Peter Pan Casting Line Readings

Michael – I won’t go to bed, Nana, I wont go to bed. Liza it isn’t six o’clock yet, is it? I won’t wash up, I won’t, I won’t! Wendy, I’m homesick! I want to go home! Peter, will you teach me how to crow? Peter, don’t you think I am too big for a cradle?

John- Mother! Oh, you look lovely! Madam, what lovely flowers, may I have the next dance? Can you really fly? We went to Neverland where you never grow old!

Wendy- That’s not Nana’s unhappy bark. That’s her bark when she smells danger! Boy, why are you crying? Of course I did nothing. You’re conceited. Oh Peter- you are so clever! Shall I give you a kiss? You know fairies? Peter, you don’t mean to tell me that there is a fairy right here in this room! Don’t go Peter. I know lots of stories. Will you teach John and Michael to fly? Dear, dear, your father’s missed his dinner again.

Peter- Oh my shadow, what’s the matter with you? Yes, but it’s all mine! Oh I’m clever! Oh, the cleverness of me! Tink, you know you can’t be my fairy because I’m a gentleman and you’re a lady. Wendy come with me, we’ll fly! This way to Neverland! A little less noise there! A little less noise! No one’s going to catch me and make me a man! I’m Peter Pan, the avenger! First I must blow fairy dust on you. Now think lovely thoughts and up you go!

Hook – I must think, Inspire me- dance you dogs! D’you want to lose your scalps? The game is up. Those boys have found a mother! Take her to the plank. Proud and cheeky youth, prepare to meet your doom! Back, Back you little worms. What’s that? The crocodile! The crocodile!

Smee/Pirates- The doodle doo has killed them all! Some day the clock’ll run down and then the crocodile will get you. Yo ho, yo ho the pirates life for me! Ay ay Captain! Shiver me timbers! There she blows!

Tiger and Pocahontas- Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? Follow me Pocahontas. Would you like to catchum lost boy. You can sing with all the voices of the mountain or paint with all the colors of the wind. Peter Pan is the sun, the moon and stars

Liza – Oh, but I do know how to dance. There, you see! They are perfectly safe and sound asleep in bed, aren’t they? That’s Liza with a Z not an S.

Tinkerbell- I've never been in a place like this before! I thought you'd never let me out of there... You are a stinky boy! You make me so mad! Hook poisoned your medicine! Don't drink that Peter!