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RED BANK REGISTER 10 Cents 10 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY. VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 36. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1952 SECTION ONE—PA&ES 1 TO 16. Hawkins Endorsed Board to Decide Industries to Aid in Red Cross Drive Penn Station Sells 'Bargain Tickets,' Mabel Lewis For Mayoralty On Acceptance \nd Nothing Can Be Done About It Shoppe Opens SHREWSBURY — Following the announcement Thursday night by Of Army's School What follows Is just another ex- Here Today Assemblyman Alfred N. Bcadleston iimple of shore line railroad con- that he would not seek re-election Government to Build Runison Adopts usion. The Owner Formerly as mayor, the local Republican club 11 dovelop.4 thnrn waa a bit of endorsed Councilman John Haw- 600-Pupil Structure; Budget for 1952 a mixtip last week about tho price Was Associated kins for the ftiayorality, . of railroad commutation tickets. Decision Due Tonight RUMSON—The mayor and coun- Ml available information points to With Straus Company il at their meeting test Thursday his course o[ events: EATONTOWN — Leo J. Carling, ight adopted their budget for 3932 Pennsylvania rnllrond announced A new shop for women, the Ma- president, and George Winning, dis- .nd ordinances providing for newi general—about $3 per ict Lewis Shoppe, opened today trict clerk, today will confer with liy Kchcdulo.H for most borough each per month—for interstate n one of Dr. William Matthews' Army officials concerning the local mployees and assessments for dis-commutation tickets effective Feb. new stores on Broad at, It will board of education's possible ac- rict one seWaRc operations. The 28. As tar as shore riders were ^arry a full line of lingerie, ceptance of a government proposal icw budget provides for an in- concerned that meant added fares Inundation garments, hoisery and to build a 600-pupil school here. reuse of 82 cents per $1,000 as- .vhether they rode Pennsylvania dresses, with emphasis placed on This was learned Monday night sessed valuation. or Jersey Central trains. Tho two mart clothes in larger sizes. when Mr. Carling and Mr. Winning Geoffrey Azoy of. Buerm Vista roads make up the New York and reported on a meeting held Satur- vo., only person to spoiilc on tho ^ons Branch nti!ro;ul on the shorn day at Fort Moniuouth. They said mdgi't at tho public hearing, stato'l inc and have iclcntieal fares. lie $171,000 increase the borough qualifies for govern- Now, regardless of the advance ment aid in connection with a n borough vatablcs for 1051 seemed low ^figure considering tho duy of sale—Ken. 23, 21, 25, etc.— Wherry Act housing project des- shore agents asked full fare, with tined for Hope rd. A 600-family mount of new construction during ho year. It was pointed out by thn increase included, for all garden apartment project is sched- Ickcts to be used after Feb. 28. uled for the area near the "old Councilman Peter Cnrtincll that Indus-fry representatives meeting at the county Red Cross chapter house at Shrewsbury lie llguro represents the not in-But at windows at Pcnn Station, brickyard" off Hope rd. New York city, up to midnight last 'to plan their plant campaigns for the Red Cross drive. Left to right: Robert Berman, Video i'eario imd that the grays ineroaso The project is intended to house ind been nnHinlly offset by tin-Thursday, bargain tickets nt the military personnel, government em- corporation; Sidney Rose, Tower Craftsmen; James Durkin, Bendix Aviation corporation; Miss 'ozinir of oxistinK buildings and old prices were available. Tb'ju- ployees, or the general public in santls of shore riders buy thiir Mary Ann Oakes, Wihtol Industries; Harold Moeller, Stephenson corporation; Walt Withey, sscasment reductions, which were hat order of priority. It was point- rdered by the county lax board. tickets in Now York. ed out that the government has two 1 Seaboard Service, and Allan Conklin, Monmouth Lumber company. Other industry represent- The new salary schedules toRetn- What tiprmrcnUy.was tht right alternatives. One is to build the thins: to do, under inter»tiite tariff school for the project on govern- atives are David Brewster, Blaisdell Lumber company; Harold Woolley and Charles LeMaistre, r with bonuses granted cnrlior, ive most borough employees anl- regulations, was just what Harold ment property—probably Fort M Jersey Central Power and Light company; Salvatore Fontana, Red Bank Clothing company; King, agent at the Red Bank sta- Councilman John Httwkh'.s mouth—or to build in Eatontown. nry increases of ton per cent for he year. tion, did. That is sell tickets for If the school is built here—under Mrs. Joseph Kramer, Red Bank Lumber and Supply company, and Miss Mary Cannavo, Union use after Feb. 28 at tho advanced Meeting in the fire house, club board supervision—the government Council postponed approval of a members heard the assemblyman Distributors. Jevelopment map of Blngliam prici'K. Ho said he was guided in will pay 95 per cent of construction hia salex by a memorandum from state that mounting duties in his cost plus tuition for its pupils. The Hills pending receipt of the re- state office preclude his continuing quired bond from the owners, the IS. I-. Tomllnson, Jersey Central's board will be required to adminis- iDi'ill pasxengei' agent, io collect to head this borough's official fam- ter the school. daybrook corporation, to guaran- ily after the end of his present .oc load improvements. the higher fares for March tickets term, Dec. 31. It will end 14 years' F. L. Zipf Buys the JCP&L Starts Monday in Local Area "regardless of date on which aold." Many Complications It was announced by Councilman "That," he said, "Is standard prac- \ Service in local government. He Harold Goetschius thnt tho new took office as councilman in 1939 Among complications facing the tice, and Penn station agents ought board la that the Army hopes to road department truck has been to know about It." Mrs. Mabel Lewis and was elected mayor the follow- Lewis Point Tract To Switch to Straight Natural Gas delivered. ing year, a position he has since have about 150 of the proposed In short, P.R.R., who asked for The proprietor is Mrs. Mabel held. apartments ready for occupancy by VanHorn Broker in In preparation for the change- Gas Conversion Headquarters. P. the incroaac, forgot to collect it on September. If this should happen; over some time this summer to O. Box 158, Allenhurst, N. J. This Lewis of Point Pleasant, who since. Councilman Hawkins is presently time while J.C.L., joint beneficiary, 1926 tins been employed by Strau.i the council president and chairman the board will be responsible for Adams Riverfront Deal straight natural gas In Us coastal special postollicc box has been went out and got it. area from Sea Bright south to cured in order to separate all cor-Mrs. Jones Named company of Broad st. Mrs. Lewis of the Civil Defense council here. educating the children coming from W. Radford Bascomo, Jr., of OT the project. Mi'. Carling said the A tract of acreage including 160 Tuckerton (excluding tiong Beach respondence relative to tho gas con- started as a salesgirl with the He served on the planning board feet of river frontage on Lewis Battin rd., Fair Haven, a former Straus firm. Upon her recent resig- before being .appointed by Mayor county already has advised him Island), Jorsoy Central Power and version so that it will receive spe- Point, between Hance Road and Light company will begin the first cial And prompt attention." To County Board railroad man and now a business nation, aho was a buyer with tha Beadleston to the council. Prior that people living in the apartments commuter, says he was concerned Battin Road, Fair Haven, extend- step of conversion in the Red Bank- Special telephones havo been in- TRENTON—Mis. Mary Jones, 17 firm, having had wide experience to moving here, he was a council- will be legal voters of tho borough. about the two-price tickets. Friends In her field. The shop will offer Mr. Carling said that tho finan- ing south from the river about Fair Haven areas next Monday, stalled to take care of customers Prospect ave., Red Bank, was ap- man in Little! Silver. In World War 1,250 feet has been purchased by Clyde A. Mullen, vice president in had saved money by dealing in ii full line of well-known brands II ho served as a member of war cial aspects of the proposal "are during tho first and final steps of pointed a member of the Monmouth Now York. But, to avoid inconveni- Mr. and Mrs. Florian L. Zipf of charge of operations for the local this conversion project. J.C.P. & L. County Election Board last Thurs- In hosiery, lingerie, foundation rationing board 17, a deputy War- complicated, but not impossible." Little Silver. The Ray Van Horn ence, ho hought a. ticket here "mi- garments and accessories. Ho explained that the board's great- utility announced. is requesting that all such calls per- day by Gov Alfred E. Drlscoll. As den of Little Silver air raid war- agency, Fair Haven Realtors, was dor protest" and asked for a re- In speaking of her new nhop, dens and committee assistant to the est difficulty is in obtaining Mr. Mullen stated that the first tinent to tho conversion be placed n, Democratic member she replaces ceipt, for a possible rebate. the broker effecting tho transaction. conversion step Is being taken now, through the special numbers which Raymond J.
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