24 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Nov 14. I9B4

New recreation director Coventry Lake owners Manchester Is learning the ropes roll with the punches Product Show ...page 3 ... page 11 supplement inside

Cloudy tonight; Manchester, Conn. breezy Friday Thursday, Nov. 15, 1984 *CI\R — see page 2 Single copy. 25fl: , / / m \ t ^ ^ ^ White House r SAVE SAVE v « C»L Fleet Sale v awaits moves f -d t on \ Pre-Owned on arms taiks

Bv Helwi Thomas "W e think it would be timely to United Press International discuss the relationship between Mercurys offensive and defensive systems WASHINGTON - The White and also to look toward the House took .quick notice today of a possibility of renewing the long- One Year senior Soviet official's expression range and intermediate-range of interest in President Reagan's missile talks, as well as continuing proposal for "umbrella talks" on talks in a number of other areas." all aspects of arms control. he added. The Soviet official, who asked "Our position oq the overall- not to be identified but spoke at a picture of the arms control propos­ 5 84 COUGARS 8 83 M ARQUIS r e c ^ io n hosted by Soviet Ambas­ als is that we believe this is a time sador Anatoly Dobrynin, was' in the U.S.-Soviet dialogue at 12 84 TOPAZS quoted in today's Washington Post. which a broad exchange of the type CHOICE OF COLORS CHOICE OF COLORS He described Reagan's proposal proposed by the president in his y- for arms talks as unprecedented speech before the United Nations Auto, AC, AM/FM, Cruise, CHOICE OF COLORS Auto, AC, AM/FM, 4 Drs, Cruise and said Moscow is awaiting on Sept. 24 would be useful," Sharp further specifics before giving a Speakes said. . U ’ Auto, AC, AM/FM, definitive answer. The Soviets have given been ‘"Vou introduced something new urging talks aimed at averting F ree O ne or* in the history of Soviet-American anti-satellite and space weaponry Herald photo by Tarquinio Cruise, Nice Cars relations, the umbrella," the Sor while refusing to engage in negoti­ T # V O J Viet official was quoted as saying. ations on offensive nuclear wea­ / "What is it? " he asked. "A pons. Reagan has expressed a Veterans’ memortai work under way mackintosh (raincoat) we can strong commitment to defensive 1 , 1 6 84 M ARQUIS understand, (but) this must be space weapons. Tom Flaherty, left, and Ottavio Forlino, both of the streets. Initial site work includes installing water and 14 83 LYNXS K F ree O ne studied." "We are considering ways to Andrew Ansaldi Co., mark off Tuesday what will be a electric lines, and building sidewalks and a concrete Instead of waiting to be asked, push a meaningful dialogue". sidewalk at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park. The base for a monument. The committee planning the park CHOICE OF COLORS ^ CHOICE OF COLORS presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said. Speakes raised the subject of the "When the Soviets are ready to Manchester-based Ansaldi construction firm has started is hoping the park will be ready for dedication by Auto, AC. AM/FM, 4 Drs & 2 . . Auto, AC, AM/FM, 4 Drs, Cruise stalled negotiations with reporters talk, they w ill." Speakes said. "W e initial work at the half-acre site at Main and Memorial Day. and hastened to give the White would like to move on all of it. House explanation of why Reagan particularly the umbrella idea." is suggesting putting all arms On the domestic side, Reagan Olcott tenants displaced -12.000 Mitr ■1 riinm iuij'i control issues under one tent or prepared to convene his Cabinet . ^ 8 9 8 0 umbrella. this afternoon for a review of "The purpose of a broad ex­ policies and programs in his change, as the president ouUined second term. There is growing 84 LINCOLN 83 TOYOTA it. would be to promote better concern the budget deficit may Leak makes apartments unsafe CONTINENTAL 84 DODGE 83 MERCURY 83 LINCOLN 83 B U IC K OAYTONA TURBO CRESSIDA CAPRI T O W N CAR understanding and hopefully lead reach $210 billion during the Every Option and a Beautiful REGAL to a renewal of talks and progress current fiscal year because of the Super Sporty, AC. Cassette Metallic Blue. Loaded. Car, 4 5 Spd, AC, Cassette, Low Miles Blue, All The Options, Gor­ 4 AC. Ay rv . p, By Sorah E. Hall Dr. Low Miles in those talks," he said. slowdown in the economy. ment, the ceiling lay on the living another child any day, has spent there's quite a hit of controversy," geous Car Herald Reporter room floor, Davidson .said. the lust four nights in a motel She .said the wonuin who identified 597 80 56995 5 74 8 0 This weekend, more rain caused said water started leaking into her herself as an agent for Olcott •5 1 9 ,9 9 0 5 1 1 ,7 5 0 5 1 3 ,5 9 5 Flooding in The Olcott apart­ even greater problems, leading apartment Saturday, and that "by As.sociates, the owners She said it ment complex has made 11 apart­ building inspector Michael Rose to Sunday, you could have gone is "up in the a ir" how the flooding Nicaragua wants ments unhabitable and apparently declare 10 more apartments un­ swimming." hap|>ened, and that "there's a lot to " 82 CADILLAC damaged others, leading to a safe. building officials said. While the roofers paid for Boyett be done before we can even 82 HONDA 82 BUICK 82 MERCURY 82 LINCOLN 81 DODGE controversy over who should pay comment on it." O e V ILLE RIVIERAR "1 have no money, and no place to stay two days in a motel, they ACCORO LINX TO W N CAR DIPLOMAT to put up displaced families, to g o ... I don't know what I'm going have refu.sed to continue paying, The building permit filed by the Low Miles, Loaded, Super Nice 5 spd, AM/FM. Low Miles. Loaded. Moon Roof, White, PS. Auto, AC. AM/FM. Nice Lux Car Signatures Series with All the 4 Dr, Absolutely Spotless, AC, dialogue with U.S. tenants said today. to do. said Cathy Galligan, who she said. The Mtinchester Area building owners says that John Sporty Car Purely Gorgeous! Small Car Toys, 2SK Miles Auto Residents of the large. 103-unit was displaced from apartment Conference of Churches is cur­ l-iverelure of Niantie is the roofer complex at 40 Olcott St. said number 130. She said that after .she rently paying for her motel room. He could not be reached f((r 5 1 3 ,7 8 0 56995 1 2 ,5 6 0 5S795 5 1 3 ,9 8 0 By Steven Oonzlger not rational. weekend rains leaked through the returned to her first-floor apart­ Boyett's younger sister. Sherry comment this morning. 4 9 9 5 United Press International Since June. U.S. Special Envoy roof, which was being repaired. ment this week after spending two Boyett, al.so lives in the building "It's unre.d," tenjint Galligan Harry Shlaudeman and Nicara­ While a woman who said she was nights in a motel, she was told her but was not affected. She let a said this morning, adding that 81 LINCOLN MANAGUA. Nicaragua — The guan Deputy Foreign Minister an agent for the owners refused to lease had been revoked and that reporter into her sister's apart­ water at one ixnired out of an 81 OLDS ^1 DODGE 81 MAZDA 81 MAZDA 80 AMC government ridiculed Pentagon Victor Hugo Tinoco have held comment on the extent o f the M K IV TORONADA MIRADA - G LC S /W she would have to leave. ment, and showed how Virginia eljuctrical"socket in her unit. "I G26 SPIRIT reports Nicaragua may invade seven rounds of talks — six in problem, an insurance adjustor on About 30 tenants have been Boyett's bed. clothes, and food have to stay here, no imitler wh.it Givenchi Series, Leather. Moon . Red Leather, Loaded, See This A/C. 5. Spd, L-ow Miles, Really AC, Aut#t P Windows, 6 cyl. 5 Spd, AC, Low Miles, 2 Dr, HT, 4 Spd Stick, 6 Cyl, Nice Car & other Central American nations, Manzanillo — to improve relations the scene said there was "maybe affected. Wilson estimated. Until it have been ruined. they say." She said she lost $70 Roof, C o m p u te r One! Beautiful Car Clean Nice Economical but said despite tensions with the between the two governments. $100,000 worth of dam age." was sold recently to Olcott Asso­ "Management is saying it's worth of food and four days of work the two nations "The ceilings are falling down, ciates, the building was called somebody else's fault," Virginia because of the flooding, and like 1 3 ,4 8 0 57875 55995 55495 54895 would hold another round of talks. the light fixtures and everything Marilyn Court Apartments. Boyett said today. Boyett. has contacted a lawyer 52995 " I f we were to take this type of else," said adjustor Charles Wil­ A quick tour of a few of the "A t this point, you can tell that A picture appears on page. 10 action, transform ourselves into son. who was representing the damaged apartments this morning 78 FORD 81 AUDI aggressors with another country, Courant owners in an insurance claim. revealed soggy carpets, puddles, 80 FORD FIESTA 80 VW 79 OLDS 79 BUICK 40 0 0 it would be serving as a pretext Manchester Chief Building In­ piles of wet clothes and light MUSTANG Red, Std. Trans, Front Wheel RABBIT CUTLASS SUPREME Le S AB R E 5 plus 5, Sunroof, Alpine. which Mr. Reagan has always spector Russell Davidson said the fixtures that had been pulled out of Town priests hail 4 Spd, 6 Cyl, AM/FM. Sharp Car Drive, Great Value Real Clean, A Great Little Car V-8 With All the Toys, Pretty Loaded. Blue & a Great Ride Stereo. 5-speed, special edi­ been looking fqr on a silver crossover town has declared 11 apartments the ceilings. Car tion. platter," Foreign Minister Miguel unsafe for occupancy. The trouble In apartment 324 on the third d'Escoto said Wednesday. started last week, when a tempor­ floor, part of the ceiling lay on 537 80 52495 53995 53595 D'Escoto was responding to a is settled ary cover that roof-repair workers Virginia Boyett's bed. " I lost most direction of letter 552 80 56995 Pentagon report that "circum­ had put up did not hold in a of my stuff in tbe apartment, and stantial evidence” suggested Nica­ rainstorm, Davidson said. they don't knowif they're going to HARTFORD (U PI) - State By Sarah E. Hall earlier pastoral leller on nuclear ragua planned to take action After a tenant called him to replace it or not." the 20-year-old 78 BUICK 78 MERC officials today announced a settle­ Herald Reporter ('irms wiiH nu'i'irit lo uiKhtrnnne 79 CADILLAC 79 HONDA REGAL 77 CHRYSLER against its neighbors. ment in a 4-year-old case in which complain. Davidson visited the woman said. O e V ILLE COUGAR 76 PLYMOUTH "The United States knows quite complex Nov. 5 and declared one Reagan's stance, others hiive said ACCORD LX V-8, Auto, 2 Dr, HT, Real Sharp LeB ARO N state utility regulators sought to Boyett, who lives alone with her In an informal survey this week, AC, Sharp, Vinyl Top. One of ,V 0 L A R E well, even if they are not willing to unit unhabitable. In that apart­ the op|H)site about chiircli state 49K miles. Wires & Super! 5 Spd, Nice Car, Real Clean Ride Vinyl Top, Leather. Sharp Car end the cross-ownership of Connec­ 2-year-old son and is expecting the Good Ones Good Transportation Car accept the fact, that Nicaragua by most Roman Catholic priests, in ments on abortion. Baranowski ticut's largest newspaper and two Manchestej- applauded U S. bi­ pointed out reason of principle would never cable television systems. 56785 54495 undertake such an action." he shops for addressing economic Father Martin ,1. .Scholsky, pas­ 53395 $36 80 52495 Under the settlement, the Times i.ssues in their latest pastoral tor of St Bartholomew's (Jhureh, 51895 said. Mirror Corp. will sell one of the two "It really is a shame that a Odds against quitters letter. siiid he thinks the bishops were cable TV systems it operates in the But most of the four priests careful not to politicize the 75 MERC 76 DODGE government that represents a state while retaining ownership of BOBCAT people... peace-loving and fair- contacted by the Herald refrained document 76 OLDS 75 VW COLT 75 CHEVY 79 CHEVY the other system and The Hartford from a final judgment on the letter BEETLE V-6, Auto, S/W, Runs Great Auto, AM/FM, No Rust. Econ­ IMPALA MONZA minded, should stoop so low as to Courant. despite the smokeout "They're setting up an ideal," he CUTLASS S/W itself bccau.se they had not read the said "ft's a nice ideal lliat we can No Rust and a Great Winter Car omical V-8, Auto, AC, Nice Car 2' D r 4 Spa. 4 Cv,: M p.-p.jn try to justify its criminal behavior Attorney General Joseph I. 44K Miles, Nice Large Wagon whole text of the that was aim for, but I don't think thi-y are by such infamous sort of lies.” Lieberman said the settlement NEW YORK (UPI) The came from newspaper pub­ released this week. sayiijg there's any sptu ifie way But d'Escoto said despite tense would resolve a four year legal American Cancer Society today lisher and ex-smoker Lynn " I feel the bishops are moving in this can be accomplished." 52195 5 l 7 9 5 „ i « S ^ t | ^ 1 5 9 5 51695 5 18 9 5 relations, representatives of the battle between the Department of sponsored its 8th Annual Great Smith, 64, of Monticello, Minn., 52495 the right direction, from the The bishops "are not ex|ierts in two nations would meet in Manza­ Public Utility Control and Times Ameriean Smokeout-; with the in 1974 and three year's later the nillo, Mexico, in the coming days. odds stacked against those who preliminary reports," said F'ather economics, but they are on moral Mirror over the cross ownership Cancer Society, took the idea David Baranowski of St, James He held little hope the negotiations issue. are trying to kick the habit. nationwide. Smith, who.se Min­ principles" — andsotheiropinions would ease tensions. The Cancer Society estimates Church. Father Philip A. Sheridan are valid, Scholsky syid Saturday Service The DPUC concluded that the nesota license plate is "D-Day," of St. Bridget Church called the Saturday Service "W e don't know what the United cross-ownership by Times Mirror that about 20 million smokers for "ddiv!t smoke," says "I Sheridan said those who com­ Our Service Department States is going to do, ” he said. " It is started today with the intention letter "a step in the right plain that the document is (Kilitical Our Service Department of the Courant, the state's largest really get fired up at this time of direction." newspaper, and the cable systems of going 24 hours without a year.” may b

' f a t h e r Veterans from Manchester P e o p le ta lk Rec head Today’s forecast / , Massachusetts find Capitol weekend moving and Rhode Island: Increasing learning year on Veterans Day B-iggc said cloudiness this afternoon with a Bv Sarah P o »e ll express what it is really saying chance of showers west, spread: Heroid Reporter You have to stand in front of it '' he refused to have anything to do ing east portions by early to­ “ I thought it was sensational. ' with the 1962 Memoriai iledication night. Highs in the 50s. Clearing the ropes Three Manchester Vietnam echoed Sines. "WSen I first saw it. "I didn't want any involvement Another west to east tonight. Lows 35 to 45 veterans who traveled to Washing­ it was nothing that I really quite back then." he said It was west to east. Sunny and breezy By Kathy Gormus ton this Veterans Day said reun­ exp ected" something 1 h-id put out of my Don Juan Friday. Highs in the upper 40s to Herald Reporter ions with comrades and a vigil for Navy veteran Robert Bagge. past " He was still trying to soldiers whose whe reabuts remain repress memories like the tim e a His Royal Majesty Don mid 50s. . now the head of the Manchester young boy spit on him in a Juan de ^rb o n , the Count Maine: Increasing clouds to­ Scott Sprague. Manchester's unknown meant as much to ttom Police Department's maintenance of Barcelona, shares a day. High from the upper 30s to new recreation director, said it as Hie unveiling of a new statue in divisioa. said that to him the statue California airport. h*‘ said * front of the Vietnam Memorial He said he alst' felt bad Nvause laugh with the chairwo­ might take some time getting u s^ repre^nted ''all of us who made'it near 50. Mixed snow and rain he had not actually fought in the man of the Spanish Insti­ to his new job. "W e weren't there to see the. back looking over our dead north and showers likely south jungles of South Vietnam He flew tute Gold Medal Gala Sprague, who came to town last formalities,” said Gtonn Beaulieu, brothers." tonight. Low 32 to 40. Flurries recomuiissance missums over the Dinner, Mrs Milton Pe­ week from Bloomfield, said re­ president of the Connecticut-chap- Sines and Bagge both said that north and mountains and a ter of the Vietnam Veterans of for them the most moving event of country and early in his second trie, in New York Wednes­ chance of morning showers creational facilities are not nearly day. He was bestowed as extensive in his former town as America and owner of the Main the weekend was Saturday night's tour of duty, his kneecap was followed by partly sunny south shattered, ending his military with the gold medal th^y are in Manchester. Pub. "W e could have done without ■ candlelight vigil for prisoners of Friday. High from the mid 30s to Look what wa thaw it.” war and Vietnam-era soldiers who career award by the Institute. near 50. For example. Sprague said. Today; increasing cloudiness this ahernoon. Highs in the.middloand Bloomfield has only one lighted But Oak Street resident Dennis are still listed as missing in action But he said when the 19S2 New Hampshire: Increasing .0 Sines, who was an infantryman in dedication took place. "1 felt I upper SOs. Winds becoming south 10 to IS mph this aftarrmon. softball field compared with Man­ Sines described watching five to clouds today. High 40 to 50. Vietnam with the 1st Air Cavalry in didn't belong because I wasn't a UPl photo Tonight; mostly cloudy with a 40 percent chance of showers, than chester’s four, and one pool to 19 thousand people "come up from Showers mixed with flurries 1968 and 1969. said the official the memorial itself, to the big open eombat soldier To this day it's partial clearing efter midnight. Lows around 40. Winds southwest 10 Manchester’s seven. north and showers likely south The town’s recreation staff of ceremonies were meaningful as field, lighting and passing the very hartl Their language is tonight. Low 34 to 40. Flurries to 20 mph gradually becoming west during the night. Friday; sunny well. candles." different from ours " and breezy. Highs in the lower SOs. Today’s special holiday edition of eight full-time workers is also likely north and a chance of early much bigger, he said. . ” I was impressed that (Presi­ Beaulieu said he once had mixed But Bagge said Beaulieu helped morning showers followed by the weather picture was drawn by Eric Brosnan, 9, of223 Keeney St., a dent) Reagan showed up." Sines feelings -ibout the Memorial but him get over his feeling of student at the Keeney School. “ The business is the same, but clearing south Friday. High 35 to getting to the final product is a said. “ He didn't have to. He was has changed his mind alienation from other veterans and already re-elected. It’s like to was "It didn't seem the traditional talked him into serving on the 40 north and 40 to 50 south. little different," he said Tuesday. \ Vermont: Increasing clouds ” It‘s going to take me a few months saying. 'Let’s start anew here.'" monument that you were accus­ Connecticut VV.A's boarti of direc­ and becoming windy and mild to get my feet on the ground.” Herald photo by Garmus Beaulieu called the bronzy tomed to," he said. But he said he tors and as vice president of the statue of three.-soldiers that now today. A chance of showers in the Sprague. 33, was appointed last now thinks it is-beautiful. He siiid Manchester Vietnam Veterans stands facing the black granite Memorial Park Committee iate afternoon. High 50 to 55. month to succeed former recrea­ Director of Recreation Scott Sprague says it will take a the new statue "sort of completes " Memorial listing the names of "W e're all together, " Bagge said Showers likely this evening, then tion director Steve Thomson, who while to get used to the number of recreational facilities the monument in his eyes. those who died in the war "incredi­ Beaulieu and Sines both at­ this week "We"re all broltors windy an colder again overnight. resigned in June to start a travel and programs in Manchester. business in California. Sprague ble.” Photographs don't do it tended the IM2 dedication of the Whether you were a ciKik or a Low 20 to 35. Friday windy and justice, he said. eombat officer, it makes no had been an administrative ­ shoring up w e a k n e s s in the Memorial with other area Vietnam cold with cloudy intervals and several weeks. " I don't see how they can veterans and returned again last difference now ' scattered flurries. High about 40. ant for parks and recreation in the town’s recreation programs, as is When the new people are hired, Such a nice guy Bloomfield Recreation Depart­ often the case when a new director Sprague said he topes to ” puU the Lie down and die ment siqfe 1978. takes over, he said. organization together” and get the Testimony concerns school records Extended outlook Sprague said he spent his first Sprague said he did not have any David Warner is happy to be Mr. Nice Guy for a British comedian John Cleese, 45, says many department running at^full week in Manchester meeting em­ immediate changes in mind forthe change. Warner, who plays Bob Cratchit in "A older performers, especially Americans, Extended outlook for New strength again. ployees in other departments and Christmas Carol,” to air on CBS Dec. 17, finds the “ simply will not lie down when they’re dead.” England Saturday through town’s recreation programs or ” I think people have been’ sympathic role a welcome change. learning who the key contacts are. facilities. The former Monty Python comedy trouper says Monday; hustling for the past few months.” Perjury trial opens in town __ 'T v e been around for 20 years now,” he said. With a municipal work force as “ I'm looking at it with an open in Family Weekly that “ Frank Snatra, who’s just he said. "In the beginning, I was typed as a-crazy loony, I Connecticut, Massachusetts large as Manchester's, it is not mind,” he said. appeared here in London, couldn’t sing 10 years After a trial in 1983, a Munches Ponziani. an a.ssistant stale's and Rhode Island; Fair through always the department head who The main hurdle now facing the By Sarah Possell did a film called ‘Morgan’ and I was sort of a ago when I saw him at the London Palladium. He The department is also prepar­ ter jury found her boyfriend, attorney, put the daughter's the period. Daytime highs from can get things done, he said. Herald Reporter crazy ‘60s character. Then I was slotted for a sang three songs, and his voice cracked in the department is replacing two full­ ing to move from the Nike site off Marcus DeJesus. not guilty of teacher on the stand WinlnesiLiy to the mid 40s to low SOs Saturday “ That’s what’s tough about time staff members who recently couple of years as a heavy. You know — let’s get middle.” Keeney Street to the Highland first-degree burglary, second- and testify about the school s ^ -iily David Warner to play Hitler.” and in the 40s Sunday and going to a new town." Sprague left. However, Sprague said a new Confusion over school attend­ And Sinatra’s not alone. “ There’s Bob Hope. Park School. That move will third-degree assault and fourth class attend;ini-e sheets, ‘which It paid off in “ Masada” — he won an Emmy for Monday. Overnight lows in the said. center supervisor and gym super­ ance records marked the first day He’s still there, year after year.” Cleese spares probably occur during the first or degree larceny. allegedly show that tht' daughter playing the evil Roman, Falco. One problem on SOs Saturday and from the mid But Sprague said he feels lucky. visor at the Mahoney Recreational of testimony Wednesday in the only one: “ Except for George Burns, who I think SatelHta ¥law second week of December, Prosecutor Peter Ponziani had not mis.sed school the week in the ‘‘Christmas Carol” set: Warner’s daughter, 20s to low SOs Sunday and He has not been charged with Center should be hired within Sprague said. trial of an East Hartford woman is just wonderful, they ought to just go into a Monday. accused of lying under oath about played a tape-recording of portions question or any week near that Melissa, 2, didn’t like hearing the boy who plays garden and read a book.” Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 4 a.m. E S T shows of Dejesus's trial Wednesday time Tiny Tim call her daddy “ Father.” “ Melissa got Vermont: Fairly cold through her boyfriend's whereabouts on thick middle and high level clouds over the Lower Mississippi Valley, during Sanchez's trial On the tape. But defense attorney Michael J Jealous and stormed off the set,” Warner said. the period with flurries over the the day he was charged with !!l* Valley and the Great Lakes. Scattered clouds are visible over Sanchez was heard testifying that Bowers showed the teacher, Hope weekend then dry Monday. committing a burglary on Thayer the Plains states while showers and thunderstorms occur over DeJesus could not have committed LaBet, the daughter’s report card Highs in the SOs and lower 40s. Road in Manchester more than two ------1 ------southern Missouri and northern Arkansas. Thick high clouds are also MHA seeks aid years ago. the May 1982 burglary because he from that year, with an attendance Lows in the 20s. Good conscience over the West. Manchester Elsie Sanchez. 35. is on trial for was with her in Norwood, Mass , record that differed from Hm- New Hampshire, Maine: Oc­ perjury in Manchester Superior the Saturday it was supposed to information on UiBet's daily at Holy rock ‘n’ roll casional snow likely north and It’s getting to be popular these days — rock In for economical Court Perjury is a felony punisha­ have happened. tendance sheets Long before Boy George discovered eyeliner or stars helping the poor. Kenny Rogers this year chance of showers or flurries ble by at least one and no more Sanchez said on the tape that l.aBet’s daily records showed Prince made his first pelvic thrust. Little Richard asked fans to bring food to his concerts. And last south Saturday. Clearing Sun­ than five years in prison and a fine' DeJesus had gone to Massachu­ that Sanchez’s daughter missed a weekend Bruce Springsteen donated $10,000 from U N IC O raffles ’85 Lincoln setts with her to attend a friend's total of four days of school and was was shocking audiences with his rowdy music and day. Fair Monday. Highs in the ITON energy system up to $5,000. two Denver concerts, and his appeal to the crowds birthday party and to pick up her late twice that term. l-aBet testi effeminate ways. Now he goes by his real name, mid SOs north and upper SOs to The Manchester chapter of UNICO National, brought another $2,500. nine-year-old daughter, who had fied The daughter's report card, Richard Penniman, while preaching and talking mid 40s south. Lows in the upper the Italian-American civic organization, will He told us he had made it and he just wanted to spent the previous week in Nor­ about his biography. “ The U fe and Times of 20s to low 30s Saturday dropping have its 11th annual By Tracy L. Geoghegon which LaBet said .she had also help other people,” said Lee MIzer, of the wood with Sanchez's godmother Little Richard; The Quasar of Rock.” to the upper teens and 20s by car raffle Nov. 23 at Herald Reporter Fire Calls filled out. showed a rivord of three C ^ ra d o Food Clearinghouse. Said Springsteen; SAN FSANCISCP fOENVEI Richard, who says both Prince and Eddie Monday. the Army and Navy Sanchez testified in 1963 that she absences and three tardinesses There are people in trouble out there. ‘This is a Murphy have approached him about making a 30 0(^4^ Club, 1090 Main St. The Manchester Housing Authority is looking into a took her daughter out of her LaBet said she could not re nch country but 15 percent of the people live fourth-grade class at Center Ele­ movie of his life, sees a bit of his old heathen self in LOS ANCEI Chapter president “ cogenerational” energy system which would make it Manchester member which record was today’s rockers. “Michael (Jackson), David below the poverty line.” Across the nation mentary School in East Hartford correct Leo Diana has more self-sufficient, and for which it would be the Wednesday. 12:47 a.m. — medi­ ^ w le , Boy George, they’ve got my spot now.” As Rogers recently told U PI he may drop his food LOWEST the week of May 17-21. 1982. and "How would 1 remember (hat Rain jvill be scattered over the named Raymond F. state’s pilot program. cal call. 60 W. Middle Turnpike for Prince, “ He’s me! ” drive in 1985, fearing fans may think he’s just out TEMSEeATUNES brought her to stay with the week?" she said when Bowers Great Lakes, turning to snow Damato as chair­ (Town. Param edics). Richard sticks mostly to gospel music now but for publicity. Representatives from Connecticut Natural Gas and godmother, Frances Gauthier of pressed her late in the day over northern 40 man of the event. Wednesday. 2; 44 am . — medical wants the remaining Beatles to help record his the federal Department of Housing and Urban Norwood. “ The state has provided these Wisconsin and upper Michigan. The Nov. 23 event call, 11 Quaker Road (Town. new song, “ Freedom Road.” 40 LEOEMO- Development were on hand at the housing authority But a later check of Center documents as the linchpin of their Snow will be scattered over will start at 8 p.m. Paramedics). meeting Wednesday to discuss ways the system might School attendance records by the ease," Bowers said. "W e don’t with a cash bar. Wednesday, 11:41 am . — alarm. northern Minnesota. Rain will be incorporated into the M HA’s Westhill Gardens Manchester state's attorney's of­ know exactly how many days she Dancing to music of Meadows Convalescent Center, 333 fall over the northern Appalach­ [ ; ; / j SWC«rlRS*» FLOW housing complex on Bluefield Drive at little or no cost fice showed that Sanchez's daugh­ was absent, now do we’' ” he asked New York’s finest uei WEATHER FOTOCAST ■ the Dubaldo Broth­ Bidwell St. (Town). ians and the upper Ohio Valley to the town. ter missed only one day of school LaBet ers Orchestra will Wednesday. 1:49 p.m. — medical Where the heart Is Police Commissioner Benjamin Ward Wednes­ and thundershowers will stretch the week of May 17-21, according to Testimony was scheduled to start at 9p.m. The Cogeneration is an energy system that generates call. 75 Center St. (Town, day introduced the newest member of New from southeast Texas across the court records. continue today British humorist Douglas Adams, author of the raffle drawing will electricity and at the same time utilizes thermal Paramedics). science fiction spoof “ Hitchhikers Guide to the Yorks Police Department at an elaborate lower Mississippi Valley to Ken­ National toracaat energy, which used to be wasted. Thermal energy can ceremony at police headquarters. be at 10 p.m. Wednesday, 3:58 p.m. — medical Galaxy,” has indulged in everyone’s fantasy. tucky. Winds will be strong and The number of be used to heat water, thereby providing a more Officer Mac — a robot — was hailed with the call, 35 Walnut St. (Town. Adams was forced to hide out in a quaint gusty over Minnesota and Iowa. For period ending 7a.m. ESTFrIday. During Thursday night showers raffle tickets, which energy-efficient system. national anthem and an invocation by Rabbi Paramedics). country innr in Tiverton, Devon, to finish the It will only reach the upper 30s fh! the South A t l a n ^ ^ Z i i ! ? ^ ^ cost $100 each, is Alvin Kass. Mac, assigned to the Crime “ You would probably end up with relatively free hot Wednesday. 4:13 p.m. — natural Holiday CraH Fair fourth installment of the “ Hitchhiker Trilogy” and 40s over Maine and from the Elsewhere, weather will remain fair In limited to 225. Pro­ Prevention unit, will help with school-related ui^ I water because electricity almost offsets the cost of gas investigation. 398 W. Middle and complete a computer game based on the northern Plateau to the the upper general. Minimum temperatures include: (maximum readinoa in ceeds from the raf­ child safety programs. Ward spared no detail of fuel,” CNG representative Paul Ridgeway said. Turnpike (Town). Saturday, Nov. 17 series. He spent so much time in.the hotel that it Great Lakes, with near freezing p^srenthesis) Atlanta 41(65), Boston 40(54L ChTcaw M (43) fle will benefit the Mac s ^rsonal life: the officer’s favorite food is Raymond F. Damato Wednesday. 4:20 p.m. — medical started to feel like home. temperatures in North Dakota Cleveland ^ ( ^ ) , Dallas 45(65), Denver 26(52), Duluth 12(28) scholarship fund, In addition, any extra electricity produced by the 9 am - 3 pm microchips, his marital status is “ single but call, 74 Elizabeth Drive (Town. / “ So I did the only reasonable thing — I bought and northwest Minnesota. Highs Houston 51 (70), Jacksonville 46(71), Kansas Cltv 20152) Lm u mental health and retardation groups, and other system would be puchased by utility companies. involved with a very cute ‘Tillie ‘The Teller’ Paramedics). Into it. It certainly is an expensive way to stay at a will reach the 70s and low 80s M(60), Los Angeles 53(70), Miami M ^ 7 ) ! ^ l n n ^ « ? i S charities supported by UNICO. Ridgeway said. Unitiriin Univirullst Miilinghousi hotel." has excellent references: t c n Wednesday, 9:47 p.m. — medical andlUD2. over the Southwest*aad>the Gulf Orleans 53(69), New York 41(53), P h o E m l/su w & n F « L S ^ The car, a four- 1985 Lincoln Town Car. was Ridgeway estimated that the system would cut call, Manchester Community Col­ Wist Virnon SL. MinchMtir Coast states. 9(67), Seattle 35(50), St. Louis 26(51), Washington 38(58). purchased from Moriarty Bros, of Manchester. It energy costs in the Westhill housing complex for the lege. 60 Bidwell St. (Town, Handcrafted Gifts & Decorations is being displayed with- the UNICO banner in elderly by 15 to 30 percent. The precise savings is to be Paramedics). • Luncheon • Bakery • Gourmet Preserves Moriarty’s showroom. ' determined in a free feasibility study to take place Thursday. 8:09 a.m. — medical “ near antiques, used books ii toys For raffle tickets or more information about over the next three months. Ridgeway said. call, 167 E..-.Center St. (Town. Manchester Herald UNICO, call Damato, 646-1021: Barry Botticello, The ide^ was enthusiastically received by housing Paramedics). SSMlMlMBHI&MnCMtMdMIHIeilMtMaMaMlHSM Almanac 643-1845; James Holmes. 649-0600; Paul Rossetto, JLottery Richard M. Diamond, Publisher authority members, who moved that the feasiblity 646-2482: Bernard Giovino, 649-0707; Sam Cris- study by CNG begin immediately. The authority will Penny Sadd pino, 646-6100: or Peter DiRosa. 646-1887. also submit an application for funding from HUD. Today is Thursday, November mat William Averell Harriman the sea. MaHt F. Abraiitil ■» ISth, 320th day of 1984 with 46 to Connecticut daily Associate Publisher in 1891, German commander In 1920, the first assembly o f, Business Manager HUD representative Sal Salvato, who attended the follow. llling teacher wins honor Erwin Rommel also in 1891 and the League of Nations was called Wednesday: 290 USPS 327-5(X) meeting, said HUD has been known to fund such ‘The moon is approaching its actors Roy Rogers in 1912 and to order in Geneva, Switzerland. ’ VO L C lV .tlo .4 0 Laura Boutilier, head of the home economics projects because "when you save money on energy. last quarter. ^ Play Four: 5696 department at llling Junior High School, has been Uncle Sam saves money, too.” Edward Asner in 1929. In 1977, demonstrations broke Sunday . S u s s e x corrter rotes ore n J l named Connecticut’s Home Economics Teacher The morning Im r is Saturn. out near the White House as the Other numbers drawn Wed­ weekly, M.12 fbr one menNi. S1SJS Salvato agreed to help Director Carol Shanley apply On this date in history; Co., 14 Brolnord for threo maatbs, SMJ9 tor-sle of the Year for 1984-85. Thd evening stars are Mer­ Shah of Iran began an official nesday in : ' Place, Manctwstsr, Conn. (MOW for HUD funds for energy system modernization. In 1492, the first recorded m^soiytttl.40torSM7a^ The Connecticut Home Economics Association cury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. visit to the United States. SocoM c iM p o ttm POM ot Mon- roles ore ovollablo on reeuSst. reference to tobacco was made New Hampshire daily: 9509. chottar. Conn, POSTMASTER : chose Boutilier for the honor. School Superintend­ “ That’s the best news I ’ve heard all day,” authority by Christopher Columbus, who In 1982, a federal judge in Los Rhode Island daily: 5557. Those horn on this date are diMtar Her old, p 7o .t* Box 9»I, ent James P. Kennedy told the Board of member John FitzPatrick said of the possibility that observed Indians in th e'“ New Angeles declared a 1980 draft Rhode Island weekly: 998, Topjoce o ctassllled or dlsptov under the sign of Scorpio. They MonclMster, Cano. (MOW. pjyerllseinent, or to raporl o news Eauc^tion Tuesday night. ” We are indeed HUD might foot the bill for the project. include British Prime Minister World" smoking it in pipes. registration law invalid. 5187, 40392, 403353. pleased.jo hear of Laura's further awards.” he Maine daily; 275. DELIVERY: II The system would be used for about 100 units of William Pitt in 1708, British ~ A thought for the day: British you don t receivs voor HSrold bv.5 44fcOT1. OfltceheurearaS;lSam. said. In 1806, explorer Zebulon Pike b.m. Mendpv Ibreusb WrMsv. housing, Shanley said. astronomer Sir William Her- statesman William Pitt said Vermont daily: 720. «:•••«•?« or 7:30! o.m. Solwr- Earlier this fall. Boutilier was picked as sighted the 14,110 feet Colorado after the American colonies had Massachusetts daily: 7478. !*®V, PleoM telsplione voor carrier. a ------Manchester's Teacher of the Year. She is also one schel, who discovered Uranus, in Rocky Mountain Peak that bears If vpuVe unoMe to redch your ” HUD should use this as a prototype for the state ” won their independence in the Massachusetts weekly; Yel­ roll subscriber servlre w ' The Moncbaetor Herald Is o of 10 finalists competing for Connecticut Teacher Shanley said. 1738, Nobel Prize winning physi­ his name. to b ^ b e r to Unitod Prsw Intorno- ologist August Krogh of J)en- Revolutionary War: “I love low 598, Bine 79, While 2. *43-2711 ^ 7 p.m. weekdays or ID tloiM news ssrvicbs sad It s of the Year, according to Kennedy. Round Roast...... ’ 1^^ In 1864, General Sherman Americans because they love Massachusetts Megabucks- 3- a.m. Solurdavs for guaranteed m em W of Mw Audtt BurecA of -mark, in 1874, American dipio- - began his march from Atlanta to delivery In ASdnchester. Clrculottone. Uberty." 9-ll-2^28-34. 100 students visit hospital Town woman critical FRESH MAINE About 100 seventh- and eighth-grade students after Tolland crash your vkif own from Manchester, East Hartford and Glaston­ TODAirS NUMBERS bury visited Manchester Memorial Hospital Steamers lb. PLAY JACKPOT TODAY’S BINGO GAME JBc*|N>f Bingo cork . Wednesday morning to learn about careers in the An 18-year-oId Manchester woman Was reported in FOR MCKPOT bingo V ot pno of H9B88, * health field. critical condition this morning at Hartford’s St. IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY Blonehoolor heoaono: Twenty-two departments were represented, Frances Hospital, following a one-car accident according to hospital spokeswoman Judy Man- Wednesday night in Tolland. LAND 0 ‘LAKES WHITE B I H G O Al SleMerfi AppiBnci i del. Manchester’s paramedic team was also on The accident also left two of her companions hand. seriously injured, su te police and area hospital 2 28 ■ . 44^ H «f6 ^ a o a a spokeswomen said today. American Cheese lb. BINGO Hlghlahd Paifc Contractor sued ^therine Watt of 143 Autumn St was listed in e v er y DAY IN IHE HERALD FASm 6n JEAN STORE 317 HiflNiuMfStraet critical condition in St. Frances’s intensive care unit, An Ohio firm has filed suit against the a hospital spokeswoman said. The hospital would not FRESH BAKED FOR WietowR' contractor on the Spring Street water treatment divulge the nature of her injuries. 45S HGrtfofd Ro«d plant to recoup what it says is an unpaid balanch Tollafnd resident Diane Dowd. 19. the driver of the M KIZES on equipment sold to the contractor. iImmis-PIus car, was also listed in critical condition this morning Dinner Rolls...... ,» 7 9 v JASIC CORDS Chemineer Inc. of Dayton, Ohio, claims in at Hartford Hospital, a spokeswoman there said. $ 1 0 0 EVERY WEBf 297; , papers -filed in Hartford Superior Court that the EaaA CoiBorSImt Another passenger, Gary Cashman, 19, of ToUand, EVERY-DAY IS A CafdhMi«ulGfc.hi^ ; contractor, Fred Brunoli It ^ n s Inc. of Avon, still was in serious condition with a head injury at 81 A d a m S U M owes $3,422 on two mixers and parts totalling Rockville Hospital, a spokeswoman said. Plus a COMPtETEGAME $27,950. ToUand resident Linda.Gay. 18, who was also riding GIANT JACKPOT: O W e e a ------if your Jscfcpot Bingo csrd contains liie Town of Manchester and the Travelers in the car, was treated at Rocky HiU Hospital for leg Bananas...... al) the numbsfs Hstod today, you srs an Insurance Co. have been named as co­ and arm iqjuries and then released. poUce said. automatic winner. Nptify us in accor­ 209 West Middle TumpNiei A TRIP FOR TWO TO defendants. Police said tl)e car was beading northeast on dance with the rules on the back of the Brunoli It Sons "refused and neglected to pay” card.' _Pf.of tha NanU oNted Dockerel Road in Tolland shortly before 10 p.m. when after Chemineer demanded payment in a June 7 it veered into the oncoming lane and went off the left Numbers may not be carried over to 3ICHLAKD PARK MAAKET * HAWAII * letter to the company, court papers say. shoulder of the road, crossing a lawn, striking a tree 317 Highland St., Manchiister the next day. blit ](pdr card is good for The Travelers issued a bond on the contract Edr OrtpHs Sm Rutas on B a ^ of Bingo Cards one week. Monddy^ough Saturday.' and spinning back into the roadway, where it came to 6 4 6 ^ 2 7 7 So do notcross Off rtumbsrs each ^ between the town and Brunoli It Sons for rest. construction of the $6 million plant. Police said the accident is still being investigated. No one has been charged, they said. MA\( HKSTKH HKRAl.D Thursdii% Nov 15 198^ _ y V MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. Nov 15. 1984 5 Reagan praises astroniauts for good job aS./World Angry elephant Sharon says magazine gets revenge By William Harwood United Press International In Brief BOGOTA. Colombia (1 I’D An elephant attacked a man trying to l AI’K ( AN \ \ KKAI. F'Ui — The shuttle Diseov- Government assures Scouts pluck bristles from its skin and er> > vrew p.ivked up todjy for the long glide home committed 'biood iibei’ killeil him with its trunk, a I- ridov .ind got j put on the buek from President WASHINGTON - Army and federal health newspaper rethirteil Keug.ui for rescuing two marooned satellites in the officials have assured the Boy Scouts that there is By Elian Cates encouraged and condoned the editors knew there was no truth to Jose Manuel Ztirate Fernandez. first space salvage mission no reason to be concerned about an herbicide spill United Press InYernatlonal s laughter of hundreds of Palestini­ it when it was published. 27. died Tuesday in the walled 1 just Want you all to know how proud we all are of and its chemical conversion to dioxin at Fort A.P. ans. including women and child­ Sharon was forced to resign pastiirc where six elephants were what you've . hieved on this mission, " Reagan told Hill, Va, NEW YORK — Former Israeli ren, in West Beirut refugee camps when the Israeli commission re­ bOiiigkept for’Hic Rolex Circus, the the astronauts in his traditional long distance call Army Assistant Secretary Pat Hillier reiter­ Defense Minister Ariel Sharon in 1982. port was released. He is now Bogota daily iiewspaiH’r El Es|hh" Our space program has reached anotht'r impor­ ated the Army’s position to Executive Director testified he sued Time magazine He was the first witness to testify Israel's minister of Industry and tailor reiMirted tant milestone w ith your suix-essful retrieval of these J.L. Tarr of the Boy. Scouts of America in a for $50 million to defend the truth in the federal court trial. Commerce. Zarate, a scavenger for paiwr two satellites 45-minute meeting at the Pentagon Wednesday against "blood libel” accusations The Time article allegedly was and other reusable tr.ish. climln-d Attorney Thomas Barr, who %* t ommander Frederick Hauck pilot David Walker and told him the site "hopefully" will be cleaned that he encouraged the massacre based on a secret Appendix B — represents'Time, told the jury, over the vi.ills surrounding »hc and crew mates Dale Gardner .Anna Fisher and up by the end of the year, in lime for the jamboree of Palestinian women and which was never made public — however, the article is "in sub­ elephants’ (lasliirc in order to Joseph .Allen are to end Di.scovery s unprecedented in July, said .Army spokesman Maj. Robert children. attached to a report by an Israeli stance true.” collect bristles tliat he planned, to eight-day mission with a landing back at the Kennedy Mirelson. "My parents are people who commission that investigated the -sen to a jewelry store Space Center on Friday at 6 5!> a m EST The Army also said Wednesday it knew in 1978 fought for truth," Sharon told a massacre. "What we will show is that The jewelry stores reiMirtcdly Fori>casters expected giHid weather for the F'lorida of the herbicide spill at the A’irginia campground hushed federal courtroom in Man­ In the article, the news magazine events that we say happened, used the bristles to make rings landing, which would be only the third in 14 shuttle where 32,000 Boy Scouts attended a 1981 jamboree hattan Wednesday. "To defend the said Sharon paid a condolence call happened.” Barr said in his used as amulets. flights but was not aware of the dangers of dioxin at the truth is what brought me here — on the Gemayel family the day opening statement. Last Thursday a Bengal tiger Discovery's touchdown will cap an action-packed time. 6,000 miles from my home — to this after the assassination of Leba­ "Whether it happened in the performing in the circus jimipisl a week in space Allen and Gardner rescued the It was not until Nov. 5. following final testing of American courtroom” nese President Bashir Gemayel, a precise time or place” as the Time small barrier and bit a 3 year old stran d ^ $35 million Palapa satellite Monday during a soil samples at the site, that the Arnly officially Sharon, a general, war hero and Christian Phalangist leader. article suggested was "neither girl on the head The child rcmaitis spectacular spacewalk and snatched tlie errant informed the Boy Scouts«)f the spill and told them Cabinet minister, described him­ At that Sept. 15, 1982, meeting, here nor there,” Barr said. in critical condition Westar relay station from its useless orbit there was no cause for cmicern because there was self as "basically a farmt'r" whose the article said Sharon "reportedly U P I pholo Witnesses said the tiger had just Wednesday "little contamination." Mirelson said. poor parents taught him the discussed the need for the Phalan- Barr showed slides of news finished performing and w.is re Before Reagan phoned, an orbital news conference Under the supervision of the Environmental importance of moral values. gists to take revenge for the clippings critical of Sharon in the Ariel Sharon, former Israeli defense minister, says Time turning to a cage when it jumped was held w ith the crew It was suppvisiHl to begin w ith Protection Agency, there will be another soil And he said he would not be assassination of Bashir.” wake of the massacre. The news­ magazine committed 'blood libel' for alleged claims that over a small barric.ide and look the four major networks for use in morning news sampling of the site to determine how much of the satisfied until the “blood libel” 'Over the next two days, Chris­ papers described demonstrations the child's head in its mouth for shows area will be excavated, including the destruction committed by Time was erased tian militiamen massacred an against Sharon in Israel, in which the magazine knew it was wrong when it reported he about It) seconds CNN had the firs*question but all that was heard U P i photo of a shed where the herbicide Silvex was mixed and the record set straight. estimated 700 to 800 Palestinian protesters chanted and carried encouraged a massacre of Palestinian refugees. Sharon The Mexico based Rolex Circus was a report on economics to the apparent In television recorded Wednesday and bringing it to the shuttle. Joe Allen and spilled. Mirelson said. Dioxin formed from Sharon is suing Time for a 1983 refugees. signs that said "Sharon — minister testified yesterday in federal court in New York has not pei lormed since the amusement of the crew floating in Discovery's lower during the retrieval of the Westar the spilled Sjivex. . article entitled "The Verdict is Sharon maintains the article was of death" and "Sharon is a war Wednesday. government suspended its license The question> then switched to New York and (right) stands in foot restraints at the Guilty,” which implied Sharon false and that Time magazine criminal." Friday alter the first attack ^ - CBS where a commercial was in progress satellite, astronaut Dale Gardner (left) end of the remote manipulator arm and The NASA moderator in Houston then allowed pulls away from the crippled satellite holds the satellite. reporters there to ask questions and the conference after flying into space, linking up with it Factory output unchanged began 'The networks later got to ask their questions WASHINGTON — llS. industrial production Lebanon and a NASA spokesman said tithnical problems in same language." he said "It seems obvious to me." Allen said he was not certain he and Gardner could was unchanged in October, as a hoped for Houston could have caused the confusion .Allen rode on the end of the shuttle's robot arm. ■Allen and Gardner were asked w hat they planned to pull off the daring retrievals — especially when they in auto production failed to materialize, w hich was operated by Fisher, to help Gardner could not attach the special docking fixture to Palapa the Federal Reserve reported today. do for an encore after their stunning satellite rescue muscle Westar onto a special cradle in the cargo hold L o n o o n on Monday The report said parts .shortages cau.sed by the demands spacewalks because a mounting bracket would not fit on Palapa "1 have to go home and pay a lot of bills ' Gardner "We weren't totally certain until we were back in recent Canadian auto strike kept assembly of and they were worried it might not fit on Westar as the airlock after the satellites had been safely U.S. cars from increasing much beyond their low joked well My grass needs mowing.' .Ailed chipped in berthed," said Allen. " Up until that time. I think it's September annual rate of 6.9 million units, which Reagan asked Fisher, the first mother in space, if safe to say we weren't overconfident. had resulted from U.S. strikes. The rate rose only patrols FOO .Allen also-w as asked what he thought of a report by she would suggest space flight to her 1-year-old to 7 million. •he Office of Technology .Assessment that indicated "But wt> nonetheless were confident we would be daughter. Kristin, when she grows up. The index of the physical quantity of industrial By Gerald Nadler I M i N.AS.A s planned $8 billion space station might not be "That I would. Mr. President, " she replied "The able to do it. The results speak for themselves. Were the best way to spc-nd money for the space program production stood at 165.2. or 65 percent above the United Press International experience is everything I expected and even more both pleased and happy and perhaps a bit lucky," he 1%7 average. It was 6.6 percent above the level of .Allen was -a congressional liason when similar Seeing the world below us makes you realize that said. charges were’ made about the shuttle system a year ago. Production rose 0.1 percent in August NAQOURA, Lebanon — Leba­ we re all just part of this world It's truly an incredible The crew s major objectives today were to stow and fell 0.5 percent in September. nese officials demanded their "The space shuttle speaks for itself and I see no experience and I'm going to recommend it very reason the space station won't speak in exactly the highly " loose gear in the crew cabin and test Discovery 's October output of durable consumer goods — regular army replace Israeli for­ flight systems for the trip home which includes big items such as cars and ces in southern l^banon as troop- refrigerators — edged down 0.1 percent . Output of withdrawal talks over the occupied non-durable consumer goods rose 013 percent, territory resumed today. reflecting gains in the production of food, fuel and "Only the Lebanese army would Suspect Nazi faces extradition other goods. be here.” Muhammad al Hagg, the Lebanese spokesman, told Israel Radio. Bv David Greenwald Artukovic's son. Rad. sat by his side include affidavits by witnesses who say A spokesman for the Israeli United Press International and handed him a rosary during the they suffered his persecution. Firm pays Daikon users delegation said Israel does not hearing, which was conducted through Sher said Artukovic has been “the MINNEAPOLIS — .A $38 million .settlement want ”1 inch” of southern Lebanon LOS .ANGELES — .A blind 85-year- an interpreter. No, 1 priority of the Office of Special old accu-sed Nazi war criminal who has from the makers of the Daikon Shield can’t and would withdraw as soon as it is .As a powerful figure in what Investigation " since the office was compensate the loss nearly 200 women and assured of a border secure from avoided deportation for 30 years faces A ugoslavia called"the Nazi puppet founded in 1978, He also said the guerrilla attacks. extradition to Yugoslavia on chargesof children suffered because of defects in the state know n as the Independent State of extradition request was separate from contraceptive device, their attorneys say. A dispute appeared to break out complicity in the executions of 770.000 Croatia." .Artukovic allegedly set up the U.S. government’s ongoing at­ Serbs and Jews during World War II The settlement from .A H, Robins, announced as soon as the talks resumed after concentration camps and deportation tempts to deport him. AA’ednesday, is one of the nation’s largest ever one week's halt when Israel .Andrija .Artukovic, minister of the centers and coordinated mass Artukovic reportedly entered the interior of the short-lived Nazi govern­ group settlements in a civil lawsuit, said Dale released three of four Shiite .Amal murders United States in 1948 using a phony- Larson, an attorney with Robins. Zellc. Larson military chiefs it arrested several ment of Croatia, was arrested Wednes­ Neil Sher, director of the Office of name on a 60-day tourist visa. days ago. day at his suburban home by federal and Kaplan. Special Investigations, told reporters He was first ordered deported in 1953. The top award is $3 million to a womaq whose Israel Radio quoted Lebanese as marshals on a warrant issued by a that Yugoslavia filed the new extradi­ but was allowed to stay in the country- saying they want a complete, quick federal magistrate following the filing child suffered severe birth defects as a result of tion request this week after renewing on grounds he would be subject to the intrauterine birth control, device, a source and unconditional pullout of all of an exiradition request by a<^ investigation into .Artukovic's al­ persecution in his homeland. He later A’ugoslavia. close to the case said. Israeli forces from southern Le­ leged war crimes and filing new gained more time from a court ruling The settlements average nearly $192,000, well banon. filling the vacuum with the He is without any question the charges against him \ that changes in immigration law regular Lebanese army and its highest ranking Nazi war criminal in in excess of the $39,000 average paid by Robins Sher described .Arukovic as the ent it led him to begin the appeal process and its insurance carriers on almost 6,300 claims, security forces and outlawing the Cnited States." .Allan Ryan, former "Himmler " of A’ugoslavia, a reference anew. armed organizations such as the director of the Justice Department's "Money cannot compensate for many of these to the German Gestapo chief who Five Holocaust survivors filed a losses." Larson said. "It’s a great tribute to the Israel-sponsored South Lebanon Office of Special Investigations, told directed Nazi extermination units. class action suit against Artukovic in Army. I P l staying power of the clients they were able to I S Attorney Robert Bonner said Los Angeles federal court earlier this make this company recall this device." The state-sponsored radio said Artukovic. 85. legally blind and A’ugoslavia claimed .Artukovic di­ year, seeking punitive and compensa­ the Lebanese rejected^ Israel's suffering from a brain disorder, was rected the persecution of Serbs, Jews, tory damages for thousands of killings proposal that the SLA take posi- - taken to County-l’SC Medical Center, Orthodox Christians. Gypsies and during World War II. It was believed to tions south of the Zaharani River, ANDRIJA ARTUKOVIC where he was arraigned while lying in others he deemed enemies of the state. be the first attempt of Holocaust Westmoreland takes stand The Lebanese reportedly said the bed attached to various tubes and Documents submitted by A’ugoslavia in suspected Nazi monitoring devices survivors to bring claims against NEVA’ YORK — Gen, William Westmoreland, regular army should patrol the support of the extradition request alleged war criminals testifying for the first time in his $120 million libei area. trial against CBS. today said the onlv troubles in The negotiations, the first direct his 40-year military career were for speeding and contact between the two nations for being late with a payment on his horse. since Lebanon canceled a political Lockheed to make reparations to orphans agreement March 5, began under, Westmoreland, commander of U.S troops By Robert Mackav the watch of armored personnel ation Babylift ” from A’ietnam in 1975 cases were setued sepuiaiely . during the A’ietnam War. stood ramrod-staight in carriers at beachside barbed-wire- United Press International Lawyers said the 150 children who and serve as an insurance fund for the But Lockheed filed a motion to severely injured. The court will decide a dark blue-gray business suit as he took the oath surrounded resort of U.N, survived the crash suffered brain dismiss the suit of the non-residents on He answered that he was "70 and one half " when peacekeepers. W.ASHINGTON — Lockheed .Aircraft later how to distribute the money, he damage — some extensively — be­ grounds the U S. District Court in the said. asked his age by his attorney Dan Burt. The delegations appeared more Corp. tentatively has agreed to pay cause of a sudden loss of cabin pressure District of Columbia was not a Several of the children are presently relaxed at the outset than they did $19.7 million to 78 A’ietnamese orphans at 24.000 feet when a door blew off the convenient forum in which to try the Westmor|land is suing CBS for saying in its one week ago. They chatted with who suffered brain damage in a plane plane institutionalized full time. Work said. 1982 documentary "The Uncounted Enemy A cases. Work said. The babylift was ordered as commu­ .each other in a separate room crash during the Vietnam babylift and Of the 78 children, 62 live in France. Aietnam Deception " the .he purposely mis- before resuming talks at a triangu­ now live abroad Lockheed agreed not to contest its nist troops from North A'ietnam were TOunted the number of enemV in order to make his Others live in Canada, the United closing in on Saigon, the capital of lar table. Small unobtrusive flags If approved by a lederal judge, the. liability for the accident and in 1982 Kingdom. Italy. West Germany. Bel­ battlefield accomplishments hwk better and have were in front of each delegation. settlement between Lockheed and the agreed to a settlement for about 45 South A’ietnam. The mercy mission more U.S. troops allocated to m^war gium. Luxembourg. Switzerland. resulted in about 2,000 Vietnamese The talks, which first convened children s legal guardian Charles Vietnamese-Amencan orphans who Sweden and Finland last Thursday, resumed after Work of Washington. D C . would bring live in the United States Other U.S, orphans being airlifted to the United to an end an 8-year^)ld lawsuit filed on Part of the award will go into a trust States. Israel released three Shiite Amal behalf of a total of 150 A’ietnamese Chilean troops take captives guerrillas — demanded by the orphans who survived the 1975 crash Lebanese side as a condition for "W’e consider this to be a great ~ backed by continuing the negotiations. Doctors say Baby Fae better heliropters and armored vehicles surrounded a "We are already down to sub­ victory." Work said We re extraordi­ Santiago slum at dawn today and herded stance." said Lt. Col. A’onah Gazit narily pleased that at long last this long thousands of male adults and teenagers into a ordeal is over ' LOMA LINDA, Calif lUPI) - anti-rejection drugs when the episode " The signs of rejection are reversing of the 14-member Israel delega­ Doctors treating Baby Fae’s recovery began last week. nearby soccer stadium, residents said. tion. "W e have already presented The final damage settlement, sub­ from an attempt by her immune very definitely." Hinshaw said. "She's mitted Wednesday to U S District "AVe were perhaps too conserva­ holding her own very well." our main proposal about security system todestroy the baboon heart that tive, he said "We didn't want to It^Wi as the second time the military government arrangements that should prevail Judge Louis Oberdorfer for his appro­ IS keeping her alive say they may have Baby Fae began rejecting the heart of President Augusto Pinochet has carried out val. is. for 78 children, most of them damage her kidneys" with the power­ Friday, and by ’Tuesday was put back in the south once we leave. made things worse by being too ful drugs. maM detentions in a working class neighborhood "The Lebanese delegation fathered by American servicemen, conservative. on a respirator and intravenous feeding of Santiago since imposing a state of siege last who now live in 10 foreign countries and was given additional drugs to fight WCCK, stated at the end of the last meeting But Hinshaw said the world’s longest they would like to introduce their with their adopted families Dr. David Hinshaw told a news the rejection. They were part of a group of 226 living recipient of an animal heart has Hinshaw said the walnut-sized mon­ The raid on the slum — known for its own views and we expect to hear conference Wednesday- at Loma Linda apparently turned the corner and tests that today." A’ietnamese orphans aboard a Lock­ University Medical Center that the key heart had “stiffened" during the anti-government militancy - came at dawn heed C-5.A cargo plane that crashed indicated she was improving as she rejection episode and was still “not while a nightly curfew was still in effect Israel desires that security in medical team probably should have went into her 20th day with the new- southern Lebanon be guaranteed during President Gerald Ford's "Oper­ "hit her with a bigger dose’" of quite as effective in pushing out the organ blood,"blood." by the SLA. which it sponsors, and Entire Stock of Men’s an enlarged U.N. Interim Force In Lebanon. Salvadorean troops scatter rebel roadblock UNIFIL, which has been in the country since 1978. now has about SAN S.ALVADOR. El Siilvador burned five vehicles and shot out 5,770 soldiers. LONDON FOG on SALE! (UPI) — Government forces made the tires of 15 more on the coastal ' t n Ilian and military sources, clash. killed in the Lebanon, however, wants its a surprise attack on rebels running highway in eastern San Miguel PLAY JACKPOT own army to enter the southern a roadblock killing nine members province region to be vacated by Israel, • RAINCOATS • WINTER JACKETS • HOODED PARKAS • SURVIVAL JACKETS of a leftist g.ierrilla b.nui which At another point on the highway which invaded Lebanon 29 months had stopped\ek'-.'!c'o . .■ eastern about 60 miles east of San Salva­ ago and drove all the way into Beir highway, mil.’ar;. -aun es said dor. troops swooped down on The Israelis pulled back to the On the third day of the latest rebels at a roadblock just as the Awali River, about 36 miles north rebel campaign to paralyze high­ guerrillas began a propaganda 3nl Week of Special Sale of the international border, in 55.99-139.99 way traffic, guerrillas AA’ednesday lecture to passengers in seven BINGO September 1983. The Zaharani flows into the Mediterranean about Reg. $75-$160. 20% OFF 27 miles north of the border. fall silk EVERYDAY Defense Minister A’itzhak Rabin Don t miss these great savings, just in time for winter’s worst weather! Save on rainwear and winter outerwear ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. & DRIED ARR.4SGE.\1E.\TS and other Israeli officials said ■Dbcftllakti.lBc. Israel had not given in to any from America’s favorite quality maker. Raincoats in regular, short and long sizes, outerwear in sizes 38-46. -: 3 INSlIRWSMnUS Win A Trip For Two Lebanese demands, asserting the INSUIMNSMITIIS m 10% OFF three men were released "upon CHRISTMAS YILE ARRA^GEME^TS completion of their interrogation." D&L Men’s Shops: All stores except New London 1914 There was no indication when the fourth captive’’-^ Mahmoud t. HAWAII Fakih, the head of the Amal militia 649-5241 Leaf, Stem & Root in southern Lebanon — would be released. 65 E. Centtr SIrMt "A FULL SERVICE FLORIST’ See Page 2 Manchester, Ct. 857 Main St., Manchester 649-2522 M ^ NtANCHESTER HERALD. Thursdiiv.'Nov 15. 1984 - 7 I) M.\NCHKST<<^< HKHA1.D. Thursday, Nov 15, 1HK4

Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Douglas A. Bevins, Managing Editor Connecticut Businessmen say traffic imperiis gj'owth James P. Sacks, City Editor In Brief By Dennis C. Mllewski "W e should think of our region as an college professors, was presented to Northeastern University in Boston, OPINION United Press International economic engine, for we have the Gov. William O'Neill Tuesday to back was based on data for the 1982-83 fiscal i - highest income and population density, up the group’s demands for priority year STAMFORD — The state must spend and both seem to wish to grow." Horace transportation projects in the region. ^Connecticut ranks second in the Giamatti warns professors more to improve congested highways G. McDonald, chief executive officer of Fairfield' County residents contrib­ ilation in per capita income, iH’hind Pitney Bowes Corp. of Stamford, said ute 30 cents of every dollar collected by only oil-rich and sparsely populated If NEW HAVEN — Yale University President A. in Fairfield County or risk a substantial the state in taxes and other revenues Alaska, but is 25ih in spt-nding per Ja c k Bartlett Giamatti has warned professors they loss of tax revenue to a slowdown in the - at a news conference. The Democratic vote: What did it mean? but the region receives 23 cents of every capita, the study said Without Fair- . .could face sanctions for cancelling ciasses during. business and housing boom, corporate .5 McDonald and other business lead­ dollar spent on various programs, the field County, Connecticut would rank Anderson ' -B boycott organized by graduate'students to force leaders have warned. ers said Fairfield County, one of the The country and western band in the of I.o.s racism, but, if that is so. racism is pandemic in the The Southwestern Area Commerce & study found. 10th in income Washington a strike settlement. nation's wealthiest and the third Angeles' Century Plaza Hotel played "This Land Is United States,for in no.section of the country was the Industry Association released a study largest center for Fortune 500 compan­ In eight suburbs and corporate "W e understand that being affluent Your Land" at the Reagan victory party. The song was Democratic candidate able to entice white males to Merry-Go-Round Faculty members have a "moral and legal Wednesday showing a wide disparity ies. cannot continue to grow without centers — Stamford. Norwalk. Green­ carries responsibilities. " said McDo­ written by Woodie Guthrie. But times have changed vote for him. Indeed it looks like men's fears obligation” to students and the university, between tax revenue generated in improvements to roads and highways. wich. New Canaan. Darien. Wilton. nald "It is only natural there would be -Giamatti said Wednesday, and could lose their atfluent Fairfield County and state The Democrats have iet more communicated themselves to white women, only 36 Weston and Westport — the state an imbalance in terms of revenues atid Nicholas pay if they refused to teach their classes. funds spent in the region. "The source of our economic wealth than their music. He heisted their heroes. Walter percent of whom voted for Mondale. spends an average 8 cents while spending patterns " Tom Keenan, a graduate student and spokes­ Unless the state targets I he area in its is not something that is mined. " he receiving 16 cents of every revenue Mondale complained, as the president made off with Von Hoffman But he compared the area s transpor man for pro-union groups, estimated 100 faculty $5.5 billion 10-year plan plan to rebuild said. “ Connecticut's wealth comes dollar. FDR, HST and JFK . He might as well have made use of THUS TH E N A T IO N A L D E M O C R ATIC P A R T Y , as members would cancel or reschedule classes aging highways and bridges, the group largely from its location and lifestyle. tation needs to a company's investment them; Mondale wasn't able to strike their m ajor theme, distinguished from the many state parties, has come to Agencies . during the three-day boycott. said economic growth will stall and We are the gateway between New The study, prepared by economists in buildings and machinery and added. the promise of prosperity, the goal of full employment. look the way it has been caricatured by its enemies, the slash revenues-needed to fund other England and New York." John J. Sullivan of the Univeesit)-of "It would in' foolish to let that plant and Keenan said a memo sent to the philosophy (The Democrats were left with LBJ, a hero who the programc nrm'"H r-'-'-’ -'clicut. Ti--> eti.Hv »reparcd by two Hartford and Gregory H.^'Wassail of equipment run down. " party of blacks, cripples, paupers, parasites and T.department threatened faculty with “ loss of pay Republicans have yet to manifest a desire to worship.) homosexuals. Apparently th'ere are not enough people admit they ■|ind other possible penalties" if they chose not to The beak-nosed man from Minnesota talked about in such categories to elect a president even if they all teach. Stolberg renamed leader jobs, of course, but the'impression he left was that he cam e out to vote for him. but they don’t. The enduring ., Graduate students estimated 1,000 of Yale's foresaw a world of scarcity and his vision was of social rationing out four jobs to every five people. political irony of our period is that the people that the eavesdrop 10,300 students would join the boycott which justice realized through careful rationing. In contrast He scared the hell out of a lot of white men, only 31 national party champions do not come out and vote for began Wednesday They cailed it another attempt the president dangled the dream of abundance before percent of whom voted for him; to them a Mondale its candidates in winning numbers. at forcing the university to settle a seven-week strike, with 1,600 clerical and technical workers. Minority Democrats looking to 1986 us and, while people did not believe he will be able to administration was one which would change the rules Nine out of every 10 black voters, of course, did vote WASHINGTON - Next time you make good on all'he's promised, better to go with the phone Amtrak with a complaint or so that they would not be allowed to compete on the for W alter Mondale. Much good it did them since, from The Wednesday night caucus House-Republicans meet today to "I think it's about put to bed It is call Social Security with a ques­ Bv Mark A. Dupuis ' guy who's trying than with the guy who appears to have basis of merit and competence for jobs and promotions. the conventional black perspective, this m ay come to United Press International marked the first titiie the House choo.se their leaders for the next two extraordinary the type of support I ’m given up. As they saw it, no longer would it be the best man wins, rank with 1876 and 1912 as an electoral disaster. The tion. be careful what you say. Big Another landlord arrested Democrats have met as a group since years. The current minority leadr’r. getting out there." she said, adding she but the man, or more likely the woman, from the Hayes-Tilden election of 1876 ended the Reconstruction Brother nlay be listening. HARTFORD — Hou.se Democrats, the election. R E. Van Norstrandof Darien, is in line •saw herelei'tion as majority’Tbaderasa BUT M O ND ALE K IL L E D H IM SE LF O FF in other correct socio-economic category who would get the and black participation in the national electoral process W ATERBURY — A former city deputy finding themselves in the minority for to replace Stolberg as speaker when the compromise with Van Norstrand over These are just two of the 14 "The ranks are thin but the hearts ways. He tumbled into the male, macho gap. The fellas plums. superintendent of schools has been charged with the first time in a decade, had their GOPas'sumes the majority in January. the speaker’s eonte.sl for half a century; 1912 saw the election of an out and federal agencies that have admrt- are strong," Democratic Gov. William didn't go for him and this was attributed to his inability violating state fire codes at a 79'-year-old eyes on the future as they met to choose "I do .see it as a compromise. I see it In his many months of campaigning Mondale didn't out bigot in Woodrow Wilson. A. O’Neill told the group. "W e’re off on ted they sometimes secretly moni­ downtown hotel allegedly lacking proper exits their leaders for the next two years. The House Republicans also will as a unity move, ” she said, adding she to stand tall and tough, but when this election is . or couldn't convince two thirds of the white male This November sees the Republican Party finding out another great adventure. This great tor telephone calls. Other con­ and lighting. During the Wednesday night caucus choose a majority leader with Reps. had been under pressure from Republi­ dissected the reason for American men's aversion to population he wasn't a threat to put them out ofc. it can-win big without the black votes and the ..adventure is for two years.” fessed eavesdroppers include the The arrest Wednesday of Theodore Martland the 66 Democrats chose Irving J; Julie D. Belaga of Westport, Edward can Stale ( ’hairman Thomas J. D’A- Fritz may have less to do with the atmospherics of business. E very time Walter Mondale used the word Democratic Party finding it can lose big with it. Thus Agriculture and Commerce De­ followed tlWatrest for similar alleged fire code Stolberg, the current House speaker Kraweicki Jr. of Bristol and Robert G. more Jr to accept the majority looking presidential than to their fear his "fairn ess" in a speech he evoked a grotesque O'Neill said he was prepared to the election has brought about a situation every black violations of the owner of a three-famiiy house from New Haven, as minority leader. Jaekle of Stratford vying for the (Mist. leader's post rather than speaki-r administration would use affirm ative action and such partments, the Postal-Service and cooperate with the new Republican nightmare of their jobs being administratively taken leader from , Washington to Martin Luther where eight people died in a weekend fire. Stolberg immediately announced Belaga also denied charges by Van the Veterans Administration. majorities when appropriate. "Com- Belaga, who lost out to Van Nor- to take their jobs away. He and the national Democratic from them by an equal opportunities panel of black King has maneuvered to avoid: the isolation of blacks Martland. 54, of Woodbury, pleaded not guilty plans to establish a "Recapture Com­ Norstrand that U S. Sen. Lowell promi.se when compromise should be .strand in the contest for speaker, said Party are suspected of wanting to commit economic- lesbian civil servants. from significant and powerful white potential allies. Of all the agencies that engage in in Waterbury Superior Court to the charges in m ittee" within two weeks to bi-gin work Weicker Jr had been lobbying on her connection with the Elton Hotel, a historic made, stand tall when we should," he Wednesday she expected to win the behalf in her unsuccessful bid for triage, of intending to find the socially just way of Some will dismiss those returns as the voice of Well, this land is your land, made for you and me. this form of snooping, only five to put the Democrats buck into the said. -J building housing about 90 mostly elderly majority leader’s job. speaker might have legitimate reason to m ajority in the next legislative residents on its upper floors. He was charged with election. worry about security: the Pen­ 20 violations, including a fire escape not properly tagon, the Central Intelligence Republicans captured an 86-65 ma­ An editorial secured to the building and a lack of proper jority in the House in last week's Agency, the State Department and HuLME emergency exits and lighting throughout the elections and a 24-12 edge in the Senate. Budget has room for tax cuts NEA the Nuclear Regulatory building. Democrats have controlled both Commission. In the case of the building where eight died, chambers for a decade and currently to have any tax increases for two or overtaxation landlord Horace K. Andrews, 42, of Prospect, was By Mark A. Dupuis have an 87-64 in the House and '23-1.3 three years in the state of C'onnectii'ut. Although hinting at a (ax cut. O'Neill Eleven months ago, U.S. Infor­ arraigned Wednesday in Superior Court on three United Press International Bishops’ ideas edge in the Senate. if things stay a"s they are, and still have said he was still concerned the slate mation Agency Director Charles counts of second-degree reckless endangerment "W e're assuming a minority position some reductions in taxes," the Demo­ Wick was caught at the keyhole. He and three counts of violating a law requiring HARTFORD - Gov. William A. could face incrca.sed ex|H‘ndilui'es next which means everything is less." O’Neill will receive a tentative $4.4 cratic governor said Wedne.sday. year because of possible fedei al budget admitted secretly taping many smoke detectors in dwellings. He was released Stolberg said, "possibly even the kind after posting $25,000 bond. billion state budget today that would cuts carried out under President deserve attention telephone conversations, including of deal the people of Connecticut get State agepcies submitted 1985-86 Reagan. allow him to beat legislative Republi­ some with White House' chief of from the legislative branch of cans to the punch and propose a tax cut budget requests totaling about $4,013 He said the slate could Im- forced to Never fearing a controver­ certain goals for jobereation, staff James Baker. government." in the next fiscal year. billion for general programs and $403 make up for reduced federal s|H-nding He said Democrats will bt-gin their million for the transportation program, as it did in 1981 "1 know if I were in sial issue, the National Con­ worker participation in ow­ Although the disclosure caused Judge named to high court campaigns for 1986 when the Legisla­ Sources said Wednesday the tenta­ which was launched in the current Washington this is the year I would try ference of Catholic Bishops nership, an end to barriers to an uproar, it apparently didn’t HARTFORD - Gov. William A. O’Neill will ture convenes in January and the tive ^budget totals about $4.4 billion, fiscal year. to cut, having just come off a has drafted a pastoral letter full employment for women deter other government snoops. nominate chief state Appellate Court Judge recapture committee will keep track of about a 10 percent hike over current It wasn’t known where budget mandate." O'Neill said spending levels, and includes enough on the U.S. economy, giving it . and minorities, improved ed­ They have continued to operate Joseph F. Dannehy to fill a vacancy on the state the activities of GOP lawmakers to officifils trimmed agency reque.sts in Republican legislators have submit­ Supreme Court. gather ammunition for the elections. flexibility to allow for .some type of tax preparing the tentative budget for stinging criticism for the their listening devices. ted bills to repeal taxes; including the ucation and child care servi­ Dannehy, 67, would serve as an associate In addition to Stolberg, House reduction. O'Neill, who will present his version of conveyance lax'enacled in 1983 and Now the House Government plight of the poor in this ces, and national welfare justice, filling the seat being vacated next week Democrats chose the current deputy The tentative budget includes about the budget to the Legislature in taxes on electric and gas utilities and affluent country. reform. Operations Committee has drafted by Chief Justice John A. Speziale. The state’s speaker, Robert F. Frankel of Strat­ $4 billion for general state programs January. oil company profits. legislation that would make it senior judge is Harold M. Mulvey of New Haven, ford, as deputy minority leader and and another $400 million for the second There has been increasing specula­ O’Neill has not said where he would but he will turn 70 next month, the state’s appointed four of their 10 a.ssistant year of a 10-year program to rr-build tion that O’Neill would propo.se a tax The highly publicized letter illegal for federal officials to make propo.se tax cuts, but told the Greater In their most passionate secret tapes of their telephone mandatory retirement age for full-time work on minority leaders. and maintain the state's transportation cut to steal .some political thunder from Hartford Chamber of Commerce any network, sources said. wilt be reviewed by lay people moment, they ask for a conversations — except under J the bench. the Republicans who won control of the reductions "must Ire balanced .so tluil and clergy as the church Dannehy, with 23 years on the bench, is second The assistant leaders are Reps. O’Neill stopped just short of saying House and Senate in last week's "moratorium on rhetoric circumstances that are carefully Richard J. Balduccl of Newington, they do not have an adverse effect on in line in seniority. He has three years-to serve he will p r a is e a tax cut, but when elections. our long-range revenue needs.” seeks an thoughtful discus­ about ‘welfare cheaters' and spelled out and involve legitimate William J. Cibes Jr. of New London, pressed said it would be a fair before reaching retirement. The announcement Republicans campaigned on the He al.so toUl the chamiM'r he hoped to sion of material progress and on stereotypes about welfare intelligence or law-enforcement Dean P. Markham of East Hampton a.ssumption to say a tax cut would be comes, a day after O'Neill nominated Ellen A. promise of a tax cut. charging the propo.se increases in .state aid to cities activities. and Timothy J. Moynihan of East included in the budget, which takes social justice. The bishops' recipients.” Peters to be state Supreme Court justice. $164.4 million surplus posted in the last and towns in his budget ..to help the Hartford, who dropped a challenge, to effect July 1, 1985. ihdictment of economic ineq­ The mystifying fact is that the fiscal year and projected $105 million communities keep down local property Stolberg for the rninority leader's post. " I would hope that we would not have uities should be addressed by "Our welfare system has White House is vigorously oppos­ surplus this year are the result of taxes. business and government many flaws, but if it errs in OUR MAN IN NICARAGUA ing the proposed legislation, even-^ leaders. any direction it is in doing too though it would do little more than i little rather than too much for reinforce restrictions that are ! already on the books against I DEXATRIM RIGHT GUARD l \ T ' Catholics need not feel the needy." GOOD NEWS SOFT Sc DRI mistti distressed by such boldness indiscriminate eavesdropping. Ro- ; BAUSCH Pivot lUIS Smokeoutl bert McConnell, an assistant attoy- ; Appetite Anti-Perspirant by the bishops. They are only- In assailing the inequities & L0M B Disposable Anti-Perspirant of the national economy, the ney general, put the administra-' * Supressant Solid reiterating demands for so­ tion’s objection in writing. He • Silint Stlutiofl Razors Regular or All Types GILLETTE bishops point to a wider social Regulif Fctmula cial justice that have been notified the House committee, fi> ! hr Sensitivi [yes 3 's Untcented 2oz. Brush Plus ■ problem. "There are forms of 5.6’s part of the doctrine since ’ Tale of a smoker who quit effect, that it would discomfit tlie ' 12 o z . 2 OZ. Shaving Rallll individual and group selfish­ ■bureaucrats. ; Pope Leo XIII and "Rerum PIVOT 3“ ~ Shaving Syalam All Types ness p^sent in the nation that $ 2 0 9 Novarum.” That pontiff said “ It is important that administra- • All Types 2 oz. undimnine so.cial solidarity They call it -’The Great American Smokeout” and it the “ invisible hand " theory tive flexibility be maintained,” * $ 4 9 9 $ | 8 7 only produced a few greedy and efforts to protect the comes around in mid-November each year. Smokers McConnell wrote. “ A statute th at-• are urged to give up cigarettes for one whole day — if owners pressing the yoke of economic rights of all,” they would flatly prohibit consensual declare. While some right- not forever. The "forever" means "cold turkey,” a monitoring except in very fixed slavery on thousands of pow­ very appropriate phrase, since "The Smokeout ” this, S ol R. T i . and limited circumstances would : erless workers. While many wing fundamentalists have year comes a week before Thanksgiving. speed embraced free enterprise as severely restrict this flexibility.” • stick LADY Protestant ministers re­ . Well, it’s now quite a few years since I ’ve smoked C ohen The word “ consensual,” which • JOHNSON’S DIMENSION MENNEN divinely sanctioned, the bi­ M s ? * Speed Stick garded trade unions as in­ even one cigarette, . or cigar, or pipeful, or McConnell uses to describe the • Baby Shampoo shops show they do not walk what-have-you and it didn’t take "The Great Speed Stick , Deodorant.,^ struments of the devil. Amer­ secret taping of phone calls, refers ? Cwnsteich Iwdef BEN GAY All T y p e s All Types • 2.5 oz. All Typee ican bishops at the time in the valley of the supply- American Smokeout" for me to do it — I quit "cold to the fact that the targeted j, turkey." 1 4 o z . Gel 7 o z . Osodorint M.77 1.5 oz. siders. employees have been given notice ! speed defended their flock’s right to TYLENOL stkk 3 OZ. Why am I telling all this and why am I singling cigarettes, they didn't want mine — even for free. that the phone system is subject to ; speed Anll-pertplrinl *1.07 join the Knights of Labor. Extra Strength stick To dismiss their admoni­ myself out instead of letting someone else claim So, I ’d go on smoking my three packs a day and monitoring. So 'by using the ’ tions as so much dribble is bragging rights? It’s because I know of nobody, but people would say about me. "H e'd rathensmoke than system, they have thereby con- ’ Tablets Now, Pope John Paul II nobody, who smoked more than I did and for more unconscionable. The bishops live. I was living and enjoying it and I was enjoying sented to the monitoring of their • 60’s reportedly has misgivings years than I care to remember — three packs a day, smoking as well. JBIX_5 have joined the long list of communications," McConneTTt over his activist bishops' every day of the year, including Sundays and What bothered me the most about smoking, explained. I reformers who see the need holidays. zeal. But even he published however, was when I smoked even when I was But what about the unwitting People would jeer and poke fun at me whenever I MYADEC an encyclical three years ago for changes in the nation’s shaving. Smoke got in my eyes. Sometimes I cut . citizen whose call is taped withoOt I MENNEN BENYLIN STAYFREE that insisted human life have economic structure. Their said, "I can quit smoking anytime I want ' I meant it. myself shaving. his knowledge or permission? • MENNEN Afta 'Cough Syrup more meaning than being proposals are specific and The only reason I didn't was because I didn’t care to. I McConnell dismisses the caller’s * 3.75 oz. Maxipads enjoyed smoking too much, and that was that. Skin Bracer fodder for an industrial deserve as much attention as THEN IT HAPPENED. My doctor told me I had an rights with this indifferent com- * $ 1 8 7 Vitamins Reg., Deodorant, ulcer and that it could have come from my smoking. ment: “ As to individuals who are • Rijuler Of Spice Regular or DM machine. tax reform and budget­ I REM EM BER WHEN I started to smoke. It was 130’s STAYFREE or Super balancing problems of Wa­ He placed me on a bland diet and told me that if I stuck communicating with persons util- \ 6 o z . Pre Electric 8 o z . D eodorant 30’s back in grammar school days and I was living in ..to the diet and quit smoking I could cure my ulcer in izing a monitored system, since at Rather than just leave the shington. 'The bishops are I Regular or Lime Chicago. A bunch of us would lock ourselves inside an about four weeks. least one of the parties to th^ ; 4 oz. issue with cursory comment, doing their job. Itisuptousto old freight car — parked on an empty lot in our Well, it Worked, and at the end of four weeks' my communication has consented, the • $ 1 2 9 Silhouettes America’s bishops outline act. neighborhood and used for selling ice or fruit and doctor placed me back on a free diet. He monitoring is lawful." ’ ' ' vegetables. Most of the time it stood empty. 10's spy complimented me on having stopped smoking “ cold Without mentioning names, • It was when it was standing empty that we locked turkey and challenged me to keep it up. McConnell described the proposed ^ ourselves in. We’d find lots of corn-silk lying around It's been quite a few years now and I did keep it up legislation as “ an over-reaction" T and we’d fill tissue paper with it. We’d then smoke our partly because I have benefited from it. but mostly out to Wick’s overenthusiastic taping PLAYTEX homemade cigarettes until we were too sick to go SPICE of pride. I had proved my contention that “I could quit activities, and added, “ We believe * Disposable Bottles AFTATE home. We’d stay there recuperating and sometimes smoking anytime I want. ” DIARvAID the nature of the activity here does • ^ miss supper. i Liquid Spray Stick OLD SPICE I haven t smoked since — not one cigarette, or not merit a federal criitiinal • Tablets What we didn’t miss, hoivever, was the spanking 4 oz. Aerosol cigar, or pipeful, or what-have-you. People quit statute, but would be better ’ Deodorant and yelling that went on when our parents learned O.B. 8 0 ’s Deodorant Eitri Stingth jeering and poking fun at me. As a souvenir. I saved addressed administratively ! $ 2 6 9 All Type* where we had been, and why. 5 o z . cxhUfraMtH I2’s my unopened package of cigarettes. It's now in its through regulations." ; Tampons Stick ^ 3.75 oz. From the corn-silk it was just a short and natural Powder Spray seventh year of plastic bags — disintegrated but But McConnell conveniently I $j[87 0IAR.AID Aim-eiAnMU uaun hop to cigarettes — my father’s. I ’m sure my mother definitely identifiable. overlooked the fact that there are ’ 16’s 3.5 oz. and father knew all along I was smoking, but they OPiUBir mcMM w uuttiw already regulations on the books' * $ 2 5 7 never said anything. I never smoked at home until I Reg. or Super *1.67 DO I MISS IT? No. Not even when people around me - that federal agencies pay little • was 21, and eveij^a>that age 1 was embarrassed when I Super Plus *1.77 smoke. In fact, I enjoy the aroma of cigarette smoke. attention to. The rules require • lit a cigarette in "my mother's, presence. Would I recommend that other smokers give it up’ agencies wishing to tape-recortt • I ’m not a reformer and I feel it’s their own business phone calls secretly to justify tH5T"I Crown Pharmaciy Available at participating BECAUSE I STARTED smoking my father’s brand and that every person has the right to make up his or VALUE PLUS STORES! Lenox Pharmacy need- and issue appropriate: I Prescription Center Not all items available at ^iedlquell of cigarett6s, I stuck to that brand all through my her own mind. guidelines. »• • 299 E. Center St. years of smoking. I remember when World War II all stores. ABSORBINE JR. TRIPLE K I ve always felt there’s nobody as self-righteous as a Yet of 72 agencies surveyed biT • 208 W. Center St. 2 started and dyes used for wrappers were needed for Not responsible lor Manchester oz. reformed _ smoker and 1 refuse to be labeled either the House committee, only 14 ■ Manchester typographical errors. Liquid the war effort, the manufacturers of my brand self-righteous or a reformer. •- bothered to implement the regula^ ‘ advertised that their “ green had gone to war " I 2 o z. But, I will accept the label of pride. I'm proud that I, tions, and only about one-third ha3“ ! always wondered why. when the war ended, they a three-pack-a-day smoker for umpteen years, quit Heelth S didn’t go back to green. seen fit to issue any guiifelines at \ Kay Drug Co. MEDIQUELL “ cold turkey.” Buih Aids Brooks Pharmacy Quinn's Pharuiacy 4 oz. IMS all. According to a' committee * Cough Squares £ $137 Sticking to that same brand had its compensations 14 Main SL. 4 ) l 9« « b ,N tA .n, report, “ despite the fact that these * Sill nicis! 585 Enfleld Ave., 873 Main St. f“ '' |ne. I would be the only one at a gathering smoking Sol R. Cohen, a retired reporter for the Herald, lives East Hartford Enfleld ' regulations had been in effect for * Effective Manchester 24's $229 a "mini" cigarette. People smooching cigarettes “Your mother and I were hoping you kids would on Jordt Street in Manchester. He wrote this column almost three years, it is clear that" • would turn up thejr noses at my strange brand. With Nov. 15-17, 1984 at least give ‘Smokeouf day a try. ” for last year s "Smokeout,” and it is being repeated they have been essentially ignored the trend toward" filters and longer and longer because of its popularity. by federal officials." 0 _ MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Nov. 15. >984 M.ANCHKSTKR HERA1.D. Thursday. Nov 15, 1984 - 9 CAPTAIN EASY ' by Crooks A Cs m Io fW 'T'TSSI—7 lOOk.thbrb'^ ' BUT YOU SAW C'«40N,6UV9i BOMETIME9 THERE ARE -■ - / ONLY OME WAV HO W B T R O M G I 'L U W E E P PEACEFUL WAV$ TO T O H U N T A t h a t t h i n s TO S E T U P ACCOMPLISH THIUOS. PLBASEi Thursday TV MONSTER. l«t OUTEIPE. EASY, AT l e a s t L E T'S S E E W H AT Doctor says ear hair 9:00 PM (3} Simon i Simon A J and HESeOT 6:00 P M (I) CD Sa ®5l News 8 MIMP. R(ck are hired to protect a popular actress CD Thren's Company Channels from murder (60 min ) CD Hart to Hart C D Merv Griffin . WFSB Hartford. CT (11) Banson (IS Dr. GflfMi Scott predicts heart attacks WNEW New York. NY (t) (id) Dr. Gana Scott WTNH New Haven, C T ti) ^ ] ) Cheers Conclusion Coach is (20) Dukas of H ariard WOFI New York. NY Ob elated when Irene accepts his proposal, might be due to a hormone called (24) 3 2 1, Contact (C C ) WPIK New Yotk. NY (ID but begins to wonder about tfv) relation­ By GIno Del Guercio said Dr. Richard F. Wagner of WHCT Hertford, CT ship when she wins a lottery androgen, which is important in (38) One Day at a Tim e United Press International Boston University Medical School. WTXX WatertiurY. CT w (24) ($7) M ystery! Rumpole and the Sport “But people with these traits have sexual development. (40) N ew sw atch WWLP Springfield. MA 88 ing Life The new female barrister begs Higher-than-average levels of (41) Reporter 41 WEDH Hartford, CT 04 BOSTON — People with dark a' very high degree of Rumpole to defend her sister who is on trial the hormone causes black hairs to WVIT Hartford. CT M for murder (60 min ) (CC) hairs sticking out of their cars arc susceptibility." (§7) MacNeil/Lehrar New shour WSBK Botton, MA grow in the ear canal. Wagner said M (41) El Mateficio LEVY'S LAW ‘ by Jamaa Schumaitler more susceptible to,heart attacks, Wagner, one of eight diH’fors who $1) Fantasy Island WGGB Springfield MA m signed the letter, said the results it might also cause clots to form on [CN N ] Prog Cont'd WXTV Paterson, NJ HD $ 1) Koiek according to a doctor at Boston WQ8Y Springfield. MA ^ l - R l ( 3 H T are still preliminary. the inside of arteries carrying (ESPN) ESPN's Ringside Review 97) [C N N ] Freeiyian Reports University Medical Center WTIC Hertford. CT ■ " 8D YOUR HOROSCOPE 7 - L E F T They are not sure why the two “1 would urge extreme caution in blood to th«» heart muscle, which [H B O l M O V IE : 'Orca' A killer whale is CNN Cable News Ntwrfc (CNN) [H B O ] MOVIE; All the Right Moves' A high school student finds his future in jeo­ 3 3 - R 1 6 H T applying these findings to the cause heart attacks out for revenge when a shark-hunting sea­ ESPN Sports Network lESFNl ARE5(M AR. 21- APR. 20)^ are related, but a study of 43 men pardy when he is unfairfy kicked off the r " farer captures and kills his pregnant male HBO Home Box Office iHBOl and 20 women found those with ear population as a whole," said Dr. “If you have these traits. 1 Richard Harris. Charlotte Rarnpling, CINEMAX Cinemax IMAXI football team Tom Cruise. Craig T Nel­ hair very often had heart disease. Gilbert Mudge. a Harvard Medical suggest you look to see if you have Keenan W ynn 1977 Rated PG TMC Movie Channel iTMCl son. Lea Thompson 1983 Rated R School cardiologist. “There are any other risk factors." said USA USA Network lUSA) The findings were published as a i T M C l M O V IE : "D iva' A young postal 9 :3 0 P M $2) 38) Night court Harry is % letter to the editor in the New many men with hair .n their-cars Wagner. "Do you smoke or does worker is pursued by the law because of brought before the legal review board for your family have a history of heart consorting with a hooker England Journal of Medicine. and many n)en with coronary Ins love for a famous American soprano- attacks? Wilhi'lrnenia Wiggins^fernandnr. Fedoric (41) De Fiesta ^ People with a crease running artery disease. Thl.s'does not mean Aniliet. Htchiirrl Bohnnger 1982 Rated R C D Rituals “Puticnls with these risk factors [E S P N ] PKA Full Contact Karate: Light across their ear lobe, it had been the two are related.” he said. C D ( ) U.S. Olympic Medalists (U S A I Cartr)on Express 48 Middleweight Contenders Bout Covor- shown in earlier studies, also may He said he found the peculiar should do everything piissible to Professional Boxing Debut The profes­ prevent heart attacks. If you 6 :3 0 PM fS} One Day a time sional debuts of . Pernell . age of this karate bout is presented from be more likely to have heart association while trying to look for St Paul. MN (90 min ) smoke, definitely stop. If you have 'll) Barney Miller Whitaker, . , attacks. The latest study found 90 , external features that could indi­ and E vender Hotyfield are featured in this [M A X ] Assaulted Nuts ______\ percent of all people studied with cate inti^rnal illne.ss. Wagner is a high cholesterol or high blood (22) (30) N B C New s buxing special (2 hrs ) pressure, try to lower thein." he S4) Nightly Business Report 1 0 :0 0 P M (3) Knot's Landing Abby both traits have had a heart attack. dermatologist (11) M O V IE : 'Th e Big Fix' A hip private learns that Gary is the father of Valone s "No test is 100 percent certain.” He speculated the relationship said. (38) Jeffersons eye'gots in over his head when a Mexican babies and tries tu prevent Gary from find ALLEY OOP - by Dave Graue (40) A B C New s American loader is kidnapped by terror ihg out (60 rnin ) ists Richard Droyfuss. Susan Anspach. I'D LIKE TO SEE \ IT SHOULD BE you LOOKINGII JUST WANTEtM I SAW HIM EXAMINI (41) Noticiero SIN C D N e w s Bonme Bedolia 1978 THE SACK WITH UP FRONT WITH FOR SOME- /TO MAKE SURE'* THE BAG OF ^----- (C N N ) Showbiz Today C D (40) 20 /20 (CC) THAT SYMBOL J THE RICE AND THING? / W E GOT ALL OF / OPIUM, SING TU!/ WE (18) Dr. Gene Scott O N I T S A L T , A C E I . MR.HOWDEN'S / DO YOU THINKSHALL UPl photo (ESP N ) Mazda SportsLook * C D Hawaii Five-0 C28) MOVIE; 'Strangers On a Train' Two SUPPLIES' rf HE SUSPECTS USTV. SEE! X-ray technique could spot 7 :0 0 P M (3) CBS News strangers meet on a Washington to New Q D Independent News Ralph and Donna Richard talk to Ann, was kidnapped from their home York tram and tw o murders are plotted ( 5 ) (38) M 'A 'S ‘ H (ii) Dr. Gene Scott repo/ters during an interview Wednes­ early Sunday. Police have not deve­ Farley Granger. Robert Walker. Ruth Ro- Twilight Zorwi CD ABC News mag 1951 loped any substantial clues nor motive Hill Street Blues Bates finds a day at their Pawtucket, R.l. home. The C9) N ew s (^2) ^ 8 ) Cosby S how Denise's boyfriend and prevent heart attack soft spot in her heart for a parentless street IS invited to dinner and shocks Cliff and couple’s four-month old baby, Jerri in the case. (11) Jeffersons urchin and decides to take him home (60 Clair when ho criticizes the medical and le­ (Id) Dr Gene Scott min ) gal professions MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (UPl) - may retard progression of the fur screening the general popula­ (20) Star Trek (24) Choices in a Changing World (24) Rainbow Jackpot @0, WHILE THE OTHERS An inexpensive X:ray technique disease. tion, but we think it's a very (22) W heel of Fortune Great Chefs/New Orleans UNLOAD JAMES HOWDEN'S that detects calcium deposits in the “In the past, there was no point promising technique,’’ Rifkin said. $8) MOVIE: 'Toral Toral Toral' While Ja­ SUPPLIES, ACE DOES SOME Father of kidnapped baby (24) MacNeil/lehrer Newshour pan s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor is (8D Starsky and Hutch N i INCONSPICUOUS SNOOPING! bloodstream may help identify in knowing you had coromiry In another report Wednesday. (30) (40) Family Feud graphically reproduced, the lives of people [C N N ] Evening News coronary artery disease in time to artery narrowing if you had no Dr. Peter O. Kwiterovich of Johns present at the beginning of W orld W ar It is (41) Leonela [M A X ] MOVIE: 'National Lampoon's prevent heart attack.s, researchers symptoms, becau.se we didn’t Hopkins Medical Instilulions In exf)lornri Jason Robards, Martin Balsam. Class Reunion* The grads from the class ($7) Nightly Business Report Joseph Cotton 1970 told the American Heart Ballimore said he has found a of '72 return to a sealed-up Lizzie Borden THE BOHN LOSER ‘ by Aft Sanaom know what to do about it.” Rifkin (61) Diff'rent Strokes passes truth serum tests (41) Noche de Gala High School for an insane reunion. Germ Association. said. “But the evidenee now is substance that may help indicate [CN N i Moneyline (57) This Old House (CC) Graham. Miriam Flynn, Stephen Furst 'C O A M P 'C O R a f o V o K A V , OXAV, I 'L L Using a technique known as quite conelusive that lowering which brothers and sisters of heart [ESPN] SportsCenter Rated R fluoroscopy. X-rays are passed disease sufferers also have the ®D Police Woman DgALBAR&Am6! INTAKE < m 0F lT ! Pa w t u c k e t , r .i . (Upd - today for the return of their baby. Donna Moreau has worked. The blood cholesterol levels by diet and [U SAl Radio 1990 10:3 0 PM CO) News through the body onto a f luore.scent possibly with certain drugs does disease. [CN N ] Prime News After giving the father truth serum The couple planned a 10 a.m. family lived in Attleboro, Mass., ( ) Twilight Zone I'MWEEZm&l screen where shadows of the slow coronary disease and prevent Kwiterovich said high levels of a 7 :3 0 P M CD PM Magazine [ H B O ] Inside the N F L Len Dawson and 28 and bringing in more FBI agents, appeal on Channel 7 and at noon on until moving to Pawtucket two beating heart and other organs can heart attacks. blood protein called apoprotein B CD All In the Family Nick Buonicomi review this week's NFL ac­ (41) 2 4 Horas frustrated police say they are no Channel 5, both in Boston. months ago to launch an auto body tion be studied. Rifkin said fluoro.scopy is safe, may be a sign of a- so-far CD Wheel of Fortune 3 7) O n the M oney Tonight's show deals closer to finding a kidnapped Police coordinators, tired after business. [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Snoopy, Come Home* with the whys and wherefores of buying a Calcium deposits, one of the easy, takes only about five min­ undetected heart ailment. CD NHL Hockey: New Jersey Devils at 4-month-old girl than when they four days of searching for the Moreau confirmed the store was Snoopy bids Charlie Brown farewell in or­ house and shopping for a personal compu­ Of 68 brothers and sisters of Boston Bruins began Sunday. ' on the list, but he declined to say substances that narrow the arter­ utes, costs about $50 per person der to return to his first owner. Anima*ed. ter. (CC) baby, continued Wednesday ies, show up on the fluoroscope and is available at virtually every heart paitients, tests, for the (11) Independent N e w s 1972 Rated G Police have speculated they why. The manager of the Hit or [H B O ] Not Necessarily the News checking a long list of friends, screen as whitish flecks in the hospital. protein showed 19 of them had (22) M -A *S * H [T M C l MOVIE: 'The Right Stuff' might find something in the relatives and acquaintances of the Miss store, who declined to give 1 1 :00 PM CD CB 9® ®) (S7i coronary arteries. Dr. Robert D. “We need to collect more data hidden coronary artery disease (3O) Entertainment Tonight (Closed Captioned] America's first seven News background of the parents, Ralph parents. her name, had “no comment” on astronauts aro traced from the first at­ Rifkin, head of the intensive care before we recommend it be used themselves, he said. (36) Barney Miller an(l Donna Richard, to lead them They also wearily answered the the investigation. tempts to break the sound barrier to the C D Taxi units at the Veterans Administra­ ( O) People's Court to the kidnapper. One possible same questions family and repor­ “We’ve got umpteen troopers 4 first man to orbit the earth Sam Shepard. CD Phil Silvers Ct«»4byKA Mt tion Medical Center in Providence, '57) W ild W orld of Anim als Dennis Quaid, Scott Glenn 1983. Rated theory was that Jerri Ann Richard ters have been asking since the and agents up there and working in PG (11) O dd Couple was stolen from her parents’ that area,” Moreau said. “One of R.I., reported Wednesday during Tiny town looks for girl '61) One Day at a Tim e OD Dr. Gene Scott baby was reported missing Sunday [U S A ] NHL Hockey: Minnesota at New FRANK AND ERNEST ' by Bob Thavet the Heart Association’s 57lh Scien­ ICN N l Crossfire apartment to settle a grudge. morning: the assignments was to talk to the York Islanders . (20) Honeymooners tific Sessions. EXETER, N.H. (UPl) - Foul supportive evidence to substan­ (ESPNl NFL's Greatest Moments: Best The father voluntarily under- Any new leads? employees. ( ^ Dr. \^ho Narrowing of the arteries is play was suspected in the disap­ tiate this." , Ever Coaches n wdkit a truth serum test with “No.” d i M"A»S*H known as arherosclerosis and IHBO] Braingames Word scrambles, 8 :3 0 P M CD PM Magazine f 7 l sodium pentathol Tuesday at Any clues? “We’ve got more FBI agents pearance of a "timid and shy” Brown-haired, brown-eyed number puzzlers and history and mystery ( ^ ^[8) Fam ily Tie s Alex has mixed feel­ d l) Gong Show VYHAT A / • . Rhode Island Hospital to clear him “No.” involved now. We haven't been causes heart attacks. schoolgirl that has left this sou­ Tammy I.. Belanger, 8, disap­ games are all hero to tease your brain. ings when his friend Doug becomes en­ [C N N ] Moneyline of any suspicion, Capt. Carl cutting down,” he said. “We don't Rifkin said he and other heart theastern New Hampshire com­ peared about 8 a m. Tuesday after gaged and asks Alex to be best man. Any new theories? [U SA] Dragnet [E S P N ] NFL's Greatest Moments 1972 HAP TH F Benson said Wednesday. “No,” Detective Lt. Norman have the baby, nothing.” specialists at the University of munity in “total shock.” leaving her River Street home for Better Health W orld Champion Miami Dolphins High­ 8 :0 0 P M CD Magnum P.l. Magnum % ^ i'He passed it, as far as we were Benson said 30 to 40 people, Pittsburgh and the Veterans Ad­ A search by up to 100 police and the lO-minute walk tu Exeter lights. Moreau said. uncovers a crooked federal agent Jfrho is @ G .I. Diary POIN6 colicemed,” he said. including state and local police and ministration Medical Center in volunteers failed to uncover a clue Elementary School. [H B O l Toxic Time Bomb Co|V^fif(5ATioN Among the leads police report­ using a banker as a dupe in a m o n ^ laun­ [ES P N ] Super Bouts of the 80’s Sugar Richard said he and his wife edly were checking was a clothing an unknown number of FBI agents, West Roxbury, Mass., performed Wednesday to the whereabouts of dering scheme while he is teaching a class Ray Leonard vs. Roberto Duran (Montreal, [U S A ] Gong Show fluoroscopy on 600 patients age 39 the ponytailed third-grader. Exe­ "She's a very timid and shy in private investigating {60 min ) June, 1980). (60 min.) ’TH ^ kYAVe"! planned another television appeal store in Franklin, Mass., where are working on the case. 1 1 : 1 5 PM Reporter 41 to 59, looking for calcium deposits ter Police Chief Frank Caracciolo youngster," said the girl's dis­ in the coronary arteries; said the search was expected to traught father. Nelson Belanger, 1 1 : 3 0 P M G D Three's Com pany to CttWdbyWA.IM By studying the calciuiT)<|lepos- continue today. 41. “She wouldn't have taken a ride C D Charlie's Angels 11-15 ThM j Chief backs Caroline Kennedy its, researchers hope to define the “This investigation has turned with anybody, not even a C D Nighttine patterns that indicate significant from a search situation to an neighbor.” C D Bums 81 Allen Caroline Kennedy last month that coronary ^narrowing, enabling investigatory one,” Caracciola Tammy, the youngest of three dD Honeymooners WINTHROP ®by Dicli Cavalll BOSTON (UPl) — The chief of, body was discovered the morning them to diagnose the disease HILL STREET BLUES police in Palm Beach, Fla., says she never entered her cousin's of April 25. Documents in the said late Wednesday. “The reason Belanger children, was reported Leave It to Beaver before other symptoms appear, for this is the length of time this missing about 4 p.m. Tuesday Tonight Show YOU’RE: VENTING YOUR RAGE I t h o u g h t there is no evidence Caroline hotel room during the week he died investigation released last month While undercover as ah Kennedy and Sydney Lawford of a drug overdose. revealed police suspect someone Rifkin said. Recent studies indi­ child has been missing. We suspect when she failed to return home alley-bound derelict, Del. ® ) Anything for Money AtaAINST A WORLD yOU I \MA& cate that diet and drug therapies foul play, but really have no from the Lincoln Street school. ® ) Pelicula: *La Encadenada' NEVER A^APE, ARENT entered their cousin David might have tried to dump the drugs LaRue (Kiel Martin) makes SINQ-ING. Kennedy’s hotel before his body The comments were made in an in the room’s toilet. some last-minute sartorial MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour open deposition to defense lawyers dD MOVIE: 'Free For All' Young Ohio was discovered, The Boston Globe Family members had gone to adjustments as he becomes saM today. for two bellhops charged with Palm Beach that Easter week to the fashion plate of skid row, inventor of tablet, which turns water into r gasoline, throws oil tycoon into a frenzy. selling cocaine to David Kennedy. visit ailing grandmother Rose NOTICE LEAF REMOVAL In “ Hill Street Blues," airing Robert Cummings. Ann Blyth. Percy Kil­ ■*.We never found any evidence, An autopsy showed Kennedy, 2S, Kennedy. Listed bglotw Is the scheduled pick up of leaves (or 1984. Home otwners, on (he etresls THURSDAY, NOV. 15 on bride 1949 fingerprint or otherwise, that they son of the slain Sen. Robert F. Defense lawyers questioned Ter­ NBC. [C N N ] Sports Tonight listed below, who wish to have yard leaves collected, are requested to rake leaves to were in the room," police Chief Kennedy, died of a combination of lizzese in preparation for the trial (he S T R E E T LINE. This should be done prior to (he Monday of the week of collection. [ES PN ] SportsCenter cocaine, the painkiller Demerol Joseph Terlizzese said Wednesday next March of Peter Merchant of Property owners are requested to make certain that no foreign oMects, such as CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME [M A X ] M O V IE : 'Southern Comfort' and the tranquilizer Mellaril. in sworn testimony. Warwick,. R.I.. and David Dorr of stones, branches, cans or any other material, O TH E R TH A N LEAVES OR GRASS, are Rookie National Guardsmen are involved in Terlizzese’s comments, pub­ Witnesses had told police the two a bloody confrontation with Cajun natives. IHs iJtiAU-t West Yarmouth, Mass., on charges placad In tha windrows. Mixed leaf piles W ILL N O T BE PICKED UP. The retuse Keith Carradine. Powers Boothe Rated R lished today in the Globe, confirm young women visited the hotel of conspiracy to sell cocaine and a public statement released by about 90 minutes before Kennedy’s the sale of cocaine. contractor will N O T pick up bagged leaves during the six (6) weak leaf program of [T M C ] MOVIE: 'A Night in Heaven' 10*29-S4, through 12-7-S4. In case of InclamanI weather, tha leaf program may be 1 River In 7 Set of tools dS Dr. Gene Scott ^ r t h d a y I What you learn can be later transposed French Rd. Liberty St. Seymour St. Flanders 8 .Sibyl IT B 0 N Y (^0) MOVIE: 'Key West' A former CIA CANCER (June 21-July 22) Words flow ’ Alpine St. Castle Rd. to your advantage. Alton St. Center St. Grant Rd. UUle St. Sterling PI. S Eastern beasts 9 Bowsprit I t 0 N G A chief recieves the key to a safe deposit box easily for you today, so take advantage o f! Lockwood St. containing documents which are incrimi­ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fob. 19) Changes Alton St. So. Chamber! St. Guard St. SIricItland SI. of burden 10 Part of the eye this faculty to catch up on your corre-' Lodge Dr. [ s N A 1 nating to a U.S. Senator. Stephen Boyd, Nov. 16,1884 and transformations are beginning to stir Anderson SI. Columbus St Hartland Rd. Strong Sl. 9 Brother (sl.| 11 Cow's home that will eventually produce unique bene­ spondence. Put the emphasis on com- \ Hawthorne St. Middle Tpke West Tower Rd. E R N Woody Strode. Sherry North. 1972. municatlon to business contacts. ' Armory SI. Congress St. 12 Fixed star 19 Hoosler State Both old and new triads will play Impor­ fits for you. You might even reap some­ Ashland St. Coventry St. Hawthorne St So (Broad to Main St.) Turnbull Rd. (^ Wembley Music Festival « Newman St. 13 Cleveland's (abbr.) tant roles In your affairs this coming year. thing today. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Try not to be! Bates Rd. Crescent St. Haynes Sl. Trotter SI. d 8) Charlie's Angels Oliver Rd. waterfront 21 Baseball player C u E Their collective efforts will assist you In demanding of others today. Instead, Just' Bigelow St. Durant St. Hemlock St. Valley 81 [C N N ] New snight Orchard St. M Eggs realising your hopes and dreams. PISCES (Fob. 20-Morch 20) It won't hurt drop subtle suggestions and they'll do Bolton Rd. Duval St. Hoffman Rd. Wlndemere Sl. M e l____ L s T to go a bit overboard today In catering to Oxford St. Winter 81. 15 Pertaining to an [ESPN ] Mazda SportsLook the rest. The soft sell approach will work i Brent Rd. Eldgerton P). Homestead St. 23 Hoppers E E R SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Put your the person who Is No. 1 1n your heart. The Broad St. Edgerton St. Horton Rd. Penn Rd. (Center to Valley St.) age [H BO ] MOVIE: 'Rumble Fish' A trou­ wonders. ^ Roaemary PI. 24 Face covering 0 d E S bled teenager idolizes his legendary older best foot forward when out In public object of your affections will be delighted Butler Rd. Essex St. Irving St. Woodhill Rd 16 Cloy 25 Energy agency by your gesture. VIRGO (Aug. 23-8spt. 22) In your social! Russell St. 0 brother. Mickey Rourke, Matt Dillon. Den­ today. What you wear and do will be Cambridge St. Evergreen Rd. Joseph St 17 Over (poet.) (abbr.) ODOdOEl nis Hopper. 1984. Rated R. noticed by others and later may be Imi­ Involvements use your native charm and* Carroll Rd. Frederick Rd. Knox St. Schaller Rd. 18 Ventures Id A L L ARIES (March 21-April 19) Take pride In wit to put across your points today. IIV : 26 Medical picture □ D [U S A ] Radio 1 99 0 tated by many. Looking for romance? Let your tasks today because your good 20 Eternal City all you'll need to gain the good will of' (comp, wd.) c R U D the Astro-Graph Matchmaker set help works will not go unnoticed or unappreci­ native [03 1 2 : 3 0 A M C D MOVIE:'Rehearsalfor you find the right person. Mall $2 to others. ' 27 Takes chance 1 M M E Murder' A young actress is found dead on ated. Possibilities for surprise dividends 1 Astro-Graph. Box 489, Radio City 22 Those in office 28 Son of Ruth III the eve of her marriage to a successful are likely. LIBRA (Sept 23-OcL 23) If you know o f! 23 Gamble Station, New York, NY 10019. 29 Domination 39 Liberian natives playwright. Robert Preston, Lynn Rod- TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Your artistic someone who Is In need of your assist-; 45 L e _ . tar grave, Patrick Macnee. 1982. OF MANCHESTER 24 Irritated 30 Steno's blunder SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Doc. 21) Pay and creative abilities are far above par anca today, set aside your affairs and go. 41 French city pits heed to your Instincts and Intuition in 27 Snakeweed 32 Abominable . . C D Starsky and Hutch today. Your special touch in projects or to his aid. Let your charitable Instincts' CALDOR SHOPPING PLAZA 31 Is human 42 Pledges 46 Shark career matters today. Your perceptions snowman C D Jackie Gleason Show enterprises will be very evident to others. prevail. | 32 Wants (sl.) 43 Vase-shaped OPEN MON.-FRI. 10-9 35 Act of 47 Conceits (2 ) Kung Fu 33 Purchase convincing jug 48 Cleansing ® Late Night with David Letterman T o ­ ^Ba SAT. 10-8 — 34 Trojan 1//CJ • WoeterC , n i • 36 Jewish tongue 44 Strange (comb, agent night's guest is Susan St. James. (60 min.) m rv ? y j mountain SUN. 12-5 38 Full of (suff.) form) 51 Compass point [ESPNl Top Rank Boxing from Atlantic Bridge 35 Places City, NJ Robin Blake vs. Walter Sims in a 36 Canine cry 0 10 11 10-round Lightweight bout. 37 Plans [USA] Tennis Magazine heart. A low spade was led to dummy, 39 TV picture 14 NORTH 11-19-M 1 : 0 0 A M ( £ Saint 4 QJ 109 The timing East showing out, and decUrw 40 South American trumped dummy’s last diamond with Get Ready For The Holidays monkey 1 GS Twilight Zona VKQJ2 ♦ AKS3 is delicate the spade king. West discarded his rT H E R 41 Pallet ® Dr. Gena Scott ** other heart. Now when South played a 42 Annoys W Film/Sign off Act III Black Velvet Coordinates 45 Spans WEST EAST By James Jacoby low heart toward dummy, West [C N N ] CioasBra ruffed. Down one. 49 Be In debt to <0864$ a s When North discovered his side’s 4- GREAT AMERICAN [T M C l MOVIE: 'Star 80' Dreams and Declarer’s approach to taking It Jackets 3 Styles Reg. •6400-84®® 50 Regarding (2 ambition propel a beautiful girt to center­ V 84 ¥10 965 4 spade fit, he launched into the wds.) fold stardom aruJ a tragic death. Mariel ♦ 10 6 ♦09842 Blackwood convention. When he tricks was fine, but he made one slip. Long Skirts 13700 Reg. Me®® 52 Villain in Hemingway, Eric Roberts, Cliff Robertson. AK 10853 A Q 96 found that there were no missing After trumping a diamond with the NAME $3100 1984. Rated R. R eg. *38®® "Othello" SOUTH aces, he asked for kings. As he expect­ spade ace, he should at that paipt Short Skirts ^ 53 Skin problem [U S A ] All American Wrestling ♦ AK 72 ed, there was one king missing have led a heart to dummy. West will Slacks $4000 Reg. *50®® 54 Singletons 1 : 1 5 A M [M A X ] MOVIE: ‘La Nuit da ¥ A 7S between them. North bid seven at that time still have a heart. Now Varannas' (Dtibbad) Travelers in 18th NOW AT CALDOR 55 Greek ♦ J 7 spades anyway. If South did not tove the last diamond can be tn u n p ^ high Blouses R eg. »40®® century France meet with history in the colonnade ♦ A J 72 the spade king, maybe the finesse and a low spade led to dummy to\. making at the town of Varennes. Hanna BRING THE AMERICAN EXPRESS^CARD Sizes 10-18 56 Theater sign Schygulla, Jean-Louis Barrauh, Marcello Vulnerable: Neither would work. Luckily South did have draw trumps and claim the contract. (abbr.) Maatroianni. 1988. Rated R. Dealer; South the spade king, but the contract still 42 43 44 went one down because of declarer PO PPIN G AND FIND MORE IN STORE AT CALDOR 57 Natty 1 : 3 0 A M ( S Hogan'aHaroaa Very few people who blow their 58 Door clasp West North East SoaUi carelessness. J Discover,yvhat's in store for you at Caldor now that we Black Poly Crepe by Hunter Sportswear 48 QS Independent Newt INT Declarer won the opening trump own horns ever learned to read Sizes 8-18 DOWN G S DaapediiU — Pass 24 Pass 24 music. have welcomed the prestigious American Express*-’ Card to our rankS! 63 lead in dummy and saw immediately [C N N ] Nawtnight Update Pass 4 NT Pass 54 that the contract was safe if he could Caldor encourages you to use it anytime.. . bringing this convenience Long Skirts ‘IB®® Reg. *25®® 1 Actor Montand [HBO] MOVIE: ‘Orca’ A killer whale is Pass 5 NT Pass $♦ Be 74 trump two diamonds in his own hand. Before drawing the line, be sure closer to home just when it’s getting close to the holidays! Short Skirts *21®® _ _ R eg. *26®® 2 Evening in Italy . out for revenge when a shark-hunting sea­ Pass Pass Pass Accordingly he played A-K of dia­ you're holding the chalk in such a 3 Equal (Fr.)' farer captures and kills his pregnant i :ate. Pass The American Express Card is noig^welcome at Caldor! Richard Harris, Charlotte Rar pling, monds and trumped a third diamond manner that you don’t cut yourself off Slacks »19»» R eg. »25»® 4 Qathermss 101S84 by NEA. Inc Opening lead: 43 IS Keenan W ynn. 1977. Rated PG. with the spade ace. West discarded a from an emergency escape. DON’T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT’ Many dressy blouses to choose from f ...... ■'

/ 1 0 MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs^iay. Nov 15. 198-1 MANCHESTER HERALD TIu iim I.iv Nov 1.5 1984 II

Mall backers have their say as hearing goes on V

By Kathy^armus favor of the mall. zone change, saying that it fit into Capitol Region Council of Govern­ Windsor, he said, / Fam ily MANCHESTER ATTORNEY Herald Reporter PZC Chairman Robert F Gilli- FOCUS the town’s plan of development ments to do a cost-benefit analysis Bruce S. Beck, who was at the gan said that the commission has that was updated in 1980. for South Windsor, told the com­ PETER P. HALE, a New Haven- SOUTH WINDSOR - Several received petitions in support of the hearing representing the Pleasant He said the current proposal is mission Wednesday that the town based traffic consultant hired by a Valley Neighborhood Association, town residents and officials mall containing 295 signatures similar to the Buckland Commons could expect a net income of nearly neighborhood group that opposes was admonished by PZC Chaiir warned the Planning and Zoning But 31 residents within 500 feet of mall proposed several years ago $3 million over the first eight years the plans, told the PZC the mall man Gilligan after he questioned Commission Wednesday night that the site have signed a petition except that more retail space is if the mall were built. would dump thousands of extra Goldstein’s conclusions. a huge mall and office center opposing the project, he said. located in South Wind.sor and office That figure was lower than the cars onto local roads that are proposed for the Manchestdr- 'The public hearing will continue Beck said that if more than to .space has been added on the estimate provided by a Farming- already congested. South Windsor town line could tonight at 8 p.m in the council million worth of road improve­ Manchester side. ton economic consultant hired by "Buckland-Street would proBa^ wind up in Manchester if the PZC chambers at South Wind.sor Town ments were needed, the mall would Although the South Windsor PZC the developers, who said Tuesday bly become an undertakers’ Margaret Eckel stands in front of her denies the developers a zone Hall on Sullivan Avenue. Residents granted the developers of the that South Windsor could expect represent a burden to the town. change. dream ,” he said, prompting laugh­ Beaver Trail home. She said she who oppose the mall plans have not Buckland Commons mall a zone net income of at least $1.1 million Beck, of the firm Beck and \ --T ter among the approximately 120 "We would get the headaches. yet been able to testify. They are Pagano, represented opponents of change in 1981, it expired after per year over the first 10 years. people inside the council worried every time she went to the Manchester would get the benef­ expecteok to get their .chance Buckland Commons several years devcloiiers withdrew their plans in The town’s tax revenues would chambers. its.” Peter DeMallie, South Wind­ tonight. ^ ago. mailbox in early October while her f the face of legal challenges from increase 5 percent each year over But a traffic engineer hired by sor’s director of planning, told the When the hearing opened Tues­ neighbors were getting warning neighborhood and environmental the life of the mall, Sullivan said the town said traffic on local roads "Enough of this,"'Gilligan said PZC. day , lawyers and other representa­ groups. The current plans could Wednesday. was already heavy because of of Beck’s remarks. “We’re listen­ notices. So far, the town hasn’t The 1.2-miIlion-square-foot tives *of the developers portrayed face siilSilar challenges, according Several residents who spoke in industrial development to the ing to expert testimony. The 12) "Winchester” mall would increase the pnipo.sed mall as a benefit to to those who oppo.sed the Buckland favor of the mall said the develop­ declared her house a seasonal the town's tax base and would south of the site and the relocation commission doesn’t have to-accept South Windsor. Commons plan. ment is needed to stem the rise in of Interstate 86. I provide thousands of job opportun­ it.” dwelling, but zoning officials say they Plans for the Winchester mall property taxes. “ I don’t think the mall is a cause ities for town residents, he said at DEVELOPERS BRONSON & have only checked the records for half i n call for 972.000 square feet of retail "South Windsor is at a cross­ of problems in that area,” said The only other person to speak the continuation of a public hear­ H U T E N S K Y of Bloomfield and space, most of it in South Windsor, roads,” said Joel M. Gordon of Arnold Goldstein of S E A Consul­ against the mall was a real estate the houses in Coventry. ing on the plans. Melvin Simon & Co of In^janaiwlis and 2.30,000 square feet of office Palmer Drive. "Will South Wind­ tants. "Th e mall . would be a appraiser who said property "This proposal appears to match have applied to the South Windsor space in Manchester. The develop­ sor take the road of growth...or owners in the area would lose the all our primary economic goals." contributor along with a lot of other Herald photot by Tarquinio PZC to have the zoning of 57 acres ers have said that fouror five large remain stagnate as a b e d ro o m ^ things.” ability to market their homes if the DeMallie said. in the Buckland area changed to department stores have expressed community.” S Goldstein recommended about mall were built. Designed Commercial to permit He and others predicted that if an interest in opening stores at the Eight others also spoke in favor $8.4 million worth of road improve­ construction of the mall. The land Neighborhood and environmen­ the developers are rebuffed, they mall. of the proposal Wednesday, ments in the area,- including the • is now zoned Rural Residence. tal groups have already vowed to will probably build a mall on land The site of the mall is bounded by John Shemo, the town’s eco­ widening of Buckland Street and The remaining land on which the take the matter to court if the zone in Manchester. Pleasant Valley Road. Wheeler nomic development coordinator, Sullivan Avenue, and the construc­ 93-acre mall would Iw built lies in change is grunted. Road. Smith Street and Buckland said 66 percent of the town’s tax tion of a bypass between Ellington "W e're in a chess game with the Manchester and is already com Street ba.se comes from residential prop­ Road and Sullivan Avenue that Said one woman on her way into town of Manchester and there is mercially zoned. erty. Most of the town’s residents ■ would reduce the "five corners” the hearing Wednesday: "A t least only one winner," said one Buck- DeMallie recommended Wed­ v i V JOHN SULLIVAN, a University now shop out of town because of the intersection to a four-way we’re not going to give it to them on land Road resident who .spoke in nesday that the PZC approve the of Hartford ecnntmiist hired bv the luck of retail outlets in South intersection. a silver platter.” Doc quits, Tennessee escapee guilty in shootout Area Towns for a day In Dr. Winfield T. Moyer admits VERNON (UPI) — An escapee from a Tennessee that he’s a tobacco addict. He has prison has been found guilty of attempted m urder and England trip being planned tried to quit smoking several assault for his part in an August shoot-out with state Eviction notices faze few times, but he hasn’t gone a month police in Somers, C O V E N T R Y — A possible trip next summer to without a cigarette since he was in A Superior Court ju ry deliberated less than two Coventry, England, by the Coventry High School college. hours Wednesday before handing down the verdict to Band will be discussed at an organizational But the Manchester pediatrician Michael Hartsock, 26, who escaped from the prison in meeting Monday. is staying away from cigarettes all Orly. Tenn. in July with two other inmates. The lord mayor and City Council of Coventry. day today, in honor of The Great Hartsock faces up to 65 years prison for two counts England, have invited the Connecticut band, of attempted murder, one count of second-degree Coventry owners roll with the punches American Smokeout, a national under the direction of Carl J . Salina, to perform a stop-smoking campaign sponsored assault and two counts of assault on a police officer. series of concerts in their city as the second part He is scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 12. by the American Cancer Society. of a cultural exchange program. By Tracy L. Geoghegon and in terms of personnel, so they The shoot-out was triggered on a quiet Sunday when " I have at least 11 reasons to stop The exchange began last summer when the Herald Reporter don’t see how the town will be able Hartsock and another inmate; William Prentice, smoking,” the doctor said Wednes­ Coventry, England, Corps of Drum s and the to evict or fine anyone. asked a state trooper for directions to the home of one day. The first may be facetious, Sidney Stringer School Drama Troup visited COVENTRY — One month after Wheeler said Tuesday he has of Prentice’s relatives. b u t' all the rest are in "dead Coventry, Conn. the warning notices went out, most checked the records of about 600 Realizing the trooper recognized them, the pair took earnest,” he said. His reasons: Tham eeting will be held in the CHS auditorium Coventry Lake homeowners are houses — only half the homes in off on a high-speed chase involving seven troopers ” S — is for Snyder, because Mim at 7; 30 p.m . The meeting is open to all interested sitting tight, confident that they Coventry. Of those 600. Wheeler which ended with the death of Prentice and Snyder, chairman of the Manches­ residents and is mandatory for all bandsmen and will not be evicted. has found about 425 are year-round hospitalization of Hartsock. ter chapter of the American their parents. , Many lake-area residents visited residences and 175 are seasonal The charges against Hartsock resulted from Cancer Society, put me up to this, recently by the Manchester Herald dwellings. But Wheeler said he injuries to two troopers and a young girl during the ”T — is for triple threat, the said they were shocked and does not know which seasonal chase. G O P planning for May diseases of cancer, heart attack angered when they received let­ dwellings are being lived in and Michelle Chagnon. 14. of Springfield, Mass., was and emphysema, brought on by BOLTON — The Republican Town Committee ters telling them they would have which are not. struck in the arm by a stray bullet. The two troopers. smoking. Tuesday set up a committee to recommend to move out of their houses by Oct. Steven Marshall and Michael Hesnan, were injured ”0 — is for offensive. 'This habit endorsements for the town election next spring. 16 or face eviction proceedings. " I T H IN K T H E Y ’R E just trying by flying glass when bullets pierced their squad car. '■ m is offensive, to oneself and to The candidate selection committee comprises These people live in houses that to scare people.” said Alan Syble of others. GOP Chairman Mark Johnson, Deputy First are considered "seasonal dwel­ Lake Road. ” P — is for pollution, because lings.” And according to zoning Syble said he knows of six E lE O T Selectman Douglas T. Cheney, Selectman / ■ smoking pollutes the air, espe­ Lawrence A. Converse, Board of Finance Vice codes, such houses are not to be families that moved out of thier "V cially in cars and small rooms, Chairman William J. Fehling and former occupied in winter months. houses this winter because they ” S — is for spending. An Obituaries Selectman Ernest Shepherd. The dilemma isn’t restricted to were afraid they would be evicted individual smoker spends at least Cheney, Converse and Fehling are expect to Coventry Lake. Many lake-front or fined. $500 per year on cigarettes. More seek re-election to their posts. property owners around the state Syble himself is living in a house staggering than that is that the Margaret Paquette Johnson said after the town committee met have discovered that their houses, that is not up to standards. It has American public pays $90 billion A memorial mass will be said for Margaret Tuesday that he has no plans to run for town built long before zoning laws went most of the criteria for a year- annually on health care costs (Sheridan) Paquette, 83. of Carlsbad. Calif., on office. “ I ’d just as soon stay on as town committee into effect, are below standard. round residence, he said, but it which are directly related to Monday at 12:05 p.m. at St. James Church. She died in chairman,” he said. Coventry zoning officials de­ lacks an enclosed foundation. smoking. Oceanside. Calif. Burial will be in St, James Cemetery He said the G O P plans to endorse more cided in March to begin enforcing He doesn’t believe the town will "M — is for me, the physical and at I p.m. candidates for the finance board and school board the long-ignored laws, and the do anything to him. however. psychological health I threaten She is survived by two sons, Richard Paquette in than Republicans will be allowed to fill. They chaos that has resulted has been ” I don't see where the town can when I smoke. Arizona and Robert Paquette in Oklahoma; a have done it before. In 1983 the committee considerable. afford to enforce it,” Syble said. 'A ” 0 — is for others. daughter, Jean Bengs in California; a brother, Paul endorsed more candidates for the school board Under pressure from many " I ’m not going to panic. I ’m not Herald photo by GarmuB " K — is for kin. our children and Sheridan of Meriden; and a sister, Julia Moriarty of than state law would allow one party to win. 'angry townspeople, the Planning going to go out and buy brand new my five grandchildren. They al­ Manchester. Johnson said the candidates will reflect and Zoning Commission decided windows just ’cause the town says ways ask ’Why do you smoke. Flooded out at Olcott differing points of view on the town committee. this week to give some property ’you’re seasonal’.” Grandpa?’ and I don’t have a very Laurehce J. Jourdenals'' owners a break and let them Syble said he’s going to wait and good answer. ' Sherry Boyett, whose older sister Virginia was forced to Area farmers seek election coiwert their houses to year-round see what the town’s next move will ”I — is for intellectually leave her Olcott Street apartment because of flooding, Laurence J. Jourdenais, 31, of Shelburne Falls, status under more lenient be. "If I have to, I ’ll get my lawyer. irrational. Mass., a former Manchester resident, died Tuesday VERNON — Twenty Tolland County farmers standards. But I don’t think the town cares .*-1 ” N — is for nonsensical thing to holds up some insulation that is now lying on her sister's at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in are running for four Agriculture Stabilization and Zoning Agent Ernest Wheeler that much.” do. Why do waxtake a tobacco leaf, bed along with other parts of the ceiling. Weekend rains Worcester as a result of an automobile accident Conservation community committees. estimates there are about 350 chop it up. wrap a paper around il. seeped through a roof that was being repaired, causing -Saturday. He was the son of Ernest and Eleanor The election will be conducted by mail, with the' seasonal dwellings In Coventry. M A N Y O F T H E people who and smoke it? heavy damage. According to displaced tenants, the (Felix) Jourdenais of Manchester. ballots being mailed Nov. 23 to all known eligible Wheeler said he has ^ o way of received warning letters said they " G — is for good lock. Good luck He was born in North Adams. Mass., on Oct. 16,1953. residents. Ballots must either be returned by mail knowing at this point how many of bought their houses with the to everyone on non-smoking day. I building management and the roofer each say the other Before moving to Shelburne Falls, had lived in or dropped off at the county ASC office at 24 Hyde these houses are curently occupied understanding that, they were suspect that I ’m going to need it” is responsible for putting them up. See story on page 1. Manchester for 15 years. Ave. by Dec. 3. illegally, but in the past many have year-round residences. Many say He was a truck driver for the Union Transit Co. of Nominees from Community I (Somers, Staf­ been lived in through the winter. they have spent thousands of West Springfield, Mass. dollars upgrading their property. ford and Union) are Walter Bradway, Harold ,#1 » * 4 Besides his parents, he is survived by his wife,. Eastwood, William Lipton, William Mordasky BECAUSE EVICTION is a Most of them panicked at first. Tw o Eighth District assistants _ Paula (VVatkins) Jourdenais; a sister, Kathleen and Robert White. costly and time-consuming legal They wondered if suddenly their Alan Syble of Lake Road stands beside a pile of insulation Beatrice Morton displays just a few of the legal volumes Jourdenais of Manchester; his maternal grand­ Nominees from Community II (Ellington. proceeding, zoning officials had investments had gone down the he plans to put in his home'. He says he doesn't believe the mother, Grace Felix of Washington, Mass., and his Tolland and Vernon) are Emerson S. Aborn Jr., considered prosecuting only one drain and their houses had become she consulted after she got a letter in the mail saying her paternal grandmother,.Clare Jourdenais of OxfiSrd, Peter Charter, Theodore Gottier, Glenn Lugin- case as an example to the rest. But worthless. Then they became town is going to do anything to people like him who live in house was a seasonal dwelling and she Would have to say they don’t want chiefs job Mass. buhl and Norman Strong. Wheeler said they have since furious that the town might force summer homes during the winter months# move out in six days. I A liturgy of Christian burial will be Saturday at 10 Nominees from Community III (Coventry, abandoned that idea, because it them, on such short notice, to leave By Alex GIrelll he is planning to build a home appointed from among the assist­ a.m. at St. Joseph’s Church, Shelburne Falls. Calling Mansfield qnd Willington) are David Buscaglia, would be prejudicial prosecution to their homes. houses voluntarily and s ^ e n would have to move out in six days. seasonal dwelling. They said they but for now she feels her family is Herald Reporter outside Manchester. ant and nothing to prevent Joyner hours at the Smith-Kelleher Funeral Home, Shel­ Chester Heckler, Russell W. Martin, Arthur B. push only one case to eviction. But a month later, most people houses owned by absentee land­ ” It was like a nightmare. I ’ll tell purchased their house with a VH A safe. With Mordavsky and Gworek not from dipping down lower in the burne Falls, will be Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 Stearns and Robert Visny. Wheeler said he would not rule appear to have dealt with their lords that will not be rented this you.” Morton said. ” I got fired up. mortgage - one which would not Mrs. Morton now keeps ,s<;veral winter. Frank Mordavsky and Paul in the running, attention centers on ranks if he wants to. p.m. Burial will be at the convenience of the family. Nominees from Community IV (Andover, out the possibility that people situations effectively. Some My wife was ready to kill.” have been granted for a seasonal volumes of state statutes and town Gworek, two of the three assistant Topliff, second asssistant chief and So far Joyner has not said what Memorial donations may be made to the Franklin Bolton Columbia and Hebron) are Edward Ellis, might be evicted from summer checked with town hall zoning ”I see a trend developing,” ”I was a wreck,” Mrs. Morton home. zoning codes on her kitchen table. fire chiefs in the Eighth District fire alarm superintendent. Topliff his choice is. Medical Center Emergency Department. Greenfield Alan Hills, William Kralovich, Douglas M. P orW homes this winter, but many officials and learned the letters Wheeler said, "Out-of-town ren­ said. ” I took four days off from Eventually Mrs. Morton was She said she wouldn’t lx* surprised Fire Department, said today they told the Herald he was withholding The district directors meet Mon­ Mass., 01301. and Ronald Szegda. lake-area residents say they have were sent to them erroneously. ters are not renting this year.” work when I got the letter I ’d able to prove to the town that their if the town sent a notice again, and are not candidates for appoint­ comment pending the meeting of day and Christensen has said he heard this threat before, and they Others have managed to prove heard about the summer hou.scs. hou.se was a year-round residence. she’s going to be ready. ment as chief. the district Board of Directors will formally submit his resigna­ don’t think this winter will be any their homes have been converted JOHN AND BEATRICE MOR­ People got those notices every She collected signatures from The remaining assistant chief, Monday night. tion then. The directors are sche­ HAPPY THANKSGIVING For a successful Thanksgiving a sincere appreciation different. to meet year-round ' standards, TON, who have lived in their small year. But we’re year-round” three neighbors who swore that EDNA AND THOMAS BUR- Harold Topliff, would not comment The appointment of a chief is to duled to meet again on Dec. 17. (or all we have— a most happy get together with (lowers & plants (rom Several people who live in Others simply moved out. two-story, four room house on The Mortons said they found no their house had been liv....5.95 ride with Bobby’s father because he didn’t mind if we lived or slept together before they were m arried live even occurs to a young couple to try to conceal that necked. were all titillated by the idea, it was nothing any of the more or less happily ever after than those who have. f 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Nov 15, 1984 MANC’ HKSTKR HKKAl.D. Thm.sd;iy. No\ 15. 1984 IJ Advice About Town Wife gives flunking grade Flu shots at Westhill Openings for Mexico trip Jewish humor at Quality The Health Department's Geriatric Clinic will give Chapter 1275. AARP. has openings for the Mexican VERNON — "The Mud Adventures of Rabbi flu shots on Thursday from 1 to 1:30 p.m. at Westhill trip from Feb. 28 to March 7. Jones," a French, comedy film with English subtitles, Gardens, and from 2 to 2:30 p.m. at Mayfair Village. A deposit of $250 is due by Saturday. The total cost is will b*' shown Sunday at 7:30 p ni at the Quality Inn. The Senior Citizens Health Clinic will screen blood $850 each for a double room and $995 for a single room. Rte 83, Talcottvillte to hubby’s constant lessons pressure Monday from 9 to 10 a m. at Westhill Breakfasts, dinners, sightseeing trips and busing ■' The film is (he second in the 1984-85 program. Gardens. Drj Kenneth Wichman will conduct a from town to Kennedy Airport and back are included. ’-’Survival Through Jewish Humor - Pari II.” podiatry clinic at the same time. DEAR ABBY: There is an Fair details, call Jeanne Johnson. 646-1617. sponsored by the Suburban Institute of Adult Jewish We would like to say something The Health Department will give flu shots to- aspect of my husband’s behavior Studies. The movie tells the story of an anIi-Seniilic to the minister and his wife about high-risk. town employees Thursday from 8:30 to 9 that continues to cause edges this error, as we are quite sure they businessman who is forced to impersonate the rabbi, in our 16-year marriage. a.m. in the second floor conference room. Lincxiln Blind climb.Case Mountain who is flying to a Bar-Milzah in Paris to In* reunited were told that we had sent a $10 Center. A similar one will be held Dec. 13 from 10 to 11 When I'm driving the car, he D e a r wedding gift. We have bwn Dr. Frederick Spauling led a walk for the blind on with some long-lost relatives. • a.m. in the same place. ' Tickets are $2 50 for adults. $2 for semqt^ilizens and constantly instructs me, pointing longtime friends, but we seem to Case Mountain on Nov. 4. The event was arranged by out what 1 am doing "w rong." A b b y sense a slight coolness in their the Hartford Council of the American Youth Hostel’s $1 for students add may be purchased aTthe-door. When we play tennis together as Abigail attitude toward us since the Sponsors work on crafts outdoor service for the blind. doubles partners, he invariably , wedding. Volunteers of the organization were paired with Center Bridge results “ coaches" me on the court. Van Buren How should we handle this? The Girl’s Friendly Society Sponsors will meet unsighted or partially sighted individuals. some with I have .protested, pleaded, NOT SURE Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Guild Room of St. M ary’s guide dogs. Gertrude DeL«o of 98 Falknor Drive and Center Bridge Club results for Nov 9 include: argued, kidded and tried every Episcopal Church, Park Street. April Hutchings of 37 Maple St, were participants. North-south: Don Weeks and Jim Baker, first: way I can think of to communicate DEAR NOT SURE: Write to the Members are reminded to bring glue for crafts. The 45 walkers used the fire-access road through the Sheila Denion and Tom Kysnian. second: Ken Kozak that I do not welcome his teacher- inferior and unable to please you. newlyweds and tell them that your Margaret Topliff, Edna Kennedy, Jean Kelsey aiid 220-acre town reservation to the 700-foot summit and MArilyn JAckson. third student approach. When I ask him Let’s both get some counseling and wedding gift which they so gra­ Marjorie Kelsey will be hostesses. where the signted described views of Hartford and the East-west: Cart Howell and Jane Kuhlen. first: to stop it, he becomes even more find out why you’re so abusive and ciously and promptly acknowl­ Connecticut River Valley, Sara Mendelsohn and Dick Jaworowski. second: J(h> persistent. I ’m so defensive." edged was not $10 as they indi­ Master gardeners sought Part of the walk-program isgeared to "feel-seeing" Ingram and Dennis McVicker, third. Maybe I ’m too sensitive, but I ’d cated, but $25. of the forest and terrain, such as mossy roakes. barks VERNON — The Cooperative Extension Service at like to know why he feels com­ DEAR ABBY: Our minister’s Say nothing to the minister and and cave-like boulders. Tolland County Agriculatural Center on Rte. 30 is Pairs, spares dance squares pelled to act this way with me, and young grandson was married a few his wife. If the newlyweds did in ■ For additional information on activities of the accepting applications for master gardener class how I can put a stop to it. months ago, so my husband and I fact tell them that you had sent a hostel, write to American Youth Hostels, Yankee Pairs ’N ’ Spares will hold a iH-ginners .squaredance beginning Jan. 9. Lessons will be on Wednesdays from What are your thoughts. Abby? attended the wedding and sent the check for $10, they will undoubt­ Council, P.O. Box 10392. West Hartford. Conn.. 06110 for members and friends at Second Congregational 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for 12 weeks. Those who FRUSTRATED IN young couple a check for $25 as a edly inform them of the error. Church Saturday from 8 to 10 p.m Refreshments will Herald photo by Pinto complete the training will spend an additional 60 WILMINGTON, DEL wedding gift. It’s not much, but we The “ coolness” you sense may be served. hours of on-the job training at the extension office are retired andarelivingonafixed be only in your minds. It’s highly For more information, call the church office. answering questions. DEAR FRUSTRATED; I think income. unlikely that longtime friends ‘Don’t touch me’ Assumption elects officers 649 2863 your husband is insecure, and by Herald photo by Tarquinio To obtain further information, call Agricultnial We received a prompt and would turn cool for this, reason. Dawn Carlson as Lisa confronts Patil drama tonight,' Friday and Saturday. Assumption Junior High School recently elected putting you down, he’s trying to gracious note from the newlyweds Agent James S. Rock at the service, at 875-331 or write Dog Warden Richard Rand poses with to him at24 Hyde Ave., Conn., 06066. eighth grade officers. For 8A. the officers are: Test preschoolers eyes establish himself as superior or thanking us for our $10 gift. CONFIDENTIAL TO TALKS Wright as David in a scene from "David Admission to tonight's performance, President Matthew Price. Vice President Heidi The home eye ti'st for preschoolers published by the more competent. We called our bank to make sure TOO MUCH IN MOBILE, ALA.: and Lisa" as Scott Custer, as the which starts at 7:30 p.m., is $3. Friday "Sam," this week's featured pet. Schaustcr, Secretary Elizabeth UiMontagne and Connecticut Society to Prevent Blindness is available Take him by the hand and say, we had not made a.mistake, and we An ounce of keeping your mouth psychiatrist, looks on. Manchester High and Saturday's performances start at 8 Treasurer Janet Lombardo. free at Rite Aid Pharmay. .lOl Main Si The test is in "Darling, we need to find out why learned that our check for $25 had shut is worth a pound of Circle has open house School’s Sock 'n Buskin will present the p.m. Admission is $3.50. Adopt a Pet For 8B, the officers are: President Judith La'nger. both English.and Spanish, includes an eye chart and you married a woman so defective. been cashed by the newlyweds. explanation. The Square Circle Club of Manchester Lodge of Vice PResidnel David Moran. Secretary Elizabeth in.st met ions for parents on chocking a I'hild’s visional Masons, 73, will have an open house Monday from 9:30 Swan and Treasurer Kimverly Cuneo. home. r—^ a.m. to noon at Masonic Temple, 25 E. Main St. There Longer stints of exercise Healthy mothers transmit Good or Saih will be cards, pool and refreshments. r needs a pal 10th birthday for service HARTFORD — The Sexual Assault Crisis Service of can accelerate weight loss AIDS to infants, docs say the Hartford Region YWCA, 135 Broad St.. is planning This week’s featured pet is a male cocker a 10-year anniversary celebration for Dec. 7 and is DEAR DR. LAMB — f have read spaniel which Dog Warden Richard Rand trying to locate former service counselors. They are you want to lose weight. To do that, Bv GIno Del Guercio (above) has named "Sam ." asked to call the office, 525-1163. that to get the best results from an you might do better by decreasing the AIDS. But antibodies do not seem to be exercise program, one has to build up United Press Internatlonol Sam is black and white, and about 1 year old. He intensity of your exercise, but "It seems to be very difficult to effective against AIDS. tme’s h^rtbeat and continue to was found tied to the dog pound on Oct. 30. and Y o u r exercising longer.'It takes a long time get AIDS as -in adult and relatively The mothers studied all had high exercise for approximately 30 needs a friendly family to make him feel Giant puppets at MCC for the body to start mobilizing fat BOSTON — Infants are getting easy if you’re a child,” said Dr. levels of the antibodies, yet still minutes. I do stretches and ride a sta­ welconrie. H e a lt h during exercise. The body doesn't AIDS from their healthy mothers, Jeffrey Laurence, an assistant passed the virus on to their Giant puppets of Vermont’s Bread & Puppet tionary bicycle for approximately Good news. The white poodle was adopted by a reach its peak ability to do this unUl who have the virus in a carrier professor of medicine at New York children. This also indicates that a Theater will present the first Connecticut perfor­ eight miles at 20 mph. This takes me Cooper Street family. The 8-week-old brown Lawrence four hours after the exercise has state. New York doctors said Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. vaccine, which traditionally help mance of a new socio-political play, "The Door,” about 20 minutes. I do not have the pilppy found on Oak Grove Street was adopted by begun. This is one reason that a low- today. The AIDS virus is peculiar build antibodies against a virus, is tonight at Manchester Community College in the stamina to continue any longer. Does Lamb, M.O. a ()ampfield Road family. intensity effort, such as walking, is so The doctors found six infants because it does not seem to be not likely to work against AIDS. Lowe Program Center. this mean that I am wasting my time Three dogs were picked up on the weekend. Two helpful in eliminating body fat: You who contracted the disease from affected by the amount of antibo­ The puppets, which are 10 to 20 feet tall, express because I do not continue for 30 of these are shepherd crosses and the third is a can walk long enou^ to really get the their mothers either before or dies a person has against the virus'. concern for contemporary issues in the play based on minutes? large Labrador retriever puppy. fat to start mobilizing. Initially, when during birth. Another 42 children Antibodies are proteins the body tests from The Americans Watch Committee. I'm 52, 5 feet 4 and weigh 140. My The dog pound is located on town property off Of course, you don’t have to you exercise, your muscles use car­ have the disease in the New makes when exposed to a virus or Political namaa Amnesty International and a biography by Rigobeha weight has been steadily Increasing exercise for 30 minutes before you Olcott Street. It costs $5 to make the transaction bohydrates — specifically, muscle York-New Jersey area, many of other foreign body so that it will No candidate polled a majority Menchu. a Guatemalan Indian. The theme is the for the past 10 years. I try to watch get any benefit from it. Let me use an legal. glycogen that is already stored in whom are believed to have con­ recognize the virus and attack it of the popular vote in the 1824 recent hisotry of Guatemala as a U.S.-supported l jfir'Sr.'#' ■. my diet. I do eat out a lot, but do not extreme example. A person who has S your muscles. tracted the disease in a similar more quickly the .next time the election between Andrew Jackson demoncracy. add additional salt to anything and do been confined to bed for a couple of manner. body is exposed to it. and John Quincy Adams because The production is the first of five cultural shows in \ not eat dessert. weeks may find that just walking to T h «i the liver starts adding to the Acquired immune deficiency Once exposed to a particular the Demcxiratic-Republicans were "The President's Series." Subscription rates for the I have a sedentary job but I do run the bathroom takes considerable carbohydrate for your muscles by syndrome is believed to be trans­ up the stairs as often during the day releasing glucose, which your circula­ strain of flu virus, for instance, the a loose coalition of competing Public Records five shows are $35, $30 and $25. For information on effort; that effort is training. Training mitted either' through blood-to- as 1 can manage,, probably 10 to 12 tion carries to your muscles. Fatty body builds up its immunity groups. Adams was elected by the individual ticket prices, call the MCC Box OFfice, means exercising enough to increase biood contact, such as shared times. Would any other type of pro­ acids are added to the mixture slowly against the virus by forming House of Representatives. By 1828, 647-6043. your ability above its present level. hypodermic needles, or through Quitclaim deeds gram be more beneficial to me? until, finally, ^ter four hours of antibodies against it. In most the supporters of Andrew Jackson - H '- J - - Patients who have been in bed rest intimate sexual contact. The virus John R. Stearns to linda G. Stearns. 31 Kenwood DEAR READEIR — I suspect that exercise, they are a major source of diseases, antibodies also prevent became known as Democrats, and are trained by increasing their ability has also been found in saliva, Dpve. those pat rules — that you must to walk down the hall. They certainly the energy being used. people exposed to the virus from John Quincy Adams’ and Henry AARP daytrips to Hartford exercise so long or keep your heart although it is not known it it can be tra n ^ ittin g it. don't walk for 30 minutes. As they get Another point is that frequent Clay’s backers were Republicans. Attachments rate at 60 to 80 percent of its maxi­ transmitted through contact with The Manefiester Green Chapter 2399, AARP will see Atena can sell cookies better and their stamina improves,*.small amounts of exercise help stimu­ saliva. After the Fall Products Inc. against property of "Christmas in Hartford" on Dec. 12. The group will mum — have done a lot to discourage they can walk farther and farther, late your body to produce heat. Calo­ Doctors at New York Hospital- Bruce M. Gaunya and Cromwell C. Rawls III. visit St. Joseph Cathedral and Butler McCook . Alana Serignese of Bolton, a Brownie in council Executive Director June Rose, people who really can benefit from and that is training. ries are eliniinat^ from the body Cornell Medical Center reported property on McKee Street. $10,000. Homestead before lunching at Frank’s Restaurant on Troop 615, receives a certificate for Alana’s mother, Mrs. Paula Serignese, less strenuous efforts. Your letter is a What you should do depends on mostly as heat, not as mechanical their findings in the New England Asylum Street. Menu choice is sole or chicken typical example. your goal. In your case, it sounds as if selling 161 boxes of cookies in last and Bolton and Manchester Cookie effort. Bread & Puppet Marriage licenses parmigian. Members will browse in Civic Center Journal of Medicine. year’s sale of the Connecticut Valley More than 6.000 people have William J. Dougela. East Hartford, to Linda A. shops before visiting Mark Twain’s home. Manager Bernice Oppelt. The award contracted AIDS in the United Theater Gadwah. East Hartford. Nov. 24. Ann LaGace. 649-9742. is taking reservations for the Girl Scout Council. With her, from left, was presented at Willie’s Steakhouse. States and about half of them have John R. Sullivan Jr.. Malden. Mass., to Kristina E. $24 trip. The bus will leave Community Baptist are her father, Nicholas Serignese, Girl Scouts are in the midst of their died. The disease suppresses the Wednesday, November 14 — 8 PM Bastidas. Everett Mass.. Nov. 24. Church at 8:30 a.m. council President Barbara Alleyne, annual cookie sale. immune system, leaving victihis Hartford open to a variety of other, fatal Showcase Cinemas — A Soldier’s Drummer Girl (R) 7, 9:35. — The These worid-renowned performers present • ^ r i m ^ a d k i Cinema City — The Gods Must Be Story (PG) 1:15, 7:30,9:40. — Places In infections. p e m n i of giant puppets *■' in motion — t o n 6 Razor's Edge (PG-13) 7:05, 9:40. with themes borrowed from f ^ k tales, parables Computer hackers have war games mentality Crazy

By Joan Honouer then and tfiday The important things j United Press International that were happening then, that were relevant then, are still important and NEW YORK — SHakespeare lom- relevant today " ‘.Vi pletes his seven year run on television She said the plays should be staged this season, and the beginning of the in terms of our own more recent end comes Nov. 30 with the prcsenta-. political history " tion of "Much Ado About Nothing " “ That also would remind the au­ "Much Ado" will be followed by dience that Shakespeare was dealing "King John." "Titus Andronicus" and with something that never changes — "Ixive s Labour l^sl." at which time human beings ' she said "As soon as I 9 i all 37 of Shakespeare s plays will have you dre.ss them up in Elizabethan been televised and a cornplele BBC costumes you get a waxworks quality Shakespeare theatrical library will be They become museum pieces. That 1 available for posterity together with the language creates a "1 think'being aware of that madethe barrier between them and us" BBC rather strict in its ground rules for Eunghi's character in "Much Ado " is the whole series — 1 think regretably a woman of intelligence and independ­ so,” said Cherie Lunghi. who plays ence — a far cry from such Shakespea­ feisty Beatrice in "Much Ado." Ameri­ rean wimps as Miranda in "The can television fans will have seen her Tempest." Ophelia in "Ham let " or most recently as Kate Burton's lesbian Desdemona in "Othello" lover in "Ellis Island " "There are two types of women in. ■ k " I think Shakespeare would have Shakespeare — victims and spirit»*d ■ been a lot better served with an women.'■ Lunghi said "The victims avant-garde interpretation, and we re are usually under some sort of parental so good at new ideas in England ' . control, while the really spirited .7 -: 1

She was not referring specifically to women usually are orphans and , .1 ■ 1*. "Much .Ado.” which was done as a somebody’s cousin tv^ Shakespearean play not as an Elizabe­ ■ 1 ? ■ .■Cl. J f • than play — that is. the costumes, the "It's almost as though in Shakes­ setting, etc . were true to Shakes peare’s view for a woman to be peare's script but not as they would independent she must not be beholden have been portrayed in FJizabethan to parents, that to be on your own Herild photo by Tarqulnio England without parents is character- building ” Lunghi said she thought the histori­ One reason she liked playing Bea­ Lady Liberty Is on sale cal plays, and particularly the (ireek trice was the character's wit Herald ptiotoa by Pinto and Roman ones, would have benefite conveniences. • actually do this? ’ she said. It wasn't that close. That came at 17:08 of the first The likes of defenders Doug In past winters, they have had to "Could they make our property- The same two paired off again half with the Indians having a Siwik. Chris Sarli. Brian Milone, move out and find an apartment useless’’ here Wednesday at Conard High in strong wind to their backs. Tully Patulak and Eric Wallert a semifinal match. They would push forward and and midfielders Pelligrinelli, for themselves and thier ten " If this sold for a summer ▼ ^ children. cottage, what would we get out of Ridgefield won again, but this have other chances. They did hold M ark Gochee. Dave Kelly and Ed Despite the improvements, their it? ” Edwards said. time the count was 3-1. an 8-7 edge in shots. Kloehn and forwards Bob Chang. house still does not meet year- But Edwards and her husband And the Indians did themselves But Ridgefield held the halftime Nick Cacace and Logan worked round standards. But they plan to say they are confident now that YOU WONT WANT proud. lead on a goal from Dan Dardenne their tails off. live in it this winter because it's everything will be fine. Like the "I feel we gave them more of a "R id g e fie ld is a helluva good Ridgefield was just better. , battle this year. And that’s team .’’ McCarthy said, echoing " I felt we did a good job marking comfortable enough for them, and Mortons, they called the zoning .1 besides, they think the town is office and weretold their home will growth." said Manchester coach some of his comments of a year up." said McCarthy, who assigned Bill McCarthy. bluffing. be considered a year-round resi­ TO MISS THIS ONE! ago. " It is a taibnted. very poised Milone to shadow- the dangerouS "You call them up in town hall dence if get three signed afidavits " I just hope most ; f those guys team. Scoring two goals against Dan Dardenne, who tallied the are seniors.' he quipped while and they all have a different story testifying to thaCfact They have the wind showed that. game-winner, and Siwik to attend talking about the Fairfield County about whafs going on. " Mrs' two so far. and seem assured they ’ 'They have core people and good to Dan Hough and Gochee to the Burwick said "You hear all kinds can get the third. Interscholastic Athletic Confer­ ’ support. They have 11 quality multi-talented Cliff Onafalo. ADVERTISERS RESERVE ence-powers. players," he marveled. "Even of stories" Edwards, along with serveral "(But) they’re excellent players.” "They are. they are this time.” "I don't think they'll do any­ other residents interviewed, their second line are real good Ridgefield coach Al Dinez noted thing. ” said Burwick. an insulat­ blames incomplete bookkeeping in assured one reporter. players," that his team peaked just in time ing contractor who frequently does tow n hall for the confusion overthe SPACE NOW IN OUR— But. alas, too late for the 1984 Ridgefield is. indeed, a superla­ for the tournament. "The boys work for the town status-of her house. She said the Indians, whose first loss was their tive team. It puts the ball to space, really came along in the second final game. runs to space, and overlaps con­ half of the season." said Dinez. "I "Nobody knows what’s going town issued several building per­ : V ,' ft’E. on. ” Burwick continued. " I don't mits for her house over the years, Second-ranked Manchester fin­ stantly. It is a team in continual just feel bad that we (Ridgefield think the zoning agent knows but never followed-up to see that ishes at 15-1-2. Sixth-ranked Ridge­ motion, designed to drive the and Manchester) couldn't be in the what's going on I don't think the renovations were finished, nor field. now 14-2-1. w ill defend its title opposition crazy. And all of its finals together. Ours w-as a very- Manchester's Nick Cacace (14) and Chang (22) looks on in semifinal action they’ll evict anyone." did they update the records. in the state championship game pieces work like a well-oiled tough bracket.” Ridgefield's Rich Nicholas (8) battle for against Glastonbury High Satur­ machine. at Conard High in West Hartford "The record keeping leaves a lot The semifinal marked the final possession while the Indians' Bob CAROL EDWARDS of Mink to be desired." she said. ' day morning at North Haven. High Manchester's fortunes took a game for seniors Janenda. Pelli­ HOLIDA Y at 11 o’clock. Fourth-ranked Glas­ turn for the worse with only 56 grinelli. Kloehn. Gochee. Sarli, But there w ill be further games onslaught sent forward hy tonbury- edged eighth-ranked E.O. weak schedule in llic ( ’('(’ l-i.-i.slcrn seconds elapsed. Stellar senior Siwik and Wallert, the latter under for the Red and White of Manches­ Ridgefield Smith. 2-1. in Wednesday’s other stopperback John .Janenda col­ Division, that it really wasn't that Your Social Security the attentive eye of University of ter High for juniors Chang, Cu- Thrall made 10 saves, including good ■ semifinal. lided with teammate Brian Milone Connecticut coach Joe Morrone. cace. Kelly, Patulak. Milone and seven in Ihc final 40 minutes. Ridgefield, which showed itself and had to be carried off the field Just remember, it look ,i very who also had to be scouting u few- goalie Jeff Thrall, who was heroic There were critics who said to be man against boys a year ago. on a stretcher. talented Ridgefield le.iin lo seiiil Don’t delay EDITION from the Tigers’ lair. in the second half in the face of the Manchester High played a very Manehe.ster lo the .sidelines WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1984 NBA roundup in applying Manchester welcomes the start of the holiday shop­ UConn hoop signs overwhelm ping season with the Manchester Herald’s annual Holi­ QUESTION: How soon after my Social Security number. day Edition on Wednesday, Nov. 21, the day before Pacers chop down 6-9 Clifford Robinson husband's death should I apply for shorthanded Knicks Social Security for my baby, and Thanksgiving. STORRS — The University of QUESTION: I just found a game as a junior last .season, myself? Connecticut basketball team Bv Frederick Waterman you don't have il in ilu- pm.s in the doctor’s bill from last year. Can 1 intends to sign a letter of intent Th|^year’s edition will include pages of bargains elongated Rockets has recruited 6-9 210 pound UConn recruiters didn’t UPI Sports Writer Iasi eight miiiiitc.s yon ic hurling. " still send it to Medicare? ANSWER: It is normally best to and special features on Christmas gift-giving, recipes center-forward Clifford Robin­ waste any lime on the first day said Brown apply for sur\-ivors benefits as son from Riverside High in of the "early- signing period" BOSTON - The New York Boston trailed 74 71 wiili.'l 12 left soon as possible after a death. ANSWER: Yes. You always By Mike Barnes Another key lo the victory was Buffalo. N.Y. for the 198.5-86 Knicks have learned their plays to in Ihc third (piartcr. lull a 21 H run and tips for the holidays. UPl Sports Writer from November 14-21. Robinson Since you must frequently use have at least 15 months from the rookie guard . season. hii'd also considered attending perfection, but after three quar gave the defending .MIA chain sim ilar documents for other kinds date of the doctor’s services to file who scored 25 points and took Robinson, who averaged 26 Syracuse, Oklahoma and lers the Boston Celties had them pious a 1(1 poinl hiilge and New Manchester area businesses should be a part of the and Akeem of programs (such as life insu­ a Medicare claim. Depending on control when the Pacers needed points and 14 rehounds per Marquette, memorized as well. York never drew closer Ilian 8 rance, claims and VA benefits) as when the services were per­ 1984 Holiday Edition—It will be enjoyed In nearly ev­ Olajuwon. that pair of mighty leadership. « I-iirry Bird scored a game-high Hul despite ihe Knicks' injury for Social Security, those docu­ formed, you can have as much as redwoods, have finally fallen. 29. Rofierl Parish had 26 and problems and itoslon adapting to ments are usually readily availa­ 27 months to submit your claim, ery Manchester Home on Thanksgiving Day. With the 7-foot-4 Sampson hob­ Pistons 137, 76ers 133 Denni.s Johnson 23 to lead Boston to New York's set plays. Brown ble close to the time of death. but it is wise not to wait that long. bling on an injured ankle, the a 115-99 victory over the injury- elaiined good exenilion would Don’t forget your marriage For example, doctor's services You’ll Want Your Ad In This Special Edition, so... Houston Rockets — the last un­ At Philadelphia, Solid hockey leads depleted Knicks The Celtics out have won Ihc game certificate and your baby's birth provided in October 1984 could be beaten club in the NBA — were poured in 45 points — including 8 in .scoi*ed Couch Hubic Brown's disci­ "Wc playcil a greal game (or Ihe certificate as well as your own. submitted to Medicare as late as Be Sure to CALL for your SPACE chopped down ’ by the Infliana overtime — and Detroit withstood plined club 32 21 in final quarter first three quarlers. lint Irom 10 a 51-point explosion by Moses your husband's: and the child’s December 1986. Pacers 125-117 Wednesday- night, "Boston knew our plays by th<- minules down we didn't execute' reservation NOW AT 643-2711 their first loss after eight victories Malone. A jumper by the Pistons' Sabres over Bruins second hall," said Knicks guard and couldn't gel |xnnts We tried to Vinnie Johnson with two-seconds this season. Rory Sparrow "When we ran run Ihe ( lock, we tried to slay wilh left sent it into overtime after the ★ ADVERTISING DEADLINE MONDAY NOV. 19th. 1:00 P.M. ★ "Ralph had some tenderness in BUFFALO. N Y. (UPI) - Buf­ period, tipping in Mike Ramsey's them, they were there." what we were doing, but we Just Sixers had rallied from a 6- point his ankle which I w-asn't aware of falo right-winger Mai Davis said shot from inside the bluelmc Kevin Mi-Hale, who hit 19 of his didn’t have the patience ’ deficit with 48 seconds left to go until just before the game.” said the Sabres played some solid 25 points in the second half, said the The game wii's the first meeting ahead. Boston, with 19 points, is one Houston coach , "but it hockey in the final two periods, and Celtics were able to read thi- Kniek between Ihe I wo clubs since linstoii "The odds were against us. but point ahead of third-place liuffalo PUYIACKPOT wasn't so sore that he couldn’t it was a good thing they did offense. eliminated Ihc Knicks in Game 7nf play. we just kept running the same play in the Adams Division because the Boston Bruins weren’t "We knew what they were going last year s Eastern Conlerence "He is capable of playing bad and I kept making my shots," said about to give the game away. to do," he said 'Tiemllinals games byt not that stinky unless Tripucka. " I was really consistent "1 thought wc played a little Bernard King. New Y o rk’s top Bird, who also had 7 rehounds something is w rong" ^ tonight. I had real good rhythm better in the second and third, but Whale on road scorer, did not play due lo a gashed and 7 assists, hit I wo 3 pointers and iianrlfpalfr Im lJi For the Pacers, veo’ little went both from the floor and the foul they didn’t make it easy." said knee suffered in Tuesday's loss to 9 (if 1(1 free throws He scored just 4 wrong at Market 5kquare~Acgna. line, but everybody contributed." Davis, who scored the go- ahead PHILADELPHIA - The Washington Also missing were points in Ihe final quarter as BINGO Herb Williams scored 26 points a tx L /N j, I, -tn e goal Wednesday night to lift the Hartford Whalers find them­ front-line players Bill Cartwright Boston huilt Its lead to 16 hy game's added 18 points o p u r S lO o Sabres to a 4^2 victory over the selves facing a double-edged Marvin Webster, end and 16 rebounds. More important, At Landover. Md.. Gus Williams^ Bruins. sword tonight h e re ' at the and rookie Eddie Wilkins.— Forward Cedrii- Maxwell said they managed to keep the 7-foot EVERY DAY scored 24 points and Jeff Ruland Davis broke a 2-2 tie at 7:27 of the Spectrum. Boston blocked eight New York Bird's ability lo play hard in each Olajuwon away from the basket at added 22 to spark Washington to its final period, scoring on a wrist shot The Whalers. 7-6-2 in the shots, with McHale stopping four regular season game sets him both ends of the court. Since 1881 fourth straight victory. The Bullets from the side and beating Boston Adams Division, face the Fly­ and Bird and Parish two each apart from most pros I “Stipo did a great job taking the Win A Trip For Two held George Gervin — the le a g u ^ goaltender Pete Peelers. ers. 9-3-2 for 20 points in the Knicks power forward turned "The greal thing about U irry is ball to the basket." said Indiana 10th best scorer — to just 3 points Boston defenseman Mike O'Con­ Patrick Division, and have two center Pal Cummings said his that he plays every night as if it coach George Irvine. “ He presents on O-for-Tshooting from the floor. nell believed the puck deflected off things going against them. team just didn’t have the talent to were the championship game a problem for defences because he of him on the Sabres' game­ First, the Flyers have allowed keep up with Boston. against the Lakers. T h ai’s what I lean go outside. And I thought Herb Suns 98, Nets M winning goal. only 38 goals this year, lowest in "They took advantageof all their admire so much about Ijirry — I (did a great job on Akeem. He kept At Phoenix. Arii., Larry Nance, "They (Sabres) threw the puck the NHL. blocked shots and good defense wish I could do that but I find it to HAWAII outside and made him work on shrugging off a thigh -ipjury, in the net and it went off me and The Whalers are having trou­ and that was it We played the best d ifficu lt" int-offenSiv’e boards." scored 22 points to spark the Suns. that was the winner." said .O’Con­ ble offensively. we could," Cummings said. New York was led by Cummings SampsoiK^ad just 7 points and James Edwards added 18 points nell. " It would have gone in by And tonight has been desig­ Brown said that his team's lack and I.2)uis Orr, who each scored 17 See Page 2 Olajuwon hi^ust 7-of-23 from the for Phoenix while Rod Foster had itself though." nated as 'Bobby Clarke Night' of a dominating center cripples its points apiece field for 20 points. John Lucas led 15. Micheal Ray Richardson and Buffalo's Dave Andreychuk fin­ with the Flyers retiring his No. inside game, which is crucial to Boston trailed only 55-54 at the the Rockets with 24 points and 10’’"* Darwin Cook paced the Nets with ished the scoring with a power- 16 uniform. winning in the NBA. hall, despite shooting 40 percent to assists. 14 points apiece. play goal midway through the "Wc had no post-up game, and if New York's .52 percent. M.l.NCHK.srKH HKK.AI.I). Thiir.ot.ix. .Not 1.1. 1984__ T) 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Nov 15. 1984 Scoreboard Sports In Brief NHL roundup Joe Camposeo fires ace Unheralded Young pacing Pens House, TB 691 51 13.5 5 Punting Camposeso of Manchester had a hole-in-one last Saturday Canucks3.RadWings2 Suns M , Nats 86 Coiiaga baskatbaii iaadars L.Thompson, Det 638 42 15.2 6 no Ig Tilley, StL 637 40 15.9 3 Stork, Ind 66 72 “sit Manchester Country Club. Camposeo. playing with Ron Bv Lisa Harris Johnson, Gta 588 37 15.9 6 J. Arnold, KC 66 63 VanTassell and Rudi Switek, aced the par-3. 188-yard 18th hole Hockey Oetrelt 08 2—9 N E W JE R S E Y (86) (198304 SNNon) AAarsh, StL 547 X 18.2 4 Roby, Mta 31 66 UPl Sports Writer Vcmceover o 21— 3 O'Koren 511 1-212, Williams 613 62 8, individual Scoring Carter, T B 546 42 13.0 4 Mclnally, CIn 51 61 using a four-wood. It was the first time Camposeo played the I, Joe Jokubtek, Akron, X.1. 2, Lewis •••••••••••••••••••••• First period — No scoring. GmlnskI 26 66 10, Cook 7-14 60 14, Cosbie, Dali 539 43 12.5 3 Kidd, Buf X 63 , course. . . This Pittsburgh Penguin rookie Penalties— Monno, Det, 7:02; Small, Rldrardson 7-110014, Sappleton 16602, Jackson, Alabamo St., 29.0. 3, Devin Prestrldge, NE 44 9 Durant, Brigham Young, 27.9. 4,. Craig, SF 530 52 10.2 3 Von,7:15. King 69 26 10, LaGarde 61 1-2 1, G ray, Gta * 529 X 13.9 2 Buford, SD 44 60 is really something, scoring all NHlstindlngs Alfrodrlck Hughes, Loyola (III.), 27.6. 5, Second period— 1,Vancouver, Gradin Ransev 611 1-1 9, Turner 66 60 6, Intercepflent Guy, Ral » 63 these goals. 6(Belland), 2:45. 2, Vancouver, Bubla Johnson 6 1 6 0 0 . Totals 378711-17 86. W oyman Tisdale, Oklahomo, 27.0.6, Joe no yds If M Cox, Clev 56 57 Dumars, McNeese St., 26.4. 7, Brett Doran, Ansaldi star Big surprise, huh? W alM Co nftrw iM 1 (S k rik o , S m y l), 17:23. Penalties— P H O E N IX (98) Dean, Wash 6 103. id 1 Colquitt, Pitt 46 62 Patrick Dtvklon Lemay, Von, 1:15; Larson, Det, 1:15; Adams 63 00 0, Nonce 11-17 00 22, Crowford, U.S. Internotlonol, 24.6. 8, Frozler, Chi 89 M 0 Norman, Den 73 83 Well, actually it is, because this Michael Ctage, San Diego St., 24.5. 9, 5 • A N TR U M , N.H. — Form er East Catholic High standouts Ed W L T PH. OF OA KIslo, Det, (m olor) 19:25; Lemay, Von, Edw (»’ds7-126S18,Holtan7-120014,Macv Flynn, GB 5 61 22 0 Punt Returns Pittsburgh rookie isn't Mario Philadelphia 9 3 7 X M 38 (m alor) 19:25. 18002, PIttmon 1-22-24, Jones 6451011, Steve Bum , Iona, 24.2. 10, , no yds ovg -Ansaldi and Colin Doran were key figures this past season for the Fullerton St., 24.0. Washington, StL 5 42 18 0 Lemieux, the N H L’s heralded No. 1 NY Wanders I 7 0 16 76 7S Foster 7-10 1-1 15, Lucas 28 DO 4, TLewls, GB 5 40 24 0 Martin, CIn 14 226 16.1 ■'Division III Hawthorne College soccer team. N Y Raneert 7 6 1 15 66 57 Third period— 3, Detroit, Ogrodnlck 10 Humphries 1-560 2, Scott 2-3 2-26. Totals Rebounds Rushing Easley, Sra 16 194 12.1 draft pick It's W;'irren Young, a Woshlnoton 5 5 4 14 S3 52 (Tro d e r), 0:33. 4, Voncouver, Smyl 7 4282 1620 98. I. Akeem Olaluwon, Houston, 13.5. 2, LIpps, Pitt 37 401 10.8 Doran, a freshman left wing, had nine goals and six assists Corey Scurry, Long Island U., 13.5. 3, off y d s o v g lg td 28-year-old virtually unheard of Plttsburoh 6 7 1 13 52 57 (Skriko, Grodln), 7:10. 5, Oetorit, New Jersey 141910 U — 86 Dickerson, Roms 241 1309 5.4 66 T Fryar, N E 17 1W 10.6 ■while Ansaldi, a sophomore center halfback, hacl 14 goals and 9 New Jersey 3 1 2 8 44 58 Yzermon6(un«slsted),7:34. Penalties— Phoenix 14 n 3126-98 Xavier McDaniel, Wichita St., 13.1. 4, Wilson, But X I 10.4 rookie signed as a free agent la.st Donald Newman, Ark .-Little Rock, 12.9.5, Payton. Chi 249 1172 4.7 72 8 75 Adorns Olvislen Bulhcer, Von, 2:37; Aubrv, Det, 2:37. Three-point goal— O'Koren. Fouled Wilder, T B 2831062 3.837 8 Springs, Jets 74 733 9.7 •’ assists for 15-4 Hawthorne, which won the Mayflower Conference year. Montreal 10 3 2 22 57 43 Shots on goat— Detroit 611-7— 23. out— None. Total fouls— New Jer­ , Son Diego St., 12.6.6, Jeff ' championship. Cross, Maine, 12.6.7, Mike Brown, George Riggs, Atl 2351052 4.5 57 9 Pruitt, Rol 43 M2 8.9 Young scored two goals in the Boston 9 6 1 17 62 54 Vancouver 13-1614— 41. sey 23, Phoenix 26. Rebounds— New Riggins, Wash 247 954 3.9 24 11 Kickoff Refurns Buffalo 8 6 2 18 70 58 Goolles— Detroit, Mlcolef. Van­ Woshington, 12.1. 8, Robert Sand­ „, Hawthorne was in the N A IA tournament but lost in the first final minute of regulation play Jersey 40 (Richardson 7), Phoenix 37 ers, Miss. Volley, 12.1.9, Joe Blnlon, N.C. Tyler, SF 179 911 5.140 5 no yds ovg Hartford 7 6 2 16 50 57 couver, Cdprice. A— 10,448. (Edwards 9). Assists— New Jersey 18 Dorsett, Doll 210 860 4.131 6 Humpherv, Jets 16 481 X.1 97 1 round to Western New England College. Wednesday night, and get up Quebec 7 9 1 15 63 67 A6T, 11.6. 10. Joe Koncok, Southern (O'Koren 6), Phoenix 31 (AAacy 13). Methodist, 11.5. Anderson, StL 179 720 4.019 4 O.WIIIIams, Ral 19 SX X.8 62 0 Lemieux’s overtime game-winner Campbell Conference Technical— New Jersey (Illegal de­ 49 0 Peroontoie Sims, Det I X 687 5.3 81 5 Roaches, Hou 73 519 X .6 NorrH DivWen fense). A— 10,327. GRogers, N D . 170 680 4.0 28 2 Jennings, CIn 15 331 X.1 46 0 to rally the Penguins to a 4-3 W L T PH. OF OA 1, Akeem Olaluwon, Houston, 67.5. 2. Trinity hosts women hooters Bobby Lee Hurt, Alobama, 66.4. 3, Pot Anderson, Minn 148 631 4.3 23 2 triumph over the Winnipeg Jets. Chlcoeo 8 6 2 18 73 66 Black Hawks 6, Hangars 4 Carpenter, Gta 178 534 3.021 3 St. Louis 6 8 1 13 52 61 Ewing, Georgetown, 65.8. 4, A.C. Green According to Lemieux, the over­ Pistons 137,76ars133|0T| 65.8 Oregon St., 65.7. 5, Keith Wolker, Montgomery, Phil 135 527 3.919 1 H A R T F O R D — Trinity College will host the 1984 New England Minnesota 4 8 4 12 58 72 Galon, NO 76 497 6.5 62 5 time was academic. Young’s goals Detroit 4 11 1 9 56 70 New York 1 3 04 Utica, 65.4. 6, Bob Thornton, Col-Irvine, Women’s Intercollegiate Soccer Assocation All-Star Game on Chicago 2136 64.0.7, , Auburn, 63.8. 8, Ellis, G B 93 437 4.7 50 3 had sealed the game's fate and Toronto 3 10 3 9 50 74 D E T R O IT (117) Punttag Radio, TV Sunday at 3 o’clock. The game will feature New England’s top Smvffie DIvIslen Rrst period— 1, Chlcoeo, (Sardner 6 Tyle r 7-15 1-2 15, Benson 26 1-2 5, Mike Toomer, Florida ABM, 63.7. 9, Lemieux sounded as though his (Paterson, Ludzik), 2:33. 2, Chicago, D. (}erek Boldon, Central Michigan,63.4.10, no Ig ovg female soccer players from Divisions 1, II and III. Edmonton 12 2 3 27 88 49 Lalm beer68608, Trlpucka 162717-1845, Honson, NO 40 66 44.1 • •oaapoaoopaoppaagppp'p ^ own goal was immaterial. Coloary 9 6 1 19 81 65 Sutter 6 (Lvslok, O'Callohon), 7:02. 3, Thomos 11-215827, V. Johnson6148-1120, Brian Burke, Dartmouth, 63.4. New York, McPhee 5 (Rogers, Scribner, GB 65 61 42.9 "We had a good meal that Los Angeles 7 7 3 17 64 64 Cureton 610 58 11, M. Jones 2-3 2-2 6, Gtacommaro, Atl 51 58 42.6 T O N IG H T ; Winnipeg 7 6 2 16 57 54 D o re ),11:54. Penalties— W ilson, Chi, Teogle61080. Totals49-10O39-49137. Percentage 7:15 Hockey: Whalers vs. Flyers, ; brought us together,” said Le­ 16:40. 1, Steve Afford, Indlano, 91.3. 2, Joe Horan, Phil 61 69 42.4 ) UConn, Harvard Sunday at noon Vancouyer 3 12 2 8 60 101 Garcia, T B 52 60 41.8 WTIC . . j • mieux. "We had the feeling we Wednesday's Resutts Second period— 4, New York, Allison 3 P H IL A D E L P H IA (113) Corabino, Harvord, 90.5.3, Chris Mullln, 8:00 Hockey: North Stars vs. Island- . (Moloney), 5:27. 5, New York, Brooke 1 St. John's, 90.4. 4, Bob Ferry, Harvard, Black, Det 46 63 41.7 could win. We knew we’d come Buffalo 4, Boston 2 Erving 12-24 68 31, lovaronl 61 60 0, Jennings, Giants 66 54 41.0 ers, USA Cable . „ ' STOR RS — The UConn-Harvard second round NCAA soccer Los Angeles 4, Toronto 3 ((joe ne r), 5:53.6, New York, Sondstrom8 Malone 16321518 51, Richardson 1-3635, 90.3. 5, Vince Cunningham, Texos-San 8:00 Boxing: U.S. Medalists Pro ; back when we scored our second (Patrick, Allison), 10:44. 7, Chicago, Antonio, 87.9. 6, Carl Golston, Loyola Coleman, Minn 55 56 40.7 championship game will be played Sunday. Nov. '25, at noon here Quebec 7, St. Louis 3 Cheeks 510 2-2 13, Threatt 613 64 15, B. Runoger, SF 35 58 40.5 Debut, Channels 8,40 _ • goal. When we scored our third Chloogb 6, N.Y. Rongers 4 Sovord8 (unassisted), 11:00. Penalties— Jones1-31-33, Barkley676511,Wood 28 (III.), 87.7. 7, Chris Beasley, Arizona St., 8:X Basketball: Celtics vs. Bulls, , at Gardner Dow Field. Laldlaw, N YR , 1:25; Loldlaw,NYR,6:30; 87.5.8, Sam Potter, Oral Roberts, 87.2.9, FInzer, Chi 53 87 40.4 goal we knew we would w’in. It’s a UPl pholo Pittsburgh 4, Winnipeg 3 60 4, C. Johnson 62 6 0 0. Totals49-101 MIsko, Rams 55 58 X.9 SportsChannel, WKHT ; Montreal 4, Edmonton 2 B. Wilson, Chi, malor-mlnor, 3641133. Anthony Arnolle, Penn, 87.2. 10, Willie great feeling to come from behind. 14:38; Brooke, NYR, malor-mlnor, White, Tenn.-Chattanoogo, 86.7. D.WhIte, Dali 49 54 X.8 (left) watches the action. Quebec won, Vancouver 3, Detroit 2 Detroit 1129101817—117 Punt Returns aapaaaaapppapgagb***** ; It’s good for the morale of the Quebec goalie Mario Gosselin blocks Thursday's (Tames 14:38; McMillan, Chi, 15:18. Philadelphia 29 H »11 ll—in Sox promote Rac Slider Assists ^ m yds ovg Ig M team.” the shot on goal attempt by St. Louis' 7-3. (All Times EST) Three-point goals — Erving, Cheeks. Eltard, Rams 22 339 15.4 83 2 New Jersey at Boston, 7:35 p.m. Third period— 8, Chicago, Lormer 10 Fooled out— Benson, Lalmbeer, Cureton, 1, Crolg Lothan, Ill.-Chicago, 9.4. 2, PAWTUCKET, R.I. — The champion With 1:06 left in overtime. (Second. Feomster), 1:45. 9, Chicago, Danny Tarkanlan, Nevada-Las Vegas, M cLemore, SF X 384 12.8 79 1 Transactions Bernie Federko. Nordiques’ Bruce Bell Hartford at Philadelphia, 7:35 p.m. Threatt. Total fouls— Detroit 36, Phllo- B.Johnson, Atl 15 152 10.1 37 0 named a long-time baseball veteran Lemieux fired a quick rising .shot Minnesota at N .Y . Islonders,8:05p.m. Fraser 7 (OIczyk, Brown), 2:18. 10, delphta 34. Rebounds— Detroit 57 (Cu­ 8.5. 3, Reid (tottys, Houston, 8.4. 4, Fields, NO 19 192 10.1 61 0 aappaaappgpgppaaaag*** • Edmonton at Calgary, 9:35 p.m. Chicago, T . M urray 8,19:06. Penalties— reton 13), Phlladelphio 49 (AAalone 17). Andre Lofleur, Northeastern, 7.9. 5, Wednesday to replace former manager Tony Torchia, who is from 15 feet out to beat goaltender to rally the Black Hawks over the Canadiens 4, Oilers 2 St;in Smyl fired the game- winning D. Wilson, Chi, 3:45. B. Wilson, Chi, To ny W illiam, Florida St., 7.7. 6, Nelms, Wash X 325 9.0 46 0 Friday's Games Assists— (}etroltX(Thom as)4),Phllodel- Mitchell, StL 27 221 8.2 X 0 Baseball moving up to the parent club. ► Marc Behrend for his third goal of New York Rangers. Troy Murray go:d ;ind hel|)cd set up another to Washington at Buffalo, night 4:33; Sandstrom,NYR,4:33. Phla 34 (Cheeks 10). Technical — Shown Teague, Boston U., 7.5. 7, Detroit — Announced G a tes Brown . At Edmonton. Albert;i, Mario Shots on goal— New York Rangers Fisher, Chi X 294 8,2 21 0 the season. added an empty-net goal with .54 power struggling V;uicouver over Quebec at SI. Louis, night Philadelphia (Illegal defense), Philadel­ RobbleWeIngard, Hofstra, 7.4. 8, Carl would not return os batting coach. • Rac Slider, 50, of DeKalb, Texas, has been with the Red Sox Tremblay and Mats Naslund each 1610-9-29; Chlcoeo 1611-12-38. Smith, Dar.Nelson, Minn 17 IX 7.9 21 0 Young tied the score with his Detroit It was only the third Pittsburgh at Voncouver, night phia (delay otgame). A— 14,449. Martin, Det X IX 7.8 19 0 Montreal— Signed Buck Rodgers to a • organization for 24 of his 32 years in professional baseball. He .seconds remaining for Chicago. Calgary ot Winnipeg, night Massachusetts, 7.3. 9, Jim Les, Bradley, 2-veor contract os manager. • second goal of the game and 13th of had a goal and an a.ssist as victory of the sea.son for the Goalies— New York Rangers, Van- 7.2.10, , Gonzoga, 7.2. Allen, Dal X 248 7.5 16 0 comes to the PawSox from New Britain. Conn., the Montreal handed the Oilers only Kickoff Returns Texas — Resigned Bill Sterns to * Canucks, who remain in the blesbrouck. Chicago, Bonnerman. Cntisga hoop piayor of yoar manage Class A Carolina Leagueteam In . organization’s class AA entry in the Eastern League. the season when he stopped John Penguins 4. Jets 3 |0T| ' no yds ovg Ig td Chabot’s pass with his skate and their second defeat this year. It basement of the Smythe Division A— 17,362. „ Stamps, T O I 18 432 24.0 X 0 Salem, Va.; hired Mike BuccI to manage • Slider, who played minor league baseball, managed New Kings 4, Leafs 3 Class A Midwest League team at * lifted a backhander high to Beh- was the .second straight loss for with ;i 3 12-2 record N E W Y O R K (U P l) — Winners of the Mitchell, vStL 76 596 22.9 X 0 Britain to a league title in 1983 and a sixth place finish last season. league-leading Edmonton and its PITTSBURGH 80 31—4 aoaaaaaoaaaaobaaaaaoga Redden, Rams 15 3X 22.5 40 0 Burtlngton, Iowa; reassigned Ru^y ^ At Toronto. Marcel Dionne United Press Internotlonol college bas­ Jaramlllo to manage rookie . He has been a manager in the Red Sox organization since 1965, rend’s stick side with 12 seconds WINNIPEG 10 20-3 ketball Player of the Year award: Football Dar.Nelson, Mnn. 22 487 22.1 45 0 scored during the third period and first loss at home. Montreal held First period— 1, Winnipeg, Mullen 6, Monroe, T B 19 419 22.1 44 0 league affiliate In Sarasota, F lo .; • left. reassigned Dave Oliver to ntanoge ■ winning class A division titles in Winter Haven, Fla,, in 1979 and engineered Brian MacLellan’s the Oilers to 'tl shots and Wayne Nordiques 7, Blues 3 (Howerchuk, Mac Leon 1,19:02. 1984— , North Carol­ •••••••••••••••••••••• Jenkins, Det 18 396 22.0 32 0 Gireenville, S.C., in 1970. Penalties— None. Basketball ina Morton, T B 29 623 21.5 X 0 Triple A Oklahoma City team tn ' game-winner with less than three Gretzky scorele.ss for the first time At St Louis. Auton Stastny 1983— Ralph Sampson, Virginia MeSwaIn, Doll 14 296 21.1 32 0 AmerlcanAssoctatlon; announced Or- , Hawks 6, Rangers 4 minutes to play to spark Los this .season. •••••••••••••••••••••• NFL standings londo Gomez will return as manager of , scored twice in 22 seconds midway Second period — No scoring. 1982— Ralph Sampson, Virgin la Anderson, Minn 19 393 X.7 41 0 Angeles’ seventh victory in nine Penalties— Howerchuk, Wpg, 5:45; Nelms, Wash 29 599 X.7 X 0 the Double A Tulsa team In the Texas • At Chicago. Steve Larmer and through the .se<'ond period to |x>wer 1981— Ralph Sampson, Virgin la League. * Costello leads lady bowlers Canucks 3, Red Wings 2 Boutette, Pit, 8:37; Ellett, Wpg, 15:00. 1980— , DePaul Curt Fr;iser scored during ;i starts and extend the 1-eafs’ (juebec St;istny h:is four goals in NBA standings American Conference Basketball 1979— , Indiana State East AMERICAN FOOTBALL CONFER­ 33-second sp:in of the third period winle.ss streak to nine. At Vancouver, BritishColumhi;i. his hist <>ight g;imes. Third period— 2, Winnipeg, Lundholm4 1978— Butch Lee, Marquette ENCE New Jersey — Signed forword- . LAS V EG AS, Nev. — Pat Costello of St. Helena, Calif., seeking W L T Pcf. PF PA center Tom LaGarde of Italian League; • (Bobych, Carlyle) 8:23. 3, Pittsburgh, Eastern Conference 1977— Marques Johnson, UCLA Miami 11 0 0 1.000 360 164 Scoring her first title since 1981, took a 19-pin lead over Aleta Sill of Cocoa, Atlantic Division waived guard Mike Wilson. Boutette 1 (Crowder, Hllller) 11:27. 4, New England 7 4 0 .636 ' 252 245 Touchdowns id rush roc rot pts Fla., at the end of the third round of the $100,000 Ladies Pro Babvch 1 (Mullln, MocLeon) 14:29. 5, W L Pet. OB 1976— Scott M oy, Indiana N Y Jets 6 5 0 .545 243 227 Allen, Ral 14 10 4 0 84 Pittsburgh, Young 12 (Bobych, Cho- Boston 7 1 .875 — 1975— David Thompson, North Carol­ Clayton, M ia 10 0 10 0 60 College Bowlers Tour Tournament of Champions Wednesday night. Indianapolis 4 7 0 .364 173 271 Northern Arizona — Named Larry . bol) 19:13. 6, Plttsburoh, Young 13 Philadelphia 5 2 .714 IVz ina State Buffalo 0 11 0 .000 163 322 PJohnson, SD-M la 10 10 0 0 60 (Chobot, Lem leux) 19:48. Penalties— Woshlnoton 6 5 .545 2'/z 1974— , UCLA Jackson, SD 9 8 1 0 54 Kentera head football coach. Breland, four others making pro debuts Central Mantha Pit 10:55, Montha, Pit 14:21, New Jersey 4 6 .400 4 1973— Bill Walton, UCLA KInnebrew, CIn 8 7 1 0 48 Texas-EI Paso — Gave basketball ' Pittsburgh 6 5 0 .660 245 209 coach o one-year extension on his . McBaIn Wpg, 18:54. New York 2 8 .200 6 1972— Bill Walton, UCLA Cincinnati 4 7 0 .364 202 240 Largent, Sea 8 0 8 0 48 K.C. courting Sutcliffe Central Division 1971— Austin Carr, Notre (tame Duper, Mia 7 0 7 0 42 contract. > 6-foot-2"2 welterweight. Olympics. weight Meldrick T;iylor of Phihi- Cleveland 2 9 0 .182 136 217 Football Bv Joe llluzzi Overtime— 7, Pittsburgh, Lemleux 3 Chicago 7 2 .778 — 1970— P e te M o r a v lc h , L o u is ia n a Houston 1 10 0 .091 140 316 Stallworth, Pit 7 0 7 0 42 KANSAS C IT Y , Mo. — National League Cy Young Award "In Los Angeles, they expected Now Breland puts his reputation dclphi;i t;ikes on Luke Lci'ce ;ind (Mantha, Young) 3:54. Penalties— Milwaukee 7 2 .778 — State Bennett, M ia 6 6 0 0 X Baltimore(USFL)— Slonedllnebacker * UPl Sports Writer W M t Dave Simmons, wide receiver Mark . so much of me,” said Breland, who on the line in a scheduled six- lightweight Perncll Whit;iker of None. Detroit 5 4 .556 2 1969— Lew Aldndor, UCLA (Jenver 10 1 0 .909 227 150 Dennard, But 6 0 6 0 36 winner Rick Sutcliffe will get the chance to mull over the first of Shots on goal-Plttsburoh 9-7-10-3— Atlanta 3 6 .333 4 196B— , Houston Kicking epta fg-a Ig pts Smith and sotetles Bill Jackson and • has a 78-inch reach. "We had 12 rounder against Dwight Williams, Norf;ilk, V;i , meets K;irrain Seattle 9 2 0 .818 306 170 Willie Harris. • nine multi-year, multi-dollar contract offe,re today. NEW YOR K - With a victory 29. Winnipeg 6-17-13-1— 37. Indiana 2 7 .222 5 1967— Lew Aldndor, UCLA L A Raiders 7 4 0 .636 254 214 N. Johnson, Sea 36-37 16-18 X 84 fighters on the team, but it seemed who sports a 7-1 record. After -(’ome;uix Cleveland 0 9 .000 7 1966— Cazzle Russell, Michigan Bahr, Rol 25-27 17-X X 76 Dallas— Waived wide receiver Harold • The Kansas City Royals were schedulecTko meet with Barry tonight, Mark Breland will have San Diego 5 6 0 .455 283 268 Carmichael; signed linebacker Jimmie , everything was focused on me. I breaking training with the other Goalies— Pittsburgh, Dion. Win­ Western Conference 1965— Bill Bradley, Princeton Kansas City 5 6 0 .455 188 238 Anderson, Pitt 30-X 15-21 S3 IS Axelrod, Sutcliffe’s agent, to present a contract proposal for the proved Thom;is Wolfe wrong. You nipeg, Behrend. A— 9,877. Midwest Division 1964— G ory Brodds,Ohlo Stote Franklin, NE 30-X 14-18 48 72 Turner. ■ felt bad for the guys who broke Olympians Monday in upstate New Biggs, T;iylor ;ind Whitaker are Notional Conference LA Rams — Signed defensive back • services of the right-handed pitcher who hurled the Chicago Cubs can go home again. W L Pet. OB 1963— Art Hevman, Duke East von Schomann, Mlo 45-48 9-18 37 72 their butts and didn’t get the York he believes he's ready. Olympic gold med;disls :ind Holy- Houston 8 1 .889 — 1962— Je rry Lucas, Ohio State Breech, CIn 20-X 16-22 48 68 M ike Pleasant. ■ ■ ■ • to the National League East title last summer with a 16-1 record, Returning to Madion Square W L T Pet. P F PA Hockey * "I haven’t been hypeS up since field won ;i lironze in Los Angeles Sibres 4. Bruins 2 Denver 7 2 .778 1 1961— Je rry Lucas, Ohio State Washington 7 4 0 .636 285 208 Posstag Sutcliffe was born, raised and still lives'in the Kansas tity Garden where he won an unprece­ recognition. I got booed and got Son Antonio 6 4 .600 2Vz 1960— Oscar Robertson, Cincinnati alt comp pet yds td hit New Jersey — Assigned' goaltender . more recognition than they did.” I've been away the last four or five after losing on a controversiid (tallos 7 4 0 .636 210 209 Hannu Kamppurl to Fort Wayne of the > prea. dented five New York Gold Gloves, Utah 5 4 .556 3 St. Louis 6 5 0 .545 305 253 Marino, Mia 354 2 X 64.4 3340 X 11 weeks,” Breland said. "But train­ di.squalific;dij^in the semifimds Boston 110-2 Dollos 6 5 .545 3 Eason, N E 274 172 62.8 2225 15 5 International Hockey Leoguefor lOdays. * the native will join four The recognition is well deserved 1959— Oscar Robertson, Cincinnati N Y Giants 6 5 0 .545 221 213 ing's over, now let’s get it on.” Buffalo 0 2 2-4 Kansas City 1 6 .143 6 Philadelphia 4 6 1 .409 199 224 Fouts, SD 432 269 62.3 325515 15 pgpppppgpgpppppppppppp I other Olympic stars in their for' Breland. The 21-year-old First Perlod-1, Boston, Middleton 8 Pacific Division 1958— Oscar Robertson, CIndnnatl Central Krleg, Sea X 4 162 55.1 2266 X 15 pounded his way to the top of the In the other bouts, all six- (Linesman, Simmer), 0:29. Penaltles- Phoenix 7 3 .700 — Gates Brown quits Tigers professional boxing debut a.s a The former Olym|)ians have Chicago 7 4 0 .636 224 169 Woodley, Pitt IX 85 M.5 1273 8 7 anuiteur ranks with his enormous rounders, heavyweight Tyrell alre;idy been giuininleed ;i fortune Llnesman, Bos, 16:40. Portland 5 5 .500 2 1957— Chet Forte, Columbia Green Bay 4 7 0 .364 246 230 Moon, Hpu »7 165 X.6 22X 8 8 national televison audience looks Second Perlod-2, Buffalo, Halt 2 L.A. Lakers 5 5 .500 2 >.-1956— /San Francisco Detroit 3 7 1 .318 205 272 Elwav, Den 246 140 X .9 1X1 9 8 Bowling D ETR O IT — Gates Brown and the Detroit Tigers apparently on. And. as it was when he punching power, compiling an Biggs of Philadelphia meets Mike by promoter D:ui Duva. who will (Ham el), 3:38. 3, Buffalo, C vr 1 L.A.ClIppers 3 6 .333 3Vj 1955— Tom Gota,, LaSalleL Taifipa Bay 4 7 0 .364 207 268 Wilson, Ral 182 99 X .4 1422 9 10 are parting company on a sad note after nearly 20 seasons of astounding 110-1 record with 73 Evans, light-heavyweight pay the fighters $10 million in (Creighton, WIemer), 5:30. 4, Boston, Seattle 3 6 .333 3Vj Pagel, Ind 189 103 X .5 1316 7 7 pppppgppppppppppppppd^ captured his gold medal in Los Minnesota 3 8 0 .273 214 288 friendship. knockouts. It was all cutminated of Atlanta bat­ O'Connell 6 (Borque), 11:35. Penaltles- Golden State 2 7 .222 4Vi W M t Ryan, Jets 284 IX X.6 19X 14 14 Angeles this past summer, the exchange for their protnotional Thelln, Bos, 0:50; M llburv, Bos, 5:48; Wednesday's Resutts San Francisco 10 1 0 .909 311 167 Ferguson, Buf 279 161 57.71698 9 12 Tsa-Totaiars The popular Tigers batting coach, who has made personal microscope will again be on the hy his performance at the tles Lionel Byarm, junior light­ rights for four years. Halt, Buf, 10:08; Peterson, But, 10:53; Boston 115, New York 99 Coach Of Yaar Anderson, CIn 218 I X 61.9 1633 5 12 L A Rams 7 4 0 .636 229 196 Stephanie Anderson 187-459, Nandy appearances on behalf of the club for nearly all of th ^ e seasons, O'Connell, Bos, 13:09; But, bench (served Detroit 137, Phllodelphia 133 New Orleans 5 6 0 .455 216 241 Plunkett, Ral 174 96 X.21248 4 9 by McKenno), 15:42; LInseman, Bos, Washington 125, San Antoino 106 McDonId, Civ 3X 191 52.3 25X 7 16 Rotas X1-512, Terry Priskwaldo 211- has decided not to return after an apparent tiff with the front NEW YORK (UPl) — Winners ot the Atlanta 3 8 0 .273 211 256 193-552, Pat Thibodeau 179, Ruth W ood­ 16:21; Peterson, But, 19:21. Indiana 125, Houston 117 Sunday's Games Blackledg, KC X I 145 49.8 16X 6 11 Third Perlod-5, Buffalo, Davis 10 (Halt, Phoenix 78, New Jersey 86 United Press International college bas­ bury 175, Lou Toutain 217-508, Lee Becfn bffice. ketball Coach ot the Year award: (All Times EST> Rating based on pet. compn avg. yds, Expos name Rodgers 192-191-552, Betty Bailey 451, Karen Selling), 7:27. 6, Buffalo, Andreychuk 10 Thursday's (Tames Cleveland at Atlanta, 1 p.m. pet. td, pet. Int. (Ramsey, Houslev), 9:26. Penaltles- (All Times EST) Pass Receivers RIordan 470, Camille Scuta 468, Bar­ 1984— Ray Meyer, DePaul Dallas at Buffalo, 1 p.m. bara Seifert 477, Fran MIsserl 204-481; Crowder, Bos, 8:53; Kasper, Bos, molor, Cleveland at Atlanto, 7:30 p.m. Detroit at Chicago, 1 p.m. Rocopllons no yds avg td 8:53; Setllng, But, malor, 8:53; Ramsey, Boston at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. 1983— Jerry Tarkanlan, Nevoda- Carolyn Wllso'n 482, Donna Page No artificial turf for Shea L.A. Rams V . Green Bay at Mllw., 1 Newsome, Clev X 689 11.7 3 IF YOU APPRECIATE But, 14:03. Dallas at (Tolden Stote, 10:30 p.m. LosVegas 19(M64, (ja il Hartzog 183-460, M a rvA n n as their new manager p.m. Stallworth, Pitt 57 1004 17.6 7 Shots on goal-Boston 66-9-21. Buftolo Milwaukee at L.A. Clippers, 10:30p.m. 1982— Norm Stewort, Missouri ZawlllnskI X2-490, Mary Schultz 206- _ NEW YORK — Artifical turf will not be installed in the 1981— Ralph Miller, Oregon State New England at Indianapolis, 1 p.m. Christensen, Ral X 744 13.3 5 8-7-12-27. Utah at Portland, 10:30 p.m. St. Louis at New York Giants, 1 p.m. Winslow, SD X 663 12.1 2 473, Lorna Salvatore 461, Claudette -renovation of Shea Stadium, city officials have decided. Goalles-Boston, Peelers. Buffalo, Bor- Friday's Gomes Seattle at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. Allen, Ral X 611 11.3 4 Mertens 180-186-499, Bertha Toutain M O N TR E A L (U P l) - Bob named minor league manager of rosso. A-15,516. New York ot Washington, night 1986— Ray Meyer, DePaul Duper, Mia X 1022 19.3 7 49, Rosetta Relchle 185-452, Nancy The city and the Mets baseball organization, the prime tenant QUALITY 1979— Bill Hodges, Indiana State Washington at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. “ Buck” Rodgers may not have the year for guiding the Expos’ Phllodelphia at Detroit, night New York Jets at Houston, 4 p.m. Colllnsworth, CIn 52 762 14.7 3 Smith 182-91, Rita Kelsey 189, Carol at the stadium in Queens, had originally proposed to rip out the Triple-A affiliate Indianapolis In­ San Antonio at Itxllana, night 1978— Eddie Sutton, Arkonsas Watson, Den 51 7X 14.9 4 Rodrigue 456, Sharon Spencer 468, been the Montreal Expos' first Klngs4.MapleLei(s3 1977— Bob Galllard, Son Francisco Miami at San Diego, 4 p.m. grass field and replace it with ’Astroturf” in a bid to attract a SHOP HERE Houston at Denver, night Minnesota at (3enver, 4 p.m. Franklin, Buff 48 619 12.9 1 Linda Maher 175-508, Cindy Dodson choice as manager of the National dians to a first-()lace finish in the Milwaukee at Phoenix, night 477, Anita Shorts 187-X8, Rose Robl- professional football team to the city to replace the Jets, who 1976— To m Young, Rutgers Tam pa Bay at San Francisco, 4 p.m. Smith, Hou 45 751 16.7 2 League club, but the former American Association last sea.son. Los Anaeles 1 0 3— 4 Kansas City at L.A. Lakers, night Kansas City at L.A. Raiders, 4 p.m. Joiner, SD 45 5X 12.7 3 deau 498. moved this year from Shea to New Jersey’s Meadowlands. Toronto 1 11— 3 Portland at Seattle, night 1975— Bobby Knight, Indiana Milwaukee Brewers skipper said Cook said Rodgers "embodies 1974— Digger Phelps, Notre Dame M onday's Gomes Ramsey, N E 42 459 10.9 3 First period— 1, Toronto, Frycer 7 Pittsburgh at New Orleons, 9 p.m. Clayton, Mia 40 T9S 19.9 10 he’s happy just to get the call. the type of management 1 think is (Loom on), 1:22. 2, Los Angeles, Fox 6 Largent Sea X 610 16.1 8 Hama Enginaars Cattles 115, Knicks 99 1973— John Wooden, U CLA Thursday, Noy. 22 ” 1 wouldn’t care if 1 was the 32nd .jj^eded for this team. He’s a (M ocLellan, NIcholls), 13:07. Penalties— Green Bay at Detroit, 12:X p.m. Marshall, KC X SX 14.2 2 Jackson, T o r, 3:53; Benning, To r, 6:35; 1972— John Wooden, UCLA Shuler, Jets X 417 11.0 6 Shirley Eldrldge 185-484, Martha U.S. routs Bulgaria in volleyball choice,” the 46-year-old Rodgers j strong, strategical-type manager 1971— Al McGuire, Marquette New England at Dallas, 4 p.m. Grant 177-497, Fran O'Brien 191, Cathy >Dlonne, L A , 8:30; Frycer, To r, 11:21. N E W Y O R K (99) Yards yds no ayg td said after being named We'dnes-^^ ■ and has a wealth of experience." Sunday, Noy. IS Bohlaltan 178-452, Phyllis Heritage 175, tt m tRIHUA ...... >SG9S Second period— 3, Toronto, Valve 10 Cummings 616 66 17, Orr 617 1-2 17, Atlanta at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. Duper, Mia 1022 X 19.3 7 H IR OSH IM A, Japan — Olympic champion United States day. "This is a joh I wanted.” 82 CHEV CAVALIER >5495 (Benning), 6:27. Penalties — Frycer, 1976— John Wooden, UCLA Stallworth, Pit 1004 57 17.6 7 Paula Burke 177-480, BobbI Greco 176, 4 Dr, # qrl, Aate, AC, , Dt, SterM CatMtto Sta. Ws. 4 cd, Sato, SC, PS. PS, SaSla, San Bailey 7-7 60 14, Sparrow 67 60 6, 1969— John Wooden, UCLA sM Buffalo at Washington 1 p.m. Diane Cote 192-176512, M a rly Dvorak routed Bulgaria 15-9, 15- 10, 15-10 Wednesday in the Ifapan Cup Dtf«g Tor,0:14; MacLellan, LA, 1:53; Rus- Tucker 36 60 7, Walker 2-12 46 8, Houston at Cleveland, 1 p.m. .Clayton, Mia 795 40 19.9 10 Expos general manager Murray Rodgers managed the Brewers kowMI, LA, 14:16; Courtnoll, 'Tor, 1968— G uv Lewis, Houston 451, Kim McComb 453, Alyce McArdle world men’s volleyball tournament. Carter 69 36 9, Bannister 46 60 8, 1967— John Wooden, UCLA Kansas City at New York Giants, 1 Colllnsworth, CIn 762 52 14.7 3 Cook admitted the club had from late in the 1980 sea.son until 14:16; DooustTor, 15:50; Redmond, LA, Watson, Den 760 51 14.9 4 494, TrudI Zuldema 457. 81 AMC SPIRIT D L ...... >4495 Grunfeld 0-3 60 0, Cavenall 2-5 3-3 7. 1966— Adolph Rupp, Kentucky p.m. courted Earl Weaver for the job, June 1982. He won the second half LHItocfc, 8 cd, 4 (H . U t/m , Ft, 8«tot> malor, minor served by Kelly (game Totals 41-90 1619 99. Smith, Hou 751 45 16.7 2 72 OIJIS CUTIAS BROUGHAM <3595 1965— Dove Strack, Michigan Los Anaeles Rams at Tampa Bay, 1 ppppgppppppppppgppgppp Ch , V-S, s c , PS, PS, SaWa misconduct),19:34; Frycer, Tor, BO STO N (115) p.m. Christensen, Ral 744 X 13.3 5 but the former Baltimore Orioles pennant jn the strike-shortened double-minor, 19:34. 1964— John Wooden, UCLA Nets sign LaGarde Maxwell 1-3 1-1 3, Bird 621 9-10 29, 1963— Ed Jucker, Cincinnati Philadelphia at St. Louis, 1 p.m. Newsome, Cle 689 59 11.7 3 manager preferred to remain in 1981 .season before losing to the 79 CORVETTE...... >10.850 Parish 7-14 12-14 26, Johnson 6101615 23, 1962— Fred Ta ylo r, Ohio State San Diego at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. Barnwell, Ral - 675 X X.5 2 the broadcast booth. New York Yankees in the playoffs. Cp*. V-8, kito, 6C, PS, Pt, 8 la rM ,T-W Third period— 4, Los Angeles, Taylor 8 Alnge 26 60 4, McHale 11-17 67 25, Chicago at Minnesota 4 p.m. Winslow, SD 663 55 12.1 2 Voiieybaii E A S T R U T H E R F O R D , N .J. — Tom LaGarde, a 6-foot-lO 80 TOYOTA CELICA >5495 (Galley, Dionne), 0:21. 5, Toronto, 1961— Fred Ta ylor, Ohio State "Ea rl determined early on he Buckner 631-21, Wedman 1-2602, KIteOO 1960— Pete Newell, California Colts at Los Angeles Raiders, 4 p.m. Franklin, But 619 48 12.9 1 journeyman who has played the last two seasons in Italy, The one-time Cajjjornia Angels Cpa, S ip6 Stone; Saar Dates Anderson 3 (Leemon, Derlogo), 1:33. 6, 600, Corllsle 1-1602, Clark62600. Tbtals San Francisco at New Orleans, 4 p.m. Allen, Ral 611 S4 11.3 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• wasn’t going to manage anywhere catcher said he expects his players 77 FORD PINTO 2 Dr. . . . >2495 Los Angeles, Dionne 5 (H ard y), 13:45.7, 376137-49115. Seattle at Denver, 4 p.m. ■Wednesday was signed by the New Jersey Nets. 4 cd, Sato, Dark Inara oaS Claaa Los Angeles, AOacLellon 5 (Dionne), 1959— Adolph Rupp, Kentucky and he confirmed that la.st week,” to give "100 percent” and arrive at r ^ Y o f f c M 31 23 21— 79 1958— Tex Winter, Kansas State Monday, Nov. 26 Local volleyball 82 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE >7595 17:11. Penalties— Engblom, LA, Boston 27 27 29 32— 115 New York Jets at Miami, 9 p.m. Interceptions said Cook. ” We never got into any the ballpark on time. 0:57; CourtnalLTor, 11:44. i 1957— Frank McGuire, North Carol­ Three-point goals— Bird 2, Tucker. ina yds Ig td Buffalo Water Tavern def. B 8i J Auto sidelined sub.stance with Earl and we never The Expos finished fifth in the 84 CHEV CELE8RITY Sta.Wg. >9995 SSa.':? ‘* - Fouled out— None. Total fouls— New 1956— Phil Woolpert, Son Francisco ^ ^ f f lie v . Sea 117 58 2 Repoir 15-6, 15-8, 15-5; Woodland made him an offer.” v-8, Soto, SC, PS, PI, I , TW Wkaal -. ShoH on goal— Los Angeles 13-12-9— 34. York 33, Boston 15. Rebounds— New D. Brown, Sea 152 X 2 Garden def. Tierney’s 15-10,15-9,15-4; National League East last season Toronto 7-126— 25. NFL statistics York 48 (Cummings 15), Boston 37 1955— Phil Woolpert, San Francisco Washington, Pitt I X 9 2 Scissor W orks def. M ain Pub 15-1,15-1, P O R TLA N D , Ore. — Sam Bowie of the Portland Tra il Blazers Weaver has worked as a baseball with a 78-83 record, 18 games (loallos— Los Anaeles, Janecvk. To­ 15-4; Clark Paint def. Nlchels M anch. 81 FORD ESCORT G L X . . ^ >4275 84 PLYMOUTH HORIZON >6495 (M cHole 11). Assists— New York 22 G.BIackwqod, Mia I X X 0 will be sidelined 10 to 12 days after spraining his right ankle analyst with ABC-TV since he behind the division champion 4 Dr, 4 cpI, Saia, PS, Staraa, Vlad Saaf, Vacy ronto, Wregpet. A— 16,182. (Sparrow 7), Boston 23 (Bird 7). NEW YORK (UPl) — National Cherry, KC I X 67 0 T ire 15-8, 17-19, 15-5; Crockett Agency Mitctoack, 4 Cd, Soto, SC, PS, PI, Maraa, laar 1954— Ken Loeffler, LaSalle during Tuesday night’s game. retired as manager of the Orioles Chicago Cubs. Dates Laar Mllaasa Technical— New York (Illegal defense). 1953— Branch McCracken, Indiana Football League Individual leaders: ^ Foley, Den 57 X 0 def. F a rr's 15-6, 11-15, 15-8; M ain Pub A— 14690. Rushing def. Lloyd's Auto Parts 15-11, 17-15, after the 1982 season. Rodgers is the Expos’ eighth Canadlens 4, Ollars 2 1952— Ken Loeffler, LaSalle NATIQITAL FOOTBALL CONFER­ a n yds ovg Ig td 15-5. ’’Earl Weaver is a fine manager manager in the club’s 16-year ENCE 171 843 4.9 X 5 78 BUICK CENTURY...... >3195 81 PONTAIC GRAN PRIX >6495 McNeil. Jets 2 Or, Pt, P i, I m c Doftf, iiJ it Scorfcig Jackson, SD 202 8X 4.1 X « and any club would be remiss if history. He was signed to a C»tp V4. Alto. AC. Pt, PI. Ditto. Vtoyl Di«f. Montreal 1 21—4 Bullats 125, Spurs 106 Touchdowns M rush roc rot pts Winder, Den 2 9 772 3.7 X McCrory scores TKO they had a chance and didn ’t try for two-year contract. Terms were not iia r Otwf Edmonton 11 g— 2 Riggins, Wosh 11 11 0 0 X Allen, Ral 191 714 3.7 X 1 0 First period— 1, Edmonton, Semenko 3 him,” said Rodgers, who was disclosed. 82 CHEV BERIINETTA >8995 SAN ANTONIO (106) NCAA baskatbaii champs Green, StL 9 0 9 0 X Bell, Buf 158 646 4.1 X 2 D E T R O IT — Steve McCrory, an Olympic gold medalist in the Cpa, V-l, Sato, SC, PS, PS, Stoni^ Cntoa aaS (Carroll, Sherven), 12:12. 2, Montreal, Riggs, Atl 9 9 0 0 X Pollord, Pit I X 560 Caiendar Naslund5 (Tre m b la y), 14:57. Penalties— Bonks 67 60 10, Mitchell 618 63 19, 4.1 52 2 division, Wednesday night scored a second-round Mor« 83 CHEV CHEVETTE >4795 Mitchell, StL 8 8 0 0 48 M cM illan, Ind 117 5 X 4.3 31 3 Cpa, 4 cd, 4 ip6 Saat PraafaS, Laar MSc h c Jackson, Edm , 5:07; Hunter, Mtl, 8:32; Gilmore 69 1-2 11, (torvin 06 64 3, Jo. N E W Y O R K (U P l )— N C AA basketball gggggggggggg#bbgbbgb»g Moore 613 2-2 14, O. Jones 65 26 8, Payton, Chi 8 8 0 0 48. Dickey, Ind 115 482 4.2 X 3 technical knockout over Eddie Rangel of San Antonio, Texas. Lowe, Edm , 8:32. champions, listed with year and won-lost Coffman, G B 8 0 8 0 48 141 4 9 LeFevro withdraws bid Robertson 613 1-1 13, Robetls 67 64 9, records: Pruitt, Clev 3.1 14 5 SATURDAY McCrory, in his second pro bout, settled the scheduled 83 DODGE ARIES >6595 Second period— 3, Edmonton, Ander­ Wilder, TB 8 8 0 48 Collins. NE 1 9 4X 4.0 21 5 son 12 (P o uiar, Fogolln), 6:21. 4, Paxson 67 2-2 6, McNamara 64 66 9, • 1984— Georgetown (340) Soccer 4 Dr, 4 q4, Sato, PS, Cralta, SSVFM, lalte 80 CHEV CITATION >2995 Brewer 16 2-2 4. Totals 42-922630106. Kicking op-o tg-c Ig ph Bennett, M lo I X 4 X 4.1 19 6 Clots L OIrIt six-rounder early. He stopped Rangel with a stiff right to the head 2 Dr, 4 ap4, PS. SSI/ni, SaSa, S n I PraateS Montreal, Tremblay 3 (Naslund, Mon- 1983— North Carolina State (2510) Werschlng, SF 35-X 20-X X 95 104 4 X dou); 6:51. 5, Montreal, Flodchart 2 WASHINGTON (125) Totupu, NE 4.1 18 2 Chomplonthlp that broke some teeth and forced referee Tom Briscoe to stop the to purchase the Indians O'Donoghue, StL 35-37 1664 52 83 Carter, Mia 73 401 5.5 X 1 (H unter), 13:29. Penalties— Flockhart, Bollard 16 62 4, Mahom 16 46 6, 1982— North (tarollna (32-2) Monchester vs. Guilford at Cromwell bout 1:15 into the round. 80 CHEV IMPALA >5550 Rutand 1613 2-3 22, Brodlev 161-13, Gus McFOddim, Phil 19-X 20-X 52 79 Hector, Jets 9 392 4.4 X 0 High, 1:X p.m. 4 Dr, Sato, SC, PS, PS, UVfm , la «a . Vlad 77 CHEV MALIBUP >2495 Mtl, 3:46; Svoboda, Mtl, 8:10; Gregg, 1981— Indiana (2 M ) Septlen, Doll 21-X 19-40 52 78 Bv Roberto Dias Edm,9:43. Williams 11-20 62 24, Robinson 9-151-219, 1986-LoulSvllle (333) chairman of thenoard) Pat O’Neill laal Sto. Ws. V-S, Sala; PS, Sa4te, Saat PraateS Johnson 67 2-2 6, Dave 1613 1-3 21, Je. Stenerud, Min 2^X 18-21 X 76 UPl Sports Writer Th ird period— 6, (Talnev 5 (unassisted), 1979— Michigan State (268) Passing had expired on Sept. .30, but I was 19:07. Penalties— None. Molone6124614, McMIllen 1-2602, Guy 1978— Kentucky (30-2) /Jockey Victor Lopez suspended W llllatm 64 60 4, Sewell 6 0 6 0 0 . Totals 1977— Marquette (257) alt comp PCI yds td Int still hopeful things could be 7 8 -CHEV NOVA >3195 75 OLDS OMEGA >2495 ShoH on gaol— Montreal 11-10—6-27. CLEVELAND - Though 4 Dr, I cd, Sala, PS, PS, SC, Storaa T ^ m, la * 4 Dr, V-S, Sala, PS. Sa4te E d m w to n 66-12-24. 56981623125. 1976— Indiana (320) Montana, SF 303 IX X.7 2576 19 8 Lomax, StL X4 XI 61.2 3383 X 10 • IfEW Y O R K — Jockey Victor Lopez was suspended sluggers, slick fielders and pin­ settled.” Dates Goalies— Montreol, Soetart. Edmon­ Son Antonio 26222116-186 1975— UC L A (280) Pat O ’Neill, the nephew of the ton, Fuhr. A— 17,478. WoshblBton 22 27 18 28— 125 1974— N .C . State (361) Brtkwsk, Atl X I 162 67.2 1967 10 9 Indefinitely by the New York State Racing and Wagering Board point pitchers will be available, the I Fouled out— None. Total fouls— 1973— UCLJt (160) Dickey, G .B . 305 180 59.0 2483 X 13 late owner, was not available for 82 MERCURY CAPRI >6795 iSan Antonio 18, Washington 20. Kemp, Rams 173 89 51.4 132910 3 iWednesday after tests revealed traces of cocaine in his system upcoming baseball winter meet­ 83 CHEV CELEBRITY >7995 4 cd. 4 ap4, sc. Saa Saaf, PS, Storaa Caaa 1971— UCLA (360) comment. 4 Dr, 4 cd, Sato, sc, PS, PS, laSto Nordlquaa7,Bluaa3 ' Rebounds— SanAntonlo46(0.Jones 10), ■ 1971— U C L A (29-1) Simms, Gta 377 X7 X.9 296917 8 C AVALIER ;fIov. 9 at Aqueduct. ings will do virtually nothing to Washington 45 (Rulond 11). Assists— Son 1976- UCLA (261) Thsmnn, Ws 316 1W 57.0 22X16 8 solve the Cleveland Indians’ big­ Antonio 27 (Jo. Moored), Washington36 1 9 6 9 ^C LJk (29-1) Danlolsn, Dt X I X I 60.7 24X12 11 83______CHEV 2-28 CAMARO__ _ >11,800 (Johnson 7). A— 5014. Jaworsk, Phi 399 2X X.1 2627 16 13 gest need. 81 OLDS DELTA ROYAL 88 >7695 t‘ e »,¥4,Aato.AC,l , M , M . K , PS.------PS, Storaa Caaa, Craha, ObObec 321—7 1966- UC U k (29-1) 2 Dr, V-S, Sato. SC, PS, PS, Vlad laaf, laSte St. LoaH 0 21— 3 1967— UC L A (360) DoBorg, TB 3X 189 X.5 22X11 13 Very few clubs will come to Gooden, Davis TIHI W M . L i i M .Rrtf period— 1, Quebec, (kwlet 10 1966— Texas-EI Paso (261) K ra m r, M nn 217 113 52.1 15X 8 8 Rams sign Mike Pleasant Hogebm, Dll 3X 173 X.7 21X 7 12 CLEARANCE SALE Houston in three weeks prepared (M a ro W S o va rd ), 3:37.2, (3oebec,Dufour 1965— UCLA (262) to trade their owners. 1 (Souve), 6:24. 3, Quebec, P. Sfostnv 7 Pacsrs125,Rockatsl17 1964-UCLA (360) Todd, N O TSt I X 51.61X1 9 14 " A N A H E IM , Calif. — The Los Angeles Rams Wednesday signed rookies Of year Rating based on pci. comp, agg yds., (Hunter, Goulet), 18:50. Penoltles— 1963-Lovola (III.) (29-2) G K A T IW C E S defensive back Mike Pleasant, a free agent from Oklahoma. On Wednesday, New York attor­ $A VE $A VE Morols, Quebec 8:49; Gllmour,StL,8:47; 1961—Cincinnati (262) ' pet. td, pet. Int. HOUSTON (117) P a n Rocolvors ney David E, LeFevre announced NEW YORK (UPl) - New York Anderson, StL, 11:05; Goulet, Quebec, McCray 616 66 22, Sampson 67 1-1 7, 1961— CIndnnatl (270) ^ Pleasant, a 6-foot-2, 200- pounder, has been in three N F L A LL 1984 C H E V R O LE T E X E C U TIV E 13:M. 1960— Ohio State (253) RocopHons no yds oyg td O N A U NEW the withdrawal of his $41 million Mets pitcher Dwight Gooden and Ota|uwon7-236920,Lucas6306424,Lloyd Monk, Wash 63 9 0 14.7 4 training camps — the Oakland Raiders in 1981, Rams in 1982 and Second period— 4, St. Uw lt, Sutter 7 6106616, Petersen 1-52-24, Rekt696511, 1959— California (254) bid to purchase the Indians, first baseman Alvin Davis of CARS AND DEMONSTRATORS (Federfco, Romcwe), 0:39. 5, Quebec, 1958— Kentucky (238) Green, StL X1160 X.7 9. the San Diego Chargers in 1983. McDowell 6104)0, Ford 1-3606 Wiggins J.Jones, Det X 4 9 7.9 3 although he did not rule out a Seattle were named Wednesday M cKegney 9 (unoseleleiM, 2:S0. 6, St. 68 1-2 10, Ehio 61 1-2 1, Hollins 60 60 0. 1957— North Carolina (320) -• Pleasant will be a backup in a secondary that lost strong safety STO CHOOSE FROM Louis, Sutter 8 (Federfco, Romage), 4:21. 1956— Son Fronclsca (290) Craig. SF 52 5X 10.2 3 possible renewal of his interest in the Seagram Sports Award 1984 Totals461032637117. House, T B 51 691 13.5 5 1 9 8 4 ' s Nolan Cromwell for the season with a knee injury. 7, Q u e b ^ A . Stortny 7 (Sovcrd, M oller), IN D IA N A (125) 1955— Son Francisco (261) the financially troubled American rookies of the year. 9:S. 8, Quebec A. Stoetny 8 (Sovcrd, 1954-LaSolle (254) Lofton, GB 48 1089 X.7 6.. Brown 610161218, Wllltams 11-216726, Wilder, T B 48 440 9.2 0 League franchise, Gooden, the flame-throwing, Cote), 9:42. Penoltlee— Goulet, Quebec, Stlponovlch 614 65 18, Thomas 06 00, * 1951-lndtana (233) N O W t h v N O V I ? 2:49; Roctietort, Quebec, 3:39; GUIIe, 1952— Kansas (252) Bailey, Atl 45 800 17.8 5 " I ’d like to clear the air of what right-hander who celebrates his SIchtIng 68 46 16 Kellogo 610 2-2 10, Spognota, Phil X 4 X W.2 1 : ABC announces schedule Quebec, doubWmolor 12:34; Ander­ Stansburv 614 68 25, (Tarnett 62 63 7, 1951— Kentucky (32-2) has become a gridlock of litiga­ 20th birthday Friday, was picked “ A Good Place To Buy A Car” son, StL, douMe-moJor 12:34; Cote, 1950-Cltv college (255) CuMo, Dali X 59 12.5 3 Fleming 65 63 7, Walters 1-2 60 6 L.Thompson, Det 42 6X 15.2 6 12 In Stock and Rsady Ibr ImimdlilB Dininry tion,” LeFevre, a native of Cleve­ as the National League rookie in Quebec 1S;42; B arr, StL, 15:57. Durrant 6 0 60 0. Totals 4580 3563125. 1949— Kentucky (32-2) N EW Y O R K — The Nov. 24 game between Oklahoma State and 1948— Kentucky (360) Carter, T B 42 546 13.0 4 land, told United Press Interna­ computer ratings after compiling 18181118-117 Montgomery, Phil 42 3X 8.7 0 Pklahoma at Oklahoma will be televised on A B C -TV beginning at Third period— 9, Quebec Rodiefort, 1 Inaong »27Srif^12S 1947— Holy Cross (270) tional in a phone interview. "So, a 17-9 record and a 2.60 ER A. His 1946-Oklahoma State (31-2) Springs, Dal 41 363 8.9 2 I' 3:30 p.m., est, it was announced Wednesday by the network. (Goulet, P. StCHtny), 13:16. 10, StL, Three-point goals— Lucas 6 Wiggins. Anderson, StL 41 292 7.1 2 I ’m taking a few sj^eps backward. 276 strikeouts, lops in the majorsT" PetterkeonO (Federfco, Paelowtfcl), 19:36. Fouled out— Lloyd. Total fouls— 1945— Oklahoma State (278) ~ The network also said ne|t/Saturday’s games will have Texas 1944-Utah (234) Yards yds no avg Id “We’ve been trying to settle this represented a record for a rookie. Penaltlee— HIcfcey, S tU 5:21; Shaw Houston 13, Indiana 36 Rebounds— Green, StL 1160 56 X .7 9 pt Texas Christian in the Southwest and Oklahoma att 1Nebraska CARTER Quebec 17:50. Houston (McCray, Olaluwon K) each), 1943— W yoming (31-2) for the past five months with the Davis batted .284 for the Marin­ 1942— Stanford (278) Lofton. GB 109 48 X.7 6 on the rest of the network. Shots on goal— Washington 13-62— Indiana 54 (Stipanovich 16). Assists— Monk, Wash 927 a 14.7 4 heirs (of the F.J. "Steve" O'Neill). 1229 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER 23.St.Louto13-7-l0-30. Houston ZI (Lucos 10), Indiana 24 1941-Wisconsin (263) ■cferEVR&LE.T ers, hit 27 home runs and drove in Bailey, Atl 800 45 17.8 5 GoallesrHauebec, Gosselln. St. (SIchtIng 7). Technlcol — Houston 1940— Indiana (210) All agreements with (Indians' 116 runs, fourth best in the majors. 1939— Oregon (265) Quick, Phil 7X 40 18.2 7 1229 MAII m ■ m m ii LouHWiimsIey.A— 10,in, - (Illegal defense), Houston coach Fitch. D.CIork, SF 6M X 18.3 4 m m s M IH MANCHKSTKH HKFtAl.D, Thursdiiy, Nov. 15. 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Nov. 15, 1984 - It College hoop preview: The East Hoyas trying for control IvOOK FOR THE STARS... * in Big East Conference Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars he|p you get

Bv Fred Lief Redmcn. Exhibit A is All-America turn to center Steve Wright better results. Put d star on your od and see what a UPl Sports Writer . Ewing's Olympic Connecticut has much of its s

[uerite day at oup of ;ips on jmmit le with rp. of le cost )00 'sidea 15, 000. in was award com- loyee pro- s that Jgges- ivork, scrap, t. The ; com- , ac- news pro- em- estion saves in the 5 em- 'es a ual to f the I'ings. Tium pie of I ween >e the obert It for PPay iiimrrmrmituff?’ /• ...... •‘ MiTim Mii?r M»n>iiMin>MnfMimr

P G&r 1 appuances PEARL’S •3 SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE AT PEARL'S NO FINANCE CHARGES s- FOR 90 DAYS!! * « .J' *rv ! n e w e l e c t r o n ic REFRIGERATOR RESPONDS OpptUuuic [I TO YOUR TOUCH i23.5 cu. ft.; 8.67 cu. ft. freezer. MICROWAVE COOKING 1 Dispenses crushed ice, cubes or CENTER WITH AUTOMATIC 9 water through the door. Adjustable I COOKING CONTROL I glass shelves and door shelves, 1.4 cu. ft. microwave upper oven i Textured doors. with Dual Wave^ microwave system and sophisticated sensor. Full-Size P-7* self-cleaning conventional lower oven. Black glass doors.

DELUXE SPACEMAKERo MICROWAVE OVEN Every model to Choose From— Replaces existing range hood. Built-in exhaust Ian and cooktop Your Complete Appliance Store light. 10 power levels. Automatic Cooking Control ieaturing Auto Cook, Auto Roast, and Auto Defrost. Convenient Downtown Location- SAVE «50-*100 Always Competitive Prices! on selettcd ,For a limited Jnnn-Air Time only... Models at the I-UOO No payments^ No Product Show Finance charges ■.Vfe- on sdected GE Models it Before Feb. ’85 Dependable and Knowledgeable le pradict slow

3 v y V / v y J e n n * A i r J 10” BRASS KEY RACK This large 10” Brass Key Free Efficient One Day Delivery- will brighten any wall. Our Own Service & Parts Dept. Hangs easily, looks great. Get your today with You Can Count on Quality at Pearl’s any purchase. LOOK FOR US AT THE PRODUCT SHOW! 643-2171 Mon.-Wed. 9:30-5:30 B.D. PEARL & SON Sales & Service Since 1941 Thurs. ’til 9:00 649 Main St. Fri. ’til 8:00 643-2171 pearlsTV AND APPLIANCES Free Service Downtown Manchester Sat. ’til 5:00 : r 649 Main St. nPearls Free Delivery K - TV AND APPLIANCES ■^<^SERVICt: SlNC^ Downtown s For 43 years... J Manchester St RVlCl Friday through Sundayl Manchester Product Show in 7th year

Manchester Product Show hour, gives show participants! A ’84, co-sponsored by the an opportunity to view pro­ - ...... nr Greater^ Manchester ducts and services as they are Chamber of Commerce and used, a.nd have their ques­ the East Hartford and South tions answered. The seated Windsor chambers of com- audience can relax and enjoy rrierce, will be held Friday the creation of artistic items, T * * ' j through Sunday in the future witness a beauty makeover, home of- Transport Asso­ taste candy made right be­ ciates on New State Road in fore their eyes, and many Manchester. other interesting presenta­ HONDA CRX 1.5 HONDA CIVIC tions throughout the three HATCHBACK :7V The product show, in its daysT seventh year, is a regional showcase of goods and servi­ Product Show ’84, the only ces available in the East-of- major event of its type in the the-River area. Spectators area, will showcase more will enjoy everything from a than 150 exhibits. Spectators holiday “ trim-a-tree” shop to are invited to view the HONDA ACCORD 4-DR. hot tubs and the latest in exhibits, enjoy the entertain­ computer technology. Many^ ment and feast with us at the 1985-model cars will also be International Food Festival, on display. a highlight of the show. All Terrain Vehicles Designed to be a family- As in the past, door prizes oriented event, the show's and merchandise will* be Automobiles producers have arranged given to lucky spectators V with Wee Care Day Care to every 10 minutes. Generators provide free child care and Show hours are Friday activities for children of all from 6 to 10 p.m., Saturday •Lawnmowers r V . - ages. from noon to 10 p.m., and An area has been set aside Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. •Lawn Tractors within the show for ongoing The show site on New State entertainment. Appearing Road in Manchester is easily both Saturday and Sunday •Scooters accessible from either Exit 92 afternoon will be Mark Maz- or 93 off Interstate 86. Park­ zarella, an well-known magi­ •Motorcycles 9 * 4 - ing is available at East cian and illusionist. Catholic High School, Howell Mazzarella is about to Cheney Regional Technical •Outboard Motors launch a weekly television School, and the commuter lot program for children, called at Buckland and Pleasant •Roto Tillers ■ C ’"A b ra Kadabra,” on WTIC- ; Valley Road at Exit 93. TV, Channel 61. His perfor- Herald photo by Tvquinlo Shuttle buses will run contin­ •Snowthrowers maii 's in Manchester prom­ uously between the parking ise to taKc bildren and adults lots and the show. alike into a magical world. In •Waterpumps Gearing up for food drive addition to the magic popping Advance sale tickets are out of Mark’s top hat, major available at all local banks Katie Thorton, left, in a winning State Road. Product Show hours are breathtaking illusions are for $1.50. Admission at the s(^pbox derby car, and Jill Neumayer in from 6to 10p.m. Friday, noon to 10p.m., •SALES planned for each gate is $2. Children under 6 arroiniature cement mixer, are ready for Saturday, and from noon to 6 p.m. performance. are admitted free. one of several fund-raisers for the Sunday. The Manchester Sand and •SERVICE Governor’s Thanksgiving Care‘ -and Gravel Co. will donate matching funds. A new feature of the pro­ For more information, con­ Share food donation program. Children The Junior League Chapters and the duct show this year is the tact the Greater Manchester •PARTS -...... will sit in vehicles for photographs to be Rotary Clubs are coordinating the demonstration hall. This hall, Chamber of Commerce at sold at the Product Show site on New statewide food drive. with presentations every 646-2223. •ACCESSORIES 1. You’ll be surprised by Manchester Honda In cars, the luxury compact with his wife, Jaci, and children, When you think of Manchester The rototillers, on the other place on Center Street in the hand, are a fair-weather product. mid-1960s. Then the company had Accord is number one, with the James, Jonathan, and Jennifer. Honda, you think of the place just 1985 four-doqcsedan rising fast in General manager, motorcycles off 1-86 at Exit 93 — the place that Say you have your own garden only 12 models of Honda and you're weary of hoeing motorcyclesl popularity, ,bedause it combines building, is John Brodin. Brodin sells motorcycles, ATCs and, of superior seating capacity with joined the dealership in 1974 as a course, economy cars. furrows. These labor-saving devi­ ces might be just the thing. Today, Manchester Honda is the Honda's renowned gas mileage. mechanic and was later parts But drop by and look around. Also very popular is the Honda manager. He resides in Vernon You'll be surprised at what you The outboard motors range in largest Honda dealer in the area. power from 2 to 10 horsepower. Situated on a 3'/i-acre tract of land Prelude, a refined view of what a with his wife, Donna, and children, see. For example, you'll, find sports car should be. Marc, and Susan. gas-powered generators, roto- Mount one of these on your skiff or on Adams Street, the dealership motorboat and you've got the boasts 25,000-square-feet of floor Among motorcycles, the favor­ tillers, outboard motors and even ite Hondas are. In order, the Manchester Honda regularly lawnmowers — all part of the same quality Honda puts in their space in two modern buildings. cycles at the backend of your boat. The building at 24 Adams St. Magna,, the Honda Shadow, and donates vehicles for civioactivities Honda power products line. the Honda ATVs. and driver's training courses at THE COMPLETE HONDA STORE.. The generators can be used for The lawnmowers are another displays 18 models of Honda surprise. Who'd have thought it? automobiles. At 30 Adams St., Manchester Honda is owned by area schools and colleges. home or business. They range In John Larabee, member of the The dealership Is a regular capacity from 600 watts to 6500 Honda lawnmowers. But there yoil'll find 63 models of Honda 24 & 30 ADAMS ST. motorcyciba, and a full line of Manchester Chamber of Com­ recipient of awards for sales and watts, and owning one could they are. Either pushed or self- Honda power equipment. merce, and past treasurer of the service from the Honda Corp. generate a warm feeing the next propelled. Which are the most popular Connecticut Motorcycle Dealers Awards have been received for time a blizzard knocks out your Yes, Manchester Honda has EXIT 93 OFF 1-86 MANCHESTER, CONN models? Aasociation. He resides in Somers sales and service since 1967. house current. come a long waysinep the little 11. 4 « r ( V “ i Food and exhibits will vary widely Buying tickets eariy saves money Show offers something for everyone Officials Advance tickets for Product residents of the East of the River Channel 61 children’s show dise will be given to lucky Show ’84 are now on sale at a area to interact. “ Abra Kadabra.” Mark is an visitors. For the first time, this to open of energy conservation, will be remoted automated tellers and One of the widest ranges of Outside, under t^e , evening and for the body. reduced price. Tickets may be Product Show ’84 features over internationally known magician year there will be a grand prize goods and services available to visitors will view iiew cars, placed by many exhibitors on other innovations in banking. In -3 drawing for a video cassette Some of the home elements to purchased for $1.50 at any bank 150 exhibits with major empha­ illusionist, and has two breath­ the modem family- will, be ambulances, other emergency energy savings, energy manage­ another example of the compu­ recorder, courtesy of J.C, Pen­ be covered by the exhibits or branch bank in Manchester, sis on products for the home, taking illusions planned for each ’84 show gathered for public sampling at and recreational vehicles and a ment, energy related products, ter age, one insurance agency ney Catalog Distribution Center. include; Residential siding, elec­ South Windsor or East Hartford. financial information, the latest performance. Product Show ’84, Nov. 16,17 and 45-ton crane with a 16-fo9t replacement doors and windows will provide instantaneous read­ The VCR will be awarded trical fixtures, residential lifts, Product Show ’84, co­ in computer technology, and for Also appearing will be the 18 at the former Southern New fiberglass sailboat suspends and other valuable ideas for out insurance premiums for an Sunday at 5 p.m. Manchester Product Show new furniture and refinishing of sponsored by the Manchester, those who find the “ getaway Masters Breakers, a local break England Telephone Co. mainte­ from it. reducing the home energy bills. automobile from four different Admission tickets for Product ’84 will be opened by the old; cooling equipment, power South Windsor and East Hart­ feeling” coming on, there will be dancing and popping group from nance facility on New State Road companies. ford chambers of commerce, is a a travel agency or two to help you Illing Junior High School and Show ’84, to be held on New State chief elected officials of the in Manchester. equipment; coal, oil and wood Automobiles, motorcycles and Road in Manchester on Nov. 16, three participating towns. E^K^itors listing their booth A wide selection of restaurants regional showcase of goods and plan that trip. Buckley School. heating equipment; kitchen racing bicycles will be featured 17 and 18, can be purchased at the Mayor Barbara Weinberg of contents for the show, which is equipment, draperies and slip­ will supply American and for­ services available in our area. In As in the past, free child care As spectators arrive at the co-sponsored by the Manchester, for the visitors interested in door for $2. Children under’6 are Manchester. Mayor John covers, bathrooms, floor cover­ eign dishes for the hungry its seventh successful year, the will be provided by Wee Care show site this year, their first South Windsor and East Hart­ straight transportation or re-' view will be a 45-ton crane free..Show hours are Friday, 6 to Mitchell of South Windsor, Approximately 35,000 square ings, sewing machines, home visitor, and other exhibitors will show enjoys a reputation of a Day Care with activities for kids ford Chambers of Commerce, creational movement, whether outside the building suspending 10 p.m.; Saturday, noon to 10 and Mayor George Dagon of feet of floor space will be covered decorating and cleaning, emer­ show you how to counteract the family-oriented event, looked of all ages. In addition, an on two wheels or four. in a sling, a 16-foot fiberglass p.m.; and Sunday, noon to 6 p.m. East Hartford will welcome with over 150 exhibits from area indicate the main emphasis wili gency geneators, stain ^ glass, calories and select the fashions forward to by the entire com­ entertainment area has been set companies, and international be on products and services for munity. The event provides an aside. Appearing both Saturday sailboat. ., For more information, call the crowds and usher them swimming pools and that suit you best. For those who 646-2223. Plan to join us for, into the building. food fair, child care center, the home, financial information, Local financial institutions, find that "getaw ay" feeling unparalleled setting for the and Sunday will be Mark Mazza- As always, thousands of dol­ microwaves. family fun! Music will be provided by demonstration hall and family the family automobile, computer conscious of the revoiution in coming on, there will even be a business community and the rella, host of the new WTIC TV lars in door prizes and merchan­ entertainment platform. technology for the “ dining out” Heavy emphasis, in these days money handling, will emphasize high school bands. A porta­ travel agency or two to help you ble sound stage will show­ plan that trip. case the ceremonies and Advance tickets are available provide easy listening and at all banks in Manchester, South viewing for the many specta­ Optical Style Bar backed by tradition Windsor and East Hartford. If you smoke, center can help you stop tors expected to be on hand Product Show ’84 will be opening for the opening of the first regional show of its kind east its doors on Friday, Nov. 16, from Stop Smoking Center of Manches­ It could change your life. Let the Opticians at Optical Style Bar est fashion-faceted eyeglass look. Optical Style Bar invites your complete grinding and finishing Owner and director. Arthur lor businesses and corporations, of the river. 6 to 10 p.m., and will run including free seminars and on- ter a good investment for your dedicated people at the center Inc., have furnished much of the The strikingly popular faceted call for an appointment to try on laboratory at the 763 Main St. Shorts, and his staff of therapists, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. will Saturday, Nov. 17, from noon to location therapy. Special dis­ health. show you how to “Stop Smoking personal optical needs for eastern look is on display at all offices of the new soft-colored contact address, staffed with licensed are dedicated and will do every­ provide free soda to the first 10 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 18, counts are offered when compan­ The therapy is group adminis­ for good, without withdrawal or Connecticut residents for over 30 Optical Style Bar and will be lenses. Technicians can inform personal operating modern equip­ thing possible to help you kick the 500 spectators to arrive. The from noon to 6 p.m. ies make the program avaiKble to tered, but the favorable ratio of five gaining weight in just 5 days." years. In so doing, they have featured in the product show you of the new toric soft lenses for ment necessary to accomplish the smoking habit lor life, even if opening program will begin gained invaluable knowledge of display. astigmatism and the soft contact optical quality controls set by In addition to the $1.50 discount you’ve flunked out of. or backslid employees. clients per therapist, ensures individual atterHion and National "Smoke-Out" Special! promptly at 5; 30 p.m. on this area's needs. Te c^icia n s in the contact lens bifocal just becoming available. Optical Style Bar. tickets available at outlets after other stop smoking Friday, Nov, 16. A ribbon­ The Stop Smoking Center effectiveness. Save $30. Stop by our booth at the The fashion-conscious, li­ department, located at 763 Main A guarantee of your personal The laboratory has developed around the area before the show, programs. cutting at 6 p.m. will signal guides smokers in giving up the Product- Show lor more censed opticians know their re­ St., Manchester, can evaluate and satisfaction in their hearing aid new materials and methods to help general admission tickets will be The Stop Smoking Center of the show’s official opening habit through a therapeutic ap­ The Stop Smoking Center of information. sponsibility In keeping abreast determine the best contact lens sales and service at Optical Style prevent the scratching which can available at the door at a price of Manchester offers continuous and the mayors will lead the proach, combining instruction, Manchester is affiliated with over A Stop Smoking Seminar will be with innovations In thqir field, and form and style for you. Much Bar, is backed by experienced, occur on plastic lenses, and has *2. follow-ups by phone, mail and crowds through the main behavior modification and aver­ 200 other Stop Smoking Centers conducted by Donald Charron on to continue with conventional research, combined with practical knowledgeable technicians and recently worked with new lens weekly reinforcement meetings entrance into Product Show For Product Show informa­ sion therapy. A success rate of nationwide and has been in Saturday, Nov. 17, 7:30 p.m , and 8 visual aids. They are proud to be experience, has proven the advan­ quality brand aids, in addition to elements designed to eliminate open to any graduate who needs ’84. leaders in the use of invisible tageous use of soft lenses and necessary accessories. ultraviolet rays which affect com­ tion. contact the show office at some help. over 90 percent and a money back business for over 16 years. Stop in p.m. in the Product Show Demon­ bifocals, combined with the high­ extended wear lenses. Optical Style Bar maintains a fortable vision. 646-2223. Special programsjare available guarantee in writing make the for a free evaluation and interview. stration Room.

SnVO RISK PROGRAM .... General Glass IF IT DOESNT SNOW WE’LL RETURN YOUR DOUGH. STOP! AND YOU KEEP THE SNOWTHROWER! ;^taineb V Buy a Toro Snowthrower before December 15. 1984, and if it snowless than 20% of average this season, you geA ll your money back and you keep theT'oro. If it snows less than 50% of average you get 50% of your

Haven’t you done *We have extended • No Withdrawal HM* without a Toro wear soft contact lenses; long enough?® • FREE CoataHatioo also custom tint lenses. • Moaay Bach Ooaraatao I winter Tune up • 763 and 191 Main St., Manchastar Call us Today! NATIONAL ''SMOKE OUT” SPECIAL Phona 643-1191 or 643-1900 FREE Pickup • Easlbrook Mall, Manaflald TWO OR MORE UNITS SAVE *30 on Stop Smoking Program Phona 456-1141 AT MANCHESTER PRODUCT SHOW lASTMH CONNiaiCUT'S UADNIG PIIU SBVKi OPTiaMIS p . OpM Tata., WMn M . New State Rd., Manchester ktt*' 9 M I.S C 3 6 N I VISIT OUR BOOTH No. 85 llM.6SaL9MI-4fM; MANCHESTER Hwa.9M I-6ra STOP SMOKING CENTERS CN/UIKR OF COMUICE PtODUCTSHOW S«k9-2P» \ NATIONWIDE SINCE 1968 6 4 9 - 7 8 0 7 Many have to work hard Freebies at show to organize Product Show worth lots o f money Visitors to Product Show show visitors every eight Product Show '84, a regional by Steven H. Thornton, Man­ Light & Power; James Richards, ’84 will have the opportunity minutes. showcase of goods and services chester Sand & Gravel, and*' 'South Windsor Travel. to win one of more than 'Product Show ’84, co­ available in our area has evolved Richard Meduski, Savings Bank $3,000 worth of door prizes sponsored by the Manches­ into a cooperative effort by the of Manchester. Assisting them The steering committee and merchandise givea­ ter, South Windsor and East chambers of commerce repres­ are Ernie Hintz, South Windsor thanks the following businesses ways. The prizes awarded to Hartford chambers of com­ enting Manchester. South Wind-' Pharmacy, and Pat Milne, Milne for their contributions: Fountain lucky guests will be given at merce, will again be a sor and East Hartford. Due to the Real Estate. Village Apartments, New Eng­ both the entrance to the show family-oriented event and expertise and reputation ac­ The committee members are land Sweeping, MGA Electric, aiid at the individual exhibi­ the largest event of its kind quired in seven successful years Mary and Ken Braithwaite, KicB Manchester Structural Steel, tors’ booths. in the region. of production, the Greater Man­ Automotive; Diane Lazarin, La- Coca Cola Bottling, Manchester The exhibitors have do­ chester Chamber of Commerce zarin Crane Co.; Mark Wallace, Sand & Gravel, K&B Automo­ nated a wide variety of goods In its seventh successful takes the lead role. Connecticut National Bank; tive, Wee Care Day Care, Sav­ and services for the home, year, the show enjoys a SERVICE The production of a show of Tom O’Marra, town of Manches­ ings Bank of Manchester, Subur­ auto, entertainment, trips reputation of total commun­ this magnitude would not be ter; Capt. Henry Minor and ban Printers. Southern New and even gasoline givea­ ity involvement. possible without an active steer­ Officer Gary Wood, Manchester England Telephone Co., Lazarin ways. Given the number of Join the outing for the ing committee and the generos­ Police Department; Betty Os­ Crane Co., Manchester Oil Heat door prizes on hand at this whole family Nov. 16, 17 and ity of many area businesses. borne. First Federal Savings; Inc., New State Road Associates, time, it is expected that a 18 on New State Road in Product Show '84 is co-chaired Theodore Pastva, Connecticut; . is a big word at arid Pilot Marine Corp. door prize will be awarded to Manchester. East West Imports has a world of variety

East West Imports emerged on imported all kinds of hq^dmade introduced. Inspired by the sale of Broad Street in Manchester on focusing on sterling silver jewelry. gifts from eight different countries Jessica's fashions and desigITs, per-square-inch. A small two-feet Nov. 29, 1978. The store was The designs in jewelry are either including China and South the store also started carrying her by three-feet rug would take opened with an idea of providing America. antique or contemporary. approximately three months to line on skirts, tops, a small The oriental rug department of elegant, unique and different In February 1982, East West make it. selection of kid's clothes, and East West Imports is the most fashions and gifts from around the Imports outgrew itself and made a junior dresses. Another designer attractive part of the store. The world to customers in and around move in a bigger store on Center While browsing East West Im­ from California was picked for his walls are hung with the most town. ^ Street, right next to the town hall.J ports, you would come across a designs in raw silk. beautiful and exquisite rugs. Initially, the store just carried Adding a bigger variety of new' nice aroma of oriental Incense and East West Imports also.carries a Though the store carries mostly handspun and handwoven clothes “ Men’s Shirts from India." Oriental essential oils that are sold in the beautiful selection of jewelry smaller rugs for an investor, these for wornen from India. As the Rugs, Dhurrie Rugs, Gowns by store on a reguiar basis. handmade by the best craftsmen are high quality rugs from’lndia. demand rose, so did the store Jessica of California (under a It’s a unique store to shop from here and around the world. These rugs are hand-knotted and expand. In a year, this store; brand name of GUNNE SAX) wore. around for your Christmas list and Right now the store is mainly the count goes up to 200 knots gift-giving pleasure.

643-5692 lliVi Center Street. Manchestn H am ; Mon.-Pri. Sat. I h m .

! .

ENERGY CONSERVATION SERVICE Five HAVE YOU ALWAYS WANTED... Star • One O' a kind ORIENTAL CARPET Service •k Heating Oil j ■A ★ -A • A glorious ROSE MEDAI ION VASE j •k Diesel Fuels •k Gasoline • JEWELRY to adorn and adore-for now & forever ■i. ^ -k Heating & Cooling Equipment • FASHIONS from the East ★ Professionally Trained Service Technicians ‘

• Hand Crafted Candlesticks, Stemware & Figurines -■t - .

• Unique & Unusual Gifts for all occasions. Visit our booth (#52) at the product show. Live cutting and styling demonstrations! RESIDENTIAL • COMMECIAt • INDUSTRIAL • GUNNE SAX GOWNS by Jessica for your prom or wedding Register for FREE drawing! . _ Local Area Offices for Your Convenience . !' '

SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! GreofSiytes Starfot. NO APPOlNTMfN! VISIT US IN BOOTH 55 NtCESSApy GENERAL OIL COMPANY l^ ^ ********""** ...... , r w i r m n i- n a r u u ij u j CHfCCTimiiiSa DECISIO N HAIOCUTTERS Unique Fashions and Gifts EmI NartM * brfMi * Telephone 568-3500 I TIME TO HERE'S A PROMISE GENERAL OIL KEEPS PUNT YOUR FURNACE?

General Oil promises to take more interest in you, and in helping you solve your heating problems, than any other oil company you've ever had. We really do want to send you a A smaller heating biUl By answering your energy conservation needs, guaranteeing you a steady supply

tV i- - of heating oil, and guaranteeing reliable service for your heating system, we know well keep you happy. (And that, of course^, means good business for us.) We offer easy 12-month payment plans that include the highest possible interest on your credit balance. No oil j 'company pays more. WJie^ AI Once you become a customer and get to know the folks at General, we think ' Roads you'll want to tell other people how satisfied you are. And to encourage you, Lead To to talk about us, we even offer a referral bonus credit for any new customers you Is your furnace losing yardage in the heating Better send our way. Still another way to reduce game? Are your heating bills throwing you for a Service your heating bill. loss evei^ month? An old, worn out furnace can Our president, Aaron Cook, wants to hear from you. If for jn y reason you're mean higher fuel bills, frequent repairs...and not satisfied with us, pick up the phone lower comfort. and talk right to him. Youll find everyone at General Oil, from the president on down, is eager to please • / Replace that old loser with an efficient, new you. (Yes, there is an oil supplier who heating system. They’re built to last, delivering cares.) economical comfort season after season, year after year. It’s a comfort investnient that adds greater'value to your home. President Vyhatever your needs, we have a heating system right for you. Give us a call. GENERAL OIL COUNTRY HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION MORIARITY BROS. OIL' Manchester 643-9082 E. Hartford 568-3500 CALL 568-3500 Child care will be free There’s a lot to eat The promoters of Product the home and the staff at Wee Avery St., Manchester. Stop in at the nursery during Product Show Show 'M, in an effort to serve the Care Center is excellent for The International Food Area, a favorite in previous helping each child develop so­ hours to hear more about both families in our region, have shows, will play a significant role in Product Show '84. again contracted for free child cially and mentally. these child care centers. Exhibitors and spectators will enjoy a variety of 0 care during show hours. Wee The staff is excited about Care Day Care and Nursery extending this basic family- The Child Care Area at the delectable foods from arpund the world. Favorites such as O oriented service to additional Product Show will contain toys pixza, hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream will be served. School has agreed to perform this service for Product Show families with the construction of and activities to interest children International specialties from Jqpan, China and Italy will participants. a new center. This new center, of a wide age range. A VCR and also be available. designed for infants and Monitor, with appropriate car­ Show attendees may enjoy relaxing in the cafe-like Wee Care, at 726 N. Main St., toddlers, is being established in toons and movies will be made atmosphere where there will be seating for 240, while they I Manchester, has been success­ response to the community’s available by A1 Seiffert’s Ap­ are sampling shish kabobs, egg rolls or tempura. fully meeting the growing con­ growing need for quality day pliance Store in Manchester. More than 15 food vendors will be on hand to tempt s h o t ^ cerns and needs of working care of children from three This area guarantees Mom visitors with their fare. parents for over seven years, months to three years. and Dad, as well as the children, I under the direction of Ann Marie The new Wee Care Infant- will have a relaxing and enjoya­ PLUMBING Burney. The interaction between /Toddler Center is planned for 95 ble visit at the Product Show. / Guide to understanding today’s mortgage rates

Several years ago, when interest the conventional, low-fixed-rate compared In selecting the ARM loan. payment. SERVICE loans. The financial institutions that best suits your situation: B. Assumabllity: allows the loan rates accelerated to the high 5. Monthly Payment Caps: teens, many of the financial that were locked into these 1. Adjustment Interval: typically whether or not there is an upward to be taken over by a subsequent institutions that provided home fixed-rate loans began losing ranging from six months to one, limit on the amount the monthly buyer and which may include mortgage loans suffered serious money quickly. Some since have three or five years. payments can Increase in any year extra costs which are contained In losses. For years, the real estate decided not to grant these loans or 2. Index: the interest rate bench or over the lifetime of the loan. the loan agreement. Industry had been able to play a have gone out of business. mark that triggers the changes, 6. Negative Amortization: if the. 9. Convertability: allows the large role in the American Dream One of the results of the Interest normally the U.S. Treasury loan agreement allows for an adjustable mortgage loan to be of home ownership and still make rate crisis is that financial institu­ Security. Increase In the number of pay­ converted to a fixed-rate mort­ DIRECT TO YOUR FRONT DOOR! tions have realized that the days of 3. Margins: the number of gage, usually at the end of a a profit. The fixed-rate loans at ments due It Interest rate and single-digit interest rajes were arranging fixed-rate loans primar­ percentage points which the payment c^>s are reached. With predetermined period and usually readily available to home buyers.' ily are over. The effect of all these lender adds to the index. The negative amortization the bor­ only with an extra fee. The financial institutions that changes is the emergence of a index plus the margin establishes rower can end up owing more than 10. Prepayment Privilege: allows financed these loans were realiz­ wide variety of loan options forthe the new interest rate after was borrowed. the loan to be paid off before the ing respectable returns over the buyer. In fact, there are so many adjustment. end of the loan, typically with the 7. Introductory or teaser rate: long term. different types of adjustable rate 4. Interest Rate Caps: the upper condition of an additional one mortgage (ARM) loans that the limits on how much the interest initial Interest rate offered to percent of the current outstanding 0 When interest rates skyrock­ choice can confound the most rate can be raised or lowered attract business, but which adjusts balance. eted, the only people who bene­ sophisticated borrower. during each adjustment period upward quickly, often with a — By D.W. Fish Mortgage Co. substantial increase in. the fited were those homeowners with 'The following points should be and also in the entire lifetime of the \


? 1 — Consistently Below Average Ratesl ' FOGARTY BROS. Why Would you Want — Over 200 CMStom Financing Plans! VERY MUCH MORE THAN JUST A FINE OIL COMPANY 319 Broad St. — 24 Hour Approvall 649-4539 Manchester to list with Bob DsMarchl ~ Master Chat

lihyone else? GOURMET FINANCING PLANS AT FAST FOOD PRICES Whoro Porsonal Service Is The Main Course, Not The DessertI TERMIIMAL* r PAYMENT PLANS* Manchester Vernon R BURNER SERVICE ■ D. W. Fish Mortaaae Company I AUTOMATIC SCHEDULED DELIVERY* 643-1591 872-9153 1 . .— 1 EUREKA — 751H Music, dance, magic Non-profit exhibits set Special outdoor exhibit A special outdoor exhibit at Greater Manchester Due to the generosity of many sor and East Hartford chambers Manchester Jaycees Soap Box Product Show 'M will be a Chamber of Commerce. Ed­ businesses and civic organiza­ Derby, sponsored by Connecti­ of commerce thank all the 45-ton crane with a 140-foot ward Lazarin, the company tions, Product Show ’84 wilt cut Bank & Trust Co.; Manches­ ... and more music! sponsors for their participation. boom. Suspended in a sling by owner, has been a crane ANNIVERSARY SAIE include exhibits by several non­ ter Memorial Hospital, spon­ the crane will be a 16-foot operator for the past 10 years. profit organizations. The organizations, and their sored by Wolff-Zackin A Assoc., fiberglass, teak-trint sailboat The 45-ton hydraulic truck AT; MANCHES1IR PRODUCT sponsors, are: Inc.; Manchester Police Depart­ SHOW Music, dance, magic ... and more manufactured by Pilot Ma­ crane on display specializes in may recognize Mark as the host of a These worthwhile organiza­ Eighth District Fire Depart­ ment, sponsored by J.D. Real music! Entertainment promises to be rine Corp. in Manchester. setting modular homes, mov­ new Sunday morning show, "Abra tions that enhance the quality of ment, sponsored by Dynamic Estate Co. & Affiliates; South The crane is owned by ing large machinery and an exciting part of Product Show '84. Kadabra,” on WTIC-TV, Channel 61. life in our communities, are an Metal P iq u e ts Co.; Manchester Windsor Ambulance Corp., q)on- L a u rin Crane Co., a new installing air conditioners and SAVE »30 I M Vt « 0 Featured on Saturday and^Sunday, The new show is designed to excite integral part of the show. Arts Council, sponsored by the sored by H.M. Newberry Insu­ business and member of the steel erections. Nov. 17 and 18, will be the Magic of children with the special magic of our The Manchester, South Wind­ Savings Bank of Manchester; rance Agency and Capitol Tire. Mark Mazzerella. Mark has achieved everyday lives. Magical secrets and an international reputation as a great surprises are scheduled; a few may u p n G H r magician/illusionist and is considered slip out for area children during his to be one of the best escape artists in performance at fhe Product Show. Preuss company Benoit elected VP the country. His talent as an illusionist Manchester’s Bennet Junior High has created many unusual performan­ School Jazz Band will open the Former Vernon Mayor Thomas Tom’s dedication and under­ ces. He was the opening act for entertainment on Friday evening. A. Bonolt was elected a vice standing of people’s needs in real "Sha-Na-Na’s” national tour; he has Sunday audiences will be delighted by established in ’11 prMidant of H.M. Frechette Real estate has b e ^ a tremendous UPRIGHT played Houdini at the Aspen Music the performance of the South Windsor E state asset. He has recently become a i-'Power-drlven beater Festival; and he performed at the 1980 Songsters. The original Preuss company was closed for a short time due to Inc., member of the Realty World bor/brush roll to loosen dirt. Winter Olympics. started in 1911 in Rockville, under the death of W.H. Preuss. DBA "Million Dollar Club." Tom has M O D ERN At the Product Show in Manchester,” the name Rockville Art Shop. The In 1946, on the return of W.H. R ealty also become a partner of the newly NOW In addition, aerobic groups, high audiences will be amazed as Mark school bands from the three towns small enterprise advertised picture Preuss’ sons from military service, World formed H.A.T. Associates, a diver­ FEATURES the business was resumed with the ^ N L Y S7Q95 proves once again the hand is quicker sponsoring the show, and senior framing, custom awnings and sified real estate development than the eye. Two major illusions, in citizens’ music groups are making umbrellas recovered. After a few name being changed to W.H. company. years and several moves in Preuss Sons. The operation was REALTY WORLDS — Realty World — Frechette M O R E addition to Top Hat Magic, are planned arrangements to be part of this Rockville, the name was changed similar to pre-war days, with lawn soclatM, at a recant meeting held Associates, 73 West Center Street, for each performance. regional show of products, services SAVEMO POWER to W.H. Preuss Variety Store. equipment being added, followed by the board of directors, said Manchester, CT 06040. Telephone Children visiting the Product Show and talents. Radio, or crystal sets as it was by television sales and service. Thomas Benoit Herman M. Frechette, president. (203) 646-7709. better known then, were intro­ The company was incorporated, 3 .0 H .P . 5.0 duced, and W.H. Preuss was active and an additional store in Bolton In the field. The company built and was added in 1964, which is its High sold radios' in that early stage. present location today. Performance For more than 70 years and In 1931, the company became three generations, policy of sales, Amps ABC Appliance & Repair W.H. Preuss, still making canvas service and parts remains the awnings and selling radios, and same. Lawn equipment, house­ large and small electric applian­ hold appliances and awnings, are in new location one year ces. The business continued very still the major items of W.H. Preuss Model much the same until 1944, when it Sons Inc. 1 5 1 4 NOW ABC Appliance & Repair is ONLY pleased to be celebrating its first «I39« full year in its new location at the Manchester Plaza on East Center WINTER save *100 Street, next to Lenox Drug. Special Savings The move has greatly increased •sturdy oil • 3 tip winterized engine conljter■ construction their product lines and services. We are now actively involved in the • Wide. 20" triple-paddle impejler. • Lightweight and easy to handle NOW sales and installation of central * PEAK H.P. vacuum systems in new or already • Folding handles ONLY constructed homes. • The most powerful line ol *I59« Tool-Pok* with lightweight anowthrowers ^^^^^5as^t^detochable dust coverl We have also taken on the Panasonic personal electronics available ' SAVEtao line of stereos, clock radios, boom Fu'11-Refund...lf It Doesn’t Snow...And You Keep The Snowthrowerj boxes, stereo headphone sets, II It doesn't snow. Bolens w ilj . .- etc., all of which are excellent refund your money in lull... y Hand Vac quality products at very reasona­ 20“ o Snowlall I00“ o Refund " ble prices. It works wherever See Dealer lor details ' you oof A new service as of this Aug. I to Dec. I. 1984 ^ anniversary date is that of per­ sonal and business computer repair, which the owners see as a imate Blizzard Buster veryvltal 'and necessary service j k i , ^ ‘ ^ ^ I* • 6 Horsepower needed in the years to come. Model 1784 • Big 2A" Cut • , We have greatly increased our Manchester - • FREE Light Roto-AAatIc* powerhead ^ 1 J r n ^ of vacuums with our 50 6-plece attachment adjusts automatically to ihodels to choose from ranging in . FREE Cab ' set Included! any carpet height. price, quality and features Irt all the “HORSE LOVERS” well-known brands, such as Never again will an opportunity come along to . FREE Electric Start NOW Hoover, Eureka, Panasonic, not to Momt v< • FREE Chains mention we still carry adull line of .'DOLLAR purchase a gorgeous piece of lan

Each year, new dimensions are ter. will present two of its contributing Visitors to Product Show ’84 can be While the show is open Friday, added to the Manchester ProductShow crafts people so audiences can see the assured parking will be plentiful. For Nov. 16. 6 to 10 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. to maintain its ability to showcase the steps needed to Create the fine items the convenience of those attending 17, noon to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, Nov. greatest number and variety of pro­ available at the Gallery. the show, parking and shuttle bus 18, noon to 6 p.m.. New State Road ducts and services in the area. service is being provided at the state between Adams Street and Hilliard p i s year, a Demonstration Hall with Stained glass pieces will be com­ Commuter Parking Lot at the corner Street will be closed to through exhibitors changing on an hourly basis of Buckland Road and Pleasant traffic. Vehicles with a state handi­ pleted before the audiences' eyes by Valley Road (Exit 93 off 1-86), ahd at IS planned. This area gives Product Ann Madsen of General Glass. Classes capped parking permit will be Show participants an opportunity to sit Howell Cheney Regional Technical permitted to park on the show with Ann, and supplies for this work School (Exit 92 off 1-86), 791 W. grounds. YOU WON’T WANT and relax while products, services and are available at the Green Road studio. Middle Turnpike. These are the only classes available in the area are Stop Smoking Centers of America spotlighted. locations for which shuttle bus During the evening hours. Product will be presenting information on how service will be provided. Limited Show patrons will be able to follow Product Show audiences will see how to “ kick the habit.” . parking is also available on the TO MISS THIS ONE! the searchlight past Manchester to update their make-up routine as Sue Check the program available at the grounds of Manchester Sand & Farley presents “ Holiday Glamour Sand & Gravel directly to the show entrance of the Product Show for the Gravel Co., 60 Adams St., site on New State Road in Makeovers.” The Craftsmen s scheduled times of these and many Manchester. Manchester. Gallery, on Cooper Street in Mariches- other demonstrations. ADVERTISERS RESERVE SPACE NOW IN OUR— Manchester Mall Is central and successful The history of the Manchester early 1970s, the former owner was shortage, signed an agreement to Mall goes back five years before unable to find a suitable tenant for We knew we had to prove that bles, as well as a unisex beauty the building was purchased. The buy In October 1975. Restoration our project could be a success, the building after it was vacated by of the building began even before salon, professional photographers HOLIDAY property at 811 Main St. had been W.T. Grant. Without a tenant, and and we have done modestly well w d a country kitchen featuring vacated, and had been an eyesore title to it was received: working being from out-of-state, the owne' with what we had to work with. We "home-cooked" meals with soft- since W.T. Grant left the premises. with suggestions from the town have gone forward with our plans found himself in the position of manager, the building inspector, serve Ice cream. Due to its size (about 32.(X)0 having to sell the building. for the new rear entranceway, The new rear entrance provides square feet), and the general the mayor, members of the Board The present owner, Kenneth allowing for greater pedestrian adjacent parking at the direct east movement away from the down­ of Directors, and the general Burkamp, feeling a reverse trend traffic through the mall from the end of the building for approxi­ town Main Street area by big public, to establish what we feel is EDITION adjacent parking lot. Wo have 18 and a return to Main Street was the best concept for a mall in mately 200 cars. On-street parking business In the late 1960s and occurring because of the gas businesses presently open, deal­ is located at the direct west end of central downtown. ing in antiques, coins and collect!- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1984 the building. Manchester welcomes the start of the holiday shop­ ping season with the Manchester Herald’s annual Holi­ day Edition on Wednesday, Nov. 21, the day before Thanksgiving. riic Place For Aiilitiiu^s*' This year’s edition will include pages of bargains P and special features on Christmas gift-giving, recipes Product Show Booth #18 and tips for the holidays. Manchester area businesses should be a part of the 1984 Holiday Edition— It will be enjoyed In nearly ev­ Ajl. .ex'® ANNE'S PIACE ery Manchester Home on Thanksgiving Day. Old Fashioned Prices’’ You’ll Want Your Ad In This Special Edition, so... Be Sure to CALL for your SPACE reservation NOW AT 643-2711 Vjv ^ \ \ e - HalrculsPemn \ ‘ ,C® ★ ADVERTISING DEADLINE MONDAY NOV. 1 9 th ^ ^ P.M. ★ ce<® A6® S®' NOW FOUR STYLISTS TO SERVE YOU Hlattri)PBtpr M prali Appointments Have Priority

Tubs - Sat 10 - 5 p.m. For Appt. Call Thurs to 8 p.m. 643-14421 Since 1881

409 c y n . ■S,M» MA^HESTER •\«v MALL 811 Main St., Manchostar Here’s list of exhibitors at show If t

r . i 52 Great Expectations Precision S k it Haircutters 109 A.A.A. Auto Club Deita Maintenance 2 Greg the Chimney Sweep 204 Olympia Peli 108 ABC Appliance & Repair Digital Dimensions 85 Optical Style Bar Inc. 35 Accent Show Door & Bath Dogawnits H 92 Adams Paige 117 Ambassador Club C-9 Handi Self Stor-It Place '32-33 Atlas Oil Co. 87 The Hartford Courant 103-104 B.D. Pearl TV & Appliances 71 Audio Connection 67 East Coast Carpet 42 Hear Again Co. 25 J.C. Penney Catalog

CAPITOL EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 38 Main Streei Manchester, Conik 643-7958 Cloudy tonigt breezy Saturd — see page

None ta credit ,fo flooding

By Tracy L. Geoehegan AL SIEFFERrS Herald Reporter Five days after flooding the evacuation of apartn The Olcott building, the r bilty for the financial loss families still has no’ determined. .Thomas Amato, the i DAY , representing one tenant v fered heavy losses from damages, said Thursday lieves the primary blame to J&L Industries of Niar SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE firm that was repairing th( the time of the leak. Amato claimed that the apparently opened up mor roof than they could fini RODUCTSHOW week, so they left it cover plastic over the weekend. Heavy rains Sunday di the temporary cover, sa the roof and leaked into m«nts, according to Man MICROWAVES AND Chief Building Inspector Davidson. An insurance adjuster scene Thursday estimatei VIDEO CASSEHE may be $100,000 worth of c to the complex at 40 Olcott Records filed in the town office say the building, fo known as Marilyn Court •" « THE recorders ments, was purchased i SHOWtSAEE tember by an East Hartfo called Olcott Associates. Mi of the partnership are listei Clinton Equity Corp., a F M E FOOD Craig F. White, and SEB YOUMELF Seplowitz. White could hot be read comment this morning. F 8AMPUN0I ON COLON T.VI. Ruggerio, manager of the ing, would not comment Th . JX I JfAXF TKM AlU when she was approache< LITTON, MAGIC CHEF, TOSHIBA, WE HAVE THEM AU! reporter at her office. Panasonic, MGA, RCA, Zenith, Fisher John Laverdure of ^ PANASONIC, SHARP contractor for J&L Industri Magnovox, Hitachi was unavailable this morn! CONTINUOUS DEMONSTRATIONS Roofers were at work MAKE YOUR OWN, building Thursday afternoo By MARGE CHURCHIU prices as HOME MOVIES foot piles of wet car] stripp ^ from the building's ric------fOME ECONOMIST AND low as ^ lay beside dumpsters i MANCHESTER HERALD COLUMNISTII parking lot along with water-drenched household LITTON Several abandoned apar “GO ANYWHERE” W ATCH ALL I ^ D o ir r il on the third floor were left, THE LATEST ^ WENWIF* 'air out, but puddles of rust} *3 3 9 MOVIES AT HOME! remained on the floors of th WHY PAY MOREI Davidson said Thursd believes the ceilings, floo XAMCOROERS electrical wiring in the apar *K VIDEO are drying out. He said as ! MICROWAVE A VIDEO CAMERA’S there is no more rain, nt CAMERA AND THE BEST apartments are likely to i dared uninhabitable. A VCR BRANDS,... GUARANTEED $ Amato’s client, Virginia ] “ALL IN ONE!" AT THE lost bedroom furniture, mos LOW EST clothes and all her food whet SEE IIS FOR A PRICES. leaked through the roof, c ^ PRICES part of the ceiling to collap PEMONSlRATiON AT THE SNOW her bed, she said. 1985 M ODEL* "It's a good thing she sleeping when it happened o be buried under there,” said. ALSIEFFERT'S Boyett said most of the SUPER DISCOUNT CENTER tenants she knows whc affected have also contactet E-Z TERMS: ers. She said even apartmi •CASH the first floor were damage "It wouldn’t be so bad, bu • QREDIT CARO us* have small children,' • IW n th ly Boyett, a state welfare rec 647-9997 PAYMENTS who has a 2-year old son, and OPEN DAILY: MON-THURS T IL 9 • TUES-WED-SAT TIL 5 . FRIDAY TIL 8 expecting another baby an “ I lost all my food everything." Amato said he is consi contacting attorneys repres other displaced residents 103-unit complex to coordi joint lawsuit on their hehall J&L paid for Boyett’s room and some others for t> two days after the town de their apartments uninhab tenants said. After that the tion Army paid for a third Then the Manchester Area ( ence of Churches agreed to | motel rooms. MACC ■ Finance Chai James Meek said today heii to send a bill for the motel costs o L ,^ re e families ti IndustriesT caiH MAr'r*