4040 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SouthSouth BeltBelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, July 7, 2016 Email:
[email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 41, No. 23 Vacation photos sought The Leader is seeking readers’ 2016 vaca- Hughes Road construction causes headaches tion photos for possible publication. A first- and second-place prize of Schlitterbahn tickets Construction work along Hughes Road con- least one shop owner has temporarily shuttered tomobile accidents at the corner of Beamer and vide key upgrades such as water lines, sanitary will be awarded monthly during June, July and tinues to irk local residents and business owners, his doors until the traffi c situation improves. Hughes. While the offi cial number of collisions sewers, new concrete pavement, sidewalks and August to the best submissions. Each month’s who say the project is causing widespread confu- The Leader has put a request in to the City of was unavailable at press time Wednesday, the curbs, street lighting, traffi c control and new sig- first-place winner will be awarded eight tick- sion and traffi c congestion. Houston Public Works and Engineering Depart- Leader has heard from multiple Houston police nage. ets, while each month’s second-place winner A primary concern is the added traffi c when ment to see if the signals can be adjusted at the offi cers that at least one crash takes place per day Despite all of the current issues, construction will be awarded six. traveling north on Beamer toward Hughes from intersection to improve traffi c fl ow. According to at the intersection – some of which are serious in is reportedly on schedule and set to be complete All submissions should include where and Scarsdale.