Ew Committee Flying'club Gets New Members
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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The Inkwell Student Media Spring 4-5-1940 The Inkwell Armstrong State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/inkwell Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Armstrong State University, "The Inkwell" (1940). The Inkwell. 30. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/inkwell/30 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Inkwell by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ARMSTRONG JUNIOR COLLEGE, SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY,APRlL5,1940 Volume 5, Number 6 ...... Ony heldin Milledgevilledur- .pring holidaysat which Miss i~~~~;=;=;'::=====Ir:':'~===~::::;':=:::::::;:"':~=:::::::::::':':::====="'::::::':::::"IDEAN'S LIST • N :- EnDis becamethe bride of Winter Quarter, 1940 frlderic:k o. Couch. This quarter PIew CommitteeA Flying' Club Gets New Members, illS, Coach is back at the college, Advanced Students- ans ssemblies Club House, Plans Air Week eontiDuing to instruct her classes. For Sp . g f G Rohert Adams, Betty Bainbridge, nn At the University 0 eorgia, Th A t Fl' Cl b d I of Ar t Lee Bennett, Eleanor Boyd, Jane e rms rong ymg n, un er the ab e leadership (;arOIiae Ka mann, ms Tong B of Sig Robertson, who is president, has gotten under way with '39 was elected vice president of yrd, Ruth Christiansen., Betty Professor Robert Strahl has been a bang. th~newly formed University Art Crumbley, Arthur Davis, John appointed chairman of the Assem- In the past few weeks they have added new members League.A talented artist, Caro- Gardner, EI'eanor 1r b y, Aaron bly Program Committee for the to the!r roll, obtained. a club- house, made plans for an air- line is now pursuing an art course Lang, Edwin Lennox Evelyn per-I spr-ing qu t M ti F' week III Savannah and have appointed committees to take he 'ar er. ee mg every 1'1- f bl b ' in At ns. feet, Caroline Rabb, Marion Rice d ". care 0 pro ems, oth present and prospective. Betty McMillan and Margaret • ay at two 0 clock m President I At a meetinv. last Tuesday around Boyd,freshmenat A. J. C., posed as Frances Vannerson, Joseph Whit-) Lowe's office, the committee is to twenty new members were admit- gala affair. modelsfor photographic studies tie, Sa rah Wilkerson, and Elis"e discuss the next week's program ted. The complete list of officers for madeby the Savannah Camera Club wertsman. and plan for the others. FaCUlty!. Julius' Landsburg, ground school the A. J. C. Flying Club is: Sig .. ,Iy in March. First Year Students· 1-._. MS.. I Instructor for the local flying class, Robertson, president; Frank Maner, Candidatesfor presidency of the Man ..in Arkin Kenneth. Baker memCh oei-s are,.' r trahl, chairman 'was the guest speaker. Mr. Lands- vice-president; Howell Walker, sec- . ' , aries Williams and Stacy Keach; burg said "It's up to you boys to retary; and Dick Hart, treasurer. senior class at Georgia: State David Barnett, Emil Blair, Vernon. student members are Edwin Len. make the' club. You will only get Dues are two dollars annually. Women's College was Margaret B '\' I 0 " II h N· I Dutton, Armstrong '39. ragg, n arjory Buntyn, Emma nox, Caroline Rabb, and Jack Wil- out cf it what you put in it." At Hned co ar goes to t e 'ationaf Clemens, Sam Dine:tman, Miriam liams. Mr. Lowe is an ex-officio the close of the meeting the presi- ea quarters, upon receipt 0 to~_n:c=g'it~onp:ii~:n~asE~o~~ Elmore, Flora Eve, Gladys Feagin, member. de.nt appointed the following com- which membership pins are sent. lUU~ Do th F' h H h I F I mitteee: The other dollar goes to the local Lowewasdiscussed in a special ar- 1'0 y . me, ersc e < utra , The partial schedule for the quar- Entertainment committee: Frank chapter. tielein a recent issue of the Geor- Sarah Griffin, Rose Ann Hamilton, tel' is as follows: March 28, Glee McIntyre .chairman: Dick Young, The next meeting of the local gia Alumni Record. Special note Frank Hoffman, Julia Ann Mar- Club under the direction of Mr. James Bentley, Charles Williams, club will be in about three weeks wasmadeof his receipt of the Lu- shan, David Middleton, Raymond Strahl; April 4, program sponsor- David Elmore and Dick Peveler. or right before the opening of the casTrophyand of his part in estab- Montsalvatge, Jeanne Patterson, eel by the pschology class under Furniture Committee, whose task club-house. lishing the Playhouse as a Adaline Ralston Vasco Rhoden Dr. J. P. Dyer; April 11, program it is to furnish the club-house, wbich The students of the flying class, "LsngoageLaboratory". " ,·S the 01" Ad ini t ti B ·Id· who aTe charter members, have all l\nl Rod I . on Public Health under the direc~ u mI IS ra IOn TIl mg MariePowers, ,ophomore at the I er gel'S, E sa Schweizer, ' f th S h A· t F d soloed and three of them are in . tion of Mr. R. B. Platt. A pro- 0 e avanna Irpor : re coHege,is cast in the role of Dolly Charles SJrnon, Jack Tyson, Irvmg P I·t· IS. h b Reiser chairman Arthur Davis the last stages of the training. gram on 0 1 lca cIence as een' , , in the musieall'Rio Rita", which is Victor, and Ann Wilson. tentatively scheduled for April 18. Norman Barton, Joe Whittle, Joe being produCt"dby the Catholic Jenkins and Joe Livingstem . Young Pearle's A!':sociation. Harriet Clark, Paper Festival Aviation Week Committee, to Climaxing Comedy A welcomevisitor at Armstron~ Queen from Bryan County, is a Lowe To Speak look after pl~eparations for the Air at the begmnin~ of this quarter former Armstrong student. At C f Week in Savannah; Sig Robert- Presents Features wa John W. "r~('il. former in- Taking part in a sunrise service' on erenee son and Frank Man-er. structorof finance and commerce held Easter morning was Marion Armstrong's President, E. A, The purpose of the Flying Club Reaching a climax of comedy in t the coJleg{l'. Wittl ~tr~. Rice, an outstanding member of Lowe, will present a paper on "Col- is to stimulate interest in aviation. its last show of the season, Law- studie!'lat Ohio gtnt<, Ur.iv€'r~ity the sophomore class. lege Survey Courses" at the tenth The primary aim of the club is to renee Riley's "Personal Appea-r- McXci1.whni!<. ('Qurtll • popular with To represent the freshman class annual meeting of the Academic he a social organization so as to ance", the Savannah Playhouse will Arm~tronfl'it('~.Mr. Neil wac; visit- in the Student Senate, men:bers of Deans' Conference, which is meet- hold the interest of non-flying mem- present two unique features to the inR'frtendqin the cit)' bC'tween hi~ the class elected Raymond Mont- iug at the Atlanta Biltmore on bel'S. Plans to hold a' social func-j d- h't th d 8tudiegat Ohio State University !'>ulvatg-cand Irving- Victor from a April la, . tion of some sort at least once a au lences w 0 WIness e pro uc- wherehe is workinl: toward~ hi~ The Deans Conference is being montI).are being made. tion in the college auditorium from Ph.D. (Continued on page four) held in connection with the' annual The organization is pushing plans April 9 through 13. meeting of the Southern Associa- for a Nntional Air Week in Savan- The play, packed with both subtle tion of Colleges and Secondary nah. Mayor Gamble has already and obvious humor, opens with a Schools in Atlanta, April 8-12. been contacted in this behalf and few scenes from the latest movie Still Prefer Blon~es Mr. Lowe will probably leave the results were most encouraging. d b th I d Monday and return either Thurs- He appomted" commIttees. among rna eye G amorous an tem- day or Friday. Dean J. 'I'hofflas the fol;owing groups to handle the peramenta'l Cal'ole Arden, played by In this modern ever-changing world where it seems that Askew also plans to attend some work: Chamber of Commerce, City Ruth Christiansen. Joseph Perel- theDovesof Peace have {jed after maki ng n futile attempt to of the conferences, and while he is Committee, County Committee, Sa- stine took the movie shots for the landon the turbulent waves, of strife, let us deal with a sub- out of town his classes in political vannah Aero Club, Eastern Air Playhouse in the reception room of Jectas" important to a Southern gentleman as any interna- sci.ence will continue to meet. Lines, Armstrong Flying Club, W. T. O. C., which represents a Aero Dedicationists and Morning F"fth A h t!ona'situation-yet far less nerve-wracking, . ' P 1 venue pent ouse in the That issue is: Do gentle.men still prefer blondes? Nine New Students News-E!..ovenmg ress. The. Air Week should come the movie. The film has already been Fil1ltof all, where else if not at Enter Spring Quarter first of May at which time several edited and will run for approxi- Al'nllltrongwould we find true 'gen- "LEFTY" BYRNES: "I ca'n't af- activities are to be participated in mat~ly five minutes, complete with tlemenwho understand the above ford to be particular." Nine, new students entered Arm- by viE:itors as well as local people.