:i* fr',* ffi Ueh; r";,jds& FRANKLIN COUNTY BOARD OF' COMMISSIONERS "Ybu Are WlryWe Are Here,, Received & hspected APR 27 2A18 Aplil24,2018 FCC [ddtnoorn t Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission Office of the Secretary 445l2th Street, SW, RoomTW-A325 Washington,DC20554 RE: Market Modification Petition for Franklin County, Georgia Dear Ms. Dortch, Please find enclosed one (1) original and four (4) copies of each of the following Market Modification Petition for special Relief with Respect to DISH Network and DIRECTV: Modification of the Television Market of Station WSB-TV (ABC), Charurel 2, Atlanta,Georgia Modification of the Television Market of Station WXIA (NTBC), Channel 1 1 , Atlanta, Georgia Modification of the Television Market of Station WAGA (FOX), Channel 5, Atlanta, Georgia Modification of the Television Market of Station WGCL (CBS), Channel 46, Atlanta,Georgia ": I appreciate your assistance in getting these documents to the appropriate location. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at
[email protected] or 706-384-2483. Beth Thomas County Manager Enclosures 141 Athens Street . PO Box 159 . Canresville, GA 30521 . (706) 384-2483 | Far (706)-884-7089 www.{rzurklincountyga. gov DorKet lt- t6t Before the cs R- 8q 60 -A FEDERAL COMMTINICATIONS COMMIS SION Washington, DC 20554 In the Petition of Franklin County, Georgia For Modification of the Television Market of Station WGCL (CBS), Channel46, Atlanta, Georgia with Respect to DISH Network and DIRECTV To: Chief,