, others sprinkle copper fiHngs with vinegar and several times a day turn them over with spattles till the copper is completely dissolved. Others 209 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

alii terere in mortariis aereis ex aceto malunt. ocissime vero contingit coronariorum recisamentis in 112 acetum id ^ additis. adulterant marmore trito maxime Rhodiam aeruginem, alii pumice aut cummi. praecipue autem fallit atramento sutorio adulterata; cetera enim dente deprehenduntur stridentia in frendendo. experimentum in vatillo ferreo, nam quae sincera est, suum colorem retinet. quae mixta atramento, rubescit. deprehenditur et papyro galla prius macerato, nigrescit enim statim aerugine inlita. deprehenditur et visu maligne 113 virens. sed sive sinceram sive adulteram ^ aptissi- mum est elui siccatamque in patina nova uri ac

versari, donec favilla fiat ; postea teritur ac re- conditur. aliqui in crudis fictilibus urunt, donec figlinum percoquatur. nonnulli et tus masculum admiscent. lavatur autem aerugo sicut cadmea. vis eius collyriis oculorum aptissima et delacrima- tionibus mordendo proficiens, sed ablui necessarium penicillis calidis, donec rodere desinat. 114 XXVII. Hieracium vocatur collyrium, quod ea ^ maxime constat. temperatur autem id ham-

^ seclud. id K. C. Bailey. 2 V.L adulteratam. ' ea Mayhoff : illa quidam apud Dalecamp : ita.

* Used for colouring leather. The term probably includes both green vitriol or ferrous sulphate, which is our copperas, and blue vitriol, or cupric sulphate. * This is not true. * Or sponges. •* As K. C. Bailey rightly says, not ml Hammoniacus (a 2IO BOOK XXXIV. XXVI. iii-.xxvii. 114 prefer to grind copper filings mixed with vinegar in copper mortnrs. But the quickest result is obtained by adding to the vinegar shavings of coronet copper. Rhodian verdigris is adulterated chiefly with pounded marble, though others use pumicestone or gum. But the adulteration of verdigris that is the most difficult to detect is done with shoemakers' black," the other adulterations being detected by the teeth as they crackle when chewed. Verdigris can be tested on a hot fire- shovel, as a specimen that is pure keeps ^ its colour, but what is mixed with shoemakers' black turns red. It is also detected by means of papyrus previously steeped in an infusion of plantgall, as this when smeared with genuine verdigris at once turns black. It can also be detected by the eye, as it has an evil green colour. But w^hether pure or adulterated, the best way is to wash it and when it is dry to burn it on a new pan and keep turning it over till it becomes glowing ashes ; and aftervvards it is crushed and put away in store. Some people burn it in raw earthenware vessels till the earthenware is baked through ; some mix in also some male frankincense.

\^erdigris is washed in the same way as cadmea. § 106. Its powerfulness is very well suited for eye-salves and its mordant action makes it able to produce watering at the eyes ; but it is essential to wash it ofFwith swabs ^ and hot water till its bite ceases to be felt.

XXVII. Hierax's Salve is the name given to an eye-salve chiefly composed of verdigris. It is made by mixing together four ounces of gum of Hammon,'^ variety of common salt, which itself is not sal ammoniac = ammonium chloride). 211 PLINY ; NATURAL HISTORY

moniaci unciis iiii, aeruginis Cypriae ii, atramenti sutorii, quod chalcanthum vocant, totidem, misyos una, croci vi. haec omnia trita aceto Thasio colliguntur ^ in pilulas, excellentis remedii contra initia glaucomatum et sufFusionum, contra caligines aut scabritias et albugines et genarum vitia. cruda 115 autem aerugo volnerariis emplastris miscetur. oris etiam gingivarumque exulcerationes mirifice emen- dat et labrorum ulcera cum oleo. quod si et cera addatur, purgat et ad cicatricem perducit. aerugo et callum fistularum erodit vitiorumque circa sedem sive per se sive cum hammoniaco inlita vel collyrii modo in fistulas adacta. eadem cum resinae tere- binthinae tertia parte subacta lepras tollit. 116 XXVm. Est et alterum genus aeruginis, quam vo- cant scoleca, in Cyprio (mortario Cyprio) ^ aere trito^ alumine et sale aut nitro pari pondere cum aceto albo * quam acerrimo. non fit hoc nisi aestuosissimis diebus circa canis ortum. teritur autem, donec viride fiat contrahatque se vermiculorum specie, unde et nomen. quod vitiatum ^ ut emendetur, ii partes quam fuere aceti miscentur urinae pueri inpubis. idem autem in medicamentis et santerna efficit, qua diximus aurum feruminari. usus utriusque qui

^ collinuntur B. ^

* Copper pyrites. " See pp. 210-1, note f ^ This sentence is probably defective. 212 BOOK XXXIV. XXVII. ii4-xx\'iii. n6 two of Cyprian verdiirris, two of the copperas called ^ flower of copper, one of misy and six of safFron ; all these ingredients are pounded in Thasian vinegar and made up into pills, that are an outstanding specitic against incipient glaucoma and cataract, and also against films on the eyes or roughnesses and white ulcerations in the eye and affections of the eyelids. Verdigris in a crude state is used as an ingredient in plasters for wounds also. In combina- tion with oil it is a marvellous cure for ulcerations of the mouth and gums and for sore lips, and if wax is also added to the mixture it cleanses them and makes them form a cicatrix. Verdigris also eats away the callosity of fistulas and of sores round the anus, either applied by itself or with gum of Hammon,^ or inserted into the fistula in the manner of a salve. Verdigris kneaded up with a third part of turpentine also removes leprosy. XX\'III. There is also another kind of verdigris called from the Greek worm-like verdigris, made by grinding up in a mortar of true cyprian copper w ith a pestle of the same metal equal weights of alum and salt or soda with the very strongest white vinegar. This preparation is only made on the very hottest days of the year, about the rising of the Dogstar. The mixture is ground up until it becomes of a green colour and shrivels into what looks like a cluster of small worms, whence its name. To remedy any that is blemished, the urine of a young boy to twice the quantity of vinegar that was used is added to the mixture.^ Used as a drug, worm-verdigris has the same effect as santerna which we spoke of as used for xxxiii. ^^" soldering gold ; both of them fiave the same properties as verdigris Native worm-verdigris is 213 ;


aeruginis. scolex fit et per se derasus aerario lapidi, de quo nunc dicemus. 117 XXIX. Chalcitim vocant, ex quo et ipso aes

coquitur. distat a cadmea, quod illa super terram ex subdialibus petris caeditur, haec ex obrutis, item quod chalcitis friat se statim, molUs natura, ut videatur lanugo concreta. est et alia distinctio, quod chalcitis tria genera continet, aeris et misyos

et soreos, de quibus singulis dicemus suis locis. 118 habet autem aeris venas oblongas. probatur mellei coloris, gracih venarum discursu, friabilis nec lapidosa. putant et recentem utiliorem esse, quo-

niam inveterata sori fiat. vis ^ eius ad excrescentia in ulceribus, sanguinem sistere, gingivas, uvam, tonsillas farina compescere, volvae vitiis in vellere imponi. cum suco vero porri verendorum additur

119 emplastris. maceratur autem in fictili ex aceto circumlito fimo diebus xl, et colorem croci trahit. tum admixto cadmeae pari pondere medicamentum

efficit psoricon dictum. quod si ii partes chalcitidis tertia cadmeae temperentur, acrius hoc idem fiat

etiamnum vehementius, si aceto quam vino ^ tem-

peretur ; tosta vero efficacior fit ad eadem omnia. 120 XXX. Sori Aegyptium maxime laudatur, multum

^ U8US coni. MayhofJ. ^ vino coni. Mayhoff.

* Copper pyrites in process of decomposition. For cadmea see §§ 2 and 100 and notes. **


superato Cyprio Hispaniensique et Africo, quamquam oculoruni curationi quidam utilius putent Cyprium sed in quacumque natione optimum cui maximum virus olfactu, tritumque pinguiter nigrescens et spongiosum. stomacho res contraria in tantum, ut quibusdam olfactum modo vomitiones moveat. et Aegyptium quidem tale,^ alterius nationis con- tritum splendescit ut misy et est lapidosius. prodest autem et dentium dolori, si contineatur atque colluat, et ulceribus oris gravibus quaeque serpant. uritur carbonibus ut chalcitis. 121 XXXI. Misy aliqui tradiderunt fieri exusto lapide in scrobibus, flore eius luteo miscente se ligni pineae favillae. re vera autem e supra dicto fit lapide, concretum natura discretumque vi, optimum in Cypriorum officinis, cuius notae sunt friati aureae scintillae et, cum teratur, harenosa natura sine terra,^ chalcitidi ^ dissimilis.* hoc admiscent qui aurum purgant. utilitas eius infusi cum rosaceo auribus purulentis et in lana inpositi capitis ulceribus. extenuat et scabritias oculorum inveteratas, praecipue 122 utile tonsilUs contraque anginas et suppurata. ratio

^ tale est cd. deperd. Dalecamp. ^ terrae cd. Vind. : terrea ed. Lugd. ^ ehaleitidis cd. Flor. Ricc. * dissimilis A'. C. Bailey : simis cd. Flor. Bicc. : sin B^

sive al. Par. G801 : similis rell.

" Probably produced in most cases by sulphuretted hydro- gen. * Of hollow teeth, as is clear from the context and from Diosc. I, 141, V, 119.

<= Chalcitis,^ 117. 2l6 BOOK XXXIV. XXX. I20-XXXI. 122 being far superior to that of Cyprus and Spain and Africa, although some people think that Cyprus sori is more useful for treatment of the eyes ; but whatever its provenance the best is that which has the most pungent odour," and which when ground up takes a greasy, black colour and becomes spongy. It is a substance that goes against the stomach so violently that with some people the mere smell of it causes vomiting. This is a description of the sori of Egypt. That from other sources when ground up turns a bright colour Uke misy, and it is harder; however, if it is held in the cavities ^ and used plentifully as a mouth-wash it is good for toothache and for serious and creeping ulcers of the mouth. It is burnt on charcoal, like chalcitis. XXXI. Some people have reported that misy ^«'/ is made by burning mineral in trenches, its fine vellow powder mixing itself with the ash of the pine wood burnt ; but as a matter of fact though got from the mineral ^ above mentioned, it is part of its substance and separated from it by force, the best kind being obtained in the copper-factories of Cyprus, its marks being that when broken it sparkles Hke gold and when it is ground it has a sandy appear- ance, without earth, unlike chalcitis. A mixture of misy is emploved in the magical purification of gold.'^ Mixed with oil of roses it makes a useful infusion for suppurating ears and applied on wool a serviceable plaster for ulcers of the head. It also reduces chronic roughness of the eyelids, and is especially useful for the tonsils and against quinsy and suppura-

•* The process of counteracting the supposed evii influence of goid when held over the head of children, etc. See XXXI TT 84. 217 VOL. IX. H PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

ut XVI drachmae in hemina aceti coquantur addito melle, donec lentescat. sic ad supra dicta utile est. quotiens opus sit molliri vim eius, mel adspergitur. erodit et calhim fistularum ex aceto foventium et collyriis additur, sistit et sanguinem ulceraque quae serpant quaeve putrescant, absumit et excrescentes carnes. pecuHariter viriHtatis vitiis utile et femina- rum profluvium sistit. 123 XXXII. Graeci cognationem aeris nomine fecerunt

et atramento sutorio ; appehant enim chalcanthon. nec ulHus aeque mira natura est. fit in Hispaniae puteis stagnisve id genus aquae habentibus. deco- quitur ea admixta dulci pari mensura et in piscinas Hgneas funditur. immobiHbus ^ super has transtris dependent restes lapilHs extentae, quibus adhaeres- cens Hmus vitreis acinis imaginem quandam uvae reddit. exemptum ita siccatur diebus xxx. color est caeruleus perquam spectabiH nitore, vitrumque 124 esse creditur; diluendo fit atramentum tinguendis

coriis. fit et pluribus modis : genere terrae eo in scrobes cavato, quorum e lateribus destillantes hiberno gelu stirias stalagmian vocant, neque est purius aHud. sed ex eo, candidum colorem sentiente 125 viola, lonchoton ^ appellant. fit et in saxorum

' immobiHbus edd. vett. : immobilis. ^ V.l. locoton : leucoion Hermolaus Barharus : leucanthon

"(/rf. VPtt.

" Seen. "on^ 112. * I.e. water holding in solution the substance referred to. " So Diosc. V, 114. But the descrii)tion suggests ' leu- coion,' ' violet-white.' The ancient Hke the modern violas were of various colours. 2l8 BOOK XXXIV. XXXI. I22-XXXII. 125 tions. The method is to boil 16 drams of it in a twelfth of a pint of vinegar with honey added till it becomes of a viscous consistency : this makes a useful preparation for the purposes above mentioned. When it is necessary to make it softer, honey is sprinkled on it. It also removes the callosity of fistulous ulcers when the patients use it with vinegar as a fomentation ; and it is used as an ingredient in eye-salves, arrests haemorrhage and creeping or putrid ulcers, and reduces fleshy excrescences. It is particularly useful for troubles in the sexual organs in the male, and it checks menstruation. XXXII. The Greeks by their name for shoe- shoemakers ^''^*' makers'-black " have m.ade out an affinity between

' it and copper : they call it chalcanthon, flower of

' copper ; and there is no substance that has an equally remarkable nature. It occurs in Spain in wells or pools that contain that sort of water.* This water is boiled with an equal quantity of pure water and poured into wooden tanks. Over these are firmly fixed cross-beams from which hang cords held taut by stones, and the mud clinging to the cords in a cluster of glassy drops has somewhat the appearance of a bunch of grapes. It is taken off and then left for thirty days to dry. Its colour is an extremely brilliant bhie, and it is often taken for glass ; when dissolved it makes a black dye used for colouring leather. It is also made in several other ways : earth of the kind indicated is hollowed into trenches, droppings from the sides of which form icicles in a winter frost which are called drop-flower of copper, and this is the purest kind. But some of it, violet with a touch of white, is called lonchoton,

' lance-headed.''^ It is also made in pans hollowed 219 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

catinis pliivia aqua conrivato limo gelante ; fit et salis modo flagrantissimo sole admissas dulces aquas cogente. ideo quidam duplici differentia fossile aut facticium appellant, hoc pallidus et quantum 126 colore, tantum bonitate deterius. probant maxime Cyprium in medicinae usu. sumitur ad pellenda ventris animalia drachmae pondere cum melle. purgat et caput dilutum ac naribus instillatum, item stomachum cum melle aut aqua mulsa sumptum. medetur et oculorum scabritiae dolorique et caligini et oris ulceribus. sistit et sanguinem narium, item haemorroidum. extrahit ossa fracta cum semine hyoscyami. suspendit epiphoras penicillo fronti inpositum, efficax et in emplastris ad purganda 127 volnera ^ et excrescentia ulcerum. tollit et uvas,

vel si decocto tangantur, cum lini quoque semine superponitur emplastris ad dolores tollendos. quod ex eo candicat, in uno usu praefertur violaceis, ut gravitati aurium per fistulas inspiretur. volnera per se inlitum sanat, sed tinguit ^ cicatrices. nuper inventum ursorum in harena et leonum ora spargere

illo, tantaque est vis in adstringendo, ut non queant mordere. 128 XXXIII. Etiamnum in aerariis reperiuntur quae

^ V.l. ulcerca.

' V.l. tingit : stringit Caesarius.

" Zinc oxide. * Zinc oxide made impure by charcoal-dust and from other causes (K. C. Bailey) 220 BOOK XXXIV . xx: in the rocks, into which the slime is carried by rain- water and freezes, and it also forms in the same way as salt when very hot sunshine evaporates the fresh water let in with it. Consequently some people distinguish in twofold fashion between the mined Hower of copper and the manufactured, the latter paler than the former and as much inferior in quaUty as in colour. That wliich comes from Cyprus is most highly approved for medical employment. It is taken to remove intestinal worms, the dose being one dram mixed with honey. Dikited and injected as drops into the nostrils it clears the head, and like- wise taken with honey or honey-water it purges the stomach. It is given as a medicine for roughness of the eyes, pain and mistiness in the eyes, and ulcera- tion of the mouth. It stops bleeding from the nostrils, and also haemorrhoidal bleeding. Mixed with henbane seed it draws out splinters of broken bones ; applied to the forehead with a swab it arrests running of the eyes ; also used in plasters it is efficacious for cleansing wounds and gatherings of ulcers. A mere touch of a decoction of it removes swellings of the uvula, and it is laid with linseed on plasters used for relieving pains. The whitish part of it is preferred to the violet kinds for one purpose, that of being blown through tubes into the ears to reheve ear-trouble. AppUed by itself as a Hniment it heals wounds, but it leaves a discoloration in the scars. There has lately been discovered a plan of sprinkling it on the mouths of bears and Hons in the arena, and its astringent action is so powerful that they are unable to bite.

XXXIII. The substances called by Greek names zinc oxide. meaning ' bubble ' " and ' ash ' ^ are also found in ;


vocant pompholygem et spodon. differentia, quod

pompholyx lotura separatur, spodos inlota est.

ahqui quod sit candidum levissimumque pompholy- gem dixere et esse aeris ac cadmeae favillam, spodon nigriorem esse ponderosioremque, derasam parietibus

fornacium, mixtis scintillis,^ aliquando et carbonibus.

129 haec aceto accepto odorem aeris praestat et, si tangatur lingua, saporem horridum. convenit ocu-

lorum medicamentis, quibuscumque vitiis occurrens, et ad omnia quae spodos. hoc solum distat, quod

huius elutior vis est. additur et in emplastra, quibus

lenis refrigeratio quaeritur et siccatio. utilior ad

omnia quae vino lota est.

130 XXXIV. Spodos Cypria optima. fit autem liques- centibus cadmea et aerario lapide. levissimum hoc

est flaturae totius evolatque e fornacibus et tectis adhaerescit, a fuligine distans candore. quod minus candidum ex ea, inmaturae fornacis argumentum est hoc quidam pompholygem vocant. quod vero rubi-

cundius ex iis invenitur, acriorem vim habet et

exulcerat adeo, ut, cum lavatur, si attigit oculos,

131 excaecet. est et mellei coloris spodos, in qua pluri- mum aeris intellegitur. sed quodcumque genus

lavando fit utilius ; purgatur ante panno,^ dein

^ lapillis {vel cinere, pilis) coni. Mayhoff. 2 linteo panno coni. K. C. Bailet/ : purgantur ramenta paiino D'Arcy Thompson: ante pinna aut ante penna. 222 BOOK XXXIV. xxxiii. 128-XXXIV. 131 the furnaces ot copper works. The difference between them is that bubble is disengaged by wash- ing but ash is not washed out. Some people have given the name of ' bubble ' to the substance that is white and very light in weight, and have said that

' it is the ashes of copper and cadmea, but that ' ash is darker and heavier. being scraped ofF the walls of furnaces, mixed with sparks from the ore and some- times also with charcoal. This material when vinegar is applied to it gives ofF a smell of copper, and if touched with the tongue has a horrible taste. It is a suitable ingredient for eye medicines, remedying all troubles whatever, and for all the

' ' purposes for which ash is used ; its only difference is that its action is less violent. It is also used as an ingredient for plasters employed to produce a gentle cooHng and drying effect. It is more efficacious for all purposes when it is moistened with wlne. XXXIV. Cyprus ash is the best. It is produced when cadmea and copper ore are melted. The ash in question is the lightest part of the whole sub- stance produced by blasting, and it flies out of the furnaces and adheres to the roof, being distinguished from soot by its white colour. Such part of it as is less white is an indication of inadequate firing ; it is this that some people call ' bubble.' But the redder part selected from it has a keener force, and is so corrosive that if while it is being washed it touches the eves it causes blindness. There is also an ash of the colour of honey, which is understood to indicate that it contains a large amount of copper. But any kind is made more serviceable by washing ; it is first purified with a strainer of cloth and then given a more substantial washing, and the rough portions 223 PLIXY : XATURAL HISTORY

crassiore ^ lotura digitis scabritiae excernuntur.^ eximia ^ vis est eius, quae vino lavatur. est aliqua et in genere vini differentia. leni enim lota collyriis oculorum minus utilis putatur, eademque efficacior ulceribus, quae manent, vel oris, quae madeant, et omnibus medicamentis, quae parentur contra gan- 132 graenas. fit et in argenti fornacibus spodos, quam vocant Lauriotim. utilissima autem oculis adfirma- tur quae fiat in aurariis, nec in alia parte magis est vitae ingenia mirari. quippe ne quaerenda essent metalla, vilissimis rebus utilitates easdem excogitavit. 133 XXX\\ Antispodon vocant cinerem fici arboris vel caprifici vel myrti foliorum cum tenerrimis ramo- rum partibus vel oleastri vel oleae vel cotonei mali vel lentisci, item ex moris immaturis, id est candidis, in sole arefactis vel e buxi coma aut pseudocypiri aut rubi aut terebinthi vel oenanthes. taurini quoque glutinis aut Hnteorum cinerem simiUter poUere inventum est. uruntur omnia ea crudo fictili in fornacibus, donec figlina percoquantur. 134 XXX\T. In aerariis officinis et smegma fit iam Hquato aere ac percocto additis etiamnum carbonibus paulatimque accensis, ac repente vehementiore fiatu

^ crassiore atit crassior cdd. (crossiora al. Virul.): crassiora

D^Arcy Thomjjson : crebriore coni. Maijhoff. ^ scabritiae (scabritis scabritiae B) excernuntur cdd. : sca- britiem exterunt edd. vett.: excernit Caesarius. ^ eximia Mayhoff et media B : om. et reU.

" So called from Laurium in Attica, where there are still silver mines. * This word a/i-^y/xa can, it secms, be uscd not only for a detergent or cleansing agent, but also for the stuflF removed 224 BOOK XXXIW xxxiv. i3i-xxx\'i. 134 are picked out by the fingers. When it is washed with wine it is particularly powerful. There is also some difference in the kind of wine used, as when it is M'ashed with weak wine it is thought to be less serviceable for eye-salves, and at the same time more efficacious for running ulcers or for ulcers of the mouth that are always wet and more useful for all the antidotes for gangrene. An ash called Lauriotis " is also produced in furnaces in which silver is smelted ; but the kind said to be most serviceable for the eyes is that wliich is formed in smelting gold. Nor is there any other department in which the ingenuities of life are more to be admired, inasmuch as to avoid the need of searching for metals experience has devised the same utilities by means of the commonest things. XXXV. The substance called in Greek ' anti- ' ' spodos ' substitute ash is the ash of the leaves of the figtree or wild fig or myrtle together with the tender- est parts of the branches, or of the wild oUve or cul- tivated olive or quince or mastic and also ash obtained from unripe, that is still pale, mulberries, dried in the sun, or from the foliage of the box or mock-gladiolus, or bramble or turpentine-tree or cenanthe. The same virtues have also been found in the ash of bull-glue or of hnen fabrics. All of these are burnt in a pot of raw earth heated in a furnace until the earthenware is thoroughly baked. XXXVI. Also ' smegma ' ^ is made in copper forges by adding additional charcoal when the copper has already been melted, and thoroughly fused, and gradually kindhng it ; and suddenly when a stronger blast is applied a sort of chaff of by cleansing; so here it meana floating impurities containing sorae copper (K. C. Bailey). 22; ;


exspuitur aeris palca (juaedam. solum, quo exci- piatur, stratum esse debet marilla.^ 135 XXX\^II. Ab ea discernitur quam in isdem officinis diphrygem vocant Graeci ab eo, quod bis torreatur. cuius origo triplex. fieri enim traditur ex lapide pyrite cremato in caminis, donec excoquatur in

rubricam. fit et in Cypro ex luto cuiusdam specus arefacto ^ prius, mox paulatim circumdatis sarmentis.^

tertio fit modo in fornacibus aeris faece subsidente. dilferentia est, quod * aes ipsum in catinos defluit, scoria extra fornaces, flos supernatat, diphryges 136 remanent. quidam tradunt in fornacibus globos lapidis, qui coquatur, feruminari, circa hunc aes fervere, ipsum vero non percoqui nisi tralatum in alias fornaces, et esse nodum ^ quendam materiae id, quod ex cocto supersit, diphryga vocari. ratio

eius in medicina similis praedictis : siccare et excrescentia consumere ac repurgare. probatur Hngua, ut eam siccet tactu statim saporemque aeris reddat. 137 XXXVIIL Unum etiamnum aeris miraculum non omittemus. Servilia familia inlustris in fastis trien- tem aereum pascit auro, argento, consumentem utrumque. origo atque natura eius incomperta mihi

^ marilla lan {olim marila) : marili B : maxili rell. :

maxilla edd. vett. : debet. Facile Hermolaus Barbarus. ^ <8ole> vel arefacto coni. K. C. Bailey. ^ sarmentis coni. K. C. Bailey s. <(ardentibus> coni. Warmington. * V.l. differentiae siquidem : differentia est quidem quod edd. veit. * V.l. nudum : nucleum coni. Mayhoff. 226 BOOK XXXIV. xxxvi. 134-XXXV111. 137 copper spirts out. The floor on which it is received ought to be strewn with charcoal-dust. XXXVII. Distinguished from ' smegma ' is ihe other impu- "'***' substance in the same forges called by the Greeks diphryx, from its being twice roasted. It comes from three diiferent sources. It is said to be ob- tained from a mineral pyrites which is heated in furnaces till it is smelted into a red earth. It is also made in Cyprus from mud obtained from a certain cavern, which is first dried and then gradually has burning brushwood put round it. A third way of producing it is from the residue that falls to the bottom in copper furnaces ; the ditference is that the copper itself runs down into crucibles and the slag forms outside the furnace and the flower floats on the top, but the supphes of diphryx remain behind. Some people say that certain globules of stone that is being smelted in the furnaces become soldered together and round this the copper gets red hot, but the stone itself is not fused unless it is transferred into other furnaces, and that it is a sort of kernel of the substance, and that what is called diphryx i>^ the residue left from the smelting. Its use in medicine is similar to that of the substances already described ; to dry up moisture and remove excrescent growths and act as a detergent. It can be tested by the tongue—contact with it ought immediately to have a parching effect and impart a flavour of copper. XXXVIII. We will not omit one further remark- able thing about copper. The Servilian family, famous in our annals, possesses a bronze J as piece which it feeds with gold and silver and which con- sumes them both. Its origin and nature are un-

227 :


est. verba ipsa de ea re Messallae senis ponam Serviliorum familia habet trientem sacrum, cui summa cum cura magnificentiaque sacra quotannis faciunt. quem ferunt alias crevisse, alias decrevisse videri et ex eo aut honorem aut deminutionem familiae significare. 138 XXXIX. Proxime indicari debent metalla ferri. optumo pessimoque vitae instrumento est,^ siquidem hoc tellurem scindimus, arbores serimus, arbusta tondemus,^ vites squalore deciso annis omnibus cogimus iuvenescere, hoc extruimus tecta, caedimus saxa, omnesque ad alios usus ferro utimur, sed eodem ad bella, caedes, latrocinia, non comminus solum, sed etiam missili volucrique, nunc tormentis excusso, nunc lacertis, nunc vero pinnato, quam sceleratissimam humani ingenii fraudem arbitror, siquidem, ut ocius mors perveniret ad hominem, alitem illam fecimus pinnasque ferro dedimus. 139 quam ob rem culpa eius non naturae fiat accepta. ahquot experimentis probatum est posse innocens esse ferrum. in foedere, quod expulsis regibus populo Romano dedit Porsina, nominatim compre- hensum invenimus, ne ferro nisi in agri cultu uteretur. et tum ^ stilo osseo ^ scribere institutum vetustissimi auctores prodiderunt. Magni Pompei in tertio

^ est add. Mayhoff. 2 ]'.l. ])onemu8 (p. pomaria cd. Flor. Ricc. ut videtur ponimua p. edd. vett.). ^ V.l. cum. * osseo add. Mayhoff coll. Isid. VI. 9. 2. 228 BOOK XXXIV. XXXVIII. 137-xxxix. 139 known to me, but I will put down the actua) words of the clder Messala " on the subject. ' The family of the Servihi has a holy coin to which every year they perform sacrifices with the greatest devotion and splendour ; and they say that this coin seems to have on some occasions grown bigger and on other occasions smaller, and that thereby it portends either the advancement or the decadence of the family.'

XXXIX. Next an account must be given of the iron. itf, mines and ores of iron. Iron serves as the best and Tntsuses.^fLl^f the worst part of the apparatus of Hfe, inasmuch as with it we plough the ground, plant trees, trim the trees that prop our vines, force the vines to renew their youth yearly by ridding them of decrepit growth ; with it we build houses and quarry rocks, and we employ it for all other useful purposes, but we likewise use it for wars and slaughter and brigandage, and not only in hand-to-hand encounters but as a winged missile, now projected from catapults, now hurled by the arm, and now actually equipped with feathery wings, ^vhich I deem the most criminal artifice of man's genius, inasmuch as to enable death to reach human beings more quickly we have taught iron how to fly and have given wings to it. Let us therefore debit the blame not to Nature, but to man. A number of attempts have been made to enable iron to be innocent. We find it an express provision included in the treaty granted by Porsena to the 508 b.c.

Roman nation after the expulsion of the kings that 510 b.c.

they should only use iron for purposes of agriculture ; and our oldest authors have recorded that in those days it was customary to write with a bone pen. There is extent an edict of Pompey the Great dated

" Consul in 53 B.c. 229 ;


consulatu extat edictum in tumultu necis Clodianae prohibentis ullum telum esse in urbe. 140 XL. Et ars antiqua ^ ipsa non defuit honorem mitiorem habere ferro quoque. Aristonidas artifex, cum exprimere vellet Athamantis furorem Learcho filio praecipitato residentem paenitentia, aes ferrum- que miscuit, ut robigine eius per nitorem aeris relucente exprimeretur verecundiae rubor. hoc 141 signum exstat hodie Rhodi.^ est in eadem urbe et ferreus Hercules, quem fecit Alcon laborum dei patientia inductus. videmus et Romae scyphos e ferro dicatos in templo Martis Ultoris. obstitit eadem naturae benignitas exigentis ab ferro ipso poenas robigine eademque providentia nihil in rebus mortalius ^ facientis * quam quod esset infestissimum mortalitati. 142 XLI. Ferri metalla ubique propemodum reperiun- tur, quippe et iam ^ insula Italiae Ilva gignente, minimaque difficultate adgnoscuntur colore ipso terrae manifesto. ratio eadem excoquendis venis in Cappadocia tantum quaestio est, aquae an terrae fiat acceptum, quoniam perfusa Ceraso ^ fluvio terra neque aliter ferrum e fornacibus reddit. 143 differentia ferri numerosa. prima in genere terrae

caeHve : aliae molle tantum plumboque vicinum

* ars antiqua Mayhoff : tamen uiquea B (t. uique B^) : tamen vita rell. 2 hodie rhodi B : hodierno die rell. : h.d. Thebis Hardonin ; Thebis hodie Hermolaus Barbarus. ^ mortalius B : mortalibus rell. * facientis cd. deperd. Dalecamp : faciente (facientem cd. Par. 6801, cd. Leid. Voss.). * et iam K. C. Bailey : etiam. ' Ceraso Urlichs : certo.

230 BOOK XXXIV. XXXIX. 139-xLi. 143 in his third consulship at the time of the disorders 52 b.o. accompanying the death of Clodius, prohibiting the possession of any weapon in the city. XL. Further, the art of former days did not fail to provide a more humane function even for iron. When the artist Aristonidas desired to represent the madness of Athamas subsiding in repentance after he had hurled his son Learchus from the rock, he made a blend of copper and iron, in order that the blush of shame should be represented by rust of the iron shining through the brilHant surface of the copper ; this statue is still standing at Rhodes. There is also in the same city an iron figure of Heracles, which was made by Alcon, prompted by the endurance displayed by the god in his labours. We also see at Rome goblets of iron dedicated in the temple of Mars the Avenger. The same benevo- lence of nature has limited the power of iron itself by inflicting on it the penalty of rust, and the same foresight by making nothing in the world more mortal than that which is most hostile to mortality. XLL Deposits of iron are found almost every- iron ores where, and they are formed even now in the Italian f,"^ ^"^Scei. island of Elba, and there is verv Uttle difficulty in recognizing them as they are indicated by the actual colour of the earth. The method of melting out the veins is the same as in the case of copper. In Cappadocia alone it is merely a question whether the presence of iron is to be credited to water or to earth, as that region suppUes iron from the furnaces when the earth has been flooded by the river Cerasus but not otherwise, There are numerous varieties of

iron ; the first difference depending on the kind of soil or of climate—some lands only yield a soft iron 231 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

siibministrant, aliae fragile et aerosum rotarumque

usibus et clavi^; maxime fugiendum, cui prior ratio

^ convenit ; aliud brevitate sola placet clavisque caligariis, aliud robiginem celerius sentit. stricturae vocantur iiae omnes, quod non in aliis metallis, a 144 stringenda acie vocabulo inposito. et fornacium magna differentia est, nucleusque quidam ferri

excoquitur in iis ad indurandam aciem, alioque modo ad densandas incudes malleorumve rostra. summa autem differentia in aqua, cui subinde candens inmergitur. haec alibi atque alibi utilior nobilitavit

loca gloria ferri, sicuti Bilbilim in Hispania et Turias-

sonem, Comum in Italia, cum ferraria metalla in iis 145 locis non sint. ex omnibus autem generibus palma Serico ferro est; Seres hoc cum vestibus suis pelli- busque mittunt; secunda Parthico. neque alia genera ferri ex mera ^ acie temperantur, ceteris enim admiscetur mollior complexus. in nostro orbe aliubi vena bonitatem hanc praestat, ut in Noricis, aliubi factura, ut Sulmone, aqua aUubi ut ^ diximus, quippe cum ^ exacuendo oleariae cotes aquariaeque 146 differant et oleo delicatior fiat acies. tenuiora ferra-

^ bonitate soleis K. C. Bailey. 2 ex mera B : ex mira rdl. (ex nimia cd. Vind. ccxxxrv) eximia edd. vett. 3 aliubi ut Warminyton : uti edd. vett.: ubi. * V.l. cum in.

" The Chinese; in fact intermediaries are meant. * In the MSS. this sentence comes after the next one. 232 BOOK XXXIV. xLi. 143-146 closely allied to lead, others a brittle and coppery kind that is specially to be avoided for the require- ments of wheels and for nails, for which purpose the former quaUty is suitable ; another variety of iron finds favour in short lengths only and in nails for soldiers' boots ; another variety experiences rust more quickly. All of these are called ' stricturae.' edging ores,' a term not used in the case of other metals ; it is, as assigned to these ores, derived from striiigere aciem, ' to draw out a sharp edge.' There is also a great difference between smelting works, and a certain knurr of iron is smelted in them to give hardness to a blade, and by another process to giving sohdity to anvils or the heads of hammers. But the chief difference depends on the water in which at intervals the red hot metal is plunged ; the water in some districts is more serviceable than in others, and has made places famous for the celebrity of their iron, for instance Bambola and Tarragona in Spain and Como in Italy, although there are no iron mines in those places. But of all varieties of iron the palm goes to the Seric, sent us by the Seres'^ with their fabrics and skins. The second prize goes to

Parthian iron ; and indeed no other kinds of iron are forged from pure metal, as all the rest have a softer alloy welded with them. In our part of the world, in some places the lode supplies this good quality, as for instance in the country of the Norici, in other places it is due to the method of working, as at Sulmoiia, and in others, as we have said, it is due § 144. to the water ; inasmuch as for giving an edge there is a great difference between oil whetstones and water whetstones, and a finer edge is produced by oil. It ^ is the custom to quench smaller iron forgings

^33 ;


menta oleo restingui mos est, ne aqua in fragilitatem durentur.^ mirumque, cum excoquatur vena, aquae modo liquari ferrum, postea in spongeas frangi. a ferro sanguis humanus se ulciscitur, contactum namque eo celerius robiginem trahit. 147 XLII. De magnete lapide suo loco dicemus concordiaque, quam cum ferro habet. sola haec materia virus ^ ab eo lapide accipit retinetque longo tempore, aliud adprehendens ferrum, ut anulorum catena spectetur interdum. quod volgus imperitum appellat ferrum vivum, vulneraque talia asperiora 148 fiunt. hic lapis et in Cantabria nascitur, non ut ille magnes verus caute continua, sed sparsa bulla- tione ^—ita appellant,—nescio an vitro * fundendo perinde utilis, nondum enim expertus est quisquam ferrum utique inficit eadem vi. Magnete lapide architectus Timochares Alexandriae Arsinoes tem- plum concamarare incohaverat, ut in eo simulacrum e ferro pendere in aere videretur. intercessit ipsius mors et Ptolemaei regis, qui id sorori suae iusserat 149 fieri. XLIII. Metallorum omnium vena ferri largis- sima est. Cantabriae maritima parte, qua oceanus adluit, mons praealtus—incredibile dictu—totus ex ea materia est, ut in ambitu oceani diximus.

^ tcnuiora . . . durentur post acies transj. Rackham : posl fraiigi habent cdd. ' V.l. vires (vira Isvl. XVL 21. 4). ^ bulbatione B : bullatione rell. * vitro Hermolaus Barbarus : ultro.

" As well as in Magnesia. " Wife of Ptolemy II, Philadelphus King of Egypt 286- 247 B.c. '^ Pliny has not stated this anywhere else. But c/. IV. 112.

234 BOOK XXXI\'. xLi. i46-\Liii. 149 with oil, for fear that water might harden them and make them brittle. And it is remarkable that when a vein of ore is fused the iron becomes hquid Hke water and afterwards acquires a spongy and brittle texture. Human blood takes its revenge from iron, as if iron has come into contact with it, it becomes the more quickly Hable to rust. XLII. \Ve will speak in the appropriate place Lode-stme. about the lode-stone and the sympathy which it has f^ff^I.^' with iron. Iron is the only substance that catches the infection of that stone and retains it for a long period, taking hold of other iron, so that we may sometimes see a chain of rings ; the ignorant lower classes call this ' Uve iron,' and wounds inflicted with it are more severe. This sort of stone forms in Biscaya also ** not in a continuous rocky stratum like the genuine lodestone alluded to but in a scattered

' pebbly formation or ' bubbhng —that is what they call it. I do not know whether it is equally useful for glass founding, as no one has hitherto tested it, but it certainly imparts the same magnetic property to iron. The architect Timochares had begun to use lodestone for constructing the vaulting in the Temple of Arsinoe ^ at Alexandria, so that the iron statue contained in it might have the appearance of being suspended in mid air ; but the project was interrupted by his own death and that of King Ptolemy who had ordered the work to be done in honour of his sister. XLIII. Iron ore is found in the greatest abundance of all metals. In the coastal part of Biscaya washed by the Atlantic there is a very high mountain which, marvellous to relate, consists entirely of that mineral, as we stated ° in our account of the lands bordering on the Ocean


Ferrum accensum igni, nisi duretur ictibus, cor- rumpitur. rubens non est habile tundendo neque antequam albescere incipiat. aceto aut alumine

150 inlitum fit aeri simile. a robigine vindicatur cerussa et gypso et liquida pice. haec est ferro a Graecis antipathia dicta. ferunt quidem et religione qua-

dam id fieri et exstare ferream catenam apud Euphraten amnem in urbe, quae Zeugma appellatur, qua Alexander Magnus ibi iunxerit pontem, cuius anulos, qui refecti sint, robigine infestari, carentibus ea prioribus. 151 XLIV. Medicina e ferro est et alia quam secandi. namque et circumscribi circulo ^ terve circumlato mucrone et adultis et infantibus prodest contra noxia medicamenta, et praefixisse in limine evulsos sepul- chris clavos adversus nocturnas lymphationes, pungi-

que leviter mucrone, quo percussus homo sit, contra dolores laterum pectorumque subitos, qui punctionem adferant. quaedam ustione sanantur, privatim vero canis rabidi morsus, quippe etiam praevalente morbo expaventesque potum usta plaga ilico liberantur.

calfit etiam ferro candente potus in multis vitiis, privatim vero dysentericis. 152 XLV. Est et robigo ipsa in remediis, et sic proditur

circulo B : circulos rell.

See § 175. Opposite the modern Birejik. 236 BOOK XXXIV. xLiii. 149-XLV. 152

Iron tliat has been heated by fire is spoiled unless

it is hardened by blows of the hammer. It is not suitable for hammering while it is red hot, nor before

it begins to turn pale. If vinegar or akim is sprinkled on it it assumes the appearance of copper. It can be protected from rust by means of lead acetate/^

gypsum and vegetable pitch ; rust is called by the Greeks ' antipathia,' ' natural opposite ' to iron. It is indeed said that the same result may also be pro- duced by a reHgious ceremony, and that in the city called Zeugma * on the river Euphrates there is an iron chain that was used by Alexander the Great in making the bridge at that place, the Hnks of which 331 b.o. that are new replacements are attacked by rust althouffh the original Hnks are free from it. XLIV. Iron suppHes another medicinal service Medidnai "^«^* '^/ ""''" besides its use in surgery. It is beneficial both for adults and infants against noxious drugs for a circle to be drawn round them with iron or for a pointed

iron weapon to be carried round them ; and to have a fence of nails that have been extracted from tombs driven in in front of the threshold is a protection against attacks of nightmare, and a Hght prick made with the point of a weapon with which a man has been wounded is beneficial against sudden pains which bring a pricking sensation in the side and chest. Some maladies are cured by cauterization, but particularlv the bite of a mad dog, inasmuch as even when the disease is getting the upper hand and when the patients show symptoms of hydrophobia they are reHeved at once if the wound is cauterized. In many disorders, but especiaUy in dysenteric cases, drinking water is heated with redhot iron. XLW The Hst of remedies even includes rust 237 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

Telephuni sanasse Achilles, sive id aerea sive ferrea cuspide fecit; ita certe pingitur ex ea decutiens gladio suo.^ robigo ferri deraditur umido ferro 153 clavis veteribus. potentia eius ligare, siccare, sistere. emendat alopecias inlita. utuntur et ad scabritias genarum pusulasque totius corporis cum cera et myrteo oleo, ad ignes vero sacros ex aceto, item ad scabiem, paronychia digitorum et pterygia in linteolis. sistit et feminarum profluvia inposita in vellere, utilis ^ plagis quoque recentibus vino diluta et cum murra subacta, condylomatis ex aceto. poda- gras quoque inlita lenit. L54 XLVI. Squama quoque ferri in usu est ex acie aut mucronibus, maxime simili, sed acriore vi quam robigo, quam ob rem et contra epiphoras oculorum adsumitur. sanguinem sistit, cum volnera ferro

maxime fiant ! sistit et feminarum profluvia. in- ponitur et contra lienium vitia, et haemorroidas compescit ulcerumque serpentia. et genis prodest 155 farinae modo adspersa paullisper. praecipua tamen commendatio eius in hygremplastro ad purganda vulnera fistulasque et omnem callum erodendum et rasis ossibus carnes recreandas. componitur hoc ^ modo : propolis oboli vi, Cimoliae cretae drachmae VI, aeris tusi drachmae ii, squamae ferri * totidem,

^ suo A'. C. Bailey : sed. 2 in vellere, utilis coni. Mayhoff: velleribus. 3 propolis Mayhoff [coll. XXII. 107, Scribon., 209) gni e/

galbani vel panacis coni. : pal. B : pari rell. : panis lan :

aluminis coni. Sillig : picis Hardouin. * V.l. ferreae.

« Cf. XXXV, 195 ft". 238 BOOK XXXIV. xLv. T52-XLV1. 155 itself, and this is the way in which Achilles is stated to have cured Telephus, whether he did it by means of a copper javelin or an iron one ; at all events Achilles is so represented in painting, knocking the rust ofF a javelin with his sword. Rust of iron is obtained by scraping it off old nails with an iron tool dipped in water. The effect of rust is to unite wounds and dry them and staunch them, and applied as a liniment it relieves fox-mange. They also use it with wax and oil of myrtle for scabbiness of the eye-lids and pimples in all parts of the body, but dipped in vinegar for erysipelas and also for scab, and, applied on pieces of cloth, for hangnails on the fingers and whitlows. Applied on wool it arrests women's discharges and for recent wounds it is useful diluted with wine and kneaded with myrrh, and for swellings round the anus dipped in vinegar. Used as a liniment it also relieves gout. XLVI. Scale of iron, obtained from a sharp edge or point, is also employed, and has an effect extremely like that of rust only more active, for which reason it is employed even for running at the eyes. It arrests haemorrhage, though it is with iron that wounds are chiefiy made ! And it also arrests female discharges. It is also applied against troubles of the spleen, and it checks haemorrhoidal swellings and creeping ulcers. Applied for a brief period in the form of a powder it is good for the eyelids. But its chief recommendation is its use in a wet plaster for cleaning wounds and fistulas and for eating out every kind of callosity and making new flesh on bones that have been denuded. The foUowing are the ingredients : six obols of bee-glue, six drams of Cimolo earth," two drams of pounded copper, tw^o of

239 ;


cerae x,^ olei sextarius. his adicitur, cum sunt repurjranda volnera aut replenda, ceratum. 150 XL\TI. Sequitur natura plumbi, cuius duo genera, nigrum atque candidum. pretiosissimum in ^ hoc candidum, Graecis appellatum cassiterum fabulo- seque narratum in insulas Atlantici maris peti vitili- busque navigiis et circumsutis corio advehi. nunc certum est in Lusitania gigni et in Gallaecia summa 157 telUn-e, harenosa et coloris nigri. pondere tantum

ea deprehenditur ; interveniunt et minuti calculi, maxime torrentibus siccatis. lavant eas harenas metallici et, quod subsedit, cocunt in fornacibus. invenitur et in aurariis metallis, quae alutias ^ vocant, aqua immissa eluente calculos nigros paullum candore variatos, quibus eadem gravitas quae auro, et ideo in catillis * quibus aurum colligitur, cum eo remanent postea caminis separantur conflatique in plumbum 158 album resolvuntur. non fit in Gallaecia nigrum, cum vicina Cantabria nigro tantum abundet, nec ex albo argentum, cum fiat ex nigro. iungi inter se phmi- bum nigrum sine albo non potcst nec hoc ei sine oleo ac ne album quidem secum sine nigro. album habuit auctoritatem et lliacis temporibus teste 159 Homero, cassiterum ab illo dictum. plumbi nigri

1 X Mayhoff : XL B^ : xi B^ : ex aut sex relL ^ iii add. Mayhuff. ^ alutias B : alutia aut aluta rell. * catillis Warmington : scutulis Urlichs : calathis cd. Par.

6801 recte ? : calatis aut colatis aut cloacis rell. (cutalis B).

" riiny's ' black lead ' is lead, and his ' white lead ' is tin, Neithor must be confused with the ' black lead ' and ' white lead ' of modern usage. ^ Or, if we read calathis, ' baskets.' 240 BOOK XXXI \. xLvi. 155-XLV11. 159 scale of iron, ten of wax and a pint of oil. When it is desired to cleanse or fill up wounds, wax plaster is added to these ingredients. XLVII. The next topic is the nature of lead, of Leadand which there are two kinds, black and white." White '*"• lead (tin) is the most valuable ; the Greeks applied to it the name cassiteros, and there was a legendary storv of their e-oino; to islands of the Atlantic ocean to fetch it and importing it in platted vessels made of osiers and covered with stitched hides. It is now known that it is a product of Lusitania and Gallaecia found in the surface-strata of the ground which is sandy and of a black colour. It is only detected by its weight, and also tiny pebbles of it occasionally appear, especially in dry beds of torrents. The miners wash this sand and heat the deposit in furnaces. It is also found in the goldmines called ' alutiae,' through which a stream of water is passed that washes out black pebbles of tin mottled with small white spots, and of the same weight as gold, and consequently they remain with the gold in the bowls ^ in which it is coUected, and afterwards are separated in the furnaces, and fused and melted into white lead. BLack lead does not occur in Gallaecia, although the neighbouring country of Biscaya has large quantities of black lead only ; and white lead yields no silver, although it is obtained from black lead. Black lead cannot be soldered wath black without a layer of white lead, nor can white be soldered to black with- out oil, nor can even white lead be soldered with white \\ithout some black lead. Homer testifies /z. xi, 25; that white lead or tin had a high position even in the ^74^0^^^^ Trojan period, he giving it the name of cassiteros. xxiii, 5ci. There are two different sources of black lead, as it is


origo duplex est; aut enim sua provenit vena nec quicquam aliud ex sese parit aut cum argento nascitur mixtisque venis conflatur. huius qui pri- mus fuit in fornacibus liquor stagnum appellatur;

qui secundus, argentum ; quod remansit in fornacibus,

galena, quae fit tertia portio additae venae ; haec rursus conflata dat nigrum plumbum deductis partibus

nonis ii. 160 XLVm. Stagnum inlitum aereis vasis saporem facit gratiorem ac compescit virus aeruginis, mirum- que. pondus non auget. specula etiam ex eo laudatissima, ut diximus, Brundisi temperabantur, donec argenteis uti coepere et ancillae. nunc adulteratur stagnum addita aeris candidi tertia portione in plumbum album. fit et alio modo mixtis

albi plumbi nigrique Hbris ; hoc nunc aliqui argen- tarium appellant, iidem et tertiarium vocant, in quo duae sunt nigri portiones et tertia albi. pre- tium eius in libras X xx.^ hoc fistulae solidantur. 161 inprobiores ad tertiarium additis partibus aequis albi argentarium vocant et eo quae volunt inco- quunt. pretium ^ huius faciunt in p. X lxx.^ albo per se sincero pretium ^ sunt X lxxx,-^ nigro X vii.^ Albi natura plus aridi habet, contraque nigri tota

1 ^xx B : XXX rell. (x.x al. Par. Lat. 0797). 2 V.l. pretia (pretio ccl. Leid. Voss.). 3 * XLXX /// B^ : varia cdd. V.l. pretia. 5 XLXXX B^ : varia cdd. * x.vii cd. Chiffl. apud Dalecamp : xvii rell.

" The mixture is galena or snlphide of lead, the commonest lead ore, for whieh, see XXXIII, 95. *• Or stannum, alloy of silver and lead.

•= Galena is here crude or impure lead, not the modern galena or sulphide of lead, for which see XXXIII, 95. ** Brass. 242 :

BOOK XXXIV xLvii. 159-XLV111. 161

either found in a vein of its own and produces no other substance mixed with it, or it forms together with silver, and is smelted with the two veins mixed together." Of this substance the Hquid that melts ^ first in the furnaces is called stagnum ; the second liquid is argentiferous lead, and the residue left in the furnaces is impure lead '^ which forms a third part of the vein originally put in ; when this is again fused it gives black lead, having lost two- ninths in bulk. XLVIII. When copper vessels are coated with stagnum the contents have a more agreeable taste and the formation of destructive verdigris is pre- vented, and, what is remarkable, the weight is not increased. Also, as we have said, it used to be xxxiil employed at Brindisi as a material for making mirrors which were very celebrated, until even servant-maids began to use silver ones. At the present day a counterfeit stagnnm is made by adding ^ one part of white copper to two parts of white lead ; and it is also made in another way by mixing together equal weights of white and black lead : the latter compound some people now call ' silver mixture.' ' The same people also give the name of ' tertiary to a compound containing two portions of black lead and one of Avhite ; its price is 20 denarii a pound. It is used for soklering pipes. More dishonest makers add to tertiary an equal amount of white lead and call it ' silver mixture,' and use it melted for plating by immersion any articles they wish. They put the price of this last at 70 denarii for 1 Ib. the price of pure white lead without alloy is 80 denarii, and of black lead 7 denarii. The substance of white lead has more dryness,


umida est. ideo album nulli rei sine mixtura utile est. neque argentum ex eo plumbatur, quoniam 162 prius liquescat argentum, confirmantque, si minus albo nigri, quam satis sit, misceatur, erodi ab eo argentum. album incoquitur aereis operibus Gal- liarum invento ita, ut vix discerni possit ab argento, eaque incoctilia appellant. deinde et argentum incoquere simili modo coepere equorum maxime ornamentis iumentorumque ac iugorum in Alesia

163 oppido ; reliqua gloria Biturigum fuit. coepere deinde et esseda sua colisataque ac petorita exornare simili modo, quae iam luxuria ad aurea quoque, non modo argentea, staticula ^ pervenit, quaeque in scyphis cerni prodigum ^ erat, haec in vehiculis adteri cultus vocatur. plumbi albi experimentum in charta est, ut lique- factum pondere videatur, non calore, rupisse. India neque aes neque plumbum habet gemmisque ac margaritis suis haec permutat. 164 XLIX, Nigro phimbo ad fistulas lamnasque utimur, laboriosius in Hispania eruto totasque per GalHas, se din Brittannia summo terrae corio adeo large, ut lex interdicat ut ^ ne phis certo modo fiat. nigri

^ vehicula al. Par. 6801, al. Par. Lat. 6797, in.2 in ras. ^ V.l. prodigium. ^ lex interdicat ut M. Hertz : lex ultro dicatur ald. : lex

cavere dicatur Urlichs : lex custodiatur Detlefsen : lege

interdicatur Brunn : nec interdicatur coni. Mayhoff.

" But silver does not melt sooner than ' white lead ' (tin). Perhaps some alloy is meant here. ** At Mont Auxois near Ahse. 244 !

BOOK XXXIV. xLviii. 161-XLIX. 164 whereas that of black lead is entirely moist. Conse- quently white lead cannot be iised for anything without an admixture of another metal, nor can it be employed for soldering silver, because the silver melts before the white lead." And it is asserted that if a smaller quantity of black lead than is necessary is mixed with the white, it corrodes the silver. A method discovered in the Gallic provinces is to plate bronze articles with white lead so as to make them almost indistinguishable from silver ; articles thus treated are called ' incoctilia.' Later they also proceeded in the town Alesia ^ to plate with silver in a similar manner, particularly ornaments for horses and pack animals and yokes of oxen ; the distinction of developing this method belongs to Bordeaux. Then they proceeded to decorate two-wheeled war- chariots, chaises and four-wheeled carriages in a similar manner, a kixurious practice that has now got to using not only silver but even gold statuettes, and it is now called good taste to subject to wear and tear on carriages ornaments that it was once thought extravagant to see on a goblet It is a test of white lead when melted and poured on papyrus to seem to have burst the paper by its weight and not by its heat. India possesses neither copper nor lead, and procures them in exchange for her precious stones and pearls. XLIX. Black lead which we use to make pipes and sheets is excavated with considerable labour in Spain and through the whole of the Gallic provinces, but in Britain it is found in the surface- stratum of the earth in such abundance that there is a law prohibiting the production of more than a certain amount. The various kinds of black lead


generibus haec siint nomina : Ovetaniim/ Caprariense, Oleastrense, nec diflferentia ulla scoria modo excocta diligenter. mirum in his solis metallis, quod dere- 165 licta fertilius revivescunt. hoc videtur facere laxatis spiramentis ad satietatem infusus aer, aeque ut feminas quasdam fecundiores facere abortus. nuper id conpertum in Baetica Salutariensi ^ metallo, quod locari soHtum X cc ^ annuis, postquam obliteratum erat, X cclv ^ locatum est. simili modo Antonianum in eadem provincia pari locatione pervenit ad hs cccc vectigalis. mirum et addita aqua non liquescere vasa e plumbo, eadem, si in aquam ^ addantur calculus vel aereus quadrans, peruri. 166 L. In medicina per se plumbi usus cicatrices reprimere adalligatisque lumborum et renium parti lamnis frigidiore natura inhibere inpetus veneris visaque in quiete veneria sponte naturae erumpentia usque in genus morbi. his lamnis Calvus orator cohibuisse se traditur viresque corporis studiorum labori custodisse. Nero, quoniam ita placuit diis, princeps, lamna pectori inposita sub ea cantica exclamans alendis vocibus demonstravit rationem. 167 coquitur ad medicinae usus patinis fictilibus sub- strato sulpure minuto, lamnis impositis tenuibus

^ Ovetanum Hardouin : iovetanum B : iovetantum rell. 2 Salutariensi coni. Mayhoff : samariensi B : santarensi aut samiarenci aut saremianensi rell. ^ cc lan : cc. M. cd. Leid. Voss., cd. Flor. Ricc^ (ccc

Ricc^) : cc rell. * ^ ccLV Mayhoff : varia cdd. el edd. * in aquam C. F. W . Milller: sine aqua K. C. Bailey: coni. Mayhoff cum aqua.

" Not true. K. C. Bailey suggests si sine aqua and trans- lates ' a hole is burnt in the same vessels if fiUed with pebbles or copper coins instead of water.' 246 BOOK XXXTV. xLix. 164-L. 167 have the following names—Oviedo lead, Capraria lead, Oleastrum lead, though there is no difference between them provided the slag has been carefully smelted away. It is a remarkable fact in the case of these mines only that when they have been abandoned they replenish themselves and become more productive. This seems to be due to the air infusing itself to saturation through the open orifices, just as a miscarriage seems to make some women more proHfic. This was recently observed in the Salutariensian mine in Baetica, Mhich used to be let at a rent of 200,000 denarii a year, but which was then abandoned, and subsequently let for 255,000. Likewise the Antonian mine in the same province from the same rent has reached a return of 400,000 sesterces. It is also remarkable that vessels made of lead will not melt if they have water put in them, but if to the water a pebble or quarter- as coin is added, the fire burns through " the vessel. L. In medicine lead is used by itself to remove Medimi scars, leaden plates are applied to the region °^ and l'^^ of the loins and kidneys for their comparative chilly nature to check the attacks of venereal passions, and the hbidinous dreams that cause spontaneous emissions to the extent of constituting a kind of disease. It is recorded that the pleader Calvus used these plates to control himself and to preserve his bodily strength for laborious study. Nero, whom heaven was pleased to make emperor, used to have a plate of lead on his chest when singing songs fortissimo, thus shomng a method for preserving the voice. For medical purposes lead is melted in earthen vessels, a layer of finely powdered sulphur being put underneath it ; on this thin plates are


opertisque sulpure, veru ferreo ^ niixtis. cum co- quatur.2 munienda in eo opere foramina spiritus

convenit ; alioqui plumbi fornacium halitus noxius ^ sentitur et pestilens ; nocet canibus ocissime, omnium vero metallorum muscis et culicibus, quam ob rem non sunt ea taedia in metallis. 168 Quidam in coquendo scobem plumbi lima quaesitam sulpuri miscent, alii cerussam potius quam sulpur. fit et lotura plumbi usus in medicina. cum se ipso teritur in mortariis plumbeis addita aqua caelesti,

donec crassescat ; postea supernatans aqua tollitur

spongeis ; quod crassissimum fuit, siccatum dividitur in pastillos. quidam limatum plumbum sic terunt, quidam et plumbaginem admiscent, alii vero acetum, 169 alii vinum, alii adipem, alii rosam. quidam in lapideo mortario et maxime Thebaico plumbum pistillo lapideo ^ terere mahmt, candidiusque ita fit medicamentum. id autem quod ustum est plumbum lavatur ut stibis et cadmea. potest ^ adstringere, sistere, contrahere cicatrices ; usu est eodem et in oculorum medicamentis, maxime contra procidentiam eorum et inanitates ulcerum excres- centiave rimasque sedis aut haemorroidas et con- 170 dylomata. ad haec maxime lotura plumbi facit,

^ veru ferreo coni. Mayhoff: et ferro aut est et foro. 2 coquimtur coni. Mayhoff. ^ nocet Warmington: est Mayhoff : et. * plumbum {Urlichs) pistillo (e cd. Par. Lat. 6797) lapideo

(coU. Diosc.) K. C. Bailey : plumbeum pistillum aut plumbeo pistillum cdd. (pistillo al. Par. Lat. 6797). ^ usu est Mayhoff: usus et cdd. : usus enim ex ed. vett.: usus ex Sillig.

« See XXXIII, 98. » See § 175. ' Not it seems the plant lead-wort. Cf. Dioscorides, V, 95, 100. 248 —

BOOK XXXIV. L. 167 ryo laid and covered with sulphur and stirred up with an iron spit. While it is being melted, tlie breathing passages should be protected during the operation, otherwise the noxious and deadly vapour of the lead furnace is inhaled : it is hurtful to dogs with special rapidity," but the vapour of all metals is so to flies and gnats, owing to which those aimoyances are not found in mines. Some people during the process of smelting mix lead-fihngs with the sulphur, and others use lead acetate ^ in preference to sulphur. Another use of lead is to make a wash—it is employed in medicine pieces of lead with rainwater added being ground against themselves in leaden mortars till the whole assumes a thick consistency, and then water floating on the top is removed with sponges and the very thick sediment left when dry is divided into tablets. Some people grind up lead fiUngs in this way and some also mix in some lead ore,'^ but others use vinegar, others wine, others grease, others oil of roses. Some prefer to grind the lead with a stone pestle in a stone mortar, and especially one made of Thebes stone,^ and this process produces a drug of a whiter colour. Calcined lead is M-ashed Uke antimony and cadmea.^ It has the property of acting as an astringent and arresting haemorrhage and of promoting cicatrization. It is of the same utility also in medicines for the eyes, especially as preventing their procidence, and for the cavities or excrescences left by ulcers and for fissures of the anus or haemorrhoids and swelhngs of the anus. For these purposes lead lotion is ex-

<" Cf. XXXIII, 68; XXXIV, 106; XXXVI, 63, 157. • See XXXIII, 103 ; XXXIV, 100-104.



cinis autem usti ad serpentia ulcera aut sordida, eadenique quae chartis ^ ratio profectus. uritur autem in patinis per lamnas minutas cum sulpure, versatum rudibus ferreis aut ferulaceis, donec liquor

mutetur in cinerem ; dein refrigeratum teritur in farinam. alii elimatam scobem in fictili crudo cocunt in caminis, donec percoquatur figlinum. aliqui cerussam admiscent pari mensura aut hordeum teruntque ut in crudo ^ dictum est, et praeferunt sic plumbum spodio Cyprio. 171 LI. Scoria quoque plumbi in usu est. optima quae maxime ad hiteum colorem accedit, sine phimbi rehquiis aut sulpuris, specie terrae ^ carens. lavatur haec in mortariis minutim fracta, donec aqua luteum colorem trahat, et transfunditur in vas purum, idque saepius, usque dum subsidat quod utiHssimum est. effectus habet eosdem quos phimbum, sed acriores. mirarique succurrit experientiam * vitae, ne faece quidem rerum excrementorumque foeditate intemptata tot modis. 172 LII. Fit et spodium ex phimbo eodem modo quo

ex Cyprio aere ; lavatur in Hnteis raris aqua caelesti

separaturque terrenum transfusione ; cribratum teritur. quidam pulverem eum pinnis digerere malunt ac terere in vino odorato.

^ chalcitidis coni. Mayhoff. " in crudo cdd. : supra coni. K. C. Bailey. ^ specie terrae B : et terra rell. * experientia B.

* For the medicinal use of burnt papyrus see XXIV, 8S. * See § 175. •= Some kind of Htharge. 2S0 BOOK XXXIV. L. 170-L11. 172 tremely efficient, while for creeping or foul iilcers ash of calcined lead is useful ; and the benefit they produce is on the samc lines as in the case of sheets of papyrus." The lead is burnt in small sheets mixed with sulphur, in shallow vessels, being stirred with iron rods or fennel stalks till the molten metal is reduced to ashes ; then after being cooled ofF it is ground into powder. Another process is to boil lead filings in a vessel of raw earth in furnaces till the earthenware is completely baked. Some mix with it an equal amount of lead acetate ^ or of barley and grind this mixture, in the way stated in the case of § I68. raw lead, and prefer the lead treated in this way to the Cyprus slag. LI. The dross of lead is also utiUzed. The best is that which approximates in colour most closely to yellow, containing no remnants of lead or sulphur, and does not look earthy. This is broken up into small fragments and washed in mortars till the water assumes a yellow colour, and poured ofF into a clean vessel, and the process is repeated several times till the most valuable part settles as a sediment at the bottom. Lead dross has the same effects as lead, but to a more active degree. This suggests a remark on the marvellous efficacy of human experiment, which has not left even the dregs of substances and the foulest refuse untested in such numerous ways ' LII. Slag ^ is also made from lead in the same way as from Cyprus copper ; it is washed with rain j 123 sqq. water in linen sheets of fine texture and the earthy particles are got rid of by rinsing, and the residue is sifted and then ground. Some prefer to separate the powder with a feather. and to grind it up with aromatic wine. PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

173 LIII. Kst et molybdaena, quam a!io loco galenam apjiellavimus, vena argenti plumbique communis. melior haec, quanto magis aurei coloris quantoque minus plumbosa, friabilis et modice gravis. cocta cum oleo iocineris colorem trahit. adhaerescit et

auri argentique fornacibus ; hanc metallicam vocant.

laudatissima quae in Zephyrio fiat ; probantur minime 174 terrenae minimeque lapidosae. coquuntur lavantur- que scoriae modo. usus in lipara ad lenienda ac refrigeranda ulcera et emplastris, quae non inligantur, sed inlita ad cicatricem perducunt in teneris corpori- bus mollissimisque partibus. compositio eius e libris III et cerae libra, olei iii heminis, quod in senili corpore cum fracibus additur. temperatur cum spuma argenti et scoria plumbi ad dysenteriam et tenesmum fovenda calida. l7o 1A\. Psimithium quoque, hoc est cerussam, plum- bariae dant officinae, laudatissimam in Rhodo. fit autem ramentis phmibi tenuissimis super vas aceti asperrimi inpositis atque ita destillantibus. quod ex eo cecidit in ipsum acetum, arefactum molitur et cribratur iterumque aceto admixto in pastillos dividitur et in sole siccatur aestate. fit et alio modo, addito in urceos aceti plumbo opturatos per dies x derasoque ceu situ ac rursus reiecto, donec deficiat

<» In this word Piiny includes two things : (i) a mineral which is lead sulphide (still ealled galena) or perhaps lead oxide (massicot); (ii) an artificial product which is litharge. Both Pliny and Dioscorides call the mineral yeliow, which is true of litharge, not of lead sulphide. So the mineral may be tlie yellow or yellowisli red massicot (K. C. Bailey). * Sugar of lead, not the modern basic lead carbouate or ' white lead.'

2t;2 BOOK XXXIV. Liii. 173 Liv 175

LIII. There i.s also molybdaena " (which in another ^Moiybdama. place we have called galeiia) ; it is a mineral com- xxxiii, pound of silver and lead. It is better the more xxxW io9- golden its colour and the less leaden : it is friable and of moderate weight. \Vhen boiled with oil it acquires the colour of Hver. It is also found adhering to furnaces in which gold and silver are smelted ; in this case it is called metallic sulphide of lead. The kind most highly esteemed is produced at Zephyrium. Varieties with the smallest admixture of earth and of stone are approved of ; they are melted and washed Hke dross. It is used in preparing a particular emolhent plaster for soothing and cooling ulcers and in plasters which are not applied with bandages but which they use as a liniment to promote cicatriza- tion on the bodies of delicate persons and on the more tender parts. It is a composition of three pounds of sulphide of lead and one of wax with half a pint of oil, which is added with soHd lees of oHves in the case of an elderly patient. Also combined with scum of silver and dross of lead it is appHed warm for fomenting dysentery and constipation. LIW ' Psimithium ' also, that is cerussa or lead sugarof ^^^' acetate,* is produced at lead-works. The most highly spoken of is in Rhodes. It is made from very fine shavings of lead placed over a vessel of very sour vinegar and so made to drip down. What falls from the lead into the actual vinegar is dried and then ground and sifted, and then again mixed with vinegar and divided into tablets and dried in the sun, in summertime. There is also another way of making it, by putting the lead into jars of vinegar kept sealed up for ten days and then scraping off the sort of decayed metal on it and putting it back in


176 materia. quod derasum est, teritur et cribratur et coquitur in patinis misceturque rudiculis, donec

rufescat et simile sandaracae fiat. dein lavatur

dulci aqua, donec nubeculae omnes eluantur. sic-

catur postea similiter et in pastillos dividitur. vis

eius eadem quae supra dictis, lenissima tantum ex omnibus, praeterque ad candorem feminarum. est autem letalis potu sicut spuma argenti. postea

cerussa ipsa, si coquatur, rufescit. 177 LV. Sandaracae quoque propemodum dicta natura est. invenitur autem et in aurariis et in argentariis metallis, melior quo magis rufa quoque magis virus sulpuris ^ redolens ac pura friabilisque. valet pur- gare, sistere, excalfacere, erodere, summa eius dote septica. explet alopecias ex aceto inlita;

additur oculorum medicamentis ; fauces purgat cum melle sumpta vocemque limpidam et canoram facit; suspiriosis et tussientibus iucunde medetur cum resina terebinthina in cibo sumpta, suffita quoque cum cedro ipso nidore isdem medetur. 178 LVL Et arrhenicum ex eadem est materia. quod

optimum, coloris etiam in auro excellentis ; quod vero pallidius aut sandaracae simile est, deterius iudicatur. est et tertium genus, quo miscetur aureus color sandaracae. utraque haec squamosa,

' sulpuris add. Mayhoff.

" Red sulphide of arsenic. * Yellow sulphide of arsenic. 254 BOOK XXXIV. LTv. 175-LV1. 178 the vinegar, till the whole ofit is iised up. The stufF scraped ofF is ground up and sifted and heated in shallow vessels and stirred with small rods till it turns red and becomes Hke sajidarach. realgar.^ Then it is washed with fresh water till all the cloudy impurities have been removed. Afterwards it is dried in a similar way and divided into tablets. Its properties are the same as those of the substances mentioned above, only it is the mildest of them all, and beside that, it is useful for giving women a fair complexion ; but like scum of silver, it is a deadly poison. The lead acetate itself if afterwards melted becomes red.

LV. Of realgar aiso the properties have been Reaigar. almost completely described. It is found both in goldmines and silvermines ; the redder it is and the more it gives off a poisonous scent of sulphur and the purer and more friable it is, the better it is. It acts as a cleanser, as a check to bleeding, as a calorific and a caustic, being most remarkable for its corrosive property ; used as a Hniment with vinegar it removes fox-mange ; it forms an ingredient in eye-washes, and taken with honey it cleans out the throat. It also produces a clear and melodious voice, and mixed with turpentine and taken in the food, is an agree- able remedy for asthma and cough ; its vapour also remedies the same complaints if merely used as a fumigation with cedar wood. LVI. Orpiment ^ also is obtained from the same Orpimem. substance. The best is of a colour of even the finest-coloured gold, but the paler sort or what resembles sandarach is judged inferior. There is also a third class which combines the colours of gold and of sandarach. Both of the latter are scaly, but PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

illiid vero sicciim purumque, gracili venarum discursu

fissile. vis eadem quae supra, sed acrior. itaque et causticis additur et psilotris. tollit et pterygia digitorum carnesque narium et condylomata et quidquid excrescit. torretur, ut valdius ^ prosit, in nova testa, donec mutet colorem.

' valdius B : validius rell.


The gronp of two figures (representing Harmodius and Aristogeiton) made by Antenor in bronze, set up at Athens in

510-9 B.C., was oarried off by Xerxes in 480 ; and a new bronze pair was made by Critius and Nesiotes and set up at Athens in 477. Antenor's group was found by Alexander in Persia, and on his orders, it seems, one of his successors c. 293-2 restored it to Athens ; part of the original base of Critius' and Nesiotes' group, it seems, has now been found; the marble group now at Naples is thought to be a Roman copy of the same group and made in the 2nd cent. a.d. The bearded head of Aristogeiton can be restored from a head in the Vatican. Copies of this group can be seen on four Attic vases of the first half of the fifth century b.c. (Beazley, Journ. of Hellen. Stnd. LXVIII (1948), 28), and one of about 400 B.c. (W. Hahland, Vasen um Meidias p. 6 and pl. 6a).

256 BOOK XXXIV. Lvi. 178

the othep is dry and pure. and divided in a delicate tracery of veins. Its properties are the same as mentioned above, but more active. Accordingly it is used as an ingredient in cauteries and depilatories. It also removes overgrowths of flcsh on to the nails, and pimples in the nostrils and swellings of the anus and all excrescences. To increase its efficacy it is heated in a new earthenware pot till it changes its co lour.

also in the .sketch in low relief on a marble throne now at Broomhall. Other copies of Critius' and Xesiotes' work such as that on a coin of Cyzicus c. 420 b.c, those on Athena's shield depicted on three Attic amphorae of c. 400 B.c. (or a later date), and that on an Athenian tetradrachm of c. 400 b.c, are probably imitations raade from memory. C. Seltman's opinion that the Broomhall relief suggests a copy of Antenor's group is doubtfu! (Seltman, Journ. of Hellen. Stiid., LXVII (1947), 22-27). The group made by Praxiteles (PHny, XXXIV. 70) was no doubt a fresh creation of his own, unless there is some blunder on Pliny's part.



I. Metallorum, qiiibus opes constant, adgnas- centiumquc iis natura indicata propcmodum est, ita conexis rebus, ut immensa medicinae silva officinarumque tenebrae et morosa caelandi fingen- dique ac tinguendi subtilitas simul dicerentur. restant terrae ipsius genera lapidumque vel nu- merosiore^ serie,^ plurimis singula a^ Graecis prae- cipue voluminibus tractata. nos in iis brevitatem sequemur utilem instituto, modo nihil necessarium 2 aut naturale omittentes, primumque dicemus quae restant de pictura. arte quondam nobili—tunc cum expeteretur regibus populisque—et alios nobilitante, quos esset dignata posteris tradere, nunc vero in totum marmoribus pulsa. iam quidem et auro, nec tantum ut parietes toti operiantur, verum et interraso marmore vermiculatisque ad effigies rerum et i animalium crustis. non placent iam abaci nec spatia * ^ montes in cubiculo dilatantia : coepimus et lapidem pingere. hoc Claudii principatu inventum, Neronis

^ numerosiore (Jelen -. numerosiores. ^ serie Gelen : seriae B : erie aut aeriae aut sim. rell ^ a. fortasse delendum [Mayhoff). * dilatata coni. lan : dilatant iam Dethfsen.

'-> lapidem cd. Par. Lat. 6797, cd. Par. 6801 : lapide rell.

" This translates lapidem. If we read lapide ' with stone,' Pliny would mean a kind of mosaic. But see §§ 116, 118. 260 BOOK XXXV

I. We have now practically indicated the nature of metals, in which wealth consists, and of the sub- stances related to them, connecting the facts in such a way as to indicate at the same time the enormous topic of medicine and the mysteries of the manufac- tories and the fastidious subtlety of the processes of carving and modelHng and dyeing. There remain the various kinds of earth and of stones, forming an even more extensive series, each of which has been treated in many whole volumes, especially by Greeks. For our part in these topics we shall adhere to the brevity suitable to our plan, yet omitting nothing ^a»"^»«^ that is necessary or follows a law of Nature. And iirst we shall say what remains to be said about painting, an art that was formerly illustrious, at the time when it was in high demand with kings and nations and when it ennobled others whom it deigned to transmit to posterity. But at the present time it has been entirely ousted by marbles, and indeed finally also by gold, and not only to the point that whole party-walls are covered—we have also marble engraved with designs and embossed marble slabs carved in wriggHng Hnes to represent objects and animals. We are no longer content with panels nor with surfaces displaying broadly a range of moun- tains in a bedchamber ; we have begun even to paint on the masonry." This was invented in the 261 PLINY 1 NATURAL IIISTORY

vero niaciilas, quae non essent in crustis, inserendo unitatem variare, ut ovatus esset Numidicus, ut purpura distingueretur Synnadicus, qualiter illos nasci optassent deliciae. montium haec subsidia deficientium, nec cessat luxuria id agere, ut quam plurimum incendiis perdat. 4 II. Imaginum quidem pictura, qua maxime similes in aevum propaoabantur figurae, in totum exolevit. aerei ponuntur clipei argentea facie,^ surdo figurarum

discrimine ; statuarum capita permutantur, volgatis iam pridem salibus etiam carminum. adeo materiam conspici malunt omnes quam se nosci, et inter haec pinacothecas veteribus tabulis consuunt ^ alienasque effigies colunt, ipsi honorem non nisi in pretio 5 ducentes, ut frangat heres forasque ^ detrahat laqueo.* itaque nullius efiigie vivente imagines pecuniae, non suas, relinquunt. iidem palaestrae^ athletarum imagi nibus et ceromata sua exornant, Epicuri voltus per cubicula gestant ac circumferunt secum. natali eius sacrificant, feriasque omni mense vicesima luna ^

^ argentea facie Mayhoff : argenteae facies. 2 conferciunt quidam apud Dalecawp : complent coni. Mayhoff. ^ forasque cd. Par. 6801 : furisque rell. : forisque Detlefsen: furisve coni. Brotier. * laqueo Detlefsen : laqueis Urlichs : laqueu aut laqueus. ^ palaestrae coni. Mayhoff : palaestras. ® vicesima luna hic Mayhoff : post custodiunt lan post eius cdd.

" Of Synnada in Phrygia in Asia Minor. " So that heads were put on bodies which did not belong to them. '^ Ceromata, Greek for wax ointments used by athletes, and also denoting the rooms where these were applied before or after a match. ** Greek «Va?, 20th day. 262 :


principate of Claudius, while in tlie time of Nero a a.d. 4i-54; ^^'^^' plan was discovered to give variety to uniformity by inserting markings that were not present in the embossed marble surface, so that Numidian stone might show oval lines and Synnadic " marble be picked out with purple, just as fastidious luxury would have Uked them to be by nature. These are our resources to supplement the mountains when they fail us, and luxury is always busy in the effort to secure that if a fire occurs it may lose as much as possible.

II. The painting of portraits, used to transmit Portraits. through the ages extremely correct Ukenesses of persons, has entirely gone out. Bronze shields are now set up as monuments with a design in silver, with only a faint difference between the figures ; heads of statues are exchanged for others,^ about which before now actually sarcastic epigrams have been current so universally is a display of material preferred to a recognizable Ukeness of one's o\vn self. And in the midst of all this, people tapestry the walls of their picture-galleries with old pictures, and they prize likenesses of strangers, while as for themselves they imagine that the honour only consists in the price, for their heir to break up the statue and haul it out of the house with a noose. Consequently nobody's Ukeness Uves and they leave behind them portraits that represent their money, not themselves. The same people decorate even their own anointing- rooms ^ witii portraits of athletes of the wrestUng- ring, and display all round their bedrooms and carry about with them likenesses of ; they offer sacrifices on his birthday, and keep his festival, which they call the ^ on the 20th day of every 263 :


custodiunt, quas icadas vocant, ii maxime, qui se ne viventes quidem nosci volunt. ita est profecto artes desidia perdidit, et quoniam animorum imagines H non sunt, negleguntur etiam corporum. aliter apud

maiores in atriis haec erant, quae spectarentur ; non signa externorum artificum nec aera aut marmora expressi cera vultus singulis disponebantur ar- mariis, ut essent imagines, quae comitarentur gentilicia funera, semperque defuncto aliquo totus aderat familiae eius qui umquam fuerat populus. stemmata vero lineis ^ discurrebant ad imagines 7 pictas. tabulina codicibus implebantur et monimentis rerum in magistratu gestarum. aliae foris et circa limina animorum ingentium imagines erant adfixis hostium spoliis, quae nec emptori refigere liceret, triumphabantque etiam dominis mutatis aeternae ^ domus. erat haec stimulatio ^ ingens, exprobrantibus tectis cotidie inbellem dominum intrare in alienum 8 triumphum. exstat Messalae oratoris indignatio, quae prohibuit inseri genti suae Laevinorum alienam imaginem. similis causa Messalae seni expressit volumina illa quae de familiis condidit, cum Scipionis Pomponiani transisset atrium vidissetque adoptione testamentaria Salvittones —hoc enim fuerat cogno-

^ linteis Frohner coll. 51. ^ aeternae Mayhoff : ipsae Gelen : emptae lan, Urlichs :

tamen coni. Sillig : et me ccld. (etia B^). 3 stimulatio Gelen : stimmatio B^ : estimatio {delelo haec)

B'^ : stima ratio rell. (summa r. cd. Par. Lat. 6797).

" A maxim of Epicurus was A.ade jSicuaa? ' live unnoticed.' ^ In private houses. " A branch of tbe Gens Valeria, to wbich the Messalae also belonged. 264 BOOK XXXW II. 5-8 month—these of all people, whose desire it is not to " be known even when aHve ! That is exactly how things are : indolence has destroyed the arts, and since our minds cannot be portrayed, our bodily features are also neglected. In the halls of our

anccstors it was otherwise ; portraits were the objects displayed to be looked at, not statues by foreign artists, nor bronzes nor marbles, but wax models of faces were set out each on a separate side-board, to furnish Ukenesses to be carried in procession at a funeral in the clan, and always when some member of it passed away the entire company of his house that had ever existed was present. The pedigrees too were traced in a spread of Hnes running near the several painted portraits. The archive-rooms ^ were kept filled with books of records and with v/ritten memorials of official careers. Outside the houses and round the doorways there were other presentations of those mighty spirits, \vith spoils taken from the enemy fastened to them, which even one who bought the house was not permitted to unfasten, and the mansions eternally celebrated a triumph even though they changed their masters. This acted as a mighty incentive, when every day the very walls reproached an unwarHke owner with intruding on the triumphs of another ! There is extant an indignant speech by the pleader Messala protesting against the insertion among the Hkenesses of his family of a bust not belonging to them but to the family of the Laevini.^ A similar reason extracted from old Messala the volumes he composed ' On FamiHes,' because when passing through the haU of Scipio Pomponianus he had observed the Salvittones ^—that was their

^ Probably, Hke the Scipios, a branch of the Gens CorneHa. 265 —


men—Africanorum dedecori inrepentes Scipionum nomini. sed—pace Messalarum dixisse liceat etiam mentiri clarorum imagines erat aliquis vir- tutum amor multoque honestius quam mereri, ne quis suas expeteret. 9 Non est praetereundum et novicium inventum, siquidem non ^ ex auro argentove, at ^ certe ex aere

in bibliothecis dicantur illis, quorum immortales animae in locis iisdem loquuntur, quin immo etiam quae non sunt finguntur, pariuntque desideria non 10 traditos vultus, sicut in Homero evenit.^ utique ^ maius, ut equidem arbitror, nullum est felicitatis specimen quam semper omnes scire cupere, qualis fuerit aliquis. Asini Pollionis hoc Romae inventum, qui primus bibliothecam dicando ingenia hominum rem publicam fecit. an priores coeperint Alex- andreae et Pergami reges, qui bibliothecas magno 11 certamine instituere, non facile dixerim. imaginum amorem ^ flagrasse quondam ® testes sunt Atticus

ille Ciceronis edito de iis volumine, M. Varro benig- nissimo invento insertis voluminum suorum fecundi-

^ nunc lan, Urlichs: icones Detlefsen : non solum edd. vetl. 2 at Mai/hoff : aut. ^ devenit B : id evenit lan. * utique coni. Mayhoff : quo. * amorem B : aniore rell. * (amore . . .) quosdam coni. Brotier.

" Scipio Africanus, victor over Hannibal in 202 b.c, and Scipio Aemilianus Afrioanus, who destroyed Carthage in 146 B.c. 266 !

BOOK XXXV. II. 8-II former siirname—in consequence of an act of adop- tion by will creeping into others' preserves, to the discredit of the Scipios called Africanus.'* But the Messala family must excuse me if I say that even to lay a false claim to the portraits of famous men showed some love for their virtues, and was much more honourable than to entail by one's conduct that nobody should seek to obtain one's own portraits

\Ve must not pass over a novelty that has also been portrau- »" invented, in that Hkenesses made, if not of ffold or ff«'"«f ' ' o libranes. silver, yet at ail events oi bronze are set up m the libraries in honour of those whose immortal spirits '^peak to us in the same places, nay more, even imaginary likenesses are modelled and sense of loss gives birth to countenances that have not been handed down to us, as occurs in the case of Homer. At any rate in my view at all events there is no greater kind of happiness than that all people for all time should desire to know what kind of a man a person was. At Rome this practice originated with Asinius PolHo, who first by founding a Hbrary After 39 b.c. made works of genius the property of the pubHc. Whether this practice began earlier, with the Kings of Alexandria and of Pergamum,^ between whom there had been such a keen competition in founding Hbraries, I cannot readily say. The existence of a strong passion for portraits in former days is evidenced by Atticus the friend of Cicero in the volume he pubHshed on the subject and by the most benevolent invention of Marcus \ arro, who actually by some means inserted in a proHfic output of

^ Ptolemy I of Egypt (died 283 b.c.) and Attalus I of Pergamum (241-197 b.c.) both founded Hbraries. Two at Alexandria became famous under II and III. 267 PLINY : NATURAL HLSTORY

tati etiam ^ septingentorum inlustrium aliquo modo imaginibus, non passus intercidere figuras aut vetustatem aevi contra homines valere, inventor muneris etiam dis invidiosi, quando immortalitatem non solum dedit, verum etiam in omnes terras misit, ut praesentes esse ubique ceu ^ di possent. et hoc

quidem alienis ille praestitit. 12 JIL Verum clupeos in sacro vel publico dicare privatim primus instituit, ut reperio, Appius Claudius qui consul cum P. Servilio fuit anno urbis cclviiii. posuit enim in Bellonae aede maiores suos, placuitque in excelso spectari et ^ titulos honorum legi, decora

res, utique si libcrum turba parvulis imaginibus ceu nidum aliquem subolis pariter ostendat, quales clupeos nemo non gaudens favensque aspicit.

' IV. post eum M. Aemilius collega in consulatu Quinti Lutatii non in basilica modo Aemilia, verum et domi suae posuit, id quoque Martio exemplo. scutis enim, qualibus apud Troiam pugnatum est, continebantur imagines, unde et nomen habuere clupeorum, non, ut perversa grammaticorum sup- tihtas voluit, a cluendo. origo plena virtutis,

^ fecunditati etiam Mayhoff : f. hominum Detlefsen:

feeunditatium B^, cd. Leid. Voss., cd. Flor. Bicc. : fecunditati

B^ : fecunditantium non nominibus tantum cd. Par. Lai. 6797. 2 ceu di M. Ilertz, Urlichs : cludi. ' et coni. Warmington : in (recte?).

" E.g. the shield of Acliilles, lUad XVIII, 478 ff., and the

shield of Aeneas, Aeneid VIII, G25 ff. 268 BOOK XXXV. II. ii-iv. 13

volumes portraits ot seven hundred famous people, not allowing their likenesses to disappear or the lapse of ages to pre\ ail against immortality in men. Herein Varro was the inventor of a benefit that even the gods might env}\ since he not only bestowed immortality but despatched it all over the world, enabling his subjects to be ubiquitous, like the gods. This was a service \'arro rendered to strangers. III. But the first person to institute the custom of privately dedicating the shields with portraits in a temple or pul)lic place, 1 find, was Appius Claudius, the consul with Publius Servilius in the 259th year of the city. He set up his ancestors in 495 b.o. the shrine of the Goddess of War, and desired them to be in full view on an elevated spot, and the inscrip- tions stating their honours to be read. This is a seemly device, especially if miniature likenesses of a swarm of children at the sides display a sort of brood of nestlings ; shields of this description every- body views with pleasure and approval. IV. After him Marcus Aemilius, Quintus Lutatius's colleague 78 b.o. in the consulship, set up portrait-shields not only in the Basilica Aemilia but also in his own home, and in doing this he was following a truly warlike example ; for the shields which contained the like- iiesses resembled those " employed in the fighting at Troy ; and this indeed gave them their name of clupei,^ which is not derived from the word meaning ' to be celebrated,' as the misguided ingenuity of scholars has made out. It is a copious inspiration of valour for there to be a representation on a shield of the

** Pliny means that clupeus is derived from yXvcjxo, to carve or emboss, not from the old Latin cluo or clueo, to be reputed famoiis. 269 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

faciem reddi in scuto eius ^ qui fuerit usus illo. 14 Poeni ex auro factitavere et clupeos et imagines secumque vexere. in castris ^ certe captis talem Hasdrubalis invenit Marcius, Scipionum in Hispania ultor, isque clupeus supra fores Capitolinae aedis usque ad incendium primum fuit. maiorum quidem nostrorum tanta securitas in ea re adnotatur, ut L. Manlio Q. Fulvio cos. anno urbis dlxxv M. Aufidius tutelae Capitolii ^ redemptor docuerit patres argenteos esse clupeos, qui pro aereis ^ per aliquot iam lustra adsignabantur.

1.3 V. De picturae initiis incerta nec instituti operis quaestio est. Aegyptii sex milibus annorum aput ipsos inventam, priusquam in Graeciam transiret,

adfirmant, vana praedicatione, ut palam est ; Graeci

autem alii Sicyone, alii aput Corinthios repertam, omnes umbra hominis lineis circumducta, itaque primam talem, secundam singulis coloribus et monochromaton ^ dictam, postquam operosior in- 16 venta erat, duratque talis etiam nunc. inventam liniarem a Philocle Aegyptio vel Cleanthe Corinthio

^ eius Detlefsen : eiusque B'^ : cuiusque. 2 vexere. in castris Mayhoff : in castris vexere B : i.c. inlere al. Par. 6801: i.c. venere rell. ^ Capitolio B : capitoli cd. Leid. Voss. * aurei. Detlefsen. ' e monochromato B : et monochromaton rell.

" Publius and Gnaeus Scipio were destroyed in Spain by the Carthaginians, 212-211 B.c. L. Maroius and T. Fonteius preveRted further disasters. " A conjectural alteration ^ives ' gold.' 270 BOOK XXXV. IV. 13-V. 16 rountenance of him who once used it. The Cartha- ginians habitually made both shields and statues of gold, and camed these with them : at all events Marcius, who took vengeance for the Scipios in Spain,<* found a shield of this kind that belonged to Hasdrubal, in that generaVs camp when he captured it, and this shield was hung above the portals of the temple on the Capitol till the first fire. Indeed it is S3 b.o. noticed that our ancestors felt so Httle anxiety about this matter that in the 575th year of the city, 179 b.g. when the consuls were Lucius Manhus and Quintus Fulvius, the person who contracted for the safety of the Capitol, Marcus Aufidius, informed the Senate that the shields which for a good many censorship periods past had been scheduled as made of bronze ^ were really silver. V. The question as to the origin of the art of origins oj ^^'^'"''"^- painting is uncertain ^' and it does not belong to the plan of this work. The Egyptians declare that it was invented among themselves six thousand years ago before it passed over into Greece—which is clearly an idle assertion. As to the Greeks, some of them say it was discovered at Sicyon, others in Corinth, but all agree that it began with tracing an outline round a man's shadow ^ and consequently that pictures were originally done in this way, but the second stage when a more elaborate method had been invented was done in a single colour and called monochrome,* a method still in use at the present day. Line-drawing was invented by the Egyptian Philocles or by the Corinthian Cleanthes,

^ Cf. VII, 205. A. Rumpf, Journ. oj FJellenic St. LXVII, 10 S. ^ But study of extant ancient art refutes this idea. ' See §§ 29, 56. 271 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

primi exercuere Aridices ^ Corinthius et Telephanes Sicyonius, sine ullo etiamnum hi colore, iam tamen spargentes linias intus. ideo et quos pinxere ^ adscribere institutum. primus inlevit ^ eas colore * testae, ut ferunt, tritae ^ Ecphantus ^ Corinthius. hunc eodem nomine alium '^ fuisse quam ® tradit Cornelius Nepos secutum in Italiam Damaratum, Tarquinii Prisci regis Romani patrem, fugientem a Corintho tyranni iniurias Cypseli, mox docebimus. 17 VI. lam enim absoluta erat pictura etiam in Italia. exstant certe hodieque antiquiores urbe picturae Ardeae in aedibus sacris, quibus equidem nullas aeque miror, tam longo aevo durantes ® in orbitate tecti veluti recentes.^ similiter Lanuvi, ubi Atalante et Helena comminus pictae sunt nudae ab eodem artifice, utraque excellentissima forma, sed altera ut virgo, ne ruinis quidem templi 18 concussae. Gaius princeps tollere eas conatus est libidine accensus, si tectorii natura permisisset. durant et Caere antiquiores et ipsae, fatebiturque quisquis eas diligenter aestimaverit nullam artium celerius consummatam, cum IHacis temporibus non fuisse eam appareat.

^ Aridices Sillig, Keil : aradices B : ardices rell. ' pinxere Mayhoff : pingerent edd. vett.: pingere. ^ inlevit Urlichs : invenit. * colore B : colores rell. : coiorare Gelen : colorare colore lan. ^ tritae Sillig : triste B^ : triste B^ : ita aut it rell. ^ Ecphantus Sillig, 0. Jahn : ephantus B : elephantus rell. ^ eundem nomine alio Schultz. * V.l. quem : quam quem Sillig, lan. " V.l. durantis . . . recentis : durantibus . . . recentibus coni. Sillig.

272 ;

BOOK XXXV V. 16-vi. i8 but it was first practised by thc Corinthian Aridices and the Sicyonian Telephanes—these were at that stage not using any colour, yet already adding lines here and there to the interior of the outhnes hence it became their custom to write on the pictures the names of the persons represented. Ecphantus of Corinth is said to have been the first to daub these drawings with a pigment made of powdered earthen- ware. We shall show below that this was another § 152. person, bearing the same name, not the one recorded by CorneHus Xepos to have followed into Italy

Demaratus the father of the Roman king Tarquinius trad. 6I6- Priscus when he fled from Corinth to escape the^'*^^*^- violence of the tyrant Cypsehis. VI. For the art of painting had already been Eariy all brought to perfection even in Italy. At events pJj5^,So there survive even to-day in the temples at Ardea paintings that are older than the city of Rome, which to me at all events are incomparably remark- able, surviving for so long a period as though freshly painted, although unprotected by a roof. Similarly at Lanuvium, where there are an Atalanta and a Helena close together, nude figures, painted by the same artist, each of outstanding beauty (the former shown as a virgin), and not damaged even by the collapse of the temple. The Emperor Caligula from a.d. 37. lustful motives attempted to remove them, but the consistency of the plaster would not allow this to be done. There are pictures surviving at Caere that are even older. And whoever carefully judges these works \\\\\ admit that none of the arts reached full perfection more quickly, inasmuch as it is clear that painting did not exist in the Trojan period.


19 \ll. Apud Romanos quoque honos mature huic arti contigit, siquidem cojcrnomina ex ea Pictorum traxerunt Fabii clarissimae gentis, princepsque eius cognominis ipse aedem Salutis pinxit anno urbis conditae ccccl, quae pictura duravit ad nostram memoriam aede ea Claudi principatu exusta, proxime celebrata est in foro boario aede Herculis Pacui poetae pictura. Enni sorore genitus hic fuit clarioremque artem eam Romae fecit gloria scaenae. 20 postea non est spectata honestis manibus, nisi forte quis Turpilium equitem Romanum e Venetia nostrae aetatis velit referre, pulchris eius operibus hodieque

Veronae exstantibus. laeva is manu pinxit, quod de nullo ante memoratur. parvis ^ gloriabatur tabellis extinctus nuper in longa senecta Titedius ^ Labeo praetorius, etiam proconsulatu provinciae Narbonensis functus, sed ea re inrisa ^ etiam con- 21 tumeliae erat. fuit et principum virorum non omlttendum de pictura celebre consilium, cum Q Pedius, nepos Q. Pedii consularis triumphalisque et a Caesare dictatore coheredis Augusto dati, natura mutus esset. in eo Messala orator, ex cuius familia pueri avia fuerat. picturam docendum

' paruisse B : parvis ipse coni. MayhofJ. * Titedius B : sit edius rell. : Titidius Sillig : Antistius

Hardouin : Aterius edd. vett. 3 inrisa Mayhoff : inlisa B : in risu rell. (irrisu cd. Par. Lat. 6797).

" Roman writer of tragedies, c. 220-c. 130 b.c. *" Famous Roman epic and dramatic poet, 239-169 B.c. 274 BOOK XXXV. VII. 19-21

VII. In Rome also honour was fuUy attained by EaHy this art at an early date, inasmuch as a very distin- ^'S^ guished clan of the Fabii derived from it their sur- a'"^ pai" '^^ name of Pictor. ' Painter,' and the first holder of the name himself painted the Temple of Health in the year 450 from the foundation of the City : the work :io4 b.u. survived down to our own period, when the temple was destroyed by fire in the principate of Claudius. Next in celebrity was a painting by the poet Pacuvius " in the temple of Hercules in the Cattle Market. Pacuvius was the son of a sister of Ennius,*' and he added distinction to the art of painting at Rome by reason of his fame as a play- wright. After Pacuvius, painting was not esteemed as iiandiwork for persons of station, unless one chooses to recall a knight of Rome named Turpilius, from Venetia, in our own generation, because of his beautiful works still surviving at Verona. Turpilius painted with his left hand, a thing recorded of no preceding artist. Titedius Labeo, a man of prae- torian rank who had actually held the office of Proconsul of the Province of Narbonne, and who died lately in extreme old age, used to be proud of his miniatures, but this was laughed at and actually damaged his reputation. There was also a cele- brated debate on the subject of painting held between some meii of eminence v/hich must not be omitted. when the former consul and winner of a triumph

Quintus Pedius, who was appointed by the Dictator ^.j.^^ b.c Caesar as his joint heirwith Augustus, had a grand- son Quintus Pedius who was born dumb ; in this debate the orator Messala, of whose family the boy's grandmother had been a member, gave the advice that the boy should have lessons in painting, and

275 ;


censuit, idque etiam divus Augustus comprohavit 22 puer magni profectus in ea arte obiit. dignatio autem praecipua Romae increvit, ut existimo, a M'. Valerio Maximo Messala, qui princeps tabulam [picturam] ^ proelii, quo Carthaginienses et Hieronem in SiciHa vicerat, proposuit in latere curiae Hostihae anno ab urbe condita ccccxc. fecit hoc idem et L. Scipio tabulamque victoriae suae Asiaticae in Capitolio posuit, idque aegre tulisse fratrem Afri- canum tradunt, haut inmerito, quando fihus eius 23 illo proelio captus fuerat. non dissimilem offensio- nem et Aemiliani subiit L. Hostilius ^ Mancinus, qui primus Carthaginem inruperat, situm eius oppugnationesque depictas proponendo in foro et ipse adsistens populo spectanti singula enarrando, qua comitate proximis comitiis consulatum adeptus est. habuit et scaena ludis Claudii Pulchri magnam admirationem picturae, cum ad tegularum simil- tudinem corvi decepti imagine ^ advolarent. 24 VIII. Tabulis autem externis auctoritatem Romae publice fecit primus omnium L. Mummius, cui cognomen Achiaci victoria dedit. namque cum in praeda vendenda rex Attalus * XjvTj ^ emisset tabulam Aristidis, Liberum patrem, pretium miratus

' Ma;/hoff : pictura B : pictara rell. ^ hostili'm. S. B : hostilius M.f. coni. lan.

* V.l. imaginem : imagini lan. * rex attalus distraxisset et cd. Par. 6801. 5 XpvT] Detlefsen : Hardouin : xvi aut XIII cdd.

" Over Antiochus III in 190 b.c. * Mancinus commanded the Roman fleet in the Tbird Punic War when Carthage was taken and destroyed by Scipio Aemilianus in 146 b.c. " Over tbe Greeks in 146 B.c, when Mummius destroyed Corintb. 276 BOOK XXXV. VII. 2I-VII1. 24

liis late lamented Majesty Augustus also approved of the plan. The child made great progress in the art, but died before he grew up. But painting chiefly derived its rise to esteem at Rome, in my judgement, from Manius Valerius Maximus Messala,

who in the year 490 after the foundation of the 264 b.o. city first showed a picture in public on a side wall

of the Curia Hostilia : the subject being the battle in Sicily in which he had defeated the Carthaginians and Hiero. The same thing was also done by Lucius Scipio, who put up in the Capitol a picture of " his Asiatic victory : this is said to have annoyed his brother Africanus, not without reason, as his son had been taken prisoner in that battle. Also Lucius Hostilius Mancinus ^ who had been the first to force an entrance into Carthage incurred a very similar offence with Aemilianus by displaying in the forum a picture of the plan of the city and of the attacks upon it and by himself standing by it and describing to the pubHc looking on the details of the siege, a piece of popularity-hunting which won him the consulship at the next election. Also the stage erected for the shows given by Claudius Pulcher 99 b.o won great admiration for its painting, as crows were seen trying to alight on the roof tiles represented on the scenery, quite taken in by its realism. VIIL The high esteem attached officially to Foretgn foreign paintings at Rome originated from Lucius Eg"^^ Mummius who from his victory ^ received the surname of Achaicus. At the sale of booty captured l. Mum '"*"^- King Attalus «^ bought for 600,000 denarii a picture of Father Liber or Dionysus by Aristides, but the

^ Attalus II of Pergamum, 159-138 b.c. 277 ;


suspicatusque alitjuic) in ea virtutis, quod ipse nesciret, revocavit tabulam, Attalo multum que- rente, et in Cereris delubro posuit, quam primam arbitror picturam externam Romae publicatam. 25 deinde video et in foro positas volgo. hinc enim ille Crassi oratoris lepos agentis sub Veteribus

cum testis compellatus instaret : dic ergo, Crasse, qualem me noris ? talem, inquit, ostendens in tabula inficetissime Gallum exerentem linguam. in foro fuit et illa pastoris senis cum baculo, de qua Teutonorum legatus respondit interrogatus, quan- tine^ eum aestimaret, donari sibi nolle talem vivum verumque. 26 IX. Sed praecipuam auctoritatem publice tabulis fecit Caesar dictator Aiace et Media ante Veneris Genetricis aedem dicatis, post eum M. Agrippa, vir rusticitati propior quam deliciis. exstat certe eius oratio magnifica et maxirno civium digna de tabulis omnibus signisque publicandis, quod fieri satius fuisset quam in villarum exilia pelli. verum eadem illa torvitas tabulas duas Aiacis et Veneris mercata ^ ^ est a Cyzicenis hs |xIT] ; in thermarum quoque

^ quanti cd. Par. G801. - usjCielen : h JJJJ B^ : his J5^ : om. rell. " Ixiil lan : alii alia : xu B : xiii rell.

<• With regard to this story : (i) there was no auction of pictures; Mummius took to Rome the most valuable and handed over the rest to Philopoemen. (ii) Attahis was not present at Corinth (where this scene oceurred). When the Roman soldiers were using the pictures as dice-boards, Philo- poemen ofFered M. 100 talents if he should assign Aristides' picture to Attahis' share (Paus. VII, 16, 1; 8; Strabo VIII, 4.23 = 381). 278 !

ROOK XXXV. viii. 24-i\. 26

price surprised Munimius, who suspecting there must be some merit in the picture of which he was himself unawarc had the picture called back, in

spite of Attalus's strong protests, and placed it in

the Shrine of Ceres : the first instance, I beheve, of a foreign picture becoming state-property at Rome." After this I see that they were commonly placed

even in the forum : to this is due the famous witticism of the pleader Crassus, when appearing in a case

Below The Old Shops ; a witness called kept asking

' him : Now tell me, Crassus, what sort of a person do you take me to be ? ' * That sort of a person,' said Crassus, pointing to a picture of a Gaul putting out his tongue ^ in a very unbecoming fashion, It was also in the forum that there was the picture of the Old Shepherd with his Staff, about which the Teuton envoy when asked what he thought was the value of it said that he would rather not have even the living original as a gift

IX. But it was the Dictator Caesar who gave Caesar. outstanding public importance to pictures by dedica-

ting paintings of Ajax and Medea in front of the 46 b.o.

temple of Venus Genetrix ; and after him Marcus 63-12 b.c. Agrippa, a man who stood nearer to rustic simplicity than to refinements. At all events there is preserved a speech of Agrippa, lofty in tone and worthy of the greatest of the citizens, on the question of making all pictures and statues national property, a procedure which would have been preferable to banishing them to country houses. However, that same severe spirit paid the city of Cyzicus 1,200,000

sesterces for two pictures, an Ajax and an Aphrodite ; he had also had small paintings let into the marble

" Not apparently as in insult but as an averting act. 279 PLINY : NATURAL HLSTOIIY

calidissima parte marmoribus incluserat parvas tabellas, paulo ante, cum reficerentur, sublatas. 27 X. Super omnes divus Augustus in foro suo cele- berrima in parte posuit tabulas duas, quae Belli faciem pictam habent et Triumphum, item Castores ac Victoriam. posuit et quas dicemus sub artificum mentione in templo Caesaris patris. idem in curia quoque, quam in comitio consecrabat, duas tabulas inpressit parieti. Nemean sedentem supra leonem, pahnigeram ipsam, adstante ^ cum baculo sene, cuius supra caput tabella bigae dependet, Nicias

^ scripsit se inussisse ; tah enim usus est verbo. 28 alterius tabulae admiratio est puberem fihum seni patri similem esse aetatis saha differentia, super-

volante aquila draconem complexa ; Philochares hoc

suum opus esse testatus est, inmensa, vel unam si tantum hanc tabulam ahquis aestimet, potentia artis, cum propter Philocharen ignobihssimos ahoqui Glaucionem fihumque eius Aristippum senatus

popuh Romani tot saecuhs spectet ! posuit et Tiberius Caesar, minime comis imperator, in templo ipsius Augusti quas mox indicabimus. hactenus dictum sit de dignitate artis morientis. 29 XI. Quibus coloribus singuhs primi pinxissent diximus, cum de iis pigmentis traderemus in metalhs,

^ adstante edd. vett. : adstantem. * asscripsit coni. Mayhojf.

Castor and Pohux (Polydeuces). " Julius Caesar who had adopted Augustus. « The Nemean forest (personified) where Heracles killed the Nemean hon. <* See pp. 356-9. 280 BOOK XXXV. IX. 26-xi. 29

even in the warmest part of his Hot Baths ; which were removed a short time ago when the Baths were being repaired. X. His late lamented Majesty Augustus went Augustm all in placing pictures in the most beyond others, two ^''J^^j^ frequented part of his forum, one with alikeness of War and Triumph, and one with the Castors'* and Victory. He also erected in the Temple of his father Caesar * pictures we shall specify in giving the names of artists. § 91. He Hkewise let into a wall in the curia which he was ^ dedicating in the comitium : a seated on a 29 b.c. lion, holding a palm-branch in her hand, and standing at her side an old man leaning on a stick and with a picture of a two-horse chariot hung up over his head, on which there was an inscription saying that it was an * encaustic ' design—such is the term which he employed—by Nicias.*^ The second picture is remark- able for displaying the close family hkeness between a son in the prime of life and an elderly father, allowing for the difference of age : above them soars an eagle with a snake in its claws ; Philochares has stated this work to be by him showing the im- measurable power exercised by art if one merely considers this picture alone, inasmuch as thanks to Philochares two otherwise quite obscure persons Glaucio and his son Aristippus after all these centuries have passed still stand in the view of the senate of the Roman nation ! The most ungracious emperor Tiberius also placed pictures in the temple a.d. 14-37 of Augustus himself which we shall soon mention. § I3i. Thus much for the dignity of this now expiring art. XI. We stated what were the various single Painters colours used by the first painters when we were xxxiii discussing while on the subject of metals the pig- ^i^. 281 VOL. IX. K PLlxNY: NATURAL HISTORY

quae ^ monochromata a "^ genere ^ picturae vocan- tur.^ qui deinde et quae invenerint et quibus temporibus, dicemus in mentione artificum, quoniam indicare naturas colorum prior causa operis instituti est. tandem se ars ipsa distinxit et invenit lumen atque umbras, differentia colorum alterna vice sese excitante. postea deinde adiectus est splendor, alius hic quam lumen. quod inter haec et umbras esset, appellarunt tonon, commissuras vero colorum et transitus harmogen. 30 XIL Sunt autem colores austeri aut floridi. utrumque natura aut mixtura evenit. floridi sunt —quos dominus pingenti ^ praestat—minium, Ar- menium, cinnabaris, chrysocolla, Indicum, pur-

purissum ; ceteri austeri. ex omnibus alii nascun- tur, alii fiunt. nascuntur Sinopis, rubrica, Parae-

tonium, Melinum, Eretria, auripigmentum ; ceteri finguntur, primumque quos in metallis diximus, praeterea e vilioribus ochra, cerussa usta, sandaraca, sandyx, Syricum, atramentum.

1 quae Sillig : qui cdd. : del. Littre. 2 monochromata a Mayhojf: m, ea Littre : monochromatea

cd. Par. 6801 ut videtur : mox negrammatae a B : mox neo- grammatea rell. ^ genere Mayhoff : genera. * vocantur B : vocaverunt rell. ^ pingenti ed. Basil. : fingenti.

" Study of ancient art does not show that painting started with the use of single colours. * The Greek term apfxoyT] means adjustment of parts. « Minium. See § 33 (note) and XXXIU, 111-123. ** A rich blue colour (from Armenia), the modern azurite. See also § 47. ' Cinnabaris here in Pliny. See XXXIII, 115-116. ^ Our ' malachite.' ' Earth stained with Tyrian purple. 282 BOOK XXXV. XI. 29-xii. 30 nients called nionochromes from the class of painting for which they are used. Subsequent ° inventions and their authors and dates we shall specify in §§ 353 sq^/. enumerating the artists, because a prior motive for the work now in hand is to indicate the nature of colours. Eventually art differentiated itself, and discovered light and shade, contrast of colours heightening their eftect reciprocally. Then came the final adjunct of shine, quite a dift^erent thing from iight. The opposition between shine and light on the onc hand and shade on the other was called contrast, while the juxtaposition of colours and their passage one into another was termed attunement.^ XII. Some colours are sombre and some brilliant, the diff^erence being due to the nature of the sub- stances or to their mixture. The brilliant colours, which the patron supplies at his own expense to the painter, are cinnabar,^ Armenium,^ dragon's blood,* gold-solder,/ indigo, bright purple^'; the rest are sombre. Of the whole list some are natural colours and some artificial. Natural colours are sinopis,^ ruddle, Paraetonium,^ Melinum,^ Eretrian earth^" and orpiment ; all the rest are artificia], and first of all those which we specified among minerals, and xxx, 111, moreover among the commoner kinds yellow ochre, ^^' ^^^' burnt lead acetate, realgar, sandyx,^ Syrian colour "* and black."

* A brown-red ochre or red oxide of iron from Sinoi^e. * From a white chalk or calcium carbonate, and perliaps also steatite, of Paraetonium in N. Africa; see note " on § :}0. ^ A white marl from ^Melos. * From Eretria in Euboea perhaps magnesite. ; ' Mixed oxide of lead and oxide of iron. '" See § 40. "See XXXIV, 112, 123. 283 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

31 XIII. Sinopis inventa primum in Ponto est ; inde nomen a Sinope urbe. nascitur et in Aegypto, Baliaribus, Africa, sed optima in Lemno et in Cappa- docia, effossa e speluncis. pars, quae saxis adhaesit, excellit. glaebis suus colos, extra maculosus. hac usi sunt veteres ad splendorem. species Sinopidis

tres : rubra et minus rubens atque inter has media.

pretium optimae X ii, usus ad penicillum aut si

32 lignum colorare libeat ; eius, quae ex Africa venit,

octoni asses—cicerculum appellant ; magis ceteris rubet, utilior abacis. idem pretium et eius, quae pressior vocatur, et est maxime fusca. usus ad

bases abacorum, in medicina vero blandus <. . . pas-

^ tillis . . .> emplastrisque et malagmatis, sive sicca

compositione sive liquida facilis, contra ulcera in

umore sita, velut oris, sedis. alvum sistit infusa, feminarum profluvia pota denarii pondere. eadem adusta siccat scabritias oculorum, e vino maxime. 33 XIV. Rubricae genus in ea voluere intellegi quidam secundae auctoritatis, palmam enim Lemniae dabant. minio proxima haec est, multum antiquis

celebrata cum insula, in qua nascitur. nec nisi signata venumdabatur, unde et sphragidem appel-

1 Mayhoff.

« See note *, p. 283. * Dark brownish. ' This generally is the proper meaning of viinium except when it is called m. secundarium = red lead. See XXXIII, 111-123. 284 XIII. BOOK XXXW 31-XIV. :^s

XIII. Sinopis <* was first discovered in Pontw^, Ochre oj -'""'p*- and lience takes its name from the city of Sinope. It is also produced in Egypt, the Balearic Islands and Africa, but the best is what is extracted from the caverns of Lemnos and Cappadocia, the part found adhering to the rock being rated highest. The lumps of it are self-coloured, but speckled on the outside. It was employed in old times to give a glow. There are three kinds of Sinopis, the red, the faintly red and the intermediate. The price of the best is 2 denarii a pound : this is used for painting with a brush or else for colouring wood ; the kind imported from Africa costs 8 «^-pieces a pound, and is called chickpea colour ^ ; it is of a deeper red than the other kinds, and more useful for panels. The

' same price is charged for the kind called ' low toned which is of a very dusky colour. It is employed for the lower parts of panelling ; but used as a drug it has a soothing effect in (lozenges and) plasters and poultices, mixing easily either dry or moistened, as a remedy for ulcers in the humid parts of the body such as the mouth and the anus. Used in an enema it arrests diarrhoea, and taken through the mouth in doses of one denarius weight it checks menstrua- tion. Applied in a burnt state, particularly with wine, it dries roughnesses of the eyes. XIV. Some persons have wished to make out that Sinopis only consists in a kind of red-ochre of inferior quality, as they gave the palm to the red ochreoj ochre of Lemnos. This last approximates very ^^^^- closely to cinnabar,^ and it was very famous in old days, together with the island that produces it; it used only to be sold in sealed packages, from which it got the name of ' seal red-ochre.' It is used to


34 lavere. hac minium subliiumt adulterantque. in medicina praeclara res habetur. epiphoras enim oculorum mitii]^at ac dolores circumlita et aegilopia manare prohibet, sanguinem reicientibus ex aceto datur bibenda. bibitur et contra lienum reniumque vitia et purgationes feminarum, item et contra venena et serpentium ictus terrestrium marinorum- que, omnibus ideo antidotis familiaris. 35 XV. E reHquis rubricae generibus fabris utilis- sima Aegyptia et Africana, quoniam maxime sor- bentur tectoriis.^ rubrica^ autem nascitur et in ferrariis metallis. XVI. Ea et fit ochra^ exusta in ollis novis luto circumlitis. quo magis arsit in caminis, hoc meHor. omnis autem rubrica siccat ideoque ex ^ emplastris conveniet ^ igni etiam sacro. 36 X\TI. Sinopidis Ponticae seHbrae siHs lucidi Hbris x et MeHni Graecensis ii mixtis tritisque una per dies

duodenos ^ leucophorum fit. hoc est glutinum auri, cum inducitur Hgno. XVIIL Paraetonium loci nomen habet ex Aegyp- to. spumam maris esse dicunt soHdatam cum Hmo, et ideo conchae minutae inveniuntur in eo. fit et in Creta insula atque Cyrenis. adulteratur Romae creta Cimolia decocta conspissataque. pre- tium optimo in pondo vi X l. e candidis coloribus

^ tectoriis Mayhoff : picturis. ^ rubrica hic Mayhoff : infra post exusta. 3 ea et fit ochra Mayhoff: ex ea fit ochra aut ochra ex ea fit. * ex aut et cdd. [om. B). ^ conveniet vel conveniat Mayhoff : convenit et. * duodenos Mayhoff : duodenis B : xii rell.

*» Marsa Labeit in N. Africa, between Egypt and the Syrtes. Cf. n. on § 30. * Cf. XXXV, 195 S. 286 BOOK XXXV. XIV. 33-xviii. 36

supply an undercoating to cinnabar and also for adulterating cinnabar. In medicine it is a substance ranked very highly. Used as a lininient round the eyes it relieves defluxions and pains, and checks the discharge from eye-tumours ; it is given in vinegar as a draught in cases of vomiting or spitting blood. It is also taken as a draught for troubles of the spleen and kidneys and for excessive menstruation ; and likewise as a remedy for poisons and snake bites and the sting of sea serpents ; hence it is in common use for all antidotes. XV. Among the remaining kinds of red ochre the other ^*^ '^"' most useful for builders are t.he Egyptian and Ihe African varieties, as they are most thoroughly absorbed by plaster. Red ochre is also found in a native state in iron mines. XVI. It is also manu- factured by burning ochre in new earthen pots with Hds stopped with clay. The more completely it is cal- cined in the furnaces the better its quality. All kinds of red ochre have a drying property, and consequently will be found suitable in plasters even for erysipelas. X\'II. Half a pound of sinopis from Pontus, ten pounds of bright yellow ochre and two pounds of Greek earth of Melos mixed together and pounded

' up for twelve successive days make leucophorum,' cf. xxxiii, a cement used in applying gold-leaf to wood. ^-^ XVIII. Paraetonium is called after the place ^* WMte ptg- '"''"^*" of that name in Egypt. It is said to be sea-foam hardened with mud, and this is why tiny shells are found in it. It also occurs in the island of Crete and in Cyrene. At Rome it is adulterated with Cimolian clay ^ which has been boiled and thickened. The price of the best quality is 50 denarii per 6 Ibs. It is the most greasy of all the white colours and makes

287 ;


pinguissimiim et tectoriis ^ tenacissimum propter levorem. 37 XIX. Melinum candidum et ipsum est, optimum ^ in Melo insula, in Samo quoque nascitur ; eo non utuntur pictores propter nimiam pinguitudinem accubantes eflfodiunt ibi inter saxa venam scrutantes. in medicina eundem usum habet quem Eretria

creta ; praeterea linguam tactu siccat, pilos detrahit smectica vi.^ pretium in libras sestertii singuli. Tertius e candidis colos est cerussa, cuius rationem in phmibi metallis diximus. fuit et terra per se in Theodoti fundo invcnta Zmyrnae, qua veteres ad navium picturas utebantur. nunc omnis ex phimbo et aceto fit, ut diximus. 38 XX. Usta casu reperta est in incendio Piraeei ^ cerussa in urceis ^ cremata. hac primum usus est Nicias supra dictus. optima nunc Asiatica habetur, quae et purpurea appellatur. pretium eius in libras X vi. fit et Romae cremato sile marmoroso et restincto aceto. sine usta non fiunt umbrae. XXI. Eretria terrae suae habet nomen. hac Nicomachus et PaiThasius usi. refrigerat, emolHt,

explet volnera ; si coquatur, ad siccanda praecipitur, utiUs ^ et capitis doloribus et ad deprehendenda

^ tectoriis edd. vett.: tectorii Mayhoff {rectet): tectori cdd. ' quod Mayhoff. ^ smectica vi Urlichs : metcica ut cd. Flor. Ricc. : meccica

ut cd. Leid. Voss.t cd. Par. Lat. 6797 : metica ut B. * Piraeei Gelen: pyrae edd. vett: pira et. ^ urceis B'^ : urcis B^ : orcis rell. : hortis edd. vett. * praecipitur, utiHs Mayhoff : praecoquitur utilis B : utilis praecipua rell.

" See note ^ on § 30. * i*erhaps lead carbonate, cerussite. From Vitruv. VTT, 7, 4 we learn that it was green, perhaps because tinted with copper salts. 288 BOOK XXXV. xviii. 36-.XX1. 38

the most tenacious for plasters because of its smooth- ness. XIX. Melinum» also is a white colour, the best occurring in the island of Melos. It is found in Samos also, but the Samian is not used by painters, because it is excessively greasy. It is dug up in Samos by people lying on the ground and searching for a vein among the rocks. It has the same use in medicine as earth of Eretria ; it also dries the tongue by contact, and acts as a depilatory, with an abrasive, effect. It costs a sesterce a pound. The third of the white pigments is ceruse or lead acetate, the nature of which we have stated in xxxiv, speaking of the ores of lead. There was also once a ^^'^* native ceruse earth'' found on the estate of Theodotus at Smyrna, which was employed in old days for painting ships. At the present time all ceruse is manufactured from lead and vinegar, as we said.

XX. Burnt ceruse was discovered by accident, ceruse, etc. when some was burnt up in jars in a fire at Piraeus. It was first employed by Nicias above mentioned.

Asiatic ceruse is now thought the best ; it is also called purple ceruse and it costs 6 denarii per Ib. It § 327. is also made at Rome by calcining yellow ochre which is as hard as marble and quenching it M'ith vinegar. Burnt ceruse is indispensable for repre- senting shadows. XXI. Eretrian earth^ is named from the country

that produces it. It was employed by Nicomachus and . It has coohng and emollient effects and fills up wounds ; if boiled it is prescribed as a desiccative, and is useful for pains in the head and for detecting internal suppurations, as these are

See note * on § 30. 289 :


pura ; subesse enim ea intellegunt, si ex aqua inlita continuo ^ arescat. 39 XXII. Sandaracam et ochram luba tradidit in insula Rubri maris Topazo nasci, sed inde non pervehuntur ad nos. sandaraca quomodo fieret diximus. fit et adulterina ex cerussa in fornace cocta. color esse debet flammeus. pretium in libras asses quini. 40 XXIII. Haec si torreatur aequa parte rubrica admixta, sandycem facit, quamquam animadverto Vergilium existimasse herbam id esse illo versu

Sponte sua sandyx pascentis vestiet ^ agnos.

pretium in hbras dimidium eius quod sandaracae. nec sunt alii colores maioris ponderis. XXIV. Inter facticios est et Syricum, quo minium sublini diximus. fit autem Sinopide et sandyce mixtis. 41 XX^'^. Atramentum quoque inter facticios erit, quamquam est et terrae,^ geminae originis. aut enim salsuginis modo emanat, aut terra ipsa sulpurei coloris ad hoc probatur. inventi sunt pictores, qui carbones infestatis * sepulchris effoderent.^ inpor- tuna haec omnia ac novicia. fit enim e fuligine pluribus modis, resina vel pice exustis, propter

^ inlita continuo Mayhoff : inlita non cdd. (inlinunt non B). 2 vestiet cd. Par. 6801, item Verg. : vestiat rell. ^ terrae aut terra cdd. : e terra Madvig. * infestatis Mayhoff qui et infestantes sepulchra coni. :

infectant aut infectos cdd. : iniectos coni. Sillig : adfectarent Detlejsen (sepulchris carbones infectos al. Par. 6801). 5 efFoderent al. Tolet., cd. Par. 6801 : efifodere B : infoderet rell. (infoderent cd. Par. Lat. 6797).

" Zeboiget. * Virg. Ecl. IV, 45 {vestiet Virg.). There is no proof that Virgil did take sandyx to be a plant. 2QO :

BOOK XXXV. XXI. 38-xxv. 41 shown to be present if when it is applied with water it immediately dries up. XXII. According to Juba sandarach or realgar and ochre are products of the island of Topazus ° in the Red Sea, but they are not imported from those parts to us. We have stated the method of making xxxiv, ^^^* sandarach. An adulterated sandarach is also made from ceruse boiled in a furnace. It ought to be fiame-coloured. Its price is 5 asses per Ib. XXIII. If ceruse is mixed with red ochre in equal quantities and burnt, it produces sandyx or ver- mihon—though it is true that I observe Virgil held the view that sandyx is a plant, from the Une

Sandyx self-grown shall clothe the pasturing lambs.^

Its cost per Ib. is half that of sandarach. No other colours weigh heavier than these. XXIV. Among the artificial colours is also Syrian colour, which as we said is used as an undercoating for cinnabar and red lead. It is made by mixing sinopis and sandyx together. XXV. Black pigment will also be classed among niack vwnents. the artificial colours, although it ^ is also derived from earth in two ways ; it either exudes from the earth Hke the brine in salt pits, or actual earth of a sulphur colour is approved for the purpose. Painters have been known to dig up charred remains from graves thus violated to supply it. All these plans are troublesome and new-fangled ; for black paint can be made in a variety of ways from the soot produced by burning resin or pitch, owing to which

" For this mineral shoemaker'8 black, see XXXIV, 112, 123. The other blacks which follow are mostly composed of carbon. 291 PLINY: NATURAL HLSTORY

qiiod etiam officinas aedificavere fiimum eum non

emittentes. laudatissimum eodem modo fit e taedis. adulteratur fornacium balinearumque fuligine quo 42 ad volumina scribenda utuntur. sunt qui et vinl faecem siccatam excoquant adfirmentque, si ex bono vino faex ea ^ fuerit, Indici speciem id atra- mentum praebere. Polygnotus et Micon, cele- berrimi pictor-es, Athenis e vinaceis fecere, tryginon appellantes. commentus est ex ebore 43 combusto facere, quod elephantinum vocatur. ad- portatur et Indicum ex India inexploratae adhuc

inventionis mihi. fit etiam aput infectores ex flore

nigro, qui adhaerescit aereis cortinis. fit et hgno e taedis combusto tritisque in mortario carbonibus.

mira in hoc saepiarum natura, sed ex iis non fit. omne autem atramentum sole perficitur, Hbrarium cumme,2 tectorium glutino admixto. quod aceto hquefactum est, aegre eluitur. 44 XXVI. E reUquis coloribus, quos a dominis dari diximus propter magnitudinem pretii, ante omnes est purpurissum. creta argentaria cum purpuris pariter tinguitur bibitque eum colorem celerius lanis. praecipuum est primum, fervente aheno

^ faex ea Mayhoff : facta B : faex rell. (fex cd. Leid. Voss.). ' cumme Sillig : gummi Gelen : comme cdd. (me B^ et B^).

" Probably the real indigo (§ 46) is meant here. ' Some unknown carbon pigment, not the indigo of § 46.

* ' Or : this latter variety is wonderfuUy like the pigment ' of the cuttle-fish, but is never made from these creatures (K. C. Bailey). ^ Polishing-powder of pure ground white earth. 292 BOOK XXXV. XXV. 41-XXV1. 44 factories have actually been built with no exit for the smoke produced by this process. The most esteemed black paint is obtained in the same way from the wood of the pitch-pine. It is adulterated by mixing it with the soot of furnaces and baths, which is used as a material for writing. Some people calcine dried wine-lees, and declare that if the lees from a good wine are used this ink has the appearance of Indian ink." The very celebrated painters Polygnotus and Micon at Athens made black paint from the skins of grapes, and called it grape-lees ink. Apelles invented the method of making black from burnt ivory ; the Greek name for this is elephantinon. There is also an Indian black,^ imported from India, the composition of which I have not yet discovered. A black is also produced with dyes from the black florescence which adheres to bronze pans. One is also made by buming logs of pitch-pine and pounding the charcoal in a mortar. The cuttle-fish has a remarkable property in forming a black secretion, but no colour is made from this.'' The preparation of all black is completed by exposure to the sun, black for writing ink receiving an admixture of gum and black for painting walls an admixture of glue. Black pigment that has been dissolved in vinegar is difficult to wash out. XXVI. Among the remaining colours which be- Purpies. cause of their high cost, as we said, are suppUed § so. by patrons, dark purple holds the first place. It is produced by dipping silversmiths' earth '^ along with purple cloth and in like manner, the earth absorbing the colour more quickly than the wool. The best is that which being the first formed in the boiUng cauklron becomes saturated ^ith the dyes in their


rudibus medicamentis inebriatum, proximum egesto eo addita creta in ius idem et, quotiens id factum est, elevatur bonitas pro numero dilutiore sanie. 45 quare Puteolanum potius laudetur quam Tyrium aut Gaetulicum vel Laconicum, unde pretiosissimae purpurae, causa est quod hysgino ^ maxime inficitur rubiaque, quae ^ cogitur sorbere. vilissimum a Canusio. pretium a singulis denariis in libras ad XXX. pingentes sandyce sublita, mox ex ^ ovo

inducentes purpurissum, fulgorem minii faciunt. si purpurae ^ facere malunt, caeruleum sublinunt, mox purpurissum ex ovo inducunt. 46 XXVII. Ab hoc maxima auctoritas Indico. ex India venit harundinum spumae adhaerescente Hmo. cum cernatur, nigrum, at in diluendo mixturam purpurae caeruleique mirabilem reddit. alterum genus eius est in purpurariis officinis innatans cor- tinis, et est purpurae spuma. qui adulterant, vero Indico tingunt stercora columbina aut cretam SeHnusiam vel anulariam vitro inficiunt. probatur

carbone ; reddit enim quod sincerum est flammam excellentis purpurae et, dum fumat, odorem maris. ob id quidam e scopulis id colligi putant. pretium

^ hysgino Hermolaus Barharus : hygino B : yyg- aut yog-

cdd. : id genus cd. Par. G801 : iscino Isid. 2 rubiaque quae lan : rubia quae aut rubiaque. ^ ex add. Mayhoff. * purpurae Mayhoff : purpura aut purpurara.

" A purplish red colour got from the unidentified plant ' hysge.'

^* From several species of Indigofera. 294 BOOK XXXV. XXVI. 44-xxvn. 46 primary state, and the next best produced vvhen white earth is added to the same liquor after the first has been removed ; and every time this is done the quaHty deteriorates, the liquid becoming more diluted at each stage. The reason why the dark purple of Pozzuoh is more highly praised than that of Tyre or Gaetulia or Laconia, places which produce the most costly purples, is that it combines most easily with hysginum " and madder which can- not help absorbing it. The cheapest comes from Canosa. The price is from one to thirty denarii per Ib. Painters using it put a coat of sandyx underneath and then add a coat of dark purple mixed with egg, and so produce the brilliance of cinnabar ; if they wish instead to produce the glow of purple, they lay a coat of blue underneath, and then cover this with dark purple mixed v\ith egg.

XXVII. Of next greatest importance after this is indigo. indigo,^ a product of India, being a slime that adheres to the scum upon reeds. When it is sifted out it is black, but in dilution it yields a marvellous mixture of purple and blue. There is another kind of it that floats on the surface of the pans ^ in the purple dye- shops, and this is the ' scum of purple.' People who adulterate it stain pigeons' droppings with genuine indigo, or else colour earth of SeHnus or ring-earth '^ with woad. It can be tested by means of a Hve coal, as if genuine it gives off a briUiant purple flame and a smell of the sea while it smokes ; on this account some people think that it is collected from rocks on the coast. The price of indigo is 20 denarii per

" Perhaps the vessels containing Tyrian purple. ^* See § 48. Some white earth; but it is not known whether it came from SeHnus in CiHcia or Selinus in Sieily.

295 ;


Indico X XX ^ in libras. in medicina Indiciim rigores et impetus sedat siccatque ulcera. 47 XXVIII. Armenia mittit quod eius nomine appel- latur. lapis est, hic quoque chrysocollae modo infectus, optimumque est quod maxime vicinum et communicato colore cum caeruleo. solebant Hbrae eius trecenis ^ nummis taxari. inventa per His-

panias harena est similem curam recipiens ; itaque ad denarios senos vilitas rediit. distat a caeruleo candore modico, qui teneriorem hunc efficit colorem. usus in medicina ad pilos tantum alendos habet maximeque in palpebris. 48 XXIX. Sunt etiamnum novicii duo colores e ^ * vilissimis : viride est quod Appianum vocatur et chrysocollam mentitur, ceu parum multa ficta ^ sint

mendacia eius ; fit e creta viridi, aestimatum ses- tertiis in libras. XXX. Anulare quod vocant, can- didum est, quo muliebres picturae inluminantur fit et ipsum e creta admixtis vitreis gemmis e volgi anulis, inde et anulare dictum. 49 XXXI. Ex omnibus coloribus cretulam amant udoque inlini recusant purpurissum, Indicum, cae- ruleum, Melinum, auripigmentum, Appianum, ce- russa. cerae tinguntur isdem his coloribus ad eas

^ X XX -B : XXX aut xx rell. 2 trecenis B : tricenis rell. 3 viride est Mayhoff : virides, * fortasse apianum vel apiacum [itevi § 49). ^ ficta coni. Mayhoff : dicta.

" Azurite. * Probably azurite found mixed with green malachite. " A conjectural emendation apiannm or apiacum gives ' parsley green.' It was a cla}' stained by ferrous substances. 296 BOOK XXXV. xxvii. 46-xxxi. 49 pound. Used medicinally it allays cramps and fits and dries up sores.

XXVIII. Armenia sends us the substance '^ AznrUe, eic. named after it Armenian. This also is a mineral that is dyed like malachite, and the best is that ^ which most closely approximates to that substance, the colour partaking also of dark blue. Its price used to be rated at 300 sesterces per pound. A sand has been found all over the Spanish provinces that admits of similar preparation, and accordingly the price has dropped to as low as six denarii. It differs from dark blue by a light white glow which renders this blue colour thinner in comparison. It is only used in medicine to give nourishment to the hair, and especially the eyelashes. XXIX. There are also two colours of a very cheap class that have been recently discovered: one is the green called Appian,^ which counterfeits

malachite ; just as if there were too few spurious varieties of it already ! It is made from a green earth and is valued at a sesterce per pound. XXX. The other colour is that called ' ring-white,' which is used to give brilliance of complexion in paintings of women.'^ This itself also is made from white earth mixed with glass stones from the rings of the lower classes, which accounts for the name * ring- white.' XXXI. Of all the colours those which love a dry surface of white clay, and refuse to be applied to a damp plaster, are purple, indigo, blue, Melian, orpiment, Appian<^ and ceruse. Wax is stained with these same colours for encaustic paintings, a

^ Or ' which shines on the painted faces of women ' (K. C. Bailey). Cf. § 46 and note ^ on p. 295. 297 —


picturas, quae inuruntur, alieno parietibus genere, sed classibus familiari, iam vero et onerariis navibus, quoniam et vehicula ^ expingimus, ne quis miretur et rogos pingi, iuvatque pugnaturos ad mortem aut certe caedem speciose vehi. Qua contemplatione tot colorum tanta varietate subit antiquitatem mirari. 50 XXXIL Quattuor coloribus solis immortalia illa opera fecere—ex albis Melino, e silaciis Attico, ex rubris Sinopide Pontica, ex nigris atramento Apelles, Aetion,2 , Nicomachus, claris- simi pictores, cum tabulae eorum singulae oppidorum venirent opibus. nunc et purpuris in parietes migrantibus et India conferente fluminum suorum limum, dracorjum elephantorumque saniem nulla nobiUs pictura est. omnia ergo meliora tunc fuere, cum minor copia. ita est, quoniam, ut supra dixi- mus, rerum, non animi pretiis excubatur. 61 XXXIII. Et nostrae aetatis insaniam in pictura non omittam. Nero princeps iusserat colosseum se pingi cxx pedum linteo, incognitum ad hoc tempus. ea pictura, cum peracta esset in Maianis hortis, accensa fulmine cum optima hortorum parte con- 52 flagravit. libertus eius, cum daret Anti munus gladia- torium, publicas porticus occupavit pictura, ut constat,

^ vehicula coni. MayhojJ : ferioula Detlefsen : pericula. ^ Aetion lan : etion ccld. ( cd. Par. 6801).

<• Cicero, Brutus, 70 saj^s it was Zeuxis, Polygnotus, Timan- thes and others who used four colours only, while in Aetion, Nicomachus, Protogenes, and Apelles everything had been brought to perfection. But the Alexander mosaic reproduces a four-colour original. * Indigo (see § 46) and dragon's blood, which latter is really a plant-product got chiefly from a species of Dracaena or Pterocarpua in Socotra. 298 BOOK XXXV. XXXI. 49-xxxiii. 52

sort of process which cannot be applied to walls but is common for ships of the navy, and indeed nowadays also for cargo vessels, since we even decorate vehicles with paintings, so that no one need be surprised

that even logs for funeral pyres are painted ; and we Hke gladiators going into the fray to ride in splendour to the scene of their death or at all events of carnage. Thus to contemplate all these numbers and great variety of colours prompts us to marvel at former generations. XXXII. Four colours '^ only were used by the ilUistrious painters Apelles, Aetion, Melanthius and Nicomachus to execute their immortal works—of whites, MeUnum ; of yellow ochres, Attic ; of reds,

Pontic Sinopis ; of blacks, atramentum—although their pictures each sold for the wealth of a whole town. Nowadays when purple finds its way even on to party-walls and when India contributes ^ the mud of her rivers and the gore of her snakes and elephants, there is no such thing as high-class painting. Everything in fact was superior in the days when resources were scantier. The reason for this is that, as we said before, it is values of§4, material and not of genius that people are now on the look-out for.

XXXIII. One folly of our generation also in the coiossa' matter of painting I will not leave out. The Emperor ^y^^y^^ Nero had ordered his portrait to be painted on a 54-68. colossal scale, on linen 120 ft. high, a thing un- known hitherto ; this picture when finished, in the Gardens of Maius, was struck by Hghtning and destroyed by fire, together with the best part of the Gardens. When a freedman of Nero was giving at Anzio a gladiatorial show, the pubUc porticoes were


gladiatorum ministrorumque omnium veris imaginibus redditis. hic multis iam saeculis summus animus^ in pictura, pingi autem gladiatoria munera atque in

publico exponi coepta a C. Terentio Lucano. is avo suo, a quo adoptatus fuerat, triginta paria in foro per triduum dedit tabulamque pictam in nemore Dianae posuit. 53 XXXIV. Nunc celebres in ea arte quam maxima brevitate percurram, neque enim instituti operis est

2 ^ talis executio ; itaque quosdam vel in transcursu et in aliorum mentione obiter nominasse satis erit, exceptis operum claritatibus quae et ipsa conveniet attingi, sive exstant sive intercidere. 54 Non constat sibi in hac parte Graecorum diligentia multas post olumpiadas celebrando pictores quam statuarios ac toreutas, primumque olympiade lxxxx, cum et Phidian ipsum initio pictorem fuisse tradatur clipeumque Athenis ab eo pictum, praeterea in

confesso sit lxxx tertia fuisse fratrem eius Panaenum, qui clipeum intus pinxit Elide Minervae, quam fecerat Colotes, discipulus Phidiae et ei in faciendo

55 love Olympio adiutor. quid ? quod in confesso perinde est Bularchi pictoris tabulam, in qua erat Magnetum proelium, a Candaule, rege Lydiae

^ ambitus coni. Mayhojf. * talis B, al. Par. Lat. 6797 : iatis rell. (ampla cd. Par.

6801) : artis coni. Mayhojf. 3 V.L velut.

" Probably not that of Athene Parthenos, which was, on its inner side, carved in relief. 300 BOOK XXXV. XXXIII. 52-xxxiv. 55

covered with paintings, so we are told, containing life-like portraits of all the gladiators and assistants. This portraiture of gladiators has been the highest in-

terest in art for many generations no^v ; but it was Gaius Terentius Lucanus who began the practice of having pictures made of gladiatorial shows and

exhibited in public ; in honour of his grandfather who had adopted him he provided thirty pairs of gladia- tors in the forum for three consecutive days, and exhibited a picture of their matches in the Grove of Diana. XXXI\\ I will now run through as briefly as Famous "Pa^^^tent possible the artists eminent in painting ; and it is not consistent with the plan of this work to go into such detail ; and accordingly it will be enough just to give the names of some of them even in passing and in course of mentioning others, with the exception of the famous works of art which whether still extant or now lost it will be proper to particularize. In this department the exactitude of the Greeks is Chronoioov. inconsistent, in placing the painters many OhTnpiads after the sculptors in bronze and chasers in metal, and putting the first in the 90th Olympiad, although 420-417 b.c. it is said that even Phidias himself was a painter to begin with, and that there was a shield ^ at Athens that had been painted by him ; and although more- panaenm over it is universally admitted that his brother ""'^ '^^^^-

Panaenus came in the 83rd Olympiad, who painted 443-445 b.c. the inner surface of a shield of Athene at EUs made by Colotes, Phidias's pupil and assistant in making the statue of Olympian Zeus. And then, is it not equally admitted that Candaules, the last King of Lydia of the HeracHd hne, who was also commonly known by the name of Myrsilus, gave its weight in

301 ;


Heraclidarum novissimo, qui et Myrsilus vocitatus

est, repensam auro ? tanta iam dignatio picturae erat. circa Romuli id aetatem acciderit necesse est, etenim duodevicensima olympiade interiit Can- daules aut, ut quidam tradunt, eodem anno quo Romulus, nisi fallor, manifesta iam tunc claritate

£6 artis, adeo absolutione.^ quod si recipi necesse est, simul apparet multo vetustiora principia eosque, qui monochromatis pinxerint, quorum aetas non traditur, aliquanto ante fuisse, Hygiaenontem, Dinian, Charmadan et, qui primus in pictura marem a femina discreverit, Eumarum Atheniensem, figuras omnes imitari ausum, quique inventa eius exco- luerit, Cimonem Cleonaeum. hic catagrapha in- venit, hoc est obliquas imagines, et varie formare voltus, respicientes suspicientesve vel despicientes articulis membra distinxit, venas protulit, praeterque 57 in vestibus rugas ^ et sinus invenit. Panaenus quidem frater Phidiae etiam proelium Atheniensium adversus Persas apud Marathona factum pinxit.

^ V.ll. absolutioni (B) aut absolutiore : non absolutae Brotier. 2 vestibus rugas Trauhe : veste et rugas Gelen : veste

brugas B^ : veste rugas B^, al. Tolet. : verrugas rell.

" An unknown event ; it might be the defeat of the Greeks mentioned in VII, 126; or more likely the great defeat of the Magnetes by the Treres in P51 B.c. (Strabo XIV, 647). * Candaules was in fact put to death by Gyges about 685 b.c. « See §§ 29, 15. ^ By yjaintirg women'8 skin paler or white. This is the stage represented by vase-painting from the seventh century when women were commonly coloured white, men red or black. 302 —;

BOOK XXXV. xxxiv. 55-57 gold for a picture of the painter Bularchus repre- senting a battle " with the Magnetes ? So high was the value already set on the art of painting. This must have occurred at about the time of UomuUis, since Candaules ^ died in the 18th Olympiad, or, 708-705 b.c. according to some accounts, in the same year as

Romulus, making it clear, if I am not mistaken, ?rad. 717 b.o. that the art had already achieved celebrity, and in fact a perfection. And if we are bound to accept this conclusion, it becomes clear at the same time that the first stages were at a much earlier date and that the painters in monochrome," whose date is not handed down to us, came considerably earher Hygiaenon, Dinias, Charmadas and Eumarus of Athens, the last being the earliest artist to distin- guish ^ the male from the female sex in painting, and venturing to reproduce every sort of figure ; and Cimon of Cleonae who improved on the inventions of Eumarus. It was Cimon who first invented

' catagrapha,' that is, images in ' three-quarter,' ^ and who varied the aspect of the features, representing them as looking backward or upward or downward he showed the attachments of the Umbs, displayed the veins, and moreover introduced wrinkles and folds in the drapery. Indeed the brother of Phidias

Panaenus even painted / the Battle at Marathon 490 b.c. between the Athenians and Persians ; so widely

' The Greek word meant probably ' foreshortened images,' but PUny or his Latin source rightly took it as expressing 'slanting {obliquiis) images not profile or fuU-face.' Cf. § 90. The context may exclude from the word obliquus any portraits where the eyes look back, up, or down. ^ On a wooden panel attached to a waU of the aroa iroLKLXr], ' Painted Portico,' at Athens. The painting was attributed also to Polygnotus and to IMicon ; cf. § 59. 3^3 PLIXY: NATURAL HISTORY

adeo iani colorum usus increbruerat adeoque ars perfecta erat, ut in eo proelio iconicos duces pinxisse tradatur, Atheniensium Miltiadem, Callimachum, Cynaegirum, barbarorum Datim, Artaphernen. a8 XXXV. Quin immo certamen etiam picturae florente eo institutum est Corinthi ac Delphis, primusque omnium certavit cum Timagora Chal- cidense, superatus ab eo Pythiis, quod et ipsius Timagorae carmine vetusto apparet, chronicorum errore non dubio. AUi quoque post hos clari fuere ante lxxxx olym- piadem, sicut Polygnotus Thasius, qui primus muheres tralucida ^ veste pinxit, capita earum mitris versicoloribus operuit phu-imumque picturae primus contuht, siquidem instituit os adaperire, dentes ostendere, voltum ab antiquo rigore variare.

.59 huius est tabula in porticu Pompei, quae ante curiam eius fuerat, in qua dubitatur ascendentem cum clupeo pinxerit an descendentem. hic Delphis aedem pinxit, hic et Athenis porticum, quae Poecile vocatur, gratuito, cum partem eius Micon mercede pingeret. vel maior huic auctoritas, siquidem Am- phictyones, quod est pubUcum Graeciae conciHum,

^ tralucida B : lucida rell.

" Not real portraits if the aroa was built at least thirty years after 490 b.c. " The Adax-q, a covered colonnade. " Polygnotus' contribution was a ' Sack of Troy,' Micon's a ' Battle of the Amazons ' (against Theseus). See also § 57. BOOK XXXV. XXXIV. 57-xxxv. 59 established had the employment ot colour now become and such perfection of art had been attained that he is said to have introduced actual ^ portraits of the generals who commanded in that battle, Miltiades, Callimachus and Cynaegirus on the Athenian side and Datis and Artaphernes on that of the barbarians. XXXV. Nay more, during the time that Panaenus flourished competitions in painting were actually instituted at Corinth and at Delphi, and on the first occasion of all Panaenus competed against Timagoras of Chalcis, being defeated by him, at the Pythian Games, a fact clearly shown by an ancient poem of Timagoras himself, the chronicles undoubtedly being in error.

After those and before the 90th Olympiad there 420-417 b.c. were other celebrated painters also, such as Polygnotus of Thasos who first represented women Poiygnouts, ^*con. in transparent draperies and showed their heads "'"^ covered with a parti-coloured headdress ; and he first contributed many improvements to the art of painting, as he introduced showing the mouth wide open and displaying the teeth and giving expression to the countenance in place of the primitive rigidity. There is a picture by this artist in the Portico of Pompeius which formerly hung in front of the Curia which he built, in which it is doubtful whether the figure of a man with a shield is painted as going up or as coming down. Polygnotus painted the temple ^ at Delphi and the colonnade at Athens called the Painted Portico, doing his work gratuitously, although a part of the work was painted by Micon who received a fee.^ Indeed Polygnotus was held in higher esteem, as the Amphictyones, who are a General Council of Greece, voted him entertainment PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

hospitia ei gratuita decrevere. Fuit et alius Micon, qui minoris cognomine distinguitur, cuius filia et ipsa pinxit. 60 XXX\T. Lxxxx autem olympiade fuere Aglaophon, Cephisodorus, Erillus,^ Euenor, pater Parrhasii et praeceptor maximi pictoris, de quo suis annis di- cemus, omnes iam inlustres, non tamen in quibus haerere expositio debeat festinans ad lumina artis, in quibus primus refulsit Apollodorus Atheniensis Lxxxxiii olympiade. hic primus species exprimere instituit primusque gloriam penicillo iure contulit. eius est sacerdos adorans et Aiax fulmine incensus, (^uae Pergami spectatur hodie. neque ante eum tabula ullius ostenditur, quae teneat oculos.

Gl Ab hoc artis fores apertas Heracleotes intravit olympiadis lxxxxv anno quarto, audentemque iam aliquid penicillum—de hoc enim adhuc loquamur —ad magnam gloriam perduxit, a quibusdam falso in Lxxxviiii olympiade positus, cum fuisse ^ necesse est Demophilum Himeraeum et Nesea Thasium, quoniam utrius eorum discipulus fuerit ambigitur. 62 in eum Apollodorus supra scriptus versum fecit, artem ipsis ablatam Zeuxim ferre secum. opes quoque tantas adquisivit, ut in ostentatione ^ earum

1 Erillus B : frilius rell. (frillus cd. Par. 6797) : Phryllus

Brotier : Phrylus edd. vett. : Herillus coni. Sillig. 2 cum quo f. Urlichs : confuisse Traiihe. ^ ostentationem Gronov.

" Inventor of shading, and therefore called aKiaypd(f>os. 306 ;

BOOK XXXV. XXXV. qq-xxxvi. 62 at the public expense. There was also another Micon, distinguished from the first by the surname of ' the Younger,' whose daughter Timarete also painted.

XXXVI. In the 90th Olympiad Hved Aglaophon, 420-417 b.c. Cephisodorus, Erillus, and Evenor the father and ^KS" teacher of Parrhasius, a very great painter (about Parrhasius we shall have to speak when we come to his period). All these are now artists of note, yet $ 67. not figures over which our discourse should Hnger in its haste to arrive at the luminaries of the art first among whom shone out ApoUodorus « of Athens, in the 93rd Olympiad. Apollodorus was the first 408-406 b.c. artist to give realistic presentation of objects, and the first to confer glory as of right upon the paint brush. His are the Priest at Prayer and Ajax struck by Lightning, the latter to be seen at Pergamum at the present day. There is no painting now on view by any artist before Apollodorus that arrests the attention of the eyes.

The gates of art having been now thrown open by zeuxis. Apollodorus they were entered by Zeuxis of Heraclea in the Ith year of the 95th Olympiad, who led forward 400-397 e.c. the already not unadventurous paintbrush—for this is what we are still speaking of—to great glory.

Some ^VTiters erroneously place Zeuxis in the 89th 424-421 b.c. Olympiad, when Demophilus of Himera and Neseus of Thasos must have been his contemporaries, as of one of them, it is uncertain which, he was a pupil. Of Zeuxis, Apollodorus above recorded wrote an epigram in a Hne of poetry to the eifect that ' Zeuxis robbed his masters of their art and carried it off with him.' Also he acquired such great wealth that he advertised it at Olympia by displaying his own

307 :


Olympiae aureis litteris in palliorum tesseris in- textum nomen suum ostentaret. postea chmare opera sua instituit, quod nuUo pretio satis digno permutari ^ posse diceret, sicuti Alcmenam Agra- 63 gantinis, Pana Archelao. fecit et Penelopen, in

qua pinxisse mores videtur, et athletam ; adeoque in illo sibi placuit, ut versum subscriberet celebrem ex eo, invisurum aliquem facilius quam imitaturum. magnificus est et luppiter eius in throno adstantibus diis et Hercules infans dracones ii ^ strangulans Alcmena matre coram pavente et Amphitryone. 64 reprehenditur tamen ceu grandior in capitibus articulisque, alioqui tantus diligentia, ut Agra- gantinis facturus tabulam, quam in templo lunonis Laciniae publice dicarent, inspexerit virgines eorum nudas et quinque elegerit, ut quod in quaque lauda- tissimum esset pictura redderet. pinxit et mono- chromata ex albo. aequales eius et aemuli fuere Timanthes, , Eupompus, Parrhasius. 65 descendisse hic in certamen cum Zeuxide traditur et, cum ille detulisset uvas pictas tanto successu, ut in scaenam aves advolarent, ipse detulisse Hnteum pictum ita veritate repraesentata, ut Zeuxis alitum iudicio tumens flagitaret tandem remoto Hnteo

^ permutari B ? : permutare rell. 2 dracones ii Mayhoff: draconem B : draconesoZ. Par. 6801 dracones in rell.

° King of Macedonia 413-399 B.c.

' MajjU7^CT€Tai Ti? /iaAAov rj fj.ifxrj(TeTai.

"^ Fiiigers and toes ? <* Afjparently a ' Helen (cf. § 66),' painted in fact for the city

of Croton (Cic. De Invent. II, 1, 1 ; Dionys. Hal., De Vet. Script. Cens. I). * Apparently paintings in pale colours on a dark ground. ^ The pictures were hung on the front of the stage buildiiigs in the theatre. 308 BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 62-65 name embroidered in gold lettering on the checked pattern of his robes. Afterwards he set about giving away his works as presents, saying that it was im- possible for them to be sold at any price adequate to their value : for instance he presented his Alcmena to the city of Girgenti and his Pan to .*» He also did a Penelope in which the picture seems to portray morality, and an Athlete, in the latter case being so pleased with his own work that he wrote below it a line of verse ^ which has hence become famous, to the effect that it would be easier for some- one to carp at him than to copy him. His Zeus seated on a throne Mith the gods standing by in attendance is also a magnificent work, and so is the Infant Heracles throttling two Snakes in the presence of his mother Alcmena, looking on in alarm, and of Amphitryon. Nevertheless Zeuxis is criticized for making the heads and joints ^ of his figures too large in proportion, albeit he was so scrupulously careful that when he was going to produce a picture ^ for the city of Girgenti to dedicate at the pubHc cost in the temple of Lacinian Hera he held an inspection of maidens of the place paraded naked and chose five, for the purpose of reproducing in the picture the most admirable points in the form of each. He also painted monochromes in white.« His contem- zeuxisand poraries and rivals were Timanthes, Androcydes, Parrhasiui. Eupompus and Parrhasius. This last, it is recorded, entered into a competition with Zeuxis, who pro- duced a picture of grapes so successfully represented that birds flew up to the stage-buildings /; where- upon Parrhasius himself produced such a realistic picture of a curtain that Zeuxis, proud of the verdict of the birds, requested that the curtain should now 309 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

ostendi picturam atqiie intellecto errore concederet palmam ingenuo pudore, quoniam ipse volucres 66 fefellisset, Parrhasius autem se artificem. fertur et postea Zeuxis pinxisse puerum uvas ferentem, ad quas cum advolassent aves,^ eaden. ingenuitate

' processit iratus operi et dixit : uvas melius pinxi

quam puerum, nam si et hoc consummassem, aves timere debuerant.' fecit et figlina opera, quae sola in Ambracia relicta sunt, cum inde Musas Fulvius Nobilior Romam transferret. Zeuxidis manu Romae Helena est in Philippi porticibus, et in Concordiae dehibro Marsyas rehgatus. 67 Parrhasius Ephesi natus et ipse multa contulit. primus symmetrian picturae dedit, primus argutias voltus, elegantiam capilU, venustatem ^ oris, con- fessione artificum in Hniis extremis palmam adeptus. haec est picturae summa subtihtas.^ corpora enim pingere et media rerum est quidem magni operis, sed in quo multi gloriam tulerint; extrema cor- porum facere et desinentis picturae modum includere 68 rarum in successu artis invenitur. ambire enim se ipsa debet extremitas et sic desinere, ut promittat alia et ^ post se ^ ostendatque etiam quae occultat. hanc ei gloriam concessere Antigonus et Xenocrates,

^ V.l. advolarent aves aut advolasset avis aut advolaret avis. * V.l. vetustatem. ' suptilitas B : subliinitas rell. * alia et Mayhoff : aliae cd. Leid. Voss. m.l : alia rell. ^ posse edd. vett.: pone se coni. lan : alias post se Trauhe.

" ' The picture Helen ' mentioned (not named) in § 64. The porticoes were built by L. Marcius Philippus in 29 b.c. 310 BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 65-68

be drawn and the picture displayed ; and when he realized his mistake, with a modesty that did him honour he yielded up the prize, saying that whercas he had deceived birds Parrhasius had deceived hini, an artist, It is said that Zeuxis also subsequently painted a Child Carrying Grapes, and when birds flew to the fruit with the same frankness as before he strode up to the picture in anger with it and said, ' I have painted the grapes better than the child, as if I had made a success of that as well, the birds would inevitably have been afraid of it.' He also executed w'orks in clay, the only works of art that were left at Ambracia when Fulvius Nobilior removed iso b.c. the statues of the Muses from that place to Rome. There is at Rome a Helena ^ by Zeuxis in the Porticoes of Philippus, and a Marsyas Bound, in the Shrine of Concord. Parrhasius also, a native of Ephesus, contributed Parrha^iu.i much to painting. He was the first to give proportions to painting and the first to give vivacity to the expression of the countenance, elegance of the hair

and beauty of the mouth ; indeed it is admitted by artists that he won the palm in the drawing of outHnes. This in painting is the high-water mark

of refinement ; to paint bulk and the surface within the outlines, though no doubt a great achieve- ment, is one in which many have won distinction, but to give the contour of the figures, and make a satisfactory boundary where the painting within finishes, is rarely attained in successful artistry. For the contour ought to round itself off and so terminate as to suggest the presence of other parts behind it also, and disclose even what it hides. This is the distinction conceded to Parrhasius by PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

qui de pictura scripsere, praedicantes quoque, non

solum confitentes ; et alias multa graphidis vestigia exstant in tabulis ac membranis eius, ex quibus pro- ficere dicuntur artifices. minor tamen videtur sibi 69 comparatus in mediis corporibus exprimendis. pinxit demon Atheniensium argumento quoque ingenioso. ostendebat namque varium iracundum iniustum inconstantem,^ eundem exorabilem clementem

,2 misericordem ; gloriosum ... excelsum humilem, ferocem fugacemque et omnia pariter. idem pinxit et Thesea, quae Romae in Capitolio fuit, et nauar- chum thoracatum, et in una tabula, quae est Rhodi,

Meleagrum, Herculem, Persea ; haec ibi ter fulmine ambusta neque obliterata hoc ipso miraculum auget. 70 pinxit et archigallum, quam picturam amavit Ti- berius princeps atque, ut auctor est Deculo,^ hs ILxj * aestimatam cubiculo suo inclusit. pinxit et Thressam ^ nutricem infantemque in manibus eius et PhiUscum et Liberum patrem adstante Virtute, et pueros duos, in quibus spectatur securitas aetatis et simplicitas, item sacerdotem adstante 71 puero cum acerra et corona. sunt et duae picturae eius nobilissimae, hoplites in certamine ita decur- rens, ut sudare videatur, alter arma deponens, ut

^ incontinentera 0. Jahn. 2 lac. Mayhoff. ^ deculo B : depulo, de populo aut sim. rell. : Decius

Gelen : Decius Epulo edd. veti. : Decius Eculeo Hermolaus Barbarus. * "jEXf lan : EX £ : LX rell. ^ thressam B : cressam aut chressam rell.

" Or ' traces of his draughtsmanship.' ' Or ' them in various moods.' Until it ])erislied in the fire of 70 B.c. 312 BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 68-71

Antigonus and Xenocrates who have written on the art of painting, and they do not merely admit it but actually advertise it. And there are many other pen- sketches " still extant among his panels and parch- ments, from which it is said that artists derive profit. Xevertheless he seems to fall below his own level in gi\ ing expression to the surface of the body inside the outHne. His picture of the People of Athens also shows ingenuity in treating the subject, since he displayed them as fickle,* choleric, unjust and variable, but also placable and merciful and compas- sionate. boastful

He also painted a Theseus which was once <^ in the Capitol at Rome, and a Naval Commander in a Cuirass, and in a single picture now at Rhodes figures of Meleager, Heracles and Perseus. This last picture has been three times struck by lightning at Rhodes without being effaced, a circumstance which in itself enhances the wonder felt for it. He also painted a High Priest of Cybele, a picture for which the Emperor Tiberius conceived an affection and kept a.d. 14-37. it shut up in his bedchamber, the price at which it was valued according to Deculo being 6,000,000 sesterces. He also painted a Thracian Nurse with an Infant in her Arms, a PhiUscus, and a Father Liber or Dionysus attended by Virtue, and Two Children in which the carefree simplicity of childhood is clearly displayed, and also a Priest attended by Boy with Incense-box and Chaplet. There are also two very famous pictures by him, a Runner in the Race in Full Armour who aotually seems to sweat with his efforts, and the other a Runner in FuU Armour Taking ofF his Arms, so lifehke that he can

VOL. IX. • L —


anhelare sentiatur. laudantur et Aeneas Castorque ac PoUux in eadem tabula, item Telephus, Achilles, Agamemnon, UHxes. fecundus artifex, sed quo nemo insolentius usus sit gloria artis, namque et cognomina usurpavit habrodiaetum se appellando aUisque versibus principem artis et eam ab se con- summatam, super omnia Apollinis se radice ortum et Herculem, qui est Lindi, talem a se pictum, qualem

^ 72 saepe in quiete vidisset ; et cum magnis sufFragiis superatus a Timanthe esset ^ Sami in Aiace armo- rumque iudicio, herois nomine se moleste ferre dicebat, quod iterum ab indigno victus esset Pinxit et minoribus tabelHs libidines, eo genere petulantis ioci se reficiens.^

7;} Nam Timanthis vel plurimum adfuit ingenii. eius enim est Iphigenia oratorum laudibus celebrata, qua stante ad aras peritura cum maestos pinxisset omnes praecipueque patruum et tristitiae omnem imaginem consumpsisset, patris ipsius voltum velavit, 74 quem digne non poterat ostendere. sunt et aha ingenii eius exempla, veluti Cyclops dormiens in parvola tabella, cuius et sic magnitudinem exprimere cupiens pinxit iuxta Satyros thyrso poUicem eius

^ et cu (= cum) Mayhoff: ergo. 2 Tiraanthe esset Mayhoff: timanthesest B^ : timanthe {aut thimante) est cdd. ^ pinxit . . . reficiens post Ulixes 71 transp. Urlichs.

" Showing the healing of Telephus by rust from Achilles' sword, with Agamemnon and Odvsseus looking on. " When the arms of dead Achilles were awarded to Odysseus, Ajax became mad and at night unknowingly killed sheep in Ihe beHef that he was killing his enemies. " E.g. Cicero, De Oratore 74. ^ A picture found at Pompeii may be a copy of this. BOOK XXXV. xxxYi. 71-74 be perceived to be panting for breath, His Aeneas, Castor and Pollux (Polydeuces), all in the same picture, are also highly praised, and hkewise his group" of Telephus with Achilles, Agamemnon and Odysseus. Parrhasius was a proHfic artist, but one who enjoyed the glory of his art with unparalleled arrogance, for he actually adopted certain surnames, calling himself the ' Bon Viveur,' and in some other verses ' Prince of Painters,' who had brought the art to perfection, and above all saying he was sprung from the Hneage of Apollo and that his picture of Heracles at Lindos presented the hero as he had often ap- peared to him in his dreams. Consequently when Timanthes. defeated by Timanthes at Samos by a large majority of votes, the subject of the pictures being Ajax and the Award of the Arms, he used to declare in the name of his hero that he was indignant at having been defeated a second time by an unworthy opponent.^ He also painted some smaller pictures of an immodest nature, taking his recreation in this sort of wanton amusement. To return to Timanthes—he had a very high degree of genius. Orators ^ have sung the praises of his Iphigenia,^ who stands at the altar awaiting her doom ; the artist has shown all present full of sorrow, and especially her uncle,^ and has exhausted all the indications of grief, yet has veiled the countenance of her father himself/ whom he was unable ade- quately to portray. There are also other examples of his genius, for instance a quite small panel of a Sleeping Cyclops, whose gigantic stature he aimed at representing even on that scale by painting at his side some measuring the size of his thumb

" Menelaus. ^ Agamemnon. ,


metientes. atque in unius huius operibus intelligitur plus semper quam pingitur et, cum sit ars summa, ingenium tamen ultra artem est. pinxit et heroa absohitissimi operis, artem ipsam complexus viros pingendi. quod opus nunc Romae in templo Pacis est. 75 Euxinidas hac aetate docuit Aristiden, prae- clarum artificem, Eupompus Pamphilum, ApelHs praeceptorem. est Eupompi victor certamine gym- nico palmam tenens. ipsius auctoritas tanta fuit,

^ ut diviserit picturam : genera, quae ante eum duo fuere—Helladicum et Asiaticum ^ appellabant— propter hunc, qui erat Sicyonius, diviso Helladico tria facta sunt, lonicum, Sicyonium, Atticum. 76 Pamphili cognatio et proelium ad Phliuntem ac victoria Atheniensium, item UHxes in rate. ipse

.^ Macedo natione, sed . . primus in pictura omnibus litteris eruditus, praecipue arithmetica et geometria, sine quibus negabat artem perfici posse, docuit neminem talento minoris annuis d ^ — X — , quam mercedem at Apelles et Melanthius dedere ei. 77 huius auctoritate effectum est Sicyone primum, deinde in tota Graecia, ut pueri ingenui omissam

^ picturam Mayhoff : picturam in cdd. (-ras in cd. Par.

G801 : -a in cd. Leid. Voss.). 2 asiaticum B : asianum B^ ? : asiticum quod asiaticum

rell. : quod asiaticum Gelen. ' lac. Mayhojf. ^ '^ D B, cd. Leid. Voss. : d relL [om. cd. Flor. Ricc.).

« The elder; cf. §§ 108, 111 and note on pp. 410-411. ' Possibly the capture of by the Spartans in 379 b.c. and the sea-victory of Athens over the Spartans at Naxos in 316 BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 74-77 with a wand. Indeed Timanthes is the only artist in whose works more is always implied than is depicted, and whose execution, though consummate, is ahvays surpassed by his genius. He painted a hero w^hich is a work of supreme perfection, in which he has included the whole art of painting male tlgures ; this work is now in the Temple of Peace in Rome. It was at this period that Euxinidas had as his Eupompiu pupil the famous artist Aristides,'^ that Eupompus ^amphUu.^ taught who was the instructor of Apelles. A work of Eupompus is a Winner in a Gymnastic Contest holding a Palm branch. Eupompus's own influence was so powerful that he made a fresh division of painting ; it had previously been divided into tw^o schools, called the Helladic or Grecian and the Asiatic, but because of Eupompus, who was a Sicyonian, the Grecian school was sub-divided into three groups, the lonic, Sicyonian and Attic. To Pamphilus belong Family Group, and a Battle at Phlius and a Victory of the Athenians,^ and also Odysseus on his Raft. He was himself a Macedonian by birth, but

376, or the defeat of Sicyonians by Phliasians and Athenians in 367 B.c. The painting may have represented the last event only. "= So that the course of study could last 12 years. PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

ante ^ graphicen [hoc est picturam ^] in buxo, do- cerentur recipereturque ars ea in primum gradum Hberalium. semper quidem honos ei fuit, ut ingenui eam exercerent, mox ut honesti, perpetuo inter- dicto ne servitia docerentur. ideo neque in hac neque in toreutice ullius, qui servierit, opera celebrantur. 78 Clari et centesima septima olympiade exstitere Aetion ac Therimachus. Aetionis sunt nobiles picturae Liber pater, item Tragoedia et Comoedia, Semiramis ex ancilla regnum apiscens, anus lampadas praeferens et nova nupta verecundia notabilis. 79 Verum omnes prius genitos futurosque postea superavit Apelles Cous olympiade centesima duo- decima. picturae plura solus prope quam ceteri omnes contulit, voluminibus etiam editis, quae doctrinam eam continent. praecipua eius in arte venustas fuit, cum eadem aetate maximi pictores essent; quorum opera cum admiraretur, omnibus conlaudatis deesse illam suam venerem ^ dicebat,

quam Graeci )(apLTa vocant ; cetera omnia contigisse, 80 sed hac sola sibi neminem parem. et aliam gloriam usurpavit, cum Protogenis opus inmensi laboris ac

^ omissa (= omissam) ante coni. Mayhoff : omnia ante B :

omnia anti rell. : ante omnia edd. vett. : omnes artem G. F. flermann. * seclud. Urlichs. ' venustatem Frohner [cp. gratiam Quintil. XII. 10. 6).

* The whole of statuary as contrasted with painting. *" Sammuramat, princess of Assyria c. 800 b.c. " Really of Ephesus, but some of his famous works were at Cos. BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 77-80

of free birth were given lessons in drawing on box- wood, which had not been inchided hitherto, and that this art was accepted into the front rank of the hberal sciences. And it has ahvays consistently had the honour of being practised by people of free birth, and later on by persons of station, it having ahvays been forbidden that slaves should be instructed in it. Hence it is that neither in painting nor in the art of statuary " are there any famous works that were executed by any person who was a slave.

In the lOTth Olympiad Aetion and Therimachus 352-349 p.c. '^"*^ also attained outstandino^ distinction. Famous if^^f* Ineri- 1 ' 1 T 1 T-v pamtings by Aetion are a rather Liber or Dionysus, machus. Tragedy and Comedy and Semiramis ^ the Slave

Girl Rising to a Throne ; and the Old Woman carrying Torches, with a Newly Married Bride, remarkable for her air of modesty.

But it was Apelles of Cos *^ who surpassed all the A^peiUs. painters that preceded and all who were to come

after him ; he dates in the lT2th Olympiad. He 332-329 b.c. singly contributed almost more to painting than all the other artists put together, also pubHshing volumes containing the principles of painting. His art was unrivalled for graceful charm, although other very great painters were his contemporaries. Although he admired their works and gave high praise to all of them, he used to say that they lacked the glamour that his work possessed, the quahty denoted by the Greek word charis, and that although they had every other merit, in that alone no one was his rival. He also asserted another claim to distinc- Apeiies and ^'"'"^^*- tion when he expressed his admiration for the immensely laborious and infinitely meticulous work


curae supra modum anxiae miraretur ; dixit enim

omnia sibi cum illo paria esse aut illi meliora, sed uno se praestare, quod manum de tabula sciret ^ tollere, memorabili praecepto nocere saepe nimiam diligentiam. fuit autem non minoris simplicitatis quam artis. Melanthio dispositione cedebat, Ascle- piodoro de ^ mensuris, hoc est quanto quid a quoque distare deberet. 81 Scitum inter Protogenen et eum quod accidit.

ille Rhodi vivebat, quo cum Apelles adnavigasset, avidus cognoscendi opera eius fama tantum sibi cogniti, continuo officinam petiit. aberat ipse, sed tabulam amplae magnitudinis in machina aptatam una 3 custodiebat anus. haec foris esse Protogenen respondit interrogavitque, a quo quaesitum diceret.

' ab hoc,' inquit Apelles adreptoque penicillo Hneam 82 ex colore duxit summae tenuitatis per tabulam. et reverso Protogeni quae gesta erant anus indicavit. ferunt artificem protinus contemplatum subtiU- tatem dixisse Apellen venisse, non cadere in alium

tam absolutum opus ; ipsumque alio colore tenui- orem hneam in ipsa illa duxisse abeuntemque

praecepisse, si redisset ille, ostenderet adiceretque

^ sciret B : non sciret rell. * de fortasse delendum {Mayhojf, qui et dimensuris coni.). ^ una B : picturae una rell.

" The expression ' manum de tahula,' ' hand from the picture,' was a saying which expressed ' Thafs enoiigh.' ** Pliny does not say whether it was straight or wavy, or an outline of some object. 320 ;


of Protogenes ; for he said that in all respects his achievements and those of Protogenes were on a level, or those of Protogenes were superior, but that in one respect he stood higher, that he knew when to take his hand away from a picture "—a noteworthy warning of the frequently evil effects of excessive diligence, The candour of Apelles was however equal to his artistic skill : he used to acknowledge his inferiority to Melanthius in grouping, and to Asclepiodorus in nicety of measurement, that is in the proper space to be left between one object and another. A clever incident took place between Proto- genes and Apelles. Protogenes lived at Rhodes, and Apelles made the voyage there from a desire to make himself acquainted with Protogenes's works, as that artist was hitherto only known to him by reputation. He went at once to his studio. The artist was not there but there was a panel of consider- able size on the easel prepared for painting, which was in the charge of a single old woman. In answer to his enquiry, she told him that Protogenes was not at home, and asked who it was she should report as having wished to see him. * Say it was this person,' said Apelles, and taking up a brush he painted in colour across the panel an extremely fine Hne ^ and when Protogenes returned the old woman showed him what had taken place. The story goes that the artist, after looking closely at the finish of this, said that the new arrival was Apelles, as so perfect a piece of work talHed ^vith nobody else and he himself, using another colour, drew a still finer line exactly on the top of the first one, and leaving the room told the attendant to show it to the 321 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

hunc esse quem quaereret. atque ita evenit. revertit enim Apelles et vinci erubescens tertio colore lineas secuit nullum relinquens amplius 83 subtilitati locum. at Protogenes victum se con- Fessus in portum devolavit hospitem quaerens, placuitque sic eam tabulam posteris tradi omnium quidem, sed artiiicum praecipuo miraculo. con- sumptam eam priore incendio Caesaris domus in Palatio audio, spectatam nobis ^ ante, spatiose ^ nihil aliud continentem quam ^ lineas visum effu- gientes, inter egregia multorum opera inani similem et eo ipso allicientem omnique opere nobiliorem. 84 Apelli fuit alioqui perpetua consuetudo numquam tam occupatum diem agendi, ut non lineam ducendo exerceret artem, quod ab eo in proverbium venit. idem perfecta opera proponebat in pergula tran- seuntibus atque, ipse post tabulam latens, vitia quae notarentur auscultabat, vulgum diligentiorem

85 iudicem quam se praeferens ; feruntque reprehensum a sutore, quod in crepidis una pauciores intus fecisset ansas, eodem postero die superbo emendatione pristinae admonitionis cavillante circa crus, indig-

' nobis cdd. : Rhodi MayhofJ : olim Gronov. 2 V.l. spatiore (spatio sed B^) : spatio Pintianus. ^ V.l. quam in : quam iii Gronov.

" Pliny surely indicates tbat Apelles drew a yet finer line on top of tbe otber two down tbeir length. * Probably an outline of some object. '^ Nulla dies sine linea, ' No day without a line.' 322 BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 82-85 visitor if he returned and add that this was the person he was in search of; and so it happened; for Apelles came back, and, ashamed to be beaten, cut " the hnes with another in a third colour, leaving no room for any further display of minute work. Hereupon Protogenes admitted he was defeated, and flew down to the harbour to look for the visitor; and he decided that the panel should be handed on to posterity as it was, to be admired as a marvel by everybody, but particularly by artists. I am informed that it was burnt in the first fire which occurred in Caesar's palace on the Palatine ; it had been previously much admired by us, on its vast surface containing nothing else than the almost invisible Hnes, so that among the outstanding works of many artists it looked like a blank space, and by that very fact attracted attention and was more esteemed than any masterpiece. Moreover it was a regular custom with Apelles never to let a day of business to be so fully occupied that he did not practise his art by drawing a Hne,* which has passed from him into a proverb.'' Another habit of his was when he had finished his works to place them in a gallery in the view of passers by, and he himself stood out of sight behind the picture and Hstened to hear what faults were noticed, rating the pubHc as a more observant critic than himself. And it is said that he was found fault with by a shoe- maker because in drawing a subject's sandals he had represented the loops in them as one too few, and the next day the same critic was so proud of the artist's correcting the fault indicated by his previous objection that he found fault with the leg, but Apelles indignantly looked out from behind the PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

natum prospexisse denuntiantem, ne supra crepidam

sutor iudicaret, quod et ipsum in proverbium abiit.

fuit enim et comitas illi, propter quam gratior Alexandro Magno frequenter in officinam venti- tanti—nam, ut diximus, ab alio se pingi vetuerat

edicto— , sed in officina imperite multa disserenti silentium comiter suadebat, rideri eum dicens a

86 pueris, qui colores tererent. tantum erat auctori-

tati iuris in regem alioqui iracundum. quamquam

Alexander honorem ei clarissimo perhibuit exemplo.

namque cum dilectam sibi e pallacis suis praecipue, nomine Pancaspen,^ nudam pingi ob admirationem formae ab Apelle iussisset eumque, dum paret,

captum amore sensisset, dono dedit ei,^ magnus animo, maior imperio sui nec minor hoc facto quam

87 victoria alia, quia ^ ipse se vicit, nec torum tantum

suum, sed etiam adfectum donavit artifici, ne dilectae quidem respectu motus, cum modo regis ea

fuisset, modo pictoris esset. sunt qui Venerem

anadyomenen ab illo pictam exemplari putent. Apelles et in aemulis benignus Protogeni digna-

^ pancaspen B : campaspen aut -em rell. : Pancasten Sillig. 2 ei lan : et. ^ alia quia M. Hertz : alia Urlichs : alia qua B : aliqua rell.

" Ne sutor ultra crepidam. "Let a shoemaker stick to his last." —

BOOK XXXV. xxx\'i. 85-87 picture and rebuked him, sayin^ that a shoemaker in his criticism must not go beyond the sandal a remark that has also passed into a proverb.'* In Apeiies md ^^"" ^' fact he also possessed great courtesy of manners, "^ which made him more agreeable to Alexander the Great, who frequently visited his studio—for, as we have said, Alexander had published an edict for- vii, 125. bidding any other artist to paint his portrait ; but in the studio Alexander used to talk a great deal about painting without any real knowledge of it, and Apelles would poHtely advise him to drop the subject, saying that the boys engaged in grinding the colours were laughing at him : so much power did his authority exercise over a King who was otherwise of an irascible temper. And yet Alexander conferred honour on him in a most conspicuous instance ; he had such an admiration for the beauty of his favourite mistress, named Pancaspe, that he gave orders that she should be painted in the nude by Apelles, and then discovering that the artist while executing the commission had fallen in love with the woman, he presented her to him, great- minded as he was and still greater owing to his control of himself, and of a greatness proved by this action as much as by any other victory : because he conquered himself, and presented not only his bedmate but his affection also to the artist, and was not even influenced by regard for the feelings of his favourite in having been recently the mistress of a monarch and now belonged to a painter. Some persons believe that she was the model from which the Aphrodite Anadyomene (Rising from the Sea) was painted. It was Apelles also who, kindly among his rivals, first established the reputation of 325 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

88 tionem primus Rhodi constituit. sordebat suis, ut

plerumque domestica, percontantique, quanti li- ceret opera eifecta, parvum nescio quid dixerat,

at ille quinquagenis talentis poposcit famamque dispersit, se emere, ut pro suis venderet. ea res concitavit Rhodios ad intellegendum artificem, nec nisi augentibus pretium cessit. Imagines ^ adeo similitudinis indiscretae pinxit, ut—incredibile dictu—Apio grammaticus scriptum reliquerit, quendam ex facie hominum divinantem,

quos metoposcopos vocant, ex iis dixisse aut futurae

89 mortis annos aut praeteritae vitae.'- non fuerat ei gratia in comitatu Alexandri cum Ptolemaeo, quo regnante Alexandriam vi tempestatis expulsus, subornato fraude aemulorum plano regio invitatus, ad cenam venit indignantique Ptolemaeo et vocatores suos ostendenti, ut diceret, a quo eorum invitatus esset, arrepto carbone extincto e foculo imaginem in pariete delineavit, adgnoscente voltum plani rege 90 inchoatum protinus. pinxit et Antigoni regis imaginem altero lumine orbati ^ primus excogitata

ratione vitia condendi ; obHquam namque fecit, ut,

^ imagines Gelen : imaginem. 2 vitae add. Brunn. ' orbati Mayhoff : orbatam.

" The word ixeToiTToaKonos means one who gazes at (examines) foreheads. ^ Ptolemy I, who died in 286 b.c. <= 382-301 B.c. One of Alexander'8 generals, and King of Macedonia 306-301. 326 BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 87-90

Protogenes at Rhodes. Protogenes was held in low esteem by his fellow-countrymen, as is usual with home products, and, when Apelles asked him what price he set on some works he had finished, he had mentioned some small sum, but Apelles made him an offer of fifty talents for them, and spread it about that he was buying them with the intention of selling them as works of his own. This device aroused the people of Rhodes to appreciate the artist, and Apelles only parted with the pictures to them at an enhanced price. He also painted portraits so absolutely Ufehke that, incredible as it sounds, the grammarian Apio has left it on record that one of those persons called ' physiognomists,' " who prophesy people's future by their countenance, pronounced from their portraits either the year of the subjects' deaths hereafter or the number of years they had already lived. Apelles Apeiies anu Ptolerny 1. had been on bad terms with Ptolemy in Alexander's retinue. When this Ptolemy ^ was King of Egypt, Apelles on a voyage had been driven by a violent storm into Alexandria. His rivals maliciously suborned the King's jester to convey to him an invitation to dinner, to which he came. Ptolemy was very indignant, and paraded his hospitality- stewards for Apelles to say which of them had given him the invitation. Apelles picked up a piece of extinguished charcoal from the hearth and drew a likeness on the wall, the King recognizing the features of the jester as soon as he began the sketch. He also painted a portrait of King Antigonus ^ who Apeiiesand Anligonus. was blind in one eye, and devised an original method of concealing the defect, for he did the likeness in ' three- quarter,' so that the feature that was lacking in the


quod deerat corpori, picturae deesse ^ potius vide- retur, tantumque eam partem e facie ostendit, quam totam poterat ostendere. sunt inter opera eius et exspirantium imagines. quae autem nobilissima 91 sint, non est facile dictu. Venerem exeuntem e mari divus Augustus dicavit in delubro patris Cae- saris, quae anadyomene vocatur, versibus Graecis tali opere,2 dum ^ laudatur, victo ^ sed ^ inlustrato.^ cuius inferiorem partem corruptam qui reficeret non potuit reperiri, verum ipsa iniuria cessit in gloriam artificis. consenuit haec tabula carie, aliamque pro ea substituit Nero in principatu suo 92 Dorothei manu. Apelles inchoaverat et aliam Venerem Coi,' superaturus etiam ^ illam suam priorem. invidit mors peracta parte, nec qui succederet operi ad praescripta liniamenta inventus est. pinxit et Alexandrum Magnum fulmen tenen- tem in templo Ephesiae Dianae viginti talentis auri. digiti eminere videntur et fulmen extra tabulam esse—legentes meminerint omnia ea quattuor

coloribus facta ; manipretium eius tabulae in nummo ^ aurep ^^ mensura ^^ accepit, non numero.

^ adesse coni. Mayhoff. 2 tantopere Frohner. ^ aevo dum J. Muller. * vieta edd. vett. : invicto Schneidewin : vitio Frohner : victo, sed inlustrato coni. Mayhoff. ' V.l. Cois. 8 V.l. famam : fama Urlichs. * in numero cd. Par. 6801 : immane cd. Flor. Ricc. *" auro olim Gelen {del. nummo) : aureos edd. vett. '^ V.l. mensuram.

328 ;

BOOK XXXV. x.wvi. 90-92 subject might be thought instead to be absent in the picture, and he only showed the part of the face which he was able to display as unmutilated. Among his works there are also pictures of persons at the point of death. But it is not easy to say which of his productions are of the highest rank. His Aphrodite ^^^^Jl, emerging from the Sea was dedicated by his late ApeiUs. lamented Majesty Augustus in the Shrine of his father Caesar ; it is known as the Anadyomene this Hke other works is eclipsed ° yet made famous by the Greek verses which sing its praises ; the lower part of the picture having become damaged nobody coukl be found to restore it, but the actual injury contributed to the glory of the artist. This picture however suffered from age and rot, and Nero when emperor substituted another for it, a work by Dorotheus. Apelles had also begun on another Aphrodite at Cos, which was to surpass even his famous eariier one ; but death grudged him the work when only partly finished, nor could anybody be found to carry on the task, in conformity with the outlines of the sketches prepared. He also painted Alexander the Great holding a Thunderbolt, in the temple of Artemis at Ephesus, for a fee of twenty talents in gold, The fingers have the appearance of projecting from the surface and the thunderbolt seems to stand out from the picture —readers must remember ^ that all these effects were produced by four colours ; the artist received the price of this picture in gold coin measured by weight,^ not

" ' Overcome ' or ' surpassed ' by the poet, who can express raore than the painter can ; for the painter can represent one moment only. ** See § 50. ' It is suggested that this means that the price was the equivalent (in gold coins) of the weight of the panel. 329 ;


93 pinxit et megabyzi, sacerdotis Dianae Ephesiae, pompam, Clitum cum equo ad bellum festinantem, galeam poscenti armigerum porrigentem.^ Alex- andrum et Philippum quotiens pinxerit, enumerare supervacuum est. mirantur eius Habronem Sami Menandrum, regem Cariae, Rhodi, item Antaeum

Alexandreae Gorgosthenen tragoedum ; Romae Castorem et Pollucem cum Victoria et Alexandro Magno, item Belli imaginem restrictis ad terga 94 manibus, Alexandro in curru triumphante. quas utrasque tabulas divus Augustus in fori sui cele- berrimis partibus dicaverat simpHcitate moderata; divus Claudius pluris existimavit utrisque excisa Alexandri facie divi Augusti imagines addere. eiusdem arbitrantur manu ^ esse et in Dianae ^ templo Herculem aversum, ut, quod est difhcilHmum, faciem eius ostendat verius pictura quam promittat. pinxit et heroa nudum eaque pictura naturam ipsam 95 provocavit. est et equus eius, sive fuit, pictus in certamine, quo iudicium ad mutas quadripedes provocavit ab hominibus. namque am})itu praeva- lere aemulos sentiens singulorum picturas inductis

equis ostendit : Apellis tantum equo adhinnivere. idque et postea semper evenit, ut experimentum 96 artis illud ostentaretur. fecit et Neoptolemum ex *

^ armigero porrigente coni. Mayhoff. ^ manum B. ^ Dianae Preller : annae B : antoniae rell. * ex coni. Mayhoff: lac. post Persas Urlichs.

Cf. § 27 and Serv. ad Aeyi. I, 29-1. I.e. he did not appropriate them for himself.

330 BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 92-96 counted. He also painted a Procession of the Magabyzus, the priest of Artemis of Ephesus, a

Clitus with Horse hastening into battle ; and an armour-bearer handing someone a helmet at his command. How many times he painted Alexander and Philip it would be superfluous to recount. His Habron at Samos is much admired, as is his Menander, King of , at Pthodes, Hkewise his Antaeus, and at Alexandria his Gorgosthenes the Tragic , and at Rome his Castor and Pollux with Victory and Alexander the Great, and also his figure of War° with the Hands Tied behind, with Alexander riding in Triumph in his Chariot. Both of these pictures his late lamented Majesty Augustus with restrained good taste ^ had dedicated in the most frequented parts of his forum ; the emperor Claudius however thought it more advisable to cut out the face of Alexander from both works and substitute portraits of Augustus. The Heracles wdth Face Averted in the temple of Diana is also beheved to be by his hand—so drawn that the picture more truly displays Heracles' face than merely suggests it to the imagination—a very difficult achievement. He also painted a Nude Hero, a picture with which he challenged Nature herself. There is, or was, a picture of a Horse by him, painted in a competition, by which he carried his appeal for judgement from mankind to the dumb quadrupeds ; for perceiving that his rivals were getting the better of him by intrio-ue, he had some horses brouoht and showed them their pictures one by one ; and the horses only began to neigh when they saw the horse painted by

Apelles ; and this always happened subsequently, showing it to be a sound test of artistic skill. He

33^ :


equo adversus Persas, Archelaum cum uxore et filia, Antigonum thoracatum cum equo incedentem. peritiores artis praeferunt omnibus eius operibus eundem regem sedentem in equo et Dianam sacri- ficantium virginum choro mixtam, quibus vicisse Homeri versus videtur id ipsum describentis. pinxit et quae pingi non possunt, tonitrua, fulgetra ful-

guraque ; Bronten, Astrapen et Ceraunobolian appellant.

97 Inventa eius et ceteris profuere in arte ; unum imitari nemo potuit, quod absoluta opera atramento inlinebat ita tenui, ut id ipsum, cum ^ repercussum ^ claritates ^ colorum ^ omnium ^ excitaret custo- diretque a pulvere et sordibus, ad manum intuenti ^ demum appareret, sed et luminum "^ ratione magna, ne claritas colorum aciem offenderet veluti per lapidem specularem intuentibus et e longinquo eadem res nimis floridis coloribus austeritatem occulte daret. 98 Aequalis eius fuit Aristides Thebanus. is omnium primus animum pinxit et sensus hominis expressit,

^ cum add. Mayhoff. ^ repercussum B^ : repercussu rell. 3 claritatis B, cd. Par. 6801 : claritates rell. * colorem B : colorum rell. : oculorum edd. vett. ^ onium (= omnium) Mayhoff : aluum B^ : alium B^

cm. rell. : album Tratibe. ^ intuenti et B. ' et luminum Mayhoff : etium B^ : etiam B^ : et cum

rell. : et tum Ilermolaus Barharus.

" One of Alexander'8 generals. ^ Two aoldicrs with this name are recorded as serving under Alexander.

<= The One-ejed. See § 90 and note. BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 96-98

also did a Neoptolemus " on Horseback fighting against the Persians, an Archelaus ^ with his Wife and Daughter, and an Antigonus ^ with a Breast- plate marching with his horse at his side. Connois- seurs put at the head of all his works the portrait of the same king seated on horseback, and his Artemis in the midst of a band of Maidens offering a Sacrifice, a work by which he may be thought to have surpassed Homer's verses ^ describing the same subject. He even painted things that cannot be represented in pictures—thunder, Hghtning and thunderbolts, the pictures known respectively under the Greek titles of Bronte, Astrape and Ceraunobolia. His inventions in the art of painting have been useful to all other painters as well, but there was one which nobody was able to imitate : when his works were finished he used to cover them over with a black varnish of such thinness that its very presence, while its reflexion threw up the briUiance of all the colours and preserved them from dust and dirt, was only visible to anyone who looked at it close up, but also employ- ing great calculation of lights, so that the brilliance of the colours should not offend the sight when people looked at them as if through muscovy-glass and so that the same device from a distance might invisibly give sombreness to colours that were too brilliant. Contemporary with Apelles was Aristides ^ of Aruiides. Thebes. He was the first of all painters who depicted the mind and expressed the feelings of a human

•* Odyssey VI, 102 fiF., which describe Artemis and maidens wildly ranging amongst boars and deer, not sacrificing. The mistake arises from the two verbs dvo}. * The vounger, grandson of Aristides, of. § 75 and note on pp. 410 and 411. m PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

quae vocant Graeci TJdr), item perturbationes, ^ durior paulo in coloribus. huius opera . . . oppido capto ad matris morientis ex volnere mammam adrepens infans, intellegiturque sentire mater et timere, ne emortuo lacte ^ sanguinem lambat. quam tabulam Alexander Magnus transtulerat Pellam in 99 patriam suam. idem pinxit proelium cum Persis, centum homines tabula ea conplexus pactusque in singulos mnas denas a tyranno Elatensium Mnasone. pinxit et currentes quadrigas et supplicantem paene cum voce et venatores cum captura et Epicuri et anapauomenen propter fratris amorem,^ item Liberum et Ariadnen * spectatos Romae in aede Cereris tragoedum et puerum in Apollinis, 100 cuius tabulae gratia interiit pictoris inscitia, cui tergendam eam mandaverat M. lunius praetor sub die ludorum Apollinarium. spectata est et in aede Fidei in Capitolio senis cum lyra puerum docentis. pinxit et aegrum sine fine laudatum tantumque arte valuit, ut Attalus rex unam tabulam eius centum talentis emisse tradatur. 101 Simul, ut dictum est, et Protogenes floruit. patria ei Caunus, gentis Rhodiis subiectae. summa paupertas initio artisque summa intentio et ideo

^ opera B : pictura rell. : lac. Mayhoff. 2 lactejB^: flacte5^: facta re/Z. : e isicte Mayhoff: emortuae (aut emortua) pro lacte coni. Warmington. ^ propter fratris amorem supra post voce transp. Urlichs, injra post Ariadnen Dilthey. * artamenen B : arianen cd. Par. Lat. 6797 : Artomenen Dilthey.

" There appears to be something lost here. * After he had sacked Thebes iu 335 B.c. " It would be one of Alexander'8 great battles with Darius. ** Byblis perhaps, who died of love for her brother Caunus. 334 BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 98-101 being, what the Greeks term ethe, and also the cmotions ; he was a little too hard in his colours.

. His works inckide . . « on the capture of a town, showing an infant creeping to the breast of its mother who is dying of a wound ; it is felt that the mother is aware of the child and is afraid that as her milk is exhausted by death it may suck blood ; this picture had been removed by Alexander the Great * to his native place, Pella. The same artist painted a Battle ^ with the Persians, a panel that contains a hundred human figures, which he parted with to Mnason the Tyrant of Elatea on the terms of ten minae per man. He also painted a Four-horse Chariots Racing, a SuppHant, who almost appeared to speak, Huntsmen with Quarry, Leontion Epicurus's mistress, and Woman ^ At Rest through Love of her Brother; and likewise the Dionysus and the Ariadne once on view in the Temple of Ceres at Rome, and the Tragic Actor and Boy in the Temple of Apollo, a picture of which the beauty has perished owing to the lack of skill of a painter com- missioned by Marcus Junius as praetor to clean it in readiness for the festival of the Games of Apollo. There has also been on view in the Temple of Faith in the Capitol his picture of an Old Man with a Lyre giving lessons to a Boy. He also painted a Sick Man which has received unlimited praise ; and he was so able an artist that King Attalus is said to have bought a single picture of his for a hundred talents. Protogenes also flourished at the same time, as has Protogenes. ibeen said. He was born at Caunus, in a community § 8I. that was under the dominion of Rhodes. At the outset he was extremely poor, and extremely devoted to his art and consequently not very productive.


minor fertilitas. quis eiim docuerit, non putant constare quidam et naves pinxisse usque ad quin- ;

quagensimum annum ; argumentum esse, quod cum Athenis celeberrimo loco Minervae delubri propylon pingeret, ubi fecit nobilem Paralum et Hammoniada, quam quidam Nausicaan vocant, adiecerit parvolas naves longas in iis, quae pictores parergia appellant, ut appareret, a quibus initiis ad arcem ostentationis ^ 102 opera sua pervenissent. palmam habet tabularum eius lalysus, qui est Romae dicatus in templo Pacis. cum pingeret eum, traditur madidis lupinis vixisse, quoniam ^ sic ^ simul et famem sustineret ^ et sitim nec sensus nimia dulcedine obstrueret.^ huic pic- turae quater colorem induxit ceu tria subsidia iniuriae et vetustatis, ut decedente ® superiore inferior succederet. est in ea canis mire factus, ut quem pariter ars et casus '^ pinxerit. non iudicabat se in eo exprimere spumam anhelantis, cum in reliqua parte omni, quod difficillimum erat, sibi ipse satis-

103 fecisset. displicebat autem ars ipsa : nec minui poterat et videbatur nimia ac longius a veritate discedere, spumaque pingi, non ex ore nasci. anxio animi cruciatu, cum in pictura verum esse, non verisimile vellet, absterserat saepius mutaveratque

^ artis ostentationem Rochette. ^ quo Trauhe. ^ sic add. MayhojJ. * sustinerent edd. veft. ^ obstrueret B, cd. Par. 6801 : obstruerent rell. * decidente B recte ? ' ars et casus Weil : casus et ars edd. vett. : et casus B : casus rell.

•» Patron-heroes of sacred Athenian triremes used in state- services. The Hammonias replaced the older ship Salaminia. * Incidental details of any sort. " With reference perhaps to the Acropolis or stronghold (arx) of Athens. ^ Mythical founder of lalysus iu Rhodos. 33^ —


Who his teacher was is believed to be unrecorded. Some people say that until the age of fifty he was also a ship-painter, and that this is proved by the fact that when he was decorating with paintings, on a very famous site at Athens, the gateway of the Temple of Athene, where he depicted his famous Paralus and Hammonias," which is by some people called the Nausicaa, he added some small drawings ^ of battleships in what painters call the ' side-pieces,' in order to show from what commencement his work had arrived at the pinnacle '^ of glorious display. Among his pictures the palm is held by his lalysus,'' which is consecrated in the Temple of Peace in Rome,

It is said that while painting this he lived on soaked lupins, because he thus at the same time both sustained his hunger and thirst and avoided blunting his sensibilities by too luxurious a diet. For this picture he used four coats of paint, to serve as three protections against injury and old age, so that when the upper coat disappeared the one below it would take its place. In the picture there is a dog marvel- lously executed, so as to appear to have been painted by art and good fortune jointly: the artist's own opinion was that he did not fully show in it the foam of the panting dog, although in all the remaining details he had satisfied himself, which was very difficult. But the actual art displayed displeased him, nor was he able to diminish it, and he thought it was excessive and departed too far from reality the foam appeared to be painted, not to be the natural product of the animars mouth ; vexed and tormented, as he wanted his picture to contain the truth and not merely a near-truth, he had several times rubbed ofF the paint and used another


penicillum, nullo modo sibi adprobans. postremo

iratus arti, quod intellegeretur, spongeam inpegit

inviso loco tabulae. et illa reposuit ablatos colores qualiter cura optaverat, fecitque in pictura fortuna naturam.

104 Hoc exemplo eius similis et Nealcen successus spumae equi similiter spongea inpacta secutus

dicitur, cum ^ pingeret ^ poppyzonta retinentem

eum.3 ita Protogenes monstravit et fortunam.* Propter hunc lalysum, ne cremaret tabulam, Demetrius rex, cum ab ea parte sola posset Rhodum capere, non incendit, parcentemque picturae fugit

105 occasio victoriae. erat tunc Protogenes in suburbano

suo hortulo, hoc est Demetrii castris,^ neque inter-

pellatus proeliis incohata opera intermisit omnino

nisi accitus a rege, interrogatusque, qua fiducia extra muros ageret, respondit scire se cum Rhodiis

illi bellum esse, non cum artibus. disposuit rex in tutelam eius stationes, gaudens quod manus ser-

varet, quibus pepercerat, et, ne saepius avocaret, ultro ad eum venit hostis relictisque victoriae suae

^ V.l. dicuntur cum (disceret B) : dum celetem Tranhe. ^ pingitur B^ : pingatur B^ : pingit ac Traube. ^ V.l. retinent pane cum : varia temptant edd. ^ ita . . . fortunam transp. vult Warmington supra posi

naturam § 103 : idem coni. ita . ^ hoc . . . castris delendum'! {Urlichs).

«• See § 102, p. 337. BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 103-105 brush, quite unable to satisfy himself. Finally he fell into a rage with his art because it was percep- tible, and dashed a sponge against the place in the picture that oftended him, and the sponge restored the colours he had removed, in the way that his anxiety had wished them to appear, and chance produced the effect of nature in the picture ! It is said that Nealces also following this example of his achieved a similar success in representing a horse's foam by dashing a sponge on the picture in a similar manner, in a representation of a man clucking in his cheek to soothe a horse he was holding. Thus did Protogenes indicate the possibilities of a stroke of luck also. It was on account of this lalysus " that King Protogmes

Demetrius, in order to avoid burning a picture, 'oemetrim. abstained from setting fire to Rhodes when the city 305-4 b.o. could only be taken from the side where the picture was stored, and through consideration for the safety of a picture lost the chance of a victory ! Protogenes at the time was in his little garden on the outskirts of the city, that is in the middle of the ' Camp of Demetrius,' and would not be interrupted by the battles going on, or on any account suspend the works he had begun, had he not been summoned by the King, who asked him what gave him the assurance to continue outside the walls. He replied that he knew the King was waging war M-ith the Rhodians, not with the arts. The King, delighted to be able to safeguard the hands which he had spared, placed guardposts to protect him, and, to avoid repeatedly calling him from his work, actually though an enemy came to pay him visits, and quitting his aspirations for his own victory, in the thick of battles and the

339 :


votis inter arma et murorum ictus spectavit arti- ficem; sequiturque tabulam illius temporis haec fama, quod eam Protogenes sub gladio pinxerit 106 Satyrus hic est, quem anapauomenon vocant, ne quid desit temporis eius securitati, tenentem tibias. Fecit et Cydippen et Tlepolemum, Philiscum tragoediarum scriptorem meditantem, et athletam^ et Antigonum regem, matrem Aristotelis philosophi, qui ei suadebat, ut Alexandri Magni opera pingeret

propter aeternitatem rerum ; impetus animi et quae-

dam artis Hbido in haec potius eum tulere ; novis- sime pinxit Alexandrum ^ ac Pana. fecit et signa ex aere, ut diximus. 107 Eadem aetate fuit Asclepiodorus, quem in symmetria mirabatur Apelles. huic Mnaso tyrannus pro duodecim diis dedit in singulos mnas tricenas, idemque Theomnesto in singulos heroas vicenas. 108 His adnumerari debet et Nicomachus, Aristidis ^ filius ac discipulus. pinxit raptum Proserpinae, quae tabula fuit in Capitolio in Minervae delubro supra aediculam luventatis, et in eodem Capitolio, quara Plancus imperator posuerat, Victoria quadrigam in sublime rapiens. Ulixi primus addidit pilleum. 109 pinxit et Apollinem ac Dianam, deumque matrem in leone sedentem, item nobiles Bacchas obrep-

^ Alcetam Gronov. * Alexandream Frohner. 3 Aristidis Mayhoff coll. 111, 122: Aristidi Urlichs:

Aristidae illius Oemichen : Aristiaei Sillig : aristiaci B : ari8te(-i-)cheimi rell.

" Phaestis or Phaestias. * The elder; cf. § 75 and note on pp. 410 and 411. * Before the fire of a.d, 64. ** Munatius, who triumphed in 43 b.c. « Cybele. 340 BOOK XXXV. XXXVI. 105-109 hattering down of walls, looked on at the work of an artist. And even to this day the story is attached to a picture of that date that Protogenes painted it with a sword hanging over him. The picture is the one of a Satyr, called the Satyr Reposing, and to give a final touch to the sense of security felt at the time, the figure holds a pair of flutes. Other works of Protoffenes were a Cydippe, a other works '^^"'^""'*- Tlepolemus, a Philiscus the Tragic Poet in Medita- tion, an Athlete, a portrait of King Antigonus, and one of the Mother " of the philosopher. Aristotle used to advise the artist to paint the achievements of Alexander the Great, as belonging to history for all time. The impulse of his mind however and a certain artistic capriciousness led him rather to the subjects mentioned. His latest works were pictures of Alexander and of Pan. He also made bronze statues, as we have said. xxxrv, 91

In the same period there was also Asclepiodorus, Asciepeio- '^"^- who was admired by Apelles for his proportions. For a picture of the Twelve Gods the tyrant Mnaso paid him three hundred minae per god. The same patron paid Theomnestus twenty minae for each of the heroes in a picture. To the list of these artists must also be added Nicomachus ^' '^*' Nicomachus son and pupil of Aristides.^ He painted " a Rape of Persephone, a picture formerly ^ in the Shrine of Minerva on the Capitol, just above the

Chapel of Youth ; and there was also in the Capitol, where it was placed by General Plancus,*^ his Victory hurrying her Chariot aloft. He was the first painter who represented Odysseus wearing a felt skuU-cap. He also painted an Apollo and Artemis, and the Mother ^ of the Gods seated on a Lion, and Ukewise ;


tantibus Satyris, Scyllamqiie, quae nunc est Romae in templo Pacis. nec fuit alius in ea arte velocior. tradunt namque conduxisse pingendum ab Aristrato, Sicyoniorum tyranno, quod is faciebat Telesti poetae monimentum praefinito die, intra quem perageretur, nec multo ante venisse, tyranno in poenam accenso, paucisque diebus absolvisse et celeritate et arte 110 mira. Discipulos habuit Aristonem fratrem et Aristiden ^ filium et Philoxenum Eretrium, cuius tabula nullis postferenda, Cassandro regi picta, continuit Alexandri proelium cum Dario. idem pinxit et lasciviam, in qua tres Sileni comissantur. hic celeritatem praeceptoris secutus breviores etiam- num quasdam picturae conpendiarias invenit. 111 Adnumeratur his et Nicophanes, elegans ac con- cinnus ita, ut venustate ei pauci conparentur cothurnus et gravitas artis multum a Zeuxide et Apelle abest. Apellis discipulus Perseus, ad quem de hac arte scripsit, huius fuerat aetatis. Aristidis

Thebani discipuli fuerunt et filii Niceros et Ariston, cuius est Satyrus cum scypho coronatus, discipuli Antorides ^ et Euphranor, de quo mox dicemus. 112 XXXVII. Namque subtexi par est minoris picturae celebres in penicillo, e quibus fuit Piraeicus ^

^ V.l. Aristoclem. 2 Antenorides Lelronne. ^ Piraeicus lan : pirasicus B : praeieus aut preicus rell. (peritus cd. Par. 6801).

" The younger. Cf. §98 and note on pp. 410-411. ^ King of Macedonia 30G-297 b.c. " The younger confused with the elder, §§ 75, 98, 108. ^* Really pupils of the elder Aristides. ' Keally pupils of the elder Aristides. 342 BOOK XXX\\ xxxvi. 109-XXXV11. 112 a fine picture of Bacchants with Satyrs prowling towards them, and a Scyllf^ that is now in the Temple of Peace in Rome. No other painter was ever a more rapid worker. Indeed it is recorded that he accepted c 355 b.o. a commission from the tyrant of Sicyon Aristratus to paint by a given date a monument that he was erecting to the poet Telestes, and that he only fl- c. 398 b.c. arrived not long before the date ; the \vrathful tyrant threatened to punish him, but in a few days he finished the work Mith a speed and an artistic skill that were both remarkable. Among his pupils were his brother Ariston and his son Aristides," and Philoxenus of Eretria, M'ho painted for King Cassander ^ a picture that holds the highest rank, containing a battle between Alexander and Darius. He also painted a picture with a wanton subject sho^^ing three Sileni at their revels. Imitating the rapidity of his master he introduced some shorthand methods of painting, executed with still more rapidity of technique. With these artists is also reckoned Nicophanes, an elegant and finished painter with whom few can be compared for gracefulness, but who for tragic feeling and weight of style is far from Zeuxis and Apelles.

Perseus, the pupil to whom Apelles dedicated his § 79. volumes on the art of painting, had belonged to the same period. Aristides '^ of Thebes also had as his pupils his sons Niceros and Ariston,^ the latter the painter of a Satyr Crowned with a Wreath and

Holding a Goblet ; and other pupils of Aristides were ^ Antorides and Euphranor ; about the latter we shallspeaklateron. 5128. XXXVII. For it is proper to append the artists piraeirM ^'^* famous with the brush in a minor style of painting. ^"^ 343 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

arte paucis postferendus : proposito nescio an dis-

tinxerit ^ se, quoniam humilia quidem secutus humilitatis tamen summam adeptus est gloriam. tonstrinas sutrinasque pinxit et asellos et obsonia

ac similia, ob haec cognominatus rhyparographos,

in iis consummatae voluptatis, quippe eae pluris 113 veniere quam maximae multorum. e diverso Maeniana, inquit Varro, omnia operiebat Serapionis

tabula sub Veteribus. hic scaenas optime pinxit, sed hominem pingere non potuit. contra Dionysius

nihil aliud quam homines pinxit, ob id anthropo- lU graphos cognominatus. parva et Callicles fecit, item Calates comicis tabelUs, utraque . namque et Hesionam nobilem pinxit et Alexandrum ac

Philippum cum Minerva, qui sunt in schola in

Octaviae porticibus, et in PhiHppi Liberum patrem, Alexandrum puerum, Hippolytum tauro emisso

expavescentem, in Pompeia vero Cadmum et Europen. idem iocoso ^ nomine Gryllum deridiculi

habitus pinxit, unde id genus picturae grylli vo-

cantur. ipse in Aegypto natus didicit a Ctesidemo.

^ distinxerit Mayhoff : distrinxerit Frohner : distruxerit ^ aut destruxerit. iocoso edd. vett. : iocosis aut locosis.

" Balconies on houses in Rome first built by one Maenius. ** Large and small pictures. 344 BOOK XXXV. xxwii. II 2-1 14

Among these was Piraeicus, to be ranked below few painters in skill ; it is possible that he won distinction by his choice of subjects, inasmuch as although adopting a humble line he attained in that field the height of glory. He painted barbers' shops and cobblers' stalls, asses, viands and the like, conse- quently receiving a Greek name meaning ' painter of sordid subjects'; in these however he gives exquisite pleasure, and indeed they fetched bigger prices than the largest works of many masters. On the other hand ' a picture by Serapio,' says Varro, ' covered the whole of the Maenian Balconies " at the place Beneath the Old Shops,' Serapio was a most successful scene-painter, but he could not paint a human being. On the contrary, Dionysius painted nothing else but people, and consequently has a Greek name meaning ' Painter of Human Beings.' Callicles also made small pictures, and so did Calates of subjects taken from comedy ; both classes ^ were painted by Antiphilus, who executed AntiphUm. the famous picture of Hesione and an Alexander and a Philip ^ with Athene which are now in the school in Octavia's Porticoes, and in Philippus' '^ Portico a Father Liber or Dionysus, a Young Alexander, a Hippolytus alarmed by the BuU rushing upon him, and in Pompey's Portico a Cadmus and Europa. He also painted a figure in an absurd costume known by the joking name of Grylhis, the name consequently applied to every picture of that sort. He was himself born in Egypt and a pupil of Ctesidemus.

'^ King of Macedon, father of Alexander.

^* Of L. Marcius Philippus ; built in 29 b.c. ; Octavia'8 were built after 27 b.c, Pompey's (see below) in 55 b.c.

.345 VOL. IX. M :


115 Decet non sileri et Ardeatis tenipli pictorem. praesertim civitate donatum ibi et carmine,^ qiiod est in ipsa pictura his versibus

Dignis dignu' ^ loco ^ picturis condecoravit reginae lunonis supremi coniugis templum ^ Plautius Marcus * ; cluet Asia lata esse oriundus, quem nunc et post semper ob artem hanc Ardea laudat,

116 eaque sunt scripta antiquis Utteris Latinis ; non fraudando ^ et S. Tadio "^ divi Augusti aetate, qui primus instituit amoenissimam parietum picturam, villas et porticus ^ ac topiaria opera, lucos, nemora, colles, piscinas, euripos, amnes, litora, qualia quis optaret, varias ibi obambulantium species aut navi- gantium terraque villas adeuntium asellis aut vehiculis, iam piscantes, aucupantes aut venantes 117 aut etiam vindemiantes. sunt in eius excmplaribus nobiles pahistri ^ accessu ^^ villae, succollatis ^^ spon- sione ^^ muHeribus labantes trepidis quae ^^ feruntur, plurimae praeterea tales argutiae facetissimi saUs.

^ carraen Schnekleioin. 2 dignu' Hermolans Barbarus : digna. ^ Lyco : fortasse dignu' loco dignis picturis vel dignis digna loco, picturis. * plaucius marcus B : mareus plautis marcus rell. ^ cluet Asia lata Bergk : Cleoetas Alalia Sillig : cluetas

alata B : cloet (do et C(l. Flor. Ricc.) asia lata rell. * fraudanda Ma>/hoff. ' S. Tadio Urlichs, lan : studio B : iudio rell. ^ porticus cd. Par. Lat. 6797, ut videtur : portus rell. * palustri B : paulstri rell. : plaustri edd. vett. ^^ accessu B : ac censu rell. ^^ succollatis cdd. (suae collatis B) : subcollantium Hermo- laiis Barbarus. ^2 specio Hermolaus Barharus. ^' trepidis quae B, cd. Leid. Voss. : trepidisque rell. 346 .


It is proper also not to pass over the painter of the rtaUan templc at Ardea, especially as he was granted the /?a"^7i?s citizenship of that place and honoured with an inscrip- tion on the picture, consisting in the following verses : One Marcus Plautius, a worthy man, Adorned, with paintings worthy of this place," The shrine of Juno, Queen of Spouse supreme, This Marcus Plautius, as men know, was born In Asia wide. Now, and hereafter always, Ardea applauds him for this work of art.

These lines are written in the antique Latin script. Nor must Spurius Tadius ^ also, of the period of his TadiuA late lamented Majesty Augustus, be cheated of his due, who first introduced the most attractive fashion Befort of painting walls with pictures of country houses and ^-^- ^^ porticoes and landscape gardens, groves, woods, hills, fish-ponds, canals, rivers, coasts, and what- ever anybody coukl desire, together with various sketches of people going for a stroll or sailing in a boat or on land going to country houses riding on asses or in carriages, and also people fishing and fowling or hunting or even gathering the vintage. His works incUide splendid villas approached by roads across marshes,<^ men tottering and staggering along carrying women on their shoulders for a bargain, and a number of humorous drawings of that sort besides, extremely wittily designed. He

" But perhaps the right reading is Dignis digna. Lyco. .

' .' To the worthy, worthy reward; Lycon adorned. . . I.e. the artist was M. Plautius Lycon, keeping his Greek name when he received a new one on becoming a citizen at Ardea. * Or Studius or Ludius. The reading is uncertain.

* ' Or : well known among his works are men approaching .' a country house across marshes. . . The Latin text of much of this sentence is uncertain. 347 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

idem subdialibiis maritimas urbes pingere instituit, blandissimo aspectu minimoque inpendio. 118 Sed nulla gloria artificum est nisi qui tabulas pinxere. eo venerabilior antiquitatis prudentia apparet. non enim parietes excolebant dominis tantum nec domos uno in loco mansuras, quae ex incendiis rapi non possent. casa Proto^enes con-

tentus erat in hortulo suo ; nulla in Apellis tectoriis pictura erat. nondum libebat parietes totos tin-

guere ; omnium eorum ars urbibus excubabat, pictorque res communis terrarum erat. 119 Fuit et Arellius Romae celeber paulo ante divum Augustum, ni flagitio insigni corrupisset artem, semper ei lenocinans feminae, cuius ^ amore flag- raret, et ^ ob id deas pingens, sed dilectarum imagine. 120 itaque in pictura eius scorta numerabantur. fuit et nuper gravis ac severus idemque floridis tumidus ^ pictor Famulus.'* huius erat Minerva spectantem spectans, quacumque aspiceretur. paucis diei horis pingebat, id quoque cum gravitate, quod semper togatus, quamquam in machinis. carcer eius artis domus aurea fuit, et ideo non extant exempla alia magnopere. post eum fuere in auctoritate Cor- nelius Pinus et Attius Priscus, qui Honoris

^ feminae cuius Mayhoff : cuius feminae. 2 flagraret et Urlichs : flagrans esset coni. Sillig : flagrans et. ^ floridis tumidus coni. lan : floridis (floridus B^) umidus

B : floridus humilis cd. Par. Lat. 6797 : f. h. rei cd. Par.

6801 : f. humidis cA. Flor. Ricc. : f. umidis rell. : floridus et

vividus Traube : floridus Sillig : floridissimus Urlichs : floridis multus vel f. nitidus vel invietus coni. Mayhoff: S. Ummidius Frohner. * Famulus cdd. : famulus Frohner : Fabullus ed. princ.

" F.r. canvases or panols, not wall-paintings. * Nero'8 palace. BOOK XXXV. XXXVII. 117-120 also introduced using pictures of seaside cities to decorate uncovered terraces, giving a niost pleasing effect and at a very small expense. But among artists great fame has been confined to painters of pictures only," a fact which shows the wisdom of early times to be the more worthy of respect, for they did not decorate walls, merely for owners of property, or houses, which would remain in one place and which could not be rescued from a fire. Protogenes was content with a cottage in his little garden ; Apelles had no wall-frescoes in his house ; it was not yet the fashion to colour the whole of the walls. With all these artists their art was on the alert for the benefit of cities, and a painter was the common property of the world. A httle before the period of iiis late lamented AreiHus Majesty Augustus, ArelHus also was in high esteem at Rome, had he not prostituted his art by a notorious outrage, by ahvays paying court to any woman he happened to fall in love with, and consequently painting goddesses, but in the Ukeness of his mistresses ; and so his pictures inchided a number of portraits of harlots. Another recent painter was Famuim Famulus, a dignified and severe but also very florid artist ; to him belonged a Minerva who faced the spectator at whatever angle she was looked at. Famulus used to spend only a few hours a day in painting, and also took his work very seriously, as he always wore a toga, even when in the midst of his easels. The Golden House ^ was the prison that contained his productions, and this is why other examples of his work are not extant to any considerable extent. After him in esteem were CorneHus Pinus and Attius Priscus, who painted

349 ;


V^irtutis aedes Imperatori Vespasiano Augusto restituenti pinxerunt, Priscus antiquis siniilior. 121 XXXVIII. Non est omittenda in picturae men- tione celebris circa Lepidum fabula, siquidem in triumviratu quodam loco deductus a magistratibus in nemorosum hospitium minaciter cum iis postero die expostulavit somnum ademptum sibi volucrum

concentu; at illi draconem in longissima membrana depictum circumdedere luco, eoque terrore aves tunc siluisse narratur et postea posse compesci. 122 XXXIX. Ceris pingere ac picturam inurere quis primus excogitaverit, non constat. quidam Aristidis inventum putant, postea consummatum a Praxitele sed aliquanto vetustiores encaustae picturae ex- stitere, ut Polygnoti et Nicanoris, Mnesilai ^ Pa- riorum. Elasippus ^ quoque Aeginae picturae suae inscripsit eveKaev, quod profecto non fecisset nisi encaustica inventa. 123 XL. Pamphilus quoque, Apellis praeceptor, non pinxisse solum encausta, sed etiam docuisse traditur Pausian Sicyonium, primum in hoc genere nobilem. Bryetis filius hic fuit eiusdemque primo discipulus. pinxit et ipse penicillo parietes Thespiis, cum reficerentur quondam a Polygnoto picti,

^ Mnesilai Mayhoff : mens im. B : ae aut e manesilai rell.

ac Mnasilai Detlefsen : et Archesilai Hermolaus Barbarus (et arcesilai al. Par. 6801 ut videtur). 2 Elasippus Schneidewin : eiasippus B : lassippus rell. : Lysippus edd. vett.

" With Octavian and Antony, formed in 43 b.c. ^ Apparently the elder; cf. § 75. 350 BOOK XXXV. XXXVII. 120-xL. 123 the temples of Honour and Virtue for the Emperor

Vespasian's restoration of them ; Priscus was nearer in style to the artists of old days. XXXMII. In speaking of painting one must not omit the famous story about Lepidus. During his Triumvirate,'^ when entertained by the magis- trates of a certain place, he was given lodging in a house buried in trees ; and the next day he complained to them in threatening language that he had been robbed of sleep by the singing of the birds ; however the authorities had a picture of a large snake made on an extremely long strip of parchment and fixed it up round the wood, and the story goes that this at once frightened the birds into silence, and that subsequently it was possible to keep them in check. XXXIX. It is not agreed who was the inventor Painting in of painting in wax and of designs in encaustic. ^^Ji^' Some people think it was a discovery of Aristides,^ subsequently brought to perfection by Praxiteles, but there were encaustic paintings in existence at a considerably earlier date, for instance those of Polygnotus, and Nicanor and Mnasilaus of Paros. Also Elasippus of Aegina has inscribed on a picture enekaen (' burnt in '), which he would not have done if the art of encaustic painting had not been invented. XL. It is recorded also that Pamphilus, the . teacher of Apelles, not only painted in encaustic but also taught it to Pausias of Sicyon, the first artist who became famous in this style. Pausias was the son of Bryetes, and started as his father's pupil. He himself also did some wall-painting with the brush at Thespiae, when some okl paintings by Polygnotus were being restored, and he was deemed to come 351 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

niiiltumquc comparatione superatus existimabatur, 124 quoniam non suo genere certasset. idem et lacu- naria primus pingere instituit, nec camaras ante eum

taliter adornari mos fuit ; parvas pingebat tabellas maximeque pueros, hoc aemuli interpretabantur

tacere eum, quoniam tarda picturae ratio esset illi. quam ob rem daturus ei celeritatis famam absolvit uno die tabellam quae vocata est hemeresios, puero 125 picto. amavit in iuventa Glyceram municipem suam, inventricem coronarum, certandoque imitatione eius ad numerosissimam florum varietatem perduxit artem illam. postremo pinxit et ^ ipsam sedentem cum corona, quae e nobilissimis tabula est, appellata stephanoplocos, ab aliis stephanopolis, quoniam Glycera venditando coronas sustentaverat pauper- tatem. huius tabulae exemplar, quod apographon

.^ vocant, L. LucuUus duobus talentis emit. . . 126 Dionysius ^ Athenis, Pausias autem fecit et grandes tabulas, sicut spectatam in Pompei porticu boum immolationem. eam primus invenit picturam, quam postea imitati sunt multi, aequavit nemo. ante omnia, cum longitudinem bovis ostendi vellet, adversum eum pinxit, non traversum, et abunde

^ ^ et B : om. rell. lac. Mayhojf.

' Dionysiis Pintianus : a Dionysio edd. velt.

" Tliere is no proof that perspective is meant, but somehow Pausias gave the figure due relief. BOOK XXXV. XL. 123-126 ofF very second best in comparison with the original artist, having entered into competition in what was not really his line, Pausias also first introduced the painting of panelled ceilings, and it was not customary before him to decorate arched roofs in this way. He used to paint miniatures, and especiallv children. His rivals explained this prac- tice as being due to the slow pace of his work in paintino' ; and consequently to give his work also the reputation of speed he finished a picture in a single day, a picture of a boy which was called in Greek Hemeresios, meaning One-day Boy. In his youth he fell in love with a fellow-townswoman named

Glycera, who invented chaplets of flowers ; and by imitating her in rivalry he advanced the art of encaustic painting so as to reproduce an extremely numerous variety of flowers. Finally he painted a portrait of the woman herself, seated and wearing a wreath, which is one of the very finest of pictures ; it is called in Greek Stephanoplocos, Girl making Wreaths, or by others StephanopSlis, Girl selling Wreaths, because Glycera had supported her poverty by that trade. A copy (in Greek apographoii) of this picture was bought by Lucius Lucullus at

Athens for two talents ;


127 intellegitur amplitudo. dein, cum omnes, quae volunt eminentia videri, candicanti faciant colore, quae condunt, nigro, hic totum bovem atri coloris fecit umbraeque corpus ex ipsa ^ dedit, magna prorsus arte in aequo extantia ostendente et in confracto solida omnia. Sicyone et hic vitam egit, diuque illa fuit patria picturae. tabulas inde e publico omnes propter aes alienum civitatis addictas Scauri aedihtas Romam transtulit. 128 Post eum eminuit longe ante omnes Euphranor Isthmius olympiade ciiii, idem qui inter fictores dictus est nobis. fecit et colossos et marmorea et typos 2 scalpsit, docilis ac laboriosus ante omnes et in quocumque genere excellens ac sibi aequalis. hic primus videtur expressisse dignitates heroum et usurpasse symmetrian, sed fuit in universitate corporum exilior et capitibus articulisque grandior. 129 volumina quoque composuit de symmetria et colo ribus. opera eius sunt equestre proelium, xii dei, Theseus, in quod dixit eundem apud Parrhasium rosa pastum esse, suum vero carne. nobiHs eius tabula Ephesi est, UUxes simulata insania bovem cum equo iungens et palliati cogitantes, dux gladium condens.

1 V.l. ipso. * scyphos cd. Par. 6801.

" Pliny perhaps means that in spite of varying (* broken ') tones of black, all the black looks solid. * I.e. hiter than P. But this is wrong. Pliny's mistake has been traced to his confusion of the two artists named Aristides. Cf. §§ 75, 108, 111 and note on pp. 410-11. ^" Fingers and toes ? ^ Which preceded the battle of Mantinea, 362 b.c. This 354 BOOK XXXV. xL. 126-I2Q

Next, whereas all painters ordinarily execute in light colour the parts they wish to appear prominent and in dark those they wish to keep less obvious, this artist has made the whole ox of a black colour and has given substance to the shadow from the shadow itself, with quite remarkable skill that shows the shapes standing out on a level surface and a uniform solidity on a broken ground." Pausias also passed his life at Sicyon, which was for a long period a native place of painting. But all the pictures there had to be sokl to meet a debt of the com- munity, and were removed from the ownership of the state to Rome by Scaurus as aedile. 56 b.c. After Pausias,^ Euphranor the Isthmian distin- Euphranor. guished himself far before all others, in the 104th 3G4-361 b.c. 50. Olympiad ; he has also appeared in our account of xxxiv, statuaries. His works included colossal statues, works in marble, and reliefs, as he was exceptionally studious and diligent, excelling in every field and never falling below his own level. This artist seems to have been the first fully to represent the lofty qualities of heroes, and to have achieved good proportions, but he was too slight in his structure of the whole body and too large in his heads and joints.<^ He also wrote books about proportions and about colours. Works of his are a Cavah-y Battle, ^ the Twelve Gods, and a Theseus, in respect of which he said that Parrhasius's Theseus had lived on a diet of roses, but his was a beef-eater. There is a cele- brated picture by him at Ephesus, Odysseus Feigning Madness and yoking an ox with a horse, with men in cloaks reflecting, and the leader sheathing his sword. and the next two pictures were both in the Stoa of Zeu3 Eleutherios at Athens. Paus. I, 3, 3-4. 355 PLIOT: NATURAL HISTORY

130 Eodem tempore fuere Cydias,^ cuius tabulam Argonautas hs cxxxxiiii Hortensius orator mercatus est eique aedem fecit in Tusculano suo. Euphranoris autem discipulus Antidotus. huius est cHpeo di- micans Athenis et luctator tubicenque inter pauca laudatus. ipse diligentior quam numerosior et in coloribus severus ^ maxime inclaruit discipulo Nicia Athcniense, qui diligentissime mulieres pinxit. 131 lumen et umbras custodiit atque ut eminerent e tabulis picturae ^ maxime curavit. operum ^ eius Nemea advecta ex Asia Romam a Silano, quam in curia diximus positam, item Liber pater in aede Concordiae, Hyacinthus, quem Caesar Augustus delectatus eo secum deportavit Alexandrea capta, et ob id Tiberius Caesar in templo eius dicavit hanc tabulam, et Danae,^ Ephesi vero est megabvzi, 132 sacerdotis Ephesiae Dianae, sepulchrum, Athenis necyomantea Homeri. hanc vendere Attalo regi noluit talentis lx potiusque patriae suae donavit abundans opibus. fecit et grandes picturas, in

quibus sunt Calypso et lo et Andromeda ; Alexander quoque in Pompei porticibus praecellens et Calypso sedens huic eidem ^ adscribuntur.

^ Cydias Detlejsen : et Cydias Cythnius Urlichs, Bergk : cydi {aal cidi) et cydias {atit eidias). 2 V.ll. severior. ^ figurae coni. Mayhoff. * operu (= operum) Mayhoff: opera. ^ danae // cd. Leid. Voss. : v.ll. danaen, danen, diana. ' eidem Sillig, Schultz : quidem edd. vett.: fidem.

" In the forum at Rome ; built by Tiberius, a.d. 14. * ' Place of prophecy of the dead,' Odyssey Bk. XI.

•= Attalus I of Pergamum, 241-197 B.c. But Plutarch is probablv right in giving the king's name as Ptolemy I Soter, rulor of Egypt 323-284 b.c. ;

BOOK XXXV. xL. 130-132

Contemporaries of Euphranor were Cydias, for Cydias. whose picture of the Argonauts the orator Hortensius 114-50 b.o. paid 144,000 sesterces, and made a shrine for its reception at his vllla at . Euphranor's pupil was Antidotus. Works by the latter are a Antidoius Combatant "with a Shield at Athens and a Wrestler and a Trumpeter which has been exceptionally praised. Antidotus himself was more careful in his work than prolific, and severe in his use of colours his chief distinction was being the teacher of the Athenian Nicias, who was an extremely careful ^'icias 'J^^"^^^'- painter of female portraits. Nicias kept a strict ^ watch on Hght and shade, and took the greatest pains to make his paintings stand out from the panels. b.c. Works of his are : a Nemea, brought to Rome from 75 Asia by Silanus and deposited in the Senate-house as 27. we have said, and also the Father Liber or Dionysus § in the Shrine of Concord, a Hyacinthus with which Caesar Augustus was so delighted that when he took 30 b.c. Alexandria he brought it back with him—and consequently Tiberius Caesar dedicated this picture ° in the Temple of Augustus—and a Danae ; while at Ephesus there is the tomb of a megabyzus or priest of Diana of Ephesus, and at Athens there is a Necyomantea ^ of Homer. The last the artist refused to sell to King Attalus ^ for 60 talents, and preferred to present it to his native place, as he was a wealthy man. He also executed some large pictures, among them a Calypso, an lo^ and an

Andromeda ; and also the very fine Alexander in Pompey's Porticoes and a Seated Calypso are as- signed to him.

"^ One or two extant later paintings mav be copies of this. A. Rumpf, Journ. Hellen. St., LXVII, 21 / 357 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

133 Quadripedum ^ prosperrime canes expressit. hic est Nicias, de quo dicebat Praxiteles interro- gatus, quae maxime opera sua probaret in mar-

moribus : quibus Nicias manum admovisset ; tantum circumlitioni eius tribuebat. non satis discernitur, alium eodem nomine an hunc eundem quidam faciant olympiade cxii.

13-4 Niciae comparatur et aliquando praefertur Athenion Maronites, Glaucionis Corinthii discipulus, austerior colore et in austeritate iucundior, ut in ipsa pictura eruditio eluceat. pinxit in templo Eleusine phy- larchum et Athenis frequentiam, quam vocavere syngenicon, item Achillem virginis habitu occul- tatum UUxe deprendente et in una tabula vi signa,^ quaque maxime inclaruit, agasonem cum equo. quod nisi in iuventa obiiset, nemo compararetur. 135 Est nomen et Heraclidi Macedoni. initio naves pinxit captoque Perseo rege commigravit. ubi eodem tempore erat Metrodorus, pictor idemque philosophus, in utraque scientia magnae auctoritatis. itaque cum L. Paulus devicto Perseo petiisset ab

Atheniensibus, ut ii sibi quam probatissimum philosophum mitterent ad erudiendos liberos, item pictorem ad triumphum excolendum, Athenienses Metrodorum elegerunt, professi eundem in utroque desiderio praestantissimum, quod ita Paulus quoque

^ quadripedum Madvig : quadripede (quadripedes B). 2 VI signa Gronov : insigni Duran ' : ut signa.

" It must be remembered that Greek marbles were painted. "358 BOOK XXXV. XL. 133-135

In drawings of animals he was most successful with dogs. It is this Nicias of whom Praxiteles used to yidastfu say, when asked which of his own works in marble ^ " he placed highest, ' The ones to which Nicias has set his hand ' —so much value did he assign to his colour- ing of surfaces." It is not quite clear whether it is another artist of the same name or this Nicias whom some people put in the 112th Olympiad. .",32-329 b.c. With Nicias is compared Athenion of Maronea, Athenion. and sometimes to the disadvantage of the former.

Athenion was a pupil of Glaucion of Corinth ; he is more sombre in his colour than Nicias and yet therewithal more pleasing, so that his extensive knowledge shines out in his actual painting. He painted a Cavalry Captain in the temple at Eleusis and at Athens the group of figures which has been called the Family Group, and also an Achilles Dis- guised in Female Dress detected by Odysseus, a group of six figures in a single picture, and a Groom with a Horse, which has specially contributed to his fame. If he had not died in youth, there would have been nobody to compare with him. Heraclides of Macedon is also a painter of note. HeracUdes. He began by painting ships, and after the capture of ^^^^ King Perseus he migrated to Athens, where at the same period was the painter Metrodorus, who was also a philosopher and a great authority in both fields. Accordingly when Lucius Paulus after con- quering Perseus requested the Athenians to send him their most esteemed philosopher to educate his children, and also a painter to embellish his triumphal procession, the Athenians selected Metrodorus, stating that he was most distinguished in both of these requirements alike, as to which Paulus also


136 iudicavit. Byzantius Caesaris dictatoris aetate Aiacem et Mediam pinxit, ab eo in ^^eneris Genetricis aede positas, lxxx talentis venundatas. talentum Atticum X vi^ taxat M. Varro. Timomachi aeque laudantur Orestes, Iphigenia in Tauris et Lecythion, agilitatis exercitator, cognatio nobilium, palHati, quos dicturos pinxit, alterum stantem, alterum sedentem. praecipue tamen ars ei favisse in Gorgone visa est. 137 Pausiae filius et discipulus Aristolaus e severissimis pictoribus fuit, cuius sunt , Pericles, Media, Virtus, Theseus, imago Atticae plebis, boum immolatio. sunt quibus et Nicophanes, eiusdem Pausiae discipulus, placeat diligentia, quam intellegant soli artifices, alias durus in coloribus et sile multus. nam Socrates iure

omnibus placet ; tales sunt eius cum Aesculapio fihae Hygia, Aegle,^ Panacea, laso,^ et piger, qui appel- latur Ocnos, spartum torquens, quod asellus adrodit. 138 Hactenus indicatis proceribus in utroque genere * non silebuntur et primis proximi : Aristoclides, qui pinxit aedem Apollinis Delphis. Antiphihis puero ignem conflante laudatur ac pulchra ahas domo ^

^ VI Hardouin : vi.M. B : xvi rell. 2 Hygia, Aegle edd. vett.: thygiaegle B : hj^giagle reU. ^ Panacea, laso Hermolaus Barbarus : panaca iasus B :

p. hxcus cd. Par. Lat. 6797 : penaca lacus aut locus rell. * qui delendum coni. Maijhoff. ' laudatur e pictura atra foculo coni. Mayhoff.

" Copies of this picture exist. ^ Probabl)'^ a mask of Medusa.

' '^ Hence a Latin proverb: ocnus spartum torquens, sloth twisting a rope.' I.e. ' Labour in vain.' ^ Both large and small pictures. 360 BOOK XXXV. XL. 135-T38 held the same view. Timomachus of Byzantium Timoma- in the period of Caesar's dictatorship " painted an ^^"bo Ajax and a Medea, placed by Caesar in the temple of Venus Genetrix, having been bought at the price of 80 talents (Marcus Varro rates the Attic talent at 6000 denarii). Equal praise is given to Timomachus's Orestes, his Iphigenia among the

Tauri and his Gymnastic-Master Lecythion ; also his Noble Family and his Two Men wearing the Pallium, whom he has represented as about to converse ; one is a standing figure and the other seated. It is in his painting of a Gorgon ^ however that his art seems to have given him most success. Pausias's son and pupil Aristolaus was one of the Aristoiam. painters of the very ; to him belong an Epaminondas, a Pericles, a Medea, a Virtue, a Theseus, a figure representing the Athenian People, and a Sacrifice of Oxen. Some persons also admire Nicophanes, who was Hkewise a pupil of Pausias, Mcophanes. for his careful accuracv which only artists can ap- preciate, though apart from that he is hard in his colouring and lavish in his use of ochre. As for

Socrates he is justly a universal favourite ; popular socra^es. pictures by him are his group of Asclepius with his daughters Health, Brightness, All-Heal and Remedy, and his Sluggard, bearing the Greek name of Ocnos, Laziness, and represented as twisting a rope of broom which an ass is nibbling.*^ Having so far pointed out the chief painters in both branches,<^ we will also mention those of the rank next to the first : Aristoclides who decorated the AnstocUdes ^'^^^- Temple of Apollo at Delphi, Antiphilus who is «"-^ praised for his Boy Blowing a Fire, and for the apartment, beautiful in itself, lit by the reflection 361 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

splendescente ipsiusque pueri ore, item lanificio, in quo properant omnium mulierum pensa, Ptole- maeo venante, sed nobilissimo Satyro cum pelle pantherina, quem aposcopeuonta appellant, Aristo- phon Ancaeo ^ vulnerato ^ ab apro cum socia doloris Astypale ^ numerosaque tabula, in qua sunt Priamus, Helena, Credulitas, UHxes, Deiphobus, Dolus."* 139 Androbius pinxit Scyllum ancoras praecidentem Persicae classis, Artemon Danaen mirantibus eam praedonibus, reginam Stratonicen, Herculem et Deianiram, nobilissimas autem, quae sunt in Oc- taviae operibus, Herculem ab Oeta monte Doridos exusta mortaUtate consensu deorum in caelum euntem, Laomedontis circa Herculem et Nep-

tunum historiam ; Alcimachus Dioxippum, qui pancratio Olympiae citra puheris ^ iactum, quod

vocant aKovLTL, vicit ; Coenus stemmata. 140 Ctesilochus, ApeUis discipulus, petulanti pictura innotuit, love Liberum parturiente depicto mitrato et muHebriter ingemescente inter obstetricia dearum, Cleon Cadmo, Ctesidemus Oechaliae expugnatione, Laodamia, Ctesicles ^ reginae Stratonices iniuria. nullo enim honore exceptus ab ea pinxit volu-

^ Ancaeo Gelen Ancaeum Detlejsen : ancaiu B^ : angaiu

B^ : anchalii rell. 2 vulnerato edd. vett. : muineratumo B : vnlneratu rell. ^ Astj^palaea Brunn. * Dolon Caesarius. ^ pulveris erJd. vett.: pueris. ® Ctesicles lan : etesides B : clesides rell.

" W.-noaKOTT€voiv, shading his eyes with his hand ( Athenaeus, XIV, 629 f.). The gesture is a common one in satyrs on vases. ^ At Artemisium, 480 b.c.

'^ Probablv S. who was wife of Seleucus I Nicator, King of Nearer Asia*3 12-281 b.c. •^ Heracles save^l Hesione from a monster sent by Posldon 362 ;

BOOK XXXV. XL. 138-140 from the fire and the light thrown on the boy's face and likewise for his Spinning-room, in which all the women are busily plying their tasks, and his Ptolemy Hmiting, but, most famous of all, his Satyr with Leopard's Skin, called in Greek the Man Shading his Eyes." Aristophon did an Ancaeus Wounded by the Boar, with Astypale sharing his grief, and a picture crowded with figures, among them Priam, Helen, Creduhty, Odysseus, Deiphobus, Craft. Androbius painted a Scyllus Cutting the Anchor- ropes of the Persian Fleet,'' Artemon a Danae admired by the Robbers, a Queen Stratonice,*^ and a Heracles and Deianira ; but the finest of all his works, now in Octavia's Buildings, are his Heracles Ascending to Heaven with the consent of the Gods after his mortal remains were burnt on Mount Oeta in , and the story of Laomedon in the matter of Heracles and Posidon.'' Alcimachus painted Dioxippus, who won the All-round Bout at Olympia ' without raising any dust,'^ akoniti as the Greek word is. Coenus painted pedigrees. Ctesilochus a pupil of Apelles became famous for a saucy burlesque painting which showed Zeus in labour/ with Dionysus, wearing a woman's nightcap and crying Hke a woman, while goddesses act as midwives ; Cleon for his Cadmus, Ctesidemus for his Storming of Oechalia 9 and his Laodamia. Ctesicles won notoriety by the insult he ofFered to Queen Stratonice,^ because as she did not give him an honourable reception he painted a picture of her to ravage the land of Troy after Hesione's father King Lao- medon broke a promise. f I.e. without any difficulty. / Dionysus was born from Zeus' thigh. " B3' Heracles. * See note c. 363 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

tantem cum piscatore, quem reginam amare sermo erat, eamque tabulam in portu Ephesi proposuit, ipse velis raptus. regina tolli vetuit, utriusque similitudine mire expressa. Cratinus comoedos ^ ^ ^ Athenis in pompeo pinxit ; Eutychides bigam : 141 regit * Victoria. Eudorus scaena spectatur—idem ^ et ex aere signa fecit— , Hippys Neptuno et Victoria. Habron Amicitiam ® et Concordiam pinxit et deorum simulacra, Leontiscus Aratum victorem cum tropaeo, psaltriam, Leon , Nearchus Venerem inter Gratias et Cupidines, Herculem tristem insaniae paenitentia, Nealces \ enerem,

.^ 142 ingeniosus et soUers, . . ime siquidem, cum proe- lium navale Persarum et Aegyptiorum pinxisset, quod in Nilo cuius est aqua maris similis ^ factum volebat intellegi, argumento declaravit quod arte

non poterat : aselhim enim bibentem in Htore

143 pinxit et crocodilum insidiantem ei ; Oenias syngenicon, PhiHscus officinam pictoris ignem con- flante puero, Phalerion Scyllam, Simonides Agathar- chum et Mnemosynen, Simus iuvenem requiescen-

1 comoedos Caemrius : comoedus. 2 pompeo Clelen : pompeio. 3 Eutychides Hermolmis Barharus : eutychidis cd. Flor. Ricc.

ut videlur : euthycides B : euclides cd. Par. 6801. * rogis cd. Par. 6801 : regis cum Gelen : quam regit quid.

apud Dalecamp : Eutychides biga quam regit Victoria, Eudorus scaena spectatur coni. Mayhoff. ^ Hippysive?7: Hippias //ar(?ot

cd. Par. Lat. 6797 : hyppus B : hypis rell. * Amicitiam edd. vett. : amicam. ' lac. Mayhoff. 8 cuius . . . similis delenda esse putant Urlichs, Mayhoff.

" At the city gates; from it solemn processions started. * I.e. apparently the river is so extensive that in the picture it might be mistaken for the sea. 364 BOOK XXXV. xL. 140-143 romping with a fisherman with whom gossip said she was in love, and put it on exhibition at Ephesus Harbour, himself makiiig a hurried escape on ship- board. The Queen would not allow the picture to be removed, the likeness of the two figures being admirably expressed. Cratinus painted the Comic Actors in the Processional Building « at Athens, Eutychides a Chariot and Pair driven by Victory. Eudorus is famous for a- scene-painting—he also made bronze statues—and Hippys for his Posidon and his Victory. I^abron painted a Friendship and a Harmony and figures of gods, Leontiscus an Aratus with the Trophies of \ ictory, and a Harpist Girl, Leon a Sappho, Nearchus Aphrodite among the Graces and the Cupids, and a Heracles in Sorrow Repenting his Madness, Nealces an Aphrodite. This Nealces was a talented and clever artist, inas- much as when he painted a picture of a naval battle between the Persians and the Egyptians, which he desired to be understood as taking place on the river Nile, the water of which resembles * the sea, he suggested by inference what could not be shown by art : he painted an ass standing on the shore drinking, and a crocodile lying in wait for it.'' Oenias has done a Family Group, PhiUscus a Painter's Studio with a boy blowing the fire, Phalerion a Scylla, Simonides an and a Mnemosyne, Simus a Young Man Reposing, a Fuller's Shop

'^ But it is certain that the picture referred to a battle in the Persian Artaxerxes III Ochus' conquest of Egypt in 350 B.c. The Egyptians called him ' Ass ' (with allusion to the ass-shaped Seth Typhon who represented the wicked foe); and the Ukeness of ovos (ass) to ^0^0? (Ochus) became a joke amongst Greeks who fought on both sides.


tem, officinam fullonis quinqiiatrus celebrantem, 144 idemque Nemesim egregiam, Theorus ^ se inung- entem,2 idem ab Oreste matrem et Aegisthum interfici, bellumque Iliacum pluribus tabulis, quod est Romae in Philippi porticibus, et Cassandram, quae est in Concordiae delubro, Leontium Epicuri cogitantem, Demetrium regem, Theon Orestis insaniam, Thamyram citharoedum, Tauriscus disco- bolum, Clytaemestram, Paniscon, Polynicen regnum repetentem et Capanea. 145 Non omittetur inter hos insigne exemplum. namque Erigonus, tritor colorum Nealcae pictoris, in tantum ipse profecit, ut celebrem etiam dis- cipulum reliquerit Pasiam, fratrem Aeginetae pic- toris.^ illud vero perquam rarum ac memoria dignum est, suprema opera artificum inperfectasque tabulas, sicut Irim Aristidis, Tyndaridas Nicomachi, Mediam Timomachi et quam diximus Venerem ApelHs, in maiore admiratione esse quam perfecta, quippe in iis Hniamenta reUqua ipsaeque cogitationes artificum spectantur, atque in lenocinio commen- dationis dolor est manus, cum id ageret, exstinctae. 146 Sunt etiamnum non ignobiles quidem in trans- cursu tamen dicendi Aristocydes, Anaxander, Aristo- bulus Syrus, Arcesilas * Tisicratis fiHus, Coroebus ^

^ V.l. Theodorus. 2 se inungentem Sillig, lan : emungentem B : et inungen- tem aut et mungentem rell. ^ pictoris Detlejsen : pictores B : fictoris aut fictores rell. * Arcesilaus cd. Par. 6801 : arcesillas B. ^ Coroebus Keil : Corybas edd. vett. : corbios aut corbius aut cordius.

" Celebrated for five days, March 19th-23rd, by persons whose tradcs were under Minerva'8 patronage. The original doubtless depicted some festival of Athene. 366 —;

BOOK XXXV. xL. 143-146

Celebrating the Quinquatrus,« and also a Nemesis of

great merit ; Theorus a Man Anointing Himself, and also Orestes killing his Mother and Aegisthus, and the Trojan War in a series of pictures novv in Philippus' Porticoes at Rome and a Cassandra, in the Shrine of Concord, a Leontion Epicurus's mis-

tress in Contemplation, a King Demetrius ; Theon a Madness of Orestes, a Thamyras the Harper Tauriscus a Man throwing a Quoit, a Clytaemnestra, a Young Pan, a Polynices Claiming the Sovereignty,^ and a Capaneus. Among these artists the following remarkable

case is not to be left out ; the man who ground the colours for the painter Nealces, Erigonus, attained such proficiency on his own account that he actually left behind him a famous pupil, Pasias, the brother of the painter Aeginetas. It is also a very unusual and memorable fact that the last works of artists and their unfinished pictures such as the Iris of Aristides,^^ the Tyndarus' Children ^ of Nicomachus, the Medea of Timomachus and the Aphrodite of

Apelles which we have mentioned, are more admired § 92. than those which they finished, because in them are seen the preliminary drawings left visible and the artists' actual thoughts, and in the midst of approvaVs beguilement we feel regret that the artist's hand while engaged in the work was removed by death. There are still some artists who are not undistin- guished but vvho only need be mentioned in passing Aristocydes, Anaxander, Aristobulus of Syria, Arcesilas son of Tisicrates, Coroebus the pupil of

^ Of Thebes, against his brother Eteocles. " See§§ 75, 98, 108, 111. "* These were Castor, Polydeuces (Pollux), Helen, and Clytaemnestra. 367 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

Nicomachi discipulus, Charmantides ^ Euphranoris, Dionysodorus ^ Colophonius, Dicaeogenes,^ qui cum Demetrio rege vixit, Euthymides,'* Herachdes Ma- cedo, Milon Soleus,^ Pyromachi ^ statuarii discipuli, Mnasitheus ^ Sicyonius, Mnasitimus Aristonidae fiHus et discipukis, Nessus Habronis fiUus, Po- lemon Alexandrinus, Tlieodorus Samius et Stadius ^ Nicosthenis discipuh, Xenon, NeocHs discipulus, Sicyonius.

47 Pinxere et mulieres : Timarete, Miconis fiha, Dianam, quae in tabula Ephesi est antiquissimae ^

picturae ; Irene, Cratini pictoris fiha et discipula, puellam, quae est Eleusine, Calypso, senem et

pr aestisriatorem Theodorum, Alcisthenen saltatorem ; Aristarete, Nearchi fiha et discipula, Aesculapium. laia ^o Cyzicena, perpetua virgo, M. Varronis iuventa ^^ Romae et penicillo pinxit et cestro in ebore imagines muherum maxime et Neapoh anum in grandi tabuh\, 148 suam quoque imaginem ad speculum. nec ulHus velocior in pictura manus fuit, artis vero tantum, ut multum manipretiis antecederet celeberrimos eadem aetate imaginum pictores SopoHm et Dionysium, quorum tabulae pinacothecas inplent. pinxit et

^ Charmantides Keil : charmanides B : carmanides rell. 2 Dionysodorus Keil : dionysiodorus. ^ Dicaeogenes Keil : dicaogenes (diogenes al. Par. 6801).

* euthymides cd. Par. Lat. 6797, ut videtur : euthymedes

cd. Par. 6801 : eutymides B. ^ Soleus Gelen : solaeuus B : solus rell. « Pliilomachi edd. vett. ' Mnesitheus Ilardouin. 8 stadius cd. Flor. Ricc. : cd. Leid. Voss. : stadios

relL : Tadius edd. vett. ' antiquissimae B : in antiquissimis reU. ^" iaia B : lala reU. : Laia Schneidewin : Maia Frohner. ^^ inventa Rochette.

» Of Macedon 249-287 b.c. 368 BOOK XXXV. XL. [46-148

Nicomachus, Charmantides, the pupil of Euphranor, Dionysodorus of Colophon, Dicaeogenes resident at the court of King Demetrius,'^ Euthymides, tlie Macedonian Heraclides and Milon of Soli, pupils of Pyromachus, the sculptor of the human figure, Alnasitheus of Sicyon, Mnasitimus the son and pupil of Aristonides, Nessus son of Habron, Polemo of Alexandria, Theodorus of Samos and Stadius, both pupils of Nicosthenes. Xenon of Sicyon. pupil of Neocles. There have also been women artists—Timarete the Women daughter of Micon Vvho painted the extremely antsts. archaic panel picture of Artemis at Ephesus, Irene daughter and pupil of the painter Cratinus who did the Maiden at Eleusis, a Calypso,'' an Old Man and Theodorus the Juggler, and painted also

Alcisthenes the Dancer ; Aristarete the daughter and pupil of Nearchus, who painted an Asclepius. When Marcus Varro was a young man, laia ofii6-26B.c. Cyzicus, who never married, painted pictures with the brush at Rome (and also drew with the cestrum or graver ^ on ivory), chiefly portraits of women, as well as a large picture on wood of an Old Woman at Naples, and also a portrait of herself, done with a looking-glass. No one else had a quicker hand in painting, while her artistic skill was such that in the prices she obtained she far outdid the most celebrated portrait painters of the same period, Sopolis and Dionysius, whose pictures fill the galleries. A certain Olympias also painted ; the

^ Or, if Calypso is the name of a •svoman artist, . . . .'. 'Eleusis, Calypso, who painted an Old Man . . '^ The ce^tiram was, it seems, a graver, spoon-shaped at one end (for holding coloiirs over heat), and with the handle-end thickened or flattened out for levelling the colours. 369 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

quaedam Olympias, de qua hoc solum memoratur, discipulum eius fuisse Autobulum.

141) XLI. Encausto pingendi duo fuere antiquitus genera, cera et in ebore cestro, id est vericulo,^ donec classes pingi coepere. hoc tertium accessit resolutis igni ceris penicillo utendi, quae pictura navibus nec sole nec sale ventisve corrumpitur. 150 XLII. Pingunt et vestes in Aegypto, inter pauca mirabili genere, candida vela, postquam attrivere, inlinentes non coloribus, sed colorem sorbentibus medicamentis. hoc cum fecere, non apparet in velis, sed in cortinam pigmenti ferventis mersa post momentum extrahuntur picta. mirumque, cum sit

unus in cortina colos, ex illo alius atque alius fit in veste accipientis medicamenti qualitate mutatus, nec postea ablui potest. ita cortina, non dubie

confusura colores, si pictos acciperet, digerit ex uno pingitque, dum coquit, et adustae eae vestes

firmiores usibus fiunt quam si non urerentur. 151 XLIII. De pictura satis superque. contexuisse his et plasticen conveniat. eiusdem opere ^ terrae fingere ex argilla simihtudines Butades Sicyonius

^ vericulo Sillig : viricuio. Verba id est ycricnlo fortasse (lehnda. ^ operae 5, cd. Leid. Voss. m.2 : opere rell. : operis coni. Mayhoff.

" These words look like a gloss. Pliny lias already mentioned the cestrum in § 147. The two kinds of encaustic painting here mentioned are with wax and graver on wood, and with wax and graver on ivory. ** Far back though it is, Pliny seems to refer to § 1 of this book. But the right reading is not certain. 370 BOOK XXXV. xL. 148-xLni. 151 only fact recorded about her is that Autobulus was her pupil. XLI. In early days there were two kinds of Encaustic. encaustic painting, with wax and on ivory with a

'^) graver or cestrum (that is a small pointed graver ; but later the practice came in of decorating battle- ships. This added a third method, that of employing a brush, when wax has been melted by fire ; this process of painting ships is not spoilt by the action of the sun nor by salt water or winds. XLII. In Egypt they also colour cloth by an Egyptim exceptionally remarkable kind of process. They ''^^*"^- first thoroughly rub white fabrics and then smear them not with colours but with chemicals that absorb colour. When this has been done, the fabrics show no sign of the treatment, but after being plunged into a cauldron of boiling dye they are drawn out a moment later dyed. And the remarkable thing is that although the cauldron contains only one colour, it produces a series of different colours in the f\ibric, the hue changing with the quality of the chemical employed, and it cannot afterwards be washed out. Thus the cauklron which, if dyed fabrics were put into it, would un- doubtedly blend the colours together, produces several colours out of one, and dyes the material in the process of being boiled ; and the dress fabrics when submitted to heat become stronger for wear than they would be if not so heated. XLIII. Enough and more than enough has now piastican. been said about painting. It may be suitable to ^"^'^^. append to these remarks something about the Butades anj '^ plastic art. It was through the service of that same earth ^ that modelling portraits from clay was 371 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

figulus primus invenit Corinthi filiae opera, quae capta amore iuvenis, abeunte illo peregre, umbram ex facie eius ad lucernam in pariete lineis circum- scripsit, quibus pater eius inpressa argilla typum fecit et cum ceteris fictilibus induratum igni pro- posuit, eumque servatum in Nymphaeo, donec 152 Mummius Corinthum everterit, tradunt. sunt qui in Samo primos omnium plasticen invenisse llhoecum et Theodorum tradant multo ante Bacchiadas Corintho pulsos, Damaratum vero ex eadem urbe profugum, qui in Etruria Tarquinium regem populi Romani genuit, comitatos fictores Euchira, Diopum,

Eugrammum; ab iis ItaHae traditam plasticen. Butadis inventum est rubricam addere aut ex rubra creta fingere, primusque personas tegularum ex- tremis imbricibus inposuit, quae inter initia prostypa

vocavit ; postea idem ectypa fecit. hinc et fastigia templorum orta. propter hunc plastae appellati. 153 XLIV. Hominis autem imaginem gypso e facie ipsa primus omnium expressit ceraque in eam formam gypsi infusa emendare instituit Lysistratus Sicyonius, frater Lysippi, de quo diximus. hic et

^ similitudines reddere instituit ; ante eum quam

^ similitudines Sillig : similitudini coni. Mayhoff : simili-

tudinis B : similitudinem rell.

" Traditionally they invented the art of easting bronze, not of making casts in clay. * Of these fictitious names Eucheir means ' skilful-lianded,' and Engravimus ' skilled drawer.' Diopua would be eonnected with hloTTrpa, an instruraent for taking levels.

'^ In iow relief. ^ In high relief. ; '

BOOK XXXV. xLiii. 151-XLIV. 153

tirst invented by Butades, a potter of Sicyon, at Corinth. He did this owing to his daughter, who

was in love with a young man ; and she, when he was goinij abroad. drew in outHne on the wall the shadow of his face thrown by a lamp. Her father pressed clay on this and made a relief, which he hardened by

exposure to fire with the rest of his pottery ; and it is said that this Hkeness w\as preserved in the Shrine

of the Nymphs until the destruction of Corinth by i46 b.c. Mummius. Some authorities state that the plastic art was first invented by Rhoecus and Theodorus *

at Samos, long before the expulsion of the Bacchiadae 58i-5S0 b.c. from Corinth, but that when Damaratus, who in Etruria became the father of Tarquin king of the trad. 6I6- ^*' Roman people, was banished from the same city, ^^^ he was accompanied by the modellers Euchir, Diopus and Eugrammus,'' and they introduced modelling to Italy. The method of adding red earth to the material or else modelHng out of red chalk, was an invention of Butades, and he first placed masks as fronts to the outer gutter-tiles on roofs these at the first stage he called prostypa,'^ but afterwards he Hkewise made ech/pa.'^ It was from these that the ornaments on the pediments of temples originated. Because of Butades modellers get their Greek name of plastae. XLIV. The first person who modeHed a likeness in plaster of a human being from the living face itself, and established the method of pouring wax into this plaster mould and then making final correc- tions on the wax cast, was Lysistratus of Sicyon, ^^^^^Lysistratus. XXXIV, 61, the brother of Lysippus of whom we have spoken. Indeed he introduced the practice of giving Hke- nesses, the object aimed at previously having been to

373 :


pulcherrimas facere studebant. idem et de signis effigies exprimere invenit, crevitque res in tantum, ut nulla signa statuaeve sine argilla fierent. quo apparet antiquiorem hanc fuisse scientiam quam fundendi aeris. 154 XLV. Plastae laudatissimi fuere Damophilus et Gorgasus, iidem pictores, qui Cereris aedem Romae ad circum maximum utroque genere artis suae excokierant, versibus inscriptis Graece, quibus sig- nificarent ab dextra opera Damophili esse, ab laeva ^ Gorgasi. ante hanc aedem Tuscanica omnia in aedibus fuisse auctor est Varro, et ex hac, cum reficeretur, crustas parietum excisas tabulis mar- ginatis inckisas esse, item signa ex fastigiis dispersa. 155 fecit et Chalcosthenes cruda opera Athenis, qui locus ab officina eius Ceramicos appellatur. M. Varro tradit sibi cognitum Romae Possim no- mine, a quo facta poma et uvas ut non posses ^ aspectu discernere a veris.^ idem magnificat Arcesi- laum, L. LuculU famiUarem, cuius proplasmata * pluris venire soUta artificibus ipsis quam aUorum 156 opera; ab hoc factam Venerem Genetricem in foro Caesaris et, priusquam absolveretur, festinatione

^ ab laeva Gronov : a parte laeva cd. Par. 6801 : ab imia

B : aplane aut aplone rell. 2 ut non posses Hardouin (u. n. possis Gronov) : nemo sit posset Mayhoff : non possis lan : ita ut non Gelen

alitem nescisse Traube : item pisces B : item piscis rell. (poscif

cd. Par. Lat. 6797) : item pisces quos cd. Poll. ' veris vix posses cd. Poll. * proplasmata Gelen : propriasmata B : proplasticen edd.

vett. : plastica Cfl. Par. 6801 : pleurosamta rell.

« Dedicated in 493 b.c. «> See XXXIV, 34. " It was restored (after the fire of 31 b.c.) by Augustus in 27 B.c. ** Or Caecosthenes (= KaiKoadevris) ? cf. XXXIV. 87. 374 BOOK XXXW xLiv. 153-XLV. 156 make as liandsome a face as possible. The same artist also invented taking casts from statues, and this method advanced to such an extent that no figures or statues were made without a clay model. This shows that the knowledge of modelHng in clay was older than that of casting bronze. XLY. Most higlily praised modellers were DamnphUm also painters Damophilus and Gorgasus, who were ; ^andTihen thev had decorated the Shrine " of Ceres in the Circus Maximus at Ilome with both kinds of their art, and there is an inscription on the building in Greek verse in which they indicated that the decora- tions on the right hand side were the work of Damophilus and those on the left were by Gorgasus. \'arro states that before this shrine was built every- thing in the temples was Tuscanic work * ; and that when this shrine was undergoingrestoration,*^ the em- bossed work of the walls was cut out and enclosed in framed panels ; and that the figures also were taken from the pediment and dispersed. Chalcosthenes «^ also executed at Athens some works in unbaked clay, at the place named the Ceramicus, Potters Quarter, after his workshop. Marcus Varro records that he knew at Rome an artist named Possis who made fruit and grapes in such a way that nobody could tell by sight from the real things. Varro also speaks very highly of Arcesilaus, who was on terms of ArcesUam. intimacy with Lucius Lucullus, and says that his '^- ^^'^^ sketch-models of clay used to sell for more, among artists themselves, than the finished works of others ; and that this artist made the statue of Venus Genetrix in Caesar's Forum and that it was 46 b.o. erected before it was finished as there was a great haste to dedicate it ; and that the same artist had

375 ;;


^ dedicandi positam ; eidem a Lucullo hs [x| signum Felicitatisf locatum, cui mors utriusque inviderit Octavio equiti Romano cratera facere volenti ex- emplar e gypso factum talento. laudat et Pasitelen, qui plasticen matrem caelaturae et statuariae scalpturaeque ^ dixit et, cum esset in omnibus iis suinmus, nihil umquam fecit ante quam finxit. 157 praeterea elaboratam hanc artem Italiae et maxime ^ Etruriae ; Vulcam Veis accitum, cui locaret Tar- quinius Priscus lovis effigiem in Capitolio dicandam

fictilem eum fuisse et ideo miniari soHtum ; fictiles in fastigio templi eius quadrigas, de quibus supra ^ diximus; ab hoc eodem factum Herculem, qui hodieque materiae nomen in urbe retinet. hae enim tum effigies deorum erant lautissimae, nec

paenitet nos illorum, qui tales eos coluere ; aurum enim et argentum ne diis quidem conficiebant. 158 XLVI. durant etiam nunc plerisque in locis talia simulacra; fastigia quidem templorum etiam in urbe crebra et municipiis, mira caelatura et arte suique firmitate, sanctiora auro, certe innocentiora. in sacris quidem etiam inter has opes hodie non

^ |x| Deflefsen : LX Sillig : ixi J5 : LX rell. ' scalpturae B^ : sculpturae B^ : scalturae rell. ^ uulcam B^ : uulcani B^ : uulgam rell. (turianum cd. Par.

6801) : Volcaniam coni. lan. * supra coni. lan : saepe.

" Since Arcesilaus was still doing work for Caesar in 46 b.c, it may wcll be that the Lucullus here mentioned is the one who was killed at Pliilippi in 42 B.c. * The Hercules Fictilis, ' Hercules in Clay.' BOOK XXXV. xLv. 156-.XLV1. 158 contracted with Lucullus to make a statue of Happi- ness for 1,000,000 sesterces, which was prevented by the death of both parties " ; and that when a Knight of Rome Octavius desired him to make a wine-bowl he made him a model in plaster for the price of a talent. He also praises Pasiteles, who said that PasUeies. modelling was the mother of chasing and of bronze statuary and sculpture, and who, although he was eminent in all these arts, never made anything before he had made a clay model. He also states that this art had already been brought to perfection by Italy and especially by Etruria ; that Vulca was summoned from Veii to receive the contract from

Tarquinius Priscus for a statue of Jupiter to be trad. 6I6- ^'^"^-^- consecrated in the Capitol, and that this Jupiter was made of clay and consequently was regularly painted with cinnabar ; and that the four-horse viii, I6I, ^^"^^^' ^^- chariots about which we spoke above on the pedi- ment of the temple were modelled in clay ; and that the figure of Hercules, which even to-day retains in the city the name ^ of the material it is made of, was the work of the same artist. For these were the most splendid images of gods at that time ; and we are not ashamed of those ancestors of ours for worshipping them in that material. For they used not formerly to work up silver and gold even for gods. XL\ I. Statues of this kind are still to be found at various places. In fact even at Rome and in the Municipal Towns there are many pediments of temples, remarkable for their carving and artistic merit and intrinsic durabihty, more deserving of respect than gold, and certainly less baneful. At the present day indeed, even in the midst of our present rich resources the preliminary libation is


murrinis crystallinisve, sed fictilibus prolibatur simpulis,^ inenarrabili Terrae benignitate, si quis singula aestimet, etiam ut omittantur in frugum, 159 vini, pomorum, herbarum et fruticum, medicamen- torum, metallorum generibus beneficia eius, quae - adhuc diximus. neque ^ adsiduitate satiant figli- narum opera, doliis ad vina excogitatis, ad aquas tubulis,^ ad balineas mammatis,^ ad tecta imbri- cibus,^ coctilibus laterculis ad parietes fundamen- taque,'^ aut quae ^ rota fiunt, propter quae ^ Numa 160 rex septimum collegium figulorum instituit. quin et defunctos sese multi fictilibus soliis condi malucre, sicut M. ^^arro, Pythagorio modo in myrti et oleae atque populi nigrae foliis. maior pars hominum terrenis utitur vasis. Samia etiam nunc in escu- lentis laudantur. retinent hanc nobilitatem et Arretium in Italia et cahcum tantum Surrentum, Hasta, Pollentia, in Hispania Saguntum, in Asia 161 Pergamum. habent et TralHs ibi opera sua et in Italia Mutina, quoniam et sic gentes nobilitantur et haec quoque per maria, terras ultro citro por- tantur, insignibus rotae officinis.^^ Erythris in templo hodieque ostenduntur amphorae duae propter tenui- tatem consecratae discipuli magistrique certamine,

^ simpulis edd. vett. : sin puls B^ : sinpulsa B^ : simpuuiis

rd. Par. 6801 : simpuis rell. 2 V.ll. quaeque, que quae : quaequae Detlefsen. ^ neque Mayhoff : vel quae B : vel rell. * V.l. tabulis. ^ haraatis Hermolaus Barharus. * imbricibus hic Mayhoff : supra post opera. ' ad parietes fundamentaque coni. 31ayhoff {a,d fundamenta

Detlefsen) : fundamentisque. * ob quae Hardouin : quae aut Detlefsen. ® rota fiunt propter quae B: om. rell. In § 159 alia teviptant edd. ^° officiis coni. Rackham, BOOK XXXV. xLvi. 158-161 made at sacrifices not from fluor-spar or crystal vessels but with small ladles of earthenware, thanks to the ineffable kindness of Mother Earth, if one considers her gifts in^ detail, even though we omit her blessings in the various kinds of corn, wine, fruit, herbs and shrubs, drugs and metals, all the things that we have so far mentioned. Nor do our Poiiery. products even in pottery satisfy our needs with their unfailing supply, with jars invented for our wine, and pipes for water, conduits for baths, tiles for our roofs, baked bricks for our house-walls and founda- tions, or things that are made on a wheel, because of which King Numa established a seventh Guild, the 'rad. Potters.^^ Indeed moreover many people have preferred to ])c buried in earthenware cofRns, for instance Marcus Varro who was interred in the

Pythagorean style, in leaves of myrtle, oHve and 26 b.c, black poplar; the majority of mankind employs earthenware receptacles for this purpose. Among table services Samian pottery is still spoken highly of; this reputation is also retained by Arezzo in Italy, and, merely for cups, by Sorrento, Asti, and Pollenza, and by Saguntum in Spain and Pergamum in Asia Minor. Also Tralles in Asia Minor and Modena in Italy have their respective products, since even this brings nations fame, and their pro- ducts also, so distinguished are the w^orkshops of the potter's wheel, are carried to and fro across land and sea. In a temple at Erythrae even to-day are on view tAvo wine-jars which were dedicated on account of their fine material, owing to a competition be- tween a master potter and his apprentice as to which

" The text of part of § 159 is very uncertain. 379 :


uter tenuiorem humum duceret. Cois ea laus ^ maxima, Hadrianis firmitas, nonnullis circa hoc 162 severitatis quoque exemplis. Q. Coponium in- venimus ambitus damnatum, quia vini amphoram

dedisset dono ei, cui sufFragi latio erat. atque ut e hixu 2 quoque ahqua contingat auctoritas fighnis tripatinium, inquit Fenestella, appellabatur summa cenarum lautitia; una erat murenarum, altera luporum, tertia mixti piscis, incHnatis iam sciHcet moribus, ut tamen eos praeferre Graeciae etiam philosophis possimus, siquidem in Aristotehs here- dum auctione septuaginta patinas venisse traditur. 163 nos cum unam Aesopi tragoediarum histrionis in natura avium diceremus hs c ^ stetisse, non dubito indignatos legentes. at, Hercules, ViteUius in

principatu suo \x\ * hs condidit patinam, cui faciendae fornax in campis exaedificata erat, quoniam eo

pervenit luxuria, ut etiam fictilia pluris constent 164 quam murrina. propter hanc Mucianus altero con- sulatu suo in conquestione exprobravit patinarum

paludes Vitelli memoriae, non illa foediore, cuius veneno Asprenati reo Cassius Severus accusator 165 obiciebat interisse convivas cxxx. nobilitantur his quoque oppida, ut Regium et Cumae. Samia testa

^ ea laus Mayhoff : illa laus Urlichs : levitas Frohner : laus. ^ e luxu coni. lan : fruxu aut frucu aut fruxo cdd. (fluxu cd. Poll). ^ C cd. Leid. Voss. [c] B : c' aut centum aut dc rell. * |x| B : X anl x rell. 380 BOOK XXXV. vLvi. 161-165 would make thinner earthemvare. The pottery of Cos is most famous for this, but that of Adria is mo^^t substantial ; while there are also some instances of severity also in relation to pottery. We find that Quintus Coponius was found guilty of bribery because he made a present of a jar of wine to a person who had the right to a vote. And so that luxury also may contribute some importance to earthenware, the name of a service of three dishes, we are told by Fenestella, used to denote the most luxurious possible banquet : one dish was of lamprey, a second of pike and a third of a mixture of fish. Clearly manners were already on the decline, though nevertheless we can still prefer them even to those of the philosophers of Greece, inasmuch as it is recorded that at the auction held by the heirs of 322 b.o. Aristotle seventy earthenware dishes were sold.

We have already stated when on the subject of birds x. 141. that a single dish cost the tragic actor Aesop 100,000 sesterces, and I have no doubt that readers felt indignant ; but, good heavens, VitelHus when emperor had a dish made that cost 1,000,000 sesterces, a.d. 69 and to make which a special furnace was constructed out in open countrj^ as luxury has reached a point when even earthenware costs more than vessels of fluor-spar. It was o^^ing to this dish that Mucianus in his second consulship, in a protest ^-^- ^o. which he delivered, reproached the memory of Vitelhus for dishes as broad as marshes, although this particular dish was not more disgraceful than the poisoned one by which Cassius Severus when prosecuting Asprenas charged him with ha\ing caused the death of 130 guests. Artistic pottery also con- fers fame on to^^iis, for instance Reggio and Cumae. 381 N2 !


Matris deum sacerdotes, qui Galli vocantur, viri- litatem amputare nec aliter citra perniciem, M. Caelio credamus, qui linguam sic amputandam obiecit gravi probro, tamquam et ipse iam tunc eidem Vitellio malediceret. quid non excogitat

vita ^ fractis etiam testis utendo, sic ut firmius durent, tunsis calce addita, quae vocant Signina quo genere etiam pavimenta excogitavit. 166 XLVII. Verum et ipsius terrae sunt alia com- menta. quis enim satis miretur pessumam eius partem ideoque pulverem appellatam in Puteolanis collibus opponi maris fluctibus, mersumque protinus

fieri lapidem unum inexpugnabilem undis et for-

tiorem cotidie, utique si Cumano misceatur cae- 167 mento? eadem est terrae natura et in Cyzicena

regione, sed ibi non pulvis, verum ipsa terra qua libeat magnitudine excisa et demersa in mare lapidea extrahitur. hoc idem circa Cassandream

produnt fieri, et in fonte Cnidio dulci intra octo menses terram lapidescere. ab Oropo quidem Aulida usque quidquid attingitur mari terrae mu- tatur in saxa. non multum a pulvere Puteolano

^ excogitat vita B : excogitavit vita lan : excogitavit ars

cd. Par. 6801 : excogitavit a rell.

" Cybele. ^ Volcanic ash or earth, now called pozzolana. * The ancient Potidaea in the Chalcidic peninsula. " Of . 382 BOOK XXXV. xLvi. 165-XLV11. 167

The priests of" the Mother « of the Gods called Galli castrate themselves, if we accept the account of Marcus Caeh'us, ^^ith a piece of Samian pottery, the only way of avoiding dangerous results ; and Caelius proposed as a penalty for an abominable offence that the guilty person should have his tongue cut out in the same way, just as if he were already himself inveighing against the same Vitellius in anticipation. What is there that experience cannot devise ? For it employs even broken crockery, making it more solid and durable by pounding it up and adding what is called Segni Hme, a kind of material used in a method which experience has also invented for making pavements. XL\TI. But there are other inventions also that ^^^^" belong to Earth herself. For who could sufficiently eanhs. marvel at the fact that the most inferior portion of the earth's substance, which is in consequence designated dust,^ on the hills of Pozzuoli, encounters the waves of the sea and as soon as it is submerged turns into a single mass of stone that withstands the attacks of the waves and becomes stronger every day, especially if it mixed with broken quarry-stone from Cumae ? In the Cyzicus district also the nature of the earth is the same, but there not dust but the earth itself is cut out in blocks of any size wanted and plunged into the sea ; and when drawn out, it is of the consistency of stone. The same is said to take place in the neighbourhood of Cassandrea,<^ and it is stated that in a fresh water spring at Cnidus earth becomes petrified in less than eight months. Or the coast <^ from Oropus to Aulis all the earth that the sea touches is turned into rocks. The finest portion of the sand from the Nile is not very different 383 :


distat e Nilo harena tenuissima sui parte, non ad sustinenda maria fluctusque frangendos, sed ad 168 debellanda corpora palaestrae studiis. inde certe Patrobio, Neronis principis liberto, advehebatur. quin et Cratero et Leonnato ac Meleagro, Alexandri Magni ducibus, sabuhim ^ hoc portari ^ cum rehquis mihtaribus commerciis reperio, plura de hac parte non dicturus, non, Hercules, magis quam de terrae usu in ceromatis, quibus exercendo iuventus nostra 169 corporis vires perdit animorum. XLVHL quid? non in Africa Hispaniaque e terra parietes, quos appellant formaceos, quoniam in forma circumdatis

II utrimque tabulis inferciuntur verius quam struun- tur, aevis durant, incorrupti imbribus, ventis, ignibus

omnique caemento firmiores ? spectat etiam nunc speculas Hannibalis Hispania terrenasque turres iugis montium inpositas. hinc et caespitum natura castrorum vallis accommodata contraque fluminum impetus aggeribus. inlini quidem crates parietum

hito et ut ^ lateribus crudis exstrui quis ignorat ? 170 XLIX. Lateres non sunt ex sabuloso neque harenoso multoque minus calculoso ducendi solo, sed e cretoso et albicante aut ex rubrica vel etiam e

1 sabulum cd. Par. 6801, cd. Par. Lat. 6797 sabium B

sabhim rell. : solitum Mayhojf. 2 V.l. portare : portavere J. Milller. ^ et ut Warmington : et.

" Who was in Spain 221-219 b.c. preparing war against; Rome. 384 ;

BOOK XXXV. xLvii. 167-XLIX. 170 from the dust of Pozzuoli, not to be used for an embankment against the sea and to act as a break- water against waves, but for the purpose of sub- duing men's bodies for the exercises of the wrestling school. At all events it used to be imported from there for Patrobius, a freedman of the emperor Nero, and moreover I also find that this sand was carried with other mihtary commodities for Alexander the Great's generals Craterus, Leonnatus and Meleager, though I shall not say more about this part of the subject any more than, by heaven,

I shall mention the use of earth in making oint- ments, employed by our young men while ruining their vigour of mind by exercising their muscles. XLVIII. Moreover, are there not in Africa and Spain walls made of earth that are called framed walls, because they are made by packing in a frame enclosed between two boards, one on each side, and so are stuffed in rather than built, and do they not last for ages, undamaged by rain, wind and fire, and stronger than any quarry-stone ? Spain still sees the watchtowers of Hannibal « and turrets of earth placed on the mountain ridges. From the same source is also obtained the substantial sods of earth suitable for the fortifications of our camps and for embankments against the violent flooding of rivers. At all events everybody knows that party-walls can be made by coating hurdles with clay, and are thus built up as if with raw^ bricks. XLIX. Bricks should not be made from a sandy Brkks. or gravelly soil and far less from a stony one, but from a marly and white soil or else from a red earth or even with the aid of sand, at all events if coarse male sand is used. The best time for making bricks 385 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

sabulo, masculo certe. finguntur optime vere, nam solstitio rimosi fiunt. aedificiis non nisi bimos

^ probant ; quin et intritam ipsam eorum, priusquam fingantur, macerari oportet. ^ ^ 171 Genera eorum fiunt tria : didoron,^ quo nos utimur, longum sesquipedem, latum pedem, alterum tetradoron, tertium pentadoron. Graeci enim anti- qui dojpov palmum vocabant et ideo dcopa munera,

quia manu darentur ; ergo a quattuor et quinque ])almis, prout sunt, nominantur. eadem est et lati- tudo. minore privatis operibus, maiore in publicis utuntur in Graecia. Pitanae in Asia et in ulteriore Hispania civitatibus Maxilua et Callet '^ fiunt lateres, qui siccati non merguntur in aqua. sunt enim e terra pumicosa, cum subigi potest, utilissima. 172 Graeci, praeterquam ubi e silice fieri poterat struc- tura, latericios parietes praetulere. sunt enim

aeterni, si ad perpendiculum fiant. ideo et publica

opera et regias domos sic struxere : murum Athenis, qui ad montem Hymettum spectat, Patris aedes lovis et Herculis, quamvis lapideas columnas et epistylia circumdarent, domum Trallibus regiam Attali, item Sardibus Croesi, quam gerusian fecere,

^ quia Mayhoff. 2 fiunt Mayhoff coU. Vitruv. II. 3 : qui B : que rell. 3 didoron Hermolaus Barbarus : lydion (lidron ai. Par. 6801). * nos add. Mayhoff coll. Vitruv. : volgo J. Muller. 5 Callet Urlichs, Detlefsen coll. III. 12 : callent B : canlent aut canJento ant calento rell.

<» As a measure this could be 4 inches or 9, but here it is 9. ^ Silex is in particular the strong concrete made by the Romans from a lava mixed with lime and pozzolana (for which see § 160, note); but in Greece silex would be limestone. <= Attalus I of Pergamum, 241-197 B.c. 386 BOOK XXXV. xLix. 170-172 is in spring, as at midsummer they tend to crack. For buildings, only bricks two years okl are recom- mended ; moreo\ er the material for them when it has been pounded should be well soaked before they are moulded.

' Three kinds of bricks are made : the didoron,' the one employed by us, eighteen inches long and a foot wide, second the ' tetradoron ' and third the

' pentadoron,' doro?i being an okl Greek word meaning the palm of the hand °—from which comes doron, meaning a gift, because a gift was given by the hand. Consequently the bricks get their names from four or five palms' length as the case may be. Their breadth is in all cases the same. In Greece the smaller kind is used for private structures and the larger in public buildings. At Pitana in Asia Minor as also in the city states of Maxilua and Callet in Further Spain bricks are made which when dried will not sink in water, being made of pumice- Hke earth, which is an extremely useful material when it is capable of being worked. The Greeks preferred brick walls except in places permitting of a limestone ^ structure, as brick walls last for ever if built exactly perpendicular. Consequently that was how they built both pubHc works and kings' palaces—the wall at Athens that faces towards Mount Hymettus, at Patrae the Shrines of Zeus and of Heracles (although the columns and archi- traves with which they surrounded these were of stone), and the royal palace of Attalus '^ at Tralles and likewise the palace of Croesus at Sardis, which 5Go-5-i6 b.c they converted into a house of elders,<^ and that of

" Pliny's source II. 8. 10 takes yepovaia here as a home for the aged, but it must mean couneil-house. 387 ;


Halicarnasi Mausoli, quae etiam nunc durant. 173 Lacedaemone quidem latericiis parietibus excisum opus tectorium propter excellentiam picturae ligneis formis inclusum Romam deportavere in aedilitate ad comitium exornandum Murena et Varro. cum opus per se mirum esset, tralatum tamen magis mirabantur. in Italia quoque latericius murus Arreti et Mevaniae est. Romae non fiunt talia aedificia, quia sesquipedalis paries non plus quam unam contignationem tolerat, cautumque est, ne communis crassior fiat, nec intergerivorum ratio patitur. 174 L. Haec sint dicta de lateribus. in terrae autem reliquis generibus vel maxime mira natura est sulpuris, quo plurima domantur. nascitur in insulis Aeoliis inter Siciliam et Italiam, quas ardere diximus, sed nobilissimum in Melo insula. in Italia quoque invenitur in Neapolitano Campanoque agro collibus, qui vocantur Leucogaei. ibi e cuniculis efFossum

175 perficitur igni. genera iiii : vivum, quod Graeci apyron vocant, nascitur solidum ^ solum ^—cetera ^ enim liquore constant et conficiuntur oleo incocta— vivum eflPoditur tralucetque et viret. solo ex omnibus generibus medici utuntur.* alterum genus appellant glaebam, fullonum tantum officinis fa-

^ solidum hoc est glaeba cdd. : del. h.e.g. Urlichs, Detlefsen. ^ solum del. Urlichs, Detlefsen. ^ cetera c

vi.l, cd. Flor. Ricc. : vide infra : ex omnibus . . . utuntur cetera rell. * solo . . . utuntur om. cd. Par. 6797, cd. Par. 0801, cd. Tolet. 388 ;

BOOK XXXV. xLix. 172-L. 175

Mausolus " at Halicarnassus, buildings still standing. 377-353 b.c. Murena and Varro in their aedileship had some plaster work on brick walls at Sparta cut away, and because of the excellence of its painting had it enclosed in wooden frames and brought to Rome to decorate the Assembly-place. It was in itself a wonderful piece of work, yet its transfer caused even more admiration. In Italy also there is a brick wall at Arezzo and at Mevania. Structures of this sort are not erected in Rome, because an eighteen-inch wall will only carry a single storey, and there is a regulation forbidding any partition exceeding that thickness : nor does the system used for party-walls permit of it. L. Let this be what we say about bricks. Among suiphur. the other kinds of earth the one with the most remark- able properties is sulphur, which exercises a great power over a great many other substances. Sulphur occurs in the Aeolian Islands between Sicily and Italy, which we have said are volcanic, but the most m, 92 &. famous is on the island of Melos. It is also found in Italy, in the territory of Naples and Campania, on the hills called the Leucogaei. It is there dug out of mine-shafts and dressed with fire. There are four kinds : live sulphur, the Greek name for which means * untouched by fire,' which alone forms as a solid mass—for all the other sorts consist of Hquid and are prepared by boiling in oil ; live sulphur is dug up, and it is translucent and of a green colour it is the only one of all the kinds that is employed by doctors. The second kind is called ' clod- sulphur,' and is commonly found only in fullers'

" The remains of his monuraeiit the Mausoleum were brought to England in 1859. 389 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

miliare. tertio quoque generi unus tantum est usus ad lanas suffiendas,^ quoniam candorem molli- tiamque confert. egula vocatur hoc genus, quartum ^ autem ad ellychnia maxime conficienda ; cetero tantum ^ vis est ut morbos comitiales deprehendat nidore inpositum igni. lusit et Anaxilaus eo, addens in calicem vini prunaque subdita circumferens, exardescentis repercussu * pallorem dirum velut 176 defunctorum effundente in ^ conviviis.^ natura eius excalfacit, concoquit, sed et discutit collectiones corporum, ob hoc talibus "^ emplastris malagmatisque miscetur. renibus quoque et lumbis in dolore cum adipe mire prodest inpositum. aufert et Hchenas

faciei cum terebinthi resina et lepras ; harpax ita vocatur a celeritate praebendi,® avelli enim subinde 177 debet. prodest et suspiriosis linctu,^ purulenta quoque extussientibus et contra scorpionum ictus. vitiligines vivum nitro mixtum atque ex aceto tritum et inlitum tollit, item lendes, et in palpebris aceto sandaracato admixtum. habet et in religionibus locum ad expiandas suffitu domos. sentitur vis eius et in aquis ferventibus, neque alia res facilius accen-

^ suffiendas coll. Isid. Gelen : sufficiendas. 2 autem cd. Par. 6801 : caute rell. (cate cd. Leid. Voss.:

aptum Isid.) : coni. Kamrjp MayhoJJ. ^ tanta al. Far. 6801 ex Isid. : tamen vel vis tantum coni. MajihoJJ. * rejjercussu efld. velt. ex Isid. : percussu B : supercussu aitt se percussu rell. ^ efFundente in MayhoJJ : effundentem B : effundente rell. ' convivis B. ' albis Frohner. 8 praebendi B : uellendi cd. Par. 6801 : praeuelli rell.

avellendi edd. vett. : prendendi lan. " linctu Sillig : linctum aut linctus ant lictus cdd. (unctu B).

3QO BOOK XXXV. L. 175-177 vvorkshops. The third kiiid also is only employed for one purpose, for smoking wooUens from beneath, as it bestows whiteness and softness ; this sort is called egula. The fourth kind is specially used for making lamp-wicks. For the rest, sulphur is so potent that Mhen put on the fire it detects epilepsy by its smelL Anaxilaus even made a sport with it by putting some in a cup of wine and placing a hot coal underneath and handing it round at dinner- parties, when by its reflection as it flared up it threw on their faces a dreadful pallor as if they were dead. Its property is calorific and concoctive,'* but it also disperses abscesses on the body, and consequently is used as an ingredient in plasters and poultices for such cases. It is also remarkably beneficial for the kidneys and loins if in cases of pain it is applied to them with grease. In combination with turpentine it also removes lichenous growths on the

face and leprosy ; so it is called harpax,^ owing to the speed with which it has to be apphed, which is caused bv the need for immediate removal. Used as an electuarv it is good for cases of asthma, and also purulent expectoration after coughing and as a remedy for the sting of scorpions. Live sulphur mixed with soda and pounded in vinegar and used as a Hniment removes cutaneous eruptions, and also eggs of lice, and in combination with vinegar mixed with realgar it is useful on the eyelids. Sulphur also has a place in rehgious ceremonies, for the purpose of purifying houses by fumigation. Its potency is also perceptible in hot springs of water, and no other substance is more easily ignited,

<» I.e. brings boils, etc, to a head. ^ doira^ ' raparions.' from dpTra^oj, ' seize,' ' snatch.' PLINY : NATURAL HLSTORY

ditur, quo apparet ignium vim magnam ei inesse. fulmina, fulgura quoque sulpuris odorem habent, ac lux ipsa eorum sulpurea est. 178 LL Et bituminis vicina natura est. aliubi limus, aliubi terra est, limus e ludaeae lacu, ut diximus, emergens, terra in Syria circa Sidonem oppidum maritimum. spissantur haec utraque et in densi- tatem coeunt. est vero Hquidum bitumen, sicut Zacynthium et quod a Babylone invehitur; ibi quidem et candidum gignitur. hquidum est et Apolloniaticum, quae omnia Graeci pissasphalton 179 appellant ex argumento picis ac bituminis. gignitur et pingue oleique liquoris in Sicilia Agragantino fonte, inficiens rivum. incolae id harundinum pani- culis coUigunt, citissime sic adhaerescens, utunturque eo ad lucernarum lumina olei vice, item ad scabiem iumentorum. sunt qui et naphtham, de qua in secundo diximus voiume, bituminis generibus ad- scribant, verum eius ardens natura et ignium cognata 180 procul ab omni usu abest. bituminis probatio ut quam maxime splendeat sitque ponderosum, graveo-

^ ^ lens ; atrum modice, quoniam adulteratur pice.

vis quae sulpuri : sistit, discutit, contrahit, glutinat. serpentes accensum nidore fugat. ad suffusiones

^ graveolens Mayhoff coU. Diosc. : grave leve (lene c(l. Par.

G801) : graveolens, leve KiXlb. ^ atrum Mayhoff coll. Diosc. : autem.

" This occurs as a liquid (petroleum), as a liquid solid (mineral pitcb and tar) and as a solid (asphalt). * The Dead Sea.

392 ;

BOOK XXXV. L. 177-L1. 180

showing that it contains a powerful abundance of fire. Thunderbolts and lightning also have a smell of sulphur, and their actual light has a sulphurous quahty. LI. Near to the nature of sulphur is also that oi BUumf bitumen," In some places it is a slime and others an earth, the slime being emitted, as we have said, v, 72. from the lake ^ of Judaea and the earth being found in the neighbourhood of the seaside town of Sidon in Syria, Both of these varieties get thickened and solidify into a dense consistency. But there is also a liquid sort of bitumen, for instance that of Zacynthus and the kind imported from Babylon at the latter place indeed it also occurs with a white colour. The bitumen from Apollonia also is liquid, and all of these varieties are called by the Greeks pissasphalf, from its likeness to vegetable-pitch and bitumen, There is also an unctuous bitumen, of the consistency of oil, found in Sicily, in a spring at Girgenti, the stream from which is tainted by it. The inhabitants collect it on tufts of reeds, as it very quickly adheres to them, and they use it instead of oil for burning in lamps, and also as a cure for scab in beasts of burden. Some authorities also include among the varieties of bitumen naphtha about which we spoke in Book II, but its burning property 11,235, and liabiUty to ignition is far removed from any practical use. The test of bitumen is that it should be extremely brilliant, and that it should be massive, with an oppressive smell ; when quite black, its brilliance is moderate, as it is commonly adulterated with vegetable pitch. Its medical effect is that of sulphur, as it is astringent, dispersive, contractive, and agglutinating. Ignited it drives away snakes


oculorum et albiigines Babylonium efficax traditur, item ad lepras, lichenas pruritusque corporum. inlinitur et podagris. omnia autem eius genera incommodos oculorum pilos replicant, dentium 181 doloribus medentur simul nitro intrito. lenit ^

tussim veterem et anhelitus cum vino potum ; dysin- tericis etiam datur codem modo sistitque alvum. cum aceto vero potum discutit concretum sanguinem ac detrahit. mitigat lumborum dolores, item articu- lorum, cum farina hordeacia inpositum emplastrum pecuhare facit suo nomine. sanguinem sistit, vol- nera colligit, gkitinat nervos. utuntur etiam ad quartanas bituminis drachma et hedyosmi pari 182 pondere cum murrae obolo subacti. comitiales morbos ustum deprendit. volvarum strangulationes olfactu discutit cum vino et castoreo, procidentes suffitu reprimit, purgationes feminarum in vino potum elicit. in rehquo usu aeramentis inhnitur firmatque ea contra ignes. diximus et tingui sohtum aes eo statuasque inhni. calcis quoque usum prae- buit ita feruminatis Babylonis muris. placet in ferrariis fabrorum officinis tinguendo ferro clavorum capitibus et multis ahis usibus. 183 LII. Nec minor est aut adeo dissimihs aluminis opera, quod intellegitur salsugo terrae. plura et

^ intrito. lenit Mayhoff coU. DiofiC. : inlitum (Sillig) lenit

Detlefsen : inlitus B : illitum aut illini aut inhni rdl.

" Several astringent substances were included in the word alumen, especially, it seems, aluminium sulphates, sulphate of iron, and common potash-ahim; also kalinite, and perhaps also certain halotrichites (K. C. Bailcy, The Elder Pliny's CJutpters on Chemical Siibjects, II, p. 233).

394 BOOK XXXV. Li. 180-L11. 183

by its smell. Babylonian bitumen is said to be serviceable for cataract and film in the eye, and also for leprosy lichen and itch. It is also used as a

liniment for gout ; while all varieties of it are used to fold back eyelashes that get in the way of sight, and also to cure toothache, when smeared on with soda. Taken as a draught with wine it alleviates

an inveterate cough and shortness of breath ; and it is also given in the same way in cases of dysentery, nnd arrests diarrhoea. Drunk however with vinegar it dissolves and brings away coagulated blood. It reduces pains in the loins and also in the joints, and applied with barley-meal it makes a special kind of plaster that bears its name. It stops a flow of blood, closes up wounds, and unites severed muscles. It is employed also for quartan fevers, the dose being a dram of bitumen and an equal weight of wild mint pounded up with a sixth of a dram of myrrh. Burnt bitumen detects cases of epilepsy, and mixed with wine and beaver-oil its scent dissi- pates sufFocations of the womb ; its smoke when applied from beneath reHeves prolapsus of the womb ; and drunk in wine it hastens menstruation. Among other uses of it, it is appHed as a coating to copper and bronze vessels to make them fireproof. We have stated that it also used to be the practice xxxiv, 15. to employ it for staining copper and bronze and coating statues. It has also been used as a substitute for hme, the walls of Babylon being cemented with it. In smithies also it is in favour for varnishing iron and the heads of nails and many other uses. LII. Not less important or very different is the Aium. use made of alum," by which is meant a salt exuda- tion from the earth. There are several varieties of 395 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

eius genera. in Cypro candidum et nigrius, exigua coloris ^ difFerentia, cum sit usus magna,^ quoniam inficiendis claro colore lanis candidum liquidumque utilissimum est contraque fuscis aut obscuris nigrum.

184 et aurum nigro purgatur. fit autem omne ex aqua limoque, hoc est terrae exudantis natura. con- rivatum hieme aestivis solibus maturatur. quod

fuit ex eo praecox, candidius fit. gignitur autem in Hispania, Aegypto, Armenia, Macedonia, Ponto, Africa, insulis Sardinia, Melo, Lipara, Strongyle, laudatissimum in Aegypto, proximum in Melo. huius quoque duae species, Hquidum spissumque. liquidi probatio ut sit limpidum lacteumque, sine offensis fricandi, cum quodam igniculo coloris.^ hoc phorimon * vocant. an sit adulteratum, deprehen-

ditur suco Punici mali ; sincerum enim mixtura ea non nigrescit.^ alterum genus est pallidi et scabri et quod inficiatur et ® galla, ideoque hoc vocant

^ coloribusque B : coloris visusque coni. Mayhoff. ^ magna Gehn : magni. ^ caloris edd. vett. * phorimon edd. velt. coll. Galen., Kara ronovs, vi. 3: porth- mon aut portmon (B) aut pontinon aut posthonon.

•^ mixtura ea non nigrescit K. C. Bailey : mixtura ea

nigrescit cd. Flor. Ricc. ut videtur : mixturam fugit cd. Par.

6801 : mixtura rell. : mixtura inficitur coni. Mayhoff. ' et Mayhoff : a 5 : ovi. rell.

" Sulphate of aluminium would be useful for dyeing; potash-ahim and alunogen could provide the bright colour, and ahims containing metals the sombre colours (K. C. Bailey). ^ Cf. XXXIII, 65 ; also for removing baleful influences of gold held above the head, cf. XXXIIT, 84. " Where potash-alum is found. BOOK XXXV. Lii. 183-184 it. In Cyprus there is a white alum and another sort of a darker colour, though the difference of colour is only slight ; nevertheless the use made of them is very different, as the white and hquid kind is most useful for dying woollens a bright colour whereas the black kind is best for dark or * sombre hues." Black alum is also used in cleaning gold. All alum is produced from water and shme, that is, a substance exuded by the earth ; this collects naturally in a hollow in winter and its maturity by crystallisation is completed by the sunshine of summer ; the part of it that separates earhest is whiter in colour, It occurs in Spain, Egypt, Armenia, Macedonia, Pontus, Africa, and the

'^ islands Sardinia, Melos, Lipari and StromboH ; the most highly valued is in Egypt and the next best in Melos. The alum of Meios also is of two kinds, fluid '^ and dense. The test of the fluid kind is that it should be of a hmpid, milky consistency, free from grit when rubbed between the fingers, and giving a sHght glow of colour ^ ; this kind is called in Greek ' phorimon ' in the sense of ' abundant.' Its adulteration can be detected/ by means of the juice of a pomegranate, as this mixed with it does not turn it black if it is pure. The other kind 9 is the pale rough alum which may be stained with oak- gall also, and consequently this is called ' paraphoron,'

** Apparently the solid kind (potash-alum especially) in solution. ^ So MSS.; caloris (' heat ') is a change based on what is probably a corruption in the text of Dioscorides. ^ That is, an alum supposedly free frora iron would, if it contained iron, turn juice of pomegranate blaek. " Probably light yellow halotrichite (hydrated iron sulphate with aluminium) and green vitriol (ferrous sulphate).

397 ,


185 paraphoron. liquidi aliiminis vis adstringcre, in- durare, rodere. melle^ admixto sanat oris ulcera, papulas pruritusque. haec curatio fit in balneis ii mellis partibus, tertia aluminis. virus alarum su- dorisque sedat. sumitur pilulis contra lienis vitia pellendumque per urinam sanguinem. emendat et scabiem nitro ac melanthio admixtis. 180 Concreti aluminis unum genus or;^tCTTov appellant Graeci, in capillamenta quaedam canescentia de- liiscens, unde quidam trichitim potius appellavere. hoc fit e lapide, ex quo et aes—chalcitim vocant— ut " sudor quidam eius lapidis in spumam coagulatus. hoc genus ahiminis minus siccat minusque sistit umorem inutilem corporum, et auribus magnopere prodest infusum, vel inlitum et oris ulceribus denti- ])usque et si ^ sahva cum eo contineatur. et ocu- lorum medicamentis inseritur apte verendisque utriusque sexus. coquitur in catinis,* donec Hquari 187 desinat. inertioris est alteruni generis, quod stron- gylen vocant. duae et eius species, fungosum atque omni umore dihii facile, quod in totum damnatur. mehus pumicosum et forarninum fistuhs spongeae simile rotundumque natura, candido propius, cum quadam pinguitudine, sine harenis, friabile, nec inficiens nigritia, hoc coquitur per se carbonibus

^ meni B : melli admixtum coni. Ilai/hojf. 2 vocant— , ut Mayhoff -. vocant ut sit edd. vett.: vocamus B : vocatus d. Leid. Lips. : vocatur rell. 3 et si Mayhoff: et is B^ : et his B^ : si al. Par. 6801 : et rell. * catinis B : patinis rell.

° The following medical uses are hke the modern uses of potash-alum. * Including potash-alum, halotrichite, etc. " Both potash-ahim and ahiminium sulphate, if heated, melt, swell, and solidif}^ into ' burnt alum.' BOOK XXXV. Lii. 184-187

' perverted ' or adulterated alum. Liquid alum "^ iias an astringent, hardening and corrosive property. Mixed with honey it cures ulcers in the mouth,

pimples and eruptions ; this treatment is carried out in baths containing two parts of honey to one of alum. It reduces odour from the armpits and perspiration. It is taken in pills against disorders of the spleen and discharge of blood in the urine. Mixed with soda and chamomile it is also a remedy for scabies. One kind ^ of solid alum which is called in Greek schiston, ' sphttable,' spHts into a sort of filament of a whitish colour, owing to which some people have pre-

ferred to give it in Greek the name of trichitis, ' hairy ahim.' This is produced from the same ore as copper, known as copperstone, a sort of sweat from that mineral, coagulated into foam. This kind of alum has less drying effect and serves less to arrest the detrimental humours of the body, but it is extremely beneficial as an ear-wash, or as a Hniment also for ulcers of the mouth and for the teeth, and if

it is retained in the mouth with sahva ; or it forms a suitable ingredient in medicines for the eyes and for the genital organs of either sex. It is roasted in crucibles until it has quite lost its hquidity.<^ There

is another alum of a less active kind, called in Greek strongyle, ' round alum.' Of this also there are two varieties, the fungous which dissolves easily in any hquid and which is rejected as entirely worthless, and a better kind which is porous and pierced with small holes Hke a sponge and of a round formation, nearer white in colour, possessing a certain quaHty of unctuousness, free from grit, friable, and not apt to cause a black stain. This is roasted by itself on


188 puris, donec cinis fiat. Optimum ex omnibus quod Melinum vocant ab insula, ut diximus. nuUi vis maior neque adstringendi neque denigrandi neque indurandi, nuUum spissius. oculorum scabritias extenuat, combustum utilius epiphoris inhibendis, sic et ad pruritus corporis. sanguinem quoque sistit intus potum,^ foris inlitum. evulsis pilis ex aceto inlinitur renascentesque mollit in languinem. 189 summa ^ omnium generum vis in adstringendo, unde nomen Graecis. ob id oculorum vitiis aptissima sunt, sanguinis fluctiones inhibent. cum adipe putrescentia ulcenim compescit ^—sic et infantium ulcera * et hydropicorum eruptiones siccat—et aurium vitia cum suco Punici mali et unguium sca- britias cicatricumque duritias et pterygia ac per- niones, phagedaenas ulcerum ex aceto aut cum galla pari pondere cremata, lepras cum suco olerum, cum

salis vero ii partibus vitia, quae serpunt, lendes et 190 alia capillorum animalia aquae ^ permixtum. sic et ambustis prodest et furfuribus corporum cum sero picis. infunditur et dysintericis uvamque in ore comprimit ac tonsillas. ad omnia, quae in ceteris

^ potum Sillig, lan : totum aut tutum. ^ V.l. summam. ^ Post compescit del. cum adipe K. C. Bailey. * sic . . . ulcera stipra ante putrescentia cd. Par. 6801.

•^ aquae coni. lan, Sillig : aque B^ : atque B^ : quae cd.

Leid. Lips. : que rell.

" In § 184 Pliny implies that the best is the Etryptian. * "LTirrrrrjpia. 400 BOOK XXXV. Lii. 187-190 clean hot coals till it is reduced to ash. The hesf^ of all kinds is that called Melos alum, after the 184. island of that name, as \ve said ; no other kind has a § greater power of acting as an astringent, giving a black stain and hardening, and none other has a closer consistency. It removes granulations of the eyes, and is still more efficacious in arresting defluxions when calcined, and in that state also it is applied to itchings on the body. Taken as a draft or applied externally it also arrests haemorrhage. It is applied in vinegar to parts from which the hair has been removed and changes into soft down the hair that grows in its place. The chief property of ali kinds of alum is their astringent effect, which gives it its name ^ in Greek. This makes them extremely suitable for eye troubles, and effective in arresting haemorrhage. Mixed with lard it checks the spread of putrid ulcers—so applied it also dries ulcers in infants and eruptions in cases of dropsy—and, mixed with pomegranate juice, it checks ear troubles and malformations of the nails and hardening of scars, and flesh growing over the nails, and chilblains. Calcined with vinegar or gallnuts to an equal weight it heals gangrenous ulcers, and, if mixed with cabbage juice, pruritus, or if with twice the quantity of salt, serpiginous eruptions, and if thoroughly mixed with water, it kills eggs of lice and other insects that infest the hair. Used in the same way it is also good for burns, and mixed with watery fluid from vegetable pitch for scurf on the body. It is also used as an injection for dysentery, and taken in the mouth it reduces sweUings of the uvula and tonsils. It must be understood that for all the purposes which we have mentioned in the case of the other 401 VOL. IX. O PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

generibus diximus, efRcacius intellegatur ex Melo advectum. Ad ^ reliquos usus vitae in coriis lanisque perficiendis quanti sit momenti, significatum est. 191 LIII. Ab his per se ad medicinam pertinentia terrae genera tractabimus. Samiae ii sunt, quae collyrium et quae aster appellantur. prioris laus ut recens sit ac lenissima ^ linguaeque glutinosa, ^ altera glaebosior ; candida utraque. uritur, lavatur. sunt qui praeferant priorem. prosunt sanguinem

expuentibus ; emplastrisque, quae siccandi causa componuntur, oculorum quoque medicamentis miscentur. 192 LIV. Eretria totidem differentias habet, namque est alba et cinerea, quae praefertur in medicina. probatur mollitia et quod, si aere perducatur, violacium reddit colorem. vis et ratio eius in medendo dicta est inter pigmenta. 193 LV. Lavatur omnis terra—in hoc enim loco dicemus —perfusa aqua siccataque solibus, iterum ex aqua trita ac reposita, donec considat et digeri possit in pastillos. coquitur in calicibus crebro concussis. 194 LVI. Est in medicaminibus et Chia terra candicans. ^ effectus eius idem qui Samiae ; usus ad mulierum maxime cutem. idem et Selinusiae. lactei coloris

^ advectum. Ad K, C. Bailey : advectum nam ad cdd. pro nam coni. iam Bailey. 2 lenissima cdd. (lenis cd. Par. 6801) : levissima Detlefsen,

Urlichs : levis Hermolaus Barbarus. ^ glaebosior Sillig : glebosior aut globosior. * eius idem Mayhoff : eiusdem.

* Kaolinite or china-clay, which is sometimes found in fan-shaped (star-like) arrangements of plates, but generally in white, greyish, or yellowish masses (K. C. Bailey). The latter would be those used for eye-salves. 402 BOOK XXXV. Lii. 190-LVT. 194 kinds the alum imported trom Melos is more efficacious. It has been indicated how important § 183. it is for the other requirements of life in giving a finish to hides and woollens. LIII. Next to these we will deal with the various usesoi kinds of earth which are connected with medicine. g^^^l^" sorts of earth," called coUyrium, There are two Samos ^^^^^^ ' eve-salve,' and star-earth. The recommendation of the former is that it must be fresh and very soft and sticky to the tongue ; the second is more lumpy ; both are white in colour. The process is to calcine them and then to wash them. Some people prefer the former kind. They are beneficial for people spitting blood, and for plasters made up for drying purposes, and they are also used as an ingredient in medicines for the eyes. LIV. Earth of Eretria ^ has the same number of Eretrian. varieties, as one is white and one ash-coloured, the latter preferred in medicine. It is tested by its softness and by its leaving a violet tint if rubbed on copper. Its efficacy and the method of using it as a medicine have been spoken of among the pigments. § 38. LV. All these earths—we will mention it in this place—are washed by having water poured over them and dried in the sun, and then after being put in water again ground up and left to stand, till they settle down and can be divided into tablets. They are boiled in cups that are repeatedly well shaken. LVI. White earth ^ of Chios is also among chian ana ^* medicaments ; its effect is the same as that of Samos earth. It is specially used as a cosmetic for the skin of women, and Selinunte earth is used in the same way. The latter is of the colour of milk, and it

" Cf. §§ 30, 38. ^ Some kind of china-day. 403 ;


haec et aqua dilui celerrima ^ ; eadem lacte diluta tectoriorum albaria interpolantur. pnigitis ^ Kre- triae simillima est, grandioribus tantum glaebis glutinosaque. effectus eius idem qui Cimoliae, infirmior tantum. bitumini simillima est ampelitis.*^ experimentum eius, si cerae modo accepto oleo liquescat et si nigricans colos maneat tostae. usus ad molliendum discutiendumque, et ad haec medica- mentis additur, praecipue in calHblepharis et inficiendis capillis. 195 LVIL Cretae plura genera. ex iis Cimoliae duo ad medicos pertinentia, candidum et ad purpurissum inclinans. vis utrique ad discutiendos tumores, sistendas fluctiones aceto adsumpto. panos quoque et parotidas cohibet et lienem inlita pusulasque, si vero aphronitrum et cyprum ^ adiciatur et acetum, pedum tumores ita, ut in sole curatio haec fiat et 196 post VI horas aqua salsa abluatur. testium tu- moribus cypro et cera addita prodest. et refri- gerandi quoque natura cretae est, sudoresque immodicos sistit inlita atque ita papulas cohibet ex vino adsumpta in bahneis. laudatur maxime ThessaHca. nascitur et in Lycia circa Bubonem, Est et alius Cimoliae usus in vestibus. nam Sarda

^ celerrima edd. vett. : ceterrima aut ceterum (teterrima cd. Par. Lat. 6797). 2 pnigitis Herviolans Barharus : phinicis aut pnitis aut sim. ^ ampelitis Herviolaus Barharus : appellitis. * cyprium cd. Par. 6801 : cyprus Brotier : nitrum Gelen.

« The word means any fullers' earths, here particularly calcium montmorillonite from the island Argentiera or Ciiflolo in the Aegean, * dp6vLTpov, more properly d^pos virpov, ' foam of soda ' probably pure soda or possibly partly causticised soda, whereas ordinary nitrum was carbonate of soda. " Obtained from the flowers of Lawsonia alba. 404 BOOK XXX\ . Lvi. 194-LV11. 19 dissolves very quickly in vvater, and likevvise dissolved in milk it is used for touching up the whitewash on plastered walls. Pnigitis, or ' suifocating ' earth closely resembles that of Eretria, only it is in larger lumps and is sticky. It produces the same effect as Cimolian earth, although it is less powerful. Asphaltit ' ' Ampehtis or vine earth is very like bitumen. deposit. The test for it is whether it dissolves when oil is put in it, like wax, and whether when roasted it retains a blackish colour. It is used for an emollient and dissipant, and is added to drugs for these purposes, especially in the case of eye-lash beautifiers and for hairdyes. LVil. There are several sorts of white earth. Among them there are two sorts of Cimolian earth" Cimolian earths. that concern doctors, one bright white and one incHning to purple. Either is effective for dispelling tumours, and, with vinegar added, for stopping fluxes. They also check swellings and inflammation of the parotid glands, and applied as a Hniment, troubles of the spleen and pimples ; while if foam- soda ^ and oil of cypros '^ and vinegar are added, they cure swollen feet, provided the treatment is applied in the sun, and the uppHcation is washed oif again with salt water six hours later. A mixture of this earth with oil of cypros and wax is good for swellings of the testicles. Cretaceous earth also possesses cooHng properties, and appHed in a Hni- ment it stops immoderate sweating, and Hkewise taken in wine while in a bath it removes pimples. The kind from Thessaly is most esteemed, but it is also found in the neighbourhood of Bubo in Lycia. Another use also made of Cimolus earth is in regard to cloth. The kind called Sarda. which is brought 405 PLINY: NATURAL HISTORY

quae adfertur e Sardinia, candidis tantum adsumitur, inutilis versicoloribus, et ^ est vilissima omnium

Cimoliae generum ; pretiosior Umbrica et quam 197 vocant saxum. proprietas saxi quod crescit in

- macerando ; itaque pondere emitur, illa mensura.

Umbrica non nisi poliendis vestibus adsumitur. neque enim pigebit hanc quoque partem adtingere, cum lex Metilia extet fullonibus dicta, quam C. Flaminius L. Aemilius censores dedere ad populum 198 ferendam. adeo omnia maioribus curae fuere.

ergo ordo hic est : primum abkiitur vestis Sarda, dein sulpure suffitur, mox desquamatur Cimolia quae est coloris veri. fucatus enim deprehenditur nigrescitque et funditur sulpure, veros autem et pretiosos colores emollit Cimolia et quodam nitore exhilarat contristatos sulpure. candidis vestibus saxum utilius a sulpure, inimicum coloribus. Graecia pro Cimolia Tymphaico ^ utitur gypso. 199 LVm. Alia creta argentaria appellatur nitorem argento reddens, set vilissima qua circum praeducere ad victoriae notam pedesque venalium trans maria

advectorum denotare instituerunt maiores ; talemque

^ ea coni. Mayhoff. ?itaque Mayhoff : atque. ' Tymphaico Hermolaus Barbarus coll. Theophr. : tympaigo

B : tympauco rell.

" Sarda would be strong calcium montmorillonite ; Umbrian earth, some kaolinite; and saxiim, bentonite. Cf. R. H. S. Robertson, Class. Rev., LXIII, 51-3. K. C. Bailey thinks saxum is quicklime. * Cf. § 4t. 406 :

BOOK XXXV. Lvn. i^^-lviii. 199

from Sardinia, is only used for white fabrics, and is of

no use for cloths of various colours ; it is the cheap-

est of all the Cimolus kinds ; more valuable are the Umbrian and the one called ' rock.' ° The peculiarity of the latter is that it increases in size when it is steeped in Hquid ; consequently it is sold by weight, whereas Umbrian is sold by measure. Umbrian earth is only employed for giving lustre to cloths. It will not be out of place to touch on this part of the subject also, as a Metilian law refer- ring to fullers still stands. the law which Gaius Flaminius and Lucius Aemilius as censors put forward 220 b.c. to be carried in parliament : so careful about every- thing were our ancestors. The process then is this the cloth is first washed with earth of Sardinia, and then it is fumigated with sulphur, and afterwards scoured with Cimolian earth provided that the dye is fast ; if it is coloured with bad dye it is detected and turns black and its colour is spread by the action of the sulphur; whereas genuine and valuable colours are softened and brightened up with a sort of brilliancc by Cimolian earth when they have been made sombre by the sulphur, The ' rock ' kind is more serviceable for white garments, after the application of sulphur, but it is very detri- mental to colour. In Greece they use Tymphaea gypsum instead of Cimolian earth. LVIII. There is another cretaceous earth ^ called sihersmiths' ^"'"'^' silversmiths' powder as used for polishing silver ; but the most inferior kind is the one which our ancestors made it the practice to use for tracing the hne indicating victory in circus-races and for marking the feet of slaves on sale that had been imported from over-seas ; instances of these being


Publilium Antiochium,^ mimicae scaenae condi- torem, et astrologiae consobrinum eius Manilium Antiochum, item grammaticae Staberium Erotem 200 eadem nave advectos videre proavi. sed quid hos

referat aliquis, litterarum honore commendatos ? talem in catasta videre Chrysogonum Sullae, Am- phionem Q. Catuli, Hectorem ^ L. Luculli, Deme- trium Pompei, Augenque Demetri, quamquam et ipsa Pompei credita est, Hipparchum M. Antoni, Menam et Menecraten Sexti Pompei aliosque deinceps, quos enumerare iam non est, sanguine 201 Quiritium et proscriptionum licentia ditatos. hoc est insigne venaliciis gregibus obprobriumque inso- lentis fortunae. quos et nos adeo potiri rerum vidimus, ut praetoria quoque ornamenta decerni a senatu iubente Agrippina Claudi Caesaris videremus

tantumque non cum laureatis fascibus remitti illo, unde cretatis pedibus advenissent.

^ Antiochium 0. Jahn : luciUum cd. Par. 6801 : lochium rell. ^ Hectorem Urlichs, Detlefsen : interfectorem cd. Par.

Lat. 6797, cd. Tolet. : rectorem rell. : interfectorem, Heronem

edd. vett. : Heronem ed. Basil.

** This would be PubHlius Syrus, fl. c. 45 b.c. ^ Probably father or grandfather of Manilius who wrote the extant Astrononiica. « Teacher of Brutus and Cassius. ^ From the period 80-30 b.c. ' Demetrius of Gadara whose native city, destroyed by the Jews, was rebuilt by Pompey at Demetrius' request. 408 BOOK XXXV. Lviii. 199-20T

Publilius of Antioch" the founder of our mimic stage and his cousin Manilius * Antiochus the originator of our astronomy, and Hkewise Staberius

Eros '^ our first grammarian, all of whom our ancestors saw brought over in the same ship. But why need anybody mention these men, recommended to notice as they are by their literary honours ? Other instances ^ that have been seen on the stand in the slave market are Chrysogonus freedman of Sulla. Amphion freedman of Quintus Catulus, Hector freedman of Lucius Lucullus, Demetrius " freedman of Pompey, and Auge freedwoman of Demetrius, although she herself also was beheved to have belonged to Pompey ; Hipparchus freedman of

Mark Antony, Menas ' and Menecrates freedmen of Sextus Pompeius, and a list of others whom this is not the occasion to enumerate, who ^ have enriched themselves by the bloodshed of Roman citizens and by the licence of the proscriptions.^ Such is the mark set on these herds of slaves for sale, and the disgrace attached to us by capricious fortune I — persons whom even we have seen risen to such power that we actually beheld the honour of the praetor- ship awarded to them by decree of the Senate at the bidding of Claudius Caesar's wife Agrippina,^ and all but sent back ^dth the rods of office wreathed in laurels to the places from which they came to Rome

^ with their feet whitened with white earth !

^Admiral of Sextus Pompeius c. 40 b.c. He deserted twice to Octavian. Hipparchus likewise deserted to Octavian. Menecrates killed himself after ill success under Menas against Octavian'8 fleet, 38 b.c. " Especially Chrysogonus and perhaps Hipparchus. * By Sulla in 82 and by Antony, Octavian, Lepidus in 43 b.c. ^ She married Claudius iu a.d, 49. ^ See § 199. 409 PLINY : NATURAL HISTORY

202 LIX. Praeterea sunt genera terrae proprietatis suae, de quibus iam diximus, sed et hoc loco

reddenda natura : ex Galata insula et circa Clupeam Africae scorpiones necat, Baliaris et Ebusitana serpentes.

NOTE ON THE PaINTERS NaMED ArISTIDES. It would appear that an elder Aristides (XXXV. 75, 108, 111, and 122?—the statuary of XXXIV. 50 and 72 may be the same) had as pupils his sons Nicoraachus (XXXV. 108, 109), Niceros (111) and Ariston (110, 111), and two others (not sons), namely Euphranor (111, 128) and Antorides (111).

4IQ BOOK XXXV. Lix. 202

LIX. Moreover there are other kinds of earth with a special property of their own about which we have spoken already, but the nature of whichni,?»

' must again be stated here : soil taken from the island of Galata and in the neighbourhood of Clupea in Africa kills scorpions, and that of the Balearic Islands and Iviza is fatal to snakes.

Note however that the reading Aristidis in XXXV. 108 is uncertain and that Nicomachus is not mentioned in 111. Nicomachus had a son and pupil the younger Aristides (A. of Thebes 98-100, 110) who was thus grandson of A. the elder. The younger is named also in XXXV. 24, and VII. 126. Pliny shows some confusion of the two.



Acragas, XXXIII 155 Aristobulus, XXXV 146 Aeginetas, XXXV 145 (Aristocles?, XXXV 110 n.) Aetion, XXXV 50, 78 Aristoclides, XXXV 138 Aetion, XXXIV 50 Aristocvdes, XXXV 146 Aglaophon, XXXV 60 Aristodemus, XXXIV 86 Alcamenes, XXXIV 49, 72; cf. Aristolaus, XXXV 137

XXXVI 16, 17 Ariston, XXXIII 156 ; XXXIV 85 Akimachus, XXXV 139 Ariston, XXXV 110, 111 Alcon, XXXIV 141 Aristonidas, XXXIV 140; XXXV Aleuas, XXXIV 86 146 Alexis, XXXIV 50 Aristophon, XXXV 138 Amphicrates, XXXIV 72 Artemon, XXXV 139 Anaxander, XXXV 146 Asclepiodorus, XXXV 80, 107 Androbius, XXXV 139 Asclepiodorus, XXXIV 86 Androbulus, XXXIV 86 Asopodorus, XXXIV 50 Androcydes, XXXV 64 (Aterius, XXXV 20 n.) Antaeus, XXXIV 52 Athenion, XXXV 134 (Antenorides ?, XXXV 111 n.) Athenodorus, XXXIV 86; cf. (Antheus?, XXXIV 52 n.) XXXVI 37 Antidotus, XXXV 130 Athenodorus, XXXIV 50 Antignotus, XXXIV 86 Attius Priscus, XXXV 120 Antimachus, XXXIV 86 Autobulus, XXXV 148 Antipater, XXXIII 156 Antiphilus, XXXV 114, 138 Baton, XXXIV 73, 91 (Antistius, XXXV 20 n.) Boedas, XXXIV 66, 73 Antogonus, XXXIV 84 Boethus, XXXm 155; XXXIV 84 Antorides, XXXV 111. Bryaxis, XXXIV 42, 73 ; cf. XXXVI Apellas, XXXIV 86 22, 30, 31 Apelles, XXXV 50, 75, 76, 79-97, 107, Brvetes, XXXV 123 111, 118, 123, 140, 145; cf. VII 125 Bularchus, XXXV 55; cf. VII 126 Apollodorus, XXXIV 86 Butades, XXXV 151, 152 Apollodorus, XXXV 60, 61 Arcesilas, XXXV 146 (Caecosthenes ?Caicosthenes ?,XXXIV Arcesilaus, XXXV 155, 156; cf. 87 n.; XXXV 155 n.) XXXVI 33, 41 Calamis, XXXIH 156; XXXIV 47,

(Archesilaus ?, XXXV 122 n.) 71 ; cf. XXXVI 36 Arellius, XXXV 119 Calates. XXXV 114 Argeius, XXXIV 50 (Calliades?, XXXIV 85 n.) Aridices, XXXV 16 Callicles, XXXV 114 Aristarete, XXXV 147 Callicles, XXXIV 87 (Aristiaeus?, XXXV 108 n.) Callides, XXXIV 85 Aristides, XXXIV 50, 72; XXXV Callimachus, XXXIV 92 75, 108, 111, 122, and pp. 410-411 CaUistratus, XXXIV 52 Aristides, XXXV 24, 98-100, 110, and CaUixenus, XXXIV 52 pp. 410-411 CaUon, XXXIV 49 INDEX OF ARTISTS

Calypso, XXXV 147 n. Dionysius, XXXV 113, 125, 148 Canachus, XXXIV 50, 75; cf. Dionysius, XXXIV 85 XXXVI 41 (Dionvsodorus ?, XXXIV 85 n.) Cantharus, XXXIV 85 Dionysodonis, XXXV 146 Cenchramis (Cenchramus?), XXXIV Diopus, XXXV 152 87 Dorotheus, XXXV 91 C^phisodorus, XXXV 60 Cephisodorus XXXIV 74; 51 n. Ecphantus, XXXV 16

Cephisodotus, XXXIV 50, 87 ; 74 n. Elasippus, XXXV 122 Cephisodotus, XXXIV 51, 87; cf. (Epatodorus ?, XXXIV 50 n.) XXXVI 24 Epigonus, XXXIV 88 Cepis, XXXIV 87 Erigonus, XXXV 145 Chaereas, XXXIV 75 Erillus, XXXV 60 Chalcosthenes (Caicosthenes ?), Eubulides, XXXIV 88 XXXIV 87; XXXV 155 Eubulus, XXXIV 88 Chares, XXXIV 41, 44 Euchir, XXXIV 91 Charmadas, XXXV 56 Euchir, XXXV 152 Charmantides, XXXV 146 (Eucles?, XXXIV 51 n.) Cimon, XXXV 56 (Euclides?, XXXV 140 n.) Cleanthes, XXXV 16 Eudorus, XXXV 141 Cleon, XXXV 140 Euenor, XXXV 60 Cleon, XXXIV 87 Eugrammus, XXXV 152 Coenus, XXXV 139 Eumarus, XXXV 56 Colotes, XXXIV 87; XXXV 55 Eunicus, XXXIII 156; XXXIV 85 Cornelius Pinus, XXXV 120 Euphorion, XXXIV 85 Coroebus, XXXV 146 Euphranor, XXXIV 50, 77; XXXV (Corybas?, XXXV 146 n.) 111, 128-130, 146 Cratinus, XXXV 140, 147 Euphron, XXXIV 51 Cresilas, XXXIV 53, 74 Eupompus, XXXIV 61; XXXV 64, Critias (Critius ?), XXXIV 49, 85, and 75 pp. 256-257 Euthycrates, XXXIV 51, 66, 83 Ctesias, XXXIV 85 Euthymides, XXXV 146 Ctesicles, XXXV 140 Eutychides, XXXIV 51, 78; XXXV

Ctesidemus, XXXV 114, 140 141 ; cf. XXXVI 34 Ctesilaus, XXXIV 76; 53 n., 74 n. Euxinidas, XXXV 75 Ctesilochus, XXXV 150 Cydias, XXXV 130 Fabius Pictor, XXXV 19 Cydon, XXXIV 53 (Fabullus?, XXXV 120 n.) Famulus, XXXV 120 Daedalus, XXXIV 76 Daemon, XXXIV 87 Glaucides, XXXIV 91 Daiphron, XXXIV 87 Glaucion, XXXV 134 Daippus, XXXIV 87; 51 n., 66 n. Gorgasus, XXXV 154 Damocritus, XXXIV 87 Gorgias, XXXIV 49 Damophilus, XXXV 154 Deliades, XXXIV 85 Habron, XXXV 141, 146 Demeas, XXXIV 50 Hagelades (Hagelaidas), XXXIV 49, Demetrius, XXXIV 76 55, 57 Demophilus, XXXV 61 Hecataeus, XXXIII 156 ; XXXIV 85 Dicaeogenes, XXXV 146 Hedys?, XXXIII 156 Dinias, XXXV 56 (Hedystratides ?, XXXIII 156 n.) Dinomenes, XXXIV 50, 76 Hegesias, XXXIV 78 Dinon, XXXIV 50 Hegias, XXXIV 49, 78 Diodorus?, XXXIII 156; XXXIV Heliodorus, XXXIV 91; cf. XXXVl 85? 35 414 ;


Heraclides, XXXV 135, 146 (Nauclerus ?, XXXIV 80 n.) (Herillus?, XXXIV 60 n.) Naucydes, XXXIV 50, 80 (Herophon?, XXXIV 91 n.) Nealces, XXXV 104, 142, 145, 146 Hicanus, XXXIV 91 Nearchus, XXXV 141, 147 (Hippias?, XXXV 141 n.) Neocles, XXXV 146 Hippys, XXXV 141 Neseus, XXXV 61 Hygiaenon, XXXV 56 Nesiotes, XXXIV 49, and pp. 256-257 Hypatodorus, XXXIV 50 Nessus, XXXV 146 Nicanor, XXXV 122 laia, XXXV 147, 148 Niceratus, XXXIV 80, 88 lon, XXXIV 51 Niceros, XXXV 111 lophon, XXXIV 91 Nicias, XXXV 133 (Iphis?, XXXV 141 n.) Nicias, XXXV 27, 130-134 Irene, XXXV 147 Nicomachus, XXXV 50, 108-109, 145, (Isidorus?, XXXIV 78 n.) 146 Isidotus, XXXIV 78 Nicophanes, XXXV 111, 137 Isogonus, XXXIV 84 Nicosthenes, XXXV 146

(Laia?, XXXV 147 n.) Oenias, XXXV 143 Laippus, XXXIV 51, 66 Olympias, XXXV 148 Leochares, XXXIV 50, 79; cf. XXXVI .30, 31 (Pacuius?), Pacuvius, XXXV 19 Leon, XXXV 141 Pamphilus, XXXV 75-77, 122 Leon, XXXIV 91 Panaenus, XXXV 54-58, 177; cf. Leontiscus, XXXV 141 XXXVI 177 (Leophon?, XXXIV 91 n.) Parrhasius, XXXV 60, 64, 65, 67-72, Lesbocles, XXXIV 85 129 (Ludius?, XXXIV IIC n.) Pasias, XXXV 145

(Lyciscus?, XXXIV 79 n.) Pasiteles, XXXIII 156 ; XXXV 156 Lycius, XXXIV 50, 79 cf. XXXVI 35, 39, 40 (Lvco?, XXXV 115 n.) Patrocles, XXXIV 50, 91 Lysippus, XXXIV 37, 40, 41, 51, 61- Patroclus, XXXIV 50 67, 80; XXXV 153; cf. VII 125 Pausias, XXXV 123-127, 128, 137; (Lvsippus?, XXXV 122 n.) cf. XXI 4

Lvsistratus, XXXIV 51 ; XXXV 153 Pedius (Quintus), XXXV 21 Lyson, XXXIV 91 PereUus, XXXIV 49 Periclvmenus, XXXIV 91 (Maia?, XXXV 147 n.) (Perileus ?, XXXIV 49 n.) Melanthius, XXXV 50, 76, 80 Perillus, XXXIV 89 Menaechmus, XXXIV 80 Perseus, XXXV 111 Menodorus, XXXIV 91 Phalerion, XXXV 143 Menogeues, XXXIV 88 Phanis, XXXIV 80 Mentor, XXXIII 154; cf. VII 127 Phidias, XXXIV 49, 53, 54, 56, 72, 87 ; Metrodorus, XXXV 135 XXXV 54, 55, 57; cf. XXXVI

Micon, XXXIV 88 ; XXXV 42, 59 15-19 Milon, XXXV 146 Philiscus, XXXV 143 Mnasilaus (Mnesilaus?), XXXV 122 Philochares, XXXV 28 Mnasitheus(Mnesitheus?), XXXV 146 Philocles, XXXV 16 Mnositimus, XXXV 146 (Philomachus ?, XXXV 146 n.) Mvagrus, XXXIV 91 Philon, XXXIV 91 Myron, XXXIV 10, 49, 50, 57 59, Philoxenus, XXXV 110

68, 79 ; cf. XXXVI 32 Phradmon, XXXIV 49, 53 Mys, XXXIII 155 (PhrvUus?, XXXIV 60 n.) Phrynon, XXXI V 50 Naucerus, XXXIV 80 (Phyromachus ?, XXXIV 51 n.) INDEX OF ARTISTS

Piraeicus, XXXV 112 Stratonicus, XXXIII 156; X.XXIV Piston, XXXIV 89 84, 85, 90 Plautius, :Marous Lvcon, XXXV 115 Strongylion, XXXIV 82 Polemon, XXXV 146 (Studius?, XXXV 116 n.) Pollis. XXXIV 91 Styppax, XXXIV 81 Polyoles, XXXJV 50 Symenus, XXXIV 91 PolVcles, XXXIV 52, 80; cf. XXXVI 35 (Tadius?, XXXV 146 n.) Polyclitus, XXXIV 64 Tadius, XXXV 116 Polvclitus, XXXIV 10, 49, 50, 53, Tauriscus, XXXIII 156; XXXV 144; 55, 56, 58, 68, 72 cf. XXXVI 33, 34 Polycrates, XXXIV 91 Telephunes, XXXV 16 PolVdorus, XXXIV 85; XXXV 58, Telephanes, XXXIV 68 59, 122, 123; cf. VII 205; XXXIV (Telesarchides ?, XXXIII 156 n.) 91 n. Teucer, XXXIII 157 Polvgnotus, XXXIV 85; XXXV 42, Theodorus, XXXIV 83; XXXV 146, 58, 59, 122, 123 152 Polyidus, XXXIV 91 (Theodorus?, XXXV 144 n.) Posidonius, XXXIII 156; XXXIV Theomnestus, XXXV 107 91 Theomnestus, XXXIV 91 Possis, XXXV 155 Theon, XXXV 144 Praxiteles, XXXIV 50, 69-71; Theorus, XXXV 144 XXXV 122, 123; cf. XXXVI 20- Therimachus, XXXIV 50 ; XXXV 78 23, 24, 28, 34 Thracides, XXXIII 156 (Prodicus ?, XXXIV 44) Thrason, XXXIV 91 Prodorus, XXXIV 85 Timagoras, XXXV 58 Protogenes, XXXIV 91; XXXV 80, Timanthes, XXXV 64, 72-74

81-83, 88, 101-106, 118; cf. VII Timarchides, XXXIV 91 ; cf. XXXVI 126. 35 Pyromachus, XXXIV 51, 80, 84; Timarchus, XXXIV 51 XXXV 146 Timarete, XXXV 59, 147 Pvrrhus, XXXTV 80 Timocles, XXXIV 51 PVthagoras, XXXIV 49, 59, 60, 68 Timomachus, XXXV 136, 145; cf. Pytheas, XXXIII 156 VII 126 Pythias, XXXIV 52 Timon, XXXIV 91 Pythocles, XXXIV 52 Timotheus, XXXIV 91 ; cf. XXXVI Pythocritus, XXXIV 91 30-32 Pythodicus, XXXIV 85; 44 n. Tisias, XXXIV 91 Tisicrates, XXXIV 67, 83, 89;

Khoecus, XXXV 152 ; cf. XXXVI 90 XXXV 146 (Tisicrates ?, XXXIV 72 n.) Scopas, XXXIV 49, 90; cf. XXXVI Titedius (Titidius?) Labeo, XXXV 20 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 95 TurpiUus, XXXV 20 Scymnus, XXXIV 85 Serapion, XXXV 113 (Ummidius?, XXXV 120 n.) Silanion, XXXIV 51, 81, 82 Simon, XXXIV 90 Vulca (Volcania?), XXXV 157 Simonides, XXXV 143 Simus, XXXV 143 Xenocrates, XXXIV 83

Socrates, XXXV 137 ; cf. XXXVI 32 Xenon, XXXV 146 Sofocles, Sophocles, XXXIV 51 Sopolis, XXXV 148 Zenodorus, XXXIV 45-47 Sostratus, XXXIV 51, 60 Zeuxiades, XXXIV 51 Stadius, XXXV 146 Zeuxis, XXXV 61-66, 111 Sthennis, XXXIV 51, 90 Zopyrus, XXXIII 156 4i6 MUSEOGRAPHIC INDEX

Agragentum, XXXV 62, 64 Ilhodes, XXXIIl, 155; XXXIV 36, Alexandria, XXXV 89, 93 41, 42, 03, 140, 141; XXXV Ambracia, XXXV 66 69, 93, 106 Antium, XXXV 52 Rome, XXXIV 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23. Ardea, XXXV 17, 115 25, 28, 29, 32, 33, 36, 45, 48, 56, Athens, XXXIV 17, 27, 36, 54, 64, 64; XXXV 23, 127, 155, 157 72; XXXV 54, 101, 125, 129, 130, Baths of Aorippa, XXXIV 62; 132, 134, 140, 155: cf. XXXVI XXXV 26 16, 17, 32 CampusMartius, XXXIV 40 Vapitol, XXXIV 22, 29, 39, 40, 43, 44,77; XXXV 22 Caere, 18 XXXV Temples on, ofFaith, Juno, Jupiter Corinth, 51 XXXV Capitolinus, Jupiter the Thun- Cyprus, 92; cf. XXXVI 20 XXXrV derer, Minerra, see Temples Cyzicus, XXXV 26 Cattle Market, XXXIV 10, 33 Comitium, XXXIV 21, 26 Delphi, XXXrV 36, 59, 64, 66: Curia Hostilia, XXXIV 21, 22, 29; XXXV 59, 138 XXXV 2 Didvma, XXXIV 75 Curia lulia, XXXV 27, 28, 131 Fonim, XXXIV 24, 30; XXXV 23, 25 Eleusis, XXXV 134, 147 Forum of Augustus, XXXV 27, Elis, 54 XXXV 93 Ephesus, XXXIII 154; XXXIV, 53, Forum of Caesar, XXXIV 18 58 ; XXXV 92, 129, 132, 140, 147 Galleries of Octavia, XXXPV 31; Etruria, XXXIV 34 XXXV 114, 139; cf. XXXVI 15, 22,28 Gaul, XXXIV 45, 47 Gardens of Maius, XXXV 51 Golden Eouse of Nero, XXXLV 84; XXXV 120 Lanuvium, XXXV 17 Old shops, XXXV 113 Lebadea, XXXIV 66 Palatine, House of the Cacsars, Lindos, XXXIII 155; 71 XXXV XXXV 83 Lysimachea, 56 XXXLV Pantheon, XXXIV 13 Portico of Metellus, XXXIV 31; Naples, XXXV 147 cf. XXXVI 39. Poriico of Octavius, XXXIV 13 Porticoes of Philip, XXXV 66, 114, Olympia, 16, 36, 49,59 XXXIV 144 Porticoes of Pompeius, XXXV 59, Parium, XXXIV 78 114, 126, 132 Piraeus, XXXIV 74 Regia, XXXFV 48 Pella, XXXV 98 Rostra, XXXIV 22, 23, 24, 29, 93 Pergamum, XXXV 60 Tarquin, House of, XXXIV 29 Praeneste, XXXTV 83 Trigemina porta, XXXIV 21 417 MUSEOGRAPHIC INDEX

Rome: Rome : Temples Temples— contd. Apollo in Circus of Flaminius, Jupiter the Thunderer on Capitol, XXXV 99: cf. XXXVI 28, XXXIV 10, 78, 79 34 Mars the Avenger, XXXIV 48 Apollo of the Palatine, XXXIV Minerva on Capitol, XXXV 108 14; cL XXXVI 23, 24, 25, Muses, XXXIV 19

32 Pax, XXXIV, 84 ; XXXV 74, 102, Augustus, XXXV 28, 131 109 in Library of, XXXIV 43 Salus, in Quirinali, XXXV 19 Castor and Pollux, XXXIV 23 Tellus, XXXIV 30 Ceres, XXXV 24, 99, 154 Venus Genetrix, XXXV 26, 138. Concord, XXXIV 73, 77, 80, 89, 156 90; XXXV 66, 131, 144 Tiberius, apartments of, XXXV 70 Diana, in Circus of Flaminius, Titus, House of, XXXIV 55: cf. XXXV 94 XXXVT 37 Felicitas, XXXIV 69 Fides, on Capitol, XXXV 100 Samos, XXXV 72, 93 Portuna huiusce diei, XXXIV 54, Slcyon, XXXV 109, 127; cf. XXXVI 60 10 Uercules, in Caltle Market, XXXV Syracuse, XXXIV 59 19 Hercules Mvsarum, XXXV 66 Tarentum, XXXIV 40 llonour and Virtue (twin Tem- Thebes, XXXIV 59, 67 ples), XXXV 120 Thespiae, XXXIV 66; XXXV 11>.X Janus, XXXIV 33 Thessalv, XXXIV 68 Julius Caesar, XXXV 27, 91 Tusculum, XXXV 52, 13(' Juno, on Capitol, XXXIV 38 Jupiter of the Capitol, XXXIII Verona, XXXV 20 154; XXXV 69, 108, 157 Volsinii, XXXIV 34


aerugo, XXXIIl G2, a3 ; XXXIV bitumen, XXXV 178-182, 194 110-116, 160 cadmea, XXXIII 94; XXXIV 2, 4, aes, XXXIII 1, 00, 64, 65, 82, 94, 98,100,125,126,130-132; XXXIV 100, 101-106, 113, 117, 119, 128, 130, 169 1-10, 94-100, 105, 106, 109, 110, 117, caeruleum, XXXIII 91, 158, 161- 128, 131, 134-137, 140, 149, 155, ICO, 163; XXXV 45-47, 49; see also 162, 163, 172 ; XXXV 182, 186, 192 Indicum alabastram, XXXIII 101 calx, XXXIII 94, 121, 159, 162; alumen, XXXIII 65, 88, 94, 98; 182 106, 116, 149: XXXV XXXV XXXIV 160 183-190 candidum aes, XXXIV 109, 110, capnitis, XXXIV 101 alutiae, XXXIV 157 carbo, XXXIII 94 ; XXXIV 96 ampelitis, XXXV 194 cas3it«rum, XXXIV 156, 158 antispodos, XXXIV 133 cerussa, XXXIII 102 ; XXXIV 104, anularia creta, XXXV 46; cp. 48 168, 170, 175, 176; XXXV 30, aphronitram, XXXV 195 150, Appianum, XXXV 48-49 37-39, 49 chalcanthum, XXXIV 114, 123-127 argentaria creta, XXXV 44, 199 chalcitis, XXXIV 2, 117-121 ; XXXV argenturium plumbum, XXXIV 95, 186 97, 98 Chia terra, XXXV 194 argentum, XXXIII 1, 4, 16, 37, 49, chrysocolla, XXXIII 4, 86-93, 161; 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 60, 80, 81, 86, 30, 47, 48 93-98, 101, 105, 111, 121, 125-128, XXXV Cimolia creta, 155; XXXV 130-132, 139-148, 151-153, 157- XXXIV 36, 194-196, 198 158; XXXIV 5, 100, 132, 137, cinnabaris, XXXIII 115-117; XXXV 158-163, 173, 177; XXXV 199 30 argentum vivum, XXXIII 64, 05, 99, coticula, XXXIII 126; XXXIV 105 "100, 119, 123 creta, anularia, XXXV 46 ; cp. 48 argyritis, XXXIII 106, 108 199 (Armeniacum), XXXV 47 argentaria, XXXV 44, Cimolia, XXXI\M55; XXXV Armonium, XXXV 30 36, 194-190, 198 Armenius lapis, XXXV 47 Eretria, XXXIII 163; XXXV arrbenicum, XXXIV 178 37 arranientum, XXXIII 90, 91; Sarda, XXXV 196, 198 XXXV 30, 41-43, 50 Selinusia, 46 atramentum sutorium, XXXIV 112, XXXV viridis, XXXV 48 114, 123-127 Cyprium aes, XXXIV 4, 94, 106, 109, aurichalcum, XXXIV 2, 4 172 auripigmentum, XXXIII 79 ; XXXV cypram, XXXV 195, 196 30, 49 auram, XXXIII 1, 4-6, 9, 12-16, 21, diphryges, XXXIV 135, 136 37-39, 42, 47, 48-86, 93, 94, 98, 99, 121, 122, 126, 130, 140, 144, 158; electram, XXXIII 1, 80, 81 XXXIV 5, 116, 121, 132, 137, 157, Eretria creta, XXXIII 163 163, 173, 177; XXXV 36 Eretria terra, XXXV 30, 38, 192, 194 419 INDEX OF MINERALS

lerrum, XXX III 1, 7, 94, 121, 132; plumbum, XXXIII 59, 60, 65, 86 XXXIV 138-155, 167; XXXV 35, 94, 95, 104-106, 119; XXXIV 95 182 96-98, 143, 156-173; XXXV 37 flos aeris, XXXIV 107, 109, 135 plumbum album, XXXIII 94 XXXIV 156, 157, 158, 160-163 galena, XXXIII 95; XXXIV 159, plumbum argentinum, XXXIV 95 173 97, 98 grpsum, XXXIV 150, 198 plumbum nigrum, XXXIV 96, 98 156, 158-162, 164-171, 175 Hammoniacum, XXXIV 114, 116 pompholvx, XXXIV 128-130 hvdrargyrum, XXXIII 64, 100, 123- psimithium, XXXIV 175, 176 *126 pulvis, XXXV 166 purpura, XXXIU 70; XXXV 44, Indicum, XXXIII 163; XXXV 30, 45, 46, 50 42, 46, 49 ; cp. XXXV 43 purpurissum, XXXV 30, 44, 45, 49, 195 Puteolanum caeruleum, XXXIII 161, lapis, Armenius, XXXV 47 162 pyrites, XXXIV 136 pyrites lapis, XXXIV 135 specularis, XXXIII 79 pyropus, XXXIV 94 Thracius, XXXIII 94 larbasis, XXXIII 101 robigo, XXXIII 62, 121; XXXIV Leninia rubrica, XXXV 33 99, 140, 141, 143, 146, 150, 152, 153 leucophorum, XXXIII 64 ; XXXV 30 rubrica, XXXIII 115, 117; XXXIV librarium atramentum, XXXV 43 135; XXXV 30, 33, 34, 35 lonchoton, XXXIV 124 sal, XXXIII 63, 65, 84, 109, 157; magnes, XXXIV 147, 148 XXXIV 106, 116, 126 marilla?, XXXIV 134 Samia terra, XXXV 191, 194 marmor, XXXIII 64, 68, 94, 122; sandaraca, XXXIV 176, 177, 178; XXXIV 112 XXXV 30, 39, 40, 177 Mclinum, XXXV 30, 36, 37, 49, 50 sandvx, XXXV 30, 40, 45 Melinum alumen, XXXV 184, 188, santerna, XXXIII 93; XXXIV 116 190 sapphirus, XXXIII 68 minium, XXXIII 4, 111-124; Sardacreta, XXXV 196, 198 XXXIV 106; XXXV 30, 33, 40, 45 scoria, XXXIII 69 misy, XXXIII 84; XXXIV 114, scoria aeris, XXXIV 107, 136 117, 121, 122 scoria plumbi, XXXIV 171, 174 molvbdaena, XXXIII 105, lOS; scudes, XXXIII 69 XXXIV 173, 174 scytanum, XXXIII 88 molybditis, XXXIII 106 Scythicum caenileum, XXXIII 161 murrina, XXXIII 5 Seiinusia creta, XXXV 46 SeUnusia terra, XXXV 194 naphtha, XXXV 179 sil, XXXIII 158-160, 164; XXXV nitrum, XXXIIl 93, 103, 109; 36, 38, 50 XXXIV 116; XXXV 177, 181, 185 sinopis, XXXIII 117; XXXV 30, 31, 32, 36, 4U, 50 ochra, XXXV 30, 35, 39 smegma, XXXIV 134 onychitis, XXXIV 103 sori, XXXrV 117, 118, 120 onyx, XXXIV 103 specularis lapis, XXXIII 79 spodium, XXXIV 170, 172 palacurnae, XXXIII 77 spodos, XXXIV 128-132 Paraetoniuni, XXXIII 90, 91; spuma argenti, XXXIII 102, 106- XXXV 30, 36 110; XXXIV 174, 176 pissasphalton, XXXV 178 squama aeris, XXXIV 107, 108-110 plumbago, XXXIV 168 squama ferri, XXXIV 166 420 INDEX OF MINERALS stagnum, XXXIII 94, 130; XXXIV Syricum, XXXHI 120; XXXV 30, 159, 160 40 staniium, r. stagnum stibi, stibia, XXXIII 101; XXXIV 169 t;usconium, XXXIII 69 8tim(m)i, XXXIII 101, 102-104 terra, Chia, XXXV 194 stomoma, XXXIV 108 Eretria, XXXV 192, 194 stricturae, XXXIV 143 Samia, XXXV 191, 194 Budor, XXXIII 69 Selinusia, XXXV 194 sulphur, XXXin 131; XXXIV 106, thracius lapis, XXXIII 94 167, 168, 170, 171, 177; XXXV trichitis, XXXV 186 174-177, 180, 198 turbistum, XXXHI 88



Latin Authors

Ammianus Mabcellinus. Translated by J. C. Rolfe. 3 Vols. Apuleius: The Golden Ass (Metamorphoses). W. Adling- ton(1566). Revised by S. Gaselee. St. Augustine: City of God. 7 Vols. Vol. I. G. H. McCracken. Vol. VI. W. C. Greene. St. Augustine, Confessions of. W. Watts (1631). 2 Vols. St. Augustine, Select Letters. J. H. Baxter. AusoNius. H. G. EveljTi White. 2 Vols. Bede. J. E. King. 2 Vols. Boethius: Tracts and De Consolatione Philosophiae. Rev. H. F. Stewart and E. K. Rand. Caesah: Alexandbian, Afkican and Spanish Wars. A. G. Way. Caesar: Civil Wars. A. G. Peskett. Caesar: Gallic War. H. J. Edwards. Cato: De Re Rustica; Varro: De Re Rustica. H. B. Ash and W. D. Hooper. Catullus. F. W. Comish; Tibullus. J. B. Postgate; Per- VIGILIUM Veneris. J. W. Mackail. Celsus: De Medicina. AV. G. Spencer. 3 Vols. Cicero: Brutus, and Orator. G. L. Hendrickson and H. M. Hubbell. [CicERO]: Ad Herennium. H. Caplan. Cicero: De Oratore, etc. 2 Vols. Vol. I. De Oratore, Books I. and II. E. W. Sutton and H. Rackham. Vol. II. De Oratobe, Book III. De Fato; Paradoxa Stoicorum; De Partitione Oratoria. H. Rackham. CicERO: De Finibus. H. Rackham. CicERO: De Inventione, etc. H. M. Hubbell. CiCERO: De Natura Deorum and AcADEMiCA. H. Rackham. CiCERO: De Officiis. Walter Miller. CicERO: De Republica and De Legibus; Somnium Scipionis, Clinton W. Keyes.


CicERO : In Catilixam, Pro Flacco, Pro Murena, Pro Sulla. Louis E. Lord. CicERO: Letters to Atticus. E. O. Winstedt. 3 Vols. CiCERO: Letters to His Friends. W. Glynn Williams. 3 Vols. CicERO: PHTT.rppics. W. C. A. Ker. Cicero: Pro Abchia Post Reditum, De Domo, De Harus- picuM Responsis, Pro Plancio. N. H. Watts. CicERO: Pro Caecina, Pro Lege Manilia, Pro Cluentio, Pro Rabirio. H. Grose Hodge. CicERO: Pro Caelio, De Provinciis Consularibus, Pro Balbo. R. Gardner.

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