Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1959-1960

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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1959-1960 Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1959-1960 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1960 Eastern Progress - 26 Feb 1960 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1959-60/8 5 EASTERN PROGRESS a Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky Stale College. Richmond. Kentucky V Number 8 Volume 37 Friday, February 26. I960 KAYS, SLUKICH AND USKEY SELECTED CAMPUS FAVORITES Your selection for Miss Eastern is Mary Francis Kays of Law- renceburg. Mary is a junior this year majoring in Elementary Edu- cation. Her activities include membership in the Baptist Student Union and the YWCA. Mary will represent Eastern in the Mountain Laurel Festival held in Pineville in the Spring. We feel sure she will bring Eastern honor with her outstanding qualities of poise and beauty. '""""■ Dick Slukich, Mr. Popularity, a senior from Pittsburgh, Pa., is "hiajoring in Commerce and English. Dick has been an outstanding player on the football team for the past several years. This year ha is president of both the Newman Club and the "E" Club. Dick's friendliness is a cheerful sign of his popularity at Eastern. Miss Popularity is Jeanie Liskey, a Physical Education major from Louisville. Some of Jeanie's activities include Kappa Kappa Sigma" P E. Club, WRA, and Freshmen Women's Counselor. Jeanie's sincere smile and happy cries of "Hi" make her a likely Miss Popu- larity. Other candidates for these hon- sor of the Milestone, and the co- editors, Dolores Niblack and Nel- ors' were: Miss Eastern — Ruth lie Mike, conducted the meeting. Ann Bush; Zachariah, Elementary This, election is the project of Education; Susan Hammer, Louis- the Milestone. In a December ville, Music; Barbara Hines, Louis- meeting *of the Milestone Staff, ville, Elementary Education; Bet- the following qualifications were tie Tichenor, Erlanger, Elementary established: Education. Mr. Popularity—Bur- Miss Eastern: (1) Beauty, poise, gess Doan, Fruitport, Michigan, and personality; (2) junior or Commerce; Bob Magowan, Miami, senior woman; (3) single; (4) 1.0 MISS EASTERN MISS POPULARITY Florida, Industrial Arts; Frank standing; (5) in good standing MR. POPULARITY Jean Liskey Pearce, Crestwood, Commerce; Dick Slukich Mary Frances Kays with college administration. Mr. Tom Richardson, Louisville, Mu- Popularity: (1) Senior nan only; sic. Miss Popularity—Kayce Chen- (2) contribution to campus life; Brown, Gerry Rea Brown, Jerry shaw, Louisville, Elementary Edu- High School Drama Held Robert Brown, Patricia Ann Brown, (3) outstanding personality; (4) DEAN'S LIST cation; Judy Leete, Ashland, 1.0 standing; (5) in good standing Francis Everett Bunch, J u di t h Physical Education; Dolores Nib- with the college administration. K On Eartern's Campus The following students chalked Lynn Burks, Arlene Mae Calico, lack, Alexandria, Commerce; up a three point stading for the Mary Goodwin Campbell, Peggy Sandy Wilhoite, Erlanger, Com- Miss Popularity: (1) Senior wo* The Annual Regional High School man only; (2) cntribution to cam- r* Drama Festival was held February first semester. The student with Sue Carr, Sari Clark, Don Edward merce. the most quality points, sixty-three, Clever, Carl Price Cole, Alan On Thursday evening, Febru- pus life; (3) outstanding person- T?" 16 and 17 in the Broek Auditorium. was Bill Clay, from Winchester. Brandt Coleman, Tilden Lanham ary 18, 1960, the Student Council, ality; (4) 1.0 standing; (5) in The results were: four superior; The others were: James Henry Combs, CeUia McConnell Conly, good standing with the college ad- Burnam Hall House Council, Sulli- ministration. ij, one excellent; siv goods; and two Barrett, Manchester, Kentucky, Franklin Dellano Conley, Ann Scott van Hall House Council, and the Harold Bell, Monticello, Dora Helen Corns, Evelyn V. Craft, Linda Mur- Men's Dormitory Council, met In The Nominating Committee was ct fairs. Caldwell, Falmouth, Kenneth Car- ial Crawford, Mae Katherine the Little Theatre and composed notified of these qualifications by *** L The superiors went to LaFayette, ter, Eubank; Amelia Courtney, Crenshaw, Laura Alice Cropper, the Nominating Committee for letter previous to the meeting. 'ft * Class A; Versailles and Bourbon Carrollton;.-.Garvin Javan Ducker, Russell Harold DeJarnette, Don the elections of Miss Eastern, Mr. After receiving unlimited nomi- County, Class B; and University Asheville, Ktorth Carolina; Judith Tucker Dix, Elva Anne DolWick, Popularity, and Miss Popularity nations from the floor, the fiye V i High, Class C. These four schools Bell Eversole, Richmond; Viola Joan Roeves Durham, William Ray of 1960. Also present at this nominees with the highest number ^ are eligible for the State Finals at Garland Hagan, Burnside; Daniel Eckerle, Ruth Diane Estep, Car- meeting were Mrs. Emma Y. Case, of votes were the five candidates Gary HehxKrflori, Berea; Tommy olyn AiuvBvana, Stephen W. Far- voted upon by the student body. the University of Kentucky. -The «W*k»»-**►•**■* to the .: 1 The lone wolf of the festival was" Hugh Kelhsy, Hazard; Judith Ann mer, -WHHam Kfiig PavthJhff, • Joy- sxifjsr&si ®&$& - Kindred, Winchester; Virginia celyn Ferguson, Glenda Christine the men and women students on Grille on Monday and Tuesday, Henry Clay who came through with Flanagan, Washington Eugene Fu- campus. Mr. Dean Gatwood, spon- February 22 and 23, from 8:00 the only excellent rating. Workman Magowan, Brooksville; Lawrence O. Martin, Pineville; gate, Ben F. Gardner, Linda -Las- a. m. to 4:00 p. m. The ballots Third class ratings of goods were Dolores Ann Niblack, Alexandria; ater Gassaway, Judith Carol Gay, were counted by three members awarded to: Georgetown, Douglass, Lois Jean Patterson, Horse Cave; Emmo Louise George, Pauline Sue McBrayer Commended of Eastern's faculty. Midway, Paris,- Dunbar, and Dan- Marguerite Sonora Smith, Evarts; Gillum, Kenneth Dawson Griffith, ville. The fair ratings went to and David Emerson Wallenfelze, James Franklyn Hacker, Glenda By Tip-Off Club Farnklin County and Cynthiana. Berea. Hamilton, Jane Logan Hamilton, The Tip-Off Club is a Richmond Plans Set For Our judge this year was an ex- The students listed below receiv- Gilbert Hammond, Nancy CaroL organization that serves as the traordinary person, W. P. Coving- ed forty or-more quality points dur- Hammoni, John David Hancock, Eastern Maroons basketball boost- Social Event Of ton, head of the Speech and Drama ing the first semester, 1959-60 and (Continued on Page Eight) ers club. They meet every Wed- Department at Morehead State Col- therefore, are on the Dean's List: nesday at noon. Year, Military Ball lege. He worked for a number of Geraldine Abner, Dorothy Hall Ab- On Wednesday, February 17, the years as a professional actor in ney, David Moberly Adams, Janet Reception Honoring Richmond, Ky., Feb. 16 (Spe- day after the Western game, there cial) — The 22d annual Military summer stock groups such as "Un- Hope Adams, Jeanne Maree Ad- President And Mrs. was a very large attendance. The to These Hills" and "Lost Colony." ams, Amanda Rlley Anderson, War- controversial matter that occurred Ball, annually the cream of the I ren Glen Anderson, Shirley Jean O'Donnell on the previous night was discussed social events of the school year r Asher, Dorothy Anne Azbill, Bren- at Eastern Kentucky State Col- The student body will enter- at great length. lege, has been set for Saturday da Kay Bailey, John Rodney Bald- tain with a reception March 9, Six members who attended the i PING PONG TOURNEY win, Margaret Barczuk, .Russell evening, March 12th, it 'was an- from 8:00 p. m. to 10:00 p. m., game reported their version of the nounced today by Lt. Col. Hutch- Frank Patterson, Ruth Sandusky in the school cafeteria. The re- incident. The club then voted un- IS BEING HELD Beall, Virginia Dar, Beg ley, Lin- in son I. Cone, Professor of Mili- cepUon is in honor of our presi- animously to approve the action of tary Science and Tactics. dap Robinson Bellamy, Martha dent, who will retire at the end Coach McBrayer and to commend The ping-pong tournament be- Louise Berhenke, Orra Wayne Highlight of the evening will be gins Monday, February 29, and of the present school term, and him for it. Berry, Linda Joan Bilbro, Nelle his wife. The planning com- the crowning of Miss Janet War- continues through March 1 and 2. Lavonne Bonny, Harold Loyd It was felt that McBrayer's ac- ren, junior from Somerset, as These games raD be held in the mittee, composed of the presi- Uon was not only proper but that Boone, Donald Albert Bornhorst, dents of the four classes, are Queen "Athena," queen of the ball, grill beginning around 6:00 p. m., it was the only step that could by CoL Cone. so let's all go support those who Sara F. C. Bowling, Patricia Wood- in hopes that the entire student hvae been taken under the circum- ard Boyd, Burtis M. Bradshaw, body and faculty will attend. Music will be furnished by Hal are participating. Ellis, Broughton, Jr., Ethel Mae stances- Scott and his orchestra of Ash- land and the admission has been set at $4.00 per couple. Tickets The House Of may be purchased from any ad- vanced ROTC student or at the Bernarda Alba door. The dance, to be held in The Little Theatre Club will pre- the Student Union Building, will sent the greatest modern Spanish last from 8 until 12 p.m. tragedy, "The House of Bera'rda Queen "Athena" will have seven Alba," February 29 and March 2 attendants, all of whom were and 3, in Brock Auditorium. chosen by the Reserve Officers The play, written by Fredericko Training Corps as sponsors of their Lorca, is directed by Mr. Gerald respective companies. The court Honaker and will feature an all- includes Mary Ellen Willis, sopho- female cast. The setting is in more from Scott Depot, W.
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