Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 34 11 n.d. Other Document Handwritten note (Haldeman?) RE: campaign motorcade. 1pg. 34 11 09/03/1968 Report Deatail schedule/itinerary for RN's campaign stops across the United States from 09/04/1968 - 09/23/1968. 65pgs. Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Page 1 of 1 S}~: :~_- JTT~ ,; ·t i,E 8__ ~ -. ;3E !:l'r F:)\,:i P)S .P\. b, 19 6p, - .._--- _.. ---- - - -- '-'-- '- - - - - - - '. --"-'--" - ..­ l,,{ -·· s. Ni ~c)T ~ ~:l l-r i \/e. ·s l i \ C~ l ic a;?; c, 'I' !.tes d::t.y ·ll ig J.i~ . .s ep t e l n ~, r 3, ;:;' :)Cl a:rd TJ"tll, e d i! 11 2, d e p<H ~'i !lg Lo '; A 19,~ lc5 cL !1:3S p.rn, P D T 2. _.d Cl .!."Livinrs ;1"/; Chjc ( ~go O'l-T?j-E' ~ 1C:10 p . tn. CIYf J 0 I ' l'~'_j J'J j d P. C k,: i: YJ ill l.·C f-; e -~ , lo'L. r -' .. J:~ i ~ ~ 0 1'1 . ·5}-.. e ,\~r i]J ()~ ,-e r ~ ~: gj'J.J~ C~.1 t ~ j ~ ~- h c '(" ~) t o.a ". f·q c"!. C ks t0l 1 C 1 r1 Ch .~(~,' g O (3 [ 7. 1 ~2. 7 - 43cn ']; cq 0. !.lJ. .. - S ~ <'~~ ~ , lJ .., (:.: ,--).s Ct .L ~J <,:.1: ~~ ) d.g~~ Ztt?;e (B i :~ 1 COUll':» ill trc;~t of <.. :)0 '? ~ rJ~ ,,'1\':::\\1(; 9:2.0 a . rn . - St :;; {C and p:r:'8 S bu;~c .; o:cr.;,l"l 4')1 ~ } ::,·nT' ()lI. ~, I~ . L,c~(~ u;-:l" l..l~::-i (I )u'~ ~ (' ~r) 1 0: I) Sa. 1....n.·- ~) t 2.. i _ ::J r.'ct 1) rf' ,~~ ~~ t~ l. ~_ E ~ {~::~ ~ r r i 'V e L 'o,(;;1.;'.1' :1· c'; ( BL1 I L,::~ ' A,'; ; Hi:>r~) d.Fd be c ~ .r d l · l ~ .i !.:t~ c:. i 2.1 C llcl I' t: C! J: s t i") 9 :50 a.D.L _~Ji ~ ]~~i..5: . ~.;~ ~ _ Ju l.i 0...2... __ r-== .-:i· . ~ rJ. c p~~ l: L. 3. ' 3..1" ~ : _;,"; : ~ 1 ~ t: {.:. rl -.. '0 1.: ~ r:. Bll~ tl(; :: Av·i ~). i~ io;-'t, .T ..J;~ - ~ l .1 o. rdj(.:. (2I Z) ':t7S .. .100C D Y 1vi.ng ;;i. ~ ~ H:: : ~,(j 10:35 a . tn. D ~.:j~~~~~.(0~ Y :2~_~ en1.'C;U t':~}l i ~:-2 fi.~' FJyring tirn e : 2:00 - ~ ight lunch senTe.] -::Ht b()CJ~-d 11 : 3 5 a. rn. C CrT __"~r rive~ . ~::i. c 3. g_~_.:-: .. Mi ~~~<::X~i_':.~d - Unite cl A ! rtj Ylf' :3 t e }T[l1 11 0.1. J ohn Ni6ecker A r'e ", 3 Jack C arley Ho16iIlg rO:Jrr~, :=t'l'a51a )' e h 2. r e for l'/~ r~3 . ~Ji ::,..;.o n ... Run Sirn;Json No cro\\'d c.nt.i.ci.p? t cd Torn Tb ~' w l ey Greeting COn '.lJ'1 ~ l 1'::e ( Oi.l. r:.ext p aze ); DETAIL SCHEDUL::': - 2, 11 :35 2'. lYl. eDT (co-f:_incled) 9E~~ ~_i_~~ on:~-~-~) ttE! e: V ~c 'c vr S,-nilli, S'~ate GO" Chc;in'Llan, ChCli rrnan of visit Richard Ogilvie, Candidate fer Gove ;:nor Robe ]: ~ Dwye r, Ca ndi date for Lt. Gove rnor J U5, i :~ 'J.' <'. it, Car.d.i d atc for Cle. rk of Supre;:ne Court Don C arpentier - C <:-1),Hlidate for SecretclrY of Sta~e V!illia_lYi Ha. rTis - Candida Le for State Audito,:, William. Rentsch ler - UpS~Clt c Nixon Chail-rnan, Co-Ch a irnHH d Vi ::; i t c,.-~-.- J-<' a. :r F1 a g: ... Sl~:--;\-, )- 'i rlre':) (1 ~ 11 1 ' () -( E':c.11 CC.' ·~~ C' ~ ·! ... D()\ ·/ ~".lf.1:o'...(' l -..j i,z: n:'l \:...,[J (--l.lJ:' l"t ).cP '!. : 1,-:c\ _ ( ~I). :=t ~. ~ ':' iJ :~.!1 cf 'l::. ~=)it 1'/1 rs! I-I0pe ~:lc( ~ :)Trt.1.iclc - ~~' a ti ,:)\ 1 1~lJ. C:on-q rl itte f.;\"..'orr\ c1..!.I M~ : ·s. :Mnxi. i.e PoLeU. -- Sta1. <:- Vice ChZli n""l J;".n I Edv.' a n.; E uc h al Flj (C~' o' ~-t r 3k i) -- C CJok r;Olln~y Cnc' i_r n l "'-f1 \ J'c ':3 Vlc) o d s . ~ (:001-\ C()\.1. r 'i.. ~/ Sb.(;~~'ifi \ 11: ~)O ' d, TT,. D~ : c~:rt ~ Yli d \'nv ~F' jE'l cl CD r- Oute-: S he ra ton '-Blacl-~"ton c FO'_'2~i --- '-- - -- '~- " ---- " -- - -""" -' UpOD. a.rrival 2_t il;tc.;Ys(:cticD of FrankE':", and Wells Streets, rZ1'·i, r\/ rs~ I>~, T' I'lcia, JLl,.]j e, l)c... ~.'i(i v/~l}. Ch~"lge to C0Dv e rt ~ ble,~ Con'vc r::i~)J c. #1 ­ RN sits 1.-_'1 U c rif:r-t side Conve-rtible #?. 'I:r;,. ja J }iiJ;P, T) 9 v ; ,.:; julie on Idt; D"tvid in E-" iCl ~lL; 'l'rj~ic l Ol} 1'lgn"v Press ~~~JCh ~.i~~.lt~ b~~c~ )iS 1?":15p.ru. :r'.1 ( )~ (~ r" - (i.(! l' ol:rL : J ;;!' ckf,or, to L : " C;;:ll_L~ LaS;:,11,:, to Iv1ccll'ue Mc'rl!'Oe ~o .'3 L d. ~w e. State to \Vasl). i·n g to~ l - r\..~. D · · taj n ~.11 0lJ -=- r:. C9.r t.o hotel }""' r cr..t e n.d, of 1'r-:.o t tJ l'C 8.(1'2 t d. 1. j -' 3 01.', J DETAIL SCHEDULE - 3 --\VEDN- .--- ESD~.Y , .. ­SEPTEMBER 4, 1968 (continued) - Chicago ARRIVE SHERATON--BLACKSTONE HOTEL, Chicago Michigan and Balbo Streets (312) 427 -43 00 STAFF TI}1E I Working press room: Sheraton and Chicago Room.s Valet service available on 2'1-hour basis \ Me a ls available until 2: 00 a. m. Cro'.vd present at hote]; possibility of RN rema:::'ks "'1 if r.. -ck s i.';e s M- m iC,<}vaila ble (' 1 .. l' owel S t el lVl:r S . 1\1 - 1 r s . 1vJ i:", r'{Anri ,,,<... r son; to J lll ie -­ \ l\1i ~ -. C :":7. .: 1 :_ ~ t (: ~.-::. c i:--:. _. l,, ~::.·s. .:"\ _'\ c.1y I '}(.:fr De 0. LLy Roo, fl, aSf'if,nments available upon a rri.val Because of tele phone strike in the Chicago area, no private line phone service is available -- - hot:(:;l phones will h ave to be utili'6ccl. NOTE: Possibility for RN to drop by conv'ention of Internationa l As s ociation of Machinists a nd Aerospa ce Wor k ers a t the Conrc, d Hilton Hote l sometirne be tweerl 2-6 p. m.. Nidecke r \-vill have more on thi s GpOil arrival. In m.aking thi s decision, b r:-;:J.r in m.ind thZ-1C the Illinois State Centr2.. l Committe _ will be meeting at the C OTlr :J. d HUton t h is san1f; afternoon, They ha',ic n:. qu (C sl:ed ti-.at RN do a dlVp-bi {Vi" this alLd hav\:.·. been told thaL he is cumpJ. l-~ely booke d lOT this afternoon and will. not b 0 able to vl ork it 'J U_t. Still possibi~ity RN could do one 0 r both of the s e. MRS, N. SCHElfU L E 2::1Cl-3:CO - Inte rview with Iv1zil'ge Bowers of LIFE lvf.aga.z.ine in Mrs. N's suite 8:20 p. m. RN, Mrs. N, Tricia, Julie, David depart Sheraton-Blackstone enroute WBBM-TV Driving time: :10 8:30 p. m Arrive WBBM .: TV..1. 630 North McClul'g Court (312) 944-6000 for sta.tewide TV program Viewing roorn with TV monitors available for press Special rese :eved section in audience re served fOT Mrs. N, Tricia, .Tu1ie, David DETAIL SCHEDULE - 4 WEDNf;SDA Y, SEPTEMBER 4 , 1368 (ccmtinued) - Chicago 9:00 p. m . CDT RN LIVE STATE-WIDE TV - one hour ] 0:00 p. m . Statewide TV c oncluclc s 10:1 5 p. m . D epart V Bl'vl--TV enro'rr, ,"; Sheraton- Blackstone Hotel 10: 2Sp. m . P_r rive Sberaton--nla cks ~ , 0n c Hotel OVERNIGHT ~~}i~~r .~ :~._~.~r)J~~~·~ _~~&~f'l' E ~ ·vf ~~~.F( 5 ~ _~ !'.Ci:: ~ ~. CJ1i c ;:'?;O -S:ir~ .Lt ' ~. CJ._~ ·_ ci s co -·Sacta Ci~~ J:' a­ Sui"': J'- · ·Ic.~il.ci3C('1 7; 15 a. Pl. C",T }3 C"':. gg ~;"g ~ s;.l() J J.cl. be t?gge d }\ , Those b2-gs g )i'1::, tu St. Francis RoteJ. i"1, Sar!' 1;- ral"!cj set) n, 'l'h':) s(': ,1 (; i. Y),C'~d (" cl. c~ t t.he S~. Fr,;Y)cis ' i ~ll be ssnt eli l'<:; clly t() lhE: H dt.oTl Inn v:hc ( ;.; s~;-;:fi 'v'iLll ,)velPighL i,'l S~in F r.?_rtcj,~::cc, 8;3e ;:'. YJ1. , ,~ : ?.f.L' ~ · d .1;;'- ~_=!}'ri."(.r e ~ : :1.":c>;ro/ }'i::-l ('t ; C}).i(~ 2g0 ,~ l Jt:i.tf~c·i ;'~ iJ~ J i. n c' .:~ Tcnnii al; bo::u G 72,7 C:" "~t· ~ C · i.1J"J 8:00-8:J 0 a . m. ~t/~~ ~~ Flying tince: 4: 0 0 Full bH;ay:fast served on board ,-, .J: :.. Cl i ~! C, j. ::. C 0 DE'fAIL S CHEDU LE: - 7 ) 2:4~' p. m . ARRIVE ST 0 FRAHCIS HOTEL, SAN FRA1\TCISC , CALIF OBK l.!\.
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